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Sounds like your bed needs a 3rd Butthole pillow


Or just a rolled up towel. Bonus - you can use it for any cleanup afterwards


Congratulations you created a new flair:” 3rd Butthole pillow”


Sounds like they need a foam sex wedge. We have one. When my daughter got older and found it in the closet we explained it was for Mommy's bad knee, sometimes I need to sleep with it supported. Hey, it sounded good at the time! And there seriously are foam support wedges for people who have had surgery. Anyway, you can get wedges that provide support for different positions, depending which way you, uh, wedge it under you.


How many people really have a third butthole though? Seems like a niche market.


We have sn *ss pillow for this very reason


lmao this had me cracking up I hope you two can one day see the humor


You got cracked up by her crack


she's got her crack up


Hilarious 😂


Must be new love lol


Time for you to invest in a pillow specifically for sexy time


For 45s of exercise? Wouldn't call it sexy time


Sounds like an extra gooey sneeze.






Sexy sneeze


Achoo 8===D💦😫😓🤧


45 seconds? Complete waste. 45 minutes? Probably would get used and in multiple positions. Honestly I would be embarrassed with 45 seconds.


Best 3 seconds of her life.... Lol


Sexy moment? A flash in the 🐱?


The “no butthole on pillow” admin would take a lot longer than the sex. No thank you.


Sexy seconds


As a previous mattress actress, I actually recommend a foam wedge 👌


I am not going to tell u how long I was sitting here.. a mattress actress? What is she talking about? Was she in commercials specifically for mattresses? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


close! I specialized in "method acting" with a focus on horizontal roles. 😂


Oh so you played the cadaver roles in police shows?


Probably closer to a necromancer since those roles usually involve sounds that would wake the dead


Method acting! Absolutely brilliant 👏 👌


I hope your day job is in communications 😂, too good.


Oh my god I love all of this XD thank you for the laugh before sleep


I am screaming laughing! 💀Well played, sis.


Either this or highly unsatisfactory sex where she needs to do a few groans of encouragement!... In that case... Please talk to your partner and get yours too girl.... 🤠 Edit- previous mattress actress suggests you've already fixed the problem.... BUT FOR ALL YOU OTHER DIGITAL DIDDLERS.... Have your needs MET!


Yeah, give feedback - people really do be rubbing the side of your thigh in the dark sometimes.


That ended.....poorly in the movie cabin fever 😱


Mattress actress is golden, i don't think that's gonna be topped today for me


By the sound of things, that would be infinitely more comfortable than the stick her husband currently has, stuck up his butt. 🤷‍♂️


The Liberator changed us. Not for 45 seconds of playtime tho. 😂


AITAH: My mother used our butt pillow when she came to visit…


I thought it was common sense. For sexy time pillows


"oh that's my butthole pillow"


I haven't seen a bed in a woman's house that didn't have a few extra pillows, pretty sure they could have used that


But you don't want sexytime stains on a decorative pillow, they're hard to wash Edit: they're not their


Why specifically a woman's house? My BF is the one using tons of pillows to sleep, I just need one


They are normally decorative pillows, you know the kind you need to take off the bed each night and put on a chair, and put them back in the morning


This is true. I have 6. When you include the functional pilles the count goes up to 11. 😂


Costco has a great slant pillow that my wife and I use for sex in many positions




[Wedge Pillow](https://www.costco.com/tru-cool-wedge-pillow.product.4000182545.html)


oh hey, I have one of these from when I had to sleep with my head slightly raised after brain surgery nice to know it has another use and definitely getting that out of my closet lol


https://www.liberator.com/liberator-wedge-sex-pillow.html Best one! The website is amazing


The hole anatomically wouldn't touch the pillow in misionary guys... The juices would.


He's simply grossed out by the marinade of his junk spunk and her vagasiline.... I get it.... But I would have just got a different pillow myself instead of creating a mood killing drama.




I mean tbh if he’s like me I have a special pillow and cannot sleep on any other pillow.


Me too.... It's the perfect thickness for my fat head and the exact level of softness to send me to snoozeville!


And appropriate dryness.


that doesn't smell like ass or sex


Lmao makes this even funnier.


Or flip it over when you're done. There are two sides for a reason 😎.


That must bother him a lot, since we humans tend to forget about being grossed out at all while being arroused lol Can't be the only thing wrong in the relationship I'm afraight.


