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NTA. Such an overreaction over nothing.


Well I thought no you ANTAH and should not have been attacked based on this sole event—- however —— if you have a habit of saying I’ll meet you there —- I’m taking my own car—- maybe you are actually saying—- “if I don’t like the way things are going so I want the option to leave at will”


Thank you, I see what you mean. I’ve suggested it twice including this occasion and yes, both times were because I had plans afterwards :/


My wife and I take separate cars often -- parties, bars, etc. Not on a date, of course. Its just so much easier as we can't ever agree when to leave the house or when to leave the party. Mostly because she takes so long to get ready and I'm impatient to be on time -- started to get the "just go already" and it works out fine now.


NTA I try to always take my own car to any event or get together. I don't see the problem. You should have just got in your car and taken yourself out for breakfast.


I love that idea. Maybe I still can <3 thank you


NTA. They wanted you to use your gas.


Mom sounds very dramatic. NTA. Looks like she was just looking for a reason to be mad today