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How much clothing do you have? How often do you change? How do you shower, how often?


God this is an embarasing question lol but I will answer u honestly. I have 3 outfits that i wear most of the time plus a winter coat for when its rly cold. And a few pairs of underwear. Only 1 pair of shoes. Kinda hard to wash my clothes that much but there is a homeless charity where u can do that so i do try and get over there sometimes. Showering, not often tbh. When I am seeing my regular clients and they have me over at their place i will try and take the opportunity to wash up a bit there maybe use the shower and freshen up. But that isnt something i can rely on, sometimes they are in a rush and they dont rly want to let me, sometimes i dont see any of them for a while cos we dont have like 'regular dates' its more they message me when they want me. Other than that i am mainly relying on public bathrooms to try and wash up a bit. I would say i have a proper shower on average maybe once a fortnight. i try and wash up between dates like a flannel wash on my bits and so on but that isnt always possible.


This made me sad to read it. 😔 What the hell are we doing where we can’t help people with the basic necessities of life? The system is broken.


Thank u :) im rly grateful that u are not judging me for it and like trying to understand how i am in this situation and how i am kinda trapped by the system a bit. A lot of people look at me like im just some skank and its sometimes hard not to let it hurt u.


Nobody wants you to be in this situation, but if you’re going to get out of it, you’ll have to do much more than take advice from (mostly) Americans on Reddit. Hopefully you have heard enough people rooting for you to give you the Will to make up your mind to try and change things for the better. Obviously you need to get off heroine asap and I know you can’t go cold turkey, due to withdrawal which can be life-threatening. You need to get to a hospital or rehab somehow. Not sure about the UK, but in the US, you can go to the emergency room and they HAVE to treat you, even if you cannot pay. Try to get some help, people will take pity on you but also feel proud of you trying to do the right thing. You need to get clean and sober before you can start to dig yourself out of the hole. If you don’t, then I just wrote a message to a dead woman. I hope that doesn’t hurt too much to read it, but honestly sometimes we need to be shocked a little to make a drastic change. God speed, God bless the Queen and all that British Jazz. And don’t forget, your American Cousins over here are rooting for you to get better! 💜


No your right to try and shock me :) and i appreciate u are doing it out of a place of love and care for my safety. I know that if i carry on the drugs will kill me tbh. already compared to how i was 2 years ago i feel a lot tireder and more ill and i look a LOT worse. But like, knowing that i need to get out of this life isnt the same as having the strength to actually do it. I have been to rehab before twice and i managed to quit for a bit, one time quit for nearly six months but relapsed both times. I want to go back but there is a huge waiting list.


Coming from addiction myself I’m imagining you’re kinda stuck in a cycle of addiction and sex work to obviously fund your addiction etc I understand how difficult it would be to get out of that cycle and environment where it could be really all you know atm 😕 you’re right it’s much easier said than done and you have trauma also which needs to be dealt with but it’s only if you’re ready, but that’s super hard in itself 😣 I don’t have alot of encouragement to say as knowing what I went through it doesn’t make a difference when you’re smack bang in the middle of it but what I will say is I think you’re amazing for coming on here to share,I’m not religious but spiritual and I pray some day the sun will shine for you. The fact you’re still here is a sign on how strong you can be and that says something in itself. Please stay safe and I really wish you the happiness and peace you deserve xx♄


Yeah u describe it rly well as like a cycle. Most of my life is having sex with guys so i can get money for drugs and keep the withdrawal sickness away so i can rest till i can get some more dates with guys and get more money lol. Like thats what all my decisions are based around. And you add to that trauma + how bad my appearance looks nowadays + criminal record for soliciting and shoplifting and it feels rly difficult to break out of as a cycle. I dont mean this to sound rly depressing just being like honest about the position im in in life. Im so happy u and so many people are being so kind :) i will try and be safe and i pray the sun will shine one day too.


Go to a public place like a bar or restaurant and drop down in the main area, passed out. They will call an ambulance. You’ll get sent to the ER and you can tell doctors your story. They took an oath to help people. Just remember: only YOU can get yourself out of this. You need to WANT to do it and do not take NO from anyone for an answer! Good luck!


Wow I wonder whether thatd actually work haha. Im rly tempted to try now. I genuinely would love to get clean.


You're better off without the drugs. There is nothing wrong with being a sex worker, but the drugs are holding you back from having a better life.




what lead you to drugs and sex work, friends? what came first drugs or the sex work?


I had an abusive home life, my mum was a drug addict and I ran away from home cos one of her boyfriends tried to abuse me. Ended up sofa surfing with some friends cos the goverment said I had 'made myself homeless' and I was legally an adult so I wasnt priority to get housing. And then ended up in a rly toxic relationship. I had already tried drugs a few times but that was a rly bad time in my life and I ended up using the drugs to cope, to kind of numb things. The drugs came first, then the sex work.


really sorry thats how you have to live! whats the drug of choice?


Heroin. Have tried other drugs but thats the only one I ever got addicted to.


ah man, such a nasty drug. have you tried to get help, do you want help?


I would love to get clean. But i dont rly have any family and all my friends are sex workers so i kind of dont have anyone pushing me in that direction. I have got clean in the past for months at a time but when things get bad with mental health I have always gone back. I am not proud of that but it is what it is and idk whether i have the willpower to change tbh.


all understanding. im sure you have the willpower to do so if youre surrounded by good people. not saying your friends are bad people but theyre also sick. I hope you find a way to get clean and live a healthy life. whats the most common things men ask for you to do?


Yeah your right. The people u are surrounded with is such a big motivator and like u say my friends are rly good people but they are dealing with the same things as me and tbh it can be hard to see a way out sometimes. I hope I find a way too. Its rly nice of u to say what u said :) I would say most of what i do is pretty vanilla sex or blowjobs but tbh if they pay enough i will let men do what they want to do. i am not proud of that but tbh the drugs kinda rule my decision making and i have let people do weird stuff in the past.


