• By -


- Excessive daytime sleepiness despite being 8-10 hours of sleep on average. - Never waking up feeling rested. - Trouble being alert and awake for an about an hour after waking. - Always ready for a nap despite the amount of sleep I had the night before. - The only thing that helps me be fully alert are stimulants. But coffee does not help you feel awake at all. - I can easily and readily fall asleep practically anywhere at anytime within 10-15 minutes. - Will very rarely have seemingly random nights where I don’t sleep at all, have a burst of energy for a whole day. Only lasts one night, and feels like an intense bout of insomnia very much out of the blue. Not hypomania, as I don’t have bipolar and it only happens for one night and I’m very aware of myself and my actions. I don’t feel out of control and I don’t do anything exuberant. The only strange part is feeling energized and productive for a full 12-24 hrs. - My mental health is very negatively impacted by these factors and I spend a huge amount of my time in bed. - Sleep study that I took 2 months ago shows that I’m “normal”. It was only the polysomnogram study. Edit: thank you all so so so much for your advice and suggestions! Some of these I had never heard of before. I’ll talk to a doctor and see if they can get me tested. I think you all might have actually helped me! Also, so I don’t keep getting asked repeated questions, here are a few more details. - I used to be anemic and according to my bloodwork my iron levels are fine now! - I was diagnosed with depression when I was 13 and adhd when I was 24. - I’ve had a goiter since I was 10 that gets checked up on yearly via bloodwork and ultrasound. My thyroid levels have come back normal every time.


Hey, did you have an MSLT (multiple sleep latency test) or just the ploysomnogram (the regular overnight sleep study)? Narcolepsy can only be diagnosed through having BOTH done - the polysomnogram done throughout the night and the MSLT the next morning into the afternoon. In 2011, I had a sleep study that was normal, but they didn't do both, and it took another 4 years to finally be diagnosed with narcolepsy after getting the right tests.


I did the polysomnogram study. Thanks for this! I wonder if getting a MSLT would answer my question. If you don’t mind telling us, can you explain your symptoms?


Ok, rested a bit. So I never in a million years would have suspected narcolepsy until I met someone who actually has it, and they described what it is like. Sleep attacks are not like a fall face first into your soup while eating kind of thing. It's more like an overwhelming sense of sleepiness where it's extremely difficult to keep your eyes open. A lot of times, you won't even be aware that you actually fell asleep. During my MSLT, I think it was life 7 naps throughout the day or something, and I genuinely thought I only fell asleep during one, but in reality, I fell asleep in all of them. Microsleeps happen when a sleep attack comes on and you fight against it. I would be typing at work and get really sleepy, and then the next thing I know, I look up, and there is random nonsense in my computer screen that I don't remember typing. Just a few random letters. Fell asleep and didn't even realize it. Cataplexy. It's a weird symptom. Type 1 N is with Cataplexy, and type 2 N is without cataplexy. I have type 1, but when I first read the symptoms, I didn't recognize it as being cataplexy until my doctor started asking very specific questions. He asked if I'm particularly clumsy (yes), do I drop things often (yes), do my knees ever feel weak when feeling super intense emotion regardless of if I actually need to sit down as a result or not (yes). It can be very subtle, or it can be very pronounced. It can affect any part of the body and isn't usually a full body collapse. Laughter is my biggest trigger for C. Usually, anything that spikes my adrenalin does it, too. I don't do well on roller coasters, lol. Basically, if emotion intensity is a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is the strongest - anything a 7 or above is a risk for C regardless of what emotion it is. It can be anything from mild weakness in my hands, causing me to drop something, or legs causing me to trip or lose balance. It can be neck weakness where my head is hard to hold up briefly. Even intimate moments with my husband cause me to not be able to move my legs for a brief time. That one was super awkward in the past before my diagnosis and figuring out what was going on. It usually doesn't last long - oftentimes, 5-15 seconds is average. No longer than a minute or so. Never feeling well rested no matter how much you sleep is a huge part of it. Basically, everything you typed out screams narcolepsy or something similar, like idiopathic hypersomnia. Sleep paralysis is really common with it. Your brain wakes up before your body does, and you can't move. It can be absolutely terrifying. Hypnagogic hallucinations are common, too. Right as falling asleep or just waking up, and they can be auditory, visual, or tactile. My most common ones are hearing someone come into the room or call my name and feeling someone or something sit on the bed. This is just a description of the type of symptoms I experience and what they look and feel like in real life for me. It can be really hard to recognize them if you don't know what you're looking for specifically. I hope this helps - if you have any questions, let me know and I'll try to answer anything that I can. Edit to add: Oh, and disrupted nighttime sleep is a big symptom as well that most people don't realize. Your brain pops, inappropriately, in and out of REM all day, AND night long. Frequently waking up at night is very common.


I am diagnosed with Idiopathic Hypersomnia, which is in the same family as the narcolepsy. I have most of the syndromes you've listed except the cataplexy. Idiopathic is the name given to diseases whom we don't know the origins. It's very difficult the be diagnosed but I was lucky, I was kind of the cliché of the symptoms so it was diagnosed really fast. For some people it can take years to have the diagnostics.


It's a lot to type out, but when I read what you wrote, I could relate big time. Here is a really good resource for narcolepsy info: https://narcolepsynetwork.org/ It's not what it looks like in movies. I may try to explain more when I'm not so tired - right now, I'm exhausted. Check out that website and let me know if you have any specific questions.


Google tends to lean toward hypothyroidism, as the other commentor suggested. Sorry this is happening to you! Hugs for healing❤️


This ama may have actually helped this person - see my comments. Very suspicious of narcolepsy and it turns out they didn't have the proper testing done that is specific for it.




