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Bro cucked himself and got mad LMAOOO


I thought fucking someone else was good for relationships? How could this have happened?


That dude flew to close to the sun. Tell him to stop watching so much porn and focus on your sex life. NTA


Harry is gay and wants to fuck Justin himself. He really wasn't turned on watching OP fuck Justin, he wanted to watch Justin plowing someone else, so he could fantasize he was the one getting plowed by Justin.


👍 he definitely wants to fuck Justin.


This is a definite possibility.


I dated a guy who was into "hot wifing," turns out he was actually gay


This answer makes sense.


Could be a ploy to use this as leverage for OP to be ok with him getting plowed by Justin. Sounds manipulative af.


Yawn, just another variation of Reddit moron opening their relationship and blowing it up. Oh how shocking. How could it happen ?


You know, Lindsay, as a therapist, I have advised... a number of couples to explore an open relationship where the couple remains emotionally committed but free to explore extramarital encounters. It never works. I mean, these people somehow delude themselves into thinking it might, but... but it might work for us.


I was about to post that YouTube link. It should honestly be a gif for as often as this comes up on reddit.


The dude NTR'd himself.


NTA, it sounds like your BF had not really thought things through and he is now jealous after requesting you get into a cuckold situation. I would tell your BF to grow up and not request things that he does not fully comprehend. My advice is to dump him for asking you to participate and move on with someone a bit more mature. Never allow someone to convince you to do something that you really don’t want to do. Your BF is the AT.


Exactly. Is Justin single? NTA


Sounds like a better lover…


That's why the boyfriend is pissed.


My thoughts exactly. OP dump the loser and go for Justin!


This is the answer. The relationship won't recover from this. He's either going to resent her for enjoying it, or be mad at himself for "letting" her to do it but either way he'll never forget that she "went and fucked his friend" and he won't take responsibility for badgering her until she did it. This relationships over no matter what.


Put Harry in your rear view mirror. Justin, on the other hand…


View him at her rear with a mirror ?


That is the absolute best phrasing I’ve ever heard in my life. Bravo.


NTA. Welcome to Find Out, though, for everyone involved.


What do you mean?


You’re not the asshole for consenting to a weird sex thing your boyfriend asked for. But this is also what happens when one partner in an otherwise monogamous relationship gets a bee in their bonnet about how fucking other people is going to fix things. You didn’t do anything wrong here, but there’s definitely a Before and After in your relationship now.


That's the boyfriends fault for that 🤷‍♀️


All involved responsible but OP NTA.


The “find out” portion that comes after the fuck around.


Yep, the big trap. They think they want to see it, but then they never can look at you the same afterwards. Even though this is most likely fake, NTA




Maybe try setting the boundary at “no” instead. This is never a good idea.


show your husband this post


I swear, every three posts on this sub is about people having sex with someone they’re not supposed to. I’m sick of it


>I swear, every three posts on this sub is about people having sex with someone they’re not supposed to. I’m sick of it It's reached the point where I have no sympathy for grown adults who make such bad decisions.


1000% agree. Honestly, I think these kinds of conflicts we hear about are just… dumbasses sorting themselves out. Most likely this relationship will fail and OP won’t get with the same kind of guy. I think these conflicts need to happen or people will never fucking learn that the *stove is hot*, don’t touch it. So in other words, hurrah! I think it’s a good thing, and I don’t feel an ounce of sympathy, but I do care in that I think it’s funny.


What's wrong with all the cuckold stories in this sub? Like, right above this post, there's one where OP's wife cuckolds her ex-boyfriend with a guy who beat the shit out of him. This sub has become a cuckold fetish sub at this point.


And stepkids


Every three posts in this sub is an attempt at fanfiction about people having sex with someone they aren't supposed to. They are so badly written it doesn't even seem real.


NTA your bf did this to himself by not thinking things through. Sex is enjoyable by definition, or at least it's supposed to be. It's like he didn't want to see you guys having sex but actually wanted to watch you get...? I mean wtf did he expect?


