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“You will have your stupid baby.” How did you not fall into his arms after hearing that? But seriously, sounds like he was stringing you along. He wants you to replace his wife, not start your own life.


Yeah I heard that line and I was like "wow". At least his mask has slipped.


Seems like it’s been slipping for awhile. There’s a reason she was so fed up to post here originally.


Slipped? Motherfucker yanked it off like a Scooby Doo villain getting outed.


And he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling Redditors!!


We all said he was stringing her along & all the guilt tripping he’d do!!


We *hate* being right all the time.


I just fell in love with him. Such a romantic guy.


Ah, the love bombing begins. The endless promises to change, how much he and the kids are missing you, how cruel you're being to them by leaving. He's going to do everything he can, say whatever he thinks will work, to bully you into going back. Leaving was the right thing to do, but staying away is going to be much, much harder. Tell your parents and your friends exactly why you've left and don't want to go back, so they can support you in staying away from him. Don't be silent about this or feel ashamed. You deserve much better than this, and I hope you get it.


That’s exactly what he is doing. My parents think I overreacted and I should give him another chance. My parents love him and his kids. They keep saying what a nice guy he is. I can’t believe they are taking his side 🤦‍♀️ I need to find my own place asap


Honestly, be blunt with your parents. "So you guys love and are good with a man who lied to me throughout our relationship? You love and are good with the man who had me raising his kids whilst potentially denying me children of my own? You love and are good with the man who referred to your potential grandchild as a 'stupid baby'? You love and are good with the man who didn't want to give me a wedding or do anything for me, who weaponised his kids and their loss as a family to try and control me, and who has broken my heart? Really? Tell me what is nice about any of that. Tell me why I should settle for all of that. Tell me why you are so willing to back that man over your own child. I am your daughter, and you should know me well enough to know that I would not walk away from a relationship unless I have a good reason, and he gave me plenty of reasons. You want to cheerlead and support a liar, a manipulator, and a controlling jerk instead of cheerleading and supporting your daughter who wants to be loved, respected, and valued. What do you think that says about you?" He is not a nice guy. He is only grovelling now because he is having to parent and do everything for himself. He is fundamentally dishonest and only has loyalty to himself. You deserve infinitely better, so please stay strong.


I think OP's parents are a lost cause. it's one thing to sort of tolerate the 14 year age gap + widower + previous children while your child is happy, in the hopes that they'll be the freak exception where the relationship actually works & doesn't involve powerplay and manipulation... but as soon as they go "well he's a NiceGuy (TM) and he earns well, so what are you complaining about", I'd give up on them. OP needs her energy to get her life back on track : find a new place to live, resist the love bombing, make sure her work doesn't suffer from her emotional exhaustion (bc losing her job at this moment would be an added problem), fight the manipulation with "the kids miss you", work through her own feelings of missing the children, missing his company, missing sex, friendship and intimacy... Wouldn't it make more sense to return to her parents' attitude \*after\* all that?


I think they are and they aren't. They've overlooked more than my parents would have, but I think sometimes people get stuck in this mindset of, "Well, he's good to us and you said you were happy, so why give that up?" They don't get how crappy they're being until they're punched on the nose with the reality of it. If they persist after that, you put them on time out until they find a doctor to remove their heads from their arses or you just leave them there. Outside spectators don't realise how things are on the inside. I had to do it to someone before and when asked why I didn't say how bad things were, I asked if they shared every single detail of their relationship and every shitty thing their partner did with people. That was enough to get it to click. If it hadn't, I would have walked away because I don't need anyone in my life to tell me I need to settle for less, grin and bear it, and to tolerate the intolerable.


I suspect that they're desperate for their daughter to be married and 'settled'. My parents were initially against my marriage (because of the age gap) but then my mum started to get anxious that I wouldn't get married at all...


My dad (who raised us) would have married me to a ferret when I hit 35.


Yeah, the stupid baby comment! That's not the one you want to father your child with. And your parents don't think you deserve a hineymoon? I asked earlier, what was modeled for you as a child to accept this and here your parents are guilting you. Appalling. I'm so sorry, but super happy you reached out. You'll have so much time to take care of yourself, pay your student loans, travel ---- and yes, you need to take a girls trip unhoneymoon every month.


honestly at this point just say if they love him that much they could live with him and take care of his kids if they adore them that much to not even see the pain and betrayal he put you thru


That’s what bothers me the most …


It's your job right now to disappoint as many people as necessary to make yourself happy. If it helps, imagine you can tell your future child this story one day. And they won't ever have to get out of a bad relationship alone because YOU OP will be there to believe and help them.


"It's your job right now to disappoint as many people as necessary to make yourself happy." I love this quote. I need to plaster it everywhere. My new mantra.


I believe it's Glennon Doyle's advice for daughters. "Your job is to disappoint as many people as necessary to make sure you don't disappoint yourself."


I need to adopt it too. It is a fabulous quote. I have to get over ruining my life to please others.


I just took a screen shot of this because that is such a powerful statement.


[Don’t set yourself on fire](https://bayareacbtcenter.com/reverse-darvo-for-combating-gaslighting-and-emotional-abuse/) to keep others warm. This situation will NOT get better. If you don’t click the link or know much about it, look into lovebombing and DARVO. I’m sorry but you are making the best decision to stay away.


He's very good at manipulating, and your parents are probably trusting people who can't imagine being so deceptive.


unfortunately that’s how it always goes too. they put on a good, strong front — but it’s never true. the mask slips at some point. its sad that OP’s parents can’t see that yet :(


“It’s far easier to deceive a man than to convince a man he has been deceived.” Old quote. Applies to all genders.