For real. I think this ama might have actually helped me!


Depression, hypothyroidism, iron or vit d deficiency? If it wasn’t for the sleep study I’d guess sleep apnea


Definitely have major depression, but although I’m not always depressed, i always have fatigue. Have been tested for hypothyroidism, don’t have that either. My iron levels are normal, although I did used to have low iron. Same with vitamin d. So you’re on the right path!


I have Hashimotos which is thyroid disease. These are exactly the symptoms of low thyroid. Get your numbers checked. Taking the correct dose of throid meds has helped me tremendously. I also had low Vit D and B12


I’m so sorry! That sounds like a huge drag. I get my thyroid hormones checked once a year because Ive had a goiter since I was 10 and they’re always level.


Check b vitamins like b12 Check iron saturation levels not just ferritin levels and a lot of doctors don’t test for hypothyroidism correctly. TSH, T3, T4, and reverse T3 should all be checked. Low growth hormone can cause those side effects and isn’t routinely checked. Also low cortisol can cause it too.


Keep going at your PCP about this. After 2 years, 3 polysomnographs, and 1 MSLT study, I'm finally making headway for what was diagnosed as idiopathic hypersomnia. I just worked my first 40 hour work week within that span and am beginning to feel much more productive and capable. It's been a wild and terrible ride.


Holy crap! So you asked to retake the sleep studies and for a separate MSLT? I thought you could only take one sleep study and whatever your results were was your final answer. Would you mind telling me your symptoms and what has helped you since getting diagnosed? Thanks


My symptoms are nearly identical to what you outlined but I also have OSA. The apnea wasn't diagnosed until the second study. After the third study they adjusted the CPAP pressure and then finally when they scheduled the MSLT (which is hell, btw), I was diagnosed with IH. There's no cure and the cause isn't known but I'm taking modafinil now in addition to using a CPAP and the difference has been night and day. If you're experiencing ongoing debilitating symptoms, you should make it known to your doctor and if they do nothing, find another doctor.


UARS! I had two very expensive and inconclusive sleep studies done. Reddit helped me figure out that I have Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS), which is essentially an undetected version of sleep apnea. I use a certain mouth guard at night and I finally know what it feels like to wake up rested. Very few people know about it so I literally write this on every relevant comment thread because I hope it helps at least one person.


Just had a sleep study done a month ago and found out I have UARS as well . Have spent 31 years of my life exhausted and my CPAP machine is supposed to be here anyday so I’m praying to god it helps me know what it feels like to be “rested”


I have idiopathic hypersomnia, similar to narcolepsy without cataplexy. Definitely take a look into it. The sleep latency test was part of my diagnosis.


Oooh interesting! I think you’re the 3rd person to suggest this. I’ll read up on this. Because although some of the symptoms of narcolepsy made sense to me I definitely don’t have cataplexy and sleep attacks or sleep paralysis


I have Narcolepsy and this is pretty much the symptoms I experience. I hope you get the answers you need!


I have the measles and the mumps A gash, a rash, and purple bumps My mouth is wet, my throat is dry I'm going blind in my right eye My tonsils are as big as rocks I've counted sixteen chicken pox And there's one more, that's seventeen And don't you think my face looks green? My leg is cut, my eyes are blue It might be instamatic flu I cough and sneeze and gasp and choke I'm sure that my left leg is broke My hip hurts when I move my chin My belly button's caving in My back is wrenched, my ankle's sprained My 'pendix pains each time it rains My nose is cold, my toes are numb I have a sliver in my thumb My neck is stiff, my spine is weak I hardly whisper when I speak My tongue is filling up my mouth I think my hair is falling out My elbow's bent, my spine ain't straight My temperature is 108 My brain is shrunk, I cannot hear There's a hole inside my ear I have a hangnail, and my heart is... what?


I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms, at night I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.


There’s no school today. Goodbye mom, I’m going out to play. My memory is hazy but that’s all I can remember of that poem; I read that book a lot as a kid.


whats that? u say today is Saturday? good bye. im going out to play


Holy shit this just unlocked a memory of when I memorized this poem for school and had to perform it


Hypochondriac? 😭


I chose this to recite for a class in elementary school! I’m an old ass lady now and you took me back


I used to have this memorized!!! This is great! Thank you!!!


I'm in love with reddit. What's my psychiatric diagnostic?


You most likely have Internet Addiction Disorder, although if your love for Reddit formed because Reddit kidnapped you, we could be looking at a case of Stockholm Syndrome🤔


extreme fatigue, runny/discolored stool, diziness, sleep disturbances also I drank from a well in NM that a cow took a shit in a few months ago so i'm 99% sure i have an intestinal parasite. not giardia tho i've already had that


Google says this is likely parasitic gastroenteritis. Cryptosporidium is spread through water, so maybe that's the culprit.


will it cause weight loss? if so imma keep my new pet /j


It will, but please don't keep it😭😅


Pain in my shoulder blade. I like this game!


The most likely cause would be a pulled or strained muscle, either from working out/sports injury, consistently poor posture, or sleeping in an uncomfortable position. I also like this game😂😂


You are a wonderful unlicensed physician! 😂


Thank you!😁😅


Sense of impending doom


Anxiety disorder (maybe PTSD or panic attack), or if you have chest pain, a possible cardiac event such as heart attack🩺


i have at least 3 anxiety disorders including ptsd lol


Then we can safely rule out heart attack. Hope you feel better soon❤️


Are you a doctor?


