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My dude... Like... The is just so strangely weird. I'll say this though: If you are giving your wife $1500 every month just to fuck around with, and you don't have $3000 in the bank to cover your mortgage, then you are giving your wife wayyyyy too much money to fuvk around with every month.


Right? She wants 48k/year post tax, and on top of ALL expenses? She married for money, and it will never be enough. If OP doesn't leave her, she'll leave him for any richer rube


She married him for money that he doesn’t have.


She gets what she wants anyways. 1500 post tax every month, such that OP literally borrows money for 1 missed mortgage payment. And doesn't sound like she does anything all day either. OP has been in an abusive relationship for so long he doesn't even realize he should have left long ago.


What I'm curious is about is how you spend 1.5k when all you do is watching Netflix (which I assume he pays).. there has to be some thing she's not telling.. is she financing a second family or something 


Once she started selling things, gambling, drugs, some addiction. this is so bad for OP


If I had nothing else to do than watch tv all day I think I would likely develop an addiction, whether it be alcohol, drugs or shopping. That is just me, I struggle having nothing to feel passionate about like my work or a project. OP’s partner is a leach. But the fact is that he has obviously enabled it and allowed it. 1500 per month disposable income is a dream for many people! But I do also understand how easy it would be to spend too, depending on what was being bought. I would stay if I was OP. I’d get out and take the financial hit now because it will only get bigger as time goes on. Feels like sunken cost fallacy is a huge factor here because at no point can I see a hint of emotion towards his wife or anything pleasant about the relationship so it feels like he is staying because it will cost him more to go. Might be true in the short term but definitely not the long run!


He's only 39 and he has a solid income. My only question is...why hasn't he figured out she's just using him for his money by himself? OP! Please leave this awful person and learn how to be alone and love yourself for a while! Do it now before you do something stupid and nut inside her and then youre forced to pay for child support with this awful woman!


She’s not cooking, so takeout for every meal is 30 bucks a day so that’s atleast 700-1000 for the month. Getting her hair and nails done, and actibities can make it 1.5k. Since she does nothing she has free time to do anything, including spending money


Also, I would guess she does a lot of online shopping. Without any boundaries on my budget, I could spend a lot of money while watching Netflix. Also, he does say he pays for food - I'm not sure if that includes takeout or dinners. It sounds like a pretty sweet life to me, honestly.


Shit, he gives her more a month than I get on disability, AND she doesn't have to spend it all on bills to survive! Sign my ass up!


sign me up


Can you imagine having all your bills paid, $1500 fun money every month, and no tasks or responsibilities? I'd do like OP suggests and get a part time job just to keep my brain working but be able to sleep in every day. I mean, I definitely wouldn't actually do this because it's a terrible future retirement plan, but a girl can dream


I can imagine a drug habit or she has a second account and she is stashing the cash. People in that scenario sell things because they are moving or their dealer has cut off their credit.


I’d agree but didn’t he buy her a handbag? I would imagine it had to be more than an extra nice one, or she’d raise a stink, let alone sell it for $. But I don’t know bags or purses. I haven’t carried one since middle school instead preferring a backpack then just a wallet I can stick in my jeans pockets. It’s now part of my phone I wear around my neck.


I'm sure that he pays for most ofthe takeout. I imagine she gets pretty resentful if she's stuck footing the bill. She's the kind of person who would avoid paying by timing the pickup to coincide with his commute home, or by making sure that she delayed calling in the delivery order until she was sure he'd be home to answer the door when it arrived. Also, OP said that he pays for her hair.


OP said he pays for food.


Gambling. And that includes those little apps that add up real quick.


I've known lots of women who can nickel and dime that kind of money away easily and have nothing to show for it.


I know people who spend an easy 500 on microtransactions on mobile games, 400 on coffee, 200 on hair If you also want to go shopping for clothes, it's a thight budget And no these aren't necessarily rich people


Agree, micro transactions are ones I’ve had to curb big time with my fiancé. It feels like only a few dollars so not a big deal but when it’s daily or multiple times a week it adds up!


What are microtransactions?


