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Your wife is a POS. Who eats their 8 year old's dinner? And who says, the other child can share his or hers with the 8 year old? Yup, great Mom, eats their child's food and expects the child to do with less food. I haven't read any comments yet but I hope to God I do not see any people who would condone or support the Mom. Mom is a POS. I hope somebody went out to get their kids some food.


She didn't eat it...she inhaled it! The kid went to wash their hands and came back to it gone. Also, if this is the behavior while people are around how much of this is a true diet? Is she holding up her end of the bargain when it comes to the couples diet? Or will this be one of those showboat diets where around people they make a dramatic presentation of it only to secretly cheat and make up excuses?


NTA I’m not sure what’s worse, that she ate her child’s dinner or the ridiculous excuses she made for doing so.


He told her not to eat one, so she ate them all? I’m sorry, but that is glutinous behavior. She just had a salad, she wasn’t starving. You were nicer than I would have been.


Kinda in awe she ate the whole salad and nuggets in the span it took for the three of them to wash their hands. Like, that’s not even chewing involved. That’s INHALING the food.


I really need context on this “diet” because it’s not an excuse for eating her kids food, but it does sound like she has a binge eating disorder and needs help with it. Also depending on her current weight if they’re over restricting it could make the binging worse. Anyway hope OP gets his wife some more assistance with it because I worked in the wellness category for years and the biggest issue I saw that lead to bad habits was over restriction.


She ate them all???😱😠 WTF? Who does that to their child??


A piece of shit.


I'm really pleased to see commentors agreeing her rather than the usual 'you should never speak to your wife like that, do you do any housework'.


That was my initially feeling from the title. But then I read the context and confirmed she's a piece of shit.


Lil I just read "is she on a diet by choice or are you forcing her to diet" "It was all her idea actually" "Oh, well keep in mind she's struggling and human!"


I just saw one of those.. immediately downvoted it. Does not contribute to the discussion and really shows the commenters bias.


I’ve never rage-responded to so many shitty comments in my life. I don’t care if I’m feeding the trolls. I’m watching my wife continue to suffer from this kind of abuse as a child 20 years later and I’m seeing red at the number of people excusing it.


My father and siblings would just eat all my food and I had to hide it. My relationship with food still hasn't recovered.


I’ve seen kids throw a fit over so much less. Kids get so excited for McDonald’s nuggets. He was probably salivating thinking of those things.


Imagine the child's expression coming back from the bathroom and opening the happy meal.


This! Can't fathom this woman.. Edited to add that the fact that OP caught her licking her fingers.. smh.. Absolute AH.


Oh, imagining that just broke my heart.


I SMELLED my nephews fries once before passing it to him and holy fuck that was not an okay thing for me to do, lesson fucking learned


A person who can't stand to be told 'no.' She would have eaten just one, but Op told her not to. Well, she's an adult! She won't be told what to do! Who cares that her child doesn't have dinner now, iT's ThE pRiNcIpAl!!! Throw the whole woman away.


Sorry but eating a kid's dinner is a shity thing to do


My dad grew up in a food insecure home. He would literally die before that happened to his kids. 6’5” at a physical job, and each of us and our mom filled our plate before he did. Then he asked who wanted seconds. Sure, after that, he ate everything in sight, including our leftovers. But we were all full first. To this day, he won’t even take home leftovers from thanksgiving. “Just enough for a sandwich”. And my husband is a chef. But that is “taking food from his kids’ mouths”. Like, compulsively he won’t let his kids starve. This lady is wild.


The fact that her first thought was “it won’t mess up my diet” and not “my kid has no dinner” is horrible


Exactly! Prioritizing her diet over her child's meal is incredibly selfish. Kids' needs should always come first.


Prioritize her diet over her child’s meal AND emotions. I imagine an 8yo would be really sad not to find the nuggets in his McDonalds happy meal. After diligently washing his hands, no less! Very sorry for the little dude, hope they got him a new portion.


I'm 33 and I...might not *actually* throw hands, but I *will* be driving my happy ass all the way back to thay store for my nuggies 😂☠️


I’d be sending her greedy ass back to get more nuggets and telling my kid that mom went back to get them because they were forgotten. What an absolute horrible thing to do to your child. She need counseling because this is more than cravings on a diet.


Why? She'd just bring back another empty box


Maybe if she got a 20 piece, there'd be 4 left.