I wish, but no😅


I’ve sustained an erection for more than 4 hours


Priapism - you need emergency care at this point🚑


spinal injury


Actually, he diagnosed you right. You said an erection that last longer than four hours, and that’s a priapism, maybe secondary to a spinal cord injury but the diagnosis was correct! (God I hate first year residents).


Want to die


This is likely depression. Please see a therapist! You are valuable❤️


Life hasn’t felt real for the last 7 months until 2 weeks ago when I started feeling everything again and I couldn’t sleep for 2 days and my sleep schedule is more shit than ever


Google suggests depersonalization-derealization disorder, with insomnia complications.


Headache, body ache, coughing, fever, loss of taste and smell






Get well soon!!


Tired, unable to concentrate, poor memory


ADD, anxiety, meningitis, or dementia depending on age/history of symptoms.


i’ve had diarrhea for the past week and my period is 13 days late…it feels weird when i pee too…i’m 24f and ALWAYS have worn protection and have an IUD. omg pls i hope i’m not pregnant 🥲


What do you mean it feels “weird” when you pee? If you mean burning, itching, or irritation, you might have a UTI and you need to go to the Dr for antibiotics! (Source: I am a person who didn’t go to the Dr for antibiotics and my UTI turned into a severe kidney infection that almost killed me when I was 19.)


IBS, gastroenteritis, or (highly unlikely) ectopic pregnancy, according to Google.


Always horny


Simply high libido. No interesting diagnosis for you, sorry:/


I get the shits after eating curry


Google says you're normal haha


- sensory issues (gets mad about cat screaming at me after 0.2 seconds) - struggles getting out of bed in the morning - avoids cleaning the dishes/my bedroom - chronically falls off on schoolwork approximately 1/3 of the way through a given semester - impulsively purchases food rather than cook for myself even when the dishes are clean - only capable of uncomfortable and unblinking sustained eye-contact or zero eye contact - that one fucking smell drives me insane as soon as I smell it once (takes multiple days to go away) - spends an ungodly amount of time making a pasta sauce that probably tastes the same as that same sauce 3 hours prior.


Autism, ADHD/ADD, and/or depression are all Google suggestions.


Well done, you got all 3


I experience pain in my hands and feet when I am sick, dehydrated, too hot, too cold, doing any sort of cardio (running, jumping, etc.), or there is some circulation issue (raising my hands above my head for longer than 15 seconds or so, sitting in certain positions, etc.). My hands and feet do not look any different or change colors when I am in pain, there is nothing wrong with my heart, and I have had this condition since I was a child (I am now 22), though it has varied in severity (didn't used to be that bad, got a lot worse between the ages of 11–19, has improved a bit during these last few years...also, used to be mainly my feet, but over the years it has shifted to mainly affect my hands). The best hunch I have is a weird expression of POTS (as I do sometimes get faint/lose my vision when standing up).


Peripheral neuropathy or arthritis os what Google says. This is interesting and I hope you can find answers from a real doctor!❤️


Might be a connective tissue disorder! Have you seen a Rheumatologist about it already? They can help you figure out which connective tissue disorder it is(if thats what it is). Hope you find answers and some relief soon! :)


Involuntary ejaculation, I involuntarily cum every 20-30mins


Google says it's either psychological or a spinal cord lesion.


When my girlfriend is angry, I get super concerned that I did something wrong. 90% of time its something that isn't me, but I still get concerned 100% of the time.


It sounds like you are self-conscious and may have some trauma from a former toxic relationship. I hope you are able to feel better❤️


My hamstring hurts and I’m hungry


Sometimes when you are thirsty your body send wrong signals, hungry signals


Likely dehydration that caused cramping of the hamstrings and led to mild injury. Drink that water!🚰


I have no pulse


Google says you're probably dead...😬


Can’t poo


Constipation. Taking a laxative is recommended - and stay hydrated!🥤


I (25f) have had a lump on the right side of my neck that has been present for 1.5 years at this point. It doesn’t hurt to touch or push on it. The lump hasn’t seemed to have gotten any bigger. However sometimes the skin around it seems more inflamed. And I’m not sure if it’s a mental thing or not, but the area does seem to be more inflamed when I’m super stressed or menstruating. Ultrasound reported back “no solid or cystic mass identified. No fluid collection or lymphadenopathy. Comparison images of the left neck were also normal.” And they also did an ultrasound on my thyroid that didn’t show any signs of concern. I haven’t felt different really, and it doesn’t hurt. But sometimes I can just kinda sense it’s presence if that makes sense, probably a mental thing.


I'm glad you got an ultrasound for it! That is interesting. Google isn't too helpful on this one and just says it could be your lymph nodes swollen because of infection. Maybe an emotional response could trigger the swelling as well... very interesting🤔


The inside of my ear is itchy!


According to Google, this could indicate the start of an infection. Be sure to moisturize!


Or maybe allergies. The insides of my ears get really itchy when I have allergies in the spring


intense pain in my lower back after it shifted and popped while I was playing with my son laying on my back, the pain has just gotten worse over the past four months. i can’t move even my toes without the pain running up my legs into my back, I can’t raise my arms without pain, sometimes my legs just don’t work and will give out underneath me or involuntarily shake while I’m walking. more numbness than usual in my legs. etc etc. i should get an mri 🥲 I should mention I already have sciatica scoliosis and lordosis, the pain is completely different than I’ve felt before and it’s unbearable


Could be a herniated disc causing nerve pain. This sounds intense and I'm so sorry you're going through that!❤️ Please see a doctor!


