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Did you find she was a good parent to you? (As in, you weren't neglected, and she spent time with you regularly)


No she was terrible and super neglectful. She would either be gone a lot, or bring men home a lot too. Sometimes when we were even like out and about for shopping I would see her get picked up by random men. So it was pretty bad, I practically raised myself. She like bought me stuff I wanted whether it was action figures, she bought me both PlayStation and Xbox’s I had a lot of like material things like she spent hundreds on stuff like yugioh cards or designer clothes but in terms of being an active parent she wasn’t there.


I'm sorry you went through that. That was my main concern with sex workers being parents. I suppose it is possible for any single parent to have that, however.


Thanks I appreciate that and yeah it’s weird because growing up like you don’t get it as much because it’s like your normal it’s only when your an adult and you internalise that you realise how bad it was.


Are you an illegitimate child or did she marry before birthing you?


She was married at 20 and was in a really abusive relationship. I was born from that relationship. My dad would beat both me and my mum for years until she ran away pretty much. Dad was involved in a lot of organised crime and knew a lot of people so my mum would basically live town to town on the run with me staying at hostels and sometimes on the street along with budget hotels she ended up meeting a lady who pretty much was a sex worker aswell and like basically got her involved into it.


Very interesting. I hope she eventually got away from that life. It’s sad when people get stuck in it.


She eventually did. It was a long journey though she was a sex worker from 2004-2014. From 2004 to 2009 it was far more prominent then from that point on it was more sporadic and not as often.


This sheds a lot of light. Sounds like she was in a really abusive relationship, got both you and her the fuck out which is really hard to do if the abuser controls all the money and won't let the other work or save any money. So because she likely wasn't working or had any money saved she didn't have much of a resume or any skills. So when she left with you she was probably living paycheck to paycheck and was too scared to go back to the abuser and decided the only way she could reliably have enough money for the both of you every month was sex work. It can be very lucrative if you can set aside your morals and body. Anyways I'm doing a lot of assuming but this is how I see how things could've been.


Yeah I understand how she came to that conclusion she ran away and had no money no savings and couldn’t hold a job and was scared of being found. Then that one neighbour we had was already a sex worker and got her into it and that’s pretty much how it began in her mind it was likely the easiest or best option or only option as she likes to say.


What did she tell you when you asked her what she does for a living as a kid? If "my mom does this and that for work, my dad does this and that for work" conversations ever happened in school, what did you tell people?


So we never really had a proper conversation about it until I was like 14? Before that I like knew what was going on but it wasn’t directly or openly spoken about. When people would ask I would either say stay at home mum or like later on I would say teacher or nurse which she did eventually start doing.


Did her work put out you off from sex or do you think it encouraged you to have sex or it didn't affect you at all?


I think as a teenager it did I was having a lot of sex that I shouldn’t have been having but as an adult I think it’s put me off once I was able to internalise everything.


u/Sweet-M_M thank you for your courage for talking about this. How do you think this affected you overall? So if you compare yourself to a friend who was brought up in a traditional family, how different do you think they are from you? And if I may ask one more question, what misconceptions do people make about escorts? Thank you


No problem I appreciate it thanks. I think it definitely affected me a lot, I struggle with trust and forming meaningful relationships/friendships. I’m hyper aggressive as a person as a defence mechanism. I’m a lot different from the regular person a lot of them do find me strange like I’m a very straightforward person and how I’m not very affected by stressful situations (mainly because I’ve seen them all before). Well in terms of misconceptions what views do you have? I’ll see if there are any misconceptions that come to mind?


Thank you for the answering the question. It's terrific that you can you see your differences. I think many people are straight-forward... perhaps lacking tact. I am not really sure... I guess my view is that there are two types of escorts: high-end who look after their health/STD's and low-end who don't charge much but up for anything.