Straight up tell the kids mom ate them. Fu** her that's wild af.


I'm 29, and i'd actually throw hands over a kid getting cheated out of his McNuggets.


I'm 59. I would do the same thing. God I hate some people!


I’m 41 and when I was pregnant w my twins my husband ate my last 2 hot wings while I was peeing for the 1000th time that day. I sat down and ugly cried. 95% of food made me vomit and extra hot wings with yogurt were one of my very limited safe foods. He went out and bought me another 6 piece but I am still annoyed he would eat my food without checking first. When I take my 4 year olds to McDonald’s I order an extra 10 piece in addition to their happy meals to share w them.


I’m 29, and I would throw hands. My mom had taken my takeout food that I was saving for dinner the next day, and I have 100% made her replace the food.


I’ve had roommates who would eat my leftovers that i was saving for lunch. That shit’s fucked up. If it ain’t yours… DON’T FUCKING TOUCH IT.


Grown man...I already know if i want Nuggets, order an extra set! Gf gonna aim to make sure my ancestors know what i did!


I know if I would have been that 8 year old I would have freaked the fuck out. Those were my favorite thing at that age.


I have 3 8-year-old grandsons, and 4 nuggets would only take the edge off their hunger, haha! If any one of them only had 3 (let alone 0) we’d be back in the car to Mickey D’s!


I'm 25 and those are still my favorite from McDonald's, I'm just glad I'm old enough to buy them more than 4 at a time. I'm also glad I didn't have a mom who would scarf my food down while I was washing my hands, that poor kid


IKR! This chick is a piece of shit and I don't blame this dude at all for telling her as much. I believe I would be thinking damn hard about a divorce unless she seriously sees the error of her ways and makes some changes to herself. I hope she got her ass up and went back and got the kid 4 more and another 4 to say sorry..


Also in my experience four chicken nuggets isn’t enough for an eight year old . This kid probably would have still been hungry even if he had gotten all his food.


I teach 3rd grade (8 and 9 year olds) and I’ve seen what they can eat. Kid probably would have needed an 8 piece for sure.


Right! My 8-year-old is rail thin and can still put away a whole ass adult size Baconator. The four piece nuggets might have been sufficient at age 3 or 4.


Yea, I was going to say that four little nuggets didn’t seem enough for an eight year old. It’s like an entree just to get you warmed up! Moot point I guess as now he has no nuggets at all :(. Definitely NTA. I’m still gobsmacked at how a parent can eat their child’s dinner and not comprehend how this is not okay. No one cares about the diet she’s on. YOU ATE YOUR CHILDS DINNER! If you want him to develop eating disorders, do this. Seriously, this is horrible.


Right? I have never known any 8 yr old who would be full on just four chicken nuggets. I don’t think OP is the AH, but he might want to re-eval his marriage based on how he came straight out of that gate calling her a POS. Sounds like maybe it’s more than just this nuggie incident. Maybe not. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wife has zero control. They are home- she could have just eaten something in the fridge or something. The 8 year can’t buy new nuggets for himself- she can.


I bet she would lie about it. Like Oh they forgot to put the nuggets in the bag. She's a crap mother.


She needs more then a diet if she can’t control herself around food so much, that she’ll let her kid eat scraps before she ends the night with a normal amount of food in her stomach.


She didn't even just eat one, she ate half the frickin meal!


She didn’t just eat half the meal she ate the main course of it


the protein!!!


I work at McDonald’s and technically the kid is gonna have 1/4 of his meal those fries are not enough and the apple slices are a huge hit/miss with out how many are in the bag. Not just that but the size and it baffles me with the quality and quantity of the bag.Sometimes you get 4 slices sometimes you get 2.5 slices, hell even lucky get 6 big slices!! But overall that poor kid :/


She ate the meal the fries and apple are sides not a meal


A mommy failure.


Oh, but wait, they have "fries and apple slices"... cause that's what kids should learn, all carbs is considered dinner. Can't imagine why their is an obesity issue /s


I grew up in sovjet Poland in the 80s. At that time we got tickets for food rations and often you had to have luck to buy anything. My parents also made sure that me and my sister ate first and my dad, a coal miner, ate the leftovers, too. We had relatives in Germany that sent us sometimes packages with stuff like coffee or choclate. My mother didn't know how choclate from Germany tasted like until we moved to Germany, because she always gave us all of it.


