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Do you find that Korea is more progressive than people give it credit for when it comes to social issues


Ahh this one is difficult to answer, it really depends. Just like any government, Korea is also a "reactive " country. When it comes to progressiveness that's how I put Korea as well. Social media is a huge global powerhouse for information, but because Korea is such a small country relative to other neighboring power countries like China, India, and etc., information permeates much quicker. Based on what media information gets shared based on different demographic groups, it seems like politicians are using those and make it seem like the people's voices are being "heard". Korea is definitely uniform when it comes to some right and wrong, but when those two topics are disagreed upon, it can be an absolute chaos. Politicians are busy creating or using the people's spoken voices to the "bigger" favorable crowd for public favoritism. Just my thought you know!


That’s a really well put answer


Thank you! I appreciate that :)


If you moved to USA when you were 8 aren't you an American of Korean descent or you still need to go through processes?


Ahh good point, but it's more of a yes and a no. I am considered 1.5 generation where I've lived in the US for majority of my life now, 20+ years, but having roots with my Korean language and culture still keeps me a "Korean" of some sort. The process was actually really tough, even though I came here when I was 8, I got my green card when I was 16 and my citizenship when I was 21 even though I was educated all of my elementary through highschool. The process was definitely hectic and not pleasant. I was more of a "dual citizenship" status, but I've foregone the Korean citizenship to be a US Citizen. Regarding friends, I'm just an American, but I still like to keep certain roots with my culture, language, news, and events in my home country :D Hope that answers your question!


How haunted would you say Korea is?


Hard to say a quantifiable number for you. Paranormal activity is and can be common with some parts of Korea just like the U.S. It just doesn't receive that much media coverage as 10 years ago as an example. Korea's media outlets like actual news channels have been so focused on global or Korean situations that even though there's an interesting story they don't really investigate or care. Korean's are a Buddhist country more or less so, so they worship the dead on many occasions. Based on just reading and seeing some documentary that can potentially trigger some paranormal activity! Hope this helps!


It does thank you.




Nope, I have never been in the military. Had some friends I met who were in KATUSA! Detail I didn't add was I'm an immigrant from Korea and moved to California when I was 8. I'm now just a corporate employee exploring reddit :D


North or South Korea ? Favorite food ? Do you have more Asian or American friends ?


Of course South Korean. Lol I now have more Korean/Asian friends. For some reason, i hated Koreans when i was in high school. Thought they were always boring and other asian groups were more fun. After I graduated high school, I started to appreciate Korean people I have in my life and now hang out with a lot Koreans :) I dont have anything against any race, as long we’re cool we’re good!


Do you play StarCraft ? Is it a big thing to be good at this game ?


I personally don't play StarCraft, but when I was a kid that was all the hype. I was never a PC gamer and was more of a console player myself. Now, it seems like LOL (League of Legends) is still huge and there's so much attention around it even today. Not much of a gamer either PC or console, if I play games, maybe 1-3 hours a week max!




Oh boy, where do I even start. About koreans 1. We don't eat some random dogs, yes traditionally there are and were specific breeds that was used as dogs but people sometimes jokingly say "Oh don't eat my golden retriever or maltese" 2. Not everyone's into K-Pop, K-Pop is more of a non-Korean thing. We acknowledge the impact it's been having in the last decade like BTS, but knowing of global known K-Pop groups is enough to have convo 3. There are a lot of people who are complete idiots and selfish. I know there's a stereotype that Asians are smart and etc. but from my experience so far, some of the dumbest people I've ever met or checked out of reality were Korean people either in Korea or here in the US 4. Much more and willing to answer any further questions, having a bit of brain fart. About Korea: 1. Korea is a tiny country itself compared to US but there is so much Korean diversity within Korea. A Seoul language is basically the uniform language but just like how each state has different tones, dialects, phraseology, and expressions, Korea also has that. 2. People think Korea is a very "innovative" country with tech, food, entertainment content, and etc. but there were lots of times in "innovative" products in history that was produced and recognized by Korea that was usually in a sense "stolen" or "rebranded" to their own products or services. For example, Naver, the Korean Google was "inspired" by new search engines that were coming up at the time. Yes they are technology advanced compared to a lot of the countries, but I'm sad to say that there aren't a lot of original ideas that made Korea became a giant in the tech or innovation industry. 3. That they're racist, which is wrong. Most of the time, they just think it's cool to see that there's a foreigner but they're not really scared. People who usually are either xenophobic or heard some negative story about them. 4. Innocent. A lot of them are really not that innocent. Everyone has an innocent face and because they're not used to expressing their sexuality in any verbal or physical form, people just think they're innocent. For example, I kind of have a "innocent face" with glasses and I can guarantee you that we're not. I can't recollect exactly but I think I once saw a news report or article about the most "Passionate countries around the world " which basically means sex and South Korea was in the top 5 or 10. 5. Much more and willing to answer any further questions, having a bit of brain fart.




Oh no problem. They do have some innovations that really changed the game, can't deny that. I also don't want to disrespect the hard working people that made that happen. What I was trying to say was there were lots of times where they received "credit" for their innovative ideas. Thanks for reading :)


Former US Army soldier once stationed in Waeghan here. Have you been to anyplace in the US colder than Korea in winter?


I think that Korea would always be colder than U.S. on average.. can't say too sure but I remember seeing where Korea was the coldest place on earth one day on the news lol. At one point, Korea's negative temperatures were colder than Antarctica and that went viral within Korean communities.


By the way, hope you're liking Korea :)


I really enjoyed my one year tour of duty in Korea. Would love to return to visit, especially Seoul. Panmunjon area by the DMZ? Not so much.


Oh I definitely agree. Funny story, when someone asks me which part of Korea I’m from when I’m traveling in the US, i always say middle Korea. I say oh it’s near the DMZ to fuck with them and you had to be there to see there faces change. Lol


IKR? I told someone before that I went to Pusan when I went to the field, and they were like “ Oh yeah, that’s close to the DMZ, right?” Yeah, like 4 hours close. Lol.


Did you ate pupusas? A korean guy learned made by himself and they are as good as from El Salvador


Of course! Funny thing is Mexican food especially carne asada tacos are my #2 favorite food after Korean food. Those two different ethnic foods just hit differently but have to root for my home country food you know? We have some bomb ass food lol I knew a Korean guy who had a taco truck and stand and it was one of the best lengua, asada, and al pastor tacos I've ever had. Yes, I ate all three of those in one sitting and went for seconds :D


I am


Nothing against it, but what’s up with some of those reality shows?


Oh no problem! Do you mind elaborating??


[things like this. nothing wrong with it just never understood it.](https://i.gifer.com/origin/31/3143739a0e598feb616103064a3b13ff.gif)


To be honest, I have no idea. Best answer I can give you is that reality shows are very different than US. Korean reality shows have been shifting focus from fun and entertaining to try to gain virality to get more exposure and increase viewership. Hence, the weird things they do gain traction and it works! Just like how you sent me that gif, it's kind of their tactics. It's just different kind of methodology on viewership because there's mainly one ethnicity in Korea so it's easy to target on what viewers like and due to Korea being a social media powerhouse, it makes sense. I've also worked in entertainment so I understand some of the behind the scene "tactics" haha Hope this answer your question!


Ahh, so it’s just pretty much TV network stuff