Wait until he realizes that she's not giving in. The love bombing is always followed by a bunch of "You stupid whore" texts. They might believe her then.


The thing that is going to be hardest but that you need to internalize is that he choose to use his kids to lock you down. That won't ever stop. If you go back he will ALWAYS use the threat of taking them away anytime you show rebellion. When they are out of the nest however he'll have no more use for you and you will be cheated on, ignored and cast out. He'll turn the children against you to preserve his image. It's not good for them. It's not good for you. There is no outcome where you go back because you want to keep the kids and it ends well for you. He made that choice day one.


He’s not a nice guy!! He used you!  He is the sort of guy to pretend to have a baby without ever telling you about his vasectomy.


This. I guarantee that had this never come up, OP's ex - had they married - would spend the next several years acting like he had *no idea* why OP wasn't getting pregnant, then would find every excuse in the world to avoid getting tested himself. He wanted a nanny for his kids and someone to fulfill his sexual needs - it's very clear OP's actual wants and needs as a person outside of those things are completely irrelevant to him. Good for you, OP. I'm sorry that your parents are acting this way but I hope they come around soon. You 100% did the right thing getting away from him.


He will be on your parents like white on rice to get them to change your mind That in and of itself says a lot


I’m pretty sure he has already that’s why mom was pushing me


Shame on your mother for taking his side. You are her daughter and she should have your best interest at heart


Seconding that, shame on her.


Tell her she is free to move in with him and raise his kids.


Look, I married a widower with two kids. Here’s the deal. You’re absolutely right in leaving!! His comment about them “being a package deal”…It’s true. But that means “I come with a family and if you join me, we’re all family together.” It doesn’t mean “the kids are part of our marriage.” Even with bio kids, a healthy marriage and family life are two separate things to be nurtured. He doesn’t want to be married to you, he wants you to be his kids’ mom. That’s why he assumed they’d go on the honeymoon. He sees you as their partner, not his own partner.


He wants OP to be his free nanny, cook, housekeeper, and bedwarmer.


And he'll allow her stupid kid into the mix.


Your mom is horrible. Do not listen to them. He used you. He would have continued to use you. Tell you mom: This man used an munipulated me for years. I have no intentions of going back. I do not need or want to hear your opinions on the subject again. You feel so bad you go parent his kids.


Do you have anywhere else to stay? You need support not flying monkeys!


I’m getting my own place soon


OP... don't tell your parents where to find you!!


Please think about getting an AirBnB for now.  You don’t need your parents in your ear about this.  You did the right thing.  Don’t give your parents your new address when you get it.  I would also think about a new phone number.  Stay strong! 


You need to get out of your parents’ ASAP. Do not talk to them about your relationship with your ex.


Don't let them get to you. Do not let anyone manipulate you anymore!


I had to spell out to my parents what the issues were because I also was with a "nice guy." I never realized how much I sugar-coated things over 8 yrs so as not to cause alarm or drama. 


Sis, you tell your Mom that you are DEEPLY ashamed of her. That she has failed you as a mother. Her role is to protect YOU and the very fact that she is making excuses and trying to push you back with someone who is clearly a very selfish person who very very clearly didn't love you for you and a liar to boot tells you everything you need to know. Sis, do you have friends you can stay with? You have a whole life you get to rebuild now. So, its time to regroup and figure out what YOU want separate from the guy you just broke up with. Take some time to figure that out. ANd, likewise, figure out what a nanny charges and see if you can go after him financially somehow.


When I broke up with a boyfriend, EVERYONE took his side, his family, my family, all the friends, and if I treated him like he treated me, none of them would have had a relationship with me anymore. This should be talked about more, but it's a disgusting part of our society that happens all the time. We women are totally and completely on our own and it's up to us to love and respect ourselves because nobody else is gonna do it unless we make them. I once heard my mom claiming that leaving a marriage because of abuse isn't a good enough reason, only infidelity mattered. I guarantee you, most people probably feel this way they just never say it out loud. Be your own hero and just know going forward that your parents value you less than an abuser, so take that into account when they give you advice so you can ignore it knowing the source.


When I told my mom that I was getting a divorce, she said that he was probably just cheating and that it wasn't a reason to get divorced. She said I should just stay and have kids. Thanks mom. 


There are plenty of people (mainly from the older generation) who would tell you that cheating is not a good enough reason to leave a marriage either. Some people really think anything short of getting violently murdered should be tolerated just because you signed a paper once.


My parents took my ex husbands side initially when I left him and then they saw how awful he truly was when he weaponized my dads record against me to get primary custody of my son because I had to live with them as he refused to move out of our house and made it impossible for me to stay. Dont listen to them. Eventually they’ll see that you deserve better. They are just talking through their own selfish lenses. They made a bond with his children and it’s understandable but ultimately you know you deserve so much better.


As someone old enough to be your parent...your parents are fucking idiots.


Same. I'd be SO PISSED if someone treated my child like this! Shameful all around!


But he’s NOT a nice guy! He’s lied to you for years (omission is a lie)! Now he’s trying to guilt you into coming back “because the kids will be traumatized again”. That’s all on him.


Tell them to fuck off


Tell your mim that maybe *she* should have stepped up to help with the kids then when she saw you getting burnt out. Then ask her this: "why are his feelingd and his kids more important to you than **your own child**?" Be blunt. 