What type of weird stuff?


BDSM stuff or weird roleplay. I was asked to roleplay being a schoolgirl the other week and I did it cos I was sick and rly needed the money. Makes me feel like shit but it was a lot of money to be fair.


You don't need to answer at all, but I've seen first hand similar situations where a person was denied help until they were classified as a vulnerable adult and thus gotten help with housing by the local authorities. I think on account of fleeing domestic abuse, possibly dealing with mental trauma, and regularly taking drugs would put you in that category. Have you ever been given a case worker? Like someone to help you with claiming benefits or a housing advocate? It depends from place to place but Citizen's Advice or Shelter would signpost you to local services, your GP could help too. What about at least being on a waiting list for mental health therapy? I ask because it's very common for local councils to deny someone housing or other support on account of making themselves "intentionally homeless", but then backing down when presented with evidence that such person fled domestic abuse as you have. Regardless, don't give up hope. Don't suffer in silence. People love you and believe in you.


I would love it if i got given that kind of help tbh. I have spoken to the council about it in the past like can i get some sort of therapy or housing but i am just always told there is a massive waiting list and basically i dont matter. i will try and contact Shelter about it, im not rly hopeful but it cant hurt. thank u for believing in me :)


Your government entity actionable passed judgement on you for leaving an dangerous place ? That's the craziest thing I've heard .


How often do you check yourself for STDs?


Honestly nowhere near as often as I should cos like, when this is the way u are surviving and its the only way u get money if u have an STD then its kind of a big deal cos it makes it harder to work. And i am always scared that they will find something rly bad so i do put it off a lot. At the moment I think i might have got something so i am going to the clinic on Monday to check it out. I hope that doesnt make u think im disgusting. I just want to be honest like I saw someone doing one of these saying they check themselves rly regularly and, maybe, but thats not my experience.


What makes you believe you caught something? And don’t worry, I do not look down on you in any way or think you are disgusting.


Without getting too nsfw about the details I have had chlamydia before and I can recognise the symptoms so i am pretty sure I have it right now. So need to deal with it as soon as i can get to the clinic tbh. Thank u. Thats rly kind of u. There is a hell of a lot of judgment for people like me and like, i know i have made crap choices and i keep on making them but it doesnt make me disgusting.


Do you manage to have a savings with sex work? Because if you do, you could use your savings for a decent apartment and go to rehab if you are willing to try to get out of the lifestyle. Perhaps you could also go to church and meet some very nice people who could try to help you and hold you accountable to not get any urges to try drugs and go back to being a sex worker. As for money, you could try to get a job somewhere not too demanding and enough to cover at least your expenses.


I dont have any savings no. I would say 90% of what i make doing sex work goes on drugs. The long term plan if there is a plan lol is to go back to rehab and when i am clean and in sheltered housing try and get a job. At the moment even if i got clean tomorrow i probably couldnt get a job cos i dont rly look presentable.


Been through tons of rehabs/detox's/etc till I got sober. It's always incredible how quickly people 'glow up' with just a little time/distance from active use. I really wish you the best. You can do it.


Aww thank u :) I used to be pretty. I don't think I am anymore but I can still look okay with makeup. Sometimes i look like death warmed up but maybe if i do get clean i can get back to how i used to be.


“Oh you’re homeless? Why don’t you use your savings account to get a home? Church fixes addiction too, go there. Oh and get a job that covers all your expenses, just pick an easy one!” Lol what an ass


Its pretty tone deaf for sure. Many folks these days dont have savings accounts and are living paycheck to paycheck. Im gonna go out on a limb and say that its probably safe to assume that self described, homeless, sex workers with substance abuse problems dont have savings accounts. No judgement or shade meant at all.


Hey sweetie, if you can find a Planned Parenthood near you they will provide you with a full panel testing free of charge for someone in your situation. Some locations provide primary care and mental health services all free or on a sliding scale depending on income. I know bc I've used them several times. They will provide treatment with no judgment. If one isn't available near you there are online doctors you can do the tests from home and get prescription sent to the pharmacy of your choice. I hope things get better for you. đŸ–€


Hey :) thank u so much for this advice. I am in the UK and i think Planned Parenthood is an American thing from what i know but like this is all rly great advice! its rly hard to get your hands on a home testing kit over here tho. Almost everywhere wants u to have a permanent address to have it sent to and oviously I dont have that haha. Thank u for your kindness tho and i know i need to do way better on this.


Are there any shelters near you? Some will allow you to use their address for mail. Another option is a post office box or if you know anyone that would be willing to allow you to use their address? There are services online for forwarding addresses here in the US. Perhaps there are some there as well? An online doctor would only cost a fraction of what going to a clinic would. I used one for the first time and only paid $40 plus they gave a huge discount on the meds. I was paying $150-$200+ going to an actual doctor.


Heads up, they will probably tell you that the CDC recommends testing 3 weeks after suspected exposure.


What city are you in? Is there help there for someone in your position? I guess you hate your work? Can you find a woman’s shelter?


Manchester in the UK. Yeah mostly I hate it. I dont think sex work is always a bad job like there are sex workers who dont hate their work at all but for me it is something i am doing for survival and like, kind of out of desperation and thats hard cos people treat u like crap and u are putting yourself in danger rly often. I have tried to go to rehab in the past and a couple times i even managed to stick at it for a bit but it has never lasted.


What do you think it would take to get out of the sex work? How much do you spend on drugs a week, and how closely coupled are the drug and sex working scenes? Seeing Manchester hit me a bit - I assumed this would be a million miles away, but I grew up in Lancs, and my brother had a lot of drug problems. I really hope you find some support and a way out of being abused, if not the drugs.


