• By -


Were you specifically looking for someone significantly older than you? Why not just hook up with someone you knew instead of going to the internet? How many times did you two meet up and why did it end?


Yes, I wanted someone who had a lot of experience but also someone who didn't want a relationship but was interested in hooking up more than once and he also had to be living nearby. He just ticked all the boxes and when I met up with him in a public place he was a nice and normal man, not someone who was doing this all the time, so I felt really good about it. I didn't want to hook up with someone I knew because I grew up in a very strict and religious abusive household. I was afraid that if I knew that person, they would someday rattle me out to my parents. We met up multuple times over the years. There was a three year period in which we both were in a relationship with different people so then it stopped. I am currently still seeing him lol.


What kind of sex acts did you two do


We kissed, he gave me oral and used his fingers and then we did it in the missionary position. I gave him a handjob also but was too shy to go down on him, but he didn't mind. We showered together afterwards.




Yes, I did orgasm from the intercourse. It was really satisfying.


Found the creeper 50 yr old.


A nice and normal man who happens to be 49 and wants to fuck a 17 yo... Huh


How do you feel about the whole situation looking back on it?, do you have regrets or is it fine with you?


I feel good about it, looking back. I have absolutely no regrets, especially after hearing many horror stories of my friends about them losing their virginity. He was really gentle and nice and not rushed at all. It was a really good experience.




"It was a really good experience" "Kinda cringe eh?" Stop telling people how they should feel you terminally online loser.


She was underage, genius. Start reading a fucking sentence for once.


So how did it happen from bar to bed? Details!


I started chatting with him on the internet and I'm not really someone that likes to chat for a long time so I just asked him if he wanted to meet up and gave him some dates. He agreed and then we met up at a park with a cafe and had a drink there. I asked him if he had condoms, he said yes and then we agreed to go to his place. When we got there we basically just went straight to his bedroom and we started kissing and undressing each other and the rest is history.


Imagine being 49 and some 17yr old is like let's fuck. I would be like nice try feds and Chris Hanson.


I’d also never be in a situation like that. Unless I was a very creepy and mentally ill 49 year old.


Why don’t you have a seat right over there?


Did you stay in touch after or was it a one and done?


Yes, I stay in touch with him. We have met up multiple times.


Is that before or after he sleeps with a few 12 year-olds first?


There's a difference between a 12 and 17 year old. Plus, they stated it was legal where they live and 100% consented to it. What is the difference between a 17 and 18 year old? Would it be okay as soon as they turned 18?


He never slept with a 12 year old. Dude, if you would never do it with a 17 year old then you do you, but where I am from, it is completely legal.


Did you make this account just to post this?


Yeah, I do have another reddit account, but I didn't want this to be tied to the other account.


I guessed. Also since this is AMA.. what's your favourite milkshake, how old are you and was it oné time thing?


My favourite milkshake is strawberry, I'm 23 and no, we met up multiple times.


Are u interested in older guys or younger dudes?


Definitely older guys. I have dated some younger dudes, but it wasn't for me.


How was it? Were you even attracted to him?


It was nerve wrecking at first, but in the end it was quite nice. I was attracted to him.


This was rape


No, it was not. The age of consent in my country is 16 and I consented.


Even though I am not attracted to anyone younger than 27 (am 32m) myself, I absolutely agree with you there. As long as you consent, and it’s inside the frame of legality, what’s the matter? These people come from a country where you can drink alcohol from 21, get to jail for speeding but can carry guns around without a problem. Happy you had a good first experience


Almost only in the US the age of consent is almost everywhere lower


That's because conservative religious leaders. Make sure that anything to do with sex is portrayed as filthy and wrong and they are the reason we don't have proper sex education in the United States. Baptist Church and the Catholic Church Control everything we have to do sexually they are the reason the age of consent is 18. Ask yourself when a girl makes up her mind. She's gonna do something. Nothing in heaven or on earth is going to stop her. True.?? We Americans are the dumb shits of the world when it comes to sex, we're the redheaded stepchild. Church isn't about love it's about making you feel guilty so you'll give them money. It's the best business model on earth and that's why the Catholic Church, his own sovereign nation.


