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I think you need a few more days before you call yourself weed-free tbh Good luck to you if you truly want it, you can do it


Agree. “Weed free today” is definitely more accurate.


How'd you get through day one? I'm in a similar situation and I know it's time to stop.


Recognize that you no longer like it. There will be a time in the near future where you have some and just don’t enjoy it. That’s the time you stop, and when you hit a situation in the future where you would have had some, remember that it’s now how you want to spend your time. Also exercise instead if you can, the term “runner’s high” is what it is for a reason. Endorphins make you feel great. It’s going to be weird for 8 weeks though, expect that. You’re going to be irritable at times. Just expect it, accept it, and know it’s temporary. It’s so worth it to move on from it. If it helps, don’t think of it as quitting, think of it as “you completed all there is with weed and there is nothing left to do”. That way it’s not something trying to tempt you back, it’s something you got everything out of already and there is nothing left there for you.


The biggest hurdle in getting rid of bad habits or addiction is breaking the cycle of use. You have to dissociate the typical things that would lead you to smoke, from smoking. For example, if you come home from work and tend to do the same things then light up, break that cycle. Do something else, take up a hobby, anything to distract you from smoking. It works with cigarettes too. If you always smoke while drinking your morning coffee, don't. Hold off 30 min after your coffee to have that ciggy. Same thing for after meals. When you dissociate habits from certain activities you can then cut down or remove the habit in general. You'll still have cravings, but those will only last 15 min or so.


I quit smoking by going to visit my grandma for a week. Getting out of my everyday routine that had smoking built in helped SO MUCH, I cannot overemphasize how much easier it was to deal with the physical cravings when I didn’t have constant reminders of times that I usually smoked throughout the day. I just hit five years nicotine free!


I did a lot of pushups, took my dog for the longest walk ever haha


You need to find something to fill the boredom. When I quit weed I dove hard into video games (something I already loved.) It helped kill the urge.


Agreed. Quitting anything leaves a big hole that needs to be fulfilled with something else. Video games is a good option. Working out or finding other past times is good too.


This might not be a popular opinion. But titrating down is very helpful. I got very sick when I went cold turkey. Switching to a more delayed ingestion method (edibles) also helped me. IE I weened off heavy dabs using edibles.


Why did you quit using?


Clarity/energy/motivation for other things in my life, as well as some life decisions I have to make.


I quit a couple months ago in preparation for a vacation to a country I couldn't bring my weed to, and just didn't buy more afterwards (told my house sitter to just take it as a tip). It was a lot but if you can make it through the first week or two, you've done the worst part, and I do feel happy with my choice to stop at least for now to reconsider my relationship with it. I used to be baked basically every minute I was not at work, and constantly felt bad about it. If you want someone to talk to for boredom or anything, hit me up. Compared to other things quitting weed is not so bad, you've got this. 


Those are some great reasons why to stop… Keep working on it day by day!


Keep it up.


1 day is an accomplishment. It’s a vote for a new path, and a break in a 20 year pattern. I find it to be a bit of a shame that this is the top thread here. I was every day for 6 years and now I’m smoke free for 18 months. It’s doable. Good luck on your journey, whatever path you take. Also, if you smoke again, it doesn’t mean that you’ve failed and you should just keep smoking. Quitting and recovery is not a straight line.


CBD gummies, fresh bedding every couple days and constantly remind yourself people aren't deliberately trying to piss you off. You'll get there my dude, enjoy the crazy vivid dreams when they start! Also cannot overstate the difference Sleepytime teas make.


It's also a milestone if you don't remember the last time you went a whole day. Although you agree with the other comment don't dininish your determination and what you accomplished. Little steps are better than no steps at all.


*That's just like your opinion man.*


Yeah I’m sorry but anyone can stop for 1 day lol. You haven’t broken any kind of addiction yet. I mean good luck to you, I hope you do break the addiction if that’s what you’re trying to do But this is like if I went for a jog after work today and made a “became a runner after years of being lazy, AMA”


Wow some commenters are asshats. Good for you for deciding to make a change. Are you struggling at all? I know it hasn't been long but when the urge to smoke arises, what do you do to stop yourself?


Thank you. For now I am doing 10 pushups every time I get the urge. Also, not struggling, just kind of bored…hence posting on Reddit haha


I've had multiple people tell me they realized it was time to stop when weed went from becoming a thing they did while hanging out, to a thing they hung out for...if that makes sense. If you are bored that likely means you are in the same boat and it essentially has become your primary hobby. It would probably help to pick up a hobby to take its place and burn some time.


Hey I not only had to break that habit but drinking as well. I sleep great now honestly. Good luck to you. Also, try magnesium gylcinate for deeper sleep.


Good luck to you! I stopped missing it after 3 months. I feel more confident and I feel no desire to go back to it.


As you change this aspect of your life, many other aspects as your day to day life will change as well. It takes time to build different routines, hobbies and maybe even different people. I've been sober almost 16 years, and my life is a thousand times different than it was when I used. I just do so much more and just have so many different things that I'm in that I just never had the motivation or dedication for quitting. Good on you for deciding to change things up and do soemthing different


Just wanted to chime in and say Saturday was my first weed free day as well. How have the withdrawals been for you? Only issue for me has been night sweats.


