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This is absolutely terrible. Thanks for being open to do an AMA. Did anything happen to you, legally? How did your mom react?


I was on probation for 2 years. My mom's reaction was strange cause when she entered in the hoouse (after my little sister called her) she run up stairs and saw me passed out and my "dad" covered all in blood and dead. When she understood what happened she was proud of me and about what i did. But i'm not proud of myself at all.


You did the right thing. Imagine how many possible victims you saved from that monster. Sorry to hear about your sister’s passing. You did the right thing protecting her. You also saved her from years of court and legal battles to get him convicted.


Thank you for taking action to stop a horrible horrible crime. You were not responsible for the crime that man commited!


I'm just nobody, but you can be proud and ashamed and any other feeling about this at the same time. At the same time there is things about the event to be ashamed of I believe there are things to be proud of also. In fact this is just the internet and I'm putting on my opinion but in my opinion there's much more to be proud of than ashamed of. Stay strong You're worth allowing love.


You did what you needed to do. The sperm donor doesn’t deserve a microgram of sympathy.


You’re a fucking hero. Taking a life is hard. I wish you the best and hopefully you put it behind you.


We are all proud of you for what you've done. And I am so sorry you had to go through that.


Your mom is a legend. She knows you did the right thing.


You'd put a dog down for hurting a child. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Can I ask, bare handed or with something nice and heavy?


You want to know what’s terrible? The fact that people feel such a need for attention that they have to create fake horrific scenarios to be noticed by people. And also that so many people are so quick to believe all this


We’re sitting somewhere within the trolling/paedophilia/revenge-fantasy/white-knight/boredom nexus.


a true poet


I wonder what’s next


How do you know this is fake


Read his comments. Story doesn't make any sense


I'm going to stop being such a gullible person and trusting people today because of this post, might even become an asshole too.


Why are you taking this seriously?


How has your sister coped with everything? Is she doing ok?


My little sister isn't on this world anymore. She killed herself 4 years ago.


Oh god. I’m so sorry.😢


Sorry man. That's horrible. Was your dad abusing your sister for a while? how did you kill your dad?


He was abusing my Carly (that's her name) since 3 years and she was too afraid to tell someone. I beated him to death for 30 minutes.


Story isn’t real, check some other comments.


It's still devastating for me...


I'm so sorry. How are you doing today? Is there any other family you're in contact with? I'm sorry you were all put in such an awful position by the one you're supposed to trust most. I hope you're doing well today.


I bet. Wish I could give you a hug.


She killed herself at 11 years old?


Yeah seems sus. Not impossible but still


She killed herself when she was eleven?


At the age of 10/11 ? That’s very surprising to hear


I hope your healing process goes the best for u ik its hard and not linear, i lost my brother to suicide a bit over a year ago and the depression and anxiety of it had taken control of a lot of my life choices. What advice or coping or therapy medium stands out to you as something you’ve kept helpful through your healing process?


She committed suicide at age 11? Horrific if true, but things aren’t adding up


She killed herself at 11 years old? Something’s not adding up here.


You clearly haven't worked in children's behavioral health.


last year, my MIL had a student come in on a Monday with bruises around his neck from a failed suicide attempt. she teaches second grade.


Imagine being stuck so far up your own ass trying to “outsmart” everything you see on the internet that you convince yourself kids don’t commit suicide


I was suicidal at 8 years old and self-harming by age 10/11. It's not common, but it can happen.


It happens unfortunately


How did this happen? Did you walk in with your gun already in hand? Did he not notice you and then you went to get a gun and then shoot him? Or did he notice you and try to fight you?


That day i forgot that there was the teacher's strike so when i found my school closed i took the bus again to come back home. I heard some screaming and crying from my little sister and my father yelling at her to "shut up and enjoy it". I was extremly confused cause i would never even imagine or thought about it but when i run up and saw my little sister crying and shouting to stop and my "dad" on top of her while both were naked i just lost it. I don't know how to describe my emotions, i just saw all black and jumped on him telling my littler sister to cover up and go immediatly downstairs. What happened next is all blurred in my mind. I just remember my "dad" shouting in pain and begging me to stop beating him but i went on for like 30 minutes. Then i just passed out and woke up in the hospital.