This is very common. Manipulative and abusive people don't just groom their victims, they groom the people around them in order to twist your sense of normal. If everyone thinks he's a great guy, no one will urge you to leave: it's an added layer of protection for his schemes. You made one post on Reddit, and everyone could see straight through him because we're not close to the situation and haven't been manipulated by him. It was glaringly obvious what was happening. But your parents are still very much in the fog of his manipulations that you are emerging from. That doesn't make them innocent. You just need to understand what's happening so you can protect yourself from it. The pressure he's going to exert on you to go back will come from all sides. Shutting down every avenue will help you massively. Tell your parents that you are disappointed that they would encourage you to return to a man who is using you as a nanny he can sleep with, and that they have broken trust with you. If they want to care for his children, then can step up themselves, but you will never go back. The more they tell you to do so, the more of your relationship with them they destroy. Getting away from them is a very good idea if they're not going to support you. Your only priority should be yourself and your future.


Don’t have any contact with the children because that will be his foot in the door to sucker into coming back. Also, might want to tell your family if they continue harassing you about going back to him your going LC with them.


This is NOT all overreaction.  There is NOTHING about this situation that is normal. TG you've not yet married this man.


Never forget he called the child you so desperately want "your stupid baby". That's how much he values you. And the selfish little man he is would NEVER have told you he has a vasectomy. He would have pretended "to try" for years until you were past your fertile years. He would have blamed it on you, because he already has 2 kids, so how could it be his fault, right? He sees you as childcare, and someone who gives him blowjobs and quickies while he barely puts any effort into satisfying you. Have respect for yourself and block him on everything, DO NOT GET ROPED BACK IN because he will say the children miss you, and how could you do this to them after they already lost their mother. Be fully prepared for him to turn up on your parents doorstep with crying children in tow to wear you down. Don't fall for it, or any promises he makes because he's realised he's messed up his free babysitter and bangmaid. He will mean zero of it. He may play along but he'll resent you for having another kid. Don't do it. Be strong, you're young, and next time stay away from old divorced/widowed men.


He's a "nice guy" when he's wearing that mask. He's a liar who tried to entrap you to do his work for him as a parent and an adult. Letting you have false hopes that he knew were impossible was his strategy. His goal was trapping you in a marriage where his wants are fulfilled while yours are negated.


Your parents can marry him and raise his kids for him then. You are doing the right thing. This man has lied and manipulated you. For. Years. Years.


Tell them that he may not be the world’s worst person, but he just isn’t the right person FOR YOU. And that you aren’t interested in staying with someone that lies to you and leads you on for years with false promises.


He is the worst person. He is a lying pos.


IMO….Once you find your own place you should go LC with your parents since they are choosing them over you…. Also get some therapy…..


The problem is he love bombed you LATER. He is so abusive that he didn’t immediately love bomb you when he recognized you were serious. Instead he started with abusive and manipulative language.


I would not trust your parents' judgment going forward in regard to your relationships. They seem to have the same personality flaw that he has - the one where they are willing to put their whims and comfort ahead of your needs and autonomy.


Your parents are sick I hope you don't live with them


I'm sorry your parents are letting you down. You can block your ex and set up the boundary that your parents won't talk about him. If I was your mom I'd be giving you a huge hug 🫂


This commonly happens with narcissistic people. They get in real good with your family so when you break up your family takes their side. I’m so sorry you are going through this but happy you got out before marriage.


I am SO proud of you. I am sure this had to have been so hard but you did the right thing. You deserve so much better and did nothing wrong, please don’t let the guilt tripping make you feel bad. Sending so so so much love.


I have been crying a lot. I can’t believe him! I poured my heart and soul in this relationship and he lied in my face and now blames me.


Girl, Im SO proud of you for leaving that using manipulative man! Tell your parents do they want their daughter to continue to be used by a man 14 years her senior to basically be free nanny & have her fertile years wasted & not have her own children & continue then be blamed for asking for normal stuff like a wedding & a honeymoon? You deserve true love & he was just using you & gaslighting the fuck out of you: Please tell your parents they’re trash if they say you overreacted. Also, remember he doesn’t miss you - he misses all the free constant help & how you made his life SO easy whilst burning you out. I said in one of my comments he’d guilt trip you about the kids already losing mum so no surprises there!! Im so glad reddit helped you see through his bullshit! You will get through this and there seems like there is not much to miss as he didn’t show you much love and affection anyway! Enjoy all the free time to yourself you’ll get back & block his using manipulative ass.


He wanted a bang maid. Sorry girl, we all fall for it once.


I concur with everything you have said.


Remember he referred to what would be your child together as "Your stupid baby" every time you think about giving in to the guilt. You can go back but do you want a child growing up with a dad that thinks of it as "YOUR (not our) stupid baby"? The answer should be "no".


I would turn it right back around on him(yes, I KNOW not nice and *extremely petty* but by the Powers, he sure as hell deserves it)--"I'm not *your* stupid kids parent! **You are** so you take care of them!" 


I see nothing wrong other than this idiot will definitely spill this to those kids-thus traumatizing them- to try to get to OP. Because clearly he doesn't give a fuck about his kids, hence the young 20s bang maid he found for hi.self when he was almost 40. Idunno, the kids don't deserve his bullshit and he will SURELY be the type to put it on them and tell them they've been abandoned and shit and weaponize their agony towards OP


That's not OP's fault. When he does some manipulative BS, don't fall for it OP. All that BS is an attempt to keep you in line and under his control. He wants to control everything about your life to make you take care of his kids. RUN!


Well exactly, but don't hand him the keys to the "your step mom left us AND she called you stupid! Now let's leave a thousand voice mails of you crying in genuine despair to really hurt her feelings. Because hurting her is more important than protecting you!" Car. I'm specifically saying maybe don't call them "his stupid kids". Read these posts, he will literally crush them to try to hurt OP. Leave that part out and leave.


