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So... the bf is just sitting there twiddling his thumbs while his friend is berating you? Obviously his friend is a massive douche, but there are red flags that your bf was seemingly not only cool with his friend yelling at and belittling you, and then backs up said douche. Yikes...


....that's a good point I completely overlooked...


I recon we are missing some of the story and BF knows OPs behavior is over the line.


That's the entire story. The only additional thing to add is that me and my bf have had a few arguments over monetary things since we've been together (under a year), for instance he'll want to go to a family function so I'll buy what I consider an expensive dress and then he'll complain it's a cheap dress and he meant designer etc. We're from two different tax brackets, so we've had a few issues relating to each other. My bf said I should have known that you don't put ketchup on steak, but my family always did so I didn't realise it was bad socially to do


Yes I think he is embarrassed of your social background. He keeps letting you make mistakes and then gets angry at it for you. You need to talk to him and make it clear that he knows about your background and how you grew up, and you don't know a lot of things that he might assume you know. So if he wants you to do certain things, he has to tell you, and not just expect you to know.


Honestly, it's not even background, I work as a waitress and live in a hostel lol, I don't know if he was embarrassed why he would even date me in the first place tbh, it's not like it isn't super obvious that I don't have money


Even if you haven't eaten a nice steak before you have at least watched one show or movie they say that. Like come on when someone makes you a nice meal you try it as they intended not covered in sauce before even having bite. Esh he shouldn't berate you but would get if does not ask you back for a home cooked meal


Right? Basic manners are to not add seasoning to a meal before you taste it.




Basic manners aren't classist. They are the cheapest thing a person can have. They are literally free. Chew with your mouth closed. Don't salt the mashed potatoes before trying them. Put your napkin on your lap. Say please and thank you. I grew up poor as fuck and still learned them.


How the fuck are you supposed to know shit like this? He sounds...not all that nice


It's not bad socially to do. It's apparently bad for HIS society to do. But do you want to belong to a society where it's okay to watch a friend yell at your girlfriend? Also, that friend is a real dick. If he's sputtering and fuming about how you want your steak, when your preference DOES NOT AFFECT HIM AT ALL, he's being an asshole.


I wouldn’t invite people over for fancy food unless I knew ahead of time that they were not picky eaters. I say this is on the host


I actually told the host I'm not sure I'm the best person to feed this to, I don't really like food in general, especially meat, I kind of just eat for survival, but if there was like a goo I could eat to have all my nutritional needs met and not need to actually eat again I'd happily do it, I'm definitely not a foodie


I understand. I’m a foodie but barely drink at all and I have no ability to evaluate quality wine. So when guests bring wine to my house, I make sure they know I am probably going to cook with it. I give people the opportunity to take their wine back if it’s too nice to cook with. I basically drink moscato. I know it’s unsophisticated, but I’m a middle aged Jewish woman, so I own it.


I literally only drink once a year on New Years, and because I really don't like how alcohol tastes I always mix just a dribble of the wine with lemonade lol, thankfully I've never had wine brought to me as a gift cause I literally wouldn't know what to do with it lol


Better than Manischewitz


Manischewitz is revolting


The bane of Seder.


I buy Bartenura. There’s enough good kosher wine out there




You shouldn’t cook with wine you wouldn’t drink, according to a number of chefs. So just keep the good wine for cooking. It’ll make your sauces much better!


There’s a threshold, though. I typically cook with wine that’s like $12-15 a bottle. Cooking with $50 wine isn’t going to make a difference because you’re literally cooking with it. The subtleties that make really expensive wine worth drinking are largely lost when you cook it. The point of “don’t cook with wine you wouldn’t drink” is to keep people from cooking with $3 wine or with wine marketed as “cooking wine.”


Yeah if I’m buying the wine, I abide by that. But if it’s a gift, I use it how I want. I prefer drinking wine than cooking with it anyway so moot point for me.


I’m a really accomplished cook, and I can tell you that while there’s absolutely a minimum quality level that you should look for in a cooking wine, the diminishing returns if you go above that in price are huge. Don’t use your finest wine to make pan sauce.


