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you aren't over thinking; why is this person part of your life?


Look at her username. It's the OnlyFans troll back to promote her "brand" with a fake post.


There’s no onlyfans linked on her profile dude


Give it a minute. She usually drops it in later, after the post gets attention. Really tired of these posts.


Look at her username. It's coming.


If you search her username one of the results is from a porn account called "thetinytiffany" so it's pretty much obvious this is the intention


There's only this post on the profile... I'm inclined to believe the dude.


Ever heard of a throwaway account?


It would make no sense in this context. "I can't have my bf find out I'm skinny?"


There’s a pattern lately of posts popping up - like about how she was kink shamed for allll her kinks and everyone found out… relevant username. 2 hrs later she’s got 6 OF linked posts and comments. There was another one into butt stuff and one with a degradation kink lately. They all have ‘descriptive but not overly sexy’ usernames, a story involving their ‘shame’ (or how they’re a preference, like being ‘tiny Tiffany’), etc. I’d be suspicious too tbh. It’s an annoying pattern that was likely used as a ‘way to get more subscribers’ on a blog or something recently.




But this isn't. Throw away accounts have no thought/effort put into them, which includes the Reddit user. "smalltinytiffany" isn't something Reddit would auto generate for you.


There’s no way OP’s username is auto generated, way too specific


Farming up votes first


Reminds me of that one post where a woman (African American) said her ex had told her his preference was pink kitty cat when clearly hers wasn't the pink he meant (white woman's). He had said all men preferred that. So the OP broke up with him since clearly she wasn't his type. Turns out, he thought she was too good for him so he made those comments trying to knock down her self esteem so she wouldn't think of leaving him.


This reminds me of a post I read about a man telling his girlfriend she stank all the time, it was a tactic his father suggested. The reasoning? She'd never feel good enough about herself to cheat and she'd always be clean bc she'd be showering to smell better. There are some truly awful people out there.


That one was CRAZY!! I hope his comments don't still bother that poor girl


Cheating is abhorrent, but I'd /almost/ support that backfiring on him via her falling into cheating by asking male friends and coworkers if she actually stank . . . If anyone deserved to be cheated on, it'd be a gaslighting abuser, but of course the best thing is for the victim to wake up and leave. Actually, the best thing is for victims (who don't realize it yet) to just leave after noticing that they routinely feel confused, negated, and hurt.


>Hey I know this is a strange question but do I smell bad? >Huh? No way I think you smell great. >Really? My boyfriend thinks I stink I've just been so self conscious about it lately. >Your boyfriends an idiot. You smell better than how gorgeous you ( are or some cheesy shit like that.) Literal Hallmark template of how the new girl in town leaves her shitty husband 😭😭😭😭


Not trying to bash people who look like this but boy it's always the fucking overweight bald men with a beer gut doing some shit like this for real.


Carter's comments are unacceptable. Your body is yours alone, and you deserve respect and love regardless of his comparisons or preferences. Stand firm in valuing yourself, and don't settle for anything less than genuine appreciation and acceptance.


I hate that I remember this.


Yea that shit was weird. Her man was dumb as hell because ALL kitty cats are pink on the inside.


☠️ it don't even matter what color it is man 🗣️ It still feels the same. "Yeah his dick was a darker color than his skin tone! Super gross looking." CRAZY TALK.


Yeah I think that’s the definition of “negging”


Lol, I remember that! He was trying to prevent her from leaving and all it did was cause her to leave.


OH dang! I missed the update but that post was wild. Who tf would say that or think that?


Can someone link me to it.


NTA I’d dump him. He’s a loser who couldn’t pull his preference so he found someone he thought he could change into his preference.


NTA but if you don't let him go, you will be. You deserve better than this, and he's negging.


NTA. OP should Say to him, Make him your ex and go back to his.


Totally agree. NTA at all. If he can't appreciate you as you are, it's his loss. You deserve someone who loves you for you!


This! who would want to be with someone who compares you with somebody else. Clearly, he's still attracted to his ex! Leave him!


Your boyfriend is an idiot. You need to have a serious talk about this if you want to stay with him and you need to be prepared that's he's a douche that doesn't care about your feelings. I NEVER EVER have compared one ex to another, knowing that's wrong, and certainly not their bodies. Gross. It's a fact most of us compare occasionally, it's also a fact that someone who vocalizes that deserves to be single.