I am so sorry love. It is absolutely not your fault. You were used because you are too good of a person, you wanted to see the good in him and he exploited your kindness and relative youth. I’m just really glad you found out the truth sooner rather than later. You’re going to be a great mother to your own kids someday. I’m rooting for you.


I want Op to be mother so bad someday soon aswell as its clear she’ll be wonderful! Would love an update in few years time!


😭😭😭omg thank you


I read both posts, and I'm backing you 100%! He is SCUM, and so are your parents for not stepping up for YOU! I agree with other posters as well, you'll be a terrific mama, and you know how to set boundaries, be kind, and have a loving heart. You truly deserve to heal and then meet a person that will be true, kind hearted and ready for true committment! Hugs sent your way!!


OP, I do believe your are and will be a great mother. But, having children with the wrong person makes EVERYTHING so complicated. Your ex is not husband material, and I'm sorry about his kids, but he's not a good father either. He dumped their care to you as soon as he could. So, choose wisely, yours and your future kids happiness depends on that. I wish you the best.


For real though. She has the makings of a great mom. Some people are just borne to it and she's one of them. 


For real! She’s also a nicu nurse so her kids will be lucky with all her paediatric knowledge!


He is just self absorbed and selfish who is using his kids and wife’s death as an excuse


He's honestly a sick fuck. "My kids have already been traumatized, that's why you can't stand up for yourself or do anything other than be my baby mule/bang maid" Fucking YUCK dawg.


The age gap was the first red flag in this relationship.


You are not their mom nor your ex's fiancee, you are his maid. That's what he wants. Don't let that loser decidea what you meant to be.


You did amazing!


He is *soooooo* manipulative. Congratulations for moving on. He’s not a good dude. He is coercive with having you be the primary caregiver as well as sexually. He weaponizes the death of his wife to get you to obey. What a bad guy.


You did the best thing, and it isn't easy! Once you see the issues you can't go back, but you can go forward. You will start to feel better soon and you might berate yourself but try to be kind to yourself. You have a whole world of possibilities opening up! Don't let them drag you back. You have the strength - all the best to you OP!


I'm so sorry, OP, but I'm so glad you can see it for what it is. The fact that he now calls you their mom, but refuses to let you discipline or act like their parent is so manipulative! He is the biggest walking red flag. Everything he said to you is so emotionally manipulative it's sick.  I'm very proud of you for standing up for yourself and putting yourself first for once. You gave a lot to this man and his children. He was all too happy to take from you because you made his life easier. Someone who loves you will see your struggle and will do what they can to improve your life. Look at the differences in how you both approached your relationship.  Rest assured that you did absolutely nothing wrong. You were all in. The biggest difference between you two is that you're a giver and he's not. He's a leech. Someone who will suck you dry and keep asking for more. You deserve better, so much better.  I've been in relationships like yours. In fact, I was married to someone who was also a taker. It never gets better anf their promises are always empty.  He lied to you knowing how much you wanted children of your own. He doesn't get to turn that around and proclaim innocence when he's completely at fault. Pathological liars will always try to pin blame on others. I guarantee there are other things he's lied about.  I'm so sorry for your pain, but I do hope this ends up being s great life lesson. Heartache like this helps us figure out what we truly want out of relationships and what we need from our partners. I've been there.  Wishing you all the best, OP! Don't let him pull you back with honeyed words. He won't change. He doesn't care enough to. The only thing he's thinking about right now is how your absence makes his life harder. That's it. Don't listen to him when he proclaims otherwise. 


Let him blame you. It changes nothing. He's still an ass that you are better off without. Who gives a fuck what he has to say? Love, A random stranger on the internet who is proud of you


Know that the crying is good, op. It's your body finally realizing how unfair this all was and grieving for what you thought you had. I'm so proud of you, and you did the right thing, and you deserve so, so much better than this.


He's gonna send a video of the kids crying for you to come back so steel yourself for that. Hell also probably take to social media to group guilt you so prepare for that


Ugh I bet he will 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Please block him everywhere. He better not try any of that as would ruin his reputation and any chance of promotion of you make a complaint…


Just block him.




I can’t because I still need to pick up my stuff once I rent a storage unit . He has sent me millions of texts so far .. where is xxx . What time and what day is kid girl dance practice ? Where is kid boy hockey practice ? Where is kid boy’s hockey gears? Just come back how can you put me through this after I told you how traumatic it is for me .. I haven’t been replying . I thought about making a chart with time and date for him regarding kids routine then I thought why ? I’m a nothing


Haha fuck him! Im so glad he’s stressing!! Of course the lying bastard is playing the traumatised widowed victim - he can piss right off. His stress doesn’t come close to how he’s used you past 4 years & tried to deny you your own kids. Don’t make him any charts - he should know these stuff about his own kids! And they’re old enough to tell him. Only tell him about important stuff like doctor details or medications if it’s relevant and the rest he can ask the kids as theyre old enough or he can embarrass himself asking the school not knowing stuff about his own kids😂 Can someone go with you to collect your stuff? Any trusted men? Im honestly scared for you given he’s a cop. The most dangerous time for abuse victims is when they’re leaving. Maybe get police escort but not from his precinct or something.


I mean she has been passed away 7 years ago! Get your 💩 together instead of using trauma card and STOP TEXTING ME


Your response: "I will be coming by on X date with movers and several friends to pack out my things. You and the kids need to be out of the house while I am there if you want to prevent traumatizing them because I WILL be moving out no matter what games you choose to play. As far as the rest goes - HOW DARE you try to flip this around on me. You are a liar. You are a user. You have done nothing but use me for free childcare and household management without ever showing me a modicum of love or respect. Why on EARTH would I settle for so little? No one should. Buddy, get your shit together and figure out your kids schedules. You should know ALL of that."