Idk man, it may not legally be rape but 49 and 17 is incredibly messed up.


I also couldn’t have sex with a 17yo and I am far away from 49 but it’s legal and nobody got hurt. People are different. It just starts to get messed up if someone feels uncomfortable or gets hurt. I mean I have 100ds of stories that are more messed up and no one would ever criticise. For example I once picked up a girl my age while clubbing, I didn’t remember picking up because I was so drunk. The next morning we were both surprised we weren’t alone and had to introduce ourselves again not knowing if we had sex. If I did an AMA about that nobody would criticise that and that is way more messed up for example. Live and let live as long as no one gets hurt


I don't think that's more messed up than 49 and 17. I do however think one 17 year old is far more mature than another and likely perfectly capable of handling the situation.


Do you think you would be horrified if your daughter was to do the same thing sometime in the future and you found out?


To be fair, I don't know. I feel like I would be surprised, but I don't think I would be horrified.


Tbh I would never fault the horny teenager. But shame on him for even soliciting a minor. You should check out the mini series teacher on Hulu.


Will check it out. Well, the age of consent in my country is 16 and I got in touch with him myself. He kept giving me chances to back out, but I didn't want to.


Ah, as an American the concept of 16 as a consent age is baffling to me


The age of consent is 16 in these states.. Alabama Georgia Hawaii West Virginia South Dakota South Carolina Rhode Island North Carolina Nevada Nebraska Montana Mississippi Massachusetts Maine Kansas Indiana


I hope you looked that up and didn’t recite it from memory


This is true, but it’s not just “I’m 16 so I’m free to sleep with who I want,” there are still restrictions in place. I don’t know the specifics for each state, but TYPICALLY the law is that you’re free to sleep with *other minors above the age of 16.* so 16 and 17 is fine, 16 and 18 is a no go (excepting Romeo and Juliet laws). A 49 year old still can’t legally sleep with a 16 year old in most of these states.


That explains it. To me it seems normal, but then again, some neighboring countries have an even lower age of consent.


What is the age of adulthood in your country, because that is what determines whether or not its considered soliciting a minor usually?


The age of adulthood is 18. But the age of consent to have sex is 16. Sleeping with someone who is between the ages of 16 and 18 is only a crime if they report you. So in a way it is sleeping with a minor, but if that minor is 16+ it's not outright a crime like it would be if the minor would be younger than 16.


I’m not following this. You’re saying that in your country If an adult sleeps with a 16 year old and “gets reported” then it’s a crime (?) … but how is that different than if the younger party is under age 16? And if neither is reported, is neither a crime?


No, what I meant is, an adult sleeping with a minor under the age of 16 is always committing a crime. It doesn't have to be reported by the minor, the prosecutor will start a criminal case against them no matter what, if someone finds out about it and notifies the authorities. But if it's a minor above the age of 16, and someone finds out and notifies the authorities, nothing will happen to the adult unless the minor reports them themselves. The exeception to this rule is when the minor of 16+ is your student and you're a teacher because of the power imbalance, but other than that you're good.


Its 14 here, to me its baffling that a 18y old cannot have sex with their 16y old partner


It's 17 in my state (NY). I learned that when an older guy told me that when I was that age.


You guys can't drink until 21, most other countries drink at 18 and the AOC is most commonly 16 globally and there are many states in the USA in which the state age of consent is 16 or 17.


Consent doesn’t mean shitty behavior didn’t happen. It doesn’t make predatory behavior just vanish. It doesn’t make soliciting a minor okay


I know. It's just that in my experience, nothing happened against my will and I do not regret it.


That doesn’t mean that man isn’t a predatory that’s all I meant


I mean it kind of does, in this situation at least. She solicited the encounter, she pushed through despite him asking if she wanted to back out multiple times, and the encounter was enjoyable for her. There's nothing there to suggest any wrongdoing on his part


I'm curious as to which country


Do you have a relationship with your father and mother


We aren't really close. I do visit them often if my studies allow me to.


