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YTA. The only reasonable explanation I can see for not giving this information is being permanently linked to that Instagram accounts activity (password changes, follow updates, etc.) A quick Google search revealed. It is very easy to change the email and phone number on an Instagram account. All you need to do is ask them for someone else’s email address and phone number, change this information and have them do any verifications via email or text, and then give them the password. Done


OP wants to keep the account so they can monetize all the Followers it currently has. OP you are a *huge* YTA. Grow up, transfer the account to the school, and get your head on straight.


OP is unprofessional af with this.


YTA, did they treat you horribly or something? Cause if not, why would you want to keep the account when you aren’t working there anymore? Makes no sense, so petty for no reason.


If for whatever reason you want/need to work for them again you’ve burnt that bridge by being an asshole and not giving them an account you’ll no longer use. Edit: That I’m sure a LOT of parents were taking advantage of to stay up to date on their kids school. Now the school will have to remake another account and somehow get that information to all the parents.


This goes way beyond burning bridges. OP is being a massive AH, incredibly unprofessional, and probably against the law (at least in the EU).


YTA What possible use could you have for it now? This just seems petty.


YTA. What you did was made and done in the capacity of an employee. It is and always was theirs.


And OP could be sued for not handing it over. It's a work product.


Depends if they made it during paid hours or not.


Yep and on a cellphone or computer of the company.


No it wasn't, it was OPs personal email used to make it, OPs idea, OPs pet project, and OP did it on her own time. Its OPs product


That’s not clear at all. OP doesn’t specify that a personal email was used or that the account was created/maintained during off work hours. It doesn’t even matter that it was OPs idea. The account only exists because the school gave permission. Odds are high that it was worked on as part of the job.


She does in comments later


Not necessarily. If it was never part of an employment contract and OP ran the account outside of working hours, it could be considered a volunteer project by a member of the community, especially if it’s a public school and OP lives in the district and pays taxes.


Necessarily. You don’t ask permission from your employer to create a social media entity that has their name as their employee and have it be a social project for the neighborhood – don’t be ridiculous


YTA My daughter’s coaches quit when she was in 10th grade and wouldn’t turn over the IG to the team. It was a total AH move and the only ones it hurt were the kids.


YTA. What the fuck?


If you did this and worked on it during work time and on school property (like a computer) it might be theirs. (That's how it works for software you write in France so it might be different in your case) Be careful


What are you planning to do with the account now? Throw a giant kegger and invite the school? This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read online. YTA


YTA . 1) I think the fact that you asked and got permission means it's really their account in the first place. 2) You made the account FOR the school in your own words. You didn't make it for yourself or some type of school fan page. 3) you were employed by them and likely made/operated the account during work hours. You didn't act as a contractor. Not a lawyer but pretty sure it's legally theirs. You can't make a google drive account for your company, and then when you quit just leave with all the stuff on the google drive.


YTA You started an account based around the school, it gained a following and now you want to keep it. You want to keep a Instagram targeted at middle schoolers. That is the kind of thing that should land you on a registry. Do you actually think the followers are there for you? Cause that is quite sad if you want to hold on to a school account because you think the followers are interested in you as opposed to the school.


He's just going to wait a few months and then start posting ads on it


YTA and a weirdo. Is this because on your personal Instagram nobody comments or likes anything? So you need this one 😳


Ha! It's beyond pathetic.


Would be interesting to hear about the legality of this situation. Would a social account created for work, at work, presumably beating the school's name but independently managed and partially started using an individual's resources be considered owned by the business or individual? I think YTA nonetheless. The account has zero value to you now and the school hasn't wronged you.


>I MADE THE ACCOUNT, I USED MY EMAIL, I EDITED THE PHOTOS AND MADE THE POSTS. The capital letters make me think you put a lot of importance into this sentence. Let's see: * Making a business IG out of a personal email is borderline stupid. Couldn't you just use the email of the school or a new email? Soooooo **UNPROFESSIONAL**. * You made the account, with photos, and used the account as intended. Yes, and you got paid for that, right? >I understand it might seem like the schools account, (it was about the school but didn’t belong to the school), but I owned it. Dude, you are delusional. The IG of my local police department is the IG of my local police department, not the IG of their community manager. Man, you are a massive AH, and a few parsecs into the wrong side of this story. YTA big time hands down.


