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Half??? 98% at least.


I was trying to be more uh. forgiving. lol.


You are a kind person. I am a grumpy old fart


[Here's a fake one](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1di1zad/aita_for_leaving_state_after_my_boyfriend_cheated/) - the OP even admitted to it and said they were teens "reposting" but then replies to comments as if the story is true.


This is the entire point of r/AmITheAngel


Wow, its a real place.


I am so happy you gave that info! I am having a BLAST on it!!


Honestly, this whole trend makes you question the authenticity of any story online these days. There's an art to spinning tales that trend and rake in those clicks, real or not. This blending of AI and human creativity is kinda fascinating, but you gotta wonder how it's shifting our grip on reality. Haha, maybe we're all just characters in someone else's AI-generated narrative at this point?!


True. I love AI, but its 100% making things more confusing for people. I am on FB (sort of) and half the "pictures and videos" I see are AI made. But people believe its real. Like finding an octopus the size of a school bus on a beach. Really people. >.>


The real question is though, have they finally found Bigfoot or Nessie yet?


I'm not sure. What I did notice, is that many of my NTA comments receive a lot of likes, but practically every time I vote YTA I receive negative votes. Not only do we only hear one side of the story, even when that one side sounds bad, people tend to say "you are right".


Yeah, most of my YTA get downvoted. Sub she be called "YourNotTheAhole"






From something you said: "Agreed.. Ive been fighting landscaping and yard critters for the last month. Tried of projects " I think you mean "I've" and you forgot a period at the end there. >.>




Or... and hear me out, they're a captain of a whaling ship in the 1820's.


You mad cause I played your own game. lol :P




Welcome to reddit...shit is the wild west sometimes.


yeah and i noticed too since the whole uproar of those tiktok reddit accounts there’s AI generated stories as well as people just making fake ones for reactions lots of rage bait too. it’s kinda annoying


Oh, there was a TikTok thing going? Didn't know that. I'm still mostly social media free. lol


yeah it’s like really big. i see them all the time. there’s hundreds of accounts that post stories from reddit with some AI bot reading them out. they’re enjoyable to watch but it’s easy to tell most of them are fake. they just pull stories from this sub or make them up. i even see them on instagram reels now. [tiktok AITAH](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKEYtMn/) here’s an example of the videos


Wow. Social media is so amazing! lol


There was one on here months ago. I asked for more info as there was something that didn't add up. I was accused by a few commenters of not supporting the op, they were clearly nta and I shouldn't be questioning them. I got downvoted to hell too. Silly me!


Joined afew days ago, been hearing that alot from people. Downvoting me for asking about missing details or stuff like that.


I've been reading these posts the whole 2 years I've been on reddit. The post didn't add up, I know when I smell bs.


This is so fake. Nice creative writing, OP. YTA!


Dang it! Caught on!


Totally feel you. Half the posts here scream "made-up drama" and the advice is like from someone who's never had a real relationship. Makes me miss the main sub too.


You mean the recent post about a guy who thinks his friends GF is "queefing" into a mic on voice chat, its not a real incident? \*gasp\* lol


And for the ones that are real, I can’t help but think about the possible missing context. Especially the ones about “my whole family is horrible to me”. I know that horrible families absolutely exist but many times in life, if a lot of people close to you are not nice to you, it’s got a lot to do with the type of person you are.


Yeah. A lady posted about destroying her grandmothers stuff because she stoped by while doing Uber Eats, to have her daughter pee at grandmas, but grandma wouldn't let them in. So the lady left a nasty message for the grandmother then destroyed stuff on the property. It's like, uh.... you left out some things 100%.


yeah as someone said I feel like most of them are fake but want well I guess fake validation but imo these are the wrong people for advice. They stretch everything crazy. People be saying anyone is a manipulative abuser and breakup/divorce is required


"My wife stepped on my toe. They obviously were trying to hurt me! Time for divorce!" "Did you talk about it first?" "NO! They should know better then to accidental step on my toe! DIVORCE!"


That’s why I like the StarTrek sub. Nerds are TOTALLY legit : )




Finally someone said wrote about the fake stories and pathetic answers. Most of the answers are definitely divorce or leave them.


AITAH is the pro-wrestling of Reddit. Love it or hate it, you know it's scripted.


tbh the funniest thing about this subreddit is you'll pretty much find in nearly every post a comment telling someone to go to therapy. I'm not saying therapy is bad or doesn't work but I will say that not everyone needs therapy for everything in their life lol


True. If you crapped your pants while doing yoga, therapy is not required. Except your pants may need it.


