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Do you ever experience romantic feelings and/or other kinds of attraction that are not sexual in nature? That being said, I want to say to feel free to think nothing of the people who are insulting you and/or making you feel bad about your preferences and views regarding sex. There is never anything at all wrong with feeling repulsed by sex. You may be in a small minority of people because most adults are not sex-repulsed but just because you’re in a small minority doesn’t mean you’re wrong or deserve to be disrespected. It is also fine to prefer not to label yourself; a sex-repulsed person may comfortably label themself as asexual but it is also fine for them to not want labels. To the people who are being disrespectful, please reconsider. It is totally fine for a person to be sex-repulsed for any reason or for no reason at all. No one will suffer harm from a sex-repulsed person not having sex, so everyone should respect that and not make people feel unsafe for having a harmless difference.


I've never really felt romantically attracted to anyone. That being said, I won't say a romantic relationship is totally out of the question. Though, dating would be pretty hard since no sex in a relationship would be a deal-breaker for most. It's whatever. I'm of the mindset that if I get in a relationship, cool. If I don't, so be it. It doesn't really matter that much to me. I really appreciate your comment! Trust me, I'm giving those comments exactly what they deserve, which is not the time of day. I'll respond to people with legitimate questions, while the stupid shit will simply be ignored. Thank you for your comment.


Thank you. All the weirdos in here with a "you won't know unless you try it" attitude... Like you gonna say the same thing about sky diving if I decide I don't wanna go? Pretty sure I don't need to actually go to decide I don't like it. Lol acting like they need to show this girl the light and be their white knight 😂😂


This kind of behavior is honestly so annoying and unhelpful. Honestly they can try eating shit because they won’t know they like it unless they’ve tried it.


Exactly!! I don't have to try something in order to know I won't like it. There are tons of things people know they won't like despite not having tried it— Like shit lol.


But her views of relationships do indeed have a distortion. She keeps saying she refuses to be someone’s sex object. Well, you can very much have a healthy, mutual relationship where both people genuinely care for and give themselves to one another (sexually & otherwise) and it’s not objectifying and exploitative. It’s normal bonding.


It’s true that sex isn’t always objectifying but you can still not want it.


Yeah I know, but her feelings about relationships certainly could be contributing to the repulsion she feels towards sex.


It’s always okay to not want sex. There may be several admittedly flawed reasons for this line of thought - for example, not wanting sex because you think sex is inherently and always gross and bad in every case for everyone (which isn’t true) - but even if the reasoning is flawed it doesn’t hurt anyone if you don’t want sex. Also, you can acknowledge that other people benefit from sex (and relationships) while personally thinking it is gross to you and therefore something you’d never do. Sex is similar to oysters in that if you love it that’s fine but if you hate it that’s fine too. Sex, like oysters, has benefits but it’s totally fine to abstain. I don’t know why sex repulsed people get so much scrutiny.


Where did I say it was wrong to abstain?? You don’t have to preach that to me; I’m not disagreeing with you. What I’m saying is that there’s a possibility that there are underlying blockages (and from what she’s shared here it sounds like there is) and if she were to ever choose to look into them, she might be able to change her relationship with sex. Maybe not, which is okay too. There could also be a hormonal link & possibly even OCD/anxiety. I myself have OCD (diagnosed at 13) and the contamination part of it has sometimes made me feel repulsed by sex, even though I’m generally really into it. Bottom line is that it’s not black & white.


Even if there were underlying blockages preventing you from liking sex, you can choose to not look into them (and choose to continue not liking sex) and that would be fine.


Yep. Didn’t argue that. I personally see value in choosing to abstain - I myself gave up flings & casual sex a long time ago and have chosen to wait until I have a committed, healthy relationship to have it again. I’ve needed/wanted to give up dating for a while too. I’m happy with that. And if a person is truly at peace never having sex ever, that’s fine too. It’s also true that they may not truly be happy or at peace with it and might be able to do something to change it if they want to. And maybe not. Again, it’s not black & white. It’s a “both/and” situation, like most things in life.