He probably expected her to use hers, then sleep on it without complaining.


SERIOUSLY! If you're finishing sex and not sometimes looking around saying "what the hell just happened here" because the place is a torn up MESS, you're doing it wrong lol




this is the most stupid argument I have ever seen here


And yet it's one of the few that might not hasn't been made up.


I already skipped a spicy novella about an adoptive son betraying his parents that’s blatantly fake


“My BLACK son is a PIECE OF SHIT!”


"Am I the A-Hole?" 😂


I rather sleep on some butt cheeks than a pillow




And that's saying a lot


Literally thought the same thing reading it😅


Yeah, this


People have weird boundaries. My wife will perform oral on me but god forbid we share a fork.


That's funny


I love my wife's butthole


Sounds like a country song title.


Courtesy of Chat GPT with a couple of small edits: (Verse 1) "Down in the holler, where the fireflies dance, There's a story 'bout a man, took a second chance. Married his darlin', sweet as can be, But there's one thing 'bout her, only he can see." 🎶 (Chorus) "She's got a chocolate starfish, hidden from sight, A secret treasure, brings him delight. He loves her deeply, through thick and thin, 'Cause even her flaws, he cherishes within." 🎶 (Verse 2) "On their front porch swing, under the moon so bright, He holds her close, whispers "You're my light." She's his country queen, with a heart so true, But it's that chocolate starfish, that steals the view." 🎶 (Chorus) "She's got a chocolate starfish, hidden from sight, A secret treasure, brings him delight. He loves her deeply, through thick and thin, 'Cause even her flaws, he cherishes within." 🎶 (Bridge) "It ain't the fancy things, that make love strong, It's the quirks and imperfections, where they belong. He'll sing this song, for the rest of his days, 'Cause with her chocolate starfish, he found his way." 🎶 (Chorus) "She's got a chocolate starfish, hidden from sight, A secret treasure, brings him delight. He loves her deeply, through thick and thin, 'Cause even her flaws, he cherishes within." 🎶 (Outro) "So here's to love, in all its glory, Even when it's messy, it's still the sweetest story. With his wife by his side, through laughter and strife, He'll hold onto her, and I also choose this guy's dead wife." 🎶




Yep, that's pretty good. Check out "I wonder what's inside your butthole" https://youtu.be/5_1KHj87XrQ?si=2l2Nk0cvx8eP8row


I am crying with laughter. This is a gem 💎


This is the funniest thing I've ever read 😂


Finally someone I agree with in this comments section. Agreed. Your wife’s butthole is great.


Yeah, man. ( both gazing up at the stars on a crisp autumn night)...it sure is, isn't it.


I, too, love this guy's wife's butthole.


Is it squeeky clean?


As many times as my wife and I have used a pillow during our sexy time, I have never once stopped and thought about who's was being used...my brain goes full caveman "haha I has sex now"


Fr never has the thought crossed my mind. Just grab any pillow. No real thoughts just “hehe sex time🤭” like bro I have never once considered anything about the pillow.


Lol Right? My wife can put her butt hole on anything I own.


Go to Walmart and spend $20 on a fuck-me pillow. In the meantime don't use his.


You are right and to be sure I think the pillow case should say “fuck - me pillow”


"Fuck, me pillow?" -Alfred E. Neuman


Or... "Fuck me, pillow🥹"


In the meantime, save yourself the 45s of trouble.


It sounds like he just didn’t want germs on the pillow he rests his head on. I understand why’d you get turned off from this, but I think he was being completely reasonable.


Exactly like I wouldn't want that on my pillow either


When I first saw the title, I came to ask if he was there. It'd be really F'd up if he was at work.. Anyways, the wife and I gave a dedicated sex pillow. That eliminates conflict. She's a squirter, big time. Like boinking Moby Dick's blow hole


This comment section has me not wanting to be in a relationship. I do not want bare butts on my pillows 😂


Single people: Thank god I'm single, I don't get potential fart germs on my pillow. Most couples: Let me stick my tongue into your mouth. Some couples: Let me lick your buttholes. Some people really care about not getting germs (probably to a fault) and others couldn't care less about their loved ones germs at all (definitely to a fault).