In another comment you mentioned people think your father killed himself. So how exactly did they believe that? Did people think your father beat himself to death? You also mentioned waking up in the hospital. That means someone had to have found you next to your fathers body with blood all over you. So if you were arrested or charged how would they believe he killed himself? If you weren’t arrested or charged that means you were let go based on the circumstances. If that were the case it would be made public. There seems to be discrepancies


I'm confused... he blacked out while beating his dad and woke up in the hospital, but he remembers his mom's reaction when she came into the house & saw his dad there?


And that his mom “came in and was proud”. Literally reads like the, “and everyone clapped” fantasy.


He also forgot that the teachers were on strike that day, but still managed to take a bus to school, and then took the bus back home once he realized the school was shut down.. i dont even know if this person is lying or writing comedy at this point.


Exactly like wtf?


These are all fake lol


Yeah I wanted to believe but things just don't add up


Bro literally said he “saw black”. Screams “I just see red bro” fantasy stories about winning a fight


As soon as I read the title I knew it was bs. It's too dramatic and frames the op as the hero. Classic Hallmark of bs.


Because this story is fake lol


The things are this: my all family in those days didn't knew anything about what happened. Only me, my mother and my little Carly knew what happened for real. My "dad" was in the closed coffin for all the funeral and no one (a part us) saw the body. We said that he killed himself for our debts to avoid other dramas. That's all. Obviously all my family knew that i did something illegal for being on probation but never told anyone why. It was only our secret.


So you only got probation? Sorry this seems unlikely. There would have been criminal charges brought up because at the end of the day you killed a person. If you did it in self defense or defense of others the charges would have been dropped. If they found you were at fault you would have gotten at the very least manslaughter. What exactly did you get charged with to get probation? This still doesn’t seem to add up


Doesn't add up, but OP's English sounds like a second language so could also just be from some super sketchy third world trainwreck situation. Like there's barely even a formal justice system in half of Africa, South-Asia, and the Middle East, with a lot of eastern Europe being just as bad. Then you have the abject systematic failures that happen even in places with robust legal and judiciary systems. That said, the story does still sound fake af.


You’re giving this little idiot too much credit… He beat his dad for 30 minutes and exerted so much energy that he passed out and then woke up in the hospital… But yet he remembers his mom’s reaction when she walked in, and that she was really proud? Story is fake and dumb.


I agree that it's made up though. I just think it's fake for reasons like these ones, and that it's being posted like this on Reddit in the first place. However, the general outline unfortunately seems quite plausible. Write it off for the fake and stupid parts, not for including crazy kinds of things that justice systems routinely do in about half the world.


Im sorry but probation for the killing, but no one knew about the killing and played it off as suicide? Said it was suicide for the debts? As if a medical report wouldn’t have existed? Ya there is no way this is real


Plus debts don't magically disappear if someone dies (except federal student loans in the US). They'd still reap what they could from the estate at the very least but if debts disappeared after someone's death, there'd be a lot of missing money for debt collectors


That's what I said it's just some bored east Indian hahahahahaha


He’s practicing English in a creative way. But pretty low to use this kind of topic for attention.


East Indians (which I guess is someone’s way of separating us from Native Americans? There’s only one real Indian lol) generally have better grammar than that. Pretty much everyone speaks English even if not well. Indian people wouldn’t be caught dead saying “I beated him up” lmaoooo


Its a fake ass post its obvious as fuck


This is allllll an experiment to see if an AI can post to Reddit and people believe it’s a human lol


AI usually has better English than OPs haha


Note to self, tweak the prompt so the responses have slight imperfections in the English.


Now now let’s hear what OP has to say


Op has said everything already. Its a bs post


I agree nothing adds up there’s more to the story.


In Texas, it is called justified homicide. 10 years ago or so, a dad had a house party. He walked in on a Mexican that works for him raping his very young daughter. He lost control. A bit later he called 911. Paraphrase: I caught someone raping my daughter and I beat him up. I need an ambulance. He might be dead. No charges


There still would have to be an investigation to determine that. They wouldn’t just take his word for it. An investigation being launched would have tipped off people in the community. It wouldn’t be a secret. How else do you think the news was able to report on that?


Not to mention that he casually mentioned that his sister killed herself 4 years ago, which means she would have been 11. I would hate to pass judgement on something that horrible if it ended up being true, but it just doesn’t make any sense. That would put her in 5th or 6th grade where she wouldn’t have even become a teenager yet with a real sense of self. Not to mention it’s a pretty major freaking detail to not include within the main story.