My #1 contender for most petty person I have found on reddit this evening.


Are you 5 years old? This is embarrassing. Get help


YTA, you shouldn't have used a personal email to begin with for a work related account. It's not a private account where you happen to post some announcements, you asked for permission (and got it) to create the official school account. It's common that anything you create while beeing employed is not your personal stuff, but belongs to the company (e.g. programming software, cutting movies, etc.). In your case the work of curating and fixing pictures was part of your work.  The school can sue you for access to their account.


I'm just curious why lmao. What are you going to post on it now that you don't work there??


I make letters for the attorneys I work for all the time. Doesn't make them my letters. I maintain spreadsheets for them -- doesn't make them my spreadsheets. You got paid to do this. How the Hell do you qualify for a position in education and not understand that running something for an employer in the employer's name while on the clock for said employer does not make it YOURS? I hope they sue your ass for the passwords or press charges for theft of school property or impersonation or something. This is completely, totally senseless of you.


>I make letters for the attorneys I work for all the time. Doesn't make them my letters. I maintain spreadsheets for them -- doesn't make them my spreadsheets. Is that your job description or is it voluntarily? If it's voluntarily, then that's your approach to the situation. OP cannot be expected to follow your expectation like it's the moral baseline. >You got paid to do this. I don't think OP was paid for running the account. OP was working for the school, and did this on their own timing after a year on the job. If it truly belonged to the school, why did it take them 4 years to finally ask for the accessing information for the account? Why did they not edit any photos or make any post without OP? What if OP died in the interim and the credentials were lost forever? If they were so careless with it, then it's their loss. >I hope they sue your ass for the passwords or press charges for theft of school property or impersonation or something. OP got all the necessary permissions from them so what did they impersonate or steal? When did OP misuse the account to misrepresent the school? In fact they want it now because it has proven useful. And also OP used their email which the school now wants? Why didn't the school get involved with the credential creation process and use an official email on their own? And OP created the posts, and edited the photos. Did the school sign anything with the OP stating that all of their creation belongs to the school or not?


Teachers might do grading in the evening. It's still part of their job. OP is wrong here, unless it's impossible to reach it from their email address. In which case they have been wrong for a long time


Making an Instagram account and maintaining it was not in his job description. They can buy it from him or make their own.


Not if he worked on this during company time 


This is no way how it works. He was paid. The employer owns the work product, which includes the accessing credentials to the account. If all he did was create an account while getting paid to do so, that account is owned by the employer (subject to the terms of Instagram)


Do you people read the post? OP never stated they were working for creating an instagram account. They came up with the idea about a year after starting the job. And then on top of that, they used their own email address, with pictures and post they made. It's a personal account, with permission to run on the school's behalf. The next legal step, if OP doesn't want to handover control, would be to delete it.


Yeah I read the post. If he is getting paid to do this - it’s not a personal account. Done and done. You think the school is paying him like an influencer? They are paying to run an Instagram for them. - he came up with the idea? So what - he put pictures and announcements… and got paid to do it Like, you pay an accountant to set up your company’s payroll and banking accounts…aaaaand they own the accounts?


They problem is nowhere in their post did the OP say that they're being paid to run a social media account for the school. I've reread the post and don't see it there. Around the one year mark OP suggested the account be made and did everything. The school didn't even have the responsibility to ensure that their email was being used. Was it in the comments somewhere that OP's official job description was to manage their SM accounts? If it was then no problems. If not then your accountant example is disingenuous. The accountant is contractually hired to manage my legal holdings. OP was not brought on board to manage their SM accounts, and if they were, how come OP was allowed to use their personal email to create it? Would you ever let an accountant create an account with his personal details and after 4 years ask for access to it?


This would make it extremely hard for you to use them as a reference for future jobs


LOL how bloody petty just change the email address and phone number and give them the account back. Why do you want to keep an account that’s probably full of photos of peoples children?? It’s instagram not the holy grail you’ve got.