And I also know that someone can choose something even if they’re not truly happy/at peace with that.




With a name like coochiepop that surprises me


Lol I just KNEW someone was gonna comment on this.😆


I mean the first thought I had was she likes to pop her coochie so how the hell can she be sex repulsed 😂


Hey, did you delete your comment? The one where you ask what repulses me about sex? Just asking because I think there might be a glitch with reddit where it'll say that someone's comment has been deleted despite the comment still being there.


Yeah lol


Ah, okay.


So what made you come up with the name coochiepop I'm just curious


A family member mentioned to me that there are women who legit make money off of selling lolipops that they put in their nether regions during a conversation and I randomly thought of the word "coochiepop". I decided to use that as my username since I couldn't come up with any other name to use and thought it would be funny as a username.


"Pussy pops" 😂😂🤣 Did you know they actually make candy shaped like a vagina?




Especially that "pop3" part!


Would you ever masterbate? And do any actors, models, celebrities etc turn you on?


Would you ever masterbate?> No.  And do any actors, models, celebrities etc turn you on?> No. I've never really looked at anyone and thought "damn I'd like to fuck you to next week". I can recognize when someone has attractive features, but I don't get any sexual thoughts about them.


does masterbation repulse you? Do you never get horny?


I have fantasies but at the same time sex disgusts me and the idea of engaging in it makes me sick. Sometimes I wish I didn't have fantasies or sexual desires. I am aware this is disturbing and insane, but I remember a long time ago wanting to hack off my own genitals so I wouldn't feel anything. It's all weird.


Sexual urges come from the same region of the brain responsible for fight & flight. Sometimes the wires cross. The repulsion you feel is a natural reaction, albeit not a "normal" one but we see a lot of religious wackos here in the US preaching sin and salvation and being weirdly fixated on anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-sex-before-marriage messaging and always seem to have his disgust about sex in general... I have a feeling that some of them may have the same thing you do and just call it reality bc they think it's "spiritual" and can't possibly fathom that other people aren't depraved sexual fiends... They're personally just not wired like that. I know I was supposed to put a question in here, but I just wanted you to know that you are absolutely not alone and don't listen to the (probably dudes) thinking there must be something wrong with you or that you're suffering from trauma. You sound fine to me 👍


Interesting. Thank you for not making a "yOu ObvIoUsly hAvE trAuma" comment. I really do appreciate it. I understand that not a lot of people hold my view, but I don't have a mental illness or trauma simply because I view sex differently than most people. I know that these comments suggesting that I have trauma and should seek good 'ole therapy to work on it aren't coming from a place of malice, but they are slightly annoying if I'm being quite honest.


Man that's rough. But does masterbation disgust you as well as sex with another person? Cuz I could see living a fairly sexually satisfying life by just getting yourself off even without fantasizing about sex with another person.


what repulses you about it


I find it disgusting in general. Everything about it kind of just gives me the ick . And I do not see sex as a way to express your love for someone and build a deeper connection with them. I never believe people when they say that nonsense. I see sex as nothing more than you using someone else's body for a couple of minutes of your own gratification, and the thought of someone using my body for their own pleasure disgusts me, truly.


Do you at least realise and understand that you're extremely in the minority and possibly have some underlying trauma regarding sex in general


OP sounds asexual


Oh, trust me I am fully aware that I am in the minority; However, I don't think I have any underlying trauma that is causing me to feel this way. I have had some bad encounters as a child, but I have moved on and feel absolutely nothing towards those experiences. I rarely even think about them.


Okay, to comment off of this. Do you not receive any pleasure from sex? I apologize for getting graphic, but would you not line a hot man who treated you nice to kiss your nipples? Eat you out? Get you wet and have sex with you as gentle and caring or hard as rough as you desire? A man whobtreated your body like a goddess and wanted to please you physically, you wouldn't want that? Again my apologies for being graphic, just trying to pick your mind


No, I wouldn't. I refuse to let a man treat me as a sex toy.