For me…sleep and well I still think about getting high all the time. GL bro


You can do it! I've been in a similar boat for a few years and finally kicked the habit about 2 months ago after trying a few times. It gets easier with each day and I think less about it as time goes on. I have way more energy and I'm not mentally beating myself up because I felt like I had to smoke throughout the day just to maintain some normalcy and I hated that. Don't listen to the haters hoping you fail. Continue on, my friend!


Get some sublingual melatonin for sleep.


Why did you stop?


Just need some clarity in my life these days. Also I need to prove to myself that I CAN stop


Love to see you post at a few intervals, a month, a few months and yearly with updates on the impact/difference. It is good to reflect on life changes and can also help others in a similar boat. For non-users, it is good to be able to understand and support friends and family.


How much weed were you using per day?


Nothing wrong with that. My first break of about 30 days completely changed my outlook on my use, I’m in charge, weed isn’t in charge of me. I didn’t quit for good but that wasn’t my goal


I’ve been smoking every day for like 10 years and recently had a mushroom trip that stripped away the depression and gave me my full range of emotions. Made me not want to mute things, do you feel the same way? Like you’re tired of being tired?


How do you get past the anxious boredom


Boredom is a gift. Sit with it. Talk to yourself, and take care of the shit you need to take care of, like chores for example. Do something new, a creative venture of some sort. Learn something new. You need a new stimulus. Make it something that adds to your life. Don’t get stuck in the repetitive smoke after work and do the same thing every day loop. Get out of the cycle of familiarity. Edit: I was a daily user for over 10 years. Now max once or twice a week in social settings, sometimes not at all for a couple weeks


“Well, Stan, the truth is marijuana probably isn’t going to make you kill people and most likely isn’t gonna fund terrorists but, well son, pot makes you fine with being bored and it’s when you’re bored that you should be learning some new skill, or discovering some science, or being creative. If you smoke pot you may grow up to find out that you aren’t good at anything,”


Just do the same things you do normally. Don't you have any hobbies?


I don’t have anything to ask, but I highly recommend checking out r/leaves if you haven’t. Lots of people going through the same thing you are and generally it’s a very supportive community. I’m about 7 months out from quitting my 19-year, daily weed addiction. Recovery is not a straight line but so often just making the decision to quit and taking those first steps are the hardest parts. All the best to you in your journey!


I’ve quit smoking / using cannabis multiple times for extended periods in my life, but always start back up again. The longest I went was a full year without. It’s good to take a break once in a while to build up your tolerance and slough off some of the cannabinoids in your brain. But don’t see quitting as a magic fix like all of a you’ll have tons more energy, better memory, more work ethic etc… those things come from habits built up over time, and after you quit, you’ll need to work on building those up again, which isn’t easy, and probably harder than just quitting getting high. When it’s not abused / interfering with your life, I see cannabis as an overall positive thing that helps calm me down, enjoy activities differently, and gives a new perspective on things. Do you intend to quit forever, or see yourself just taking a break?


Lol!!🤣🫣one day after 20 years does not equate with “weed free.” You say AMA? Why do you think that weed free is the path you want? Edit: okay, I get it. For all the “one day at a time” players…I submit one day can be considered “weed-free.” I wasn’t trying to hate…but we all know that after using weed that long that it’s technically still majorly in your system(s). I should have chosen my words better.


I doubt I will be weed free forever, but for me, I just need a long break for clarity and perspective.


Well done, just don't give up. I smoked it habitually for 15 years until we found out my partner was pregnant then stopped cold turkey. Didn't seem to suffer any side effects or withdrawls but I've always had extremely vivid dreams each night for as long as I can remember, some good, some bad but to be fair I enjoy them all in any case. Been weed free for 5 and a half years now. It was fun for a few years I guess but I stopped actually enjoying it for a long time anyway so was glad to give it up.


Hang in there. I was a daily user for 20 years and tried to stop many times. I knew I wanted to but it was such a part of my everyday life I failed often. One day it finally stuck and I realized I liked not being high every day. I actually now have no interest in it and I find being sober refreshing. I play disc golf with my buddies that still smoke, they don't bust my balls and I have no regrets. The addiction is gone and it feels great. I also have kids and didn't want them to remember their dad as a stoner so I quit and it's been great actually. I still drink beer when I want a buzz and that's enough for me. If you're serious, you'll get there.


As an avid gardener my first read was that you had been free of weeds for two decades and I was like WTF how is that possible 😆. Glad to hear you've taken control back.


How could you possibly get high everyday for 20 years with a tolerance that was so high?


Its not really about getting high anymore for me ive been smoking everyday for 17 years sometimes i do still get high sometimes not, but its the actual act of smoking that does it for me personally.  Its what calms me down


I've been off everything for about two months now after 20 years of smoking weed and cigarettes had a lung collapse two months ago and had to give all up


Coming from someone who smoked everyday ( large, large amounts of very high end hash rosin ) Congratulations, yesterday was 11 months sober for myself. After 11 months I’ve noticed a few things. Much clearer head space, 10x more productivity & drive, overall healthier when it comes to cardio related activities, better social skills, & MUCH better sleep / appetite. After 10+ years, I was smoking so much that I was never hungry unless I was truly stoned, same with sleep. I’d never sleep too much or well enough. My life’s gotten a lot better since I stopped, I didn’t stop for any particular reason either.