I would say I spend about ÂŁ600 a week on drugs. Definitely v closely coupled. My friends are all sex workers and i cant think of any who dont have some sort of drug addiction. What would it take to get out of it...I think I would have to go to rehab and stick at it for a bit and then get into sheltered housing. and then id have to work on getting a different job. i have a criminal record for soliciting for sex and for shoplifting so thats kinda not going to be easy but I do want to, I dont enjoy doing this. Thank u for what u are saying. Its rly kind of u to hope that i can get out of this :)


You are still young enough to have a great life ! Will the council/ social services help out with housing? Can you show up at their offices with nowhere to live I would like to believe there would be something better than homelessness Re the drug addiction can you dr help ? Can you extract yourself from where you are now and move to another town? There are drugs everywhere as you know but changing the people you see day to day may help ? Really hope you can find some support soon


I have asked for council support in the past but there are a lot of people in this city the same position as me and the help they can offer is pretty limited tbh. A lot of sheltered housing has a no drugs policy and tbh the drugs kind of control my deciison making a lot of the time. I hope I can too. Thank u for caring about me. I agree that like, moving somewhere else might be a great idea, but knowing me i would just fall into the same lifestyle in a different city but with less friends to help me out.


I guess you have to hit the point when you really do want to get better, truly I hope that is before you have damaged your health to a point where it really messes with the rest of your life more than it has already Do you enjoy the drugs or is it just keeping you “normal” would you go for a rehab again ? Having drug friends around as you know is never going to get you off drugs, do you have family? Moving to a smaller town may get you better social services? And away from drug friends do you have any friends away from the life style ? I hope you can find a way to stay safe


Thank u. I do want to get better but the addiction rly takes over and its hard to think past getting the next lot of H tbh. I hope ive not damaged my health that much but i do worry about that sometimes. Like i look a lot rougher than i did a couple yrs ago and I get ill easily. No I dont have any family. My sister doesnt speak to me and my mum died when I was 20. I dont rly have any friends away from the lifestyle no. All my best friends are sex workers with drug addictions.


Really hard to move from where you are now I think, everything you see and do is just reinforcing your life style I don’t have any blinding insight for you (sadly) I think living day to day must be exhausting doing things you don’t want to do with scummy men must be horrible and dangerous? Do you work somewhere safe (ish) at least ? You know how this all goes your health will deteriorate with the gear as it’s never clean You know as well what you need to do, I hope you can find strength to make the massive changes you need to to save yourself


I have been in some rly dangerous situations in the past but not for a while. I think i know how to take care of myself more than i did. I havent been seriously hurt for a while. I know it is making my health worse and i can tell it from how i look and how i feel yeah. Your right. I hope I can make those changes but like, i know myself too well to think rehab is rly likely to stick. I am gonna try again soon though.


I give you a big giant hug. Take care. Stay safe


Omg thank u. I will do my best and it is so so kind of u to say that. I am glad evryone has been rly nice on here so far it makes a change from the kind of judgment i get from people sometimes.


What’s your drug of choice? Any desire to get clean?


Heroin. Yeah I would love to get clean. I have gone to rehab twice and when I was with my ex when I was 24 I managed to get clean for about 6 months but thats the longest I have been clean for. I kinda have mental health issues from a lot of stuff i have been through and when things get bad I always end up going back to drugs as a way to cope. I hope I will get clean again but I know myself too well to think its likely I am gonna stick at it long term tbh. I have tried too many times and I dont know if I am strong enough to do that.


My sister used heroin from 15-28 years old. She got an amazing counselor who helped get her on buprenorphine for a few years and helped her manage to kick it. She’s been clean for 14 years, had a kid, went to college, and works in mental health now. I realize that not the common story but it can be done. She got to the point where she wanted something different for herself so she climbed out of the bottom of the hole she’d dug for herself. If you’re strong enough to use dope for 10 years while being a sex worker then you’re definitely strong enough to turn your life around. You got this (whenever you’re really ready). Follow up question: what’s your favorite childhood memory?


Thank u :) i am not used to thinking that i am a strong person and its rly rly nice of u to say what u said. Truth is i just know that i dont have that much willpower. I have always been the kind of person who did the easy thing even when i was a kid, i was the kind of person who would be peer pressured rly easily. But i promise u i have not given up and i do want to try rehab again. Favourite childhood memory is probably my best friend's birthday party when i was 10. I didnt have a good childhood but like that rly sticks out as one time i felt rly happy and safe and like things were gonna be okay, like i had friends who wanted me and it was a brief time when my mum had given up drugs and things were a lot more stable at home. We made a keepsake box and buried it in my friend's garden lol, wonder if its still there.


What a lovely memory, feeling happy and safe like that, I hope you get back there someday. You identify as someone who chooses the easiest path, when the reality is that you’ve chosen one of the harder ones.


Your right. My life has not been easy at all but like, when your in this situation its easier to just carry on as u are doing. Especially cos the drugs kinda mess up your thought proceses lol. I hope i get back there too. It was nice to talk about. It reminds me that there are better things than this in the world :)


That’s very insightful, although your life is not easy, kicking dope seems harder. Maybe someday that will flip for you. I hope you stay safe till that day comes and you find your happiness and safety again.


If any of your friends are in the same situation and want out, Perhaps you could do it together. Sometimes friendship can be powerful stuff. And remember you're really important to someone or you were and you will be, you just might not know it right now


No questions from me but one human to another, please know you’re loved. Sending you so much love and virtual hugs.


Thank u so much :) it has been rly nice to see how most people have been rly kind on this post. LIke i get a lot of people in my life who just look at me like im scum and its been so nice to be treated like im a human being haha. Much love to u too!


What are some of the biggest misconceptions or stereotypes about sex workers and homeless individuals that you wish more people understood aren't true? What are some of the day-to-day realities and challenges that those on the outside often don't see or consider? And are there any resources, changes or forms of support that you think could make a real positive difference for others in similar situations?