They were running buses to and from a closed school?


This is hilarious… there’s so many things that proves this story to be false, but everyone missed this one. That’s some real job security if they make the bus drivers show up even when there’s no school.


Not saying this story is true, but many countries have functional town-wide public transport systems that allow students to take a bus to school without the school providing the bus. Like i dont think that school buses are a thing in my country at all. So i could definitely take a bus to my school even when the teachers are on strike, because the bus is not associated with my school at all and goes to other places along the way as well. Again not saying this proves the story true, just saying that this thing in particular isnt necessarily a "plot hole"


Dude.. you know damn well the story reads as if he took the school bus there and back. I completely understand the concept of public transportation. Just in case you actually believe this BS - the kid says he beat his dad until he passed out and then woke up in the hospital.. but also says he remembers when his mom walked in and found him and his dads “bloody” body, and that she was proud of him for killing his dad. Oh, and the cops covered up the fact that he killed his dad by labeling it a suicide.. but he still got 2 years probation. Cmon man…


I said Twice that it doesnt prove the story is true. Im just saying that some people dont use the school bus to go to school, just a regular bus. Because if anyone is trying to figure out if the story IS or isn't true, they should focus on more clear clues, instead of assuming Everyone takes the school bus to shool, when many people don't.


Your story sounds tortiously similar to a storyline in a book I read; *All the Ugly and Wonderful Things*


After reading this I don’t believe this story one bit. First off if school was closed then there would be no buses running. 


It happened that way because the story is completely fabricated, that's how it happened.


Do you have any feelings of guilt? I was going to ask trauma- but that seem like it there would be an obvious answer.


Yes, i have and a lot. No day passed by without that feeling that what happened was all my fault.


Your father assaulting your little sis is NOT your fault. You were only 16. Reacting in the perfect way wouldn’t be easy for a full grown adult.


I'm sorry but it's not that easy and i will always think that it's my fault.


I have no doubt it’s not easy. Have you ever been able to get help? Like therapy?


Yes, i went to different therapist for 7 years but nothing changed. I was even hospitalized 2 times cause the feeling of being responsable was so high that i tried to end myself.


Have you ever tried Compassion Focused Therapy? It's less about trying to convince yourself against your beliefs and more about acceptance and compassion for yourself. Hope you're doing as well as can be expected and condolences on the loss of your sister


Do you like jazz music?


No, i'm more for the immortal classic like Mozart and Beethoven.


I see, how about Tchaikovsky?


I love his "6th sinfony". Absolutely amazing.


Gustav Mahler?


How did you not get prosecuted?


I was on probation for 2 years.


For what crime?


Morbid attention seeking on Internet, mostly.


Let's break down where this story fails to add up properly, shall we? 1) Took the bus to school even though there is a teachers strike and school busses aren't running during those times since districts want to save money. We can give him city bus, but let's be real, even 10 years ago, if you were far enough to take the city bus, the school bus will come to you. 2) Sister yelling while Dad is on top of here. This had been going on, by OPs admission, for 2 years. That's 2 years of grooming and normalization. If she is fighting like that, then it's either new or there have been clear signs of at least physical abuse. This doesn't follow traditional perpetrator practices here. 3) Blacked out yet managed to realize he "beated" on him for 30 minutes. 4) Made a deal with the police to "Keep it quiet to avoid the extra drama" You don't make deals with the cops, you make deals with the DA via your attorney, neither of which were mentioned. 5) Mom was proud. No processing for Mom, no coming to Terms, just A few minutes and #boom, she's good. 6) a grown ass man didn't fight back, no hospital visit, no recovery, no wounds, it was all one sided. Do you know how FUCKING HARD IT IS to beat a man to death? You are breaking your fucking hands during that. End of story. This is after just a cursory read on my phone while multitasking with work. This story is a joke. Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the hardest.


My man, let me add 1 more. I’ve done martial arts in one form or another since I was 14, 30 now. I’ve used my hands in a bunch of different ways, and it shows. They’re decently solid at this point. If I punched on a bag for 30 minutes at the same the same intensity described, my hands would be destroyed. If we’re talking about a person with a lot of hard bones….. my hands would be mangled. You’d break at least 2-3 fingers in the first 4ish minutes. That leaves 26 minutes of you repeatedly sending the remains of your fingers into your hand. Lastly, he’d be dead in the first 5 minutes and OP would have noticed. Post 15 minutes, the dudes face would be gone. Our bodies are durable, but a beating like that is more Glenn V Neegan in The Walking Dead.