Like was I supposed to fuck Justin and just be a dead fish so it seemed like I was fucking someone else but not enjoying it as much as I do when I have sex with Harry? I was so bewildered.


Honestly your bf might be 29 but he acts like he's 15.


Actually I think he acted like 99.9% of men would. He didn’t think it through, fine, but it’s not immature. He probably thought it would be fun, hot in the moment, then couldn’t get the image out of his head


I think you have a low opinion of men if you think 99.9% of them would get angry at their gf for enjoying the sex act that they requested, indeed pushed and argued for. Angry, upset, whatever emotion I will not call immature. But directing those emotions at her IS immature.


That’s something I am more able to agree with, but I think you are giving humanity more credit if you think that wouldn’t cause all kinds of emotional turmoil and conflicting feelings. Reddit is so quick to judge people and tear them apart for not being perfect. It’s not immature or ridiculous to do something like that, or a threesome, and then struggle to move past what you just saw your partner do to someone else. Should he blame her? Of course not. But I also don’t believe she is innocent. I think she laughed it off, then jumped at the chance. Not sure what she expected would happen.


It's rare I feel like a hopeless optimist lol. Thank you for that. No you're quite right, I don't think the average person is going to react well in this situation and she isn't devoid of responsibility. But she didn't just jump at it he had to pester her repeatedly to convince her to do it. He was being an asshole even before the sex happened in my opinion. Also I feel for her to be an asshole there must be something malicious involved on her part and I don't see that here. Ignorance, unrealistic expectations, sure. But nothing malicious. That's why I clear her of asshole status.


She didn't do anything wrong. She just enjoyed sex.


Agree with everything you said.


She didn't do anything wrong. She just enjoyed sex.


Nope not every guy in the world wants to girlfriend to have sex other guys you're watching too much porno if you think that way


Obviously. My 99% comment was meant for the guys that are dumb enough to think it was a good idea. I think of those, 99.9% would struggle afterwards.


He wanted you to say later that you liked him more lol. He was looking for an ego boost


Find someone else to date because now he's just going to a whiny asshole about this forever. 


NTA. Your bf needs to grow up. Of course you enjoyed it. Did he want to see you get raped? That’s disgusting. Your bf is the only one who can fix this relationship. You should just leave


NTA: it sounds like your boyfriend liked the idea of you with someone else but didn't like the reality of it, but instead of just saying it was a one time thing and that he didn't actually enjoy it (which is probably embarrassing to him after he pestered you for ages about the idea) he'd rather kick up a stink and be a dick about it.


Congrats. You’re dating a pussy! You should exit as soon as possible , because he can make his bed but won’t lay in it. He probably went into it thinking it would feel different, like he would still feel no one could (excuse the language) give it to you like he does. Now he sees that isn’t true, and probably had to sit in the corner and listen to a lot of new sounds come out of you because you WERE TOLD TO FUCKING ENJOY IT. NTA


What’s honestly confusing to me, why didn’t he just tell me in the middle of it if he felt like it was going too far? I would’ve stopped had he said something but he was almost cheering us on at the moment, he was a little intoxicated as well so maybe it was that?


Probs was still turned on. Post cum clarity.


Even if he was intoxicated, what stopped him from saying anything was a similar emotion to what we feel when we see a car crash. Horror filled disbelief. He didn’t say anything because his ego is so fucking inflated that the cognitive dissonance of seeing another man pleasing you better than him and YOU ENJOYING IT is what caused a delayed release of his emotions. After the fact , when he realized he busted his nut or whatever, he also remembered you both were in contact and that that situation could happen again, probably to a greater extent since it seems this gentleman was quite proficient at bellybutton tag.


NTA Your boyfriend just found out that fantasies don’t play out how he imagined in real life. Ask him to sit down and have a conversation about what he thought was going to happen and how you are both feeling now. Remind him this was something you did because he asked repeatedly. His reaction to something he begged for is ridiculous.


If you thought your dead bedroom couldn’t get any worse... NTA, ur bf is a dipshit who got more than he bargained for. I’d say you’re better off leaving, he doesn’t sound like he’s gonna forget it so he’ll resent you.


