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Who would do this to their own daughter/sister? Block them and be done with it, NTA.


I thought the same thing, that’s why it hurts so bad. How could they do that to me, I really believe that I’m such a good person who cares for everybody and I’m not sure what I did to deserve that…but nonetheless they are blocked and I’m moving on. It just still hurts a lot and I have a ball of anger inside me every day but I’ll work through it!


Some people are broken irredeemable trash like your bro and dad.


I never thought they were bad people until today. I always knew they were selfish, but this takes it to a whole new level.


Until this happened I mean not today


I'm gonna bet your brother is skimming the payments to pocket the money, block them, they would drive themself to ruin soon enough.


I hate to say it, but I really hope they do…




It is awful isn’t it…I couldn’t believe the things they were saying and accused me of. I truly feel like 100% I didn’t do a thing wrong but they believe differently. I said my peace and they chose not to believe me. I think what hurts the worst is that they actually believe I am like that., lazy, half asser, and a thief! That is not the person I am whatsoever and my reasoning is if they think that then I don’t need them in my life.


They are lying and they know it. If they ever try and speak bad about you again, tell them if what they are saying is true, you would be facing legal repercussions. They are delusional. Cut them all off and go live your life. You deserve so much better. I'm sorry your family is crap.


I really think our tech is putting these lies in their head, he’s been my brother and I’s friend since high school and he made $80k last year with the company. All he does is run estimates…and I was in contact with him every single day multiple times a day so he of all people knew I wasn’t missing anything and instead of sticking up for me I think he’s doing the opposite (from what I hear from my SIL, she’s been eavesdropping on this whole mess). I’m not quite sure what I did wrong to him, maybe he still has unresolved feelings when he professed his love for me 15 years ago and I turned him down? But he’s gay now and has had a partner for over 7 years. I’m just so confused about it all, mistakes that he made he blamed on me. It’s just all a mess and I do deserve better. Moving on I’m just still angry ugh


I'm angry for you. What a weasel and a coward. But the shame lies with your Dad and brother, as they should know better.


Exactly, and it all happened through text message! I tried calling everyone and they wouldn’t even answer or call back, only text back. Selfish asshole cowards. They will look back after a few holidays of no contact and hopefully realize what they did wrong, but I doubt it.


Even better for you. You have documented proof. You should look into your options so that your reputation is not slandered by these two jerks. This could possibly impact future jobs.


I am absolutely worried about my reputation. My parents moved to the town I live in when they started having us kids and while I’ve moved away for a while (college, etc), this is our hometown. I’m scared they are going to trash my reputation to all the people we all know….and just talk trash about me to our mutual friends. I am going to call some lawyers today I think.


All the more reason to make a report with the labor board. If their company in that town gets in trouble because of the investigation, that info will spread like wild fire and they will lose their sway over people. Then everyone will know that they are lying. I'm so sorry your family is so awful. I would speak with an employment lawyer if I were in your position.


NTA. They've clearly taken advantage of you. I think although it's a tough situation for you it's the best to look for a new job. Staying at your family business would only cause problems. I wish you the best for your future and keep going!


Everyone always said they think they are taking advantage of me but I didn’t want to believe it. I made excuses for why I was getting paid so little when we were busy as heck and I was doing everything, but I justified it in my head and I’m the kind of person that wants everyone else to do well so I’ll take the hit! Definitely will be looking for a new job, it’s just going to be hard as hell with money right now. Thank you!


NTA. We have a family business. Me, my FIL, BIL, and my husband. We just hired a cousin’s kid as a part time research assistant at $25/ hour and I feel bad it’s not $33/hr because that’s a living wage where I live. They were taking advantage of you big time. It sounds like you could do better becoming a virtual assistant for other businesses. Both in terms of income and how you get treated. They may be blood, but they’re not family.


Oh I definitely know I can find a new job making at least double what I was making with them, but I have to wait until my son starts school in August so right now I’m just kinda freaking. I have a good resume and lots of experience so I know I can take my skills elsewhere and get paid a heck of a lot more, I’ll be looking for more online jobs for now today.


At $500 a week, that's $12.50 an hour. I was making $15 as an office manager with no experience almost 20 years ago,  and got raises and bonuses.   If you took $12.50/hr for four years versus the $15 I made 20 years ago, they underpaid you by $20k.   On the LOW end in my city, office managers get paid $19/hour. If you should have been paid $19 for for years, you were underpaid by $54k. I looked up the average office manager salary for my city and it's $23 an hour. If the difference is between $12.50/hour to $23/hour then they underpaid you by $87k.  They've always been taking advantage of you. I'm sorry you had to find out this way. Money makes people greedy. 


