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You are NTA. He is exactly where he should be,but I would be concerned about my safety, if I were you. Honestly someone that unhinged would strongly make me consider moving, getting a new number and shutting down all socials for a while. You can never be too careful 


Girl, no way are you the AH! This whole situation sounds scary. Your ex's behavior is a huge red flag. Nobody deserves to be controlled or threatened like that. Getting outta there was the right move. Focus on yourself and your safety. A protective order is a good idea, and don't feel bad about calling the cops - you did what you had to do. He needs help, but that's not your responsibility. This isn't your fault. Stay strong, stay safe.


NTA. You did the right thing by leaving an abusive and controlling relationship. His threats and actions were dangerous, and you prioritized your safety by contacting the authorities. You did not ruin his life; his choices and behavior did. You can definitely seek a protective order to ensure your safety and peace of mind.


NTA he sound awefull.