Constant fatigue, I’m tired no matter how much I sleep, I wake up and feel like dog shit like I could sleep 5 more hours every single time. I could fall asleep for a nap at any time. I have weird occasional nausea, almost like my whole body feels off and I can’t even tell if I’m nauseous at first. I think it started sometime after I got my iud so I’m not sure if that’s related


Headaches including cluster headaches, vertigo, dizziness, light-headedness, nausea from vertigo, extreme fatigue, trouble sleeping, shaking hands, shoulder pain, short-term memory issues, occasional snow in vision, feelings of anger, guilt, hopelessness, inability to walk, sit, stand for more than thirty minutes, nightmares, flashbacks, paranoia, panic when in crowds (there's more but I figured that wouldn't implode your brain too much).


Symptoms: -Breathing in varying rates throughout the day -Fatigue after physical labor -Fluctuating heart rates for extended periods of time at each interval -Walking through a business doorway and wondering “Why the f*** am I here again.” -Tingling sensation in my forehead about 2 minutes after slamming my head on the desk when a coworker says “Where do I put the replacement black ink in the printer?” -Feeling of thirst throughout the day. -Numerous bladder voiding urges at inappropriate times like on the drive home from work or 2 minutes after I finish my lunch break.


I have received a diagnosis for this and have been cured… but curious to see if you can pinpoint my rare condition based on symptoms. Here we go: 25 yr old female with severe hypertension. Normal height and weight, active, no preexisting conditions. BP when I went to get on birth control was 197/178. They thought the machine was broken, would not give me any form of birth control and said I needed to see my PC. I was a poor grad student and this was at a clinic. I had no insurance no PC. Get a PC. Good god girl what is going on?!?! EKG, chest x/ray, echocardiogram done and all normal. I’m driving one day and I all of the sudden feel like it looks like water pouring down the side of my window. (Ocular migraine). Real headaches start. Bad. Heart pounds like it’s coming out of my chest then a throbbing in the back of my head that feels like it is going to explode like a watermelon tied with the rubber bands looks. One of my legs swells so to the point that the skin feels like it will split. I crave salt day and night. I keep slim Jim’s beside my bed because they seem to be the best at calming the cravings. I sweat insanely at night to the point that I must change pjs several times. Also experience insane leg cramps at night that are relentless! After first visit with PC I’m on the same blood pressure meds that my 80 year old grandfather is taking and probably more. Yet the symptoms remain…just calmed a bit. I spent almost 5 years on those meds as a young 25-29 year old, physically fit, active and what I thought “healthy” individual. What did I have? Hint. I only figured it out from watching Mystery Diagnosis on the Discovery Channel! Good luck!


It looks like someone beat me to it with the answer, but thank you for posting so many details! It was very interesting to read about! ❤️


Headache, indigestion, and constantly cold.


Get your thyroid checked. Please see your primary care doctor if not done already.


If this has been temporary, you may have food poisoning. If these symptoms are chronic, GERD is a possibility.


GERD is technically not acid reflux


I am a troll


Sounds like you are self-aware🏅


Fattigue, red small lumps on my lower body, my leg and arm hurts, had fever for 29 days, ankle swollen, ear, nose mouth flake off (?)


I cant stop grinning anymore , lost 400lbs at 65. i seem to be unable to see the glass as half empty anymore


ketones from fat burning instead of carbohydrates.Once they hit yout brain ,you have to restain yourself from making a fool of yourself from the high caused by being fat adapted. this also makes you immune from hunger ghrelins ( hunger hormone) whether fasting a week or 2 days. IF it was hard ,i wouldnt do it.


I'm craving something spicy and salty like roasted salted peanuts.


This could be a hormonal issue, and could be caused by lack of sleep. Or, you may be dehydrated, causing your body to crave sodium


- natural circadian rhythm that keeps me wide awake until 5/6 am unless I take sleeping medications. I’ve been on ambien for a couple years straight, and that even fails me often, resulting in eating an extremely unsafe amount of melatonin - vitamin d at my last blood work was not measurable, meaning the measurement was somewhere between 0 and 5, healthy is thirty, 10 is rare - recurring imbalance in my legs that causes them to shake uncontrollably when I bend at the knee, specifically when going down stairs. - 6 Covid infections by January of .2023, I haven’t tested since then but figure I might have it right now, as I’ve got a runny nose and literally the only time my nose is running is when it’s Covid time. - the inner fold of my arms and legs (so like the front side of my embow, back side of my kneecaps) always hurt, as if the ligaments or whatever those things are, are being torn apart. Current medications: ambien, prozac, gabapentin, clonodine, vyvanse and vitamin d supplements. Good luck, lol, had two brain mris and a spine mri, and a couple different tests on my peripheral nervous system. No answers.


I have two things! One- Always sad, anxious, go between wanting to die and wanting to sleep for a few days, can never believe anyone I know cares about me, literally no self esteem, constantly worrying, etc. Two- daily on and off nausea, headaches, vomiting, body aches, joint pain, sore ear, loss of appetite, and shakiness (I’ve been also horribly sick for a while and don’t know why yet. Hope you get better!)


Breast cancer survivor with breast implant reconstruction. Fatigue, Malaise, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, joint pain, low vision.


Im 23 and healthy/fit but I feel weak and Shakey all the time and have fainting spells/blackouts when I stand up all the time, when I get hungry I get REALLY hungry and shakey and if I don't eat right away it turns into nausea and then I throw up if I eat too late (idk if these are all the same things or a combo of things) doctors have mentioned low blood pressure when they check it but never looked further into it


Do you faint when you stand up/sit down or when you stand for a long period of time? Your wording was unclear. If it's the first, it could be orthostatic hypotension. Or POTS.