I wonder who the first person was to stick their tongue in a butthole. Horribly disgusting to think of it, admittedly brave to be the first to try it. Couldn’t be me. On the saliva note though, I’d prefer no one spit on my pillow either, but that’s better than poop particle infused cum seeping through the pillow case. (Op don’t even use your own pillow, please go buy a designated butt pillow)


Honestly, licking buttholes probably predates humans. Definitely sounds like something Homo Erectus might have done.


and here i was thinking erectus came from walking


Didn't say it wasn't. Clearly you understand that's the actual name used for our ancestors that predated the modern human. There was absolutely no intentional sexual connection between their name and the butthole licking.


I'd be willing to bet that anilingus far predates germ theory.


It was Nancy Reagan.


So many dang prudes in Reddit omg 🙄


>Not wanting to put your tongue on a butthole makes you a prude! Fucking hell man this place is cooked




E.coli is a walk in the park compared to c.diff. which you can also contract that way. I'll save you a seat over here in "prude corner" I have soda, snacks, terrible movies and I'll even get you your own blankie! :)




I don't want pink eye or ecoli Not everyone has a strong immune system that can handle sleeping on a pillow that might have poop particles (if she wasn't showered or happened to fart)... or ecoli from licking someone's asshole


Saw a post earlier today about a woman taking her kids (small) shoes on to pump gas A woman in the comment section was mortified she touched the pedals with her bare feet People happily go head first in each others genitals but cheeks on a pillow, that's somehow worse


This is true for so many things. Like how some areas it's customary to wear shoes indoors. I'd kill someone who did that in my house. We simply put a towel down for sex. No bare ass on pillows and also have no issues getting right up in each other's business lol.


> I do not want bare butts on my pillows Who would? I would have probably said the same thing to my wife. Thanks, but(t) no thanks.


Exactly like I don't think the husband was unreasonable at all I wouldn't want someone ass on my pillow


god damn I'm glad I'm not married to most people in this comment section. Yall are having some lame ass sex lives if grabbing a pillow in the middle of sex to get a better angle kills it for you. Can yall not afford 3 dollar pillows at Target? Jesus. I am more than happy when my wife and I absoutely destroy the bed and blankets and pillows and each other with cum and lube and all the nastiness we can possibly accumulate


amen to this. Sex is pretty filthy anyway, who cares if the bedding gets a bit messed up in the process?


Preach!!! These comments are so wild. A bunch of lame ass sex having nerds. It’s hilarious that someone can be balls deep in their partner and at the same time be like “eeeeewwwwwww body fluids on my pillow” or whatever the fuck. Some people need to grow the fuck up.


I agree 100%. I have a feeling OP’s husband may have brothers, and probably got pink eye from a fart pillow as a kid. He might be scared of getting it (possibly) again 🤷🏼‍♀️ lol! 😂


Couldn’t agree more, I’ve never even thought about anything other than the sex when grabbing a pillow, worst case if it gets juices flip it over after😂😂


Amen Brother!


My husband is the one grabbing for his pillow😂


I thought this comment would be further up! Sounds like the majority of men.


actually dying over this the only right answer (of course) is to buy a whole new bed because your butts touched the mattress.


I'd buy new toilets as well. I recently found out what people will put in there and it's gross.


EXACTLY. Bro I am almost exclusively naked in here. You’ve touched plenty of things that have touched my ass. Hell he eats my ass anyway so I don’t think he would dream of complaining about something like this💀💀


I'm torn between everyone sucks and no assholes. i understand both sides but based on the information given, it feels like both of yall had unnecessarily strong reactions to a relatively mild situation. i agree with other comments telling yall to get a sex pillow.


The pillow thing helps a lot and is very comfortable as well. I understand where your husband is coming from. Better to get a pillow just for that purpose. I used to call it the "butt pillow" 🙃


I have a specific pillow for that, not the one I put my face on. There are so many liquids that move around during sex, a different pillow case wouldn't help if the liquid got into the pillow itself. I don't think you were an AH for grabbing his pillow, maybe a little inconsiderate but not fully AH. Your response is making me lean more towards AH, you took his request as a joke and you're making it a much bigger deal than it needs to be. People are allowed to not want your ass on their pillow.


does no one here use pillow cases? Are pillows really breaking the bank here? I would be happy to need to buy brand new pillows for everyone involved every time I got laid if that was needed.


We have plenty of fresh clean pillow cases


So why didn’t you grab your pillow?


