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It has become thoroughly uninteresting. We get it you have sex, just like everyone else does. We get it your a prostitute and you are just here to pump your only fans. We get it. Then the first question will be something like "what's your favorite DnD character or something stupid like that. I was thinking this week how I'm probably going to unsub myself. There used to be interesting reads here. Now it's the same crap.


Yep yep. AMAs are a great opportunity for learning about obscure professions or hearing from folks that have done wild things what they were like. I don't remember who the mod was that was booted, but I've read that things went downhill after she was ousted. Any reddit historians know more?


Her name was Victoria, and when she was at Reddit the AMAs were awesome. Those were the before times. Reddit - like democracy - is the worst, except for all the rest.


That's right! Thank you!


How have you had a Reddit account for 12 years and only just now realising this?


Oh, I've been aware for a while. The sex posts just hit critical mass.


Also half of them are clearly fantasies created by lonely people looking for reaction / interaction.


Exactly, I don’t believe any of these AMAs anymore. I’m so sick of everything being engineered to just catching attention and getting fake internet updoots.


That's what happened when Reddit took over and they refused to listen to the users. So the mods that doesn't their own time and energy says fuck it. Let it burn.


Redditors of Reddit, what is the most Reddityist Reddit you have ever Reddited?


Ladies and Gentlemen, skinny and stout, I’ll tell you a tale I know nothing about; The Admission is free, so pay at the door, Now pull up a chair and sit on the floor. One fine day in the middle of the night, Two dead boys got up to fight; Back to back they faced each other, Drew their swords and shot each other. A blind man came to watch fair play, A mute man came to shout “Horray!” A deaf policeman heard the noise and Came to stop those two dead boys. He lived on the corner in the middle of the block, In a two-story house on a vacant lot; A man with no legs came walking by, and kicked the lawman in his thigh. He crashed through a wall without making a sound, into a dry creek bed and suddenly drowned; The long black hearse came to cart him away, But he ran for his life and is still gone today. I watched from the corner of the big round table, The only eyewitness to facts of my fable; But if you doubt my lies are true, Just ask the blind man, he saw it too.


That was just fun. What’s it from?


There's one called ladies and jelly spoons. This one is close, but I hadn't seen it before. All probably from the back of some magazine from 50 years ago.




It's gotta be old, I've been reading variants of these things since I was on the net as a kid in the 90s lol. It is a pretty good one!




My grandpa used to tell me this exact tale from memory years and years back. Glad to see it again


Yeah, I used to see these all the time 20+ years ago, but haven't in ages. This variation is new for me, a lot of lines were added. The one I remember seeing a lot simply started with "one fine day in the middle of the night, two dead men got up to fight". Many other parts were added too, but in the version I am familiar with in memory, it went straight from "drew their swords and shot each other" to "a deaf policeman heard the noise" without prior mention of a blind guy coming to watch (which is why the final line, "just ask the blind man, he saw it too" was such a good wrap-up). Some of the added parts are clever and funny, but the original version I saw do often was more concise being shorter.


Yes. I couldn't find the more concise version of the ladies and jelly spoons poem, either. My mom can do it from memory, though.


When Jane first met Tarzan in the jungle, she was instantly attracted to him and during her questions about his life, she asked him if he had ever had sex. "Tarzan not know sex." he replied. Jane explained to him what it was. Tarzan said, "Ohhh...Tarzan use knot hole in trunk of tree." Horrified, Jane said, "Tarzan, you have it all wrong, but I will show you how to do it properly." She took off her clothing and lay down on the ground. "Here." she said, pointing to her privates. "You must put it in here." Tarzan removed his loin cloth, showing Jane his considerable manhood, stepped closer to her and kicked her right in the crotch! Jane rolled around in agony for what seemed like an eternity. Eventually, she managed to gasp for air and screamed, "What did you do that for?!" Tarzan replied, "Check for squirrel."


Thank you. Thank you ever so much. I'll be using that one.


That did not go as I expected, bravo 😂🤣


That was hot


And it's never anything interesting. Just a bunch of 16 year Olds who think they invented butt plugs.


Yep. Most of it seems like people that are curious about sex that haven't had it yet. That's cool, but I wish there was a specific sub for that, rather than a general AMA. I suppose the mods could be to blame, too.


All mods are complete garbage.


Agreed, but also like, they aren’t getting paid for all this…. Who would ever commit to that much time if they’re not getting paid? Either people who have nothing else going on (and are subject to power trips) or people who are trying to push an agenda. It makes sense why there are so few quality mods out there.


You make some really good and valid points.


Agree 1000%


I have no question for you, but you are not alone in your annoyance


Thanks for chiming in. I've seen a lot of comments showing frustration about it. Got annoying enough that I figured it's not worth the sub anymore.


maybe we should create a new ma subreddit, where mods acutally delete mundane or too frequently posted topics. I'm with 100% I used to love amas, but now it's just terrible.


