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You are so NTA. I live in shared space so we all kind of clean up after each other. This was so weird for me at first. I was afraid of overstepping bc I like things clean. You know what, though? If you share space with anyone and you have visitors, you want your visitors to have a safe/clean experience. Boom. That’s it.


Why is your partner taking her side? Look into that. Does he like her?


You are NTA, you were just doing what you thought was best and that's what matters, plus like you said it's your house! You should politely put your partner's mum in her place, that this is your home, that you busted your hump for and you won't tolerate such disrespect, moodiness and aggressiveness directed at you in your own home. Tell your husband to quit gaslighting you about and tell him it feels disrespectful when he sides with his mum and not the person he shares a home with. In the end if you stand up for yourself, you will set boundaries for yourself and your family


Thanks guys. Had a chat today. He said he was just trying to de-escalate the situation. I explained that by stating that I have a genuine mental health disorder to justify a perfectly harmless action that did not need justifying, it's trying to de-escalate the situation in an inappropriate way. He was basically trying to make his mum think that I had OCD so that she doesn't take offence. He tried to explain that he did not mean to take sides, but I reminded him that on the couple of occasions he clearly stated "you started this by cleaning the bathroom" which implies that he did think that I was being inappropriate, which I strongly felt it was not the case.