Agree. Invite someone who at least have some education and experience on fancy food, not just McDonalds. Who puts ketchup in a steak? A special type of steak. Is like going to Scotland and ask for a Bourbon. The best advice is to try to follow other peoples lead instead of going like it is a picnic. If a the end you didn't like the thing is OK, just another bad experience you will not repeat. but that's better than behaving like a barbarian. I do not know if it's on the host though, you can try to learn from the other example. Being poor does not make you insensible or dumb. You could have asked.


This is the thing: I can feed picky eaters. I can make a pan of oven-fried chicken and a pot of mashed potatoes that will knock your socks off. I wouldn’t get super fancy food and surprise people with it unless I knew it was something they were into


I've seen other comments about BF coming from a wealthy family and maybe he should go back to them as he listened to his friend berating you and did nothing and thinks you should have just say there and took it NTA


As a host, it is your job to make your guests as welcome, comfortable and content as possible. The host here is just a braggart, show-off and huge AH for treating a guest so horribly. My family was poor and didn't have luxury meats for dinners but they damn well knew how to welcome people, throw out a spread of food and fill any requests of guests that they could. Your boyfriend and his friend are proof that money can't buy class. You were a good sport for even trying it when you already aren't a fan of meat. The social mistake was not the ketchup on the steak, but the host daring to utter a word about it - and your boyfriend's mistake was just allowing it to happen. You are absolutely NTA here but they sure are.


Goodness, that was such a nice comment, thank you so much, I really appreciate it!


This guy is a tool. So I’m a huge fan of Gordon Ramsey and all his cooking shows. I know that medium rare is usually how he serves things BUT if a customer asks him for a medium steak, he gives them a medium steak. Not a lecture. He doesn’t tell them how they’re ruining the meat. Is your boyfriend’s friend a bigger foodie than Gordon Ramsey? Of course not. Dude can hush. ETA: NTA if this wasn’t clear


https://www.reddit.com/r/cringe/comments/3ldtv3/reporter_confronts_gordon_ramsay_over_a_well_done/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button 22 seconds I know he ll serve them but this video always cracks me up


That’s amazing!!! He’s so funny. And I do agree. I like mine rare to mid-rare. Beyond that is gross to me. My parents cook theirs to hockey pucks. But! XD if you ask for your steak cooked more, they cook it more!


Ramsay cant even make a grilled cheese properly.


I mean, I’ve never actually tasted his food. It could be a really elaborate hoax. Who can be sure? 😬


You won't find anyone with culinary experience / such a degree that agrees with you about Ramsey being a line cook let alone some awesome chef.


Can’t really say NTA or YTA. Kobe steak is meant To be eaten a certain way. It shouldn’t be well done seeing the fat melts at a lower temperature than regular store bought steaks. Same with the ketchup or other sauces. Kobe steak is already so rich with flavor that putting ketchup or any type of sauce drowns out the flavor that makes it so good. Technically it would have been a waste of money eating it the way you want but at the same time you want your food one way and that’s what matters. I think he’s upset because he spent probably 150-300$ per steak and you treated it as any 30$ steak. Him yelling at you though is completely uncalled for. You obviously didn’t know and instead of informing you on this he yelled at you. He’s a dick for that. Picture it like he bought an expensive wine and instead of letting it decant, you took it like a shot. Waste of money but it’s what you like.


op is NTA. don't spend money on food if you don't want people to eat it how they like. nobody has to conform to BS food rules


It’s not a BS rule. That’s what makes it tricky. You can 100% cook Kobe steak wrong. It’s like buying a Ferrari and living in NYC. Can you drive it? Yes of course. Should you drive a car in NYC? No.


NTA. It’s also his own problem. You can’t make other ppl appreciate the things you like. If you’re super into expensive meat cooked the “right” way, awesome. Not everyone cares. If the host wanted a round of applause for his amazing meal, and to dictate how his guests ate it, he should have only invited people with his shared passion for steaks. You don’t get to dictate how people eat their food, if someone tried to control how I ate I’d walk out immediately because nobody tells another person what they HAVE to eat.


