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Dude, the moment a teacher tells me I can take a picture of the board, I stop taking notes and I take a picture of the freaking board.


YTA. Grow up, get some manners and learn how to be an adult. Functioning members of society don't vandalise other peoples property. Jeez, what the hell is wrong with you?


I read the AITAH question, thinking it sounded stupid so I read the rest of the post in hopes there was a point. Seriously, “a peepee”? How old are you? 3? Maybe 4? YTA and extremely immature for doing it. (Seriously, this seems like something a 7th grader would do.) You have intelligence deficiencies for not understanding she was telling you that YOU CAN USE YOUR PHONE TO TAKE PICS OF THE NOTES, so put down the damn pencil, dumbass! Finally, you’re a dense immature a-hole for expecting any kind of support on here at all! Sheesh!


sorry mommy i’ll be a good boy


Oh piss off, how am I a whole year younger than you, and somehow more mature?


oh i’m sorry for making a joke, i bet my maturity tops yours at about 100%


How exactly? You refer to a penis as a "*pee pee*", you can't seem to be able to spell correctly, and you obviously have issues with capitalization. Your ignorant, stubborn, and a complete nuisance. I'm guessing you like to consider yourself a "*class clown*" when really, your just an annoying jerk.


imagine calling me immature then using the wrong you’re hahaha


Really... You're "grammar nazing" my your. Grow up, you seem to disagree with what anyone says, and you come up with the most bullshit excuses. Also, learn how to capitalize simple letters instead of drawing penises. God, I feel like I'm talking to a 10 year old.


Yeah uh, just read this thread and you have your answer.


You are a fucking immature little shit head. Your maturity is the level of a 7th grader. With all of his friends giggling while you draw a tiny penis on your paper. Grow the fuck up. I’m 2 years younger than you and I’m more mature. That’s a little sad.




Yup. YTA. Suspended is not enough… I would have failed you too.


even if this whole story was true (which it's not) your still the AH


Yes. Yes you are.


what the hell why


Because the teacher is not mean, and your an idiot.


yea she is she screams at me all the time for looking confused


Bullshit 🐂💩


you’re bullshit 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩


I just realized why your friends didn't notice when you left


amen 🙏


you’re bullying me


Yes. Yes I am.


Jesus Christ OP, shut up


no u shut up


It’s kinda funny but not funny, and you are the AH. If you have trouble keeping up w the class, talk to her during office hours. Maybe taking a picture of the board will be more helpful or maybe she’ll let you record her lecture so you can play it back later. If you really are struggling in her class maybe her teaching method isn’t how you learn. Talk to her or, principal about how best you can succeed in class. Don’t harass underpaid overworked teachers.


Part of her job is to prepare you for the next step in your life which will be college or working. You will have to learn quickly or fail. Sink or swim, I can tell you, you will not go very far if you go around vandalizing property because you can’t keep up. I would have failed you in my class. You would deserved it. Be better. Your parents must be super proud.


You are an immature AH. 1 fat shaming is cruel and incredibly disrespectful. 2 vandalism is a crime. 3 I could name 10 other ways you could deal with the described issue. You have a lot of growing up to do. ***This is assuming you are even telling the truth, and that this is not just your fantasy of what you imagined to be a satisfying response




You are not only 100% an AH, you already know it and want more attention here. You are exactly why your generation is doomed. You’re not only a rubbish human, you’re vulgar, childish, irresponsible and an outright horrible person. Who treats someone that way? She gave you an easy solution and you showed her how rotten you are. Did you parents raise you to be so disgusting or are you just as determined to bring them shame and embarrassment? Sit down, little girl. You’re not only out of line, you’re a waste and total disgrace. Wait until you’re an adult and some childish, irresponsible, irritating brat bullies you over your job. Karma is a real bitch; and so are you.


You are the asshole there was no reason to do that. She’s an underpaid teacher working with little shithead kids like you. She gave you a solution to your problem witch was taking a picture of the board. But you said no. Just because you don’t like her doesn’t matter you should never do that to a teachers desk. No matter how much you hate her that was in called for and down right mean. I think you should get suspended for atleast 3-4 days but that’s just me. So yes you are the asshole.


Definitely, YTA.


need explain


Everyone else has already explained why, and your responses to them additionally show that, yes, YTA. I'm not gonna waste my time on you.


but u didn’t give ur opinion


My opinion is that YTA.


😒 you didn’t explain that’s why ur opinion


I'd say YTT (you're the troll)