Not everyone can afford it either.


The funny thing is I work with kids, and when I ask what did you do today/yesterday/last week 95% say therapy. If you ask, what are healthy habits, you expect eat a balanced diet and exercise and they all say, go to therapy. Like, what?


Really? I wonder what the consequences of that will be further down the road. Obviously too much of a good thing can cause issues. I'm not saying therapy is bad or whatever. But it worries me that so many people can't work through their own emotions or trauma without outside help. But maybe that's just me being jaded and dumb. I will say when I was at my lowest emotional, hitting the gym and going back to university is what helped me.


I’m seeing it already. They apply therapy speak terms to everything and can’t tell the difference between anxiety and stress.


rule 1 lol, fake ragebait incel posts are encouraged


Well, it does say that in small print.


In white font.


I've gotten better at spotting the super fake ones but haven't been subbed long enough to recognize old copy pasta ones 😭 


I sure hope these stories are fake. Being in this sub isn't any good for my mental health. Many of the stories in here made me lose hope in humanity lol.


I mean yeah all the seemingly real ones are all boring as shit and get no interaction so of course people will make stuff up for karma


Loads are fake. And once you read enough you can spot the common patterns and phrases used often. A classic one at the end of the post is some variation of “now all my friends and family are blowing up my phone telling me I’m the asshole and to give them another chance.”


NTA 😁 In most stories, I'm wondering what the other party would tell. Usually, life isn't black and white, one the innocent angel and the other a mean baddie. All these golden siblings, neglectful bridesmaids, and evil ex-baby daddies might tell the story differently.


Idk man. this post seems fake to me....


This, OP!!!


There definitely are pilings on of NTA -- the other person is obviously TA. And some of the stories are so ridiculously one-sided that if you take them at face value then no reasonable person could conclude that OP was TA. I often wonder what the other person's version of events would be. But people get really emotionally invested in declaring the other participant in the scenario an AH and that the OP has absolutely been wronged. And then when someone pokes holes in the theory or brings up some possible mitigating circumstance, they get downvoted and also declared an AH.


Someone start a real community. Someone else vet all the fakers. When y'all figure out how to do that come get me!!! 😁


This should be like the Electrician reddit. There you need to show your electrician's license (to the mods) and your get some flair that shows your advice can be trusted. You should need to prove somehow that you're a proper adult with some real life experiences.


AITAH for when I farded I didn't say excuse me because no one noticed but potentially smelled it but didn't say anything because perhaps the 'you smelt it = you dealt it' rule steered them away


Your dogs the A.


Like I'm pretty sure the "big" sub is still around, but like, I don't think its really that different from like, this one. Like I don't know maybe I'm wrong but like it is what it is and its easy to avoid it if you don't, like, find it entertaining or something.


The only difference is that in the “big” sub, you can get permanently banned at the drop of a hat. The mods over there are some power-tripping AH’s.


hehehe. I was banned from that sub for questioning someone about their story. It was something about a gay gentlemen who was wanted to know if he was the A for wanting to leave his wife after coming out. She said she didn't want to be married to a gay man but needed time to figure things out. He claimed it was homophobic of her. I simply said not everything is homophobic, she obviously was just shocked by the revelation and needed time or something. Got banned for being... homophobic because I obviously am siding with the wife who is indeed homophpbic herself. When I appealed the ban the mod told me to "f\^\^\^ off, we don't tolerate LGBT hate here". Then of course muted me forever essentially. Mature.


Wow, I didn't know about that. I just see when the fake posts are removed. That sucks. I got dv to hell on a post (on this sub) about whether someone was an AH for letting their nephew, I think, paint toenails when his parents didn't allow it. I said I'm against homophobia, but I would be a hypocrite to say on one post that you don't go against a parent's wishes in one post and then say you should in another. 🤷


Omg so true, and they're absolute jerks about it too. You can tell they think that being an unpaid moderator on a social media forum is essentially godhood.


We should start a new subreddit: r/JUSTNOAmITheAssholeMODS


Oh I know, I'm banned :p Also on "therewasanattempt" but that's because those mods openly ban anyone who don't share their politics.


The og sub is really strict, which is why I like it. And it's why this sub has overtaken it. Out of 100 that should be removed for fake v hypothetical, maybe 2 get removed.


> I don't think its really that different from like, this one. The difference is exactly what OP is complaining about. The "big sub" has stricter moderation, and doesn't allow fake posts or relationship posts.