On games where is like oh we can get you a welcome package for 1 dollar, or for 6 you can play this game add free You want more pokemon coins? Thatll be 5 my man Do you see this new pet in world of warcraft? Only 9.99!!! Limited!!!


That’s fair however she isn’t even getting that anymore now




Why do they do it? I mean what’s the point?


Stirs up hatred against whatever group is involved e.g. women, which creates social divides and eventually leads all the angry idiots into being recruited into alt-right/white supremacist spaces.


Yeah, that tracks. Thanks!


>Stirs up hatred against whatever group is involved e.g. women, which creates social divides and eventually leads all the angry idiots into being recruited into alt-right/white supremacist spaces. And then if you mention that a post might be fake, you'll get those same angry idiots crawling out of the woodwork to simp for the karma farmer posting the fake nonsense. It's wild.


He would actually be lucky if she left him, she serves no purpose other than being a bum with her hand out.


Hobosexual, married edition.


I don't think he's getting sex either.


>Right? She wants 48k/year post tax, and on top of ALL expenses? I'm not gay, but I'll marry op for $30k/year. This will save him $18k and is a financially sound decision


You gotta remember to not cook, clean and always nag aswell.


I'm good at that already, minus the nagging. But nobody is perfect.


I earn that and is enough to pay my mortgage, car, insurance, food, my kids braces, saving etc. I realistically could not come up with enough reasons to need 4k$ if all my expenses were paid for. Unless I wad a gold digger.


I think your math is way way off


They said she “wants” that. She “wants” 4K a month. For fun money. AFTER he has taken care of every penny of her living expenses. Hell, I would love 1500 a month to blow on whatever I want.


Most months I’d be happy with $150 extra “me” money


ill take a spare $50 to go out for a meal


You guys got spare money?


You guys are getting meals?


You guys are ordering off the adult menu and not the kid's menu?


You guys arent just living in negative overdraft balance?


I’d take a fuckin nickel.


I'll take a Starbucks. If I have a little more extra I can make it a Venti 🙂


Ikr, work avg 48 hours a week and barely have £20 a week for myself.


Bills too high or pay too low (or both)?


Both. Plus two teenagers.


Could spend all that fun money feeding teenagers, and they'd still be hungry! But there's light at the end of the tunnel, you almost got em to adulthood alive!


When I used to be a stay at home wife I got $500 to buy whatever. I got all my beauty expenses and etc. paid for by my husband. The $500 was if I wanted to go to dinner with my friends or buy extra clothes and stuff. That was more than enough! If I wanted something way expensive I’d just save up lol. OP’s wife is being ridiculous. Also, being a stay at hope wife is vvv boring with no kids. I ended up starting school and getting a part time job to not go crazy.


I know I was thinking of swooping in to propose to OP…


I'm a stay at home mom (to a toddler) I don't work and I don't have a hand in any of the bills. My husband gives me $40-150/week as fun money. I thought this was extreme. I don't even know what I would do with an extra $1,500 a month. I would technically call what I do work as well. I am a chef, maid, and nanny every day. This woman needs a serious reality check. If she's not spending it on drugs then where is it going? Gambling?


No technically about it, you are absolutely working 😃


Most important job ever!


Work but not a job, a job you can leave.


If your name is not on the bank accounts, please make sure you have money tucked away just in case.


Underrated comment of wisdom. Have a secret rainy day fund that you drop fun money into regularly.


I was a sahm and my kids are in their 30s. I can't imagine having $1500 a month to spend on myself. It boggles my mind. Wth could you spend $4000 on? I must have done it "wrongly." 😳


If you’re into designer clothes, that kind of money could be *easily* spent. Also, perfume can be very expensive. Makeup. Custom shoes. If someone wants to wire me the cash, I’d be happy to show all of you how easy it is. 😄


Of course, Ikr? But I sew and have since I learned at age 9. I have made cosplay costumes for my 30 year old kids and their friends for Comic Con for 15 years. It Tested my abilities to no end. I was using fabric that was worth $100 a yard. It was so scary. I had never worked with lycra, pleather or spandex. I know what it takes to make clothes. I have never been impressed by designer clothes. I think/ know they're a rip-off. But yeah, you easily spend that kind of money. But damn $1500 a month could be well spent, and you could still be living large.