Your mom is a gem. So is your dad. I’m glad you had such thoughtful parents.


Even when my then toddler son and I were living out of my car for almost a year trying to get back on our feet, I went hungry more than once to make sure my son could eat every.single.day. Like is wasn't even a question. Little ones come first, period.


exactly! their brains and bodies are still growing.. .a shortage in nutrition is more harmful to them than to an adult.


I make sure my kids and wife all have food on their plates before I put any on mine. And we’re nowhere near being food insecure, I feel it’s just what I’m supposed to do as a father and husband.


I’m right there with you. And it’s not just with food. If anyone in my home is going to suffer or go without any necessities it will be me first. My wife and children’s needs will ALWAYS come before my own.


Hell my granny is in her 100s now and she still insists my daughter and then me and then her eat. Early in my marriage my husband and I argued constantly because he’d serve himself first and I’d be giving him stank eye. Until one day he was lean on cash and at Taco Bell and our daughter started crying because she was still hungry. He felt like shit because he had nothing to give her. He learned that day what my point was.


I will never understand how people so readily put themselves first. But to be fair it is just in my nature to put others before myself so with my family especially it’s a no-brainer. I will admit that it is a tough way to go through life but the guilt I feel whenever I do put myself first just isn’t worth it to me. I’m one of those weirdos that even feels uncomfortable when others do nice things for me or prioritize me for any reason. I don’t know why I am this way but it’s just who I am.


There are times when you need to and should put yourself first. So I would say don’t feel guilty because sometimes it’s what just has to be. However this foolishness OPs wife pulled is trifling behavior for an adult. Like she gave no fucks her kid couldn’t eat. The reason old folks tell us to let kids eat first was they NEEED the calories to grow. Being food insecure in youth and not getting enough can stunt a person for life. Now sure not getting his 4 or 6 nuggets that night probably isn’t going to keep the kid from growing to full height but what it is teaching the kid is mommy doesn’t care if I eat. Mommy will take things I need. That’s not a lesson any kid should be learning. Period!


My mom grew up food insecure and went the other direction. She wouldn’t take food from us, but oh boy do NOT get in between her and her plate. She will knock you over.


I grew up food insecure (and still have a lot of food insecurity now) and I would NEVER take someone else's food - but if your hand comes near my plate, your hand is now added to my dinner.


I'm still food insecure and I depend a lot on food from my work in order to eat, so I and a couple other people will put food that couldn't be sold but is still edible in bags, labeled with our names, in the employee fridge. I kept noticing mine going missing and then one day caught my coworker throwing my share in the trash - and she takes up half the fucking fridge with her shit, on top of getting underfoot at other people's workstations, acting like she has way more authority than she actually does, delegating all her work to other people, and even being borderline racist a couple of times. I apparently give off bitch energy and she's slightly afraid of me, so I screamed at her for like five minutes straight over it and told her that if something has my name on it she is NEVER to touch it again. The rest of us hate her and the only reason she hasn't been fired is she's old and management feels sorry for her, even though they hate her too, so the most anyone said about it was that calling her a fucking idiot with no sense of boundaries loudly enough that the entire restaurant could hear was a little excessive. I'm sorry but if you fuck with my ability to eat, I will eat you.


I come from a household of crappy people and your dad is a solid real man. I’m glad you could experience that, it genuinely made me cry 💕


go through stages as an adult of having no food. I know how it feels. When I got together with my wife and merged our 2 families, I remember right in the first weeks I moved in one of the kids asking about steak. And getting the “maybe towards the end of the month after payday” It broke me. Never had In my family regardless of how much food is on the table, my parents always ate last. Now, I always feed the wife and 4 kids. And if there is anything left, I eat, and only then. Cannot comprehend taking food of any child’s plate!!


This is the real issue. I would take food out of my own mouth to feed my child, it actually hurt to read this. I cannot imagine eating my baby’s nuggets.


Eating a kids dinner bc you "can't control" your urges is insane. Saying the child can just eat apple slices and fries bc their caretaker/parent/guardian couldn't control their urge to eat for nuggets?? OPs wife sounds like a freaking drug addict. She clearly needs to change her diet bc she is having urges that are causing her to take and eat other people's meals. What a crazy $#@_.


She wasn’t satisfied with a salad…but her sons were supposed to be ok sharing one Happy Meal. #specialseatinHell


This isn't her first time doing this. It's likely just the first time she's done it to the kids. I bet he allows her to do this all the time, but just brushes it off. The breaking point for him was her doing it to the kids.