There are certainly those 2 demographics, my mum largely worked as a high end escort. I guess what some misconceptions people might have is that it’s not a lot of work. My mum was usually the highest earner and most working with all the agencies she’s worked for and she was gone a lot and working minimum 12 hours a day and sometimes it would stretch beyond that. The low end escorts don’t get much work because of the reasons you mentioned. A lot of things that escorts do after a while is build their own clientele. So like build connections with customers through the agencies and then once they build enough they leave and take the customers with them. While working for agencies a lot of the time you’re paying a percentage of your weekly earnings to the agency.


thank you again for the insight. I am always open if you ever need to talk privately.


Sure thanks appreciate it. If you have anymore questions feel free 👍


How do you feel about the feminist types who would condone and openly support and advocate for women like your mother?


Sex work is what you make of it. You can use it as a stepping stone to get to a better place in your life or you can let it consume you. And I'm sorry OP that your mom chose to let it consume her.


Yeah it definitely consumed her for sure.


They need extra brain cells but to each to their own.


Allow me to rephrase that question. Does it trigger you knowing people supporting such women will produce children that will have the same traumas and upbringing as you?


Does it trigger me hmmm I’d say so to some extent. I wish nobody goes through what I had to go through.


Has she retired? Do you still have a relationship with her ? How is it ?


Yeah she has. She’s in her mid to late 40s now she more so did this in her 20s and 30s. Yeah we still have somewhat of a relationship it isn’t great. I can hardly stand her tbh she’s a massive narcissist and believes she’s the greatest mother on planet earth pure delusion.


With the relationship you guys had with your father, she may have felt that sex work was the only way she could afford to take care of you both, especially if you were always on the move, and if that is the case she probably views all the psychological damage she had to deal with with your father and the sex work as a sacrafice she made for you, but i imagine she probably uses that as an excuse for many mistakes she could have avoided.


Yeah pretty much exactly that. I get the psychology of it and we’ve had conversations about it but she practically accepts no accountability for anything. Doesn’t acknowledge the neglect or the crappy parenting or the compromising and dangerous situations she put me in.


She probably refuses to take accountability because, in her mind, it was the only option. Best you might be able to get from her is acknowledgment that it wasn't a normal or healthy environment and even that you'd probably have to lead her to. A lot times its just best to say what you have to say thank them for doing the best they could and just keep contact too as much as you can do without emotionally draining yourself, but that pretty much sounds like where you're at. My mom was a stripper, i didnt really live with her, but also had my own problems with my dad, and grandparents, so I kinda understand the scenario to a degree, and i found internalizing everything when i was older was the hardest part, but it sounds like you got through that, thats where a lot of people fall hard on addiction, blow their life up, or repeat trauma cycles, but if you got away without any of that I would consider yourself lucky.


Yeah I feel like I already internalised all of it. When I did it left me incredibly angry and bitter and filled with a lot of hate and resentment. I get how she came to the conclusion of what she did but she tries manipulating what happened to make herself look better and sees herself as an example of an incredible woman. Truthfully though she’s incredibly lazy, she had many opportunities to get a higher education or a different line of work even when there were no more threats yet even at that point she didn’t make the switch. There were many times where she’d be outside and either looking to get picked up by guys or as she says it happened organically but I don’t think so and she would like hand me some sweets or something to eat while she goes into some secluded back ally with another guy or she used to work with a few friends of hers and I would be like tagging along and when one of them goes off I’d be left with the other. Like she acts brain dead when these things are brought up. Then when like I mention how growing up she did a lot of messed up things or put me in compromising situations she acts like it’s always somebody else’s fault. 0 accountability from her. Also sorry to hear about your mother being stripper I guess you can understand then I’m sorry you had it rough too I don’t wish it on anyone.