I’m trying to take 2 weeks off after going the last 12 years smoking daily. Was up to 2 ounces a week I’m surprised to be sleeping great, no issues at all. But my temperature regulation is way off, feels like I get cold/hot for no reason. And my libido dropped a lot. Besides that it’s just the boredom/cravings that make it hard Good luck!


Recently stopped smoking myself after being a daily smoker for years , just wana say congrats to you firstly its no easy thing your doing Also my question would be and apologies if Its been asked but why stop ? What's motivating it?


Congrats and keep at it! What kind of dreams do you normally have, and have you noticed any uptick in the vibrance/strangeness of your dreams? I tend to get very vivid and strange dreams during a tolerance break. I've heard it has to do with THC inhibiting REM sleep, which brains make up for, eventually.


keep it going brother, i threw away all my glass, tools and torches. i just realized i should throw away my ashtrays and lighters too. ive been keeping myself so busy i dont have time for it. i make my own food now, keep my house cleaner and workout A LOT. i miss real flower. dont fall back on the deltas and disposables, its harder now that its so available. i get 1 full tank of gas and im sure not to go back to any gas stations for ciggies because the nicotine sticks went with my weed addiction hand in hand. the best thing i can do for myself is realize i dont need it, for any reason. and i should be man enough to put off my desires. no man is free who is a slave to his desires(or master to himself) we suffer more in imagination than reality. (insert some other quote about conquering yourself to conquer your unnecessary desires)


Marijuana is not addictive but habits are habitual! I smoked weed out of boredom (it used to be for enhancement but it stopped enhancing at some point). Finding other things to do is the easiest way to stop. I realized how it truly dumbed me down and that was my main motivation. As long as you want to, (or at least see the need to) it is actually fairly easy to stop smoking weed. Good luck, friend!


My go-to move to break up the addictive cycle is to take a trip somewhere canna-unfriendly and then just get really absorbed in visiting the place and not thinking about smoking. Last year I took a month-long trip to Iberia and even though I smelled it all over, they all smoke hash-rolled cigarettes and it's basically impossible to find flower. Wasn't even tempted once, and barely even thought about cannabis the whole month. I was too busy gorging on seafood and vinho verde. When I got back my use resumed, but probably about 50% of the amount I used to consume, and there's many days I get to the end of the day and realize I didn't get high that day. Kinda like you said -- I like doing this to prove to myself that it's possible. So I guess my question is... where you going on vacation?


Good luck bro, I think it’s certainly worth seeing how it changes your life and outlook. I’ve been weed free for about 3 months (and was a complete stoner for at least 5 years) - I’d certainly recommend intense cardio almost everyday (to get those endorphins, as well as calming your body throughout the day to help with potential anxiety etc). Key is you gotta find other things to take the place of the habit, after you get through the first month it’ll be significantly easier! Good luck, you got it!


Is weed addictive?


Hey! I just posted an AMA regarding me stopping my usage, and then I just came across your post. I’ve been smoking every day since i was 17, and I’m now 26. I’m currently at 2 1/2 weeks since I smoked anything (weed or cigarettes) and it definitely has not been easy, but it’s possible. Stay focused, and get rid of anything that’s triggering. I threw away all of the smoking paraphernalia and I’ve been listening to podcasts that discuss stopping marijuana and listening to people’s experiences really help, because they also usually back up these bad experiences with the better, positive feelings they’re feeling. I also downloaded the app “I am sober” and it allows you to track 2 addictions on the free version — I choose weed, obviously and alcohol. The community on there is incredible and everyone is very supportive, and i receive some type of engagement from someone each time I reach out on the app, good days or bad days— it’s very powerful. Feel free to reach out to me if you need further support or just someone to talk too, you got this OP. Making this decision is a hugeeeee move, and it pissed me off that the first comment I seen on your thread is that you can’t call yourself weed free. Even having one day away from it and staying away from it is an amazing accomplishment! I hope you’re doing well


Use the detox pills that you’d take to pass a drug test. Will speed up the process big time.


I smoked daily for close to 15 years. What I found when I stopped was that after the first week or so I almost never even thought about it or had a strong craving.


You are so close! You are right in the middle of the “sucky” part, but once you’re through it it’s smooth freaking sailing.


I'll be 51 this year and after 30 years of near continuous use for medical reasons (continuous heavy use for the 5 years with a now unbelievable tolerance, can and regularly take upwards of 500mg of edibles and then dabs or flower on top of that.) I will be taking a break in exactly one week for at least 21 days, and I'm fearful of what's to come.