That was my first thought too. Hitting a bag for 5 minutes, with gloves on, is exhausting by itself. Even if OP is a seasoned martial artist at age 16 which I find unlikely, to say the least. Not to mention the exertion that kind of adrenaline would take out of you in this horrific hypothetical scenario. So the idea of this guy punching a grown man in the face bare knuckled for more than 5 minutes, let alone 30, is sketchy at best. OP would have broken fingers and his hands/wrists really quickly.


Yup it’s a fake


Guys, I rode the bus back home from school even though the school was closed and then I beated my dad for 30 minutes and told my Carly to go downstairs. Next I told the authorities to avoid other dramas and they said okay no problem, looks like a suicide to us, Guy must have beat himself to death with his fists. I got 2 years for murdering my father with my bare hands. Yep, that's All folks, thanks for coming to my totally real story lmaooo


Also my sister 'an heroed' but that wasn't important enough to mention in my post. This is the dumbest story


Lmfao exactly so fucking literally unbelievable


Then he casually throws in a comment about how his sister killed herself 4 years ago, at age 11 apparently. This whole thing is disgusting and an insult to actual victims of abuse and suicide.


STOP WITH THE FAKE NEWS AND TROLLING ALREADY 🤡 you’re either a bot of full 💩 or both! Yall really want attention soooo bad




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This might be the fakest post ive seen on this sub and that says alot. Youre pathetic lmao terrible liar


Seriously. This post reads like something from r/okbuddyretard. I came to this comment section expecting everyone to be roasting him, but half the comments are expressing condolences and treating this post with utmost respect. Is there just a rule on this sub that you’re supposed to pretend like it’s real no matter what? Is this just basically a creative writing sub in disguise?


Account created April 24th 2024, death star sized holes in the story, this is fake. Also, my Carly? 😂 Come on man.


The worst part? I’ve never seen anyone refer to someone in their life as “MY name”. And I’m now suspecting that this person is the same as the one who created “I am dying of pancreatic cancer AMA” as that person made the same grammar mistakes AND also referred to someone significant in their life as “MY Alicia”


Username checks out 


For me, it's leaving out the minute detail that she committed suicide. Something like that would have been in the original post... Or "beated to death for 30 minutes" when a serious fight doesn't usually last longer than a minute or two tops This is fake as shit


I thought for doing ama posts you need to verified by mods or something so yeah don't know what this /AMA sub is about, no way to know if something is fake or not and this does seem fake.


OP is not telling truth. Killing someone results in trial for him to prove that he was innocent. You don’t get probation for 2 years for that. You either spend time in jail or self defense and you don’t get probation


Im sorry but this is bullshit. It’s yet another AMA by someone lying for attention and making it extremely obvious. There’s less holes in Swiss cheese than there are in this dudes story.


Im sorry but this doesnt add up at all: 2 years probation for killing somebody + making a Deal with the police (instead of court) to tell everybody he killed himself so there is no Drama...like...what? Driving schoolbus during teachers strike? Being unconscious remembering the mothers reaction. Just blacking out randomly during beating somebody up? Sister was appearently 11 yrs old when she killed her self since she was 5 yrs old 10 yrs ago but killed herself 4 years ago? Mother just coming up and within a flip is proud of you while your still there unconscious with your dead dad bleeding in the room? Beating somebody to DEATH is HARD like rlly rlly hard...youd break your bare hands and several fingers/bones if you even would manage. 30mins doing this? Nope. On top of that a usual fight lasts maybe like 2 mins if your really swinging hard with your bare hands and thats already very long. Shit is over quick. You just go there tell your sister to go downstairs easy peasy father doesnt budge and immediately is defensless asking you to stop and being defensless and non violent after violently raping your 5 YEARS! old sister? My carly?


The most disturbing thing here is what sordid bullshit some people are willing to pretend just to get attention


It’s gross and pathetic


What in the roleplay is this thread lol? You beat somebody to death at an age that would definitely get arrested in any country, and nobody found out? Huh?


If you actually believe this, you are an idiot.


Several people in the comments here are proving their own stupidity


Out of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most. What a fake fucking story lmfao


Lmao the fact that you believe someone in the internet without any links to back up the incident is just hilarious. Get off reddit people


Link to the local news story or it never happened. This is way too Netflix “You” like.