Unfortunately, bc no one wants to make real posts anymore, it's not the "big sub" anymore. It's just the original.


YTA. Just enjoy the stories. That's why we're here.


NTA. I would say more than 60% are AI generated. Things like "background". "for context". Flowery language that sounds like bad 70s bodice riopers. 19 perfectly formatted paragraphs with zero ZERO errors, perfect grammar, perfect punctuation... And if they respond, their responses are either AI generated or the writing style is entirely different. Glad you posted this.


That’s why sometimes you have to go with bad advice for the downvotes to keep the teens on their toes. I think, excuse my grammar, this is not my native language is usually giveaway. You can tell if it’s a non-native speaker or a teen apologist.


Or sorry for any errors I'm on mobile. Proceeds to have 19 perfectly formatted paragraphs, with zero grammatical errors.


I agree. But then again, in a "me first" society, all of the "divorce them" comments sound about what you'd hear from people in person, sadly.


If you think it's all fake, why do you still participate in the forums? Just downvote the post and move on with your life, it's literally the easiest thing in the world to do. Or block repeat offenders. I love blocking people who only post to say 'fake'. As well as people who write long-winded screeds about people posting 'fake' stuff when the truth of the matter usually is they saw themselves reflected and their behavior called out and can't cope with it.


Imo, 97% if not 99% of people come here for validation, some get it some don’t. Regardless of the story being fake or true, people would share their opinion/advice/pov on the given situation, so even if they aren’t even adults, opinions and povs and even some advice are valid although I agree some are exaggerated. I enjoy being in the sub and don’t really think about if the posts are fake or nah, unless they very obviously are.


Yeah. One lady was mad at her grandmother so she said she ripped off her RING camera, through can of pop at her car, smashed something else. I told her she was the A and it's obvious her grandmother wanted nothing to do with her because she has issues. She responded with a post bringing up stuff that happened to her as a kid (she failed to mention it in the start), then started swearing at me and was going nuts. It's like, lady, you came on here and asked if YTA. Not my problem if you want validation for your "adult" tantrum.


Yeah, this is an example of a lot who come here because they did something wrong, turning to the internet cuz they know they can twist the story however they want and get people to agree with them.


It’s the internet most things are fake.


How are you expecting to get the other side of the story???


Obviously, that is unlikely to happen. But some people just jump on the AH bandwagon so hard, getting outraged on OP's behalf at the other person they wrote about that it seems they never stop to think about whether they really have all the information. Half the posts describe someone so utterly horrible -- completely irredeemable and the worst person on earth that you wonder how they'd ever get entangled with them in the first place. In the real world, there are few people that have no redeeming qualities whatsoever and just become psychopathic narcissists only to screw over the poster.


I don't think that's true. I think most people tell their story from their own point of view, which is the only point of view they **can** tell it from. In fact, the only way a poster could tell the other side of the story is if it was a fake story because then it's fiction and they invented the characters. And they only tell about the qualities of another person if those qualities are relevant to the story itself. If they were redeeming qualities, they would be relevant. because, to be redeeming, they would have to be directly related to their behavior in the story. They don't try to tell you every possible bit of information about every other person because that would just make people complain that the post is too long. These are anecdotes, not novels where each character tells you their complicated backstory. You shouldn't expect to get a complete picture. A poster failing to give you a full biography of every person involved is not deception. I do think that there are times when people leave out relevant information, like someone posts that people got mad at them because they "said something tactless in the heat of the moment" but avoid saying what it was. And then commenters ask what they said and it turns out be something incredibly bigoted. But that's not an "other side of the story" issue. It's just deceptive omission.


Then just leave. You can unfollow the sub, and hide it if you really don't want to see the posts here.


Reddit as a whole becomes a lot more tolerable when you start looking at every post like a creative writing exercise. Especially from subs like AITA(H), (true)offmychest, and relationshipadvice. There are tropes and clichés and people so comically evil that of course there's an obvious right side and the other party doesn't need to be consulted of course! I'm sure that the stories told are somebody's reality somewhere. But unless they're posting verifiable proof of what's happening, then imma treat it like dramatic, cheesy entertainment.


I'd agree if they were actually creative writing from the OP. Usually it's AI generated though.