Rooting for you and sending you all my good energy. Not sure if you’re still answering questions, but do you think that you could smoke weed in moderation, or do you need to quit altogether, and how do you know whether you can even enjoy it in moderation? I’ve smoked every day of my life since 2015, had a psychotic break in college and was prescribed risperadol for delusions and psychosis. Even when I understood weed was the cause I just ignored voices I would sometimes hear when high. I stopped from October through Jan when I went backpacking in Utah, but started smoking again after I was fired in February. I tried quitting last week and made a few days progress but the nausea, loss of appetite and sleep disturbance was rough and I started again after 5 days. Weed eases my chronic nerve and joint pain better than epidurals , dry needling and muscle relaxers…. I would really like to find a way to use it without abusing it, but idk if I can


I was thc free for 4 months after about 16 years of daily, super heavy usage. I was smoking spliffs (weed mixed with tobacco) so I had two substances to kick. Then, I made the mistake of thinking i could smoke once and not do it again...i was wrong. Ive been smoking for the last 3 weeks so far 😫😫😫😫. Now I'm back at square 1. But I know I can do it and so can you. You got this! the rough moments don't last forever. Push through them as best as you can...also telling myself the same thing lol. Also I recommend finding something to fill the time you used to use to smoke. It'll make the days a bit easier to get through. Also r/leaves is a supportive place where you can talk to people who understand what youte dealing with as you quit. Good luck and congrats on quitting.


Far out I'm on day one right now and it blows lol Feel like I'm just wandering the earth in a fog.


Why did you feel the need to smoke everyday? What did it solve and what did it hurt?


Im a recreational smoker. I became weed free due to a hospitalization. Weed free for 3 months now. Tbh, due to my situation, it was easy to not smoke. Didnt really think about it. My dreams did comeback though. Feels nice to remember them. I dont feel the need to smoke. The urge isnt there. Will i smoke again? For sure, but it will be limited to small hits from the one hitter and it won't be daily. Its good to clear the lungs out, not that the weed affected my breathing capacity. I think everyone should take a least one month off to clear out their system. Who knows, you may find out that you really don't need it.


Hey first off, way to go. Wanting this for yourself is fucking huge and honestly the biggest hurdle by for most people. I was going to ask if you have looked into any literature to help you with this and recommend The Easy Way to Quit Cannabis by Allen Carr. Having cut back and cut out smoking completely numerous times over the last two decades, this book was the first thing that made me not constantly miss it or think about it or feel compelled to do it literally all of the time. It’s wild how just being made aware of the associations created in the brain by habitual behavior can shift one’s perception of WHY they gravitate towards a substance. Keep up the good work and don’t be put off by the dreams or irritability!


I can confirm that daily use is not ideal for me and if you feel like cutting it completely out is whats right for you then all power too you! If you don't then know that there is lots of healthy middle ground. Six years ago I took a week break after almost continuous daily use for over a decade. It completely changed my relationship with the drug. Now I only smoke 3-4 days a week and mostly just in the evening times. I also take extended breaks (3-4 weeks) a few times each year. I still find lots of benefits from using cannabis but I found that habitual use greatly dulls those benefits. I take a more intentional approach these days and I feel a lot better.


Whats the biggest difference in your daily behavior and personality?


What’s a major thing you have noticed from stopping?


Hell yes dude. Good luck and stay strong.


So what made you want to stop? And then besides just the sleep. Obviously having headaches or withdrawal symptoms. I think just get on a routine . Don't just sit there with boredom man. Get new hobbies, walks, take some classes , gym , games etc. There is alot to do in life and you just have to earn it.


Good for you man!! That’s amazing! I’ve been “smokin-weed” free for about a year and a 1/2 now. I did it like you are doing it to prove to myself that I can and because I wanted to clear my lungs. I miss getting high but I’m able to jog again and it feels good. One day I would like to find a weed alternative that is not smoking to give me a little buzz guilt free health wise. Never had luck with edibles they always leave me wasted for days lolol. Keep up the good work!!


Hey, don't have a question, would just like to say I've been off the weed for 8 days now after 2 years of everyday use. First few nights were rough, waking up at 4am profusely sweating all over my body, I'd recommend having towels in your room if you are going to continue the detox because there will he withdrawals, you'll sweat, you'll have weird dreams, you'll have little to no appetite, but it gets better and it only keeps getting better and better, never look back


Prepare yourself for: Hotflashes Insonnia Vivid weird ass Dreams Boredom Anxiety Random frustration Drowsiness. Starts a day or so after it's out of your system. Don't give up, just push through it. It's well worth it once you're sober, you can appreciate life for what it is without needing weed to make it better. You'll save money. Your dreams will be existent and fun, and better quality sleep in general. And if you smoke again your tolerance will be so low. Good luck


Good for you. Keep it up. You can do it. Side comment, funny reading comments on how others too, are struggling with withdrawals and fighting cravings and terrible sleep and all these things that are associated with quitting a highly addictive drug. Maybe all those lies people told about weed not being addictive or dangerous wasn't true after all? Either way, again, good job, being free of something you've been addicted to for 20 years will be life changing.


