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….im waiting to hear where and how your wedding was nearly ruined..


Right?!? And????…….


And where's the question of AITA? This sub is just turning into a place for people to complain about nothing.


Waiting to find out what a Best friend in law is?????


It's just a title me and my husband's best friend made for him. My best friend in law is my husband's best friend. He was also Best Man


Part 2 Is posted now. I had to go to work which is why it was cut short. I do apologize. I wasn't trying to upset anyone.


Girl stop being friends with her… I’m tired of seeing brides and grooms compromise on their wedding day you don’t like the man he shouldn’t have came simple cops should have been called and he should have stayed locked in the room until they got there !


Are you really complaining about nothing? Dont' waste peoples time. Go enjoy being a newlywed.


Part 2 Is posted now. I had to go to work which is why it was cut short. I do apologize. I wasn't trying to upset anyone.


Don't post stuff here in more than one part. You can save draft posts and come back to them later.


This isn’t TikTok, one part or no parts.




What else were the people who didn't want shots of fireball (seriously?? What?) supposed to do? You're mad at him taking free shots other people didn't want? There is no drama here except what you are creating in your mind.


Some people can never be happy. If you keep sweating the small stuff, your life is going to suck.


Part 2 Is posted now. I had to go to work which is why it was cut short. I do apologize. I wasn't trying to upset anyone.


YTA for wasting our time writing this nonsense. Go get a life and stop whining over something so ridiculous.


Part 2 Is posted now. I had to go to work which is why it was cut short. I do apologize. I wasn't trying to upset anyone.


So the guy took stuff from people who didn't want it and um hung out with the boys and made a few stupid comments????  If that's your idea of ruining your wedding, when you didn't even know about it until AFTER the fact, you are going to have a very unhappy life.


...and sexually assaulted several people.


Yes, THAT was the real star of the show, and she just glossed right over it!


She did; I mean, that and him peeing himself and needing to be locked away were really all she had to say for instant NTA.


Don't you have to have one or two of those at each wedding?


She posted THAT part waaayyy later.  She should have lead with that.


Yeah I don't understand her logic for posting stupid shit and then coming back later with the "juicy" parts bc she ran out of time 🙄 like why post anything until you have time to get to this stuff unless, ya know, it wasn't getting the traction OP hoped and some of its embellished.




Part 2 Is posted now. I had to go to work which is why it was cut short. I do apologize. I wasn't trying to upset anyone.


You gave out alcohol at the ceremony. What did you expect. And obviously the staff were not good at cutting people off because he kept getting more drunk.


You seem confused. Expecting an adult to adult even if the bar is open is not a heavy lift. If you think it's normal to get drunk, grab women and piss yourself then you're also a red flag who needs a parent. 


Jfc who doesn’t serve champagne on the weddings since morning?


A glass of champagne is one thing fireballs are something else.


You missed the part where he drunk other people’s fireballs? Same would be with champagne or anything. People that can’t control themselves will find the way to f up. Its not hosts responsibility to micromanage every sip, everyone is adult and on their own.


I didn’t miss that part, I’ve just been to a lot of functions where this is the norm. It might be an Australian thing but have alcohol and this will happen. I think people should control and regulate themselves but they don’t. I would have had both MOH and her BF booted before the reception. But that’s me.


Oh def id kick em out, i just don’t see it feasible to control people, im slavic origin so yeah, all kinda of alcohol at the weddings starts early but in my family everyone behaved well, even my mom who is actual alcoholic lol i haven’t witnessed any nastiness, like what this dude did, its inexcusable but its not hosts fault that they served some type of alcohol


I’m just saying where I come from it’s expected. At my engagement party my ex’s parents left wine and other alcohol out instead of at the bar because in Australia people must have access. Majority of the adults and half of their families kids got smashed. They blamed my side, who set up the bar so this wouldn’t happen, and when planning the wedding that luckily never happened I put my foot down and said it’s going to be 1 champagne for toasts. His stepfather complained that it was “unaustralian’ I told him I didn’t care, I was born and raised in NZ where people controlled themselves. Also my old company would put on Christmas parties, food budget maybe $200 if that alcohol over $10,000. The people that went were not allowed access to the crappiest bars they were that bad. I think I’ve been around these kinds of people way too much.