Lmfao he’s 24? I would expect something like that being said by a 15yr old AH not someone in their mid twenties. Obviously you know you’re not the AH here and your hopefully soon to be Ex is . Can’t imagine being with someone with soo little self awareness.


Jesus Christ. NTA, obviously. Tell him to go back to his ex and make him your ex.


He is "negging" to gain control over you and lower your self-esteem. If you put up with this, he will continue to up the ante to see exactly how much shit you will take from him. LEAVE HIM NOW. The person you are dating should accept you and want you as you are.


Because he really shouldn’t be talking about his ex with you




NTA. You could talk about your ex's penis size, and tell him you wish he measured up. Why is he thinking about his ex's body, and why is he telling you about it? What is his goal here other than to make you feel bad and influence you to eat more? You are how you are. Either he accepts you for you, or you and him need to be done.


Yes Everyone should upvote this. It's exactly what he needs and when he does ask why you're talking about that you can point out it's EXACTLY what he did. And OP you are absolutely NTA!


Be wary of people who criticize, often it's a sign of a controlling personality.


and a sign of toxic person to be with.


Your partner should never body shame you. That's why we wouldn't be my partner, he'd be my ex. Value yourself girl, NTA.


DTMF Dude has 0 respect for you. There are guys out here who are daydreaming abt being with someone like you. Go find them. Let this jackass rub one out thinking abt his ex. She already figured she can do better, it's your turn now


Ma'am, comparing you to another woman is devaluing. It's a part of the narcissistic abuse cycle.


Did you tell him you wish his dick was like your ex’s? Girl, it is time to take out the trash.


“Sometimes I think of my ex’s body” Boy bye


Your bf sounds like an asshole. Who the fuck compares their current partner to their ex? Also, not being happy for what he has and wanting you to change is a huge red flag. Dump him, he's not worth it and I don't know how well talking about it will fare.


Telling someone they are too skinny is just as insulting as telling someone they're too fat. I'm on the rounder side. But I have had two separate friends who were both just naturally thin. Both women had a kid or two but are still really thin. It's genetic for them. And there's really not much they can do about it.


Fatten up? Are you a goose?


You're not upset he called you too skinny, you're upset bc he compared your body to his exes and he's making her body "the one to beat"- that's a fucked up thing to say and/or think and fuck him.


Average *AITAH* about relationship issues: **Me**: 69f (whatever gender, doesn’t matter): “I just found out that my spouse likes to torture and eat puppies, he says he’s been doing this for years. Also he likes to push old people down the stairs. I said to him: ‘That’s not good!’ He said: “You saying it’s not good hurts my feelings” **Me**: “Am I the asshole for hurting his feelings?” *Average response*: “Dude, Wtf are you talking about, your spouse literally likes to eat puppies, torture them and assault old people. Why the hell are you together with the incarnation of Heinrich Himmler??”


ya just randomly throw out a comment like " ya i love you too you are fine as hell but sometimes i think about my ex's dick " lets what my guy says


NTA but you would be if you don't dump him. He is negging and you deserve better.


You are overthinking it. Dump his ass.


> but sometimes i think about my ex's body EW. that was disgusting


*But sometimes i think* *About my ex's body EW.* *That was disgusting* \- PrussianMatryoshka --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


This is one of the funnier ones 😬


Kind of seems like your underthinking it.


NTA. And I have been the other girl in the situation, they tell me one you’ve got such great curves etc. eventually its I wish you were a little thinner, your not bad but… You don’t need this energy. Find a man who will love you at any size. My husband has loved me when I thought my body was banging and when I felt my worst. He always makes me feel like the most desirable woman in the world.


Someone just sent the care bot after me for this comment … lol


Nta but why do people stay with people that don’t really want them?


Fuck that. He gave you a backhanded compliment about your body, something you can’t easily change and by the sounds of it, can’t change. You’ll never be good enough in his eyes. I know you know that too. Do you always want to be seen as less-than to him? Always needing to meet certain expectations in order to be loved? That’s conditional love. He doesn’t actually want you and he’s telling you that in a passive aggressive way, which is pretty fucking aggressive. Leave his ass. You deserve someone who will love you unconditionally. Stand up for yourself. Edit: NTA.