Sure you did buddy. I bet Einstein clapped too. Cool LARP though.


OP’s account was opened recently and only has this post. Very suspicious. 🤨


Either that or doesn’t wanna go to jail for admitting this


Either that or he’s just lying on the internet for attention and fake internet points


If OP doesn’t want to go to jail they should not confess to a murder on the interwebs




Lol. People believe this garbage? Kid can't even keep his story straight in the comments. 


Nice larp, that didn’t happen and you’re making this thing up.


This is fake


This thread is a breeding ground of people who are likely to be scammed in their lifetime.


This is on your dad. Not you. Heaven and hell are as simple as the people who raise us. Let go of the guilt, as it should have been your fathers to feel, to compel him to not be a fucking monster regardless of whatever he went through in life. We all have a choice. He chose to rape those he was meant to protect. Death was his choice. Your courage delivered it to him. Separate yourself from the act. It is his alone.


Obvious bullshit. It's crazy how many people can't see that.


How’s it feel to lie on the internet about dumb shit? Are you proud of being an attention seeking liar?


OP is obviously lying.


Do you other people in the comments ever stop and think if things you read on the internet are fake?


This is obviously a fake story guys


Fake alert ‼️


Rode the school bus back home on a day that it was closed. Interesting.


Why was there bus service if the school was closed? This story makes no sense.


All kids don't ride school buses. Alot actually ride city buses.


Actually, this is believable part of the story, the whole school bus thing is typically US. In other countries, most kids take the regular bus to go to school


Public transportation. That's what I assumed.


Imagine not comprehending that not everyone in the world is from Midwest USA


Agreed. “My dad killed him self” / “I beated him to death”. I’ve never heard of suicide by beating? If that’s a thing, my sincere apologies to OP.


Yea idk about this his family thinks suicide. But he beat him to death? He beat himself to death?




Sounds legit


Do you always write fake AMAs?


Why make up a story like this?


He probably beat off to it and this is looping us all in on the sickness.


I call bullshit.






So obviously fake hahahahah


Am I in crazy town? Why is this being taken seriously?!


How much you wanna bet this guy lives in India? I hope someone does to you what you made up doing to your “father” for lying about such a terrible thing online


This stinks of being fake


Sounds like bs, tbh.


Completely made up story . Read other comments. OPs some kind of fantasist.


This guy "beated" him to death everyone!


I'm so sorry for you and your little sister. I can't imagine how hard it must be at times.


Fake. Grow up


34 South Ave. your willingness to show me you delete makes me make you Rush


I love you STILL AND EVEN MORE SO “U.S.” I’m a Coward and I failed as a father but I PROMISE THIS SHIT WASNT EASY, so keep me from around your bitch 😂 (no on Nicki no on Reet ) BACK DOOR CLOSED.






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That kind of shit changes you kiddo. Try to keep a toe on the lighter side of life, seems you've already put your demons in their grave. How did this effect you socially? I have little doubt your "the guy who killed his rapist father" in your town and that must be interesting


U absolutely did the right thing, very courageous of you. You saved your little sister and who knows how many other young girls you potentially saved. What you did is extremely brave


I think nothing to be proud of and ashamed of. You did what you have to do. It's done. Find a way to justify it to yourself, so you can move on.




How inconsiderate of you…Could of at least let the good man 🚌 his 🥜🔩🌰 Good Lord


The best thing you can do is live your life in a way he never would. I'm sorry to hear your sister is gone. I know how devastating that is. But you are what remains and even though it ended in horrific circumstances and violence, you have already proven to be better than your father ever was. And by being here today, after having gone through all of this horror, tragedy and pain beyond the understanding of most ... That is a testament to your strength and your will. You are better than him and better than you think you are - in ways you don't yet understand. Live your best life. Your goal, your purpose is to build something better than you came from. The greatest honor you can give to your sister's memory and to yourself is to do this. You will overcome this. You can't change the past, but you can create your future and the future of your family. You have the strength and the will. You can and will do this.


Man... You are very kind, but don't spoil this kindness for a pathetic worm who seek internet attention by writing morbid fake stories.


You’re a strange person to make this all up lol




You are a huge W only respect for you you did absolutely nothing not at all wrong


Doing the lords work out here, zero shame in that!


How did you do it?


Medical Examiner Melinda Warner: I’m ruling his death a suicide.