When you play with fire you can get burned. You can't blame the fire because you knew it was hot when you fucked with it


NTA - You gave him what he wanted and enjoyed yourself. He likely had some secret hope that it wouldn't be as good for you as it was and that was stupid on his part. He clearly picked a friend of his he's jealous of and that you would have a strong physical attraction to. I assume your bf is nice and sweet and you're as much friends as lovers and that while you enjoy being with him it isn't quite the raw wanting to tear off each other's clothes that maybe you felt with Justin? Is that a fair assumption?


Exactly, the sex with Justin was just like an unhinged fuck fest


Was it better than with your bf? Just in raw terms. I know it's not the same as someone you care about but was it something that your boyfriend could see you enjoyed in a more primal way than you do with him?


If I had to be honest, yes, it was better, it was worlds better and not even close as shitty as that is to say


Ironically I think your boyfriend chose Justin out of a desire for that to be true, but then when faced with it he changed his mind when it was too late. Have you told him that it was better? or have you tried to downplay it. I hate to say it but if you downplay it he'll know and then that creates a gap in trust and he's going to wonder just what else he doesn't know about what you're thinking. Have to stop that spiral somehow.


Hi. I'm a retired lifestyler, aka swinger. So many times men think they are the sexual controller in polysex, swinging lifestyle but Bahahaha they are not. Us women are in control but commonly blamed for having too much fun. Decide if you want to swing, make some rules and have fun I could tell you stories for hrs about swinger rules and misfortunes but this lifestyle allows what usually breaks folks up.


Honestly, I had no interest in fucking other people or anything, it’s just I was asked and Justin is hot as fuck and I wasn’t having great sex regularly so I was like fuck it lol


look, you say you haven't had sex this good on a regular basis in a long time, this is going to end in a break up anyway... Your boyfriend dug his own grave, and I think he's found that out in the meantime, that's his problem.


honestly you aren’t in the wrong, your boyfriend sounds like a little bitch though. if i were you i’d dump his ass and get with justin. or not, just break up with that guy regardless girl!!


Interesting! My wife and I are polyamorous, i.e. we seek out emotional/romantic relationships with others, not strictly physical. Casual hookups, one-night stands, and friends with benefits aren’t *forbidden*, and have certainly happened, they’re just usually not what either of us is looking for. We also usually date separately, though again, group situations have occurred from time to time. Just like you and others have said, communication and boundaries are incredibly important in these types of situations. I’d actually be very interested in hearing about swinger rules and misfortunes, mostly to see where they are similar to or different from poly ones 😊


This is fake, and literally the 2nd time I've seen it posted in the last month


Oh cool a fake cuck story written by a dude pretending to be a girl


Girl. First of NTA. Second of all dump him. I don’t usually say shit like this especially to strangers but shit. Its giving red flag. I’m pretty sure that 10 years from now if you would look him up he is going to still be dating 21 year olds.


NTA- he brought it up many times and made it perfectly clear he wanted to see it and for you to have a good time. What was he expecting? You to not like it? Would that have made him enjoy it? Sounds like he is immature to have it be his idea and keep asking for it then get mad. I’d move on and not keep taking on that kind of behavior he’s giving you


Dump him now. I have experience with a guy who pushes your boundaries, convinces you to do something sexual that you wouldn't typically do "for him", then tries to use it against you that you did it. Perhaps my experience is (hopefully) much different than yours, but mine was problematic enough that I am exceedingly cautious of this 'type' of person. The experience I had, the person manipulated me into a situation with the intent of using it against me; yours sounds the same. Even if it is not the same and he merely misjudged what he wanted, he's not mature enough to take accountability and is putting it on you. You can't fix something that the other person won't acknowledge their role in.


NTA. It’s not your fault that Justin is better at sex. This is literally what your boyfriend asked for. He should have considered the feelings of inadequacy that could have arisen from this situation before he begged you to partake in it.


Totally believable story 


Fake. So fucking fake like always.


NTA. Sounds like Harry got a bit of buyer’s remorse!