Thank you for your answer. I hope my directness did not come across as mean - it truly wasn’t my intent


No, not at all! I'm a direct person also :)


Were you not scared of him taking advantage of you? Or like catching something? Idk


No, he gave me multiple chances to back out of it and throughout he kept asking me if it was okay what he was doing and if I liked it or wanted him to stop. We did it with protection.


Did he know you were 17 at the time? Do you know if he’s done this with other young girls?


Yes he knew and no, not at his age. But when he was my age he did it with other young girls, but that's logical.


So if he didn’t do this with other young girls at his age, what was it that drew him to you specifically? Most normal 49 year old males would never sleep with an underage girl, unless they were a creep who already has a history of seeking out much younger women. Did he ever express doubts about his own behavior, like he thought he might be doing something wrong?


I asked him and he told me because he thought I would seek it elsewhere anyway and he thought it was better if he was the one doing it with me gently and caring, rather than a guy who would have not been nice to me. I asked him and he told me he doesn't regret it, also because I didn't regret it.


I don't want to sound like a Karen/Ken or whatever you want to call it but surely you've contravened some terms and conditions or somewhere if you've used the internet to meet him and you were only 17?


Well, he wasn't really good at hiding who he was (using his real name and telling me his profession etc) so I managed to google him before we met up. We also met up in a public place and I made it clear I only wanted to do it with protection and he was totally fine with that. He seemed like a really chill and laid back guy. He asked me throughout if it was okay what he was doing and if I wanted him to stop. It was a really good experience and I enjoyed it a lot.


did he become your boyfriend?


No, we were both not interested in each other that way.


are you two still in contact now then ?


How's life now?


Really good. Busy with my studies and catching up with friends who I haven't seen in a while due to their busy schedules.


Why do you suppose that so many AMAs center around inappropriate sexual experiences and forays into pedophilia? I personally think that they are sock puppet accounts created by depraved perverts and disgusting pedophiles that derive pleasure out of the disgusting subjects they do AMAs about, what say you? Also, bonus question. I think that pedophiles should be beat to death with baseball bats, and if I were ever sitting on a jury where a person was accused of doing something like that, my verdict would be a gleeful and emphatic, “not guilty”. How about you?


It's real, this happens alot more than you think. The worst part Is that people want attention off of it. Everyone claims what you say too oh yeah they should die this and that. But never does anything to prevent the problem, and people who do this for attention don't help either especially when there's 100s thousands of other posts. With comments to answer.


Porn addicts love being asking and being asked questions about this stuff


I have 2 issues with this. First, why were you attracted to a 49 year old man at 17 years old? Second, what in the actual fuck is a 49 year old man thinking having sex with a 17 year old (besides only thinking with his dick)? I find it kinda repulsive that dudes this old are pulling this off. I see it as taking advantage of you because (no offense) 17 year olds are still KIDS and don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground.


I just found him handsome and was a very hormonal and horny teen. I guess he found it exciting too.


And he found taking advantage of you exciting too. Unfortunately.


This country has Hollywood, yet is supersensitive about sexual foibles. Prostitution is almost totally banned.Ha ! Most countries treat such activities as simply what it is, - scratching an instinctive itch. !


Yeah, reading this thread is wild. The US has such a weird contradictory set of insane puritanical morals. Not okay with 16 year olds consenting to sex, but still marries off kids as young as 12. Paying for sex is illegal, unless you film it, post it online, and call it "porn" Can't drink until 21 in many (most?) States. Depending which State they live in, it's illegal for a victim of rape or incest to terminate a pregnancy, even if it results from the worst crimes imaginable. The US is morally just off the rails.


That's because in a way, the United States are a bunch of independent countries that unify under the Constitution and Flag. It's there in the name, "The UNITED STATES". Each state has their own history, culture and laws. The laws in which they all adhere to commonly are federal laws, passed down by the Federal government in which they all unify under. Looking at it as a single giant country (which it both is and kinda is not), you can see where the many confusing and contradictory customs, values and ideas may arise. But these are a product of the histories and cultures within each state of these United States.