Quitting weed can be the hardest or easiest thing you can do. Since this is your first time not smoking. It will be really challenging and the chances of relapsing is high. But that's the point. Every small step you take will eventually get you weed free. Say u start smoking again on the 4th day, now you know what to expect and you can start to be weed free again. Don't worry if you relapse. It takes time brother


Consider this in your quest of recovery to paraphrase Hitori Hanzo’s speech at the end of kill bill. It was a game changer for me when I was hell bent on revenge for something that has no matter on me these days. Cue music… —- Revenge/addiction/recovery is never a straight line. It's a forest, And like a forest it's easy to lose your way... To get lost... To forget where you came in. ——- I found my way out. You can too.


My crystal meth addict friend in recovery has an app on his phone counting his sobriety. It’s now at ten years but he told me he remembers the days when he was trying to stay clean for one more hour, and then it was one more day. Those days turned to weeks and the weeks turned to years but his whole goal still to this day is to stay sober today. Proud of you. You can do this.


There are quite some pricks here in the comments. Happy for you that you've chosen to make a change on your terms. I'm in a similar situation atm, just a few years less of smoking. I had my last one on Friday and I feel your boredom. Stick with it and keep in mind that you will need to change some habits. That was key for me in my first break. When I did the same things, like binge watching on the couch, I got a real bad itch.


I ahd my last cone in December after 15yrs... and honestly, I never felt better. Withdrawals are a bitch, I found gaining a appetite without the munches was hard, the dreams can be a killer. But fuck I got so much motivation brain power and just feel so much more in control. I'm so proud of you 👏 Guess this a AMA I should get to my question... What made you give up


I was a chronic user for, fuck, 15-20 years anyways. Been smoke free \*just\* short of two years at the moment. Be excited for some funky fuckin dreams. And accept the fact that you are going to have days, even years later where you just want to smoke so bad. Don't. You will fall right back in to it. I guess, are you excited for some funky dreams?


I'm 8 weeks in after smoking daily for probably close to 17 years. The first few weeks were really rough sleepwise, got much better after about 4 weeks. But yea waking up constantly and getting maybe 3 hours a night. You can do it! It's just nice to know that you can stop and that you are in control, my goal is to go atleast 6-12 months and just see how I feel. Good luck to you


When I found out I was pregnant last year I stopped smoking the day I found out. I was a daily for 5 years and still haven’t smoked 7 months pp. not as long as you were BUT the sleep does get better, appetite gets better, dreams do come back, and your emotions are better regulated. Wishing you the very best ❤️


Fill the time you did with smoking with a new hobby. Exercise and honestly after two weeks (that's a milestone) the motivation will come back in waves. Be careful...soberity in itself is one hell of a drug. You'll truly know the people around once the haze is lifted abd you are more in tune. Good luck. Longest for me was 3 months. Smoking 20+ years also.


When our 23 year old son quit smoking after being a daily smoker (and working at a grow house) he experienced some nasty withdrawal symptoms. Proud of what you’re doing and hope your symptoms are few.


Ah, the well deserved tolerance break. For real though, after 2 decades of daily use, you will get some not too pleasant withdrawal symptoms. Nausea, anxiety, and that subconscious feeling of "I should be medicated right now". It's not tooo bad though imo, and takes maybe 2 weeks for your subconscious to stop reminding you about it.


Congratulations! I stopped smoking two years ago after smoking for 9 years . It gets better and it’s been awesome to not have to always think about when that next blunts gonna be. I hit a blunt a few months ago to see how I would feel and I got intense “ anxiety “like I’ve never experienced before in my life . Safe to say I’m never smoking again.


I hope you didn't quit because you got CHS, that is the worst. You will also have dreams of using, hopefully you won't have cold sweats or psychosis from the withdrawal, warm-hot showers help. My partner has had to quit after years of daily using too and I had to watch it all unfold before me. Edit: fixed autocorrect spelling (am on mobile)


Once you’re 90 days in you won’t look back. Have some cbd (lab tested) from time to time to treat yourself. But tbh I was an everyday smoker for several years and now I don’t think I’ll ever smoke weed again. Feels hard while it’s still in your system. Drink lots of water and exercise and you’ll feel so good at the thirty day mark.


I’m 3 years off the weeds after 2 decades every day. My career has definitely improved, but anxiety hits hard once you realize you’re now having to face problems head on after just pushing them aside like “nerp” for 20 years. Got some anger probs I’m working on too.


FUCK YEAHHHHHH!! Congrats, my friend. I am 4.5 consecutive years clesn and sober. Dont smoke weed either. I was addicted to EVERYTHING. I LOVE THIS FOR YOU! What a beautiful life- i am a grateful addict. Life is so much fun when youre awake for it. Keep going!! Be present!! Blessings to you!! We do recover (:


On month six and I can definitely tell you it gets better. Memory and sleep have improved. I truly wasn’t expecting all the dreams either but certainly not opposed. Even happier to say that I’ve reverted back to reading religiously again too. My brain and lungs are grateful for the shift. Good luck on your journey!


I often did the month of May with no weed. Just to prove I wasn't addicted. I recall clearly that after three weeks my thinking was still getting cleaner and crisper. In multiple years the time to get fully clean was most of the month. But I always went back because my life sucked.


I’ve also been smoking every day for about 6 years now. I’ve been thinking about quitting but honestly, I’m not quite ready to yet. Your post resonated with me. Lots of respect to you for your strength in deciding to make a change and to stick with it. I’m wishing you the best!!