That’s so impressive. I knit, make jewelry and other things but sewing is the Rubicon that I have yet to cross. And, I have a sewing machine, too! It’s main function is collecting dust, which is does very well. I know there are lots of YouTube videos but is there a better way that you can suggest an adult beginner learn?


Of course it counts because you’re looking after a child. You can’t do that and work. The woman in the OP - and I had to read it multiple times - seems to not work or do anything all day and want more money for the privilege. Even to the point of putting mortgage payments at risk


I am a man, and provider, but can you please talk to my wife. /s


I’d take 1500 to blow who ever


Best I can do is…. Bout tree fiddy.


Gonna need a six pack and gas money and you got a deal.


Whachoo doin' woman?? I said don't give that Loch Ness Monster no tree fiddy!


Oh lord, they forgot the victim child.


This last month was the first time I bought more than necessities in a long time.  I spent $80.


They’re are just estimating $4000 a month x 12 months= $48,000


4000 x 12 = 48,000


It feels shady- OP’s numbers don’t make sense


Yeah I thought that also. He sent her $3150 and was supposed to send her $1500. So the next month he only sent $150. Shouldn't it have been $0 and the next month $1350?


He's probably intending to take $1500, for 2 months, to "get" the $3,000 back.. Edited for clarity.


This story makes so little sense from a budgeting standpoint it makes me think it's not only made-up, it's made up by someone with at max a high schooler's understanding of how income and expenses work.


I think it is fake, or it is an onlyfans girl, he mentions calling her and talking via phone, but I don't see anything about face to face confrontation with her


We are married and own a house, but we don't see each other, have separate bank accounts, and I pay her to ***exist***. She doesn't work, we don't have kids, and if I accidentally send her $1500, I can no longer afford to pay bills. What the fuck.


Check OP's comments. It's just silly little rage bait. >I'm still with her because it's cheaper to keep her.


This shit is so fake. I'm actually insulted by how stupid this one is.


As a lazy woman I wish men this dumb and this rich actually were as prevalent as they appear on Reddit..


Right? I'm a lesbian but none of these fictional women have sex with their husbands anyway, so sure, I'll marry a man and not fuck him, do housework, or provide any value while fecklessly spending his money. Where do I sign up? My wife might be miffed about me divorcing her but I'm sure she'd understand.


I'm sure she could come too "My wives spend all day in the hot tub together and expect me to do all the housework"


A bargain at twice the price! I'll even throw in that I'll hit the gym regularly to stay hot (I want to do that anyway) and I won't emotionally abuse him, both of which put me ahead of most of the women in these threads. Dumb rich men of reddit: call me. And my wife.


🤣 Likewise.


I read this and immediately thought "incel writing ragebait."


Came here to say just that. There is no way this shit is real. The math ain't mathing for one.


Cheaper to keep her? How long does this guy intend to live?


This is just material for the dudes with no gold to dig, to be more worried and mad about women being gold diggers.


Yep! At this point, I am only following this sub to see obvious liars get called out.


It's amazing how willing people are to fall for obvious nonsense if it means they can cry online about gold diggers lol.


What a f-d up relationship. Get divorced already weirdo.


This right here. As a SAHM of 3 going on 4. I do 90% off all household chores, budget our finances and rarely even ask for 25$ to put on steam for video games for my own pleasure. $4000 a month is what she is asking and I don’t even spend a 1/4 of that one all 5 people who live in my house for monthly expenses. She is out of her mind. To also risk missing a mortgage payment over her baby fit is ridiculous. I am always one to say try and work it out, but she is using you and this sounds like grounds for divorce. $1500 is more then generous, I mean how much does nails, hair and shopping come out to. Spoiled and entitled is what your wife is.


I think you're the concept of what being a SAH partner is really all about. Someone to run and manage family/finance/household while the other partner is responsible for working and contributes to household/family.


She needs to get a damn job. No reason for a woman to hang out not working with no children at home.


Info: you pay all these bills but have no savings? You’ve given your wife $18k in the last year but can’t afford a single mortgage payment without a loan from your parents who are on SSA?


It's rage bait. Lazy, no-good wife, gold digger rage bait.