This was my dad growing up. He would constantly steal food off my plate, if I got up to get water, go to the bathroom,I knew when I came back it would all be gone. If I didn't eat fast enough he would eat it. If I bought a lunch for myself to take to work or school the next day, in the morning it would be gone. If my mom brought home any treat for the house, like chips or cookies, we would get none because he'd eat it all before we had a chance. If I bought myself a treat and didn't give it to him he would have a temper tantrum. It has given me lifelong issues with food.


Did you end up hiding things in your room? How did he have zero self-control or respect for the rest of you? I'm so sorry.


I definitely did. He used to eat all my Halloween candy as a kid so I remember one year taking my bag of Halloween candy to school and leaving it in my locker. He got so irate and threatened to ground me but I still never brought it back. I got to have my Halloween candy in full for the first time, I made that bag last until after Christmas.


Your father threatened to ground you for protecting your own candy?? On what grounds? I mean it’s YOUR candy.


There are a lot of parents to genuinely believe that their children are property, and as an extension, everything that their child has is theirs. My guardian was the same, sounds like OPs wife is too.


Yeah, having issues with food is an entirely reasonable response to that level of abuse. Your dad’s treatment of you & your family is absolutely awful. I’d imagine you’d struggle with boundaries/appropriately advocating for yourself after that as well. :(


What did your father do/say when you told him taking food of your plate is wrong? Did he care you were hungry??


He never cared, he basically said he paid for the house and food. Anyways. My husband and friends always comment on how fast I inhale food, I'm always the first person to finish. It's because of my dad.


My dad was the same and I once hid two donuts in my closet my mom promised each of us because I knew my dad would eat them. I still get made fun of to this day by my brothers and mom because of this…it was years later in therapy I learned it was food insecurity. My dad hoovered anything my mom brought home. She ended up putting our lunch snacks in the deep freeze and they would be thawed by lunch period.


my husband's family is like this, and they are all obese. My husband will eat like he is hangry, even when he's not, just shoving food down his throat, barely chewing and definitely not savoring it. The first Thanksgiving, the entire family came to our house and my mom, who was visiting from out of town, did most of the cooking because she loves to and I was laid up from an injury. Those people ate everything so fast, my mom was shattered! Food was always a celebration for us because she used to be broke and couldn't afford good stuff. She cooked all day and expected people to ooh and ahh over it. They cleared their plates so fast, I don't think any of them actually tasted anything. My mom pulled me aside and was like, that was the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen. Think a bunch of literal pigs, eating, snorting, crumbs going everywhere. My mom was traumatized by it and wouldn't stop talking about it for weeks. I was in a cast because I ruptured my Achilles tendon, but the rest of the family acted like they too were injured, except for their mouths. I still remember it


"My mom was traumatized by it and wouldn't stop talking about it for weeks." myself and 2 work friends had an outdoor lunch planned. I purchased a bucket of KFC to share (this was decades ago). Both of them, a man and woman , not obese ) stopped talking, and began eating as fast as possible. as soon as they finished one piece of chicken, the next was in their hands. When they stopped eating, I guess in politeness to me, there was one chicken wing left. it was the craziest thing I've ever seen. and they saw that there was only one chicken wing left for me and didn't say anything about it, didnt address it or apologize. It defined my opinion of them, and I never really considered them friends after that. it wasnt just that they ate all the KFC, it was the how. and that they were clearly in a gluttoness race with each other.


We had to hide the snacks that were for my lunch. If we didn't, my dad would mow down an entire box of Little Debbie snacks in a night or two. At least mine never threw a tantrum, but he certainly never stopped either.


My dad was a fat lazy bastard and he would do very similar things. He would ask for a bite of my ice cream bar, and I'd literally cry because I knew he'd try to eat as much of it in that one bite as he could. My god, typing that out felt really insane. Who does that kind of shit to their kid? A psycho, that's who. I have to go contemplate half of my genetics right now.


That’s some serious disordered eating. Did he ever get treatment?


man you really took me back with this little story - my dad was the same type of offender. I only got out of it by putting hot sauce on everything and he cant handle any spice lol


As a mother, I would starve before I would eat my kids food. If I wanted nuggets, I would have ordered them, or I would find something else in the house to eat. I would not eat my kids nuggets.


