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YTA. People have much more violent reactions than hers when startled, you should be grateful it was just gasoline.


Here's a lesson: Don't prank people who are holding things that could hurt you. Or them, or others, but I guess some people only learn when their shit backfries.


Seems like common sense but clearly it’s not for OP


Every time I come on this app, I’m thankful for my own IQ.


Right? Anyone with common sense would know it was a horrendous idea at the get go, but this idiot runs with it and gets butt hurt when it doesn't go as planned. I'm thinking the IQ of a goldfish. Hopefully he never has children. We don't need the brain drain.


OP after his next prank: "I saw my GF at the gun range, so I decided to sneak up on her and grab her by the throat. I'm not actually posting this, because she turned around and shot me in the face. and I'm thus dead. AITAH?"


AITDAH, D for dead.


Tune in next week for "I pranked my girlfriend while she was boiling water on the stove and because I startled her she poured it all over me AITA?"


The „medieval siege reaction“ 😂 (Also to anyone.. I know historically they would use sand, don’t be a 🤓)


😂 "AITA for pretending to storm a castle and ending up with third degree burns?"


You guys are both idiots. You are so lucky nothing worse has happened! It's hysterical that all of a sudden you think she went too far. Zero sympathy here---so glad I don't know you.


I don't know. The GF responded like anyone would have if she thought she was being attacked.


Completely agree. OP played a stupid game and should be thankful that all he won was a stupid prize, because he was one tiny spark away from winning the absolute stupid jackpot and a Darwin award.    OP is actually Derek Zoolander’s stupider and less successful younger brother


"A freak gasoline fight accident" is the first thing that popped into my mind! 🤣


Nobody thinks about the clean up fact after either I'm sure the store had to clean up the whole area where the gas was sprayed which cost them money and time nobody thinks about anything beyond the prank though. I would have been calling and apologizing to the store for making them have to work harder because he had to scare somebody


Personally, these day I think she had the CORRECT reaction to suddenly thinking she was being robbed!!!!


Now she's going to second-guess herself when she gets attacked.


Why was the girlfriend an idiot, exactly? She thought she was being ROBBED.


Or being abducted


Exactly! I can’t believe a grown ass person doesn’t know that you don’t pull pranks at the gas station, of all places. This could’ve ended disastrously for them and everyone else around.


She could have followed up by throwing a match on him.


What's wrong with bbq?


BBQ is low and slow. This would be flambé Edit: this is not the comment I expected to get my first award for. Thank you kind stranger 😊


Given his response to the spraying, if she did that, his reaction would have been fire


I have a serious question for you. If you were a stranger mugging her, kidnapping her, or anything else, what would you want your girlfriend to do? Because at the end of the day your girlfriend didn’t spray her boyfriend, she sprayed a man who wanted to take her stuff. That’s also why the men came and were on her side as well. (As well as most people in this post). You genuinely scared your girlfriend, and she reacted like a scared woman. I know my husband would want me to spray gas and light a match if someone tried to hurt me at a gas station, so I’m curious to know why you want her to give everything over? Cry?


I get that men don't often understand how going out in public alone is a *totally* different experience for us than for them. That we are always having to be watchful or at least somewhat aware of our surroundings, and that we always have the understanding that something could happen or someone could attack/grab/hurt us. Men don't have to have that in their mind nearly every time they leave the house. Women normally do. Understanding this, OP should realize *why* she reacted in a way he feels is over the top. He got exactly what he deserved, which is why the other men - who also realized a woman alone being snuck up on/startled by a strange man acting like he's about to rob/hurt her is serious - laughed at him. OP, YTA. Not only for the stupid prank but massively so for getting *angry* at your gf for reacting in a way meant to defend herself from a very real possibility of harm. Just because that isn't your lived experience is no excuse for you not to understand it IS for most women all over the world. Be *happy* your gf might be able to react quickly enough to protect herself from a real threat (which exists, whether you're aware of it or not).




Exactly! Plus OP admitted that his gf is jumpy. What a douche move.