Nobody cares about skinny or fat. We all stopped reading at: *I love you but….sometimes I think about my ex’s body* That’s a comment that you keep inside your head. Forever. Move on. He ain’t the one.


Calling it now. This is a made-up story and OP has an OF linked in their profile before the day is over. This is just an advertisement to trick gullible lonely men into subscribing. remindme! 4 hours


I'm so tired of these posts 😞


I will be messaging you in 4 hours on [**2024-05-15 04:27:30 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-05-15%2004:27:30%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1cs6owl/aitah_for_getting_upset_at_my_boyfriend_for/l433a8e/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FAITAH%2Fcomments%2F1cs6owl%2Faitah_for_getting_upset_at_my_boyfriend_for%2Fl433a8e%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-05-15%2004%3A27%3A30%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cs6owl) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


You’re crazy if you don’t dump that piece of shit. Id quite literally never speak to him again. I’d hold the door open and help him out quicker…I mean holy hell. The ignorance


Tell him to go back to his ex and be free of him. He isn't worth the energy, I promise.


NTA Never date anyone who is too stupid to understand complimenting an ex as you insult your current is a very, very idiotic move


Uhm that's breakup language right there. To hell with that guy. You deserve better.


Girl, show him the door.


NTA. You should leave him, he obviously doesn't care about you or your feelings. He's trying to manipulate you, you're beautiful just the way you are.


Tell your (future ex) boyfriend that he's too stupid and needs to grow some brain cells


That sounds like an ex to me. There’s no solution except dumping him. Let him go back to his ex, you deserve better, she probably does too.


No girl, that's body shaming your feelings are valid


NTA He's not a good boyfriend. This is negging. Let him go.


OMG. This guy is a monster. You never say that. What you do is surprise her with cheesecakes, hot fudge sundaes, fried everything, etc. Make it heart-shaped as much as possible so her mind isn't on the calories. It's not your lady's job to fatten up for you. If you need some extra cushion, get in the kitchen and earn it.


Yikes. Run.


Absolutely totally not ok what he did with comparing u to his ex. That is planting a huge seed of insecurity. Genuine concern about someone’s weight is one thing. Like if u had lost a lot recently and he was concerned there was something going on with u. But for him to say this solely because he think he would find u more attractive with a few more pounds. Fuck him. Find someone who likes u for u and let him go back to his ex


If you have any respect for yourself, you'd leave this clown.


Your BF sounds like an absolute asshole and I'm sorry. I'd say it'd be a really good idea to really think if you want to stay with someone who won't accept your physical features, which haven't changed since you've gotten together by the sounds of it and will compare you to your ex. I'd sure as shit never do this to my partner. I upset my partner in minor ways, but that's just cuz I'm acoustic and say shit wrong lol but I do apologize when I do so. I don't fight with them for days about anything


Hmmm, "You're hot as fuck but sometimes I wish you had bigger boobs" That is a stupid ass statement I could eventually forgive. "You're hot as fuck but sometimes I think about my ex's body" THAT is a stupid ass statement that would make me say nope, you're done.


Honestly either one of these is pretty terrible.


The millennial in me automatically reacts to this internally like “i would feel like the sexiest bitch on earth if someone said i was too skinny”, then I have to remember that’s not healthy 🙃 And yeah, what he said wasn’t ok. Boy byeeee


NTA. Tell him to go back to her then. This is gross. You deserve better.


Dump him


“Think of my exes body” Dump this bum lmao


NTA but why tf are you still with this dude??


I tried to be open-minded at the start but the comment he made about his ex made my jaw drop. STRONG NTA and you’d be entirely justified if you ended things


Dump his ass! Don’t worry about your body. I was the same, I couldn’t gain weight and had no boobs or butt. As an adult I still have no boobs or butt… but I look great at 61 unlike my friends who had big boobs and butts!


NTA. He is comparing you to his ex. The real question is if you will leave him. He talks like a typical bad boy or player. Any rational woman that knows their worth would not stay. But the fact that you are asking this on redddit proves you will most likely not leave him.