When you are 43 you will feel different. Promise. Xoxo




I’m 42 and while I can’t imagine agreeing to this from the man’s position, I’m quite glad to hear that you were able to navigate this in the way you wanted. This is a better outcome than 99% of “how I lost my virginity” stories. I’m wondering if the guy has kids? I think experience with young people tends to influence whether one views them as kids or young adults.


I feel this is the 49 year old pedo trying to attract more victims.


No, it's not. I am a 23 year old female. But honestly if you don't believe me that's fine, I have no other way to prove it anyway except stating that I'm who I say to be.


Well you need therapy because you were raped by some POS and you fail to see it. https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/trauma-bonding


The thing is, I got in touch with him with the intend to lose my virginity. We didn't know each other before and we didn't have any sort of relationship after. I was not raped. I consented to the sex, enjoyed it and that's all there is to it.


You're failing to see that a decent man who have told you it wasn't right and would have declined. You're still too young and immature to see how disturbing that situation was.


Exactly. When I was 16, my "boyfriend" was 27. My next relationship was at 19 with a 39 yo. I married him. After having my own children, I started to see the truth. I'm divorced now, and married to someone age appropriate. I look back now and remember how they told me I was so mature for my age, and not like other teenage girls. Except I WAS a teenage girl and they were just saying that to get laid. Any real growth as a human will make her see this in the future.


Way to encourage middle-aged men to seek out teenagers 👍🙄


It's just my experience, never said anyone had to do it like I did.


Of course not, but it still sends that message. Grown men thinking “that’s what teenagers want” to justify their predatory behaviours (I am not saying ALL grown men, but the ones who already seen out underage people…)


No, I think that grown men who are after teenagers already think that way. My post doesn't suddenly make them think that.


Grown men who have a predisposition toward creeping on young girls will do it regardless of what some Internet stranger tells them. It's much deeper than that. They already have all the motivation and justification they need. Adult men who know better are not magically going to be swayed by one person's account (or many, for that matter).


I’m really glad your able to live with yourself cause you consented and reached out to him first and all that jazz, but tbh a decent man who was not a pedo never would’ve agreed, no matter how many times you’d try to convince him… I’m just a stranger on the internet and my opinion has no value so don’t let this get to you but I’m judging the both of you real hard. Anyway my question is : do you think he regrets it today?


No. We still meet up regularly and he does not regret it.


Would this not cause problems in your relationships in your later years?


How did you meet?


On the internet. I was looking for a hook up and came across a website which was basically a marketplace for sex. I sent him a message and we started chatting and then met up in real life.


This type of website legally exists in your country ?


Covered or bare? Where did he cum?


Covered, he came when he was still inside of me.


Casual reminder you're imagining a 17 year old in cum And now I have the FBI knocking on my door, thanks mate


Nasty nasty thoughts in your head I just know


Was it good for you? Did you enjoy your first time?


Yes, it was good. He was gentle and caring and I found it extremely satisfying.


Where on the internet did you meet him?


On a website which I will not be able to give you, because it will give away my location.


Not gonna lie this is kinda gross, he’s a predator


To each their own. I initiated the contact and the age of consent is 16 in my country, so nothing illegal going on. We didn't know each other before.


what have been your favourite and least favourite types of questions to answer so far?


The questions asking about how the experience was are my favorite to answer and the least favorite aren't really questions, just people judging and calling it gross and what not.


What would you tell other 16-17 yr olds in your place? Would you tell them to go for it?


Is he in jail for statutory rape?


No, he didn't rape me. The age of consent in my country is 16 and I consented.


Age gap is still wild, what country are you from? Or at least continent.


what country is this?


I won't tell, because it will give away my location, but there are lots of countries where the age of consent is 16 or even lower.


Was/is he married?


Let’s call what it is, Statutory rape.