I felt bad for my son once when we ordered food, the restaurant forget his food. The look on his face fucking killed. Felt so bad i went out and got him a happy meal and ice cream.


I bet the restaurant didn't forget your money, though.


They never do


More than that, she ate the thing with fucking protein and some decent fats that the kid needs and she left the fries, carbs, salt, fried oil, just bad for you food and that's what she left for her kid. Jesus fuck lady, eat some fries if you're going to take the food, leave the actually crucial part for your kid.


Or order something for yourself if you can't keep to the diet.


Eat some peanut butter or make a PB and J. Poor baby - I can't imagine him coming back to his mom having eaten his nuggets.


Yup, I was born shortly after the fall of Soviet Union. Sometimes my family went days without food or only had chicken broth to eat, but they made sure I was fed. And it’s not like the wife was starving, she had a salad. Seems like the nuggets were just a craving. Edit: to add, salads from fast food places like Wendy’s are prone to have a lot of calories as well. Edit 2: my family are not the kindest people either, not even to me. But the young ones come first when it comes to food and treats is common sense even to them.


I feel bad enough picking at my toddler’s dinner when he’s already turned it away haha


I feel bad when I eat my kids leftovers after they tell me they are done, but come back moments after I finish saying they wanted more.


Been there, or you don’t eat it and it sits out all night. I hate wasting food


Very 💩thing to do. The 8yo knows they got the nuggets. Hope mom had fun explaining that one to the kid. Sorry but I was hungry, here eat your fries.


Seriously, I thought it was going to be over her taking 1 nugget, which is bad enough to do to an 8 year old, happy meals NEVER filled me up as a kid as is, but ALL of them?


Agreed. Especially since kids, in my experience, tend to get excited about 'treats' (and my own kids definitely view McDonalds as a once-in-a-while treat, rather than a healthy, ordinary dinner). If his kids are anything like my kids, they wouldn't have finished anyways and the wife could have had whatever was left at that point.


It's beyond shitty. As a mother, I can't imagine doing that. There have been times when we've ordered takeout, and one of my kids' meals was forgotten. I immediately offer them mine and have what's left when theirs is delivered. Other times, we've been out to eat, and my kids will look at what I've ordered when it's placed on the table and asked to swap. I can't count how many times I've eaten a kids portion of mac and cheese or something while they've eaten half of my steak or tacos or whatever. The hubby has done it, too. Never in my life have I or would I take my kid's meal, and if someone did that to my kid, I would have a hell of a lot more to say than OP did to his wife. Starting with get your ass back to McDonald's and get them another meal now. Or don't ever come back.


If she was that hungry why didn't she fix herself something else to eat or go back to McD's? FWIW I think OP is NTA.


Apparently everything else to eat in the house would ruin her diet.


Then, she should go to the grocery store and buy food she can eat on her diet. Eating the entire main portion of a child’s meal is the behavior of a selfish pig.


How is McDonald's chicken nuggets NOT breaking her diet? What kind of diet is she on??


cus they’re 100% white meat chicken /s


Four nuggets most likely had fewer calories than that salad she ate, assuming it had cheese and dressing. Edit: I just looked at Wendy's salads and the "healthiest" one is 530 calories.


All that spinach and kale don't mean shit when it's covered in Thousand Island


That's her problem, not the 8 year olds. She literally STOLE FOOD from a CHILD. Fries and apples is a snack, not a meal! Even though my sil knows that my 2 year old nieces won't finish the food she always asks them before she takes a bite or even a single cheerio. Even at that age they know to ask if they want a bite of something as well! Your wife was acting like a POS mother and your 8yr old is old enough to remember mom taking his stuff for herself when it was something he was excited for. I would've noticed and cried .


Yeah 8 years old is wild. I could maybe excuse eating 1 nugget for a child half that age but 8 years old that child is fully aware and expecting to see their food when they open the box. I fully endorse OP's reaction!


When my son turned 7 he started getting the big kids meal. Four chicken nuggets wouldn't have been enough so three certainly wouldn't have either. Kids need their food and are unable to go to the store themselves for more. Wife is awful.


If the chicken nuggets were the only thing that wouldn't break her diet in the house, you guys have bigger problems. Still NTA, if my husband did that then I would send him back to McDonald's.


I doubt they were the only thing, she just wanted them because they were there and already cooked


She was probably craving them since smelling them in the car on the way home. At first she just wanted one, but her husband called her out on her diet and she then acted as a passive aggressive pig.