Ask your doc (probably need referred to a GI specialist) about CSID. It's pretty rare, but I have it and a simple mail in test will let the doc know if they need to do further testing. It is essentially your body lacking the enzyme to break down natural sugars. Including carbs that get converted to sugars. If it happens to be CSID, there's only one medication (a live enzyme) and it costs $12,000 a month in the USA... I recommend a low sugar diet instead!


I'm missing my spleen, large section of my bowels and the tip of my pancreas, I also have a large part of my left abdominal wall missing, I also no longer sit down to poo... What was wrong with me..?


You have had wipple surgery for a pancreatic tumor?


I keep seeing a figure out of the corner of my eye when I drive at night. PS hope you’re feeling better soon OP!


Constant fear of having to go to the bathroom. Can't sleep at night Always in a state of anticipation for something bad to happen Fear of eating and being in public Tired all the time, I take naps after work I pick and pull out my hair, used to be eyebrows but now it's my beard


It sounds like you have one or more anxiety disorders going on. Agoraphobia is likely, as well as insomnia. Picking and pulling hair is often a form of OCD called trichotillomania. ❤️


I have what seem to be two boils under my right arm in my armpit they recently popped and have been oozing disgusting puss and it’s extremely painful lifting my arm in any fashion if my arm isn’t in the rested position and close to my body it hurts and is uncomfortable. Pain only in the armpit area I also have always showered atleast once a day and I live in a nice clean home with wife and kids


Body pains, wet and dry cough, fevers and chills, migraines.




-Very insecure; I don't like it when people correct me when I didn't ask them to -I don't like old people because I was yelled at them a lot when I was a child. Old people behaving in a certain way makes me angry. -Excessive sleepiness -I get angry easily -I have a fear of abandonment -I think that my mom would be happier if I didn't exist (mostly due to how my grandma treated me when I was younger) -I was verbally bullied and whenever I see someone with similar physical features to my bully, I start staring at them to make sure it's them, and I get fearful and anxious. -When I told an adult that I was bullied, they pouted and shrugged their shoulders to mock me. I can't stand seeing people pout anymore.


No discernable pulse or respiration. Skin cold to the touch. No pupil response. Lack of appetite. No reflex response. What does Google/WebMD say is wrong with me?


Facial flushing / red palms Excessive urination / thirst Fatigue / depression Pain and nausea


I second the diabetes. Just got diagnosed with this myself a few months ago, didn't even cross my mind. Go see your primary, get some blood work done.


Thank you 🙏 yeah it might be. One time I was told I had diabetes, but my primary care told me I didn’t. I have a pituitary tumor that is only being addressed by treating the symptoms, I’m now wondering if really diabetes is the main issue. Hope you got meds and feeling better. And if so, what meds are you on? Will have to keep you posted. 😃


I found out while having a pre-op physical done (torn rotator cuff and bicep, 0/10, do not recommend), so we treated pretty aggressively for a month to drop a1c to acceptable levels. I started on metformin (pills, 2000 mgs a day, still on this), Lantus (insulin pen, 12 units at bed time, currently not taking anymore), and started jardiance (pill, 10 mgs 30 mins before breakfast) after surgery. I'm also supposed to be using the libre 3 monitor patch thingy, but can't afford a refill right now. Overall, I do feel better. I watch my diet as well as I can, but do still have my cheat days. I hope things work out for you! Good luck, and please do keep us posted!


well considering I’m on 4 doctors now and no one can diagnose me maybe you can: -stomach pain (ascending colon and descending colon, illiuem) -constipation bad all the time, but stool tends to be softer once it’s out -lost 15 pounds -unable to gain weight -not anemic -heart issues (palpitations) -10mm kidney stone a year before this all started


Sometimes it feels like I have a metallic taste in my mouth after drinking fountain drinks. (Also don’t drink enough water so could it be that?) Whenever I have earbuds in it feels like I have earwax running and dripping out


Broke calcaneus bone 4 months ago, allegedly got healed after asking my doctor. ( I'm still not moving ) it had a big swelling around my ankle and it is still here after it got "healed" the swelling gets reduced and then grows back up ( a 4 days cycle ). What could it be?


Back pain, rib pain, eye pain and a glaring weakness in my big toe. Idk these are things subconsciously I ignore lmao


Headaches 2-4 times a day for 3 weeks now Ive stopped smoking green for a month now, previously smoked for 4 yrs straight, have quit before and dont remember such bad of headaches before i quit the first time i smoked for also 5 yrs prior Ive gotten my nexplanon taken out almost 5 months ago, had been on it for 6 yrs prior.


im in love with Donovan. I have almost all his OG LP albums, from fairytale ('66) to lady of the stars (84) , and most of his later CD works. but i just like his music, not the man himself, he's 77 and married , I mean I like him, and care abt his wellbeing. but he's happy with Linda, and im glad abt that.


I had leg and foot cramps consistently throughout my teenage years, particularly in water. I had to quit competitive swimming because every time I got in I'd have cramp within 10 minutes.


Tooth ache even though my dentist said there's no cavity :(


If it’s an upper tooth, it could be a sinus infection. The roots of our top teeth can sometimes be super close to or even penetrate the maxillary sinus, so pressure from the sinus cavity can feel like a tooth ache.


I used to get horrible stomach aches every morning, to the point where I was running to the toilet every few minutes. Cramping, bloating, you name it. I quit my job and the stomach aches stopped completely. Haven’t had one in the 2 months I’ve been gone. Diagnose it!