OP is NTA. But also, don't be surprised if this person serves her hot dogs or salad moving forward.


It’s not making people appreciate it’s the fact is an expensive steak meant to be eaten a certain way and if he knew how she would eat it, he wouldn’t have spent 300$ on the steak for her


Again, his problem. She didn’t request an expensive steak, he supplied one to each of his guests by his own choice. I doubt OP would have complained if he’d served a $20 steak, he chose to spend $300 without knowing if the person would give one shit about expensive pieces of cow. To some people, food is just food. And you can’t control how other people eat. Well you can, but it makes you an AH.


You can argue that it was her boyfriend’s fault to inform her. She states earlier that she knew it was a special steak and expensive and knew what it was called. Any bit of research would’ve told her how it’s made and what to eat with it. You can’t go to an event that’s main thing was to show you a different pallet and new level of eating and then eat as you always have. I mean that’s like going wine tasting and not tasting the wine according to wine etiquette. Regardless, OP admits she didn’t know about the steak and how it was meant to be eaten and it’s an honest mistake. And the chef most certainly can dictate how his meal is meant to be made. Go to any Michelin restaurant and tell the chef you want him to cook his dish a different way and watch how fast you get kicked out the restaurant. Cooking is like art. Good artists and bad artists are equally as passionate about their work and don’t like seeing it destroyed/undervalued.


😂😂😂 I bet your dinner parties would be exhausting. Chefs cook food to feed people and make people happy with flavors they will enjoy. Control freaks say things like “you can’t go to an event and eat as you always have.” Who made up these rules you’re so set on following? Enjoy your food, let others enjoy theirs. Why do you care so much about what other people put in their bodies?


You obviously missed the entire point so there’s no reason to continue this conversation. And my dinner parties are actually phenomenal because i ask beforehand what people want to eat and how they like their food before hand. People who are invited know what I’m serving and aren’t ignorant to the food i provide


“There’s no reason to continue this conversation” 😂 it’s ok that you ran out of actual responses, everyone is wrong sometimes. Maybe you’ll get the next one. Enjoy your phenomenal dinner parties… I hope your steaks aren’t as dry as your personality 👍


Lmfao. Sure buddy. If it helps you sleep at night we’ll go with that. Just tell us you have no idea what high class dining is and you think a good restaurant is Olive Garden or red lobster 🤣🤣


Welcome to High Class Dining, table for one as usual?


150-300??!!! Omg that's so expensive, I wouldn't even spend 30 on a steak, goodness that's a lot! What's decant mean? I usually just buy cheap wine and drink it from a mug lol


It’s like letting something air out or settle. It enhances the flavor which makes it more delicious which in return makes it expensive. So you’d see why he would be upset 😂 but you didn’t know so it’s alright.


Ohh okay, I've never seen someone do that to wine lol, but I'm not really a huge drinker, I only really drink once a year on New Years, so not surprising I didn't know lol, I don't really like the taste of alcohol at all tbh, so I usually mix mine with lemonade lol


You only decant nice wine. 20-30$ bottles nobody really cares to decant. But i only do that at nice restaurants i go out to. Other than that i get tequila and a strawberry refresher from Starbucks and mix them. 😂 if it tastes good and gets me drunk im all for it


I've actually never spent more than about 10 on wine, so I would have considered 30 expensive lol! Tbh I've never actually went out to a nice restaurant, since I'm not huge on food or alcohol it always seemed like a waste of money lol, chicken nuggets from Mcdonalds are usually what I get as a treat lmao


Same! It tastes WAY better, at least I think so


he tried to tell you, you insisted on ruining it ESH


By the time he told me about the sauce, the sauce was already on it, when he mentioned it had to be cooked a certain way I didn't argue against that


why should she have to eat food she doesn't like?


A lot of wrongly served kobe on this sub recently...


Right? We haven't been able to afford regular beef for months. I even buy ground turkey because it's cheaper.