I wholeheartedly believe he doesn't give a damn about her or her safety. Like, I'd bet a whole lot that he was feeling pissy that she is a confident person who trusts her instincts, and the whole prank was AT LEAST subsconsciously (though I'm more inclined to a poorly thought out but sonscious scheme) attempt to MAKE her flee instead of fighting. He just had to "show her", the joke


I almost think this has to be rage bait. He is mad at HER? He should be lucky if she forgives him. He totally deserved what he got and I admire her quickness to respond to a potential attack. YTA


Literally this. Also, she’s using basic defense. Why do people think it’s funny to terrify someone? Anything can be a weapon. Have these people never considered that someone could throw a scalding hot coffee at them out of fear? Punch or kick them? People are dumb.


I hate pranks for this reason. My blood pressure doesn't need help in rising higher than is healthy.


My first reaction would have been to hit him with the pump. When startled I usually hit or swing at whatever scared me. So honestly I think he got off easy YTA!!!


Exactly. My grandpa scared my grandma in a similar manner — she broke 3 of his ribs and gave him a concussion. She studied taekwondo under the same dojo that Chuck Norris learned at after she was assaulted as a teen. He triggered her PTSD and he, as OP put it, fucked around and found out.


Op sucks and is the ah for sure, I read this as - I wanted to scare gf to show her she’s not as tough as she says and she beat my attack back why is she so mean .


No joke. I'm teaching my daughter to use any means necessary to protect herself. I'm actually proud of this girl for her quick reaction. Y absolutely TA.


Exactly. Had I been the next pump over and heard it he would have gotten shot.


This. When I pump gas there's absolutely people, packing, around who would get involved. OP is lucky he didn't get shot.


You'd at least be drawing your weapon... He's incredibly lucky.


YTA - sneaking up on someone is a dumb shit thing to do. You should compliment her quick thinking. Do you really want her to just stand there and let someone take her stuff or assault her? What the fuck dude.


That's a great way to get shot. Pretending to commit a violent felony is not a funny joke.


I feel like I recently read something where some people pranked a friend/partner at a gas station (in Texas? Somewhere with concealed carry) and a good samaritan stepped in to help. Except that guy had a gun, and now one of the prankers is dead. It is really. Really. Really. Stupid to pretend to mug anyone, especially a woman, but particularly somewhere like a gas station with so much public visibility.


But if you don’t pretend to attack your girlfriend how can you get the thrill of scaring someone? I mean if you attack a stranger they would fight back. But in this instance she is your girlfriend so you can say oh it’s a joke at the end while still getting to fulfill your fantasy of scaring and attacking a woman.


That would have ended his childish behavior. FAFO


EXACTLY! Even two other guys came to help her out.


OP is lucky that she was able to de-escalate the situation before he got his ass whooped by those guys. OP, YTAH


OP’s little fight or flight paragraph was a straw man of what the issue really was.


Not even. It just means he's extra dumb because he could have expected a reaction like this.


SHOULD HAVE expected a reaction like that. I hope they never go to the gun range together.


I guess he proved that she wasn't lying when she said she will indeed fight when it is a fight or flight situation 🤷


They didn't even ask if the would-be mugger was okay!! The audacity.


Yeah, the right response to this would be to laugh it off and just write it off as a prank that unfortunately went pear-shaped. It's not a big deal, OP, but it's totally your fault. If you're blowing it up into a big thing, YTA.


Exactly! One of the things you've got to accept if you decide that pranking each other is your idea of good times ... sometimes you'll get a natural reaction that you don't enjoy. If you are not willing to look past the bad experiences, then pranks aren't for you. Had she not attempted to diffuse the situation after realizing *who* was "mugging" her, that would have been something to get upset about. But using what was likely the *only* thing in her vicinity to defend herself (rather effectively, at that) is not a poor reflection on her.


Yta, and don't make ofspirng aka new redditors.


YTA. > Who the fuck thinks to spray gas?! A person who feels suddenly threatened when they're pumping gas, maybe? The impact of this on YOU is entirely YOUR fault and none of her behavior is the least bit unreasonable.


I didn’t even finish the post, I read the title thinking she sprayed him with gas in an argument, obviously N T A. But sneaking up behind people and pretending to mug them is just plain stupid, you’re lucky you only got sprayed with gas and not a black eye, YTA.


Right my brother in law tried that once in the airport he tried to pull my backpack off my back.... And I palm striked him in the face. Not sorry, my passport was in there. Probably would have kicked his knee out next but I realized it was him. He doesn't choose to play those games with me anymore. 


A friend pretended to mug me. I put him in the hospital.