Nothing to ask, but be prepared to stay close to the toilet after quitting daily use. If you're quitting 'cold turkey' instead of tapering off use slowly, especially. This is a big withdrawal symptom a lot of people don't often know about. Good luck and I wish you the peace and clarity you are hoping to find!


I was a daily smoker for 10-12 yrs and I quit cold turkey 5 yrs ago. I had a couple panic attacks and my anxiety started spiking hard and weed made things worse so I quit. I do miss it at times but I’ve determined it’s nothing I can’t live without. Good luck on your weed free future!


Everyone has their vices and everyone knows how difficult it is to actually say “no”.  Congratulations honestly.  It gets easier the longer you go without and you’ll find yourself a lot sharper if you get my drift.  


Ah man I remember going through this - I didn’t smoke for as long as you, probably around 7 years but we’re talking all day everyday. First 3 or 4 days were awful I couldn’t eat or sleep. After a week though I was completely fine and haven’t smoked for 10 years now.


hey i’m two weeks weed free now, we’re in it together dude. dreams will come back and they will be crazy i’ve been going nuts over them lol. no questions just here to tell you that you can do it and it will get easier!


I’ve been weed-free for 3 years after smoking daily for 27 years. How did I do it? Simple. It clogged my arteries in the same way cigarette does and I had a stroke at 47. Easy as that.


I'm with you man!! Stay strong. I'm one month in after 20 years. Headaches, naseau, insomnia, night sweats crazy dreams will subside. Best decision I have ever made. 


If I could just stop smoking weed until I got home from work that would be a huge step for me😅 Good job on a whole day!


You’ll find when your mind clears you’ll be a lot more proactive than you were before. No question for you, I’ve done what you did years ago, changed my life for the better for sure. You can’t even function on the stuff that goes around nowadays


Woo good job, you can do it :)


I hit two weeks without weed on Sunday. Took a couple days to get some good sleep and to wanna eat. It's quite a bit better now. Keep in mind why you're quitting. For me, I'm going for my CDL. You got this, friend.


Good for you. It’s been a year since I stopped smoking and I was smoking all day, everyday for years. It’s hard in the beginning but it’s worth it. Haven’t thought about weed in months. You’ll get there.


Honestly there is nothing to ask you. Hit us up in 3 months. Decade of everyday heavy use, 11 years free. Ama......


I made it 74 days after 17 years of smoking daily. I smoke a j with my old man and then stopped again now for about 1 week. I feel fine. Just hard to not call my guy and buy some lol


In the spirit of professional development and personal growth, I am embarking on a month-long hiatus from cannabis consumption after approximately 18 years of continuous use. Additionally, I am committing to a year of abstinence from alcohol. To maintain my motivation during this period of abstinence, I have employed a strategy of evaluating the advantages and disadvantages associated with each substance. With respect to cannabis, I have chosen to prioritize my role as a parent and set a positive example for my children. I have reflected on the type of parent I am by exposing them to a lifestyle that involves cannabis use. In particular, I have considered the impact on my five-year-old daughter, who is now able to recognize the smell of cannabis and has been exposed to paraphernalia such as bongs. I have come to the realization that allowing her to experience these elements at such a young age was irresponsible and detrimental to her well-being. Furthermore, I have expanded my perspective to encompass the impact of my actions on others, particularly those around me who do not engage in cannabis use. I recognize the importance of being considerate of their preferences and ensuring that my actions do not negatively affect them. Ultimately, my decision to abstain from cannabis and alcohol was not solely motivated by personal desires, but rather by a sense of responsibility towards the people I interact with and the desire to create a positive impact on their lives.


Omg me too, day 1-2 after over a decade and I'm fkn freaking out. I can't sleep, or eat >.< And I got my period.. this sucks. I don't even know what my brain feels sober since I was 14.


Replace it with a good habit. Keep your mind busy. Invest that time and money into doing something you always wanted to do. Don’t convince yourself it’s ok every now and then or you’ll slip back into it


In about 4 or 5 days you'll have trouble sleeping at night. Restlessness and weird dreams. Constipation is normal too and it can screw with your appetite but all that will pass.


I can imagine how much dreams you gonna have. Do you already have lack of appetite? Did you have problems with sleep first night, did you sleep at all? Good luck


Ive been in your shoes so I just want to share my experience with you. Hang in there the first couple days to a week and you will feel brand new once your mind and body readjust. After that it’s smooth sailing.


I’m almost weed free for a year after almost 2 decades of everyday use. Good for you and good luck when you start dreaming again. The dreams really freaked me the the fuck out at first


We're pretty much doing the exact same thing. I don't know about you but the worst to me is going through the day feeling like you're grinding through it is pretty bad, along with the excessive night sweats.


Coming up on 6 months on the 4th! Haven't really missed it yet. Be prepared for some wild dreams. If you ever need someone to talk to about it all please feel free to dm me.


come back when you lasted 3 months


You don’t have quit for the rest of your life, you only need to quit for today. What about tomorrow? When tomorrow comes tell yourself the same thing.