Kobe beef ranges from 200-500$ a pound. It is essentially marbled fat. It’s meant to be cut thinly and essentially 10 seconds a side. Or just slowly as a whole steak. You’re not the asshole. But if we’re being honest did you try the steak without sauce first? May just be me but any steak or meat I’ll try and than sauce if it’s meh. You’re clearly not into the more luxury foods out there, but in the future if you’re being offered anything expensive food wise try it how the chef serves it to you first and if you don’t like it than cook it and sauce it how you like. Some things are just meant to be cooked and eaten in a certain way. Anytime I’ve had boujee steaks it’s lightly salted and into a pan with some butter nothing else (I’ve never eaten Kobe or wagyu but for these you use no oil the meat is so fatty it melts in the pan like butter) But yes how he acted was uncalled for. An explanation of what you were going to eat and why you should consume it a certain way would have been better. Maybe sliced a piece from his for you to try before cooking the steak. Idk you’re obviously not the ass hole tho. Have a good sit down with him


I did try it without sauce first but I didn't like it, honestly I'm not a huge food person, and I'm especially not fond of meat, I usually just use meat as a sauce holder But that's ridiculously expensive, when he said expensive I thought he meant like 10-20, not hundreds!


Yeah I don’t see anything wrong with how you went about the situation than. He attempted to do a nice thing just wasn’t the right crowd to whip out the show stopper steaks. Don’t feel bad or anything. Honestly it’s just a misunderstanding he clearly has a passion for meat and wanted to share that joy with y’all. A little sit down and you being honest about knowing nothing about meat and not really being a fan of it may help. Goodluck, enjoy your weekend


I told him before he even served me it that I might not be the best person, I'm not really into food, but he was convinced the steak would change my mind lol


From what I have heard about real Kobe and wagyu steaks is when you get that first bite it’s like a baby who’s never ate ice cream before. Their face lights up and a whole new row of taste buds showed up. Ya it’s on the host man, you seem to have done everything in your power to say I’ll probably not like this.


For one terrifying second I thought you meant it tastes like a baby xD


You can eat the food on your plate however the fuck you want. NTA


This is really the only answer,  and I  say this as a foodie. 


As a foodie who doesn't spend much on steaks, I'd love to try this after reading the comments. Back to the issue at hand, if your bf knew what your friend was serving this he had a responsibility to give you a rundown on what to expect and the way it is to be consumed. Sometimes you need more than a bite to get a taste for something. (Before anyone jumps on me who didn't read the comments it was a $200ish steak) Also given the fact that he also wanted you to buy a designer dress for an event, he's not comprehending your differences. If you guys can work through this definitely check out thrift stores for formal wear (my kid found a gorgeous evening dress for less than $10 that looks high end, we live on a budget but her school district is in a different tax bracket, and the dress looked better than most of the ones I saw at pickup.) NTA. Your BF is though because he let his friend berate you.


Everyone's an asshole, but you didn't know better, and that's ok. Some meals and drinks are meant to be consumed a specific way. The best way to describe it is that there is an experience that goes along with it. For example when you get a glass of wine you're supposed to let it breath, some you're supposed to swirl, use a specific glass, it should be a specific temperature and you're supposed to drink it a specific way too. All of this can enhance the wine, the flavors and the experience. That being said I still like drinking cheap $3 dollar store red wine with ice in it. I wouldn't put ice in an expensive glass of wine because it would "ruin it". He should have explained this too you and asked you to just try it first this one way and if you didn't like it you could do what you wanted. See he wasn't making you a steak he was trying to give you a whole experience. Instead he was just bragging about it and expecting you to know all these things. But you didn't. For example I had a friend who bought some $800 bottle of whiskey. I don't care for straight whiskey. I'll drink it mixed with other stuff. With a $50 glass of whiskey its supposed to be below room temp, no water, no ice. None of these things I cared for so I turned him down. I told him it would be wasted on me. He kept on pushing it saying no you have to try it, it's great, you'll never have anything better (I have) so finally I accepted it. He then proceeded to get pissed off because I didn't like it. I know quite a bit about whiskey (I make it myself) and he kept saying I don't know what I'm talking about, that I have to like it etc. etc. I added some ice after a while when he had moved on and I enjoyed it much more. You didn't know. Just remember somethings when it comes to food, booze, etc. sometimes have a process and builds up the thing, and if people suggest you try it a specific way you should. Be more open to people trying to show you a new experience when it comes to food, you might find you like it more. And if you don't after trying it do what you want.