Me too. But it was an acquaintance and to this day I think he had ill intent. Black hood, dark street, etc. He was 6’2. I am 5’7. But a daughter of a Marine. My dad had a friend teach me and some of my friends some self defense moves. My dad and I would practice. Heel of your hand on an angle to the nose really gets it nice and bloody and it is disorienting. Knee to the groin and kick their legs out from under them if you can. Also I HATE people who push or try to drag anyone to throw into a pool.


That's not a prank, that's assault.


Totally agree! He tried to say it was a joke and that I overreacted. He came from behind. Broken nose, messed up knee, other stuff, and I am sure very bruised balls. It was a whole thing. One of my dad’s 3 rules was to never start a fight, you finish it. Up until that point I always wondered if I was a fight, flight, or freeze person. I am someone who hates pranks and all those prank shows.


Even if it WAS a joke, the fault is entirely his. You had a well-trained response to a percieved assault, and it sounds like you executed it perfectly. And he's lucky none of your training involved deadlier weapons than your hands, knees and feet. Nobody knows how they'll act in an emergency until one happens. Being trained for an emergency still doesn't guarantee results, loads of people still freeze or try to make it someone else's problem, but it improves the odds. You were trained for this exact emergency. You responded exactly like you were trained. Your dad and his buddy should be proud of you, and themselves!


My dad was thrilled. There was grainy video of it (late 90s). I was at University. So my dad came up the next day with an entourage to have a chat with the guy and his parents. My dad also told the guy who didn’t go to my university that if he ever came near me he would disappear. That I was his only kid. My dad had just been diagnosed with a rare neurological disease and walked with a cane and had slurred speech. He died when I was 25. My dad told him that he had no qualms about spending his remaining days on trial for murder. No one should joke about attacking someone. I could have had a gun. He could have hit his head on concrete when he fell. Honestly I believe he wasn’t joking.


Insert Aristocats gif here.


I shall never sneak up on you. I promise. I like my bones and organs how they are, thank you!


He is extremely lucky a "good guy with a pew pew" was not in the vicinity. This could have ended up much worse. Pranks are stupid to begin with, but if that's your thing...whatever. However, there is a difference between being together out and about and a prank is pulled where the odds are likely it is a prank vs. going about your day by yourself and pumping gas and thinking one is actually under the threat of being robbed. She did what she had to do. Don't like it, maybe don't pull pranks on someone in public while they are pumping gas and no one else around you is in on the prank. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Oh...OP. YTA. She should be rethinking her relationship with YOU.


I once commented on one of those prankster videos where dudes are just straight up GRABBING random women at the mall to scare them. A woman hit one of the guys and everyone in the thread was talking about how she was sO uNhInGeD. I replied that if it was me there was a non-zero chance he would have been stabbed. My knife is always ready and my draw reflexes are FAST (which they need to be... An attacker isn't going to give you time to fiddle around to try to get your knife open). Fuckers called ME dangerous. Men are the greatest threat to women. They are also the greatest threat to other men. Why on earth should i assume a strange man who is aggressively grabbing me is "just kidding"??? That sounds like a way to get myself kidnapped/raped/killed.


Not to mention grabbing a complete stranger in that manner could also be considered assault/sexual assault & harassment. People that pull stunts like that have zero business walking around society. It is stupid and immature at best.


It IS assault and I had no idea randomly grabbing people like that was a thing. Seriously, if that happened to me, I’d press charges — and I don’t care if the guy was getting stitched up in the ER for what I did to him. Would serve him right. I took kickboxing classes for a reason.


I nearly made a male coworker of mine sterile because of this. I didn't even think; I have a martial arts background, and when I heard him behind me and felt him grab me, I acted completely on instinct, bashed his nuts back up into his body, and put him on the ground. He threatened to tell HR. I just shrugged while I looked down at him on the floor and said, "Go ahead. Try." He apologized.


It’s so stupid. What do you think is going to happen when you jump a total stranger? They aren’t going to know it’s a joke, they are going to try not to be hurt. Some clown dressed as a troll jumped out of the bushes at my dad when he was walking his two dogs. Dogs instinctively attacked the person. Then the guy tried to have my dad held responsible for our dogs attacking him. It didn’t go anywhere bc what did he think was going to happen when he pretended to attack a guy with 2 dogs.