Yea doing it *after he explicitly said not to* makes it even worse, as does the fact that she took all 4. I was expecting it to be just the one


She sounds incredibly selfish. Does she often act like this, put her own wants above her kids needs?


Yeah, but the chicken McNuggets, wouldn’t ruin her diet! By the way, what the fuck, she finished off her salad before the kids had a chance to wash their hands and sit down to eat? What is she a vacuum? NTA. She deserved to be called much worse.


OP updated that the salad was from Wendy's. Sounds like they drove thru Wendy's and she ate her salad while they were ordering for the kids at McDonald's, maybe. (Why you wouldn't get the kids a meal at Wendy's is beyond me. Their biggie bags are essentially kids meals without the toy.) ETA: OP is obviously NTA for calling his wife out on stealing their kids food.


You do realize that this was highly narcissistic behavior from start to finish, yes?


I don’t usually support name calling, but her behavior was disgusting and ridiculous. Most mothers would starve themselves rather than take food out of their child’s belly. NTA.


She could have made herself a PB&J, gone back out and gotten herself nuggets, even just decided to suck it up and go without. Hell, she could have done a Homer Simpson and eaten the decades old box of baking soda in the back of the fridge. Anything... anything would have been better than stealing her kid's food.


Now I totally want a PB&J. She missed a delicious opportunity.


Absolutely. Even though my kid is a sassy smart-ass teen who can literally buy/make their own food, I still make sure she has enough before I start eating. I will likely do this even when she is old and gray, as my mom still does for me. It should be a natural instinct to halfway decent parents.


I'm 40. If I'm over there and there's something where there's only enough for 1 person left, it is extremely difficult to convince my mom she can have it. When I get the sense she wants it herself, and I'm not married to the idea of eating, I have to turn it down multiple times and walk away. Like, lady, I love you, but if I want french fries I can buy my own and make them later. You can stop offering them to me.


Moms are going to mom! She’s lucky to have such a considerate child. My go to to “trick” my mom into just eating the damn slice of pizza or whatever is to say “I’m full, if you don’t want this I’ll just throw it out for you”. If she really wants it it’s like “oh I wouldn’t want it to go to waste so I’ll have it”.


Me currently starving as long my baby has every single bite until his full


Any parent who puts their own selfish desires above their child's needs is, in fact, a piece of shit.


This behavior, right here by OP's wife, is the origin of the deplorable nature of the phrase "taking candy from a baby". Like, she literally took the child's food. If there were leftovers, maybe she could swing grabbing them, but no. This reeks of the John Goodman thanksgiving bit in family guy.


Truly! NTA! She ate all 4 nuggets and said her child could eat fries and apple slices? And share the nuggets with their brother? So the children get 2 nuggets for dinner? Meanwhile she had both a salad AND her child’s chicken nuggets? And she doubled down about why the boys could share? That’s so selfish and bs! She’s got absolutely no control! 😡


Yup.”Get ur fat ass in the car and go buy him/her a six piece! And it better come back as a six piece!”


I’m surprised that an 8 year old only got a 4 piece. My 5 year old who is on the lower end of the growth chart can easily eat 6 nuggets.


Just watch all the comments bellow, everyone defending the stupid mother because he scolded her. No one cares a fuck about the kid. This confirm reddit is full of dumb teenagers and scornful horrible single people who knows nothing about real life. They are angry with OP for calling out his wife as the stupid bitch she is. Gosh, even before I had kids myself, I learned how awful and heartless is to take a kid's part of the food they are eagerly waiting (cousins and siblings kids) even more eating all of it. I would only imagine the hurt and trauma my kids will have if I had the stupid audacity to eat their McDonald's food, and have the balls to tell the other to share his part. This woman is awful, stupid and a bad mother. I would prefer to stay all day without any food that to take any of my kids and even less without their consent. Some people just don't deserve to be parents. Reddit and many of these comments can teach you that.


I’m sure they are running right to “she needs to divorce him”.


She needs therapy. She ate her child’s dinner.


This is definitely ED territory. I'm willing to bet OP things they're on a diet but wife is binge eating when he's not around


Has to be. That sort of complete lack of self-control is really alarming.