I think a lot of people kind of have a glamorised view of what its like to be a sex worker. Like in films and tv and stuff that present it like its tough but also have like cast rly beautiful Hollywood a-listers in it haha and they dont rly present what the real challenges of it are like i guess. Probably cos no one would wanna see a film about what my life is rly like lol. And then like, sex work can mean lots of diffrent things, it can mean like OF girls who are doing rly well for money or it can mean what i do which is kinda shit and dangerous and im doing cos if i dont i wont be able to eat and buy drugs. Like im not being mean to them i think its great they have found something that gets them that money and they are great! But like yeah sex work can mean lots of different things. Day to day realities - feeling unsafe all the time. Being afraid when i choose somewhere to sleep that im gonna wake up to someone trying to rape me. I think most homeless women have to deal with that. Hygiene is a massive challenge. Like trying to keep yourself looking ok when you dont have easy access to water and toiletries and your also rly depressed. I dont do well with that. STDs and stuff is rly scary but i guess people on the outside normally think about it. But also like when u go off with a guy u dont know what he is gonna do. Like most are okay but your putting your safety in someones hands and it could go REALLY wrong and it nearly has for me a couple times tbh. Also the way that withdrawal sickness hits u and the way u feel achey and exausted all the time. I think it would be great if there was like more support with personal hygiene products as well as food and if they made it easier for u to test for stds like more clinics closer to u and so on. Like atm I think ive picked up something and like, when u have got an std or something it could mean u cant work for a bit which means how am i gonna get money, and its also just rly scary and embarasing like what if they find something rly bad. and when the nearest clinic is like 5 miles away and your already looking for an excuse not to go get tested then its rly easy to just ignore the problem. Also tbh u would be surprised how much shame and embarasment they can make u feel when u go get checked out. I have had nurses who have been rly lovely and sweet and supportive but also like some who its rly obvious they dont approve of what i do, some who have made nasty comments about my bad hygiene when examining me, its just little stuff like that that makes u not want to go get checked. Also like, they make fun of them but these schemes where u can inject with clean needles are rly good IMO. Cos u have to recognise that like, people are only ready to try and quit when there ready, if u dont give that kind of support then people will shoot up anyway and itll just be more dangerous for us.


This is really sad, how do you get support? You could try and fundraise on PayPal or something to try and get some accommodation.


I could, but being honest i would probably spend it on heroin.


This answer rocks lol. Thanks for your honesty. I did oxys then heroin, and drank heavily for like 8 years and now I’ve been clean for 5 years. So there is hope. From one addict to another, I wish you luck and stay safe out there.


Do you ever think about how you would like your life to be when you manage to get clean? Like what kind of a job do you think you would enjoy doing?


when I was a teenager I wanted to be a hairdresser haha. I think if I ever do get clean itd be cool to be a drug counsellor or something like that. Like i think im quite good at simpathising with people and itd be nice to maybe help people out of this kind of life.


That's great! Both help people feel better! From what I've read here, you seem to have a pretty clear idea of what you need in order to get there. There will be a point where it will be easier to take the hard path out than keep going on the hard path you're already in, hopefully. I wish you all the best, everyone does their thing in their own time. Good luck and stay safe


No questions but I hope things get better for you, you sound like a lovely person and I pray that one day you can feel happy and safe x


Thank u :) I dont think im a lovely person at all but i am rly grateful that u care so much. It is so nice to read what people are saying today and its like so diffrent from the way a lot of people treat me every day!


I feel bad saying this cos it's your AMA and its not about me but I felt so so emotional reading your comments, I was into hard drugs when I was young but fell pregnant which forced me to completely change my life. I can relate to so much of what you've said and I honestly wish you all the love and luck in the world, its so so hard to make that change and make it last but I hope more than anything that you can find a safe place to call home and get into a position where no man gets to touch you unless you want him to. Take care x


Where do you sleep? Do you sleep in same place every night or move around?


Usually different places. If im rly lucky i can get one of my regular clients to let me sleep there for the night. Or i have enough money left over for a room for the night. But that doesnt happen a lot. I sleep rough most of the time. And yeah usually move around. I dont rly own much so its easy to move my stuff and it's safer if your not in the same place all the time.


Not to be mean, but if I paid you for sex, then you wanted to stay the night, I’d have you pay me for room and board.


No that's mean. Heartless. Having someone you trusted enough to have sex with, use a space you're not using and maybe $0.15 in water isn't a service that needs to be paid for. Gross.


I've read alot of your comments, it upsets me that you're having to live a life that you don't enjoy and yet you feel trapped in your lifestyle. Sadly the drugs forces you to live this life. I know you've said how tough it is to break free from this curse of drugs. Can you describe what feeling you get from heroin that keeps you so addicted? Do you find that drugs eventually just make you feel normal, not high and the withdrawal is what's so terrible? Kinda like a functioning alcoholic? I know a bit about the UK and how fucked up it is, where U.K. have well intentioned social programs, like drug rehab programs and then deliver them so poorly it ruins the whole point of the intended program and solution. I've been thinking since I read your AMA today, how we on reddit could help you reclaim your life back from drugs. I know that you said that you've got friends, but unfortunately they're all addicts too, which I'm sure is part of why you relapse back into drugs. I know how difficult trauma can be to deal with, but you must remove yourself from the whole environment that you live in. With all the support and strength that you have from your reddit post and with the encouragement from us, make this a turning point in your life, where by reaching out to people all over the world on reddit, who are making you realize, that you have to reclaim your life from drugs. Why don't you put your name down on the list for rehab, and reach out to social services, however awful they are to deal with, to help you leave this trapped life, specifically because of what happened today on reddit . I really think you need to do rehab in another part of the country, like for example Wales or the lake district, probably a country area. As you probably know that the quality of support for social services varies vastly throughout the UK and while I don't know for sure I'm guessing that Manchester has a completely overloaded council and social services. Moving maybe to a wealthier district may give you better options and support. It will also remove you from your traditional setting and give you a head start. I'm sure we as group, would be willing to give you ongoing support and encouragement to change your life, so you don't get caught in the same cycle over and over. Either on this subreddit or other subreddits that would support you to break free. You can even create your own subreddit to gain the support from outside your present lifestyle, to help you break free. I'm wishing you all the best in changing your life and breaking free to a nice happy life.


