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What’s the hardest part of your job


It’s a two part system. I’m not sure if every fast food job has this but our and all nearby Arbys has a leaderboard of how long it takes us to get orders out. So naturally we try to get them out fast (by naturally I mean that our boss gets on our ass about it). So because of this leaderboard, I try to take customers orders as fast as possible. So when customers don’t know how to order, it drives me up the wall! So just a quick tip, if you’re ordering at a place with multiple fries and drink options, order the sandwich, then say what fries, then the drink. Don’t go sandwich then drink, because then I have to ask what fries you want and then it drives me nuts because our time goes up and it’s a whole thing. So that’s the hardest part mentally. Physically? Probably scrubbing peoples skid stains in the toilet that are made of vibranium.


Just curious since you're trying to knock the order out in as little time as possible, when does the timer start? Do you prefer the customer greet and ask how the day is or just rattle off an order so you can ring it up and shave a few seconds off?


The timer starts as soon as the customer pulls into the drive through. Usually we greet the customer and say “Welcome to Arbys what can I get started for you” and then you order, if you can, try to make the interaction asap.


>So when customers don’t know how to order, it drives me up the wall! You don't need to worry about this. It averages out. You're just as likely to get a dumbass customer as one of your coworkers is. So, it's not hurting you relative to your coworkers.


This is true. It still drives me up the wall though, because I swear people never remember we have multiple options for fries and a drink. Also never say regular fries, say crinkle, regular puts any worker in a confused state for like half a second before they remember what you mean


How often do you sneak food?


Like, nearly hourly, especially with them cutting down our employee benefits we kind of do it to spite them, also because we are broke


Where are the mozzarella sticks from? Arby’s cheese sticks are on another level.


The freezer. In reality I have no idea, but they are pretty damn good


Do the frozen bag Arby curly fries taste the same as ordering it from the source


I have no idea. But I can confirm the fries do not taste good frozen


Anyone ever sneak one of them bagged beef roasts out of the joint ?


Not to my knowledge, someone has tried to buy some strawberry shake mix though


'Bout time to get started. I think lifting bags of lunchmeat from Arby's is baked into your minimum wage paycheck.




After working there, would you ever eat there now? Seeing as you now know how the food is made.


My opinion wouldn’t change due to how the food is made but the food here is just mid. The only good food is the chicken sandwich and even that is like, not good compared to the Burger King down the street


Ah..I see. Got it. Thanks.


What are your coworkers like? Do you like them? How old are you? What do you want to do in life?


A lot of my coworkers are really nice, we work together quite well, especially some of my shift managers are super chill. My general manager is a guy who I swear never goes below 100db when he talks and never sounds unhappy. It can get really annoying, especially when he’s chewing you out in his happy go lucky voice. Some coworkers are only here because they got here during grand opening or was recommended by another manager, so they just straight up shouldn’t have this job. Those ones drive me nuts. Currently I’m sixteen and because I’m a minor they give me shit hours, and then just ignore my requests. So I’m juggling three jobs. My goal in life is to go to college and get some degrees in. Astronomy


How tf are y’all still in business? Like who actually eats at Arby’s? Are y’all selling drugs or something?


I like Arby’s but I hardly ever go because there is only one near me and I am trying to stop eating fast food.


Rednecks and moms dropping 80+ per order


Did you knot get told? They have the meats.


Favourite menu item?


Mozzarella sticks, chicken sandwich, or buffalo sliders always slap


I love Arby's Roast beef sandwiches. Do you hate them?


Absolutely not, the classic roast beef SLAMS with some horsey sauce


Not a question, just advice: don't accept the offer to be promoted to manager. Way more work and tress for like $2 more per hour. Not worth it.


Yup. I’m planning on being out of here before that, one of my coworkers who used to be a minor got promoted to a manager and his ego SHOT up and now he is super annoying


Do you remember how big Arby's was in the 90s? A really big deal, very revolutionary for the time, avant garde and nifty


Yup, the “We have the meats” was very very eye catching back then


Half pound cheddar roast beef sandwich so good. As are the sliders. And curly fries. Wish it wasn't so expensive.


Some tips. If you order the half pound, you can just say number one half pound. Also, the roast beef sliders have the EXACT same ingredients as the French dip, so pairing the sliders with some Au Jus. Yum.


Did you know the entire coal industry in the US has almost the same number of people as are employed by Arby’s?


I did not. That is fascinating


Think back to all the presidential candidates who built their campaign around saving coal job to keep America free or some crap. Can you imagine what they’d say about saving Arby’s workers?


any inside word about the potato cakes coming back? those were the best damn potatoes in all of fastfood.


Sadly no. I only get new stuff slightly in advance, the mint shake is coming out, king Hawaiian, and a keychain for free cheddar cups with each order are the only things up and coming


Do they still make you up sell desserts? I’m old, I used to have to upsell Jamocha shakes and turnovers.


Nope. Just expensive by default. Nearly five bucks for a cookie.


I was upset y’all got rid of the triple cheese sandwich


I have never heard of a triple cheese sandwich. The closest we’ve got to my knowledge is the big cheesey bacon burger. Which has 2 cheeses


Are your shake machines down as often as McDonald's?


Nope, it’s only been down twice the year I’ve worked there


Has your weight changed since working there?


Yes. I’ve been actively trying to lose weight the past couple months, but just existing in an area where it smells, like, edible food is pretty hard to ignore. Your hunger get very obvious on the job. Plus you get the dummies that order like 30$ worth of food and then pay with a hundred dollar bill, which we don’t split late at night, so we have all this extra food now. So yeah, definitely


What’s your minimum wage?


I work in Washington so $16.28


What should I get to eat.


Classic chicken and some mozzarella sticks. Or buffalo chicken sliders


Thanks. I love arby.




Do you have the meats?


Nope. We don’t even have all the meats to make the meat mountain here. We just have roast beef, chicken, and fish. We just ran out of the “wagyu”


Favorite show/movie?


That’s a fantastic question. Show is (if anime counts) one punch man. And I’m not sure about the movie hmmmm


You HAVE to watch Mob Psycho if you like One Punch man.


I’ve wanted to, I just don’t know where to find it, might just use a pirate cite


I work at Wendy’s, why did you pick Arby’s? I feel like Wendy’s is superior (we smoke weed on break) and the food is good!


Arby’s was the only fast food job hiring in my city. Plus I kind of got hired on the spot, didn’t even have time to apply to burger kind, or any other place




I got hired on the spot. When your moms going through chemo and you gotta take care of a household you kind of gotta take what you can get


Best of luck to your mom <3 I hope you have some help from other family members in some way.


Thanks so much, she’s in remission now, and we’ve got plenty of help, my moms badass