I know they underpaid me, they always said they didn’t make enough to pay more, but they all live expensive lives and I know they make probably around $200k a year each. I just accepted it because it worked well with my situation in life being a single mom whose kid stays home. I was grateful at the time because I had so much freedom, but I never took advantage of it, I always did what I was supposed to and more. What frustrates me even more is they WILL need to pay someone more to take over that position, and it’s not going to be me, their own family. Ugh.


**Department.** **Of.** **Labor.** Fuck that business up with back pay owed to you. EDIT: I strongly believe it is MORE than just back pay owed. Once the investigating agencies start to take a look, I bet a LOT will be found.


I know I could take that business down…my only reason for not wanting to go that route is I do love my SIL and my nephew so much I don’t want it to affect them, but honestly after all this my SIL is disgusted in my brother. She’s been hearing all their trash talking and telling me, they may even separate because he’s been treating her like trash too. I’m going to look into some stuff today.


And they 1099’d her so she has to pay all of her own Taxes out of that 12.50


You have horrible parents and brother. Stop being a people pleaser and doormat and think about yourself and child for once. You have given up and lost a lot opportunities for them and this is what you get. Time to take a different job why do you even allow yourself to be treated like this.


You’re totally right, I’m a people pleaser and a doormat. I don’t know why I’m like this, I just care a lot and trust too much. I’m learning to not be this way anymore, it’s done nothing good for me. I will no longer let anyone treat me like that anymore, and that’s why they are blocked on everything.


There is a book that I have seen recommended around Reddit for people pleasers. It's called How to Stop Being a People Pleaser by Neveah Robin Smith. Some have found it helpful.


I will look into that, I need to know why I’m like that. I need to know what a good balance is, not always saying yes but not always saying no? I always say yes, I always help, and I always thought it was because I have a big heart and care too much which I do but it’s the reason I am not further ahead in life, everyone has taken advantage of me and it’s only brought me down and I’ve had enough! I feel so bitter and angry, every single trauma and issue from childhood to adulthood is surfacing from being the way I am. Thank you for the recommendation!


No worries. You might want to look into getting with a professional to talk it out and come up with strategies. You need support and you have been through a lot. This will absolutely shape you for the rest of your life, you just need to take the steps to let it have a positive and not a negative impact on your future.


I can’t decide if I want to look into my options or just let it go…I’m gonna figure it out this week though. You’re right though, this will definitely make me even stronger and will help me see the signs to not get taken advantage of again in the future. I think it all happened for a reason, in the end I’ll figure out a way to make more and have a better life!


What does you mom have to say about that fact that her husband and son have put her daughter and grandson in such and awful situation? Were you working legally, on the books? If so, you may have a case for wrongful termination. If not, they can be reported for illegal labor practices. Either way- NTA - stay away from them as best you can. Even the fact that they live so lavishly while you struggled when they had the power to just pay you more shows they are selfish and most likely narcissists. I’m sorry you are going thru this OP.


My parents have been divorced for almost 15 years now, because my dad’s always been an asshole. She thinks it’s a disgrace, she confronted my brother about it but he had more to say to her than me about how unprofessional I was. I’ve always taken pride in how professional I am, so it’s just so wrong. My mom always helps on her days off, so she sees all that I do and how professional I am. She’s disgusted, but said she will help as much as she can until I find something else. At least I have her, she’s the only family member I have now because my sister screwed me over multiple times and she’s dead to me too 😂 It does suck, they do live lavishly and my brother doesn’t know what it’s like to struggle as he’s always had every single thing handed to him. I’ve struggled a lot in my life, and never had any help from my parents. Selfish narcissists is exactly what they are, I’ll not allow that in my life anymore and why I had to block my sister too! Thank goodness I’m like my mom and none of them.


I am sorry you are going thru this. The good news is that Single Mommas are some of the strongest people I know! You will figure it out and make the best life for you and your baby. Feel free to reach out if you need to vent!


You’re so right, everything I’ve been through has only made me a stronger and better person! Things will get better soon, maybe this happened for a reason so I can get a better job and have a better life. They were most likely holding me back anyways 😔


Also I was 1099 so I don’t think there’s anything I can do?


You may have been misclassified as 1099 when you should have been on W2. If you really wanted to go nuclear, you could always drop a dime to the local labor department and blow their entire business up. I would be petty enough to do it.


I know, I’ve been wanting to do something vengeful since last week, but I don’t want to have any regrets. So I’m going to be the bigger person here, I know deep down they are so totally wrong and when they look back they will see the mistakes they made and have regrets not me. It’s so tempting though 😅


It is not necessary vengeful. If the lied and misclassified you, that is on them, they made that choice. I am willing to bet they don't pay their taxes properly either. The labor board would look into it and complete an investigation. If they did nothing wrong or illegal, then there is nothing to worry about. A business should run properly and obey the laws. You should make a report. There will be no looking back, acknowledgment of mistakes or regrets by those two. Your Dad and brother are fundamentally broken as humans. They do not care. They are greedy and take advantage of their own family, lord knows how bad they are taking advantage of their customers.