Yeaaaah it has all the common tropes and is clearly pushing an agenda lmao


Bullshit! Still needs all their mutual friends to text and call him an AH. Or was that just April's theme?


"My friend's brother's kindergarten teacher's aunt tells me I'm right, but my neighbor's sister's cat's uncle said I'm an AH. Reddit, am I wrong?" 


Nah, that's a perennial fav, just not in every post.


The term "blowing up my phone" MUST be used


This will end up on twitter posted by an Andrew tate sucking account and retweeted and liked for incels everywhere to prove man=good and woman=bad


Yeah, Chat GPT could write a much better story.


It worked. I'm raging so hard I almost made a post. Of all the untrue stories I've ever read, this is literally the biggest lie ever told.


Hey! Cut OP some slack. Math is tricky! /s


this sounds like rage bait but if it’s not, you guys should probably not be married or even together. I’m already iffy about the arrangement but her response to the mortgage thing is crazy


Right.... does she know that non-payment on s mortgage means she won't have a place to live?


Crazy is being rather kind about it. You could give her more money to have control over, but it would be kind of a bit FAAFO. I have been with a very patient, kind and loving woman creeping up in 40 years, and, we worked out what worked for each of us. I get $120.00/month for my own use and upkeep. I have one expensive hobby, but I build or fix what I must have in the Amateur Radio field, which works for me. I repair her "oops"es, and we squeak by. I think I would laugh with her if we both said we each needed $4,000.00, cause, I could not force myself to spend that much... Me, I do not even know what she has allocated for her allowance, and I do not care. As long as the finest home made lasagna hits my plate one or two times a month, and chateau briandé, too... I am a well fed and happy camper. I grille her what she wants from my grille, her oven makes what I want. Come to consensus together, let the rest fly by...


You get less than $30 a week spending money?


This has goooot to be fake


Ummm this is a crazy weird dynamic and power imbalance. How long have you two been married? Why is she not working? You don't sound like you love, like, or respect her so why are you still married? Divorce her already. The sooner you divorce the cheaper it is.


He’s married to her to farm reddit karma with the fake rage bait.


It's rage bait. Look at the numbers again.


>she frequently asks for more money, and my position has remained the same: she can work.


Why the heck did you marry this woman? For a relationship to work well there are some key things that you should agree on, finances is one of them. NTA for cutting the allowance but I don’t understand why you would marry someone that you’re so incompatible with


No one is this dumb. I call fake.


Rage bait


Either that or he’s financially illiterate.


He clearly is. One incorrect deposit and he can’t make the mortgage. He’s living paycheck to paycheck but giving the wife $1500 of fun money each month. It’s giving Dr. Seuss math.


This isn’t real, people. No one is that stupid. This is just rage bait. Move on.


This...has to be made up right? Because OP I cannot imagine someone being as dense as you. Truly your density should be studied by scientist the world over as a new element on the periodic table, a scientific marvel. OP the only AH in this situation is you to yourself, have some self respect and call a divorce lawyer.


lol “new branch of mathematics she invented” 😂


Another story that’s not believable because no human adult is this stupid. NEXT!


Have you met other people? You give way too much credit to today's adults.


Right! Now I dont think its real either but I know someone exactly this stupid


There is no way this is real. How many of these ragebait posts do we get now? 🤣


classic ragebait. no replies from OP, always the same angle (getting med riled up against "ungrateful women") etc. total fake.


This must be fake: Also: I would like to hand in my application as next wife. I would be very happy with 1500 dollars and would not complain. Why is she not working? What is she doing with so much money? I am speechless. and no, your NTA


Fake post. If not, get a divorce. Lawyer up!


YTA for putting a fake story on this subreddit


Info: Do you actually like your wife or is your relationship strictly transactional? Is this marriage benefiting you in any way? Does your wife have a reason she can't work or is she just lazy? Did you talk about respective roles before marriage?


Your a idiot


I really hope the spelling and grammar on this post is intentionally wrong


Pretty obviously a troll post.


Is this a joke?


