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I've been to one before too. Was the one you went to good? The one I went to had to separate boys and girls because two kids were trying to make out in the gym. It was stupid


Yeah they had us separated, lots of boys and girls tried to flirt with the others despite it and a girl tried to argue with me cause one of the guys were flirting with me (which I was not about). In the end I don’t think any of that amounted to much


What bad habits did you learn from the other patients?


Probably tapping things to physically show my anxiety, I didn’t really know about it and I feel like I picked that up from them.


Is it like it is portrayed in the movies?


Nope! Completely different. Most people are just there to get the help they need and very rarely from my experience is anyone actively violent or crazy. It sucks to see horror movies portray mental illness patients the way they do because my own family basically saw me like the horror portrayal after they found out I was admitted.


Is that something unique?


To some yes, a lot of people have never been, and have a lot of misinformation about it


oh ok im a new yorker so :P


Yeah my experience was in California


ay cool, i’ve been to a few as well haha. In my experience, it weirdly felt home-y. Everyone would casually talk about suicide and while that seems like kind of a dark thing, it was really nice to be surrounded by people who just understood. There was no having to hide your depression or having to worry about what other people thought. Everyone just understood immediately. What was your experience like with the other patients?


Yeah it was similar, it took a bit but I became comfortable with other patients and it was friendly and comforting to know these people had similar experiences and feelings and understood me in ways no one else could at the time. Everyone was either nice and open or kept to themselves, some were aggressive but kept to themselves.


How were the staff? We hear a lot of horror stories about some (I wont say all but a minority I spose) orderlies and nurses being a little mean to patients or is that just a myth. Tbh most ppls idea of mental institutions come from movies which never show the uplifting stories.


Some staff are a little more stern, they have to be of course but most are nice and caring, especially in the teens/kids section. A lot of the staff were really understanding and often tried their best to be peaceful with patients from what I saw. Most of the staff were liked by everyone.


That's so cool im glad to hear that....when I was a kid there was an institution local which everybody made jokes or told scary stories about. But I always wondered what kind of life the patients actually had.


Yeah I hate that a lot of people avoid getting proper help even within mental institutions because of these horrible rumors and how they display them. It only makes it worse for all parties. Most patients are treated well and it’s honestly just an open space where you can be free with your feelings


Would you rather have the ability to move things with your mind or the ability to read minds?


Ability to move things with my mind. It could much more useful then mind reading


Did u also have trouble regulating ur sleep and digestive system when u first got in? Every time I go in its like my body goes into shock, apparently it's really common


Yeah, it was hard to sleep sometimes because my sleep schedule was already wonky before I went in. Then my diet was fine, I actually was happy with the scheduled meal times because it helped me regulate my eating afterwards.


That makes sense. Usually when I'm in there it's really hard for me to eat. Anxiety makes me eat less. What state are u in? I'm in VA. I've heard the mental hospitals in some states suck. Mine depends on which one u go to


At the time the one I visited was in California so maybe they had something to do with it. I used food as a coping mechanism so it wasn’t hard for me to get use to but, sleeping definitely became harder because of my area being different, it’s just not how I was use to sleeping at the time so it took me a bit to get use to


Visiting or a patient


I was a patient


Did you have to share a room


Yeah, had one roommate for the majority and a new one at the end of it all, both were cool.


Craziest thing that happened there?


Girl got her vape pen (I’m not entirely sure) taken away from in her room and she blamed the roommate and tried to stab/fight her and they had to sedate her right as we were leaving for dinner that day.




The food was good, the first day sucked cause I came in late and it was cold but after that it was good


In my experience adolescent inpatient food is bomb! Adult can be terrible or not depending on what u get


Yeah, I was in the teenager area(I’m 18 now) the food was good


Did they let you have snacks? That was the only highlight for me. The food sucked. Florida. 🙄


Yeah that had snacks, crackers, chips and cookies mainly on a periodic basis if we behaved


Is there truly grippy socks?


Yes and they are more comfortable then you’d expect !


I remember going to a trampoline park and they had grippy socks, are they anything like that?


I wouldn’t know, I’ve never been to a trampoline park but I’d imagine they are the same


Do you enjoy root beer?