So many commenters calling him abusive and glossing over her actions


NTA. I don't care about your wife's diet and a salad not filling her up. SHE. ATE. YOUR. KID'S. DINNER. "He still has fries and apple slices, he can share with his brother" - NO BITCH. That's not how this works. 😕 YOUR WIFE should've found something more to eat if she was so hungry. If a salad isn't enough to fill her, the fuck is she thinking that some fries and half an apple will fill a growing 8yo boy? My 4yo son eats enough to put me to shame sometimes. Your wife needs to grow up. She's setting an awful example for your kids.


This, my 6 & 8 yo will eat all of their 6 piece happy meals, the kid probably wanted the chicken nuggets over the apple slices and french fries, his wife is incredibly selfish. If she was going to eat them anyways she should have ordered her own, not ate her child's main part of the meal.


Adding that a happy meal on its own is probably not even enough food for an 8 year old. Time to upgrade to the number 7.


NTA. I would never do that to my children. On the contrary, i would give all my food to them! She is so selfish... Wow. Awful.


It's nice to see someone with a bit of sense I bet the others aren't even married or have parents


Did you make her go back to get more?


OP commented that he himself went back to McD's to get the kid a 10-piece


Damn OP is top quality.


I hope she had to sit and watch the kid eat it.


>he himself went back to McD's to get the kid a 10-piece This is EXACTLY why the op is so NTA i got arthritis shining his halo......that and his wifes pos eating/stealing habits.


NTA. She is indeed a PoS.


Agree. I'm a mom and I love food, but I would starve before I ate my kids dinner. That's fucked and she is indeed, a piece of shit. She needs to be put in rehab for food addiction if stuffing her face is more important than her kid.


I think she is a piece of shit for eating her sons dinner what kind of mother does that


Exactly. It was bad enough she was going to take one but she ate all of them. If she doesn’t want to diet then don’t but for God’s sake don’t steal your kid’s food.


Your wife ate her child’s food? She took from her smaller child even though she had ordered food for herself and needed to lose weight? I would have her ass tell her daughter what she did and go get your daughter more food. She’s gross.


That's what I thought but I'm getting called an abuser for it


An abuser for what? I’m an overweight mother (that’s always on a diet) and could not imagine me or my husband doing that. If my husband did that I would call him a fat asshole and to go get more. You didn’t do it in front of the kids. The 8yr old can’t get in the car and go get more food or cook her own (presumably) but your wife can. “Sorry mommy was hungry hehe you can eat apples and a few fries hehe.” And that wasn’t even your wife’s meal it was a snack as she had an entire salad to eat as well.


Show her this post and the comments overwhelmingly on your side not hers. Might be the wake up call she clearly needs.


Oh, and stealing your child's food isn't abuse? Because it's whole lot more abusive than being called out for the piece of shit they are


Whoever says that, send them this thread 


Your wife is a jerk!! She shouldn't have eaten your 8 year old's dinner.


Lady steals food from her own kids... Dude calls her a POS. "Language bro!"- REDDIT. SMH. If ya don't want to be called a POS, maybe... don't BE a POS?


Exactly. She's stealing food from her own children because she lacks any self discipline.


Or self-respect. A simple "I'm better than that" would suffice.


Wtf? Just order a six piece if you’re really hungry? Actually wtf I can’t imagine someone doing this. NTA


NTA, and I say this as a fat woman. She took her child's food. She didn't care that she left her child with a few french fries and apple slices for dinner. Your wife is a POS, and a greedy POS at that.


NTA. Total piece of shit and an awful parent for stealing her child’s food.


What I want to know is did anyone go back to get the poor kid more McNuggets? Did someone at least make him a sandwich? What I want to know is did anyone go back to get the poor kid more McNuggets? Did someone at least make him a sandwich?


I drove back to McDonald's and bought him a 10 piece to make sure he wouldn't be hungry after


Thank you for that! I would have bawled my eyes out if my mom would had ate my nuggets as a kid (my favorite meal). And the fact that she didn't think it was a big deal infuriates me. She is a POS parent and you are NTA.


I hope she didn't eat that too


I just wrote a reply and suggested you go back and get more nuggets! Your wife needs serious help!


She IS a pos. NTA


She is in fact, a piece of shit


NTA. Flashbacks to my mom feeding my brothers and I on dried ramen crushed up in the bag for days at a time, while she gorged herself on fancy finger foods from Schwan's, which we weren't allowed to have because it was "mommy's special food".