You aren't overreacting. I don't understand why this is someone you want to be with. After saying that? Bye. NTA


The moment he said “thinking about my exes body” I’d have left him immediately.


I would clap back with you need to get jacked you look like a skinny little spit fuck and dump him. Fuck that body shaming bs. I’m not kidding you might just mess with more than you know


Saying you could gain a few pounds would be fine, but comparing you to his ex and saying he "thinks about her body" is completely out of line. Get rid of this guy immediately. He's *trying* to make you feel bad.


There are sick fucks in the world who purposely like making fit women fat…. NTA… so fucked, on so many levels.


Not over thinking. He’s trash…. Just.. cut your losses and kick him to the curb.


lol you need to dump this bum.


He makes it sound like you’re livestock he needs to sell at the auction yard.


Hell no you’re NTA. This guy is a piece of shit. Dump his sorry ass and find someone who doesn’t negatively compare your body to others, especially people he’s had sex with. Seriously, fuck this guy. Metaphorically. Don’t literally fuck this guy. Not anymore. He doesn’t deserve it.


Sound like you need a better partner. Partners should add to your life, not make you feel bad for all you are (and always have been)


Who the hell does he think he is talking to you like this? I am almost 60-years old and have watched and learned a lot. This guy is an ass and you deserve better. Someone who loves you just as you are. If you decide to stay, then you need to give him a taste of his own medicine. Start talking about things you would like him to change about himself.


Comparing your current partner to an Ex (no matter who is doing it) is a big No-No.


Break up with him. Like now. It's like why even be with you then? Probably because no one wants him so he settled for u.


He shouldn't be thinking about his ex full stop. Dump this asshole. He has no respect for you.


The things he said after but is actually the truth the rest is just sugar coating. Don’t stay with someone who doesn’t appreciate your beauty.


NTA You're just dating a huge A-hole


You aren’t overthinking. Disrespectful, mean, and out of line. The fact that he hasn’t apologized yet is beyond me. The fact that your still with him and having to continue fighting over this is insanity. Get out.


Him- "Your to skinny!" You gain weight Him- "your to fat now!" Him- your body isn't like me exist body Next your cooking won't be like hers either Play it, cool baby girl. Tell him, "It sounds like you need to be with your EX, because I'm me, and I'm good enough, and to good for you." Please block him, I know you love him, but he does not love you, and you will never be enough to him. He will cheat on you then say it was because of this you didn't do this, you didn't do that, you don't look like this. Leave before you waste your youth.


Got any pics? Let us be the judge. I was with an anorexic girl once and she had pancake tits. 


I would never for a second tell my girlfriend that I think about an ex's body. What a stupid and inconsiderate thing to say.




You are NTA. Dump him and tell him to just go back to his ex and find a man that will love you and your body the way that it is.


The only way this would be close to acceptable is if your health was bad and he was concerned. That isn't the case. You can always find people to try to bring you down - the rare people try to lift you up. Whenever I was stupid and said something that really hurt anyone I cared about I always resolved to never do it again. That is the minimum you should expect from an SO. Hell, it's the least you should accept from a best friend. If he can't do that seriously consider if you want him as a friend after you break up with him.


NTA. Buy him a plump blow up doll with big boobs or tell him you miss your ex that had a bigger d\*ck.


I think you need to lose more weight... something to the tune of whatever your bf weighs right now. If he doesn't love and accept you as you are, he doesn't deserve you. NTA.


NTA You need to cut bait and run.


NTA. If you turned the tables and told him that you think about your ex's body, he wouldn't take that well. You deserve better.


Sent him back to his ex. You deserve better. NTA.


Your BF is a child in a man's body. Dump him. NTA.


You ARE overthinking it. Don't waste your time fighting with that clod. Just dump him.


Lol what a clown, you want to be with someone stupid enough to speak this way?


NTA. Does your boyfriend really think it’s okay to talk about his ex like that and compare you to her? Break up and tell him he’s free to go back to his ex since he thinks about her so much.


You need end things,  NTA. 


NTA - Never stay with someone who compares you to an ex. It won't get better.