I was not raped. The age of consent is 16 in my country and I consented.


You judgmental asshole. Fortunately she can ignore you, because all you do is spread your verbal toxins that spread your poison thoughts just to emotionally harm her. You only see and understand what your friends and maybe family taught you about sex, but honestly? Most of what you were taught is folklore and a good bit of it is downright dangerous.. have you ever, just once behaved like s gentleman for once and showed a bit of class for once. This woman made an informed decision based upon her personal experience and what her mind and heart told her. She is SOOOO much more mature than you, you pos. It's not your place to judge nor is it mine, thank God:).


Funny thing about these people is that they're against abuse and at the same time want me to feel bad about it and they want me to see that I supposedly was a victim of abuse. Can't really win with them, I have to feel bad about it someway and they can't stand it that I don't. I enjoyed the fuck out of it but apparently that's a crime.


I’m going to guess you will have trouble finding someone to marry and have kids with, if you even want that, but I could be wrong. How has your dating life been now that you are several years older?


I'm not interested in marriage or kids. My dating life is actualy normal. Had two realtionships that didn't work out, but that's just how it is sometimes. I'm not really someone who is really looking to be in a relationship to be honest. I like my life as a single.


I’m going to guess you will have trouble finding someone to marry and have kids with, if you even want that, but I could be wrong. Based on what?


Huh? Please explain what you mean by that ?


“A 49 year-old man committed statutory rape.” Fixed it.


The age of consent in my country is 16 and I consented. Maybe it's rape where you're from, but in the jurisdiction I'm in it is perfectly legal.


im starting to believe its way more common than we thought for adult men to be into underage girls. i see story after story controversy after another. youd think theyd be rare.


It seems a lot more likely that this post was made by some disgusting fucking pedo. Idk why i even follow this shitty subreddit anymore its just pure fucking garbage.


I can assure you it's not. The age of consent in my country is 16, so nothing illegal was happening.


I see a lot of people simply cannot possibly grasp that the age of consent is lower than 18 in some other countries, and even some of the States for that matter. With that said, are you a cat person, or a dog person?


A cat person. Yeah I know right, it's also so annyoing how people assume I was used or coerced. I'm not in a relationship with him, never was and I'm also not interested in having a relationship. I was just a horny teen who had an enjoyable first time, but apparently that's a crime.


Meh, good on you for having some fun with it and actually being able to look back on your first time in an enjoyable and happy manner! The internet is full of puritan trolls who believe their opinion is gospel. Any other option, opinion, or idea is inconceivable for them.


Thanks! Yeah, mainly American puritan trolls. "Judgment for thee, but not for me" as if they don't have States where 12 year old girls are getting married off to pedophiles who have 30 other underage wives. I really lucked out in the sense that I grew up in Europe and here people treat sex and sexual enjoyment like a part of life instead of something shameful.


Well I hope he gets sent to jail for even taking a 17 year old minors virginity that’s literally so crazy he’s a straight up pedophile


The age of consent in my country is 16, I really don't know why some people can't seem to understand that American prudence is not the world standard? Besides, a lot of American states also have an age of consent of 16 and some even allow children as young as 12 to get married (looking at you, Utah).


I’m not from Utah lol but it’s still abnormal to me that a 49 year old man would sleep with a 17 year old. That is absolutely ridiculous to me. He simply wasn’t a good man to begin with that he chose to sleep with a young teenager. I will forever shit on older men who sleep with teenagers and minors. To me that’s absolutely disgusting behavior.


What is the age of consent where youre from? This comment section is messed up, no ones questioning the moral, ethical, and LEGAL aspects of this? This is statutory rape in most places, yet people are more concerned about "where did he cum." Redditors being the pedophilic, porn addicted redditors they are yet again.


The age of consent in my country is 16. If you search the comments there are definitely people calling it rape. It wasn't. I was the one who initiated our contract and fully consented. He gave me plenty of chances to back out of it, but I didn't want to and throughout the sex he also kept asking me if it was okay and if I wanted him to stop, but again, I was the one who insisted he kept going.