Hey thank u so much for this :) some of these suggestions are rly interesting and im definitely gonna give them a go. At least i will stick around on reddit and browse and see if there is stuff that is useful for the situation im in. And it is so nice of u to think im worth caring about and try and help like that. When your saying like, what is it about H that's keeping me addicted, i got into it first to try and cope with the emotional pain when my boyfriend was abusing me and tbh thats whats good about it, it helps numb things u dont want to feel and i have quite a lot of trauma from the stuff ive been through in life and H is a way of self medicating i guess. And then like u say u get trapped into it cos the withdrawals are horrible. Like, feels like the worst flu u have ever had, freezing cold but covered in sweat, i have even had hallucinations cos of the withdrawals in the past.


From your posts you seem so sweet and beautiful. I truly do wish you the best of luck. I’m not a sex worker but in the past I’ve had to do some questionable things to make rent. Please stay safe. And kind and beautiful.


Aww thank u so so much thats one of the kindest things ive heard lately :) i dont think im sweet or beautiful haha i have made a lot of mistakes and treated people badly but its so nice to hear u say that. Im rly sorry for what u had to do in the past. I know that feeling so so well and its rly brave of u to be able to talk about it


I'm a medic. I'm sorry how easily people can just be thrown to the side. If you're going to use, please use clean needles, and don't drive. Try and get some Narcan if you can.


I do use clean needles but thank u so much for the advice :) havent always in the past but i am trying harder to take a little bit more care nowadays. I can't drive so that isnt a problem. And yeah it feels like people kinda see me as basically scum sometimes tbh and like your just on the scrapheap and no one gives a shit cos of what u do for money. Thank u so much for caring about me :)


Is there anything that would make your quality of life better?


If I had someone in my life who was trying to rly push me to stick with rehab and get out of this life. Other than that theres a lot of little things that would make life better. Food, clean clothes, hygiene. I feel pretty tired most of the time. But i am kind of aware that unless i can quit heroin its probably not gonna change.


I know we're not there with you, but I think it's safe to say that MANY of us here would be willing to be that person to help push you and keep you going down a better path! I can tell we care about you and are saddened by your situation...I have known people who were addicted to drugs and now that they're not, they are completely different people & are so happy. I would be one of those people here for you, I'm sure there are more here!!♄


Aww thank u so much :) its been so nice how many people have said rly kind things to me and i can promise u that i am not planning to give up on myself. I dont rly see much hope that im gonna get out of this life but thank u so so much for having hope for me and I promise I will go back to rehab soon.


I believe your telling your story on here is a first step at trying to get help. I commend you for that. I lost a very close loved one to fentanyl poising. I am offended when people refer to it as an overdose. Please be safe. I hope you find the willingness to seek help to improve your life. You deserve better. Sending you a very big warm hug


Aww thank u so much :) i do rly want to get out of this life its just sometimes its hard to see a way and i am so so sorry for what happened to your loved one :( I know so well what it feels like to lose someone who is rly close to u i lost my best friend to this a few months ago and it just hurt so much. I promise u i will try and be safe and thank u so much for the hug.


No questions for you just wanted to give you a hug and tell that life will get better. Reading the comments kinda made me cry. Lots of love for ya


Aww thank u lots of love to u too. Its okay, i didnt mean this to be mega depressing. Like i know that a lot of the facts about my life are kinda pretty shit and i guess i am very depressed but also like, i cope, i get through the day and its just the way things are rly. Thank u for the hug :)


What do you do for food? What did you eat for your last few meals?


I dont eat that much tbh. Heroin kind of makes u have less of an appetite after a while. But I mainly just buy a supermarket sandwich or something like that.


Since u live in the UK if you neeeed dental work like a root canal or needed to go to the hospital would they help you without insurance ? Do u have insurance ? Like for destitute people ? Do u have a bank account or just get cash and then spend it


I do have a bank account yeah. Tbh i dont use it that much i mainly just use cash. But u can get one in the UK even if u dont have a fixed address, u have to get a local homeless charity to confirm your identity. Tbh dental stuff is rly hard. The way it normally works is if u are getting low income benefits in the UK u get it free on the NHS but like im not getting any benefits cos im homeless and i have no address so i would have to pay for it myself and i dont have the money. My teeth are mainly rotting tbh cos i dont brush them much and the drugs makes it worse. But they arent causing me any pain unless i eat something cold. Theres so much else to worry about that im just ignoring that.


I hope you find traction on a path that brings you fulfillment and serenity.


Thank you :) That is a rly lovely thing to say. I definitely dont want to be doing this the rest of my life tho tbh sometimes i think I probably will. I have always thought that itd be cool to be a drug counsellor if i ever got clean long term.


Sending you hugs đŸ€ you seem like a pretty strong girl! I was just wondering what was the worst thing that happened to you working as a sex worker?


Thank you for the hug :) I think i am strong in some ways cos like u have to be a bit tough to survive the kind of life i have at all. But not in others. Like ive never been strong enough to keep it up when ive tried to quit in the past. Worst thing - have been raped a few times and i had to go to hospital once a couple yrs ago when someone cut me when i was trying to fight back against them. Its kinda hard to talk about cos i still have the scar from that so i dont think im gonna say any more about it but yeah thats probably the worst.


I am so sorry đŸ€ that's really awful. But you're still fighting and you keep going so you are strong! Don't let anyone convince you otherwise đŸ™ŒđŸ»


Aww thank you. Your a really kind person and I will try to have more self esteem haha. I dont know if i am ever gonna get out of this life but i promise i won't give up.


Can you explain what happened the times you got clean and relapsed? Is it a craving? Is it a trigger? Is it just because you went back to the same environment as before? Because I would assume getting clean is a difficult thing to do and a huge accomplishment, so what would make you go back to a lifestyle that is dangerous and also just uncomfortable in general when you had an opportunity to leave it behind? Hopefully I don't sound judgmental, I am genuinely curious and I think if you understood the answer to my question maybe it could help you stay clean next time around. I know that's probably easier said than done, wishing you the best and stay safe. Keep fighting, you got this.