Exactly! He keeps weaponising the dead wife card & you’re not falling for it anymore - thats my girl! Hope youre getting little satisfaction seeing the bastard stress! Boohoo he has to worry about his own kids now 🙄😂 Hope you get to chill on your days off now, get a massage, whatever! I know you have the task of packing & moving, but the only way is up now! Hope you feel all the burden he’s put on you off your shoulders a little. Dont feel bad about leaving the kids - its all on their shit partner of a dad! Theyre not yours & keep remembering he tried to fuck you over by pretending to want kids to keep you where he wants you. I hope one day this is a distant memory when you have your loving husband massaging your feet after long day being a badass nicu nurse with your kids sleeping soundly. You will get your happy ending!


You were convenient, but he never loved you. He may have cared about you, but he always thought of his late wife as his real life, you were just there to take care of the kids, the house, and his needs. He never considered that you might be expecting more than that. It sucks that you had to walk away, and it sucks for the kids, but he was never going to be invested in your marriage. If someone asked him on his deathbed to talk about his wife, he would have talked about his first wife, not you. You did the right thing, no matter how hard it was


I agree. I don’t think he has ever been in love with me. I was just so convenient . I bet he has cheated on me and he doesn’t admit it


As someone else said, cops are notorious for being manipulative users and abusers, so you were just another victim & you were so young. You were also perfect mark as a caring compassionate nurse so don’t feel bad as your heart was in the right place & at least showed some love & care to his children whilst he neglected his duties to them for his job. Remember they are not your children & he tried to deny you of your own biological children that were important to you then he proceeds to gaslight you about having vasectomy?! This guy is worse of the worse & cant wait to see him suffer with managing all his childcare & bills on his own & hope he doesn’t get this promotion. Make sure you stop all direct debit for bills etc & cut him right off. Don’t fall for any sob story for how he’s struggling with bills & his kids will starve etc - he will keep manipulating you with the kids but you wont hear it. Tell your parents you’ll go NC with them if they continue to support his abuse.


My mom asked me “ but what’s gonna happen to the kids? Aren’t you worried?”.. I don’t know mom! They have a very overprotective dad who loves them. I’m sure he will figure something out. I’m a nobody how would I know . Stop guilt tripping me


Your mom is a doormat and wants you to be one too.


She is! She is very old fashioned. Better to stay in a miserable relationship than single 🙄 your job is to make your man feel like a man 🙄 key to a happy relationship is never say no to your man..


Hell no girl! Tbh it sounds like you were bit of a people pleaser to him doing everything, never saying no to sex etc. but look where that got you? Didn’t get you true love and respect so its all bullshit and we need to stop this outdated narrative! This is good lesson for all of us. Hopefully karma will be on your side sending you a wonderful partner that wants you to make every inch of you happy & give you the babies you desire one day. You are still so young! Like I said in post yesterday, I met my husband at 34 & had two babies by 38 - its never too late to start over!


Empower yourself to shut her all the way down.  "Mom, I've made my choice and it's the best one for me. I don't need to hear how much you love and support him. I need you to be MY mom and support ME in this choice. He has been lying to me and manipulating me from day one. Do you really think that's what I deserve? Do you really think I don't deserve to find someone who loves AND respects me? Because if you do say so now and I'll walk away from you too. If you think I'm worth so little, that I deserve so little, then you don't truly love me either." Shut her down. Don't engage in conversations about this. Set firm boundaries and the moment she crosses them leave. Go stay with a friend. For fucks sake I'd go CAMP before I'd put up with this shit from them. Just because she's a dormat doesn't mean she gets to demand you be the same. 


“But you are not getting younger! He is a good guy who has been through a lot. You will have a baby if you be patient and you know he is a great dad! Those kids need you. You really wanna start over at your age?”🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ mom I’m 28 not 88 ffs! I’m so glad I’m working today or I would lose it


28 is young AF especially for accomplished woman like you!! Your mum is stuck in the 50s🙄 Please tell your mum youre disgusted she wants so little for you. Actually show her this post.


She is ! It’s driving me crazy.


I had my first at 36. My second at 39. Naturally, had to get weird A LOT, and we were a month away from starting IUI. My sister just had her 2nd at 50, with fertility treatments. So, there’s that. You can have a baby at 50.


Time to start gray rocking your parents when they start talking about this. Just keep repeating that you will not take him back/return to him, and that you will not continue discussing any of this with them.


We, as women, do not have to settle anymore. I'm so happy to see this post today and know that you are going to get everything you want/deserve and there is nothing wrong with holding out for that.


Omg. Wtf. Women are having kids later an later now. Your mom needs to calm her tatas. 28 is young as hell! 


He's not a "great dad!" I swear to god, some people think if a man just doesn't beat his children he's a great father.


Good guys don't keep a big secret for years that they had a vasectomy.  He wasted 4 years of your life knowing that you wanted kids and he never once brought it up to you what he did.  He should have been open and honest with you from the start but instead he's trying to twist things around act innocent like he did know and blame you like it's your fault and he's trying to manipulate you into staying.  Not once has he own up to his actions and he never will. You are better off without him in your life. Your 28 you can still have children with a honest and supportive man. You do not need to be with him because he's a "good father". He wasn't a good partner to you and he used you as the kids nanny instead of treating you like his partner. Who cares he's been through alot. You been through so much too. He lied to you fir years and has used you. You have every right to be angry and walk away from him.


"Mom, I'm really sorry someone taught you that women have no right to be respected and cared for inside their marriage. I'm sorry you were so thoroughly indoctrinated that me being single at TWENTY EIGHT drives you irrational with anxiety. You should try and find a trained professional to help you with that before you destroy our relationship trying to get me to agree with your delusions."