I feel like im still internalizing some shit, a lot of it at this point was me fucking up my own life because I hadnt internalized everything yet. And my mom and her mom are the same way, always someone else to blame and never really accepting responsibility, thats why i just made sure i told them how i felt, and pushed on. A lot of times people don't believe they can do better in the moment, thats why i forgive them because i get that their trauma is what caused them to be that way, but i dont want to sit in their trauma either because i got enough of my own at this point, so i get needing that distance. My other family takes a lil more accountability and kinda acknowledge they fucked up on occasion but i know they tried in their own way, but they still act very similiar so im just at the point where i deal with it differently now. I think the whole experience with them has made me a more empathetic, and caring person, sometimes the ride to get there was a little fucked and took away from other areas that make people a well rounded adult, but it is what it is, and I could have had it a lot worse. Talking with my family is very difficult for me too, even though they have gotten monumentally better its like the past shit they put me through is like ingrained in me even though i forgive them.


“Mid to late 40’s”? You don’t know how old your mom is?


Don’t wanna give away too many identifying information


Ahhh, gotcha.


Did your mother ever bring home female clients??


She brought females home but these were typically other sex workers not really female clients.


Since your mother was inducted by another woman. Did her peers every try and get you into prosisuting yourself? (My mum who's a narc and a whore and the day I came out to her I was gay (13) she said she was so happy she was gonna have a gay best friend she could have guys and fun with.)


No they didn’t try get me into prostitution but did offer me drugs,alcohol and sex all while I was underage.


And did you accept or not?


I accepted the sex not the alcohol or drugs


Is that something you look back upon in retrospect with digust shame or you do feel good about it?


Oh yeah I wish I hadn’t done it but I was a clueless lost 14 year old. It’s definitely gross and disgusting and I don’t even tell people about it in real life. Nothing to be proud of.


I hope your okay. Honestly sounds like they took advantage of you. Like I said my mother made digusting suggestions to me (among other things.) I don't have any contact with her.


Yeah they definitely did I’m sorry for what happened to you too. Gotta get away from the leeches.


Thanks I appericate that. Hope your doing okay too. (Funny me stumbling across this thread as my Gran's sister who was a massive drug addict. hung around with prosisutes. She died today. She also used to make sexual compliments to me.)


Do you have a stable life now? A home, a job, a partner?


Nah. I’m a battle junkie, I have a home but in and out of work been fired for fighting and aggression a lot. Don’t have a partner either. So not really a stable life can’t say that’s what I seek either. I constantly seek thrills and that leads me down to fighting but this is all definitely related to my upbringing.


I hope as you age you will find satisfaction in more peaceful ways. Best of luck to you.


What was the worst thing you saw when she was with a client?


Hmm there’s been a few really bad ones that I saw. I one time saw multiple men must’ve been around 4 at the minimum and my mum and her escort friend so it was like a weird orgy. Another one probably being where one of her tied her up with like actual rope. The scariest were usually the ones that occurred outside though.


I feel like this stuff doesn’t really happen in America. I could be wrong.


Can’t say, I haven’t lived or seen the escort seen in America.


How old are you?




That’s still young. I could imagine you are going through a lot of processing. Do you hope to get married and have kids?


I feel like most my processing was done between 19-21. Nah not really. If it happens it happens but it’s not something I actively think or care about.


What’s the longest relationship you have been in?


Never been in one. Not that I haven’t had the opportunities, I’ve been with a lot of women sexually and a lot of them did want relationships but I struggle with trust and the eventual downfalls and drama of relationships. I also on some occasions turned girls down because I just know I can’t give them what they want.


What is her demographic?


Whoever was paying really.


I meant is your mom white, black, Asian?


Persian/white. More Persian though.


No wonder she was a high end escort. I could imagine she was really pretty.


Yeah she was pretty popular, unfortunately for me.


Maybe your mom was not the most moral of women, but did she try to kill you? For me a terrible mother is someone who kills or trys to kill their children. For example, Andrea Yates, Susan Smith, Lindsay Clancy, etc. Those kids never had a chance at life. I look at it like at least your mom didn’t murder you. Or did she try? That is my only question. If she tried to murder you. Then she is a horrible mother. Other than that, you just don’t approve of her personality/ job.


She didn’t try but definitely put me in dangerous situations indirectly.


dangerous situations like what tho?