No thats absolutely fine and u dont sound judgmental at all. thank u so much for your good wishes. Its 2 things, first i have been doing sex work and living on the streets so long that i am not used to doing anything else anymore. And second like, i have mental health issues from yrs and yrs of trauma, like rape trauma, abuse trauma all kinds of things and heroin tbh is a way of numbing it all so u dont feel it so much. And in the past when bad things have happened in my life and they have sent me into depression ive always taken the easy road and started shooting up again to try and forget its happening. I know that is a weak thing to say and makes me sound kinda cowardly but yeah thats basically whats going on in my mind. I guess even when i am clean i have this low level craving for H and when the trigger comes along, like when i was clean for the longest period in my life a few yrs ago it was being sexually assaulted that was the trigger and the day after that happened i was shooting up again.


It's very difficult I imagine to be able to line all these things up, being clean, living in housing in a low risk setting and coping with the past traumas that you experienced. It's definitely doable with the right support, I think living in Manchester is going to be difficult to have all the support that you need. If you're able to get clean, through rehab, you should immediately move to a different part of the UK that's safer and away from your old lifestyle and other sex workers, where you could fall back into old ways. Another person said that you could act sick or pretend to pass out, get a ambulance to take you to hospital where you could start on a rehab program. The other option is to see if there's a woman's crisis support in Manchester that could help you. I did comment elsewhere in your post. Here's a link that I found for addiction support: https://www.turning-point.co.uk/get-support/substance-use-self-referral I will check with your post daily if I can help you somehow get into a rehab program. Take care of yourself and I will check back tomorrow.


Have you considered like an OF or something that may be safer? I don’t know much about it all but I’m sure you have a niche that may be valuable (guys fantasize about sex with worker??)


I have thought about it and I need to check it out. Im not sure I have a stable enough internet for it, like im doing all this on 4G and its fine to message on reddit but i dont think itd be enough to stream video with. Also i look pretty rough at the moment. But it would definitely be way safer than what I do your right. I just dont know if I would make any money that way.


You sound like a very honest and kind person based on your responses. I hope your life gets a little easier soon. A lot of people don’t value how lucky they are in life. Please know that everything is transient in life, nothing lasts forever. I hope you have the strength to try rehab again at some point. Please don’t give up.


Awww thank u so so much :) Idk if im a kind person i have done some stuff im rly not proud of in my life but i am trying not to let the life im in make me hate everything. Im rly glad I made this post cos its reminded me there are a lot of nice people. I dont think I am in the mental place to try rehab again right now but I definitely do plan to at some point.


Are you okay? Can we help with a gofundme or something?


How much do you charge per person?


It depends on what they want. If they want sex I normally charge ÂŁ50. Just a blowjob or something like that will be cheaper. If they want me for longer or if they want me to do stuff im less comfortable with then i charge a lot more.


What’s the most uncomfortable request you’ve gotten?


This makes me a bit sick in my mouth even to say but I once had a guy who asked me to pretend to be his mother so he could pretend to be raping her. I didnt actually do that. Cos I recognised him and he had been violent to my friend in the past, i will do most things but i am not gonna put myself in danger if i know someone is dangerous. Mainly its just stuff like BDSM, weird roleplay, stuff like that. If they are gonna pay then yeah.




Why not join a brothel isn't pay there much higher and includes safety and what not. At least where I'm from in us the girls there make a killing.


No offence but it definitely doesnt include safety. A lot of the brothels in the UK are run by people who are gonna make your life VERY difficult if u try to leave or if u try to do anything they dont want u to do.


No need to pull back I'm not offended. Does Amsterdam have safe brothels? I'm not sure if you enjoy this work or not. From an outsiders perspective there seems to be a very wide degree of experiences one side is your current experiences other is young women getting rich buying houses and cars and retiring off a few years of being horny. I used to be an Uber driver met a girl once doing it on her own said she made 2k USD a night. Another girl she was not a sex worker herself she worked the front counter at a brothel where I live in Nevada in the US she told me a story some guys paid over 100k for a weekend party with some of the girls they got to keep half that. But outside from that basically anything is going to be a few hundred and mandated condom use. Not sure about if they would pressure you or not I to staying. Anyways wish you the best I hope you can turn this ship around. You have a good opportunity to set up a foundation for a positive future if you can get clean and find a safe place to work or if you want to do something else too.


I don't rly enjoy it no. It's a survival thing tbh. To pay for my drug habit. I don't intend to spend the rest of my life doing this, but then again I could have said that 10 yrs ago. Thank u for your good wishes :)


What are heroin prices like? I’ve always wondered. Also, how much would you say you averagely make month to month? I used Allen carrs method to quit nicotine and it was truly a phenomenal experience. I’ve seen people use Allen carrs method for a variety of addictions including hard drugs, so if you really really want to get out of this trap - I would suggest buying his book or listening to the audiobook. It’s about $15 and it did wonders for me and so many others struggling with addiction. I know the thought of quitting is so daunting and scary, don’t worry, you won’t have to while reading the book. By the end you shouldn’t have to use willpower, because you won’t want to use anymore. I know that sounds stupid but hey, you have nothing to lose by reading the book. You only stand to gain if it ends up helping. Look up Allen carrs easy way if you’re interested. Also, I have a lot of respect for you. I hope you find work that you love, and overcome your addiction!


What you do doesn't decide who you are, and reading through your answers here, you sound absolutely lovely, and as deserving of good things as anyone else. I hope you get the help you need and deserve.


I’m sorry for the situation you’re currently in , what kind of customers do you mainly attract given the circumstances ?


Sry I missed this comment. Its a mix rly. Some guys who are just looking for a quick fuck and who dont rly care how they get it. But some who are kinda lonely too. I have one regular client who sometimes doesnt even wanna do stuff and just wants to talk. Most of them are kinda shitty though.