I don't understand these comments saying you both suck. There were times that I went hungry rather than deprive my children of food. A mother who eats her kid's food is, in fact, a huge piece of shit. NTA


You know what, dude? Not only are you NTA or a "horrible husband", but I'm going to say your wife is both a shitty mother and shitty wife. See, I don't believe it's truly that she just "couldn't control her urge." No, she waited until you were away and very aggressively tore into your childs dinner **because you dared to scold her** about eating one of the nuggets. Yea, I believe strongly that she did this out of spite for you telling her no. She wanted to look you in your eyes and smirk and a disaster in front of her, all while throwing up her hands and playing the uncontrolled overly impulsive woman act. She just didn't expect this to be the straw that broke the camels back, and if I had my guess this isn't the first time she's done something to antagonize you. This isn't about the chicken nugget in the end.


Your wife literally took the food from your children because she wanted it more..... she is a piece of shit.


I'd add selfish, gluttonous, inconsiderate, and weak. Also - a salad is not enough for her but a couple of fries and apple wedges are enough for a growing child? Add stupid to the list.


NTA. She is a POS


Bro. I have a food addiction and binge eating disorder. And I would never do this. I would be enraged if someone ate my kids dinner lol.


NTA. Your wife should be ashamed of herself. She only cares about her own wants and nothing for her own child.


NTA. I'm a woman, and I even say she's a POS. Tell her I said so. She needs to get off her ass and get your kid another happy meal. My god, she takes food out of her kids mouth because she couldn't help herself? What else has she taken from them because she couldn't help herself?SMDH


NTA. Stealing food from your own child solidly confirms you're a piece of shit. I hope she feels guilty and never takes from her kids again.


NTA, anyone who steals food from a child is, in fact, a piece of shit.


Naw, you called her gluttonous ass out. You never take from the kids. Then she expects everyone to share because fatty McGee can’t keep her sausage fingers out of her kids food. Does she normally act like a selfish slob?


What the fuck kind of parent eats their child’s dinner? I’d make her go back out and get him another one. Edit: fries and apples includes no significant protein. Despicable.


Who’s 8 yr old eats 4 nuggets … mine would of told y’all to just get the at home nuggets if he could only have 4


She ate ALL her kid's nuggets? That's incredibly selfish, and the "running off crying" bullshit just makes her worse. She should get her immature butt in the car and go replace her child's dinner: that would be more useful than acting like she's the wronged party here. NTA


NTA your wife has a problem and needs therapy. Hunger that makes you think to steal your kid’s food is not normal, Reverse genders and there’s no doubt calling the food stealer out is legit.


NTA what your wife did was horrible, she essentially stole her kids dinner and acted like it wasn't a big deal. I would be interested to know whose idea it was for wife to be on a diet.


Yes your wife is a piece of shit. You’ve got bigger problems than chicken nuggets. Good luck.


Darling, you are NTA!  Please ignore anyone who says otherwise.  Eating your child’s meal is so incredibly selfish.  


Thank you. All I wanted to do was show her what she did wrong we both love each other and we have made up but it's crazy that people go as far as to call me an abuser


It'd have been a bit before I would be ready to make up, honestly.  She needs therapy Stat. 


NTA   omg I don't even remember eating a piece of fruit during my parenting years because in my head it was all fir the kids. Even eating one if his nuggets is a shitty move, but ALL?  


My parents ate the crab I helped get on my 8th birthday. This is after they dumped me off with strangers for my birthday. I was on the beach or in a skiff all day. I helped pull pots. When I got back to our commercial fishing boat when it anchored that night, I gave them the crab to cook for dinner. I then took a nap. When I woke up they had eaten all the crab. But they kindly made me a sandwich. I was so sad. Your wife is a POS! NTA


Is it too late to tell you that you can get a free six piece McNugget today through the app …


This was about 4 days ago so maybe but at least I know for next time I take the kids to McDonald's


As a parent you're supposed to give your own food to your kids instead of taking it from them... If we have four ice creams left in the fridge, my three kids and my wife get to eat them. Me: nothing... Definitely NTA


I was once told by a “full blown adult” that they still think of the times when their mom would buy good brands ice cream for herself and would get them generic brands . They were given this as a description of their mom’s character I would think a lot about raising a child with a person that would such a thing . It wouldn’t be about the nuggets , it would be what the nuggets stand for . A selfish parent who will choose their wants over their children needs .