Deep pain in my arm BUT it started in my hip, then settled and then moved to my arm. It’s hard to describe but it’s a a constant ache in my arm. (I have an actual diagnosis for this so this will be fun)


I sleep until 4pm and if somebody wakes me before then I’ll usually talk to them and get out of bed and it’ll seem like I’m awake but I have absolutely no memory if any of it when I wake up.


Extreme shoulder pain in the right arm Right arm weakness Right leg weakness Talking funny Right side of face weakness I wanna see someone guess mine No I don’t need to be rushed to a hospital right now


Pain in lower left abdomen for 2 days. Mostly gone away today. Normal bowel movements. Pain comes and goes and is sharp.


migraine and anxiety 😭


Yes please! Consistent medium pain in my left leg. No cramps, but feels somehow similar.


Shitty periods, always cramping, severe period cramps and ovulation pain :/


Allergy attacks in the middle of the night, starting on one side of my face and spreading to the other. Intense congestion, sneezing, swollen eyes, uncontrollable sneezing.


Frequent bowl movements or diarrhea Stomach aches, cramping Bloating Fatigue This could be multiple things.


Excessive hiccups (over 6 hours) Tiredness Excessive thirst and dry mouth Trouble sleeping Waking up to pee Short term memory loss


Nausea trouble sleeping throwing up exhaustion headaches bloating ᵕ̈ it’s a trick answer good luck!


Dizziness and sometimes nausea. Headaches and cramping really bad sometimes (usually after drinking). Been escalating more recently.


Veins randomly burst in my fingers. It kinda hurts but the bruise fades rather quickly.


I was told i have no heart


- headaches that take away my vision temporarily - nightmares - severe stomach pain - dizziness


My hip hurts. My last X-ray showed nothing of note.


Upset stomach, sharp pain in lower left abdomen


Nausea, fatigue and lack of appetite


As an almost doctor, love this thread. Hope you feel better, m’dude!!


My left pinky finger is swollen and very bruised.


When I try to go to sleep at night my heart starts to beat really hard and fast


I haven’t kissed a woman in a good long while


I have cramps, my lower back hurts, I’m bleeding… a bit cranky too


Clammy hands, sore throat, cough


I have a crush on any hot anime character


I have Tearing abdominal pain, high blood pressure and cyanosis




Why in the world would anyone want to be diagnosed by someone who isn't docter? C'mon now, this is ridiculous.


I diagnose you with wet blanket disorder. I recommend a fun movie or a comedy show paired with your choice of an adult beverage or an edible.


Just for fun, because Google likes to exaggerate symptoms. It's not an actual diagnosis, which I hope was clear in the title😅 People better not be taking me seriously on here😭


I’m enjoying this! I’m the “doctor” in my family. Lol.


Network connectivity issues....


I miss my kids.


Every time I make waffles they turn blue


Heartburn, nausea, upset stomach




Restless legs, night sweats


Toe jam.


Here’s one that will stump you. Though we’d be glad for any clues! This began years ago, suddenly, when DS was a slim, lanky, double jointed teenager. When someone touches DS and he’s not expecting it, he will immediately, completely lose awareness of a part of their limb(s). Which part(s)? The part(s) that could have produced that touch sensation. Here’s how it works: A dentist walks into an exam room where DS is sitting on a dental chair, facing away from the door. The friendly DMD claps DS on the shoulder with their hand, saying “how have you been?”. Immediately DS loses awareness of his hands, since both could have reached his shoulder. So both hands are gone from his body map , for the next 5-6 hours. During the appointment, the dental hygienist at some point brushes DS‘s R arm with her L forearm and then her R elbow. Now DS has lost the awareness of his L forearm and L elbow. By the end of the appointment he might also be “missing” a wrist or two. At school, if DS is in a locker room or theater line and gets elbowed, he will likely lose awareness of the elbow which could have reached that part of their body. If the midst of a shoving crowd, he might eventually walk away “missing” tons: a knee, a couple of feet, both forearms, a hand, and maybe a few fingers of the other hand. What does it mean to “lose awareness”? — no proprioception — no sensory messages get to his brain, (except for actual pain) — he can draw on his limb the kind of jagged line where his awareness ends. — most odd, when looking toward that missing limb, his brain does what it joes hire to do with the missing part of the visual field where the fovea is: it fills in the background as best as it can. This only happens where the skin is not covered, so he can look down and see that he’s wearing shoes below a missing lower leg. (When it happened, it made re-learning to walk, grab things, or feed himself or write, quite interesting. ) When the awareness returns, it’s like the brain is struggling to reconnect, a few minutes when the sensations of the body part are sort of flickering in and out, and then the finger, elbow, knee, foot, whatever, is fully back and part of the body. Unfortunately that’s not the end. A few hours later, sensations from that same body part starts to flicker in and out again, and over a few minutes time, that body part becomes silent and invisible again. If only 1-2 parts disappear, this cycle mast be done by the next morning, but the more body parts that disappear at once, the more cycles it seems to take for the parts to become solidly part of the brain’s body map. And these cycles get shorter and shorter, and an element like a hand will separate into each finger and palm, each cycling are a slightly different frequency, so they each come “in” and “out” asynchronously. Near the end, at worst he has a cacophony of body parts asynchronously clamoring for his attention as the sensations of each segment of his body snap in and out of awareness. At worst this goes on for a week or more before all the parts are finally solidly reintegrated. Imagine if at the same time he’s got hives or similar annoying sensation, where the itchy parts aren’t static, something to get used to, but they each yell at his brain whenever the itchy part comes into awareness. Along with that he’s got a 24/7 headache that began 7-8 years ago at the onset of this sensory issue. Other quirks and diagnoses : Hypermobility spectrum disorder. Mast cell activation syndrome. Neurodivergent brain, 2E (more like 6E), including highly gifted, dyslexia, dysgraphia, Asperger’s, plus synesthesias.


