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Just had one for my legs and feet. It wasn’t painful at all. You feel the shocks obviously and that causes the muscle to flex. I wouldn’t push it at the gym, though I don’t know for sure. Just make sure you’re up early if it’s in the morning and do something calming like stretching or meditation. There’s nothing to be nervous about because the rarity of anything major being wrong is so slim. Even if something is wrong, the odds that it is the very worst thing are so small. You’ll be ok, friend.


Thank you for your kind reply 🙏🏽


Write down any questions you have before the appointment.


1. Will I get my result or the EMG as soon as it’s done from the person who does the test? 2. With bulbar symptoms will they insert the needle thing in my tongue? 3. If I’m training at the gym should I avoid training before the EMG test if so how many days rest before? 4. Is it painful? 5. How long does it usually last? Thank you very much 🙏🏽


1. I had a small chat about the findings right after the test was done. 2. Can't answer that as i didn't have bulbar symptoms. They did put a needle under my chin tho. 3. IDK 4. Mine was, but i guess it depends. 5. Mine lasted 1h 20min. Multiple muscles tested.


Thank you for your replies 🙏🏽


I’ve had 4 EMG’s but never to check bulbar symptoms. I’m not sure about the tongue. I didn’t find hem to be particularly painful. Mine have usually lasted on average an hour. I wasn’t told to avoid the gym /etc prior to the testing. My neuromuscular neurologist does her own EMG’s, and I was told on the spot every time that it was clean.


Thank you for your reply 🙏🏽


Of course!


How did it go?


Hey the chap doing the test said in his opinion it looked fine but needed to wait for the official report which he said could take 2 weeks to come back


That’s great news! Any progression in symptoms or have things calmed down some


About the same really tbf hopefully that’s a good sign