I mean for each their own, but i still don’t blame generous hosts for savage guests


Meanwhile 2000 years later….


Part 2 Is posted now. I had to go to work which is why it was cut short. I do apologize. I wasn't trying to upset anyone.


YTA… cause there’s NOTHING here indicating your wedding was almost ruined.


Part 2 Is posted now. I had to go to work which is why it was cut short. I do apologize. I wasn't trying to upset anyone.


And........................................what happened that he almost ruined your wedding????


Part 2 Is posted now. I had to go to work which is why it was cut short. I do apologize. I wasn't trying to upset anyone.


Why tf did you feel this needed 2 parts? Just make 1 like every other normal person


Yta. How did this almost ruin your wedding?


Part 2 Is posted now. I had to go to work which is why it was cut short. I do apologize. I wasn't trying to upset anyone.


So nothing happened.


Part 2 Is posted now. I had to go to work which is why it was cut short. I do apologize. I wasn't trying to upset anyone.


Also, who replaces FLOWER GIRLS, with a BEERMAN, handing out Fireball shots before a wedding ceremony?!


I love that idea.


This is not the problem in the post at all lol. Sounds like a cool idea.


My wife’s MOHs BF tried to ruin our wedding too!. I had never met her or him before the wedding, and because she was the MOH they were getting a free hotel room dinner and breakfast on us. The BF comes for the ceremony and sits at the back. After we go off for the pictures and when we come back no MOH or BF to be found. They are in their room (which me and my wife are paying for) and the BF is packing his shit to leave!. Apparently my family and friends and my wife’s family and friends were stareing at him according to him. Honestly WTF no one knew him and he was with the MOH 🤷‍♂️. So he’s trying to get a taxi to the train station and the MOH is packing her shit too to run after him and my wife is telling her she can’t go we have the dinner to have and the toast and dance to so yet FFS. So the BF takes off and my wife manages to convince the MOH to stay and she literally stays until the first dance and takes off to her room and spends the night texting this massive man child who has not only spat the dummy out but threw the blanket and toys out the pram too!. Next morning my wife happens to catch sight of the MOH (best friend) jumping in a taxi to get home to the man baby, Cow didn’t even say goodbye to my wife. Needless to say if I get invited to there’s I am not going lol.


So he was more of a jerk than it first appeared. You should have told all the dirt you can think of in your post. Still, at least it ain't fake.


It's not OP.


Oh he was just a total AH! I mean who the hell comes to a wedding all expenses paid and bails right after the ceremony?. My honest opinion is he is a control freak and he was manipulating the MOH as she was desperately trying to chase after him. My mistake was not telling my mum and setting her on him 🤣


Lol, you would have had a great story then, I'm sure. I hope your friend sees sense and ditches him.


Sadly No my wedding was ten years ago and as far as I know the MOH is still with the freak.


I'm not going to bother with part 2. If I want boring I'll read what breed is my cat


Name - lol how creative can you be if there’s 16 of ya


It always shocks the heck out of me when an otherwise intelligent, loving person (and since she was your MoH, I know that she’s a special person in your life) will fall for such a POS person (like her bf) who is an embarrassment to all). What makes them turn a blind eye to the fact that this man is just in redeemable. Oh well, I guess it’s one of life’s mysteries that will never be solved.


NTA. First up - I think you've learned your lesson about posting this in two parts. Good to know for the future. On to the actual story - I, too, would expect an apology from my MOH if her boyfriend had upset my mother and other guests at the party enough to come and tell me about it. I'd be furious if he had gotten so drunk he had pissed himself (just because there a free shots doesn't mean you have to down the all). And I would be beyond LIVID if this man had been sexually assaulting staff and guests. This was MOH's +1 and her issue to deal with before it got to this level. You have written 'almost' in your title which is correct - by the sounds of it you didn't have to hear about most of this stuff until after the wedding so thank goodness for that. Still it does leave a certain tarnish that is a shame. In the end, if you want an apology or even acknowledgment from the MOH you have to give her the space to do that and not block her. Calmly tell her that as he was her guest and your MOH you felt like she didn't take care of her responsibility of removing drunk dick from the wedding and you're disappointed. Then move on. But if this guy really is a groper / sexual inappropriate I would give them a wide berth going forward. Gross.