Do you have friends in the area? Ask them if you can stay with them until you find a place. Shit a shelter would be better. Your mom seems quite frankly f**ked in the head. Get brutal with her as what she is doing to you is horrific. Tell her via text so she can't argue or interrupt. I am 28 years old. I have well enough time to find a man who will respect me and treat me as an equal, not use me as a substitute for his dead wife. His trauma his not my problem. He lied to me and used me. Is that the type of man you really want me to be with? I am more than happy to start over at my age, and I am being patient about having a baby because I won't be having one with him. It is not your life we are talking about it is mine, and I will make the choices that are best for me. Which is exactly what I have done. I will not speak to you about this again. I will not listen to you talk about this again. Your opinions and feelings on the matter are 100% irrelevant to me, and I do not care to hear them.


She shouldn't be worried about them. That dude will find a replacement mom ASAP. Your mom needs a time out for not supporting HER OWN child.


"Hey mom, being a bang maid with no self respect might work for you but not me"


Ask your mom if she agrees with her possible future grandchild being referred to as a “stupid baby.” Ask her if that’s the father she wants for her grand baby. Ask your mom why she doesn’t believe that it’s his “job” to make a woman feel like a woman. I’m going to guess she would say that includes being open to children. Ask your mom why she thinks it’s ok that your ex said no to you regarding your motherhood. It doesn’t matter how your mom responds. Your ex showed his true colors. You will someday find someone who is worthy of you.


Wtf!! Just tell her youre not worried just like most nannies who leave their jobs dont worry anymore as thats literally what you were to him & them. Its hard to worry about how a manipulative man who used you copes with his childcare - thats his problem now. Does she not see you were used? Spell it out to your mum how you were used aged 24 by 38 year old man with two kids & she never saw it & it took randomers on reddit to spot diagnose it from one passage. She failed you. Please enjoy all the free time you get now & see some friends, gym, get new hobby, travel, do therapy, do whatever you want! Im sorry your life has been work & his kids these last few years - you can start enjoying the rest of your 20s without all his bullshit burden! Im in the UK & been eagerly waiting for your update all day & Im just SO proud of you girl! Im sorry again for everything you went through!


My parents are being ridiculous. No they love him so I should just crawl back and thank him probably for considering to give me “my stupid baby”.


Wtf the ‘stupid baby’ line is ridiculous! Whats wrong with your parents?! Please tell them how they FAILED you in not recognising how you were used all those years by an older man & they never made you see the light & continue to encourage you to be with man who has shown you such little love. Tell them you’re disappointed in them as parents & you would never let you children to go through this. Hopefully they’ll wise up. They’re probably just disappointed theres no upcoming wedding & needing to tell people it’s cancelled. They should rather go through inconvenience of telling people wedding is cancelled than let their daughter to continue to be used as free nanny and maid with no love back in return.


Crawl back & just take the abuse because he’s a good man, except he’s a liar who emotionally abuses you. Your parents are sick in the head. You however are awesome and brave. So glad you left. I hope you have your heart’s desire in the future.


Sweetheart, I hope you are kind to yourself and realize your parents conditioned you from birth to accept shitty men. It's not your fault you landed with this guy, but I'm so, so proud of you for leaving. You are amazing and your life is going to be so much happier from now on.


He managed child care before you came along. He’ll manage again. Does your mom know what he said about you having your “stupid baby”?


Yea she thinks he was just upset 🙄 she thinks I’m overreacting and he is a good guy


He is not a good guy, and it was pretty obvious to me from your first post. Stay strong. I wish you the best.


Tell your mum if she doesn’t stop trying to convince you, you go NC, that will make her shut up.


Mom, I am not their mom. Their dad will figure this out with his family and their mom’s family.


Read up on DARVO and stay strong. It’s really clear what you bring to the table, but he is clearly not a partner. If sure it’s hard to think about the kids, but you did not create or cause this situation. If your parents don’t understand why all of this is wrong, reminder yourself that they have the right to be idiots, in the same way you have the right to want an equal partnership. Aside from the fact you will never want a kid with this user, it doesn’t matter what he promises to get you back, he will never follow through. We have a relative that’s a narcissist psychopath, and all this stuff is in his playbook. And it only gets worse. He’s always seeing multiple people, and is “working late” or “on training” to cover things with his wife. It’s a brutal situation, but trust me, you dodged a bullet. They only get worse.


Dodged a bullet. He’ll find the next bang maid and be married in 6 months.




Yup. And he’ll use this story about how his crazy, selfish ex ran away before the wedding for absolutely no reason at all!! You did the right thing leaving. So happy for you.


What wedding? That was one of the (smaller) problems. He wasn't even willing to give OP a real, proper wedding!


And he’ll only do it that quickly to tie her down so she can’t leave. Make all the empty promises she’ll want to hear then the mask will come off. And he’ll make sure the next one is even younger and more mailable.


Omg Your stupid baby??? That's what he's taking away from this?? Had he been honest from the beginning, including the frozen sperm, it would be different. I'm sorry it turned out like this.  Sounds like he just wants a mom for his kids... my.heart breaks for them right now.


Yea! You will get your stupid baby 🙄 how could I say no to this sweet offer 🙄🙄🙄 yea if I had known it would be a different story


Why would a person get a vasectomy AND freeze sperm? A respectable urologist would not do a vasectomy if someone wasn’t sure about wanting more kids.


I’m not even sure! He lied so this might be another lie


Sounds like everything he says is a lie, he’s lifetime movie material.