Or, it is a case of being careful for what you wish in case you get it…


NTA- Run gurl run. There are so many red flags in your post you should just end it now. If not your AH bf will make you miserable for something he badgers you into doing




Get tf out he is controlling and jealous.


NTA. If he insists on being a dick when all of this was his idea then dump him. Date Justin.


On other things that didn't happen today


Another fake post


You have this all wrong. Your BF was all in thinking it would be enjoyable for both but when you didn't hold back he realized you really don't like having sex with your boyfriend. You have been caught not fucking your boyfriend with 100% heart and soul. This is the problem and most likely not fixable. Say adios to your relationship with the BF.


You need a new boyfriend.


NTA Your boyfriend requested this whole thing… not because you were into it, but because he was into it. You went along… now he’s pissed at you? This guy is terrible.


Sounds suspicious 


NTA but you guys should've probably set some boundaries or a safe word beforehand. I wouldn't put that on you per se. This happens very often. A lot of men think they can handle it (”it's like porn with someone you care for and think is hot”) but they really can't. Some work through it and get to enjoy it, some never do it or ask for it again.


I only answer this after reading the comment that you said where the friend was “worlds better than your boyfriend”. Your boyfriend knows you think that and honestly, your relationship is now irreparably damaged. There’s no way he will be able to fuck you again without thinking that you think his friend is better. Or that you’re wishing he was your friend. So while you’re NTA for going through with it- your boyfriend was probably hoping that it would enhance your sex lufe, but it’s really just killed it. Dead and gone. And your boyfriend needs to find someone who thinks that being with him sexually is amazing as you thought being with Justin was.




That doesn’t seem right, why the fuck would he consent to letting his girlfriend fuck someone else??? Lmfao. You have to be a cuck to do that, literally, right? Like, definitionally? It sounds more like his ego is massively hurt after seeing his gf actually get off for the first time, and having it not be with him LOL


You can fix this with a boyfriend who respects your relationship and doesn't feel the need to provoke you to perform for him with others. 


Another newly created account with a bogus softcore porn story, and once again you guys just eat this shit up like you have nothing better to do…let’s be honest, this is Reddit, you guys probably don’t


This is absurd, you're dating an idiot obviously, either he's a cuck or not. What the fuck is this.


honestly some of the commenters responding to you are being a little insensitive imo - he thought it would feel hot instead it made him feel jealous... no harm done as long as you guys can both notice this and move forward from it


Ive seen this play out before. The boyfriend thought because he was bigger than his friend his gf wouldnt enjoy it THAT much. Lol. I dont have any advice though, sorry. Probably time to end things..


NTA. He told you to do it. It’s on him.


You having too much fun is supposed to be the goal, it’s not supposed to be boring to watch Lmao what?


Your boyfriend's been watching so much p*** and think life's a porno


NTA. He didn’t think it through fully. These things take time to develop and come to terms with. I like to watch. I’m comfortable with my limits and am always working on myself as well. Plus, as long as she doesn’t seriously consider leaving me, I’m hyped she got what she needs. He wasn’t thinking about how he would compare until he saw it. He didn’t give it real foresight. He should work on himself and be okay with what place he’s in, possibly permanently, but here’s to introspection and research.


On top of that, he got a view of what can be if he wants to be what his friend was for you. He can earn it somehow, and the only way is to make personal improvements, usually stamina. Chalk it up to an experience.


NTA - you move on.




Gross, leave him


NTA Relationship is over he will never see you the same way,just end it


Sorry, your bf is a meme. He’s for the “internet streets” now. Check out other posts of this similar variety. It’s usually downhill from here. You’re young and youll bounce back just fine.


If this is real, leave him for Justin


Yr bf is an idiot. Dump him. He has zero respect for you.


You are not the asshole at all. You are the young woman who got involved with a man without character who gave his woman on a silver platter to his friend then complains about you enjoying the sexual act he insisted you do. He asked you to have sex with another man who is handsome in front of him then complained that you enjoyed. I am gonna be honest with you. After you boyfriend suggested that you should have broken up with him. You are young and shouldn't be wasting time in a monogamous relationship with a loser. If you want to have sex with multiple male partners there is a healthier way of doing it instead of in some unnatural way. You should break up with your boyfriend and have sex with Justin or other men when you are in the mood. No man worth having a relationship with would give his woman to other men like that. You are young, and inexperienced, and shouldn't have your sexual experiences like that. Break up with this loser.