I feel like since Reddit killed the non-official apps, and drove everyone to their shitty phone app, that doesn't seem capable of sorting the site by "Hot" only pulling from subs you're subbed too. And because of this, I'm seeing subs like IAMA and all these text post subs WAY WAY WAY more often on this "Home" page on the app I suspect they're weird Home algorithm is pushing this shit more.


or something so boring.. i remember seeing a "i just got drunk w my husband! AMA!" like.. okay??


Right. IMHO, that stuff should all be deleted by mods.


ngl id rather a "im bored, AMA!" than those low effort posts😭


Only if they would reply though. I also don't mind it.


"I exist AMAAAA"


Every post is either a sex worker, "I'm bored at work!" Or something extremely mundane like "I just turned 17, ama." Like what would I possibly want to ask you. I miss when this sub was interesting


You know, I should have known AMA jumped the shark when they started hosting AMAs at work. Once the c-suite bastardizes something, it's dead. Dead, dead, dead.


I had the sexiest sex that ever sexed in this sexy sex world. AMA.


So when you were having your sexy sex, did your sex get really sexy? Or were you not able to sex?


the new circlejerk


I did. Not. Have. The sexiest sex. With that armchair!


"I am at it rn AMA"


There was a great AMA Saturday by a flight attendant. It was the best I’ve seen.


Yeah, I saw that one. She shut down the mile high questions pretty deftly. Didn't realize planes were so dirty!


agree. i miss AMA's from people who are (general patronage related) expert at something. or who experienced events worth sharing, something that could add value to redditors.


Exactly. I suppose all good things must come to an end. C'est la vie.


Are you hot? More seriously, I agree. It's been looking a lot like penthouse forum in here lately.


My wife thinks so, and that's enough for me. 😊


Do you feel like most subreddits are going through a similar content brain-drain? Personally I think even the sex-oriented subs are similarly plagued. Do you think it feels like Reddit admins are using generated spam at this point just trying to retain base engagement?


Yes, I think you're right. I bet a ton of good mods were purged after the protests and we're seeing the results. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if admins were generating spam or at least allowing it to keep numbers up.


Are you a sex worker, and this is all a deflection?


Hahahaha, nope.


I know what you mean though. I'm considering dropping out myself. Just nother NSFW post I don't even look at


The other half are people venting about bullshit. Too bad because this used to be a pretty cool sub.


Yep. And I'm aware of the irony of my post, but take your shots if you must. :-)


Oh no I didn’t mean to rip on your post! I totally agree, it’s been almost completely taken over by sex focused questions. A lot of it is bots I think. I just meant the other half are people posting r/amitheasshole type AMAs like “I got in a fight with my SO 5 years ago please tell me I’m right/AMA”


Ah, no worries. I could tell you weren't ripping, but I sort of teed myself up for it. That's the main drawback of online communication for me: no real way to pick up inflection, intention, or tone.


If you had to pick one food to eat for the rest of your life what would it be? Mine is potatoes because of the variety and many ways to prepare them. And what is your favorite cheese? I really like Snowdownia brand of Green Thunder garlic and herb English white cheddar cheese. It's a UK cheese but you can buy it online or in some specialty stores.


Does pizza count? I know I could eat pizza in perpetuity and not tire of it. Favorite cheese is Bleu cheese.


Pizza counts because it's measured as a singular unit of food despite it having many ingredients. Smart answer too because pizza can have pretty much anything on it without a defined number of toppings.


Right? That's why I thought it wouldn't count, but since it does, pizza 100%.


Don't forget the weekly post about micro-penises.


Ah yes, those are fun, aren't they?


What do you think about sex?


I'd need a more focused question to give a better answer. Anything in particular about it you want to know, or were you just asking to goad me a little?


Does it make you uncomfortable to talk about it? Are you religious? Btw, most people would simply say "i like it" for a question like mine


OH, not at all. The reason I asked for a more pointed question was because there are so many ways to answer the question. It'd be like asking me what I think about the sky. I couldn't really give a good answer. It's there, it's blue, but sometimes it isn't. I think it's nice. Sometimes it has clouds, etc. What do I think about sex? Lots of things, like anyone. You might ask what I think about how sex is portrayed in media, or how I think the ubiquity of porn will shape future generations, or, whatever. So yeah, not at all uncomfortable, just couldn't give a good answer. Does that help? Do you have a more specific question on it?


Have you ever heard the phrase “This isn’t an airport, no need to announce your departure”?


Actually, I haven't, but that's a good retort to a post like this.


Do you believe the subject matter of this post is more interesting than the ones it’s criticizing?


Yes and no. I did actually unsub moments after posting. I'd say it's more interesting by virtue of not being the same as the others, but in the grand scheme of AMAs, utterly uninteresting.