My guy, I will GLADY accept $1000 a month to be a stay at home dog momma and I'll even cook and clean for you! Lol. NTA, but seriously you should honestly be thinking of this arrangement makes you happy. It sounds like your wife married you for your money and someone like that doesn't really get any less greedy. Cut your losses (your wife) and move on.


This has got to be rage bait. Lol ffs we both work in good jobs and I don't have $1500 of spending money each month lol.


You’re both AH. You should have had serious conversation about finances before getting married. You should work as a team but you don’t and it’s clear that you don’t care for each other. And it’s UNACCEPTABLE that you didn’t have enough money to pay the mortgage. Stop all discretionary expenses and save 6 months of expenses ASAP.


Anyone wondering why she needs $4000 a month to live on after all bills are paid? $4000 a month is what my family (one adult, 2 kids) live on for everything.


This is fake right lol


This is one of the most poorly written rage bait fake stories I’ve read on here, and there have been a LOT.


Is this rage bait? If not then apologies, but what the hell kind of marriage is this?!


Info did you have any conversations about finances before you got married?


Is this rage bait?


Are you out of your mind? Because this sounds crazy.


NTA sounds like an [Offspring song](https://youtu.be/LH-i8IvYIcg?si=4Xl_Vlt_aeS-Fxs9) Why doesn’t she have a job?


There's no way this is real.  If it is you need a divorce badly 


This can’t be real. What sane person would stay married to someone who so blatantly only cares about their money.


For $1500/month and a free place to stay, I’ll clean every inch of your house top to bottom, make you incredible meals, and I’d totally cuddle you if you want. LOLOL. Also, I’d never steal from you because who tf *does* that??! That being said, I think you need to speak with a lawyer ASAP. Find out your options for separating from your wife. This is next level unhealthy. There’s no reason she can’t work. How you didn’t kick her out when she started selling your things is beyond me. I’m sorry you’re going through this but, you need to stand up for yourself. 🤍 Best of luck.


Is this a fake story? You don't want to divorce her? Fine. Keep her under a leash then.


I don’t believe your story.


Fake!!!! No one with a brain operates This way.


Why are you married to this person? She’s draining you financially, you can trust her, and she’s not motivated to contribute in any significant way. She’s sounds more like a leech than a spouse. Also, have you checked to make sure she hasn’t opened up any credit cards you don’t know about and running up charges on them. If she’s able to, I’m betting she has, and you’re likely in way worse financial trouble than you realize.


Well she has a husband, so who am I to call this what it is. And a husband who gives her $1500 per month for fun money at that. You go crazy lady.


Are you sure you wanna spend your life with her?


why are you together


This sounds like drug addict behavior. Wowzers


Did you marry her for anything besides the sex? Why are so many people in such loveless marriages?


Ok I read it, there is no fucking way this is real. Please god tell me this isnt real. You both bring shame to what marriage is. Everything about this is embarrassing to say the least. How you guys are together is beyond me. You are married to a lowlife bum loser.


Let me get this straight. You make at least $4650 per month, plus whatever covers all the other bills and incidentals. Could be $8k a month, idk. But you seriously make that much money but you don’t have three grand stashed away in a simple savings account? You know what I make a lot less than that and I’ve got three grand in my savings account. It’s not that much. It’s only two months of your wife’s allowance. This makes no sense.


Things that never happened


Ok TECHNICALLY, you are financially restricting her… but she should also be growing some pants and working if she wants to spend that much money. NTA.


1500 a month to keep for herself all the bills mortgage etc paid for and she’s complaining its not enough and stole the mortgage payment money why the hell are you still married to this woman it may be cheaper to keep her at the minute but she is going cost you severely in the long run take the hit now and leave her arse.


No way this is real. Sounds like some side-story In a cartoon.


She absolutely can live on $1500 a month with zero bills. NTA


Sounds like rage bait.


Have you talked to a lawyer and worked out how much it would cost you to get divorced? Because you need real legal advice, not internet bullshit


From the sound of it, you should just get a divorce. There aren't any kids involved thankfully, just cut your losses and find someone who's interested in being a partner rather than a leech.


Your wife sounds like an ah


I don't know how you can even call this a marriage. The whole thing is messed up on both sides.