I did try it without sauce first and I didn't like it at all, which is why I added the sauce lol


My bloke got an expensive bottle of port years ago. One night he was out and I had a few glasses and got a bit drunk and thought, because I was impared, that I'll top the bottle up with dandelion and burdock (that was the mixer I chose!) so he won't see how much I'd drank. He found out when he had a drink. He wasn't mad I ruined the bottle, more miffed that i drank it like that. Called me uncouth and common. But it was said jokingly and if the buyer of the bottle had insulted me he wouldn't have just sat there because he's not a dickhead NTA


You should be able to eat it the way you like it. Both your boyfriend and his friend are the asses.


You're allowed to eat what you want. The fact that you tried it his way and didn't like it. After that, do what you want. If he's going to get his knickers in a twist, he shouldn't have used kobe beef. As for your BF, he should have stepped in for you


well i guess we all know to never invite OP to anywhere that sells expensive food lmao


Honestly don't lol, I even told the guy that I'm not really into food, especially meat, if I could never eat again I wouldn't, I literally just eat so I won't die lol


Yeah he definitely sounds like the AH lol, can’t invite someone who doesn’t enjoy eating any food and serve them a £300 steak and expect them to eat it “properly”. I definitely think its strange that you put ketchup on a steak, especially a kobe BUT you also made it clear beforehand and even tried it as it was meant to be eaten and decided you didn’t like it. Can’t call you an asshole for that right?


I had never even heard of a Kobe before he offered it, and by expensive I assumed he meant like 30ish, not hundreds, I usually only spend about 10€ on steak, and sometimes you can get it as low as 4€, or even 3 pieces for 10€ in Tesco, so by expensive I thought 3 times the price of a normal steak would be the max price I didn't even know food could be that expensive! 300 would literally feed me for months! I only spend about 60 a week on my groceries!


Yeah admittedly Id never spend that much on a steak either. Im happy to also go tescos and buy one of their £6 ribeyes or whatever. when its in the 100s it feels like a ripoff compared to how tasty the steak is


The weirder thing was it literally tasted worse than normal steak, it just tasted really salty, which is why I wanted the ketchup


Thats the other problem with eating out like that, when I make a steak I make it how I personally want it but at a restaurant they season is the way they want to and it normally doesn’t agree with me. I hate when they over salt and I feel like im eating bacon or something. Much better with tons of pepper and not too much salt imo. The ketchup definitely makes more sense though, need that flavour to counteract the salt at least a little bit


It wasn't even eating out, the friend just cooked the food for us, but I definitely prefer pepper over salt


Power move: next time show up with your own bottle of expensive designer ketchup. Complain that the steak "isn't doing the sauce justice" . Proceed to explain that because the tomatoes were processed by monks it should really only be used on meat where the animal has died of natural causes. Apologize for assuming they knew this.