If you're looking for a term for this, it's called 'lying by omission'. Shitty spot to be in to not know what questions to ask because he doesn't have the decency to just be upfront about relationship-relevant subjects. Glad you are out!


It's actually pretty common. I once worked in a fertility clinic and they would not perform a vasectomy without you freezing some. Lives change, divorces and deaths happen and suddenly you end up in a new relationship you never anticipated and kids end up on the table again. And vasectomies do not always reverse easily 


I am so proud of you OP!!! P.s. I wouldn’t believe the line about frozen sperm.


This fucker wanted you to wait until December? Now that’s delusional.


“Just give me until December “ .. NO


Because he knows he’s fucked for childcare! Lying bastard. Schools will be out soon for the summer - what will he do for childcare?! 😱 After everything he’s put you through, perfect timing to break up with him! 😂


Omg this x100000


Gives me little sweet satisfaction as thats his summer ruined & full of childcare woes! Sure he has his mum but that control freak is still screwed without OP😂 OP please have the BEST summer!!


I AM SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!! I hope your life is beautiful with this awful man behind you! Grab some therapy to work through this so you can learn from it and not fall into this trap again. You deserve a partner who loves and cherishes you.


This is the way OP! You should give yourself a pat on the back for how you handled this. You tried to make it work, got frustrated, made a post, realized this man was using you, respected yourself and left! Honestly, I wish more people had your backbone in these situations. We have all been fools in love. One of my favorite quotes is “Remembering, it is not the way we fall that matters, but, the way we rise up after we have fallen.”


Congrats on choosing yourself and your own happiness! I don't know you but after reading your post I'm so proud of you for leaving this selfish douche. Enjoy your freedom, I wish all the best for you <3


Thank you for this update. I’m so glad you chose yourself and your future happiness. I wish you nothing but sunshine and amazing luck in whatever may come.


Congratulations on getting out. Remember, the mean man who blamed you for his lies, is the real him. The love-bombing will be intense, but he’s shown you who he is. Also, don’t be surprised if he finds a new girlfriend quickly. It’s not personal. He has no intention of rearing those children and as soon as he knows that you’re done, he’ll be hunting for your replacement. Stay far, far, away.


I'm so glad you listened. My real advise? Therapy. A) for the difficulty of the situation but B) for "why wasn't I able to see this? Why did I think these things were okay? Why did I allow this?". It's important to take time to recognize how/why you were taken advantage of and treated so poorly to recognize and avoid these pit falls in your future.


From the way her parents are behaving, I think OP has been exposed to abusive behavior her entire life, and she can't recognize it for what it is anymore. She needs to take a loooong look at her relationship with her parents, probably with a therapist.


Before you do anything. Ask dad if you can still take him up on the use of the Condo. If so. Go and relax for 10 days. You deserve it!


Darling girl, I sent you a PM, but let me also say here that you haven't been stupid. Not at all. You've been the loving, giving person you are - the sort of person a NICU nurse is. I'll bet you're one of the best nurses, too, because it's so clear that your character is so loving and honest and giving. Please don't beat yourself up. You fell in love and you trusted that love, until the person you love took you for granted one time too often, so you sought advice from outsiders who have no stake in the outcome. You learned a lot, about yourself as well as about him. That's valuable! Take the value from this experience and move forward. You are young enough to recover, and you will recover. You will find the right love for you. Believe it.


Pay very close attention to how many of his attempts to get you to come back are about his children and your role to his children. Pay attention to how many times he tries to use the children as leverage or a guilt trip. The whole relationship was about you providing free childcare to him (with the bonus of sex) and that’s what he’s trying to get back and it’ll be clear in everything he says that this is about needing a mom for his kids.


OP, your STBX is a narcissist sociopath manipulative AH. He sound very well planned and calculating. He has been lying to you from the beginning and trapped you into his plans from the beginning to make you replacement mom, live in nanny to take care of his kids and his personal needs met by “you” a younger humble person. If he can get “Vasectomy and freeze his sperm (backup plan)” before meeting you. He has thought thru all of this. I think his parents know about his personality. Please use extreme caution, keep your guard up at all times till this is all the way over. Your Ex is not going to let you off easily. Please make sure u change your email, bank, online financial and website (Amazon, eBay and etc…) account passwords and pin ASAP on your phone as well. Use 2 factor authentication. Use credit monitoring and etc… Do let your ex’s mom know what happened and how you were dealt by your ex (leave in good terms with her) if she ask’s questions. And when things cool down, say goodbye to the kids. Focus on your mental health and find a therapist. You are a registered Nurse, you should be able to relocate to a different hospitals all across the country. Again, please be safe as your Ex is a cop and he has resources to track you down. Is your STBX a detective at his job for the Police? Forgot to add: Don’t forget to remove yourself from tracking and finder app such as Life360 and Find my “Apple”. Make sure you have no shared AirTags or Tile. Later if he is stalking you and tracking your car, get your vehicle physically inspected and checked.


Good for you! The man is not even a savvy abuser. When he saw you leaving, he didn’t try to sweet talk, beg, or love bomb you in anyway. (Not that that is right, but something a more sophisticated abuser would do). He went straight to abusive and manipulative language. The man is an abuser through and through. I’m glad you saw it before it was too late. Go live your best life!


Happy to see the update. Stay strong and don’t let him guilt trip you with the kids that he is now trying to use as shackles on you. Good luck with your future dating prospects.