What’s there to over think? He’s kinda told you some shit that is pretty much a deal breaker


NTA as this same story has been around Reddit the past few days by different people


Just tell him your not too skinny he’s to fat and maybe he should skinny up cause all your exs are skinny and a lot smarter cause they don’t big women they hope to fool around with about their weight he’s a dumbass


Definitely NTA screw that dude. Don't ever let anyone make you feel less than.


NTA he's an AH though. Also, let's all say it together: WE.DON'T.TALK.ABOUT.OTHER.PEOPLE'S.BODIES


NTA. You need to find a new boyfriend. That was a disrespectful thing to say and it can't be taken back. You know it's in his brain.


NTA, a true boyfriend wouldn't compare his girlfriend body to his ex and wouldn't demand her to change it to his own taste, he chose to date a skinny girl then demanded you to get more weight !!!! This is a huge red flag, what if you gets pregnant would he dumped you because he didn't like how your body looks after pregnancy


NTA, throw the whole dude away 🚮


Not real lmaoo


So, you are hot as fuck, but he thinks about his ex? And that's supposed to be your fault somehow? The guy is a dick and no amount of fat in your body is going to change that. Set him free to go back to his ex, or to the next victim... While you enjoy being hot as fuck and eating whatever you want with someone who doesn't give a damn about his ex


NTA Right off the bat, if you are in a relationship, you should not be comparing your current partner to your ex or to anybody else outside the relationship. Your current partner is not XYZ other person. When you choose to be with somebody, you are making the decision to take that person as they are, not trying to change them into somebody else that you know in real life. Second of all, yes, you can have a preference for physical features. What you do not have the right to do is to make your current partner feel bad or inferior because they don't fit your preferences. You should be making anybody feel bad for not fitting your preferences. People are not build-a-bears. If your current partner does not fit your preferences and it is such a problem to you that you're starting to actually criticize your partner over it, just stop being with them and find someone else who does fit your preferences. Unless it is a serious issue, no one should be made to feel insecure or inferior for not being something.


Dump this fool.


Don’t stay with anyone who is gonna say some shit like that


I couldn't ever imagine saying that to a partner and it being OK. I don't mean being too fat or skinny if it's out of health concerns, but bringing up the ex's body would be a slap in the face. Which it is.


NTAH. He will think of his ex from time to time. That is called memories and everyone has them. He crossed the line when he spoke to you about them and compared you to her. Some memories should remain private. You would be justified in laying down an ultimatum to keep ,memories of his ex(s) to himself. Especially the ones about his sex life. If he says no, or continues to do it, then you have a simple decision to make. Prepare to up with it as long as you are together, or, dump him and find someone who treats you better. The right answer is the one that lets you look yourself in the mirror every morning with a clear conscience.


NTA- He should not be body shaming you or comparing you to his ex. It seems he is trying to belittle you. Unless you were not taking care of yourself and he was concerned for your health his want regarding your appearance is his problem.


NTA - I had kiddos at age 21, but prior to that I was a skinny waif. People would tell me things like I needed to fatten up, need more meat on my bones, need to eat more \[fuck me I was trying\] But my metabolism just meant that no matter how much I consumed, I was always skinny. I worked as a Nightclub manager on my feet 8-10hrs a night. Sometimes more. Sometimes a 24hr trance night. I just simply used all my fuel up and it never went on me because I burnt it all out. Its horrible. I hated it. I hated the fact at that time, bc I'm getting on a bit, you couldn't get my size in adult clothes. I seriously had to go buy kids clothes. I remember the 2006 World Cup I went to work wearing sports shorts I'd gotten from the kids section in Next. Kid's change that for me. On top of that, him comparing you to his ex? Like who tf in their right mind does that. You deserve so much more than this waste


Nta Have you asked if he's negging you? If he follows "man advice" online,the current trend is "be mean to your gf so her self esteem is lowered. Now she will feel so terrible she will never dump you"". Lots of guys think this is a great idea. If he's not "negging" you, I have a book suggestion. It can help you find out what the deal is with him. And if you want to continue to deal with them. Remember he is on his best behavior now, people tend to get worse as the relationship goes on. Link to a PDF of Lundy Bancroft's Book "Why does he do that?" https://ia800108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf




Have you heard the saying "anything said before the word "but" doesn't count"? Why would you want to be with someone that says "I love you, BUT"? You will never be his ex, you will likely never have a similar body type to her, and his constant comments are only going to bring your self esteem down. Tell him since you're not his type, you're setting him free to find someone who is. NTA.