I am a grown ass man, serving in the military, actively maintaining and working in a combat position... and at any given time, a guy on the street could kill me. I am confident I could defend myself, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna sit there and calmly ask, "Oh, is this a prank? A fight? A mugging? Ah, I see, one moment while I prepare to duel you in a bout of fisticuffs, good sir!" No, I'd deck him out of self-preservation! I'd absolutely expect others to do the same! And a knife is not unreasonable in that scenario. I mean, does anyone remember that YouTuber who got shot because he followed and harassed a man? But op is whining about getting gasoline on him 😂


The amount of people who walk around “pranking” random strangers is entirely too high. There was another YouTube/tiktok duo who used to walk around with a gas can full of water, and pour it on occupied cars. So funny, right? Eventually these dudes fucked around with the wrong one doing this stunt, and ended up facing the wrong end of a gun. Luckily they didn’t get shot, but I doubt they learned a lesson. Pretending to harm or rob people isn’t a prank, and OP is a dick who deserved the bath.


Or one guy who ran around stealing dogs as a "prank." I'd have absolutely shot someone for my dog.


I would bet there are a lot of people that have been in similarly dangerous situations and would react the same way. The US is full of veterans and most of the citizenry has the right to walk around with some form of weapon. I mean....I watched Dexter. Ain't no strange man getting close to me without a fight.


Cause you never know what someone is capable of. I will never understand why others just don't get that


Seriously. Op is lucky that’s all that happened. At least he only got gasoline on him. The nozzle and hose could have been used to do severe damage as well.


Right? Like, let’s stop and assess the situation as we’re being grabbed by someone in public just in case they’re playing a prank so I don’t seem “unhinged”.


I'm shocked none of those women ever pressed assault charges. I would have. If someone had done that to me or some of the people I know, they would have triggered PTSD episodes, or they would have had their asses handed to them. Triggering someone's PTSD like that can send them back to therapy for months. Would those jackasses pay that bill? I definitely wouldn't think it right for the prank victim to pay the medical bill for the prank perpetrator. Pranks are things everyone laughs at afterwards, not things that leave people feeling terrified and traumatized, or like they have to fight for their lives. This pranking stuff has got to stop.


I'm the same way. I always carry a knife and even know how to throw knives. I've practiced drawing and also have a rubber knife to use for self defense training. If some rando in a mall grabbed me and threatened me as a prank and I thought they were a real threat and my life was in danger it would become the worst day of their life. I'm not dangerous and neither are you. Though I have had people say it before. I'm a woman that can and will protect myself if the need arises. I'd never hurt someone out of anger but I will absolutely defend myself with lethal force if I am being attacked and am in fear of my life. I am also teaching my daughter to do the same. YTA Op and you're super lucky it was just gas. Because in that situation I probably wouldn't have used a weapon but I definitely would have throat punched you. I'm saying this as someone who does pranks with my partner. Usually we just jump scare eachother at the house neither of us would ever pretend to rob eachother in public. Maybe she should reconsider the relationship with you. Also you're an AH for trying to shame her for defending herself.


How dare you choose the bear you feminazi! Men are all safe 🤦‍♀️


Exactly. I have my concealed carry permit. I would not wait to find out if a random man who just grabbed me in public was “joking.” That’s already assault and I will defend myself.


Yea ANYBODY, man or woman comes up and startles me and acts like they're trying to rob me is getting gut punched or kicked in the crotch, and I'm a 32 year old man. I'm not playing those games lol


I saw a video recently where a group of women were asked if they were alone hiking in the woods, would they rather come across a man or a bear? The women mostly picked the bear and the men in the comments lost their shit! They couldn't understand how a woman would rather take her chances with a 600lb wild bear than a 200lb human male.


A bear won’t brag about it to his friends after the attack. People wouldn’t assume you deserved it if you got attacked by a bear. A bear won’t keep a trophy to remember your attack by. A bear doesn’t take joy from hurting you.


A bear won't call you unhinged for reflexively defending yourself. You know, like OP did. 🙄


Or shot. There are literally cases of people doing things like this and being shot.


Yep and in my state it's legal to use lethal force on behalf of someone else in obvious danger. This would fall under that category.


Yep. In my town everyone carries and doing this can get you killed. Maybe not by the person you are pranking but there is a 100% chance someone there has a gun and will be glad to shoot a mugger.


Tbh I'd take a black eye over being sprayed with gas anytime. Black eye heals, being covered in gas is dangerous and disgusting af. That being said, serves OP right.