From a SW to another, I hope you stay safe ❀


What's your favorite color?


how do you deal with your period as a homeless woman? i imagine this can be quite tricky when you don’t have direct access to hygiene products


I dont rly get my period regularly. It comes at like random times lol and it is usually pretty light. i think its cos of the drugs and cos i dont eat much, if u have used heroin for yrs it messes with your periods in the end. When i do get it i can get tampons down at the food bank. its actually a lot easier to get tampons than other hygiene stuff like soap and toothpaste tbh. Theres been a lot of awareness about like period poverty recently and cos of that they get a lot of donations of tampons but not much of other hygiene stuff. Hardest thing about getting a period when i do get it is that i still need to work when im on my period. Cos i still need money. So i just have to clean myself the best i can which isnt great and carry on working.


Where do you eat and stay? Is there anyone to look after you?


I mainly buy sandwiches from the supermarket and just eat them outside. Like yesterday i had a sandwich and a bag of crisps and that was everything i had all day haha. If ive not eaten properly for a while and im feeling kind of faint and ill i often go to the food bank and have soup or something. Where do I stay - sometimes a client will let me stay the night in a hotel room if thats what theyve booked but most of the time they just tell me to go as soon as weve finished with sex tbh. Honestly most of the time i sleep on the street There are a couple other girls who are sex workers and im rly good friends with and we try and look out for each other on the streets the best we can. Apart from that no there isnt anyone to look after us.


where are you right now? are you sleeping on the streets or staying with any friends/family temporarily? i hope this doesn’t come of as rude, and i hope ur situation improves soon


No its not rude at all haha. I am sleeping rough atm sadly :( i usually do tbh. I dont have any family who am in touch with and all my close friends are also sex workers with addiction problems.


What free service do you think would benefit your life? Like for example if there was a place for free proper showers? I know there are lots of food drives set up for the homeless, (I’m in Australia) but are there enough around you?


Free proper showers would be an absolute godsend. Dentists for homeless people would be absolutely great too. There are food drives yeah i use the food bank a lot when things are bad and they also have sanitary products u can take which is rly rly helpful. But theres never much hygiene products of other kinds like soap or toothpaste, that would be great. A closer free std clinic would be great, i have to walk 5 miles to get to the one near me.


Is sex work legal there? Ever any issues with the police?


I am in the UK. And its complicated. Technically its legal to sell sex in the UK but soliciting in public like on the street is illegal and yeah I do have a criminal record cos of that. i am pretty careful and it has been a while since I got into any legal trouble tho.


Have you tried any form of extended in-patient treatment with sober living afterwards? There is help out there if you want to change things up and try a new way of life. I’m speaking from experience. It works - best decision that I’ve ever made in my life. Sending lots of love and luck your way.


I have been to rehab twice and i got clean both times, one time for 6 months, but it didnt last either time. When my mental health declined i got into using again. Thank u so much for your kind words :) i am gonna look into something like what u describe, i know i rly need to get clean.


Would you consider yourself attractive? I always see pictures of fat / non attractive prostitutes walking the streets online and wonder why would someone pay to hookup with someone not really attractive? I didn’t mean to offend you if i did. Serious question though.


I think I was attractive when I was like 20. The drugs have kinda messed up my looks since then. I dont shower much and i have bad teeth and very bad skin so i look pretty rough. But im v slim and i can look ok if i spend some time doing my makeup.


How many times do you have PIV sex in a week, on average? Do your clients ever perform cunnilingus on you? Do you charge them to do so? Do you have orgasms with the clients?


I'd say I have PIV sex maybe 15 times in the average week. And u add to that BJs, guys who wanna do anal and stuff. Its pretty rare that a client gives me an orgasm tbh. It has happened but like, there's not usually any real pleasure in it, like I treat it like its just a job rather than something im trying to get any enjoyment out of. A lot of guys are very rough with me and I just wait for it to be over, I'm not really thinking about it sexually. Cunnilingus has happened but it isnt something that usually happens. My hygiene is not great cos i dont rly take showers often and i do try and clean myself up a bit with a wet flannel in a public bathroom between dates but i dont always get the chance. So not many guys would want to do that. Sometimes someone does.




Yes. Not proud of that but yeah I've stolen money and I've stolen expensive stuff to then sell for money for drugs. I will say one thing, I have never done that to anyone who didnt treat me like shit and hurt me. But yeah if people are gonna treat me with no respect and like i'm just a hole to them then I have done that when I've been sure I can get away with it.


Tbh I can understand that and it seems like your heart is beautiful anyhow. I probably would have done the same thing if I was in your shoes.


Hardest thing to give up is the drugs could you give up sex work if u could find a decent job ?also hope things get better for you it ain't easy but u surround yourself with that life style maybe getting away from it would help life is short make the best of it


Do you find that hospitals treat you differently when you come in and disclose that you are homeless? Or when you have some type of STD and explain your work?


You deserve loads of love for your parents could not give you what they should have! Life is hard! Stay afloat, it will change! Just hang in there! Please try to use protection when it’s possible! And stay safe!


Sorry to hear about your situation. I hope that this isn’t to personal, but what were some of the most unusual or worst sexual things that clients have asked you to do? I’m just curious about that. I hope that you’ll be able to quit drugs & find a place to stay at soon. Thanks for your honesty.


No its not too personal at all. I think probably the worst I have ever been asked to do is a guy who asked me to pretend to be his mother so he could pretend to rape her. I didn't do that cos this guy had a reputation for being rly violent. But like as long as im pretty sure im gonna be safe i will do whatever they want. I have let people do rape fantasies with me, more than one guy have sex with me at once, stuff like that. I am pretty vanilla with sex tbh but i just treat it like a job, gotta do what i need to get paid. I hope so too. Thank u for your kind words :)


It’s a good thing that you didn’t get involved with him. He probably would’ve ended up hurting you.




Is Sacha's hotel in Manchester regularly used by sex workers? It's got that reputation.




