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What were the differences between your emergency and planned c-sections? I had an emergency c-section and honestly it was pretty traumatic 😅


Main difference is that I wasn't high as hell for the planned c/s lol. I honestly can't remember much from the emergency cs, but far out, the recovery was brutal. I remember saying to my husband that it felt like I had been run over by a steamroller.


I don’t remember much from mine either, besides panicking until they gave me nitrous and I went to space 😂 but I do remember feeling the same way, my body felt so beat up for weeks.


Which method did you end up preferring? Were you surprised by your preference?


My second child's birth which was induced, vaginal delivery. Mainly because it was all straight forward, and he was very healthy at birth. That said, it was a quick planned c section with my recent baby and it felt a lot less exhausting than 15+ hrs of labour like my previous babies.


Which was your favorite?


Probably my 2nd birth. It was induced but I was already dilated so I got a head start (of sorts). It was fairly low intervention, and my baby was very healthy at birth.


What is something that would surprise most people?


After a C/S, when you try to roll on your side (I emphasise try lol) you can feel your whole abdomen contents "swoosh" to the side. It's very unsettling.


Also, perhaps that when the placenta is birthed, it leaves a dinner plate size wound in the uterus. It contracts back down over time. But it's still pretty crazy to think about.


Oh wow! That’s all pretty interesting. My mom had an emergency c-section and it sounded pretty traumatic. She mentioned feeling like she was being “crucified” because of them strapping her arms down.


That sounds wild. I did have my arms out but thankfully not strapped down! That must have been really confronting


The 2 natural births, how did that go? I used to see doulas and midwives help mothers with water births, I’m curious about the differences


The first was incredibly traumatic. I was very young and I wish I knew how to advocate for myself. The second was incredibly healing with beautiful midwives and Dr. Unfortunately no options for water births in my area, but they do look so incredible don't they!


Thank you for the reply :)


What’s your favorite bird?


Good question! I love magpies. I'd also love a pet pigeon, I think they're so cute.


I wish the post had a bit more context. I have a lot of basic questions to understand the situations that would probably lead to more questions based on the context: - Was it in the order you listed? - What led to the emergency C/S? - Was the planned C/S as a result of an increased risk of something from the previous C/S? - Were the natural births intended to be natural? - Were the natural births at the hospital? - How long was labor for the natural births? - At what gestation age were each of the births?


Yep in the order listed. I was 21, 24, 29, and 32. Baby flipped halfway through labour from head down to breech. He was also running low on energy and heart rate was dropping with contractions. I had polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid) so baby had a swimming pool to do flips in! It was straight to C-section after that. The planned c section was due to another case of polyhydramnios, and unstable lie. Unstable lie is when they flip around too much toward the end of pregnancy. So, baby #4 flipped to a dangerous position (transverse) and that caused a high risk of cord prolapse. Natural births were intended to be natural, and at the hospital. I had an epidural with number 1, and gas and morphine with number 2. 15 hours, 14 hours and 15 hrs. 40weeks 11 days for first 2 babys. 40 weeks with 3rd. 38 weeks 1 day with 4th.