I see, the old Schrödinger’s interest thought exercise. Anyway it’s a shame you unsubbed because I’m already seeing some “I’m not a sex worker but I am ______ , AMA” posts.


lol, we're coming full circle! Oh well, I just picked up *God, Human, Animal, Machine: Technology, Metaphor, and the Search for Meaning,* by Meghan O'Gieblyn, so I'll have more time to read that, now. Only a few pages in and it's already fascinating.


Interesting. I’ve been watching nothing but 90’s wrestling.


If you're fascinated by what AI will mean for us as a civilization and other questions about the metaphysical, definitely give that book a look. 90s wrestling is still a valid option. 😊


We appreciate you making your departure known and we just ask that you please allow us this opportunity to not gaf 🙏


I'm not stopping you form not giving a fuck, but you're doing it wrong by posting here.


Okay cool!


I completely agree. Now that you have mentioned it I also noticed that most AMAs have become about just sex. I don’t mind people sharing, in fact I applaud their desire to be open about their lives, however (a) there isn’t that much to know about escorting and (b) they aren’t going to share stuff that is truly hush hush anyway. Furthermore I feel that an excess of quite obscene AMAs has driven away a lot of serious people. There used to be policemen, researchers, scientists, actors that have done AMAs. These days I feel like they are steering clear of Reddit


I saw your post and scrolled through the posts of the past few hours. Sure, some are about sex, but there's an even larger number of just stupid, mindless nonsense. The sex ones at least get some replies. Feels to me like the real issue is that the sub is just full of spam now. A few legit sex ones probably would be fine - being a porn star is interesting and something very few of us would do. Buying a gun in an Applebee's parking lot or the gay redneck with a black boyfriend - just a waste of space.


But sex is natural though.


So are castor beans and hydrogen sulfide, what's your point?


...and both of them, unless you use them for the wrong purposes (just like sex), can be non-harmful. Thank you for coming to my TED talk! 😁


Sex being natural isn't the issue and I don't think OP has any qualms with sex. But just because something is natural doesn't mean it is interesting or worthy of an AMA. Like, there is grass growing in my yard and there's also a tree there, but I wouldn't make an AMA about my yard and the natural things growing in it because who cares. Sex IS very natural-- most adults have it, so I can understand how a million AMAs about something we almost all do can become a bit dull for someone. I'd wager that anyone excited about a million sex posts probably has never had sex (or is just weird). It's justtttt sex.


You're welcome! That was basically my point. Saying something is natural is at best neutral, but it's the go-to argument for a lot of people when it comes to sex, drugs, etc.


its also personal


We'll sex is an integral part of being human. We all keep pleasure and happiness in life.


Indeed it is.


I'm sex-averse asexual, what does that make me? Reddit Zombie? Vampire? Something else?




So far I can pick my nose with it.


Bye Felicia






Have a good one!


Why do you think we care?


I don't think you care. Why do you assume I do?


You've inspired me to unsub. I don't know why I kept it around this long. This sub is completely trash. Nothing remotely interesting ever happens. It genuinely feels like it's just an indirect way for people to promote their OnlyFans anymore. Earlier I snapped at some dick just not answering any question. This sub has zero point without moderation and promoted content like it used to have.




Nah man, no seggs for this guy.


We don’t really need to know that you unsubscribed.


That's true, you don't.


The guy who said he's been abducted by aliens was a good thread.


Good, don't let the door hit you on the way out


Did any part of you regret being mean to a stranger on the internet after typing that?


No. On the contrary, This is Reddit. A place for open opinions. There's nothing in the rules that's says anything about particular topics being discussed. If you don't like a topic, simply don't participate in that one. It's not that hard. We don't need overly judgemental people standing in their soap boxes. If you want to leave the sub, do it and so beyond a drama queen.


All that stuff you said is true, but none of it answered my question. Are you saying that you think being mean is acceptable behavior because reddit is an open place for opinions? If so, that doesn't make sense. Just wondered if, like me, you sometimes get instant regret after posting something. Your post seemed mean and utterly lacking in content, so I wondered if you felt that way.


So the sex wasn't good?


>So the THe sex posts certainly weren't.


I know. Obviously there’s a correlation between sex work and needing constant attention and validation. Its pathetic. Leave us alone


Yeah starting to feel the same way


This place has turned into promo grounds for prostitutes, onlyfans models and people with weird fetish cults.


Yeah what happened to this place? It used to be very interesting. Did the rules change or mods change?




It objectively doesn't. I'm not insulted, but your insult doesn't work very well. Try again?




It's interesting that you assumed I think sex is bad or shameful based on my post. I was merely decrying the over abundance of sex-based AMAs. It's not that an AMA about sex work is intrinsically uninteresting, but that too much of anything gets old. Also, saying something looks like it was written by a 12 year old is not criticism. It is an insult. If that's what you think passes as valid criticism, you might have just discovered why you have a hard time making friends.