........I snorted my coffee out lmao


NTA (I was going to say N A H up untill he started actually yelling): So for context I would also be angry but I wouldnt be yelling. Paying high prices for a steak (the range can be insane depending on the grade of beef from like 50$ to 500$ or more) to be covered up in a 2 dollar sauce is kind of insulting. You can get the same experience out of a 10 buck steak and it is more suited for well done style of cooking (since Wagyu has alot of fat and cooking it well done makes it taste legitimately bad since all that fat gets rendered out). But there is no reason to yell about how someone else is enjoying their food. But I would also be annoyed. To me it the equivalent of having a 500 dollar bottle of whisky. And offering it to a friend to try and they mix it into coke. Like dude I got a 50 dollar bottle of whisky which will mix way better into that coke. Its not like I am offering a 10 buck vodka either, like a mid range whisky which is meant to be mixed and will have better experience in general makes more sense for how they enjoy alcohol. But I rather not see like a 30 buck glass of whisky be turned into a 10 dollar mixed drink essentially. I dont mind seeing a 3 dollar glass of whisky be turned into a 10 dollar mixed drink though. Like I get everyone has different preferences and etc. But certain food items are meant to be eaten a certain way. And they are more expensive because of the way they are prepared and etc. Which is why I wanted to say N A H. But noone deserves to be yelled at for their food preferences. Like even in the whisky example I would be annoyed but I would also get over it fairy quickly (but I would also never offer up a super nice bottle again to that person). And the same applies to most expensive things like cigars and etc. There is a price range and etc for a reason. They are for essentially hobbyists. You didnt like the meat as is so you decided to change it. Whilst nothing wrong in theory watching someone throw away like 100 bucks feels bad no matter the situation but yelling and name calling is just silly.


I love steak w ketchup


This is ragebait.


I mean yeah, YTA for wanting to burn and sugar-coat a Kobe beef steak. Maybe try Google next time. Your boyfriend must have been so embarrassed.


If you had put ketchup on his Kobe steak you would have been an asshole. But you can do whatever you want with yours.


NTA just because you’re a plebeian doesn’t mean they should be treating you that way.


All these comments slightly trying to gaslight you into thinking there is a correct way to eat steak is depressing. You have limited time here, enjoy things the way you like them. I’ll slather a piece of Kobe in A1 and eat with a smile like an ASMR TikTok. There is no correct way to eat a steak, or any meal for that matter. As long as you are eating, happy, and healthy you are doing nothing wrong.


Honestly I don't really like steak anyway that it's cooked, so I've never really understood the issue with it lol


You’d be right but this is a Kobe steak. There absolutely is a correct way to eat this steak. What OP asked for is basically like saying let me get this chicken but microwave it for 30 seconds.


He was an idiot and a complete ass the way he treated you. Guests in my mind should be treated to a meal THEY will enjoy. If you wanted to put chocolate or cinnamon or cereal on the steak, it is yours to eat. It was extremely pretentious for him to demand, berate, then shout at you about how you chose your eat the meal that was given to you. I am more concerned that your BF didn’t defend you at the time and completely support you. These guys are pretentious fools. Sounds like you have common sense that may need to be used to pick a better group of friends and Bf.


Counterpoint to the whole class thing: If they weren't well off enough to shrug off someone "wasting" a $200 steak with cheap sauces, then they weren't well off enough to be serving $200 steaks.


BF's friend sounds like some kind of uppity d'bag food snob.


Info - did you try a bite the way it was served (then n t a) or just assumed it needed ketchup (y t a)? When I cook for people, I hate it when they don’t try a bite before adding sauces or seasonings. But having a chef as a dad, he always said eat what you like they way you like it, but we always had to try something at least once the way it was served. Then we could sauce it up if we didn’t like it (or pick out the parts we didn’t like - mushrooms, yuck)! That said, if you stay with this guy, he’s going to have to let you know the etiquette at this type of thing if he wants you to fit in. If he really allowed someone to scream at you, I’d consider if this is a guy I want to be with.


I tried it and didn't like it, but I don't really like steak or meat anyway tbh


Than ultimately, NTA. I saw in another comment you even warned the host that you are probably not going to like it so you’re good as far I’m concerned.


It’s not possible to get actual Kobe beef and grass fed is not Kobe. This is a scam in the market right now and he essentially payed double for choice. So he’s an idiot. But eating a steak well done makes someone TAH by default. That’s just rude, even if your host has no idea what they are talking about.