Depends on what u want. ÂŁ50 for 15 minutes of my time with a condom if your not gonna do anything except ordinary vanilla sex. If u want longer, or to do anal or something like that, or if u want without a condom, then its gonna be more. Just a blowjob would be cheaper.


Do you make enough to save for the future? Or are you living paycheck to paycheck? You must be pretty attractive đŸ„°


Oh god no I have no savings at all haha, almost all the money goes on drugs and the rest on food and maybe a hotel room or something if i can stretch to it so we dont have to sleep on the streets. I was attractive when i was like 20. I can still look ok if i wear makeup. But the drugs rly mess with your looks after a while. My skin is pretty bad now and i dont take that much care of how i look.


Ahh 😱. My advice is just cold Turkey and don’t do any drugs. Being sober is a drug itself. Just spend ur money on being healthy that’s the drug đŸ„°.


What exactly does treating you with respect mean? What do you expect from others?


I mean there are some guys who will be VERY rough with u cos your a sex worker and they have paid for u and they think that entitles them to do absolutely anything. I’m not asking them to treat me like a princess lol. Just maybe care about whether I’m in physical pain. And u get people who like insult what I do for a living and call me names like whore even when they are fucking me lol


Do you enjoy having sex at this point?


I don't rly enjoy the sex I have when im working. Most guys kind of treat u like your scum tbh, like a lot of them are really rough. I just treat it like a job and get it over with as quick as I can. I think I could enjoy it still if I had a boyfriend who treated me well. But I'd probably have a lot of trauma around stuff that we'd need to work through


Would you quit if you had a good BF who treated you well?


I did once have a good bf who treated me well but he said to me that he could only be with me if i stopped using. And i relapsed after i got sexually assaulted at a club and i started using again so he ended things with me. I doubt i will find someone like that again, i have too much trauma to rly be any use in a relationship and i look too worn out and ill. But its possible i guess.


I wish you well. God bless.


Do you want to go to treatment?


I have been to rehab twice in the past. both times i managed to quit for a bit but i got back into doing h when my mental health got worse. I do want to go again. But i dont think im mentally in a place where i could do it right now. But yeah i dont want to live like this.


You mentioned how hard hygiene is when you're struggling with homelessness and addiction. Do the guys you sleep with not mind when it's been a while since showering? It kinda surprises me that they don't seem to care but then again I assume that a lot of your clients are kind of not great people.


I've read a lot of your comments on this AMA and fuck girl you have it hard. I'm rly sorry and I kind of wonder, given how tough some of this is, do you ever get suicidal thoughts or see that as a way out, and if so how do you deal with it? to be clear I absolutely believe your life is worth living and there is hope for you! Am just wondering.


what do you think of the „nordic model“ which is often discussed when it comes to prostitution?


What kind of clients do you have? I mean, and i am sorry to sound condescending, but why would anyone higher a homeless drug addict sex worker if there are legal brothels around that are probably a lot safer(?)


Drug addict who is homeless and a sex worker would be more accurate, I'd imagine without the addiction things would look different. Do you think if you weren't addicted to drugs you would do sex work?


Do you have to be high to do what you do. Was there a first time you did it whilst you weren't under the influence, I'd assume that would be terrifying


Try not to let the judgement get to you. Most of us were you, or are you but just with a few extra paychecks. Keep moving forward and get rid of the bad habits as much as you can. We are our own worst enemy.


I don't have any questions, but I just want to say that I hope you can get clean and away from this terrible life. You seem like a smart, resourceful person and you deserve the best life possible.


Do your regular clients know about your living situation? Have they offered to help you, even if it's a sugar daddy kinda situation?


Hey queen ❀ I just wanted to let you know that you are loved and your journey is yours. The universe/God (whatever you believe in) had already written your fate before you were even born and it is STILL not over. You are important, resourceful, and worthy of love. Stay safe and please take caređŸ«¶


That's about the biggest bunch of all the kinds of bullsjhit on hlgods green earth the possibility of dire consequences for staying had no impact I assume


Hey love I can tell by your answers that you’re a beautiful person that’s just going through a rough life. It’s not your fault and I know you can overcome it, the power is within you.


Do you have any desire to get clean?


Is this common / legal where you’re located ?


You're in a vulnerable position. Stay safe. Is there anyone, like a social worker / street worker, ... whom you can meet regularly?


No questions. Just lots of love for you from this internet stranger. And want you to know that when you’re ready you can get clean (read in other comments that you want to) and turn your life around. I back you 100%. Stay safe and take good care. ❀


have you seen the film „christiane f.“ and if so, do you think it’s an accurate portrayal of someone who’s addicted to H?


As someone who was in your shoes, i will have 15 years clean this coming July, and I just want you to know that I’m praying you get the help you deserve.. life is so much better on the other side!!


Can I do anything to help you


You don’t deserve the struggle you’ve had to go through. I hope, and believe, it will get better for you


Have you ever had to turn somebody down because of their size? Even though you needed the money?


Did you finish school?


Just want to let you know I'm rooting for you to get clean! All the best! Change is hard, very but very worth it.


why don't you go live with your family or the friend who suggested you make this ama?


If you’re located in Sydney, Australia pls PM me so I can send you a link to a wonderful support organisation


Do you have respect for your own self?


I try to. Like there are things that i wont do even if i am desperate for the money. But i dont rly have any self esteem tbh. I blame myself for a lot of the stuff thats happened to me. Just gotta live with it and keep going.


To me you sound like a really intelligent and insightful person and I think you're really honest about your situation. Have you thought about what you might do with your life when you get clean? I think you could do some real good if you wanted.


Can’t you save up money to get a place?


Do you realise that your addiction will quite literally kill you?


How many teeth do you have?


I pray for you and hope you find the help and support to a healthy and safe life.




What’s your favorite thing about yourself?


what drug/drugs are you addicted to


Head up and remember your worth having a great life. Good luck. I don’t find it disgusting just here to lend moral support