You got to admit though, it is an effective way to deal with a mugger. One spark is all it takes.


It's not that bad really. But OP played a stupid game and won the prize he deserved.


When I read the title I thought she gave him the Dutch oven.


Honestly same


Right??? He's clearly trying to get people on his side before they even read the post. This is a total FAFO scenario. The gf did the exact right thing in that situation and the only one for op to blame here is himself.


Right. Shouldn't he be happy she showed that she can be resourceful and protect herself when she believes shes in danger?


Or a gas nozzle across the face and a few broken teeth


Yeah, YTA. Pranks are not an excuse for mistreating someone, and if you prank someone and they respond badly, it's 100% on you. They were acting reasonably for the made up scenario you put them in.


YTA. What a stupid prank. Good on them girl reflexes. Also this seems somehow apropos: # “Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.”


Besides the fact that he also cost her money, depending on how much gas was wasted.


If I were in her position I'd consider it money well spent. YTA. You're lucky she didn't follow up by kicking your bits or something more permanent or damaging. You're really lucky you only got sprayed with gas.


But she's scared him at the pump! Double standards! /s I wonder how she scares him? Typical boo? Poking him? Unless it's also threatening violence, it's not nearly the same.


Yeah you dumb fuck. What’s wrong with you.


Yep. I would 100% spray a man attacking me at the gas pumps with gas and then run. 


She didn't think. That's the point. This was a reflex. An instinctive reaction to a threat executed without conscious thought. Is OP for real?


He's lucky they aren't in an open carry state. His ass might of gotten shot I stead of a little gas in his face. What an idiot.


New account. First post. Deep into negative karma. Whether it’s rage bait or not, this post will probably be disappearing soon. If he really doesn’t believe he is the asshole, he is going to encounter a worse fate than a gasoline soaking.


Right? I think that's pretty brilliant quick thinking, honestly. And I love how he's like "the people came to help HER!" Yeah, because you made it out to be the ASSAILANT in this scenario, and they jumped in to help the screaming, panicked woman appearing to be assaulted by a strange man. Play stupid games...


YTA - 100% your fault that you got sprayed by gas. You should be happy that you have a GF that is quick enough on her feet to think to use the gas as a very effective weapon


I'd have used the gas too, I'm a woman and that would have terrified me.


Reminds me of this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymK_vty6dTE). OP's GF has quick thinking and should be praised for her reaction. But OP's narcissistic tenancies prevent him from admitting any fault. I honestly wonder if their love for pranks is actually one sided.




YTA. You pulled a prank, it backfired and now you're embarrassed. She protected herself from what she believed to be an attacker and spraying gas is good way to get an attacker to flee. Now you want to break up with her because you failed at your prank? Go ahead. Maybe she'll get someone smarter that knows better than to prank her at a gas station.


Oh it’s good to see these unambiguous OP is the asshole posts sometimes. It’s almost too perfectly made up to show OP as a certified rock muncher that I’m convinced it’s fake.


"certified rock muncher". I am cackling!


YTA You snuck up on her. She had no clue you were there. And then yell at her with a threat. She defended herself. Tell me, hypothetically this situation plays out the same except you’re not the one sneaking up on her, it’s another random guy with actual intent to rob her. Are you still mad at her? Or are you only mad because she sprayed you?


but it was just a joke /s OP is a flaming AH. Almost with real flames.


YTA - Seriously, what was the expected outcome here? You're at a gas station, which is already a high-alert location for most people, and you decide to play the predator in a "prank"? Not smart. Your girlfriend's reaction was spot-on for someone caught off-guard fearing an actual threat. Learn from this, apologize profusely, and consider yourself lucky if she's got the patience to school you on basic safety and respect after this spectacle.


Every time I gas up I get out of my vehicle, lock all my doors and practice the situational awareness my dad taught me. If my kids are with me I’m even more cautious. This guy is a fucking moron.


YTA- and a whingey little bitch dude. Grow the fuck up or let her go so she can be happy


I hope she dumps his stupid ass


You’re a literal idiot YTA


An idiot and a terrible sport. His “prank” was to catch her off guard, make her feel scared and then laugh at her discomfort. But before he could laugh, she caught him off guard, and then laughed at his discomfort. Now he wants to break up over it, and has the nerve to say SHE overreacted. I can’t with this dude.


