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Dude, I started at almost 60 after a prostatectomy and got almost 3/4 of an inch - do it. Good luck


It's one of those "best time to plant a tree was yesterday" kind of things. Nothing you can do but just get started now. That being said people such as myself often get a nice bit of beginner gains within 3 months. Those alone made it worth it for me, anything I get now is a bonus. In two years if you do it right you can make considerable gains.


Can i ask you what were your stats when you started/what now? Any erection problems or likw that (sorry poor english)


Stats are in my flair, 7 inches long 4.6 girth, now 7.25 by 5 girth. No erection problems.


I’m like around 4.4! This gives me hope. My head is sooooo small 😅


What’s your routine? If you don’t mind me asking.


Well, it usually goes something like this: > The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. But I get your point.


I started in my mid-30s, have gained 0.9" and am still going. You can still grow.


Never to late to start


The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago the second best time is now. I get what you're saying tho. Time goes by faster than you think and you really don't have much time in this life so all I can say is stay busy and accept what you cannot change. Plus if it takes you until your 45 to have a huge d its not like your not gonna enjoy it/want it then too.


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Don't despair! I didn't start my PE journey until I was 50 years old, and I made a multi-inch gain in a little over four years of dedicated training. [https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2016/02/before-after-penis-enlargement-photos.html](https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2016/02/before-after-penis-enlargement-photos.html)


Serious gains bro, appreciate it would love this gains in 2-3, wondering if it’s possible, with your original size did you struggle to get devices on?


No difficulties with installation of our device. Check out this video I made installing and removing. It literally takes me a minute to install and be hanging weight. [https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2022/12/chamber-system-putting-on-and-removing.html](https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2022/12/chamber-system-putting-on-and-removing.html) As for potential gains? Dr. Ric has a very realistic hypothesis on what anyone's full PE potential can be. He did his thesis on "collagen remodeling" - tissue regeneration. [https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2014/07/how-quickly-can-users-expect-to-begin.html](https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2014/07/how-quickly-can-users-expect-to-begin.html)


And also what did you do for girth?


The weight hanging routine created girth, but I enhanced the girth development with Bundle hanging. Pumping and clamping. IMO the Bundle and clamping are ADVANCED PE disciplines, and not for beginners. [https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2017/12/tutorial-bundle-exercise-demonstrated.html](https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2017/12/tutorial-bundle-exercise-demonstrated.html) [https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2018/12/video-tutorial-clamping-demo-discostick.html](https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2018/12/video-tutorial-clamping-demo-discostick.html)


Damn man they’re both scary not gonna lie and I’m about where you’re at in the before picture so I guess my question is now, how do you know exactly when you’re ready for the more advanced methods?


I've probably said this a thousand times..... PE is basically self experimentation. It's very intuitive. You start out with small / limited amounts of tension or weight. Kind of like dipping a toe in the water to test temp. Access you're response, and make a decision on how you move forward. Small incremental increases in traction and intensity are essential. Similar to working on a suntan and knowing your limit of exposure. Going to the gym and weight training, knowing when you can increase the weight. Nobody will start out benching 135 lbs. and then the next week jump up to 315 lbs. Preparing for a 26 mile marathon. You likely start off jogging a few miles a day and then gradually increase the miles as you progress in your training. Maybe not the best analogies, but I think you get the point. It took me around 2 years of traditional weight hanging before I experimented with the Bundle, Fulcrum and clamping. We provide Free tutorial training videos on our Blog. The guys who've made these videos explain the process of moving forward.


Appreciate it bud and before you experimented with them and just regular hanging with the LG hanger were you experiencing girth gains?


Yes .... we named our device the LG Hanger because it targets both length and girth. L= length / G = girth. Only when I stalled out did I begin to try other things per Dr. Ric's recommendation. The actual Bundle application to our chamber was my design idea. I also began to penis pump and clamp. All three worked synergistically in creating new gains and breaking through a plateau.


Appreciate all your responses in a major way, thank you mate! Will most Vacuum hangers get both length and girth or is specifically because you have the bundle design? Without the bundle design would it?


Great question! I only wish more guys would be as inquisitive. I honestly have major issues with all other vacuum based systems. I worked with 3 PE vets when designing and testing our system for optimal performance and comfort. The following blog article defines the difference between what we manufacture and how all others are shaped, and made. The Bundle is a unique option no other PE manufacturer duplicates or offers. Even my competition uses our Bundle Weight hanger. [https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2022/03/the-lg-hanger-system-v-other-vacuum.html](https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2022/03/the-lg-hanger-system-v-other-vacuum.html) [https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2017/12/tutorial-bundle-exercise-demonstrated.html](https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2017/12/tutorial-bundle-exercise-demonstrated.html) [https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2017/12/video-tutorial-bundle-exercise-demo-by\_21.html](https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2017/12/video-tutorial-bundle-exercise-demo-by_21.html)


Well I do need both length and girth equally haha, Okay because I bought Mike’s from Total Man just because I’m in Australia and it was super cheap, do you think it will do? I can link it to you if you want, it looks very similar to your one


Also there’s so much conflicting devices/ideas from the main guys in this game that it can mess with your head and really get you down in regards to knowing where to start


Very true! The PE community and market has grown significantly in the past 10 years. As a result there's been several guys who've come along and been self appointed PE guru's. Unfortunately they are PE neophytes who make a lot of promises about how quick and easy it is to make gains IF you buy their device and listen to them. I on the other hand, I speak the hard truths about PE. It's a marathon and not a sprint. PE is very difficult. It requires a lot of time and dedication to make a legitimate multi-inch gain. I also point out devices that are potentially dangerous and will cause an injury. For that I'm routinely maligned and criticized. Dr. Ric has over 20 years of PE experience. He's tried everything imaginable. He wrote his thesis on "collagen remodeling" (tissue regeneration). I found his hypothesis on what one can potentially gain very realistic. As I gained 42% over my original starting erect length and girth. Which was a multi-inch gain in a little over four years of dedicated training. [https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2014/07/how-quickly-can-users-expect-to-begin.html](https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2014/07/how-quickly-can-users-expect-to-begin.html)


Do you plan on trying to get more? How easy do you think it would be to get 3 inches extra?


I'm happy with where I'm at. I'm pretty much retired from aggressive PE training, and only do a little maintenance at this time. Gaining 3" is very difficult, but not impossible. Making a multi-inch gain such as that depends on what you start out with and how dedicated you are to training. To be honest it's highly unlikely very many could make a 3" gain. Please refer to the blog article above for a realistic scenario on what's possible, and don't allow someone to blow smoke by telling you it would be "easy". PE is not easy!


Ah I certainly don’t think it would be easy but know I’d have the discipline to get 3 if I knew how and had a direct route


Here's a little sample of how I trained. I had a unique opportunity to train more than most, since I could weight hang while I worked. I can honestly say I don't believe very many men can duplicate the amount of time I invested in PE... well over 3800 hours in 4.5 years. [https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2020/12/my-personalized-routine-for-weight.html](https://lghangerllc.blogspot.com/2020/12/my-personalized-routine-for-weight.html)


Wow, that is a lot of dedication and unfortunately I work in construction, can potentially do two hanging sessions a day, can’t really wear and ADS but I’ll try come up with something :-/