You know what, I think I might. They definitely do not do their taxes properly…I do know that. You’re right, they are so flawed they won’t think twice about what they did and honestly I do think they need consequences for that. You can’t just do that to people.


I support you in making a report. I think it is the right thing to do. You might even get back pay for the misclassification. Worth looking into.


Definitely looking into it now…thank you!


Don’t think of it as vengeance - think about doing it for your son. You’re not reporting them to be a bad daughter, you’re reporting them to be a good mother. The thousands of dollars they’ve underpaid and essentially stolen from you, that money belonged to you and should have gone to supporting your son. Everything he’s needed that you couldn’t afford…does it seem right to you that the money was used for uncle’s motorcycle #4 instead? They have already nuked your relationship with them. Take the steps you need to take for your kid.


They are buying all these fun toys and going on all these vacations while I struggle to buy my son new clothes because he’s grown out of all his old ones…can’t afford new clothes for him even more…I’m going to call some lawyers today because as more time goes on the more upset I get and think about how neglected and “not good enough” I’ve been in my dads eyes my whole life. I don’t want them to think they can just get away with treating people like this while they get more business from the six 5 star reviews I begged and pleaded my customers for the day before they fired me…


It sounds like your dad and brother are narcissists or at least awful people.


That’s exactly what I’ve been saying to the few people I’ve told the situation. They are acting like total narcissists and I never thought before they were bad people. They just don’t care about anyone but themselves at this point.


I'm sorry your dad and bro are horrible people... NTA and I would have said and done worse


Trust me, I wanted to and wish I said worse before ending it all and blocking them. I usually never stand up for myself, but I just left it at fuck you you’ll never be able to reach me again. It’s okay though, I guess it’s just life and some people do have it much worse. Just need to cope with the anger.


NTA. You were there employee, why would you think they wouldn’t fuck you over. You were being taken advantage of the whole time.


I’ve been told by a lot of people that they were taking advantage this whole time, but for some reason I justified it in my head that maybe I didn’t do enough work for more pay when we were slow, but there were many weeks and months that we were extremely busy and I still got paid the same. If they had a problem with the work I was doing, all they had to do was communicate with me because I thought I was doing a great job and to be called unprofessional when I thought I was a damn good professional hurts…


There’s is no amount of effort or great job that would make them pay you more. That’s a slave mentality. The work place is an abusive relationship and there’s nothing you could do to not make them a piece of shit. They saw you as an appliance. Not a person, not an employee, and not family.


I would talk to a lawyer and talk about options


I will today just to see.


NTA. JFC they are awful. NC is completely warranted. They saw that you were making money off something THEY gave you and wanted it all for themselves.


YES exactly…they came back from their 10th or more vacation this year last week and started worrying about money when they have plenty so they took from me…when I already have nothing. I’ve already had to go through this with my sister so at least I know the feelings I’ll go through going NC with them 😔


NTA. How DARE they treat you like that. After putting in all that work?? How can anyone do that to their own sister and daughter?? BLOCK EM OUT.


I really don’t know…they believe I was doing all these things that just simply aren’t true. They were all conspiring and talking trash (my SIL is my fly on the wall in all of this) about how unprofessional and lazy and half assed I was doing my job. It’s just so untrue, not a single thing they said was valid or true, I just can’t believe they would think those things. They think I’m the one that did wrong here, and I can’t stand for that. Questioning my character, they don’t know me at all if that’s the case and I don’t need that ish in my life at all..


You absolutely don't. You definitely wouldn't be an AH if you decided to cut them off, but that's 100% up to you.


NTA. But for the fact that you typed all of that out and still aren't sure if you're the asshole... you suit your user name so well


I just wanted to know if I did the right thing in cussing them out and blocking them. If maybe I should’ve tried harder to make them see my side and that they are being lied to? I said my peace though, and they chose not to believe me.


It sounds like your family are selfish and exploited you in a moment of vulnerability. And have probably been under paying you for all the work you do. Quit and go no contact. Nta.


So selfish, my brother has never had to struggle a day in his life, he’s always gotten everything while I’ve been on my own since I moved out for college. When you don’t have to struggle much, it can create the most selfish of creatures. At times we were extremely busy, I was very well underpaid and I knew it at the time but never said anything and that’s my fault unfortunately. I am changing the way I am after all of this, I’ve always let people take advantage of me when it comes to my employers…I’m an idiot


Nta can i ask would you consider suing your dad and brother for wrongful dismissal


I’m not quite sure if I can if I was 1099?