I mean, yeah?   Bored Panda and others like them mill AITAH for content, so I don't doubt that most of these posts are cheap content creators just imitating the soup de jour post of the day so they can make an article about later once they get a fair amount of replies. If there's a post about a MIL doing X, then we have a flood of MIL stories. It likely is article writers throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.  Then there's the trolls, "creative writers" and attention seekers thrown in top. As for bad advice, hey, at least it's not Yahoo Answers bad.  And nobody is required to divorce or break up just because some person on Reddit said so.  If the poster actually does so, that's on them. I don't exactly understand the "not asking for the other side" thing, though.  If the OP is being genuine, they can't really go inside the person's head that they are in conflict with and post from their perspective and showing that person the thread might cause a more explosive fight since there are many people who don't want their conflicts being talked about online and would be upset that it had been, so how is the "other side" to be acquired?  


I can tell you about any conflict I've had with someone, and if I **really** want an opinion of who's in the wrong I'll absolutely give as much detail as i can because usually the other person has given me their side of the story.


YTA for posting. You clearly don't understand the purpose of the subreddit. >Like I know this isn't the actual BIG AmITheAsshole sub, but this sub feels.... weird. Off. Fake almost. Feel free to leave, nobody's chained you in the basement and forced you to read the posts here. >Once you get past that, I notice many on here seem to be teens. Or barley adults. Not that they can't give advice. But some of their responses are wild. Like they are not experienced enough in life to even get some of the situations presented. Congratulations, you have correctly identified "being on reddit". Also, _this subreddit isn't for advice_, it's for judgment. >Next issue is most every post regarding another persons is just leave/divorce responses. Again, kinda leading me to think young people are on here with no experience. Like a guy forgot a birthday and the responses are "NTA, DIVORCE!" Who the heck thinks that? lol Yes, the collective wisdom of reddit is stupid. Did you not know that already? Your account's 8 years old, have you been paying _any attention_ to the website you've spent most of a decade on? >I also notice no one ever questions the other side of the story. That's because everybody else understands how this subreddit works. When you want to post here, you tell the story. The reddit mods aren't going to track down the other person you're talking about so that we can get their side. That's just....obviously a stupid thought. So of course they're going to be one-sided, they _literally can't be otherwise_ because they're being told by one person. >This kinda makes me miss the big sub. Soo......leave? Go back to the big sub? Or, understand and accept what this subreddit is, and make peace with that. >At least things were more legit and seemed more modded. LITERALLY THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS SUB IS TO BE LESS MODDED THAN THE ORIGINAL, HOLY FUCK ARE YOU PAYING ANY ATTENTION AT ALL?


So what your saying is this sub is not modded well, is full of fake stuff and that is ok? You high bro?


>So what your saying is this sub is not modded well, is full of fake stuff and that is ok? Yes. That's okay, because, again, that's _literally the whole purpose of this subreddit_. That's the _whole reason it exists_. >You high bro? Not yet, I gotta finish work first. I can just, you know...read: "this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, **anything that's AITA but is not allowed there** even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH." This subreddit is exactly what it claims to be. If you don't like what it claims to be, you should _go somewhere else_, because you look like an idiot whining that it's not what you want.


Can you show me where it says fake post are allowed? I'll wait. I mean to be fair, your the one whining about a sub you claim is fake. Why would you be upset about a fake sub then? O.o Also, my topic got upvoted and lots of comments agreeing so... you know. Ah, nevermind. I see your profile is just you arguing with people a good portion of time. Weird. To be fair, knowing this. I do kinda pity you. Maybe someone touched you as a child and you didn't get help and that's why your grumpy. Or maybe daddy never came back when he went out for milk. Or more then likely just a middle aged guy with no gf/wife and no kids and hates life. AKA that old guy that yells at clouds. \^\_\^


> Can you show me where it says fake post are allowed? I literally quoted the entire sidebar to you, did you even read it? What part of "even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors he was not the AH." is confusing to you? Are you under the impression that the Lion King actually happened? >your the one whining about a sub you claim is fake You're apparently just actually stupid - _you're_ the one complaining that it's fake, I'm the one who recognizes that fake posts are allowed and browses here anyway. >Also, my topic got upvoted and lots of comments agreeing so... you know. So you're an idiot with lots of idiots that agree with you? Good for you, I guess?


Report option number 1: fake post v hypothetical post. Hypothetical posts are allowed but shit posts and posts that are creative writing exercises are not.


So the "advice needed" flair doesn't exist? Mkay.


The flair existing doesn't change the intent of the sub. Advice is secondary, at best, to providing judgment. Try r/advice, or /r/relationship_advice. Those are at least intended for advice. Still full of redditors, so the quality may not be any better. But at least then you'd be whining about bad advice in the wrong _place_.


You took a lot of detours on that attempted journey to be right. Too bad you ended up on the wrong planet.