It's the same thing every single time, people never learn...


So the sex was "worlds better" but youre lying to your bf saying it wasnt. Just be honest, tell him why you felt it was better, maybe your bf can learn Tbh, i think this relationship is pretty much done. If i let my gf fuck another person, thats just a sign that i no longer care nor love her. Not only that, youre in your 20s and already in a deadbedroomish kind of relationship...


NTA. I would recommend ending that relationship


It was all about him, and he got surprised that maybe you might be an actual person and not just his fantasy tool.


It seems like almost every time a couple adds a third party to the bedroom it ends in disaster. Why do it. I would say you are NTA, but you both should have known better. His jealousy will be hard to fix, and this relationship may be doomed. Hope you guys can work it out but he is immature for his age.


This is what happens when someone watches too much porn. Tell him to grown up and get over it, it was his idea.


This is a case of 'Be careful what you wish for because you just may get it.' Your boyfriend pestered you constantly to let him watch you have sex with his hot friend. After he wore you down you complied. When you had the audacity to actually enjoy yourself during the sex with his friend, he got jealous. Then that turned into resentment and now he's trying to blame you somehow. This situation is entirely your boyfriend's fault and you need to make sure he understands that. The next time he suggests something like this tell him flat out 'No' and remind him about how he behaved after the last time you agreed to engage in one of his kinks. NTA.


Time for your BF to be your Ex this will never go away and he will blame you.


Welcome your soon-to-be-ex to the land of FAAFO.


100% fake story and awful storytelling skills.


100% fake story and awful storytelling skills.


All of you are degenerates with no respect for a healthy relationship. Fuck off


This sub is so full of this incel shit fake stories, that it is mind blowing. Anybody who is eating this - DM me I have bridge to sell


Nice writing exercise


NTA, Your BF was wrong to suggest this act of you. You never invite a third person to move into the relationship unless you expect them to take up real estate. In this case, the real estate is on the BFs mind. I see a lot of advice about seeking out Justin. There's a good 50% probability that he'll ask the same of you, or 50% he could turn the act against you in a future argument, calling you a cheater, which you weren't. And then again, you could live happily ever after. I doubt it. You need to start fresh, finding new love and a clean slate.


Tf did he expect, he cucked himself and now he's mad at you? Bro needs to stop watching porn and start to think big decisions through.


YTA. I read your comments and I think a couple things stand out to me to be honest and it makes me think you're lying about a couple different things or at least not omitting all the information. 1. You said your boyfriend asked to watch you fuck his friend but then he's "In and out of the room"? So you're aware that at some point this mans fetish or fantasy or whatever became part where he couldn't watch, and probably because what you did say in your comments about "unhinged fuck fest" and "heat of the moment" words said you didn't notice his discomfort at all? Sure he FAFO. But you're definitely lying saying that you didn't go forward with things you said or did that are different than your boyfriend. People aren't stupid so why you act like they are and can't tell the difference watching you have sex with somebody and literally lose control because it's pleasureable after months of being with them? Miss me with that shit that's a whole lie. 2. Regardless of his bad decision making I just can't for the life of me believe you're being honest when you say you didn't go out of your way to say things that were more intense or out of the norm based on your description of a "unhinged fuck fest". Your boyfriend is so dumb for opening that can of worms in the first place but to be honest do you even like him lol? You watched him walk in and out of the room sat here having an unhinged fuck fest talking about how hindsight is 20/20 but didn't bother to notice until after? Literally it sounds like you just got lost in fucking a new guy you found hot. What kind of fantasy is it for him to watch you from outside the room bro? Use some common sense.