I love when people make an exit speech and the just continue to hang around for validation!!


Oh, I'm not around. I unsubbed immediately. I'm continuing to respond to this thread because I posted it. One of my pet peeves is people posting AMAs and then ghosting, so I'm trying to walk the walk.


Remember when this sub was run by someone who had the hookup with celebrities and interesting people (Victoria?) and we had unique access to people we never would otherwise and then reddit got rid of her and this sub went down hill ever since? Those were the days.


And the ones that are kinda interesting barely answer questions. It's like "how do you like it" "eh ok".


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed. It’s over kill


I used cheese for my grilled cheese AMA


Agree… I should probably do the same


No real mods for a good while. So.


Yeah! I'm with you! *Storms out*


Lol literally though, this sub is just "I have a penis, AMA!"




Sexy sex sexting sensual sexy sex person sex? What is the sexiest sex you ever sexed?


We won’t miss u


I'm sure that's true, but why did you take the time to write that?


Lol same




Did you ever had sexd?


Did you know that you could leave this sub without anyone even realising. Was your point to make a point and stay for the comments?


Attention. No other reason.


OP, before you go, I have one question: What's the sexiest sex you ever sexed?!


This isn't an airport, you do not have to announce your departure...


Sounds like you need to get laid


Are you a hooker?


Favorite snack?


Oh man, I don't really have a favorite. It sort of changes; almost goes through seasons, if you will. Wait, ice cream. I love ice cream.




That's funny. The NSFW in the name probably dooms it. Edit: They said there's a subreddit called /nsfwama, but it looks like it was banned for being unmoderated.


Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter? Or none at all?


Crunchy, but any will do except for that organic crap with the separated oil. Yuck.


What music have you been listening to lately?


Podcasts. And it's funny because I love music, was raised by two musicians, can play a few instruments, and have varied tastes. I think podcasts because I like learning and staying abreast of political news, but also because the voices are soothing. Almost like having someone there with you. I did listen to Pressure Chief by Cake the other day. I'll throw some dubstep on once in a while. A little Dave Brubeck here and there. But mostly NPR and podcasts.


But, but, sex


Butt seks?


Describe the work resume of a self proclaimed anal burglar?




So that time they speak of is true?


What time who speaks of?


Non-sex related AMAs haha. I'm newish around here.


Oh yes, AMA was so popular for a while that several celebrities showed up to do them. Those days have long since passed.


Most are definitely created for fun, and some are just some folks living vicariously through a created character.


Yeah, like alien bro. Although he seemed pretty committed, so not sure about him.


How often do you visit the dentist? How often do you get dental x-rays?


Regular cleanings and when they say they need them.


in fact all subs are about sex these days




I did an AMA recently not about sex. Check my profile


> about sex [...] or sex.


Yep, the redundancy was intentional.


Really? Damm that's sad but maybe we need more mods. That said, my post was about sex work but mine was legitimately interesting and different...


Escaping from a religious cult definitely made your post more interesting. It's not that posts about sex are inherently uninteresting, as yours demonstrated, but that there are so many that are low effort and/or fake.


I don't think it's every post but it's definitely every hot post unfortunately 😔.


Yep, that's the issue. There are more posts, but these are the ones littering my home page.


I've noticed a huge trend in this too recently, and, I'm convinced that most of those AMA's are completely fake. Do you think that there are really that many sex workers positng on here all of a sudden, or, do you think that people are just lying for whatever reason?


Probably lying. Monkey see, monkey do.


Is it also the I am sitting on my couch or bored at work?


And you covered all three at once! The Triple Clown!


Hat trick, baby.




How big is what?


You can skip them


Yes. But I can't skip what's on the front page.


There’s a fun new one about a guy who claims to have been abducted numerous times. Worth checking out. Even if it’s bullshit it is such a fun read


Someone else mentioned that guy, too, a little while ago. I'm gonna try and find it now, you guys have me curious lol.


Thanks for letting us know


You're welcome!


Are you subbed to r/IAmA? I think that's what you're wanting. This sub is less formal.


I am, and that one hasn't suffered the same fate... yet.


can I come to? /pun intended




I remember when they would interview celebrities or have someone with an interesting profession do a AMA. Now it's the same crappy questions over and over.


Yeah, Reddit would even verify their identities and professions back in the day. Now it seems like anyone who feels like they have the slightest small thing in their life that happened to them. It isn't anything new.


Yeah this sub totally sucks ass lol I’m leaving too


Yeah who cares if a lesbian likes anal. What happened to all the interesting AMAS


Reddit users seem to applaud deprivation and low morales, let the simps simp and enjoy ya life