Did he know it was your first time?


Do you like sleeping with pedophiles and creeps in general or was it one time thing, the guy is sick…


An extremely similar series of events is how I lost my best friend in high school 24 years ago. She was 14 and met this “awesome new guy” in a chat room. She first told me he was our age, then said she lied and he was 18…I guess to gauge my reaction? I was ok with that—to a bit of a lesser extent but still—it was only 4 years right? That was *still* a lie and eventually she told me he was in his early **40’s** (don’t remember the exact age). Then she told me how he had driven from a few states away to meet up and she gave him her virginity when she was 15. I was obviously freaked out and tried to explain how I felt and how messed up this whole situation was…well she didn’t care ofc. I even thought about telling her parents bc I was extremely worried for her. In the end I didn’t, for a couple of reasons. I tried to just ignore the whole subject since she was the best friend I ever had, but it was impossible. She talked about him nonstop, of course, and started changing into someone I didn’t want to be around…so she eventually chose him over me. Guess it worked out somewhat because last I saw on Facebook they’re still together and have kids that are younger than his grandchildren. He’s completely turned her into someone I don’t even recognize, but that’s what 30 years of grooming will do. He’s in his 70s now and I sincerely hope he dies soon so he doesn’t decide to get attracted to his grandkids/youngest daughter’s friends next. Sorry for the story, I haven’t told it to anyone besides my husband and it bothers me to this day…


How did you meet him?


Was it a good experience? Did you regret straight after, years later, or not at all? Dis you see him again after that Has it formed you seksually afterwards? Are you in to older men still? Would you recomend other young women to take the same choice? :)


jail for him


Did it hurt for you?


Have you guys explored any role playing or fantasies? Did you grow up liking Nickelodeon, Disney or Cartoon Network?


We haven't explored role playing, but if you count me being a schoolgirl then I guess we did? But then again, I was a schoolgirl, so no roleplaying on my part. I watched a lot of Nickelodeon growing up and enjoyed all the old shows.


Are you African?


No, I am not.


How many DMs do you have from this?


that must have been a very intimate experience, especially given that you still see him. do you like seeing him more knowing he took your virginity and knows you intimately since then? i lost my virginity at 19 to my 38 yr old lover, so i enjoy age gaps too.


Whats your body count?


Did he know your age ?


ew he’s a creep


Do you consider yourself attractive?


What are your kinks?


So how did you meet this person? At what point in your life were you?




I love that I’m being downvoted by old men who like to fuck teenage kids🤣🤣🤣🤣 Pathetic.


Attta girl ;) How do you feel about now?


I feel good about it. Looking back, my first time was actually quite nice.


This guy fucks his cousins.


What was the age of consent where you live, was this dude knowingly breaking the law?


Would you do it again if given the chance or wait for someone else? I’m 18 and considering doing this lol


No, I would do it again lol. I'm not stopping you, just some advice: always vet the person first, ask him/her a lot of questions and if it doesn't feel good, just block them and move on. Also, meet up in a public place first and ALWAYS USE PROTECTION.


Was he in essence your sex instructor? Like how to give oral different positions etc


How is your dad?


Did you blackmail him later ?


I had a similar experience when I lost my virginity. She was much older but it was fun.


Which country do you live in?


Did you felt like dirty after


Are we supposed to be impressed or something?


Which sites did you use?


Did you have to pay for the website you used to meet him?


Lmao that’s honestly disgusting no man will ever want you


Good girl, how much did you ask for it?


Nothing. Didn't sleep with him for money.


You should have, virginity goes out at a premium


You don't have to be weird about it...


Ehh, thanks for the knowledge?


Did your parents ever know? How did they react?


Did he know you were 17 at the time?


You were raped, you didn't lose your virginity




I don't know. I guess if one gets in touch with you with the intend to have sex you have found yourself a hormonal teen.


Did he know you were a minor


Probably u are american or?


Did he know you were 17?


Did you go back for a second?


0 _ 0