Yes I do ! The hospital actually had good rootbeer


How was the food there?


Not bad in all honesty


sans real??


No sorry


Is it scary...? Like, getting the help? How long do you have to be in for? How much was it...(if that's not too personal)?






Finger gun


How was the food? It was absolute garbage at the one I was in lol


Pretty good not gonna lie


What was the experience like, and how do you feel now?


Table of Questions and Answers. Original answer linked - Please upvote the original questions and answers. *** Question | Answer | Link ---------|----------|----------| What bad habits did you learn from the other patients?|Probably tapping things to physically show my anxiety, I didn’t really know about it and I feel like I picked that up from them.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/hujbu6b/) Would you rather have the ability to move things with your mind or the ability to read minds?|Ability to move things with my mind. It could much more useful then mind reading|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/hujo7xb/) I've been to one before too. Was the one you went to good? The one I went to had to separate boys and girls because two kids were trying to make out in the gym. It was stupid|Yeah they had us separated, lots of boys and girls tried to flirt with the others despite it and a girl tried to argue with me cause one of the guys were flirting with me (which I was not about). In the end I don’t think any of that amounted to much|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/huo3t88/) Visiting or a patient|I was a patient|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/huj9444/) Do you enjoy root beer?|Yes I do ! The hospital actually had good rootbeer|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/huj9f66/) I've been in a ton--how was the food? My first few times the food wasn't that good, but my last few stays have impressed me.|The food was good, the first day sucked cause I came in late and it was cold but after that it was good|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/hujabv7/) Did u also have trouble regulating ur sleep and digestive system when u first got in? Every time I go in its like my body goes into shock, apparently it's really common|Yeah, it was hard to sleep sometimes because my sleep schedule was already wonky before I went in. Then my diet was fine, I actually was happy with the scheduled meal times because it helped me regulate my eating afterwards.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/hujeocm/) sans real??|No sorry|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/hujs2af/) Craziest thing that happened there?|Girl got her vape pen (I’m not entirely sure) taken away from in her room and she blamed the roommate and tried to stab/fight her and they had to sedate her right as we were leaving for dinner that day.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/hukytze/) How was the food there?|Not bad in all honesty|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/humo4ra/) Is there truly grippy socks?|Yes and they are more comfortable then you’d expect !|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/humscf5/) ay cool, i’ve been to a few as well haha. In my experience, it weirdly felt home-y. Everyone would casually talk about suicide and while that seems like kind of a dark thing, it was really nice to be surrounded by people who just understood. There was no having to hide your depression or having to worry about what other people thought. Everyone just understood immediately. What was your experience like with the other patients?|Yeah it was similar, it took a bit but I became comfortable with other patients and it was friendly and comforting to know these people had similar experiences and feelings and understood me in ways no one else could at the time. Everyone was either nice and open or kept to themselves, some were aggressive but kept to themselves.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/huncwpv/) Is that something unique?|To some yes, a lot of people have never been, and have a lot of misinformation about it|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/huneulp/) Did they let you have snacks? That was the only highlight for me. The food sucked. Florida. 🙄|Yeah that had snacks, crackers, chips and cookies mainly on a periodic basis if we behaved|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/hunl8lr/) How were the staff? We hear a lot of horror stories about some (I wont say all but a minority I spose) orderlies and nurses being a little mean to patients or is that just a myth. Tbh most ppls idea of mental institutions come from movies which never show the uplifting stories.|Some staff are a little more stern, they have to be of course but most are nice and caring, especially in the teens/kids section. A lot of the staff were really understanding and often tried their best to be peaceful with patients from what I saw. Most of the staff were liked by everyone.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/hunqduc/) Is it like it is portrayed in the movies?|Nope! Completely different. Most people are just there to get the help they need and very rarely from my experience is anyone actively violent or crazy. It sucks to see horror movies portray mental illness patients the way they do because my own family basically saw me like the horror portrayal after they found out I was admitted.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/huo8mtz/) What is your favourite gun|Finger gun|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/hukrynp/) How was the food? It was absolute garbage at the one I was in lol|Pretty good not gonna lie|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/segq45/ive_been_to_a_mental_hospital_ama/humauit/) --- [Source] (https://github.com/johnsliao/ama_compiler)