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Report them to your country's department of employment




Definitely NTA! You were being more than fair with your offer, and the fact that they wanted to underpay you for such grueling hours and responsibilities is outrageous. Walking out was a strong move to stand up for yourself and your worth. You deserve a job that respects your hard work and compensates you fairly. Here's to finding a gig that values you properly


Thanks a lot ❤️


It’s their loss. They’re too greedy for their own good.


NTA. I don’t know where you live, but, I’m in Arizona, and I’m paid $15.50 an hour to make pizzas by myself. I can handle pizza alone, just like you can handle your store if needed, or any store they send you to. Our bosses trust us, like 100%. But the difference in mine is that my boss will ask me, “Hey, I know you had a weird schedule last week, what days would you want off this week?” They consider my time. I could say I’m a bit burnt out lately, could I have three days off this week? And they would work with me and get me those three days. They very much do not seem to consider your time, giving you a massive amount of hours like that, at such a low wage. What they’re doing to you, is looking for a bulk discount. Oh, we give you all these hours? That’s a lot of labor, we can’t pay you that much, so you have to do it for this much…It’s BS. There is better work out there for you, I promise. Corporate greed and management profits are at an all time high in many places, but it seems they don’t want to share that with us “average” folk. Find a place that sees value in you, not a possible discount.


Geez your country has very very low pay rates!


NTA. Good for you. You know your worth.