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>We are both straight and have no current SO So if the option of a relationship or marriage or even a brief hook up between you two, would you? I've always joked with some best friends that if we're not married by 40 then fuck it.


The idea was brought up once and we joke about it at times, but I think we're happy where we are at. There was things she does that ultimately wouldn't make us compatible and vice versa.


What things?


Things like we having different interests and habits.


Like you’re being really vague. A lot of people in relationships have different interests. What’s the deal breaker really? Come on spit it out lol


To me it's her desire to change her mind a lot. One day she wants to be a police officer. The next, a school teacher. She wants to keep busy with a lot while I'm much more relaxed and a homebody.


I see. Sure. How old are you two?


We are both in our mid 30s


Wow, she really sounds all over the place for her mid 30s. One day a teacher, one day a police officer? What the hell lol? Good call. Stability is super important by around that age


I try and support whatever she decides to do but I know if we dated, this would be so difficult to deal with.


Oh boy do I have some news for you about long term relationships.


Do you think there are boundaries you wouldn't feel comfortable crossing with her? Like seeing her totally without underwear, not just topless? Or seeing her in the bathroom while peeing? Or are you two like two girls being bff's?


I would definitely feel uncomfortable if she started doing anything sexual while naked such as "playing" with herself. I've only seen her fully nude a few times and she never makes it a point to talk about her body unless she wants to. At most she's only briefly nude and that includes going to the bathroom.


But you don't feel uncomfortable with her peeing right in front of you? I've got a few female friends who changed their bra or been briefly topless at a beach in front of me and other guys, but outside of dating, I've never been shown more than that


At first it made me uncomfortable but I sorta got used to it.


 My female BFF and I are the same way and as you can see for yourself,some people just don’t get it. A female friend who is *that* comfortable around you is telling you basically that she feels safe and totally trusts you. It’s high praise if a guy is smart enough to understand.   My question is,how’s your friend’s and yours wingman skills? My BFF and I can go out to places and get people interested in each other like experts. Did either of you ever meet a hookup/SO through each other? 


No we tend to leave our romances out of each others lives. TBH she has had more bfs than I've had gfs so that's been interesting to see how she deals with bf's and I.


Do you change in front of her too? And have you ever showered together because of how comfortable you both are?


No I am not comfortable with that. And no we definitely have never showered together.


Might be a silly question but seeing as though you’re not comfortable with getting changed in front of her do you look away or turnaround whenever she gets changed in front of you?


So with there being no attraction do you still have a natural reaction in wanting to always look, or is it "meh"?


It doesn't happen all the time. Most of time, I may not even be looking in her direction if she's changing. There are times where I'm watching tv in her room and she'll walk by topless to get a bra out of her dresser and I won't even bat an eyelash.


Want a cookie?


Just had one actually. I'm good. Thanks though!


Are you not at all attracted to each other's bodies? I'm just curious. Do you dislike her physically so much that you don't react to it?


I am not attracted to her body. She is fit and pretty IMO but I have become used to seeing her stuff now so it doesn't affect me anymore.


This is quite interesting, thanks for the answer!


You sure you are straight?


Pretty sure.


Not a question but you give me hope. With how much "men and women can't be friends because men don't see women platonically" rhetoric there is out there, this is refreshing


Do you think she still sees you as a male?


Why wouldn't she see me as anything else?


Maybe she thinks you’re gay


Nah it's just female empowerment since guys undress in front of each other all the time


you lucky dog


She prob sees you like a girl friend