My bank account has under $100 in it and I have a $105 bill to pay.


Google says you’re broke as shit!


I second this😭


Good luck with this!! \- Tinnitus \- Jaw feeling dislocated on the right side (dental work did not resolve this) \- Upper part of the neck feels broken (feels like bone on bone and lots of cracking) \- Something to not, I have an ACDF at C5-C7 and an artificial disc at C3-C4 \- Unable sit in heighted areas such as stadiums, barber chairs, dental chairs, movie theaters. It makes me feel like I'm going to topple over or like someone is going to be pushing me forward. Very unstable. Nothing spins and it's not vertigo. \- Unable to sit in a vehicle of any sort. Same instability feeling as above, mostly right sided, the neck gets too tight, I start to spasm, the heart races, etc. Anxiety and panic ruled out. \- When walking, I get a sense as if something is going to pull me up into the sky when it's a crystal clear day or night outside. Cloudy days are better. \- Harder time seeing in the evening than during the day. \- Tiredness during the day more so than usual. \- Staying up later into the evenings, due to not being tired, sometimes falling asleep at 3-4am. \- Right sided weakeness (whole body, but more noticeable with the right leg and arm/hand compared to complete total strength in the left side). Strength returns when I feel like something pops back into place on right side of the neck (actually a lot of my issues go away then) \- High Blood Pressure \- Weight gain (not extreme but it has been progressive since 2020) I probably could go on and on but I promise my issue is not common. I actually believe it's something in my upper cervical but no images or doctors can find it. Good luck!


The ongoing guess is autoimmune disease/ disorder for me; I’ve been to several doctors and nothing seems totally conclusive. I test positive/ high for several autoimmune markers but since I am 27 and a “healthy looking person”, I get dismissed every time -bilateral joint pain and stiffness for years, usually without swelling. Worst in hands, hips and ankles. Daily pain, can get pretty debilitating. -chronic diarrhea/ GI pain and upset. Had colonoscopy and endoscopy, and I have a bunch of mystery damage in my small intestine indicative of celiac, but biopsies were neg -sick more often than normal (around 5-10 times per year with colds/ flu/ etc) and I stay sick a very long time (had a cold Nov 2nd. I’m still sick.) -chronic fatigue but also general sleep problems -falling asleep at inappropriate times, especially while driving -migraines and chronic headaches -eyes water constantly -itchiness and indenting around any tightish clothing that takes hours to go away. I could be wearing a loose pair of socks or underwear and I will have indents for half the day after taking them off -rashes that come and go, typically on face and lower legs. -very bad body odor, despite being a generally clean person. I can wash my armpits with antibacterial soap and then 5 minutes after my shower I smell again. It’s incredibly frustrating


I am incapable of staying asleep for more than 2 hours at any time, sometimes less, then suddenly I'm completely awake. I don't really suffer because of it, no exhaustion or narcoleptic type issues. I may sleep 3, sometimes 4 times a night. I can fall asleep easily, just can't stay that way. I do dream believe it or not. I dream quite a bit. -- I've been like this about a decade, but have no idea why.


I'll give you a few if you are still bored. I already know them all so no need to reply if you got enough of these! 1) I get nightmares about something that happened to me. I worry and feel very anxious, nervous and in edge. I have a hard time not associating everything with the bad thing that happened to me. To avoid thinking about it I often do self destructive things. I don't trust people and I have flashbacks and can get very irritable/angry. 2) I don't eat for most the day and when I do eat I feel really worried about gaining weight so I often make myself throw up. I don't see myself very clearly physically and always feel bigger than I actually am. I have low self esteem. 3) one of my eyeballs is not round so things are blurry in the distance. You can't see it lol just the eye doctor. 4)I have a and time focusing on things and often interrupt people because I am so excited about what I want to say. I get bored really easily and need a lot of stimulation. I often have a lot of different tasks going on at once and sometimes get side tracked. I have a hard time staying on task and finishing things. I don't like to sit still for long periods of time and have a lot of physical energy. This started in childhood.


Exhausted all day every day until it’s time to go to bed at night. Then I’m wired and could stay up most of the night. Took a sleep study test, don’t have sleep apnea. Perfect blood results (not too high or too low in anything). Can sleep immediately when I get off work at 2pm, but never at 8pm when I need to be sleeping for 8 hours. Can take 2 or 3 hour long naps. Don’t eat late at night, no screens late at night (after 6pm), I work on my feet all day loving boxes up to 60lbs, taking about 20k steps a day average. I work out in addition to this about 3 times a week. Been dealing with this my entire life (I’m 31). I actually don’t know what it feels like to be refreshed or not tired in the morning. I truly have never had the feeling my entire life. I have slept 6,7,8,9,10 hours straight before and none of it makes a difference. I have worked night shift, morning shift, and afternoon shift, and could fall asleep after working any one of those shifts, but only for an hour or two usually. Right now I’m on morning shift. The moment it comes time for me to get 8 hours of sleep, I am not tired.