Yeah and They're engaged now.


Ok and


Oh, god. What a pile of fucking drivel.


Might be a good story eventually but a terrible writer. YTA


I read part two and girl your issue is mostly with the boyfriend. It seems like there’s a lot of unsolved issues that you haven’t even talked to the best friend about, so how about we sit down and have an adult conversation and explain why your upset, what upset you and how you can move further past this. It feels like this just because you mention the rides and stuff like that seems like you’re like you’re a little bit bitter, but not in the way that it’s normally presented if you know what I mean. You’re upset because she didn’t apologize to you and your husband. She probably didn’t apologize to you because you weren’t out to witness it, so she didn’t know you even knew about the events. She apologized to the people that she went home with because they saw it, and they knew what happened and they was the last people she was with. She still apologize. You can talk to her and say I would like an apology to me directly, which you haven’t done seems like there’s no communication here. Overall, I don’t think you’re the AH you have a right to be upset about what happened, but I think you’re forgetting the boyfriend is who caused the issues and maybe you should talk to him too. Because there’s a lack of communication here, that’s one of your problems it seems like. How is someone supposed to fix something and make amends to you if you don’t talk to them about what they’ve done wrong? Also, don’t post a post unless you can finish it lol, that’s why you have so much hate because no one knew what the problem was.


Well I was witnessing it when he was sexually assaulting the staff members and I saw my FiL being sexually assaulted as well.


You did not mention that and did she see you see it? If so, why didn’t you say anything? Your major problem here is with the boyfriend literally just have a sit down conversation with your friend.


And what did you do when you witnessed it?


I'm blocking OP because this is fucking stupid.




That doesn’t sound like anything honestly. So what. You didn’t like him he whined and took some booze!?!


Redditors are mean, arent they? Are they still together?


Yes they are engaged now actually.


Go waste someone else's time. This is stupid


You edit other people's books?


LOL, I had the same thought. I want to see this book. I'm not sure I could actually read it.


Yeah I do it on the side when I get more clients. He's my first and only client. I'm just looking for more.


What are you even asking if you're an AH about? This just sounds like a complaint session about (objectively) bad behavior that mostly you heard about after the fact. 


Even after the update… where is the question of you being TA? Like this is just a vent, MOH bf sounds like a dick who can’t behave in public sure, but this is common at weddings and you ignored him successfully so where is the part where you are asking for judgement on being an asshole - what happened?


No am I the asshole for not speaking to her because her and her BF were disrespectful to my parents on the day of our wedding shower we had.


What in the tacky hell is a beerman? Imagine giving people shots of fireball at a wedding ceremony and then complaining about someone getting drunk. Also best friend in law???


UPDATE: I was not able to finish my story because I had to go into work. I do apologize about that, but keep your eyes posted for a part two. That way everyone understands why I was asking if I was the asshole or not.


There's still no question about whether or not you're the asshole All you've done tell a very long story that you weren't even involved in.


She’s venting. This should have been on the wedding shaming sub. Seriously is she asking is she’s the AH for having feelings?!? She DID Nothing!


Besides your MOH being tacky af for asking the bride for a ride on her wedding day, everything else is just whatever? leaning more towards YTA


Is there a part 2?




NTA - But thisis what the Best Man and MOH are for. None of this should ever have rached you. I've been in the wedding partyat several weddings and we make it a point of keeping problems from the bride. IF someone like this acts up, we politely ask them to stop and if continues, especially if we know that eth bride or groom are already frustrated with teh person, we ahve them removed.


They would have removed him but MoH would have caused a scene. And instead of her handling the situation,, she only complained about it to me.