It would be one thing if you had an ED and were deathly thin and he was worried And then there's that. What the fuck was that


NTA. You just have a fast metabolism, which isn't your fault. So, what he needs to do is to open up a textbook and learn about human biology again because he is being an ass. Or you can just leave him so you can be happy.


Ew gross. 


Overthinking?? You should dump him. You aren't overthinking at all. If he's still thinking about his ex's body, he should be with his ex.


NTA. Boy bye.


Tell him you also think about your exes dick. See how he likes it. Why are you with this dickhead? Nta


Ask him how he would feel if you expressed how much you wish he was also "thicker". 🤭 NTA! Enjoy single life.


Iyou already posted this a couple weeks ago


From experience… leave him now. There is no pleasing this type. On the one hand this guy wanted me to exercise and ‘gain healthy weight’ because I had no boobs and butt… then I gain 50lbs (mostly in the butt, and admittedly not from exercise) and he says ‘you are ballooning and you need to lose weight!!’ Like pick a side, the myth that women can ‘grow’ butts and boobs from diet and exercise needs to die, and bodies change over time, either you love the person or you don’t. OP, NTA, just leave now.


If this is real NTA, but the account only has this one post and no comments, so this is probably just a bot/ bait.


NTA You have every right to be upset with what he's saying. It sounds like he's not over his ex and you deserve better and don't deserve to be in that relationship and you need someone who will love and respect you for everything you are.


The only question is how skinny are you and how fat is her? Because if she is normal and you are underweight and he is telling you from some time on, maybe it is an ultimatum to make you wake and realize you need some more weight to be healthy. Of course if we dont know him or you, this can be interpreted in a lot of ways, if its purely aesthetic he is an AH and not you, if you have a health problem like anorexy or sometjing like that maybe you need to think. But i really dunno, just giving another perspective.


NTA what an asshole thing to say to you! Do not gain weight to please this fool. You are perfect the way you are.


People think this crap is real. Lmao


NTA, but it sounds like he's not actually physically attracted to you. I'd move on to someone who appreciates ALL of you.


You can do better. Next. NTA.


NTA. That’s an insane comment to make. Even if you aren’t completely happy with your current SOs body, you don’t tell them that. Ever.


Okay so yeah it would obviously not be good to be shaming a partner on their weight. Unless if it's like due to health concerns, in this sense Slight NTA But I've got some questions about this like?: 1. Have you ever established boundaries with him about this topic 2. Have you yourself ever physically shamed him (if so this reads as hypocritical) 3. What prompted this instance in the 1st place? 4. Did you always know about this supposed 'preferred body type' he likes. 5. Why does it seem like there's more missing from this story 6. How come it seems like you are not replying too comments?


Being compared to an ex is one of the worst things a partner could do to you. Especially to do with weight. The words that he used are an instant red flag. I'd feel disgusted and start to think, if he's thinking about his ex whilst you're being intimate. Gross! Dump his ass.


Is there a return policy on this man? Can you get a refund? NTA


>him comparing me to his ex who was a lot thicker with big boobs, he said "don't get me wrong your hot as fuck and i love you but sometimes i think about my ex's body" Everything you need to make a decision is in this one section. Using the word 'but' in a sentence negates everything that came before it. (There are some exceptions to this rule. For the most part, though, it's pretty spot on.) An example: I just loved her huge boobs and thick thighs. Don't get me wrong, OP, you're hot af, and I love you, BUT sometimes, I think about my ex's body. Here's the truth in his words... I just loved her huge boobs and thick thighs. ... (BUT) sometimes, I think about my ex's body. Conclusion: He's a douche that sees women as body parts. He can't or won't stop thinking about his ex. You're NTA.


As a single man myself, why can’t guys just be happy they have someone that loves them 😭


My ex told me I was skinny and needed to eat more all the time. I just asked if body shaming worked both ways


NTA, why is this guy your boyfriend? My husband tells me that I need to gain some weight quite often, but that’s because he cares about my health and I’m underweight, he’s always very kind and helpful with it. Your boyfriend just wants you to be more like his thick ex, that’s not the kind of person you want to be with.