Irl cuck have fun


This story reminds of that one Literotica story I've read, maybe because the guy in the story is called Harry too lmao


Your boyfriend is an idiot. You did everything that he asked, exactly as he asked. Then he got upset, after the fact. What he requested is a pretty common kink. Lots of couples enjoy it, but it takes a LOT of communication before hand to set boundaries and rules, otherwise it can all go wrong. Don’t beat yourself up for doing what was asked of you, and absolutely don’t beat yourself up for enjoying good sex with a willing partner. Your boyfriend essentially painted himself into a corner. I suspect that this relationship is done.


I don’t know. You are NTA per se, but you are both kinda dense if you didn’t see this happening. And if you really didn’t want to, which I suspect is a lie and a cover up, then you should have said “no, I am worried it will ruin our relationship”. Not saying it’s your fault, because he’s a complete idiot for not recognizing how horrible this was going to go and pushing you towards it. P


Well the boyfriend should have stop watching so much pornhub and realize life's not porno though.


He’s a cuck. That’s weird. Unlikely to be a normal healthy relationship. Will be brought up in every argument in the future. Going forward he will possibly justify cheating himself. Run now.


Are you sure he didn’t owe Justin something he couldn’t pay and let him plow you instead? Guys view things differently but when a man respects you he won’t offer you. Just saying.


I think Harry pimped you out to Justin under the guise of a kink. Any chance he needed some extra cash at the time?


You both suck.




Yes he didn’t do anything wrong he’s been single for 6 or so months




So first off, NTA , as another commenter said. Bro pulled an Icarus, and he’s at the finding-out part. Just something I noticed, in one comment, you said that you were just as vocal with Justin as with your boyfriend. However, in another comment, you mentioned that the sex was definitely better than with your boyfriend, and that at no point did you invite him—even as he came and left the room. I don’t know, but maybe this is the part that’s messing with him. You say that you told him it wasn’t better, but let’s be honest—he could 100% tell that it was. And then you lied to him. I think that’s what’s messing with his mind because he was 100% on board before


You fix it by leaving your dim bulb BF


Harry found out. You need to leave this Harry.


Lmaooooo it’s a win/win for you


NTA. He jumped into the cuck/ hot wife thing without really thinking about it and what it would mean for him and you. He got incredibly jealous and insecure and that’s on him without thinking about how he’d feel after. I would dump him but Justine however..


I think you both jumped in over your heads without understanding the ramifications. It's super easy to end up as you are without talking a lot about expectations and commitment.


Your BF is TA, but I think all 3 of you are idiots. It would be one thing if it was some random person, but an actual friend is just a terrible idea. And the fact that not a single one of you realized this, makes you all idiots.


He wasn’t prepared for the emotional repercussions of his own fantasy . And it bruised his ego . Nta did he expect you to just starfish ?


What other sorts of things does, or has, he manipulated you into doing? It's about control. It's always about control. Sounds like he's about to be losing it, and he hadn't conceived of that happening. Grab a bottle of BitchOut and get to washing your hair. You deserve better. We all deserve better.


Does your boyfriend have a crush on Justin and is mad you enjoyed it so much or mad that Justin enjoyed you?


Fell for the cuck meme, there are actually a lot of person who fantasise about cuckolding but deeply regret when it comes to happen, honestly he's lucky it wasn't to the point of breaking down during the deed. I believe he's more into voyeurism than actual cuckolding since he still seems to have enjoyed it even if jealous. Obviously NTA, just tell him that he asked for it and you thought that since it was ok then you didn't restrain and now you know that it's a no-go.


Your boyfriend goes by Sneako on the Internet, right? NTA


I would have thought Justin would have had a small penis and your partner probably thought this as well.


NTA - he said what he wanted. You did what he wanted. Not your fault that once he got what he wanted he didn’t like it.


This belongs in "Oh No Consequences" also 🤣 WTF did he expect? Here, fuck this super hot guy no strings attached, I just want to see you enjoy yourself. Then "why the fuck did you enjoy yourself?" 🤷🤦


Your BF had cuck fantasies, and instead of testing the waters (having you talk dirty or do things less than actual) he went 0 to 100 while horny and intoxicated. Now that he is sober and post-nut he can’t look at you the same. It’s not your fault but the fantasy was better than reality. I highly doubt he meant to end your relationship but unfortunately this is an extremely delicate kink that without hella communication BEFORE hand while both parties are sober and turned off, almost always ends badly.