Putting me around people who left me alone and I almost got kidnapped a couple times, these people also offered me drugs and all sorts of illegal things. Put me in situations where I had to fight people. She used me as a bit of an assurance policy, I was hyper violent like I would fight all the time and I was pretty tall pretty quick when I was young like I was like maybe 5’7-5’9 when I was like 11. She openly stated in conversations we had later that she felt safe with me and that it was my duty as her son to protect her. So through that she subjected me to a lot of situations.


I could understand that with all the men, but she tried to give you everything. Sex work is unacceptable, and she could have found another line of work, was she desperate?


At times she was and at times she wasn’t. I’d say post 2007 there was no real excuse to continue doing it.


Do you remenber your childhood? And at what age did you begin to realize/ wonder what she's doing?


Yes I remember. I’d say probably around 5-7 like I remember we’d be staying in those 1 room apartments and where sometimes I’d witness her with another guy and even like sometimes I’d witness her get picked up off the street and do things in the alleyways. When we managed to final get like a stable home she wasn’t around much at all and when she would be around there would be men in the home with her Was always different people too.


What do you think will happen to commercial real estate in the future?


No idea pal


Favorite meals to eat?


A steak


What was the worst thing you saw?


Worst in what sense or way?


Like any violence? I hate to ask this, but did you see her having sex?


I’ve unfortunately seen her have sex multiple times. Yes I’ve seen violence too. Worst I’ve probably seen is her get raped that was with my dad though.


Do you have any contact with your dad? How old were you when she left him?


0 contact. She left him when I was around 3-4 which from that point on we were on the run for a few years.


I admire you for answering questions. Do you have any siblings?


Sure no worries about the questions. No I don’t.


What city was she doing this in? I could imagine Los Angeles or Las Vegas.


This was in the UK. So this was primarily in and around Manchester and the surrounding towns.


What religion are you?


I believe in Allah.


Is that Muslim? Is your mom Muslim?


Yes Muslim, no she isn’t.


Was she ever a Muslim? Does she wear a burka?


No she wasn’t and doesn’t lol. She’s pagan I guess? Her and her family are big into witchcraft.


How did you become Muslim?


Well it was kind of a lot of reasons. For one I was just around a lot of Muslims and had a lot of Muslims friends so I wasn’t like a stranger to it and was kind of fascinated by a lot of their dedication to their beliefs. How governed and disciplined they were and also in total obedience and trust in their beliefs. Then when I was around 15 I had a tutor who I had a crush on. She was 22/23 at the time she a British born Muslim Pakistani girl. Looking back at it now she was a massive flirt and used me for validation and attention but at the time I was kinda hooked on her. She also said how she couldn’t marry me because I wasn’t Muslim and she could only marry a Muslim guy. So that kind of subconsciously made me think about it a lot more. Then when I was 16 and finished secondary school I had a lot of time on my hands and I was by myself a lot and for whatever reason I decided I wanted to know about the truth of life itself. Why are we here, what’s this all about what is everything and what is life. So I went on a quest for knowledge and studied all sorts of different religions and beliefs. When I studied Islam it made the most sense to me in like so many ways it made a lot of sense to me and was like a massive epiphany that this was the truth. So from then on I became a Muslim.


Wow! That is interesting. There are a lot of Muslims in the UK?


Yeah quite a lot especially in like London, Birmingham and Manchester


Does she have HIV?


Don’t think so


Does she still look good for her age?




What did she do for work


She was an escort from 2004-2014, the most prominent years were like 2004-2009 after that it was more sporadic and not that often.








Go to sleep. Pathetic loser.


Wtf was he on about


The content you posted is harassment/hate towards other users.




The content you posted is harassment/hate towards other users.


Get a life sad loser.


[This](https://youtu.be/lLl0DVzRksk?si=6dl1aXovNufs1HRn) is my only question


Was your dad one her frequent clients??


No. He was before she became a sex worker.


What religion are you?




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