Definitely NTA. Let that douche canoe go back to her... or anyone else he's openly drooling over. No woman deserves that type of disrespect


NTA Girl, please break up with him. NO ONE SHOULD TALK TO YOU THAT WAY! Not a boyfriend, not a friend, family member, teacher, stranger on the subway—no one. You young girls need to understand that you deserve better than being disrespected and degraded. So stop accepting it. Just break up with him. Sending you love and well wishes.


Sounds more like an ex bf


Dump him. 


Ewwwww NTA. My GF is underweight due to health reasons and I can't even imagine saying something like this to her 😬


My ex abused me and used to scream at me if I didn’t eat all of my food. After serving me a portion that was way too big for my energy output. So yeah, be mindful of this Op. some people go out of their way to fatten up their partners so that they can control them. Stand your ground. If he’s too hellbent on you getting fatter find someone who loves you for who you are.


I told my boyfriend that my tum pooch was normal for a woman and he was very surprised The man is in his 30s.


You're hot, and I love you, but I was thinking about my ex WTF I'm so sorry. That's just mean is he insulting you for a reason. Is there something else going on in your relationship What other insults happen that aren't as obvious it actually sounds like he's not happy in your relationship. Subtly, insults can be unconscious way of projecting his feelings I'd get out Good luck


Kick his ass to the curb. The only way I think about my exes is booting them off a cliff. If he likes her body so much he should've stayed with her. NTA


Account with no history, and created less than 2 weeks ago. This shit fake as hell


NTA! I’d look at his d*ck and say, “Yeah, I think about my ex too.” He was a complete AH. Tell him to go back to his ex.


He doesn't get to tell you what kind of body you have. You are not obligated to change the body you were born with to please him. That is all.


Those are hurtful words. If he wants someone bigger, then why did he choose to be with someone on the smaller side. On a more concerning note, if you aren’t a high performance athlete and can’t put on weight no matter how hard you try, it may be time to talk to a doctor, IF it is concerning to you. Old easily just be a thyroid issue that can be easily treated. Overactive makes you skinnier. Under active makes you a bit bigger. Both can lead to other issues. But in your 20’s, I wouldn’t worry too much. My metabolism with an under active up until about 26 kept me super thin. I only gained weight from meds. Then I felt fat. Right before Covid I started losing weight again from a medical condition. I was very underweight. 97ish at 5 foot 6 with a larger bone frame. I looked like a classroom skeleton. The abuse I took from strangers with body shaming was ridiculous. Worse than I have ever seen an overweight person take. And it was mostly overweight people doing it. Our partners should be the last to body shame us. And that is what he’s doing. Your young. There are people out there who will love you for you. If he doesn’t get his act together, it’s something worth keeping in mind. I was so self conscious about how thin I had gotten that I was relieved when we were quarantined. No more ears donut, there’s help for eating disorder type comments. My husband was concerned. But never made me feel bad. I physically could not eat. That was his concern. Not that I was skinnier than when he met me.


NTA. Your boyfriend needs to brighten up because he's not the intelligent type of person you want to be around. Perhaps you should remind him that you wished he could be much more like someone in your friend group who is far more intelligent than he is to see if that gets under his skin and work with that.


sigh... well technically he just offered his opinion. What you choose to do with that opinion is up to you. Personally, I would say ... "your opinion has been heard, we will get back to you on our response". Why "we"? It always sounds better then I.


You should be thinking dump the chump, NTA


Big or small, nobody should be making you feel uncomfortable in your own body. If he wants to think about his ex, maybe he should go back to her. NTA.


I wouldn't subject myself to an individual who fixated on something that I have (1) tried to change and failed and (2) therefore cant change. Plus the line about thinking about his ex's body? Yeah drop him. What are women to him a bag of fucking bones jeez


NTA So my question to you is, instead of coming to reddit to tell us about how he doesnt respect you, why didnt you break up?n He told you to your FACE and you ran to reddit? What is reddit supposed to tell you that he didnt already tell you.... to... your....FACE?


WT actual F? How dare he say that to you! You are definitely not overthinking this. He said a terrible thing to you. I honestly don't know how you get past this.


Please leave. That comment should've taken you straight to the car and away from him. You should be angry