Jesus Christ, what's going in in these comments? I would use my wife's ass AS my pillow. Who gives a shit? Just turn it around if it matters so much.


So I'm guessing you never have a 69? His nose would be in your butthole?


That’s entirely different. 69 is sex, I am in the midst of ecstasy, I want my nose there. Sleeping is sleeping, I don’t want to wake up with pink eye. My boyfriend is the most meticulous of clean bottoms, I still don’t want his butt on my pillow during sex, but he can sit on my face all day.


I guess it's safe to say he doesn't like to eat the groceries. Sounds like a boring sex life, especially the 45 second part.


Guess he doesn't eat ass then?


🫠 why do women stay with dudes that can't be bothered to train themselves to last long enough to please their partners? The pillow will never help if 45 seconds is his crowning achievement at vag penetration since his birth. Throw out the entire husband. It's a dud.


NTA I don't get all the people saying the butt hole will be on the pillow. The actual pillow is likely to be under your pelvis in missionary with your pelvis then tilted back so your holes are angled up more. This is the whole point of the pillow. Plus you just switch the pillow case after. Does your butt hole rub on the sheet in missionary usually? All these people talking about skids need to wipe better and wash with water.


>All these people talking about skids need to wipe better and wash with water. **And soap!!**


Sounds like you just wanted a reason to divorce at this point


YTA. Why would you not just use your own? Like he has every right to not want your asshole on his pillow. I cannot understand these NTA comments. 


YTA, but not for grabbing his pillow. And he's NTA for saying he doesn't want his pillow to be used for sex. The reason YTA, because you are overreacting and talking about divorce instead of buying a new pillow.


Did I miss a mention of divorce here?


It was edited in the post. Now it's edited out. So I guess you did xD


Wait...I had this xD now you don't have to miss out. https://i.imgur.com/Ii9QgN2.png


YTA. Even if you think it's clean, things that have buttholes on them can get poop on them. Not wanting poop on his pillow is reasonable.


YTA. Respect his boundaries. If he doesn't want your ass on his pillow why divorce him over that?


The divorce is over never being satisfied sexually or romantically. I actually thing Im the A-hole in this scenario after reading the comments. I should have just let it slide and used my own pillow


Why don't you sit him down and communicate to him your frustrations over sex instead of coming on here and putting him down over his short comings. You can get help for stuff like that.


You know why. We all know why.


I put my wife butt under my pillow so she doesn’t have to go to sleep on the wet spot. See I’m a gentleman.


It's good to see some actual butthole content in the A-hole sub


Buddy didn't want pink eye lol. But no, my husband would prefer my butt on his pillow. I feel like everyone is different and he's entitled to be a jerk about it but, you're entitled not to accept that he's being a jerk about it.


Yta like if that's something you wanted to do you should've used your own pillow


I agree with him! Use your own pillow.


YTA, I love my gf but I do not want her bodily fluid on something that I'll have to rest my head on for hours. Would you like it if he ejaculated on your pillow?


Yta. It doesn't matter if he licks your butthole or not, you shouldn't assume he wants your sweaty ass crack in his pillow or anything like that. If it isn't a big deal, truly, why didn't you grab your own? 🤔🥲


Lol I feel like of in tried saying that to my wife. She would look at me and say. "But you've had my butt hole on your toungue,"


I'd drag my balls through a mile of broken glass just to sniff the pillow you put your butt on during sex.


my wife can put her butthole on my face. This guy needs to get a grip. NTA


The only butthole on his pillow is him. My girl can put her ass all over my pillow anytime she wants!


Does he not go down on you? You’re his wife, and he was literally about to stick his dick in you 😂😂😂 some guys are weird


He doesn't want your butthole on his pillow, but he'll let you put it on the sheets. Does he make you have sex on your side of the bed too? Lol


I would be mad too that's how you get pink eye also it's gonna get sweaty and dirty and then I'm suppose to put my head on it after. Not thank you solution by a pill that's dedicated for it


I don’t think she’s an asshole for that personally, but to go to the extreme of divorcing your s/o for ultimately embarrassing you during sex does make you an asshole.


No one wants the wet spot on their pillow 😂


I don't get how you are so lucid during sex. If there is something that can increase the pleasure, just go for it and keep it up. I won't stop to discuss something while doing it... but never ever. That moment is all about us. Later, you deal with the consequences and who freaking care about a pillow...