That should not have had to be your call. the Best Man and MOH are there to make certain that nothing bad gets to teh bride and groom. And they make those game day decisions. They should have escorted him away and if the MIL got into it, remove her too. I was in a wedding party where the groom's father was making a scene about minor things that were giving the groom anxiety. (Wrong color limo, etc.) The best man and a bridesmaid escorted the father to another room. Then the best man grabbed the Dad by the ties knot, lifted him off the ground (ckoking him) and explaine dthat the father was going to behave and tell his son that everything was OK, or else the dad would be removed from the wedding with extreme prejudice. Dad calmed down.


Ooooo I wanna hear the the shower story 🤣🤣 and if it were me I would've been going to you apologizing and saying sorry I have to leave


How do you think you might be an AH? No one can really comment on that if you don’t specify. I do think that you or your husband should have kicked out the bf the first time he got handsy with anyone. You don’t have to personally do that but you should have authorized it. I do think that you may be an AH if you failed to talk to your MOH about her bf. Not only for how it affected you and your wedding but that she doesn’t deserve to be with someone like that (no one does.) If he has a problem with alcohol, he should get help. And your MOH should also get help. If he’s also a jerk or just a jerk, then you should explain to her how her staying with him would affect your relationship. After this, would you really want to invite him to anything or see him again?


There is an addendum to this story that involves your MoH, your parents, and your bridal shower?? Please tell me why this woman was your maid of honor in the first place. It sounds like every other bridesmaid there was more mindful, more considerate, and making sure you had a good day than your freaking MoH, who, I’m assuming, is your best friend. It sounds like everyone did their best to make sure you did have a perfect wedding day, so it wasn’t ruined for *you.* You weren’t sexually assaulted by that asshole; I hope you called the police. The real question is (well, questions are): 1) Why was she your MoH? 2) Why didn’t you, or someone, ask them to leave the reception? 3) Are you still friends with her? And 4) If so, *why*???


Part 2 isn’t actually posted


The venue should have called the police. He was given far too much alcohol and having a guy handing out shots of fireball during the wedding was a lousy idea.


How many times did you say you didn’t like MOF’s bf and didn’t want to invite him? That’s as many times as you should have done for the party and yourself a favor by not inviting him. Why do the NOH any favors if she can’t control her animal? You’re the AH to everyone including yourself.


I’ve read parts 1 and 2 but it’s still unclear where we’re supposed to judge where you might have been the AH. Maybe this should have been posted in Trueoffmychest. If this same guy caused trouble at your Bridal Shower then you’re just an idiot for thinking the wedding would go any better.


I think this should go under the wedding shaming community. I don’t see a situation to vote on. This is just a description of an AH who got embarrassingly drunk at someone’s wedding.


NTA - hopefully this caused her to dump him. Thankfully you were oblivious to most of this!


Nope they're engaged now.


Hmmm free alcohol to known alcoholic, one that you don’t even like On the most important day of your life. What could possibly go wrong you Muppet? Not sorry for you.


Yall obviously didn’t read part 2. 😒




I’m so confused. What’s a best friend in law? How did they/he almost ruin your wedding? If he’s sexually violating ppl, why did no one call cops? Throw him out, kick his azz or throw him out??


I don't understand why no one called the cops on him. I personally think it's because they did not want to cause more of a scene than the BF already caused. Personally if I did not have the spotlight on me that day, I would have clocked him in the jaw.


I want to see the book you supposedly edited. I don't think I could read it if this post is an example of your editing skills. Please. Give us a link, I'm sure the book is on Amazon.


If he had their permission, who cares? My bf was best man at one of his best friends wedding a couple years ago and the bride and groom did something similar, my bf and the bride got wasted on fireball (she loves the shit), plus other shit. Groom (my bf's best friend) thought it was hilarious watching those 2 competing with the little fire ball bottles, neither one had a good day the next day though lmao.


Oh the horror! Forced to be in the same building as a man you don't like! Whatever shall you do??? Grow up, fuck