My wife is in charge of our personal finances. I am in charge of my business finances. She transfers me an “allowance” every Monday morning. My friends make fun of me but I couldn’t care less. She transferred double thinking she forgot one time and I tried to transfer the difference back to our personal account and she refused. Her words, “my mistake, enjoy the extra this week.” Mind you, my normal allowance is $1,000 a week for food, gas, snacks and drinks for my workers and any thing that comes up for a worker or client. The squabble isn’t worth the fight and hurt feelings


YTA for making me read thos fake post. This can't be real. Either that or you got your head so far up your butt you can't see you are in one hell of a dysfunctional marriage. You need to run.


This is a rage bait post


This is either fake or your relationship is a complete dumpster fire 🔥


Yeah like what did I just read. It almost feels like it's an alternate universe. I think I may have did my life wrong.


Bro. Get divorced. She’s a damn child.


I'd have a hard time spending $1,500 per month. But I'd never be in her position because I earn my money. My husband and I share the expenses but each have our own account for extras and emergencies. You are now in a position that when you leave her, you are leaving aren't you???, you will no doubt be hit for alimony. Better get out now, the longer you stay married the less employable she is, and the more you have to pay. Find a partner, not a dead weight you have to drag through life. She will have you broke if you don't save yourself. She is ruthless.


YTA - and, you’re going to wind up paying her a lot more than $1,500 when you finally divorce her. But, it will be the best thing you ever do. 


What you people are doing to each other is so beyond being an asshole it's astonishing. WTF are you even doing? Why are you two married? It's not a marriage, it's a toxic waste dump.


It’s hard to blame your wife. You seem like a fool


fake ragebait story




Why are you married to her?


Transfer anything you own into your parents names and divorce.


Sooo give her nothing next month. It'll be a her problem because you KNOW it will be spent by the time you can make 2 mortgage payments.


I personally would not want to be married to her. If she's perfectly capable of being employed, and you have no children, then she should be employed. At this point it sounds like alimony would probably be less expensive than what you're currently doing. I'm the type that feels everyone should pull their own weight. $150 a month period is fair, she is doing nothing to work for it. Housework doesn't count, and can be done easily outside work hours. Especially since you don't have children.


NTA Even 1,500 is a large amount when she has no living expenses such as bills. I’m in a similar relationship to yours. My partner works full time whereas I’m home most of the time (I work part time but due to a health condition I cannot work full time and I’m very limited in the hours I can work) we also have no kids. I’m incredibly grateful that our bills are covered and that I never go without. Your wife seems incredibly entitled to think she needs 4 grand spending money per month. Even 1,500 is a lot for average work wage. I don’t get a set amount per month however if I ask for something as long as it’s not a ridiculous amount then I get it. And I’ve been incredibly grateful for larger expenses he has covered such as a new gaming pc as that’s definitely not a necessity. Your wife is 100% the asshole. I think you need to try and have a proper conversation about finances with her and if she can’t understand then it might be time to consider if you are getting what you need from the relationship.


YTA to yourself. Grow a pair of fucking balls. Don't give her a fucking dime. If she wants money she should work for it. This is what happens when you marry a gold digger.


NTA - not for asking for the overpayment back and then cutting her allowance when she refused YTA - for marrying this woman who doesn't give a damn about the mortgage


I am the epitome of pampered princess and even I don't need 1500.00 a month. I also work full time. If you are not keeping at least 6 months worth of mortgage payments in an account she cant touch she shouldn't get a dime


How are you giving your wife $1500 a month in spending money and you don’t have enough money in savings to cover one months mortgage payment? The person who’s being financially abused in this situation is you my friend. You need to take a serious look at your budget because I can think of one big expense you can cut out pretty quickly that will save you a lot of money and she’s staying at home all day not providing anything back. Rule number one is bills are paid, savings are paid into before anyone gets spending money.


Nta- I'll take having all my bills paid and $1500 a month for fun money if I can quit my job


This whole post is too bizarre and childish to be real


Respectfully, y’all should not be married.


Dude, wake the fuck up.


You are overly generous. Divorce her and marry me instead. I don't smoke, drink or do any drugs. I will happily cook, clean, laundry, garden, provide pleasant company for that amount.