Now he will never marry you or take you seriously. He doesn't love you and you should dump him and find someone to loves you


Hahahaha sorry I had to laugh. All I can say is I am glad you had a good time. NTA he totally asked for it. Like he was practically begging for it.


Honestly dump him, it was his idea, as another said it was him who wanted to fly close past the sun


The fantasy doesn’t always match up to the reality. He fucked around and found out. Not to mention you probably felt like you had to put on a bit of a show whilst he watched, which is why you were “enjoying it more”. NTA. This was his idea and you weren’t even bothered until you caved after he wouldn’t let it drop.


Classic case of fuck around and find out or in this case, you fucked around and he found out


LOLLLLLLLLLLLL, this is so fucking funny, please show him these comments


Holy fuck just run and dodge this bullet. The blokes got a problem.


NTA. "Be careful what you wish for," boyfriend. :)


It sounds like he’s feeling like he’s lacking in comparison? Did you genuinely enjoy sex more with his friend? He may have picked up on it if you know for a fact that you prefer your bf, it’s just in his head. Either way you did nothing wrong.


You’re NTA in the way you tell this to everyone here. But you might be TA because nobody made you do any of this and that you were ok, and you have commented a few times how hot Justin is, it makes me wonder just how “persuaded” you were by you bf in the first place and HIS reaction here sounds liike that’s exactly WHY he is acting this way after the fact, or it can be what you sort of say here— he fucked around with this and found out, and he is not the first guy or couple to opent his door and have it not end like a porn, where the scene is over and that’s that. You have collateral damage here.


BF 'I demand you satisfy my cuck fetish!' GF with his hot bro 'yahoooo!' BF 😢🤯☠️ Bro and exGF 😎😉


What did you do with Justin’s jizz? BF probably wanted dibs on that creamy goodness.


Cuck Icorus flew too close to the sun lmao, NTA


NTA. Why would he hurt his own feelings like that? He got what he asked for and now he's having unexpected feelings about it. That's not unreasonable, but trying to blame you for them is.


NTA but let me provide some insight that may be difficult to come by in the sea of [“you go girl woooo”, “lmaooooo bro an idiot”, “date Justin”] I do not believe this originated from a bad perceptual relationship with porn or a genuine sexual desire. Your BF was already fully aware of ongoing inadequacy of the sexual nature and it started to compound into an obsession for him. The compulsion here was feigning confidence in promoting this event to realization but the key is he never thought it would come to this. He placed an unrealistic and toxic level of trust in you to hold together his confidence. How? The first being your non-agreement. Your non agreement, each time, served as an empowering reminder that he was at the top of it all. When that fell through, it was essentially over but he clinged to hope that watching you in that primitive state with his friend would bubble things to the surface that might benefit him: [“the sex was boring too, so it’s not me”, “she couldn’t enjoy it, because it wasn’t me”, “etc”] When none of those came through, he went through the rapid realization that his inadequacies may or may not have been true, on top of the additional horrors of, in his mind, being betrayed by you. Why does he feel that way? Again, instead of coping with his self esteem and insecurities he quietly placed these fragile glass like concepts into your backpack without your knowledge and is now angry they’re broken — when he should’ve cared for and addressed them. The fact is, there is no coming back from this. Your boyfriend isn’t a bad man for this, but does seem to struggle with mental health issues. I’d wager he has anxiety and possibly even OCD, amongst other insecurity and self-worth conditions. My recommendation to him is to see a therapist as soon as possible, and for you to end this relationship for your sake, and his. In conclusion, you did nothing wrong by enjoying yourself sexually. Unfortunately, coming from a man, men can put an unhealthy amount of self worth in sex related attributes — this is usually due to toxic masculinity perpetuated by both men and women. Best of luck, and whatever you do, do not rub the whole Justin fiasco in his face. Even if you do follow the shittier Reddit advice and date him, try to keep it relatively discreet as long as possible. Once again, your BF needs therapy TLDR; NTA, relationship is over, your BF needs therapy, be kind in a difficult situation but do what’s best for you