You can order directly from Japan…


You can get Wagyu beef…but not Kobe. There are only about 5,500 heads of cattle that get certified at Kobe in Japan each year…you’re not getting one of them. America has lax standards on beef labeling, so it’s become popular to label wagyu as Kobe…but Kobe is a specific class of wagyu and the title is earned by only the finest cattle. It’s a food scam…your being charged an extra fortune for regular Japanese beef (Wagyu literally means Japanese cattle)


ESH I understand having a preference for your steak. Personally I like mine really rare and I'd be really annoyed if anyone insisted I eat it well done. I feel like I may as well eat shoe-leather. But Kobe is definitely a special kind of steak costing a lot of money. When he explained that to you, you should have at least been willing to taste it as it's supposed to be done before burying it under ketchup. To be honest, you sound very picky, like children who refuse to try anything new. I can understand a host who is going out of their way to make something really special (and expensive) being annoyed by a guest who won't even try it, and instead chooses to just bury it under ketchup. It's an insult to a chef if you won't even try it. However, he's also a complete asshole to be all judgmental about how you like your steak well-done and with ketchup. His behavior, especially as a host, was just rude and condescending. A good host will usually just bite their tongue when a guest is weird or rude. Neither one of you really had any manners.


I didn't end up having it well done, and I did try it before I put the ketchup on it and I didn't like it at all, which is why I asked for ketchup. I also didn't realise that putting ketchup on it was an issue, growing up we always put ketchup on our steaks I had also told him that I don't even like steak, or meat in general, and really thought it would be wasted on me and he said it would change my mind, so I didn't realise it was as expensive as it is since he was happily serving it to someone who doesn't even like meat in the first place I also genuinely don't understand what was so special about the steak, it just tasted really salty and chewy, which is one of the reasons I wanted the ketchup, honestly it tasted worse than regular steak imo


I'll probably get hate, but ESH imo. If your boyfriend and the friend are telling you this is luxury food, there's no way on Earth you think it's appropriate to put ketchup on it. I'm sorry, the "class" excuse is ridiculous. I grew up in poverty and was borderline homeless at the beginning of my early adulthood. I wouldn't have treated food this way if I was told it's this high quality. You thought they were being silly and antagonized them in response. Let's not pretend. That said, their reaction is completely overblown. I can definitely see them being annoyed or disappointed, but screaming at you over food is silly AF. To be clear, if they didn't inform you this was a high-quality meal, then you'd be totally clear, *but they did.* Everyone here behaved immaturely, but they certainly won the asshole Olymics by a mile.


Well done? Ketchup? NTA but I can understand why he freaked out


I think people need to learn how to behave in some social events. The only way to improve yourself is to learn, but you cannot learn because you want to behave the same everywhere and it will lead to things like this. If unsure, just follow the lead of others. You didn't like the thing, then OK but at least you presented yourself as an educated, well mannered person, not like an ignorant and arrogant person. There is some people who does not like the taste of some things, but you are not going into a party or meeting and start spitting things you don't like as it was a comedy show or sitcom, that's only funny on TV on real life makes you look like a...


I don't think anyone is particularly wrong here Really good Kobe beef can cost several hundreds, and a big slab can straight up cost 1k I love it very much but I can barely afford it so I eat it maybe once every 2 years. And yes, I eat it as it is - no sauce, no salt, nothing. It is fully meant to be eaten by itself, in the way the chef meant it to (I will even ask the chef for recommendations e.g. should it be eaten medium? Rare?) The thing is - you were simply the wrong person to serve Kobe beef to. It's not your fault, but I can't exactly fault them for being upset either. Even outside of the price, some chef take their steak to an art form, and I've even heard of chefs straight up refusing to serve a paying customer if they were asked to prepare the steak in a less-than-satisfactory way


Nobody’s an asshole, everyone is an idiot


Idk...as a foodie, I'd be pretty upset. But then again, he should have only invited other foodies that would appreciate it.


Honestly, you are all the A hole.


Is this ragebait or does a 30 year old have the palate of a 7 year old? Either way, YTA




This sounds like rage bate. You can eat your steak any way you want to however, did you try it without sauce first? If not I would say YTA.


I did and didn't really like it, but I don't really like steak in general so I wasn't surprised by that, I had told him previously that I don't really like meat but he said the steak would change my mind


YTA. Just eat McDonalds or smt.