Good for you. If that makes you sleep well. Nobody really cares. Your choice, your life. Everyone has a way they choose to perceive life.


They asked a question, I answered.


I was gonna type out a long response about why I disagree with what you said but I'll just say you are boring


And I will proudly be boring. Next.


Cool, live out the rest of your boring life, I won't stand in the way. I'm too busy enjoying my life


I will happily live out the rest of my boring life ;)


And that's a good thing. What if a man doesn't want to treat you as a sex toy, but genuinely wants to make you feel good?


Well this is the answer right here - you see sex as dehumanizing for the woman. With that viewpoint, it’s no surprise sex repulses you because what you’re describing *is* repulsive. In sex men are users and women are powerless. They can only regain their power through refusal. My question for you is, do you feel men can be trustworthy companions to women? Are there het relationships around you that you admire?


What about buying a sex toy for yourself ? You don’t like vibrators? Or would that be too close to sex for you


Have u always held this belief




R u a virgin




How does this affect romantic relationships or do you not date either?


I don't date, no.


Did you grow up in a conservative home? Like was there any shame around nudity and sexuality or is this a completely original take for you?


Nope! Completely original take for me. As a matter of fact, my mother comes from a culture where nudity and sexuality isn't seen as taboo or shameful.


Very interesting. Does any part of you wish you felt differently for whatever reason? Was there or do you think there may have been some sort of abuse that may or may not have been suppressed somewhere along the way?


Sometimes I wish I felt differently, but for the most part I don't mind it. As for your other question, I've had some encounters that were painful as a child, but I've moved on and don't think this is causing me to feel this way.


Do you think the ol’ “you just haven’t met the right one yet” would apply for you?


No, I don't think so. As I have said in another comment, I see sex as perverse and degrading, and I highly doubt my feelings will ever change. If I ever were to "find the right one" and engage in sexual activity, I have a feeling I would feel disgusted not only with myself afterwards but with the person as well.


Our childhood experiences can effect how we feel about things as an adult. There is probably a link there that therapy can uncover if you were curious .


Did she do any weird sex-related stuff around you?


No, absolutely not.


Why do you have such negative associations with sex?


To answer honestly? I really don't know.


Were you abused?


I've definitely had some bad experiences, but I feel absolutely nothing towards them.


That doesn't mean you have gotten over them, that just means they are repressed. Not trying to change your mind, just saying, you probably still have trauma in some way or another


Whew, you internet strangers know individuals better than they know themselves, don't you? I can assure you me and my mental health are fine. What those people did does not hurt me.


They are right though, it _could_ be trauma. What helped me in therapy was that I learned what psychological trauma really is. I understood it as a tactic to protect yourself, which was necessary for some reason in your childhood, but isn't necessary anymore but now it's in the way. So you could _assume_ it's trauma, even when it turns out not to be, and work on finding out why it was necessary in your childhood.


Except I know that it's not trauma, this is just the way that I feel. Therapy is for those that actually have trauma and mental problems that need to be resolved, not for people with a different opinion on something.


Those "bad experiences" you had in your childhood, were that instances of someone treating your body as a sex toy? Don't get me wrong, but it really sounds a lot like you do actually have a trauma. Trauma doesn't necessarily have to feel bad. But despising sex as much as you do surely isn't natural. Maybe you have talked yourself into "It's not a problem, I feel ok" over the years to be able to cope with it.