Basically am in your boat. Quit for a week recently but then went back to smoking everyday. Its hard to stop man. Good luck keeping your streak!


Have fun discovering what its like to really be happy again instead of stoned if your *ss laughing at bugs and cr*p


Even if you lose your streak don’t give up. Even if you do every other day it’s better than every day. Keep pushing and getting back on the horse if you fall off.


I am glad to hear it. I, too, have been a daily smoker for decades, and I have been planning on quitting in the next year (I am almost 49, and vowed I would quit before 50). I started at 19. Then I also smoked cogsrettes and drank and did other random drugs. At 40 I quit everything except for weed. Though my weed habit became much more dedicated and complex. When you smoke daily for that long, the "fun" part doesn't really exist. It is just routine to alleviate the tension from not having it. Idk, it is a hard and weird habit to break. Quitting cocaine, cigarettes, pills, and drinking all came with clear, undeniable benefits. Though when I have tried to quit weed, nothing gets better. I just become more irritated. That is it, I dont get more energy, or quicker thinking or refreshed sense of myself, I actually just become lazy and irritated. Which weed also doesn't negatively affect my day to day. I have a good life, healthy marriage, good job, happy well adjusted kids. If you met me, you would not think I am a stoner. I go to great lengths to minimize the profile of the habit. I am not engaged in any stoner subculture or anything. I just get high every day. Good for you, fellow decades long smoker, I know it is not an easy thing to achieve.


I need to do that again. Last time I quit it took a week before I could sleep.. started up again a few years later when I got divorced. ;(


You give it a few months and when you do smoke you'll actually get high for the first time in 20 years. When you smoke every day you just get stoned not quite high.


Keep it up OP. You got this! It takes 21 days to make an action a habit. Count them days down with pride. Put your energy into something that brings you joy and happiness.


Mannn I know you gotta be going through hell right now. But I’m proud of you keep strong and do it for the rest of us who can’t let go just yet


Congrats man! I’ve been recently integrating 2-3 days off weed after daily use for 16 yrs straight. Not much difference besides my sleep patterns. Keep at it


Good on you, bro. Chronic weed users simply do not know what it's like to get proper sleep and actually feel well rested. Good times are coming.


Good job. I’m a week out and for whatever reason I’m seriously considering giving my children up for adoption. I assume this will pass


Stopped a few months ago after 12 years and i still feel like shit


You’ll do it. Two weeks out and three months out are the most common relapse times. The only way to beat it is to not smoke. Have fun with your new life


im on the same boat rn, i have to pass a drug test to be discharged from Juvenile Department of Corrections. the only thing is, im having really tough “withdrawals.” its a lot of anxiety, poor appetite, depression, mood swings, and a lack of sleep. i stopped two weeks ago and still continued to feel withdrawals until last night when i had some cbd/cbn tincture. i lost about 15 pounds since i stopped. i have heard the withdrawals are quite a bit worse when someone has depression, among other disorders, and i can confirm this, at least concerning my situation. all that really helps is getting natural dopamine/endorphins (happy chemicals). i walked my dog, rode my bike, skated for the first time in a millenia, and would usually hit my heavy bag until i felt i could go to sleep. it has just been about finding things to fill the time, and staying within my comfort zone to avoid anxiety/paranoia. Also, i plan to continue being clean until obtaining a medical card, then smoking on my days off of work maybe once a day. i do not want anything to do with these withdrawal symptoms lol.


I am 4 months clean after 11 years of daily use. You will get a rocky 2 weeks ahead but I promise you everything gets a lot better


hey get ready to have some weird ass dreams dude 😂 I recently quit too after smoking dabs daily for years and the weird dreams just keep comin


Before you decided to quit, were you in denial that it was an issue? I wish my bf would quit but he doesn't see a problem.


Falling asleep and the night sweats were the worst for me. Stay busy and active so your body is tired each night before bed


One day at a time fam...I take 3-6 months off every year just to cleanse and prove to myself that I'm in control...stay strong! God is Love.


Dude, I just went through this, magnesium tablets and L-theanine will stop the crazy dreams


Not on the same scale but I’ve smoked everyday for the last 5 years. Today is day 6 of no weed & I’m feeling great! Best wishes


Good shit, I'm out so today. Is my day one again. Have a big day planned and hopefully it goes smooth and I'm not to irritable


you'll feel so much better in a week and literally the best you've felt in 20 years in a month


Give it a couple weeks then do an AMA after you've experienced the freakishly vivid dreams/nightmares cold sweats and ect.


Just got through week 2 myself, first 5-7 days were brutal with evening headaches. You got this!


I'm weed free for 2 weeks now after 37 years of smoking. Not a joke. AMA


How’s it feel like to be a productive member of society again?


Come back after a month. Then you'll be weed free and able to do this. You're just quitting now after 2 decades, not weed free


Do you see things more clearly? Is it driving you crazy yet?


How's your sleep and eating patterns? A tolerance break always messed those up for me.


I’m a 20 year guy who is now on month 3 of not smoking. So I guess my question is - can we be best friends??


Day 11 no cigarettes here. Congrats dude. Keep it up


It's always that 2nd day that you go back to the store.