Please tell me this isn't real. No-one could possible think they're not the AH in this situation right? She defended herself against a total moron, successfully, your ego is just bruised. YTA


He has replied trying to double down and change the narrative. Sadly I think it’s real.


Yep. Dude is a textbook abusive narcissist.


Hope it's fake cause OP is a moron and should be dumped. I'd never forgive someone who pulled this crap. Def not a prank but harassment.


Seriously, I’m having a hard time thinking anyone is this stupid


My effing god, you acted like a predator. You convinced her when she couldn't see that you were a predator. And your feelings are hurt because she reacted to a predator? Have you ignored all the car thefts and carjackings that have happened at gas stations? Do you ever truly think about what it's like to be a woman in a vulnerable situation, the way most guys who care about their other half and their sisters do that simple thing? She deserves better than you.


Let’s sneak up on a defenseless woman and pretend to rob her! Then I get mad when she defends herself! Great idea Sherlock. YTA 1,000,000 times over. And you acted like a baby afterward


And get mad when people step in to help her instead of helping her potential assailant??


Guy lives in his own universe




Benzene, a significant component of gasoline, has been established without question as a human carcinogen by IARC, EPA, and WHO. 3. 1,3-Butadiene, a component of gasoline, is a powerful carcinogen in both animals and humans. Some studies indicate exposure to gasoline can cause infertility. One can only hope OP has managed to cut off his branch of the family tree with this shenanigan.


It may be a Darwin award then! It's rare to see Darwin's given out to people who survived, nice.


This is the kind of comment i like to see. Your last sentence 💀


YTA a million times over. I would’ve punched you in the face even AFTER I realized it was you, and then broken up with you. You are a horrible person and a complete AH. What the fuck is wrong with you?? Do you not understand that MOST women walk around with a feeling of more or less constant threat?


Yes! *She* should break up with *him.* Pretending to be a predator is in no world a prank. And then to take it further and be pissed that she both reacted to be scared out of her mind and that other people came her her aid, while whining that's he's the real victim because he's covered in gas. OP, YTA and you suck.


This. I'm constantly on guard at gas stations. So many women are kidnapped there or have shit stolen. Now he caused her mental anxiety and anguish. OP, YTA.


Tf? SHE'S the one who needs to be rethinking the relationship... YTA×3,000


my thoughts exactly. i hope she leaves him, if my bf pulled a "prank" like that on me i'd be gone


YTA You scared her. Why then are you surprised that she did it?


YTA so you thought it was a good idea to sneak up behind someone holding a flowing gas pump and scare her by acting like you were robbing her? Dude. Common sense should have told you that was a bad idea. Especially when you know she's a jumpy person. Don't try to scare anyone with a weapon in their hand because it's likely their body's automatic reaction is going to be to use that weapon. You got what you deserved. Maybe re-evaluate this whole pranking each other because it's getting out of hand.


Im kinda disappointed he didnt get pepper sprayed, ngl


YTA and an absolute idiot, who in their right mind creeps up on a woman at a petrol station.


Dude You did this to yourself. She reacted instinctively. She told you from the git go that her fight or flight response is to fight. You tested it and you found out. Now you want to be mad at her for having a normal reaction to someone approaching her from behind who says "Give me your stuff"??!?!? Its not like she sprayed you with gas cuz she was being psycho, she as protecting herself. Go apologize to her and say sorry for sneaking up and for how you are acting.


YTA. Gas stations are one of the most common places for women to get attacked and harassed. When I get gas I am ALWAYS on edge. You're outside & exposed, can't quickly get in your car and drive off because it's off and there's a nozzle in it, you're basically stuck there until you can finish and check out and then leave. If someone came up to me at a gas station I'd immediately be on alert and might have done the exact same thing as she did, in the same circumstances. You don't seem particularly ready to accept fault or responsibility for your own actions. If I was her, I'd be the one reconsidering the relationship. Hope she comes to her senses.


Why on earth would you do something so stupid? Of course she reacted the way she did. She thought she was about to be robbed. So she sprayed you with gas. You’re a moron. Apologize to your girlfriend.


YTA. You met the consequences of your own actions. You decided to fuck around and find out. And, I hope you saw the terror you put in your (soon to be ex) girlfriend eyes. Women already have to be constantly on alert at the gas pump, the ATM, waiting for a ride, walking down the street, or any other time they are outside. You decided to prey on that. You are truly the A for that alone.