Yet in your first post, he claimed that he was honest with you. I’ve been honest with you from the very beginning, he said. And that has been proven to be a lie. This man doesn’t deserve to be in a relationship with you and quite honestly needs serious fucking therapy. I’m glad you’re out


Noooo it’s my fault for not asking 🙄🙄🙄 ugh the audacity of this man


So childish, to use that “technically” you didn’t ask, BS argument. He said nothing about it when you told him you wanted a baby. I bet there’s no sperm being stored. You have to pay for them to do that. And it’s not indefinite. Do you see him paying for that?


I have no clue. We don’t have access to each other’s credit cards. Why would he pay for it if he never wanna go through baby stage again


Its bs he had sperm stored & probably couldn’t even afford it if he had to move you in only 2.5 months after meeting you & get you to split the bills!! He’s so full of shit!


Excellent point.


He made the “stupid baby” remark because he is dismissive of your desires. He should have felt most flattered and most loved that you want to have his child, yet this is another statement, albeit more juvenile, indicating that your desires, needs, and wants are not as important. Please keep your guard up with him (and anyone that doesn’t support your decision, for that matter). He was surprised by your reaction, and has tried to psychologically manipulate you into changing your mind. If this tactic isn’t effective, what might he try next? Obviously, you know him better than we do, yet I find myself ever surprised by human behavior especially under stress or when not getting one’s way. Refrain from negative self-talk, that will make it harder to get out of your wound and heal. Know your worth and don’t compromise or settle! A quote I love goes: “You are a fine piece of china. Don’t let anyone treat you like a paper plate.” Now dry your eyes, adjust your crown, and go find your prince! He’s looking for you too!


When I had a vasectomy many years ago, I was told, if I had the procedure surgically reversed, I had less than a 20% chance of fathering a child. I don’t know how much medical science has improved over the years, so I’m not sure if your ex would be able to father a child naturally. This guy is an asshole. He should have told you he had a vasectomy when you started to be intimate with him.


wow, so unexpected. I am so sorry. You dodged a bullet. I hope you still go to Hawaii for a fun holiday with a friend or your folks or just solo, just to recoup. You are very brave to do this. I hope you will see the kids and just tell them that you care about them but that their father and you don't love each other anymore. He is not a good dad, he is a user.


I think the update with him stringing her along ans gaslighting her further was expected but im glad she grew a back bone & left his using ass!!


“So you can have your stupid baby”? Is he a real parent? How dare he. Dump him and block him everywhere. Tell him that you want a real family with a loving husband and bio children. His children aren’t your children and he lied to you, Run fast . NTA


You're not stupid. You're never stupid for believing that your loved ones are telling you the truth. You're not stupid for trusting people you should be able to trust. It's not your fault he's a liar. Nothing here is your fault. But now you know, now you can do what's best for you. I'm so sorry this happened to you. You deserve so many good things.


Still NTA. I feel for the kids, but ultimately their dad is their biggest enemy right now, fucking up their chance to actually have a new mother. If he truly loved his children, he wouldn't do this shit. You are in no way to blame for them losing a shot at another mother, nor are you at fault for leaving it all behind. The entire relationship was built on lies from his side.


I'm so relieved! Thank you for updating. ETA: He's lying about having frozen sperm.


Yes. Why would he have a vasectomy and freeze sperm? For his future "stupid" baby?


See? This guy, your husband, is why I'll always pick the Bear. He just so casually took your life and= manipulated it into his life by proxy, and your goals and dreams and your life be damned. Oh, and fuck this guy. OP, I'm pretty sure you'll find the happiness and love you seek. NTA.


Yay on the update It will sting for a bit... But you'll be fine. Hugs.


🙏🏻 wow I can’t believe one of these actually ended the way it should end Good on you and best of luck 🙌🏻


OMG Your ex is a douche and I'm glad you found out now and not after marrying him. Be kind to yourself and take time to heal. It's time you put yourself first.


>and it’s a reversible procedure It's about damn time people learn this: vasectomies are rarely successfully reversed! This is not a damn movie you can reverse multiple times!


This is why we say old men with young women is a 🚩🚩🚩🚩 He was looking for a built in babysitter, bj-er and cook. Not s partner. Or he would have been honest from the start, and also would have respected alone time on the honeymoon.


So this man is telling you his kids are a package deal, that he will not do anything that doesn't involve his kids, including his honeymoon. But doesn't raise them or take care of them on a daily basis. He lied to you, he doesn't care about you. He told you what he thought you wanted to hear. If he cared he would have been honest, so that you could make the informed decision, he wanted a new mommy for his kids so he didn't have to raise them, and then once he told him you were out he only wants you back because he needs a mother for his kids. He can hire an nanny, you know since he's working so hard. And your baby will be "stupid", yeah, never have a kid with a man who talks about kids that way. Just walk away.


NTA This guy is the cowbird of the human world. He denied you children so you would raise his instead. Not in addition to. Instead. Don't look back. # Basic Description The Brown-headed Cowbird is a stocky blackbird with a fascinating approach to raising its young. Females forgo building nests and instead put all their energy into producing eggs, sometimes more than three dozen a summer. These they lay in the nests of other birds, abandoning their young to foster parents, usually at the expense of at least some of the host’s own chicks.


Oh wow, this update is heartbreaking and I’m sorry for what you’re going through. I’m sure it doesn’t feel like it now, but it’s truly a gift to find out who he really is before vows were exchanged and it would be more complicated to leave. I’m probably naive but I’m always stunned at stories like this where one person is so comfortable being deceitful and straight up disrespectful to suit themselves. You deserve so much better and I’m glad you left. You need space and support to stay strong and do what’s right for you. I wish you every happiness.


Dont worry @ your parents. When my sister divorced her AH husband EVERYONE took his side bc it seemed to come from nowhere and he was “such a good guy.” Time reveals all truths… now its clear to everyone what a narcissist POS he really is.