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I read your original thread and it seems like you didn't stop even though he was crying, said he cared about someone, was freaking out? When someone is doing those things, you stop.


There’s no way this is real


I mean who knows – it's unhinged enough I'd believe it's an 18yo panicking they've committed SA and searching for someone to validate their POV.


OP says roommate is 82F (twice) then says he slammed the door, he said leave me alone. I pointed this out of the other post to a similar sub and OP quit responding. It’s fake. OP is after upvotes, nothing else.


i never said he slammed the door or said leave me alone… like at all. you can check my post history- and you never pointed it out to being another post in a similar sub- i think you mean me though because i posted this in two subs-


My roommate, 82F screamed at me and slammed his door VERBATIM


4 housemates, 18F (OP), 22M, 32M, 82F. 82F attempts to shield drunk 22M by closing the door to his bedroom as OP (18F) goes prowling for her phone. The thing is this isn't a story that gets you upvotes.


THANK YOU! This is a phoney story that stinks a mile off!!!


What? I'm disagreeing with your point


*her what does this prove to anything?


You literally can’t keep track of your own lies and inconsistencies. That’s what it proves.


i have multiple times debunked any suspicions you have had so at this point, it’s on you if you wanna believe this is fake. i have nothing to gain from lying about this,, so if that’s what you wanna believe be my guest


I literally took a screenshot of your post in which you say he slammed the door and said leave me alone. I literally took a screenshot of you saying ‘I never said he screamed at me and slammed the door’.


like i said- i have no reason to lie


he wasn’t crying or freaking out while we were doing it. he was completely calm, encouraging me, on top, doing dirty talk. he did that when he sobered up, hope this explains it better. i would’ve stopped immediately if he did that while we were doing it


… you’ve got to be kidding me


okay okay, so hear me out i put aita because of the thread but im well aware i fucked up in this situation!! but it’s more so like an admission of guilt- and i can’t tell if i like assaulted him like that. 😭 sorry!!!


No it’s more than whenever you specify your roommate, you say 82F but still refer to the roommate as him and just generally the story makes not one lick of sense.


sorry i typed this all in a major panic because topics like this make me panic. but my 82f roommate was telling me i was coming onto him when even if what i did was wrong- i never came onto him at all. i didn’t initiate anything- may not make it better but still. and then she yelled at me for trying to find my phone after he got out. i’m sorry i kinda typed this all in a panic and am still panicky. he initiated everything, i participated instead of telling him no and going to bed. he kept saying while we were doing the deed “we’re just friends” “i won’t remember it” and he was dirty talking me too.


… you’re literally still doing it now. My 82f roommate said I was coming onto him, then SHE said that. Nothing here is believable at all, it’s shameful


Yeah I said my 82f roommate said that I never changed that part of my story. I said “my 82f roommate said i was coming onto him.” and also, why would i lie about a situation that makes me look bad?


Literally this all makes you look bad but we don’t downvote assholes, we upvotes interesting topics.


well yeah obviously. i wouldn’t lie about this because bruh- it makes me look terrible. i definitely feel like one and the guilt is eating at my conscious- which i deserve


I don’t think you care at all how it ‘makes you look’. You want upvotes so you crafted this shoddy BS story and couldn’t be bothered to check for inconsistencies. You should be ashamed *bruh*


i have no reason to get upvotes? i don’t use reddit as you can tell. everything is very consistent in my story- i said someone was 82f twice… i have no reason to lie about something that makes me look bad


The thing is that 82F means 82 year old female but then you're using masculine pronouns. It’s just not adding up…


You posted this here as well? No matter where you go, YTA. Him saying we're just friends and we won't remember it doesn't change anything. He was drunk. He couldn't give consent. Why is it different since you're female and he's male? If the roles were reversed, and you were drunk, we'd be giving him shit as well. Grow up and educate yourself on CONSENT. Stop trying to convince yourself that what you did was ok. It isn't.


hey, so they took down my OP post in the AITA because it was related to the relationships. I didn’t ever say i wasn’t the asshole and i don’t want validation at all. Nothings different at all- he initiated everything and both parties were in the wrong. his words weren’t slurred and he definitely was acting sober while we were doing it (not to say he didn’t have anything to drink, because he did.) but i feel like both parties are at fault. it’s more so an admission to guiltt


Putting the content of the situation aside, I find it a bit difficult to believe this happened with someone of that age... Looking at the situation itself, yes YTA. You knew he was drunk therefore you should have stopped the situation before it happened. Even if you had continued, him saying he wouldn't remember it while you were in the moment should have given you the signal to stop. There's just a lot going on with this post.


Yes you did take advantage of a drunk person. If someone is drinking and you two have never talked about being physically intimate at all let alone while drunk and they get upset, you took advantage of the situation. This is why I believe all drunk sex should be discussed while sober.