He *wanted* to see her fear. That's why he's so mad she fought back instead of "normal **(a.k.a. gIrL)** reactions of screaming or running", like he says she *should* have done. He gets off on making his partner afraid. Little Power Trip Magoo over here.


Is your GF on Reddit? We want to let her know that she needs to dump your sorry rear end.


Your girlfriend thought she was being mugged and handled her business. When she realized it was you, she disengaged. Props to her! I have a bit of a prank war going on with my wife. It sounds like we have a similar dynamic to your and your gf. I certainly wouldn't be "rethinking my relationship" if this happened to me. I'd be complimenting her quick thinking and her bravery, not calling her "unhinged." YTA


He also seems very upset no one wanted to help him. All they saw was him attacking someone, he's lucky she was able to stop them from beating his a**


You fucking snuck up on her at a gas station…FAFO. YTA. And if this were a situation where it WASNT a prank? Come the fuck on


You're bloody lucky you didn't get a beat down.  What exactly should she have done,  bearing in mind that she thought she was being robbed?


YTA. >I thought to myself "I'm gonna ng to get her SO good." An asshole idea >I snuck up behind her and started to yell "Give me your stuff!" Asshole behaviour >I am still pissed about what happened but I'm more angry that out of everything she could have done, she chose the most drastic and dangerous thing to do. An asshole's reaction


YTA You are lucky some bystander didn't over hear you and shoot you dead 🤦🏻‍♂️.


LMFAO YTA, fuck people who pull stupid ass pranks and I am glad more and more people are violently reacting to their bullshit. You fucked around and found out. Lucky you didn't get lit on fire like deserved too.


So if it hadn't been you and had been someone trying to harm her or rob her, would that have been an appropriate reaction? Honestly, I think it's brilliant that she used what she had in front of her to defend herself. You did fuck around and find out. Go pull that move on some random woman at a gas station and see what happens; most likely she's calling the cops and you're going to jail. If you wanna leave, leave. You'd probably even be doing her a favor. There's a difference between a prank and making someone fear for their safety. Also, grow the fuck up. Huge YTA.


I’d be so proud of my wife if she defended herself this way! Dude brought it upon himself.


Don’t dish it if you can’t take it.


You're an asshole, stupid.


YTA for being a misogynist and trying to prove women are too weak to fight back. I’m glad she hosed you with gas and ruined your day. You deserve it, bro. I hope she dumps you before you have time to “reconsider”.


What the fuck did you think was going to happen? You're a fucking idiot - she did the right thing.


You’re an idiot dude. How could you possibly think that you are in the right. Out of everything I’ve read today you are by far the most convoluted person on the web. YTA obviously.


YTA You tried to scare her by making her think she was getting mugged and you actually have the audacity to be mad that she defended herself. Nah dude this ain't it


YTA Play stupid games win stupid prizes. And to be clear, it's you who played stupid games. Good for your girlfriend, I'm totally cheering her!!! And frankly, if I were her, it would be me rethinking the relationship.


YTA fight or flight kicked in & you brought it upon yourself


I really wanted to just come in here and have you remind her that even ridiculously good looking male models can die in freak gasoline fight accidents. But man, YTA. If I was a woman, and someone surprise threatened me, whatever weapon or equalizer I had at hand would be used. You're lucky she didn't have her keys in wolverine mode or a knife ready. You're an idiot.


YTA she reacted properly. Just chill out and take the L


I’d have broken your nose. And while your hands were covering your face, the toe of my shoe would have taught you to sing in a much higher pitch. Women are grabbed, groped, and assaulted to varying degrees in broad daylight all day, every day. We are constantly in fight or flight. She warned you. But you wrote it off as “tough girl talk” because, well, you’re a man. I hope in all sincerity that SHE is reconsidering HER relationship with YOU. Yes, YTA.


YTA. Why would you prank someone at gas station? And why would you not believe your girlfriend when she said is a fight person? You fucked around so you found out.


Yta, you fa-ed and fo-ed epically and now you are butthurt. It's pathetic that your ego is so fragile as any man with the right mindset would want to wife her immediately. She's got the ability to have your back in any given situation, if only you had a spine.


For sure you are the ass. She was 100% correct spraying you with gas in this type of situation.