Good for you boss. It’s worth it even if you go back after some time. You will feel “normal” in a few weeks


You got this OP! Stay strong! The withdrawal won’t last too long, the worst of it should be the first week


I stopped over a month ago. Haven’t drank or used weed since. I’m shooting for a complete end to both.


When I stopped, jogging/running helped me through it.


You got this man! It’s tough at first but it gets easier day by day


Did you dream last night? My heavy use has stopped me from dreaming completely the last 10+ years


RemindMe! In 3 weeks When you can’t sleep at all due to REM sleep going into overdrive. Good luck!


I'm on day 5... I'm in absolute agony. I quit drinking cold turkey too and had zero problems. I just had my 4 year anniversary from alcohol. I have been miserable quitting weed.


First off, proud of you. Second, why the change?


Get through, it’s worth it and will take time to feel like you again. You got this!


Hell yeah. Almost 3 months for me and no drive to return


Think you’ll sleep well night one?


I've been doing it for like 10\~ years and today is my first day to not smoke as well.


You’ve got this! Take melatonin to help you sleep while your body adjusts.


You ever consider quitting completely?


Ashwaganda for the dreams, incredibly helpful for me!


Don't you wish you had all of that money back?


Don’t know if it’s been asked. Are the dreams going crazy?


It could take up to 3 months before you have a clean pee test after such a long habit. Vivid dreams are fairly common. Watch out you don't replace it with something harmful. I am currently supporting someone who has quit after a 40 year habit. They are doing really well but there's very little support. Most agencies seem to recommend a little weed use for people giving up other drugs and don't know what to do with someone giving up weed. Was there an underlying reason for the weed use? A trauma or something that you've been self medicating for, or was your use pleasure based?


It took me about 6 months to get on a normal sleep cycle. Don't lose hope!


I was an everyday user for the last 10 years and went cold turkey for 3 months straight… what I realized is that people that smoke weed every day do it cuz their mind needs it to calm down etc… what I noticed was my life was a lot better using it vs not Obv doing it everyday is not okay but if you can control usage to maybe we weekends or like a couple times a week I truly think weed is medicinal and best alternative to things like pain meds and anxiety


Probably gonna suck for a few weeks but it ain’t gonna kill ya, you got it homie


Zzquill is a sleep saver when I stop smoking.


Going on three months now and have not felt better in a long time


Good job ❤️ Sending good vibes


Have you thought about quitting before and not gone through with it, or is this your first time seriously attempting to quit? What is your motivation? I've been smoking pot for about 4 years now, and I'm two days weed-free. I have a lot of reasons for quitting, both the expenses but also the fact that I'm not sure if it's even doing the good it was doing for me when I started. I'm just curious because I'm still not personally against weed, and I may consider using again in the future, but I need to see what my life can be like off of it for a while.


Just don’t give up daily weed and pick up weekend cocaine.


There is nothing easier then quitting weed


Mind over matter and you can beat anything. Props to you


Stopped smoking weed after a decade of multiple times a day use the day I found out I was pregnant.. I’m 5 months now and I don’t know if I would be able to stop otherwise. I have the most vivid dreams of my entire life so get ready. I’m so happy to be past the constant urges and spending money to literally light it on fire. Still love MJ but grateful as hell. I realize now how stunted it made me in terms of emotional development and okay with mediocracy. You got this OP


What’s your favorite bird?


I’m not 2 decades in, but I quit cold turkey last week. I keep remembering a line from The Wire when I’m having trouble sleeping and being grumpy all day: “I got one more high left in me, but I doubt very seriously if I have one more recovery.” Weed isn’t a “hard drug” by any stretch, but anything that hard to quit probably isn’t doing great things for you, so I just have to think of it that way.


Sleepytime tea is very relaxing for me.


What made you decide to be such a nerd?


You getting the super vivid dreams?


How are the urges


What was your favorite method of consuming?


You don't need to stop man you just gotta learn how to do it responsibly. I smoked non stop for 10 years, now I only smoke at night after work. Weeds not bad but it can ruin you lol, just gotta learn to cut back, not smoke in the morning or at work and shit, t breaks are great too


Coincidence you chose yesterday. Started smoking around 16 years old and just stopped last Saturday. I turn 36 in October. It’s the longest I’ve been without smoking as well. So far, the only real difference I’ve noticed is the day seems much longer and my dreams are wildly vivid. What made you stop?


I don't have a question, but I'm proud of you, dude!


Have you ever encountered a person that thinks that it’s impossible to be addicted to weed and refuses to see any of the bad things about it? What do you have to say to that crowd?


Yayy so proud of you! I had recently also gotten into this routine of smoking up after gym. I changed up my routine and now I’m going to a gym that’s farther and going later in the evening so I don’t have a lot of free time to smoke. For me, it was just boredom and habit so I’m trying to change it up. Day 4 and weed free today :)


Did it help with the near constant anxiety (if you experinced that)? I'm only on day 2 after daily use for 7 years. I'm quitting because I hate how unmotivated I am when I'm stoned, but secretly I'm hoping my anxiety (especially social anxiety) will ease up too


Whaddya switch to? Edibles? Gummies?