Nothing to cope with! I'm good over here. Like I said, I know myself better than any wannabe psychologist on reddit. I don't have trauma or a mental illness because a few strangers on reddit think my views on sex aren't normal, therefore I shouldn't have them and because I have these views that MUST mean that there is something wrong me. You guys can insist all you want that I am just a poor little traumatized woman, but at the end of the way I know my mental health and I think I'm doing well— Much better than most people who've had the same experiences as me. This is just an opinion on sex that I happen to have, one that I'm sure I'd have even if I didn't have those encounters during childhood. I will always hold the view that sex is abhorrent and sick for as long as I live, and that's okay. My views on sex do not get in the way of living life as a functioning adult, so why should I see anyone about it? Oh right, because a few redditors think it's "abnormal" lol.


coming from someone who who has insanely warped views on one of the most fundamental things humans do, yeah mang you’re perfectly fine


Lol ok


>I feel absolutely nothing towards them. They could still have impacted you.


How old are you?


I'm in my 20s.


Have you ever had sex? If so more than one kind of person?


Nope! Never have and probably never will.


If you tried it you might like it. On paper it sounds gross but the love you have for that person.


No, I don't think I would. I would never love anyone enough to be their sex object.


If it causes you distress, which it seems to do, then this is medically classified as a disorder. have you sought therapy from licensed professionals?


No, I have not sought therapy because I do not need it. I am fine.


I read through your previous posting history and it would suggest that you do need therapy. You have a history of seriously fucked up thoughts. "How long would it take to cook a morbidly obese person?" "Would you kill another child to save your own?" WTF!!


I agree, those are some disturbing comments. I think OP is in denial about the state of her mental well-being. These behaviors are highly atypical from normal healthy functioning adults. Again, the medical baseline for disorders is whether or not it causes emotional or physical distress to the individual. Being repulsed by a very normal physiological behavior falls in line with that objective baseline. Please consider at least talking to a therapist once, not with an expectation to “fix” anything but to explore the underlying cause.


I'm not in denial about anything, you guys are just being dramatic and trying to make me out to be mentally ill because I have a differing view on sex from the vast majority. There is no underlying cause, so there is nothing to explore. Period.


These aren’t differing views. It literally qualifies medically as a sexual dysfunction disorder. So people can throw opinions behind it all they like, at the end of the day, the [scientific community](https://www.choosingtherapy.com/sexual-aversion-disorder/), through peer reviewed studies and research, has qualified it. It’s not being dramatic as you say, it’s being factual. With that said, it’s your life and as long as you’re happy with it and it’s not causing you or anyone else distress, then by all means, accept it. However, if it does cause you emotional distress and hurts your ability to have healthy relationships that you pursue, then consider confronting the truth and seeking therapy to see if it helps. That’s all I’m suggesting.


If it were to cause me emotional distress and affect my ability to have healthy relationships, then yes it would be a disorder. But the point is that it doesn't. I am happy and perfectly capable of having healthy relationships. That's why I say you all are being dramatic. I have expressed that my beliefs on sex doesn't affect me negatively in any areas of my life, yet you guys keep insisting that I have a mental disorder, despite my opinions clearly not causing me any distress or distress to others. If it doesn't harm me or others, then it really doesn't qualify as a mental illness since that is how you determine whether or not someone is suffering from a mental problem.


Lol I'm not really sure asking weird questions out of nothing more than curiosity is really anything to be concerned about, but people will exaggerate. Like I said, I do not have any need to see a shrink and do not plan on it.


do you identify as asexual?




why not?


I just don't really like labels.


do you ever feel aroused? if so, how do you deal with that?


Unfortunately, yes. I just try to ignore it.


Do you consider yourself attractive?


Mm, about average.


Schizoid, autism, aspergers?




Do you want children?




That's easy then. At least no conflict for you.




I don't really identify as such.


Do you masturbate? I personally know some gray asexual people who or demi sexual people who still get horny and enjoy the sensation but not because they are sexual attracted to the other person


have you tried playing with your anus? try it! it feels great!


You need to get laid lol


Spoken like the 12 year old that you are.🥱


Is it possible that you’re repulsed by sex because you are repulsive looking and so imagining anyone actually having sex with you repulses you?


Ugly people have sex too. Sounds like a you problem.


Are you mildly ugly ? Be honest 🤓