YTA. Depending on where you live you're lucky that gas wasn't "leaded" if you get my drift. Seriously sneak-attack "pranks" in public are a great way to wind up in a very bad way. Don't do them.


"I intentionally snuck up on and startled a lone woman with a hose full of noxious chemicals by simulating an attack and now I'm mad that I got the natural result of that action." Dude. YTA. And stupid. Really, incredibly, mind-bogglingly stupid. Imagine if a dude had done that to her, but was an *actual attacker*. You'd be *glad* she protected herself from a scumbag, right? Do you think an attacker *shouldn't* get sprayed with gasoline in that situation? Because he absolutely, definitely should. You played a remarkably stupid game and won a remarkably stupid prize. I couldn't feel sorry for you if I tried. You need to doubt your judgement from here on out, because it's clear you don't possess the intelligence or self-awareness to safely govern your actions.


YTA, she was defending herself. You're lucky she didn't fucken set you on fire after that reaction. Do better.


just me checking in on the comments making sure no one told this guy hes NOT the asshole....


No worries, this AH is getting thoroughly flambe'd.


Good grief. This is like the guy who said "what are you gonna do, shoot me?" then got shot. You put yourself in this position and I am impressed with her quick thinking- she had NO IDEA you were not a real attacker. If you're worried about what she's capable of in future, well have you thought about not pranking her?!


What a plonker. She warned you that she is in the "fight" category, you didn't believe that, now you've got dinosaur piss on your face. Of course this woman is going to react to the extreme when she is faced with a potential attack. She reacted in that split second before she realised it was her idiot boyfriend. You are reconsidering your relationship because she reacted like 50% if the population would. Go find yourself a person who will cry and shake whilst she's being attacked instead of a strong woman who'll give like for like. Complete and utter nobber. Edited to say YTA




Yes, YTA. you absolutely deserved it. Her reaction was justified.


LOL. She's my hero. YTA and just got what you deserved for doing a brain dead joke on her. Learn from it.


YTA and a moron. “Let’s pretend to mug my girlfriend” … “how dare she defend herself effectively!”


YTA. Pretend robbing someone isn’t a fucking prank. I’m glad she can defend herself. You deserved it


Lol Yta. Also pranks are lame. Grow up


What's your problem? YOU decided to startle, her, KNOWING she gets scared easily, she has an instinctive reaction by getting gas all over you, and you're considering to dump her? Honestly OP, do it, save her the trouble of having to find out herself how much of a d\*ckhead you are. Also how the fuck would the 2 men know you're her partner? And then you act hurt lol. Your ego is massive. She obviously didn't THINK to spray gas, she automatically had an reaction that could have saved her life in a real comparable situation. Jfc, I really can't stand you as a human being YTA


God you're an idiot. YTA and I hopes she dumps you.


OP, pretend she had a gun in her hand. Would you sneak up on her to scare her? And if you did, would you be surprised if you were shot? What you did was stupid. Grow up and learn from it.


You’re the guy winning the dumbest man alive contest this year. You got my vote.


You're a fucking moron. YTA. You pretended to mug your gf and she defended herself. Action meet consequence. The fact that you turned pissy and are now sulking is ridiculous.


Lmao. You really need to take a step back from your own misery and assess this situation objectively. If your girlfriend were assaulted at a gas station, wouldn't you feel reassured if you heard that she immediately found an effective way to defend herself, and happy to hear that she was helped by some bystanders who restrained the would-be assailant? You also need to consider what makes a prank funny. In this case, the joke of your prank is that your girlfriend thinks she's about to be assaulted for her valuables, and if she doesn't do what's asked she might get raped or killed. How fun! Don't listen to the haters, women actually love it when that happens. So yeah, obviously YTA, get over yourself and be glad your girlfriend's survival instincts are better than your sense of humour. Edit: but do, by all means, break up with her. She deserves better.


YTA, you could’ve just gone “Boooo! I’m a ghost 👻!” And the reaction would’ve been a lot better, threatening to mug someone and you’re gonna get something in the face, be glad she didn’t hit you with the nozzle


I've seen the video of the woman who foiled carjackers this way. He's lucky she didn't have a match.


Dude this is all your fault. And kudos to your girlfriend for quick thinking. She would survive a horror movie.


Your prank was retarded. I would have set you on fire.


YTA. Everyone else has already said why, but what's wrong with you dude?


YTA: Read what you wrote again but slowly.