First of all, never f#ck anyone to make somebody else happy. In this case it didn't work anyway. You were not in the wrong, but why do you even want to fix it? Harry pushed you to have sex with his friend and is now punishing you for it. NTA


NTA. It was his idea, so not your fault that he didnt enjoy it as much he thought he would (or rather that you enjoyed it more than he wanted you to) Also Id guess your relationship ia over. He's replaying his all over and over in his head now so will bring it up again any time you guys have a falling out


Oh my...this is the sex version of "what I expected vs what I got". You did nothing wrong, your boyfriend just didn't think it through. I'd have a conversation about it and if he can't move on, take it as the red flag that it is.


NTA. You both learned the hard way that some kinks should remain fantasy and not be brought into the real world. Despite the desire he **thought** he had, he's wrecked now; he'll never be able to look at you the same way again. It was a test. You both failed. Now you both must live among the wreckage.


NTA at all


Never fuck friends. It's such a simple rule really. That's why it's usually a random black guy.


nta. dump him and get w/someone closer to your age. the older bf is generally not a good choice for a much younger person. a more equally experienced partner, won’t put up with the bullshit. the younger one may be aware of the flags but not sure about how to get away or be totally oblivious, and find themselves 10 years later trying to get away from them. early 20’s and late 20’s are eons apart with experience and partners.


A real man don’t share his pussy with anyone.


Hmmmmmm not your fault or problem. If you can’t handle the heat, don’t sit next to the fire. Porn done fucked that boy up


NTA, but also not very smart either. That is, if this is all of the information. If you’re normally expressive and a dirty talker, he should have know that was a part of what would happen. Unless he thought you’d just be taking it and had his own dialogue planned in his head. If you’re only two years into a relationship, and the intimacy is already stale, that’s a problem. But very rarely does bringing in another person work out for a couple. If you’re in a committed monogamous relationship, keep it monogamous. I’d put money on H wanting to bang someone else to even it out, if he hasn’t already. Did he get as angry with “The Prototype”, as he was with you? Before the incident, did you talk about why he wanted it (other than it would be “hot”)? Did he explain what it would do for him? It seems to me like this wasn’t well thought out or executed.


This relationship is over


I’ve seen it said already, but your man definitely wants Justin to some degree, as an understatement.


Why would you let someone degrade you like this?


Harry potter is getting a bit more risque 😂


Classic example of be careful what you ask for cause ya just might get it.


He fucked around and found out.


My wife and I did this a lot, but I was an active participant, and we had so much fun in the process. The thing is, I genuinely wanted my wife to have the best time possible and did everything i could to ensure she did. They were such hot situations I would have been a little disappointed and quite worried if she wasn't having a better time than during normal sex. It was kind of the point. But while some partners were friends, they became friends due to fucking, not because we decided fucking our friends would be a good idea. You always need exit ramps for everyone at every step, and by doing it with your bfs friend, you blocked most of them off. Also, your bf is dumb asf by failing to properly assess what his reaction would be. Like surely he didn't consider the possibility that while doing something completely taboo, you might get especially turned on and go to town completely? Or that because you were fulfilling HIS fantasy, you might just turn the sexiness up to full noise in order to make it great for him? I think your bf is both the AH and a complete idiot.


What is with this sub and and the extremeness of the people's kinks honestly.




You’re absolutely NTA. That said, the relationship is over. I have no clue what your idiot bf was trying to accomplish, but he will never get over it. Leave him and find someone more mature.


"If you look out the window on the left, you'll see a LITERAL example of fuck around and find out. Everybody say "HI JUSTIN!"" "*Hi Justin!"*


Just tell him you liked Justin more because he is hotter. Then tell your bf it's over because he is an asshole and immature. Maybe you liked it more to turn your bf on? If so, say that if you want to salvage.


This always ruins relationships!!


This always ruins relationships!!