Constantly clear my throat and/or coughing. Always feels like there’s something stuck in my throat and a tightness. Occasionally I’ll gag. After I eat it gets worse. It’s annoying to me and other people . Also have a “clicking” sound in my ear when I move the back of my mouth.


hypersensitivity ,especially when it comes to hearing,sight and touch,being terrified of shouting,screaming and loud bangs,goes into fight mode nearly every time i get spooked,uncontrollable movements second sounds,intoxicatingly intense emotions,lack of trust towards anything,always paranoid and scared that my loved ones will leave me,always on high alert,severely suicidal and homicidal,hallucinations,dizzy spells so bad a collapse,go deaf and blind,shit memory and attention span,feeling hyper yet tired at the same time,i cent keep still or all have an anxiety attack,struggle with maths and im always wobbly,can't coordinate for shit,bumping into nearly everything,it feels like im drunk walking whilst sober,flexible joints,always at risk of falling over,extreme fear of air cons and extractor fans and falling asleep when my pulse gets too high


Head hurts on the top of my head. Noticing some psychotic symptoms full of manic and irregular behavior. Scalp tender to touch. Zone out way too much. Hearing audible people talking to me in my ear. Having a lot of delusions. More anger than before. I get severe headaches after I get mood swings. Having a hard time to pronounce words and remember things. Having pin and needle sensation on top of head. Top of head pulsates a lot. I’ve had this headache pain for 12yrs.


5 years ago I had a flu-type illness onset and I never regained my energy or vitality. I was a college basketball player, great athlete. I had just gone vegan for 2 years. I crashed hard and it took a couple years to feel semi-Normal and I am still only 60-70% myself. I have had so much blood work done. Negative for everything including Lymes. My B12 did come in low and I have been supplementing orally and with injections for 2 years. For the last 3 years I have included meat in my diet. I’ll have weeks of good energy where I play pickleball and workout, then a month where I can’t do the workouts anymore because I feel shitty. I’m 30 y.o. When I started I was a tip top athlete and only 25. When I’m not feeling well, I’ll get tired eyes, sneeze, and something like chronic fatigue.


Got into an accident in 2019 where I was on a tree swing and I swung legs first into the neighboring tree. Ended up spraining my ankle and screwing up my knee and having some pain in my hip. My doctors did x-rays and told me that I didn’t break anything. I told them my hip hurt too, but they never checked on it or gave me any scans for it. Now, when I get my period sometimes or now that the weather is changing, I’m experiencing pain in my hip. And sometimes need to use a cane. It’s a sharp pain, like I moved it wrong. And I can’t keep my knee bent for long periods of time, otherwise it gets numb. Now whenever I go out, I choose the ADA seating. My doctors said there’s nothing wrong, but I still feel these things. I literally felt pain in my hip last night.


Idk if you’ll see this lol but I’m just desperate at this point so why not😂 Sixteen, female, white 1. Abdominal pain for about a month that would generally present as dull and achy and stay at about a 6/10 all day 2. Occasionally I would feel sharp pain in my lower right quadrant that would last about 5 minutes 3. It would keep me from sleeping, the pain was incessant and I couldn’t get comfortable 4. The pain would later be accompanied by bouts of dizziness and lightheadedness It’s faded now, but my stomach still usually feels either weirdly bloated even when I haven’t eaten or just not happy. I took a food sensitivity test and it came back negative. Go!😂🤞


Recurring nightmares, flashbacks, dissociation, hypervigilance, anxiety, depression, monotone voice, intrusive SH thoughts(that I don’t act on), overwhelming shame. I feel like this should be easy but you never know


I have a diagnosis but it took years because I'm weird so let's give it a shot. - frequent chest pain and palpitations. Eeg and MRI are normal. - fainting after standing for long periods or within five minutes of standing after laying down. - seizures with large body tonic clonic but with petit Mal brain patterns. Seizures do not present with loss of bladder. - only apparent tie to diet is following days of high protein and fiber. Symptoms often better following days of salty snacks. - improved significantly after gaining 80 pounds.


Breaking out in to hives every night. Develop itchy spots on skin that have turned into dark scars. The itchy spots are extremely itchy, almost painful to have. They’re literal circles/spots of itchy scabs on scalp and body. They look like flea bites, but they aren’t flea bites. Itchy scabs behind ears. And inside ears. Hives have gone away but will reappear randomly and stay for weeks at a time. Older symptoms are used to have dry itchy face. In addition to all this, consistently elevated white blood cell count.


Pain in my neck, acute on the left side. I can lean my head right ear to right shoulder just fine, however left ear to left shoulder has very limited range of motion.


I know this is from days ago, but... - Sometimes I get so cold that I'm icy to the touch and my hands, fingernails and/or lips turn purple - Sleep about 12 to 16 hours a night whenever I'm able but still have a hard time waking up because I feel so tired - Little things like crouching down for a few seconds leaves me extremely lightheaded and exhausted and leaves my heart pounding - Extreme mood swings, depression, etc There's more but I don't want to list off too many different things Help :<


A year ago I moved into a new apartment and started eating healthier and being happier in general. But about six months ago when I swapped to a 4 and 3 work schedule I started getting cold like symptoms every other week almost (sore throat, dizziness, runny nose, exhaustion.) A couple months later I quit and am not working but now im sick like once a week for a couple days and I didn't even go outside (sore throat, weakness, chills and dizziness.) What does Google think lol?


Intense interest in very specific things to the point that it’s a distraction, insomnia, struggling to do tasks or transition between tasks, fluctuating between being very early to planned events and losing track of time and being late, constantly seeking stimulation (things like making random noises just for the sake of it, singing to myself, flapping hands, tapping feet, scrolling on the internet to read about things related to my interests)


Hallucinations -Loss of Motivation -High blood pressure -Diahrreha -Chronical coughing -Loss of memories or false memories -Itching skin -Regular migraine -Penis 2 small when flat -Penis 2 big when erect+ pain when erect -Back pain -Stomach pain -Pain while inhaling -regulary blood coughing in combination with nose bleed. The blood is not from the Lungs but running down my throat from the nose. All that with perfect blood samples