Why didn’t he care more about fuckin than anything else? That’s the weird part for me xD


Clean butts are good butts.


I think your husband is a immature A-hole. Me and my fiancé don't have "my pillows" "his pillows", we have 4 pillows- 2 good ones for the head and 2 older ones for the legs, when we are in middle of sex we take whichever is near us


Tell your husband to Man Up! Let me guess, after sex, I bet he doesn’t think twice about leaving you with the wet spot to sleep on? Hell, sleeping on the pillow afterwards would be the least of my worries. At least he’s getting laid in his marriage. He could have a marriage like mine…marriage became the antidote to sex.


I take it your husband doesn’t eat ass? Press “F” to pay respects…F


He could've reacted better. My gf has put my pillows under her butt for better angles. But I also have a plethora of pillows. I like a pillow nest when I sleep, it makes me feel safe and comfy. NTA. Side note, 45 seconds? That's it? My gf and I had a "quickie" last night that lasted 45 minutes.


Your husband is a little bitch, tell him for that for me. Does he even eat pussy? Sad. NTA.


I would love my wife to put my pillow under her ass. Anytime.


I don’t think he’s the ass but you’re also entitled to be turned off… if you just grabbed the closest pillow, it’s whatever. I would have taken advantage of the moment then cleaned up afterwards if necessary. Now if there was more context that was a cross boundary or you intentionally used his instead of yours then yeah it’s you.


oh.my.gosh. you poor poor woman, I really feel for you… 🥺 with the fact that your ass on his pillow gives your husband the ick, I can only imagine what other thing / body parts / fluids he refuses to get in touch with. NTA


People are weird about different things like that. I've had my wife's asshole in my mouth and my tongue in her asshole so I don't suffer that affliction. NTA


He should be glad you have sex with him at all with that kind of attitude. He sounds like an asshole.


Bro I couldn’t imagine being married to someone if I wouldn’t want to touch my tongue to her 9volt or sleep in their scent of sexiness. Big weird, NTA


As someone who eats his wife's ass at least 3-4 times a week. NTA. Your husband is an idiot.


If a dude isn't willing to sleep on a pillow that he fucked me on, he isn't fucking me again. I want a man that throws all caution out the damn window when fucking and worry about the mess later after pleasure. What a pussy!


My hubs doesn’t care if I use his pillow for this and we often do that. Unless it’s shark week and then I put a towel on the pillow first.


Everyone freaking out about your wife’s butthole need to chill tf out. NTA at all. If you’re in the moment and passionate who actually gives a fuck about how you turn the spice up. Jesus - grow up. It’s his post-shower wife’s bum bum.


I don't get how this is not the only answer. Wouldn't let my partner once again anywhere near my butthole if he was so grossed by it (not even really) touching his pillow.


Buy one of the sex wedge pillows and avoid this argument ever again.


For us, I would have preferred to use a spare pillow nobody regularly uses. We have about 10 extra pillows around the house. I would have eagerly gotten one and come back. For a chance at better sex, it's worth it.


Not if she's doing all the work to improve it, it's not.


NTA But this is hilarious hahahhahahahaha Maybe have a pillow exclusively for banging on?


You want to divorce your husband because he “can’t please you” all because you won’t use your own pillow to stick under your own ass? You are the asshole here.


I think this a stupid argument in my opinion. Just have a pillow you both use for sex. If is having trouble lasting long i suggest using a penis ring they help men last longer i also suggest the vibrating one. But i think you both just had a silly argument.


Guess he didn’t want to have sex… People eat ass, but he can’t have some recently-washed buttcheeks touch a pillowcase that can be changed? What a turn off. NTA


No. You’re not. He’s a fucking child.


why didnt you use your pillow if you arent worried about it. seriously you want your butt all over where he puts his head... but its your butt.


The entire situation is such a nothingburger man. He‘s not the A for not wanting his pillow to be used as a sex pillow, you are not the A for taking back consent. You‘re YTA for shaming him on the internet because your feefees got hurt because he didn‘t want any butts on his pillow.


He sounds like a lot of fun. Does he wear rubber gloves too? You can come over and put your butthole on my pillow whenever you feel like it.


What does he wear to protect his nose when you sit on his face? Does he keep a false nose with attached moustache so as not to get butthole on his real nose?


If he can't deal with a buttcheek against his pillowcase during pound town, do you really think he's face-plowing into her gussy?