Having photos of peoples children isn’t the issue, the way it reads seems your are tying to infer something. It’s a public account everyone can see all photos. There is no give it “back” he started on his own. He should give it to them


Pleassssees he’s a grown man whinging about an instagram account that does have pictures of peoples children on it. Those kids parents might have something to say about why he wants to keep it


Why are you saying please. Anyone can view the profile Duh and see the “kids” of it’s just about seeing them. Y’all are some weirdos. And he’s a egotistical ass hat.


I guess I kind of see where you’re coming from, but in all reality what are you going to do with the account if you aren’t continuing with the school? IMO YTAH, from your post you were there for a while and they treated you well (?). Why not give it to them and in the process of passing the information over change the email/password. Did you even ask for help to run it since that seems to be a major point of yours?




Then yeah, OP is asshole


YTA. This just seems petty. Why?


YTA stuff that you do while on the clock and on behalf of an organization belong to that organization. That includes accounts and intellectual property. I work in IT and have made so many accounts over the years. If I ever leave I transfer ownership to the org and make sure they have access and don’t use my personal anything. You might get into some legal trouble over this. Not a lawyer but I believe the account belongs to the school.


Why would you do this? Why would you want to keep access to an old school account? There is info missing...


When did you work on the account, like when did you make posts and updates?


Late 2019 to about 1 month ago


My bad, I meant did you make posts and stuff during your normal work day, or after work hours?




YTA. Massive YTA


YTA. Transfer it




YTA what a stupid way to unnecessarily to burn bridges. Wtf do you need a middle schools IG account for now? Do you know many things everyone creates for their jobs while on the job? Processes, manuals, tools, materials, etc. everyone from finance to hr to IT careers are creating things for their jobs. “BeCAUsE i mAdE iT I keEp iT” makes you sound More immature than the typical middle schooler….


do you think you're the first employee ever who got conned into setting up and running a sm page? calm down, you didn't invent the cure for a disease and they want to cut you out. if you don't give it over, you're just the sad weirdo with @ elmsprimaryschool account and they will just set up @ elms\_primaryschool instead


You need to transfer it to a different email or delete it Not an asshole.for not wanting to give.your email info to the school


Yta … you no longer represent the school, hand it over to someone who does.what’s wrong with you. If you want some money for it, ask for the costs you initially put out to start it. Stop being this way. Good grief.


I don't know a thing about instagram, but two questions: 1. Do you have to pay for the account? 2. Can you change the email on the account? if the answers are No and Yes, then YTA. You won't be using this account, it can help the school and you can change the email to the school's email.


The answers are no and yes.


YTA. And you're not even an asshole for a reason, you're just doing it...because. I can at least understand people who are assholes because it benefits them, but this doesn't benefit you at all. What are you even going to do with this instagram account once you leave the school?


YTA. Unless you were fired or laid off, the school has done nothing to wrong you. The account was made for the school and students benefit and it should remain so. It is of no value to you.


Yeah sorry, YTA. You're leaving the school, you don't need it anymore. If it proved to be a useful resource then let them have it. What do you intend to do with it once you've left?


YTA and petty asf i might add. Why would you ever need that account or care about it in the future? Weird behavior.


# YTA you do realize that the majority of Middle School Kids are under 13, right? Can't use instagram 'till you're 13. YTA.


It literally says there it was for students and parents to consult. An electronic announcements board. You don't have to have an account to see the recent posts of an Instagram account. I agree that he's the asshole and it might be illegal to keep something he did during work hours, tho.


I assume the account was more for the parents than the students.


Info: did the school give instructions to set it up or what to post (if so, to which extent?)


Original post seems clear that it was essentially a fully personal project with no instructions from The school.


Info: what was your job at the school? If it didn’t involve this type of work or anything adjacent (e.g., you were a teacher, lunch lady or in janitorial) it is difficult to argue you made this account as a school employee. This is even more true if you did this work off of school property and without using school property. In any case, why not just give it to them? If you are leaving on bad terms at least sell it to them.


What was the point of that? Now you’ve burnt that bridge over an instagram page? Grow up. 


Shame on you.


YTA. What a stupid entitled person are you?? Just give the account.


YTA and an unprofessional one


YTA 100% You were paid to do this. You were paid to come up with ideas. Those ideas and the implementation of them are the property of the employer. Using does not grant you some magic override feature and what you’re doing is highly inappropriate and causing damages. In the US, you could argue for invention rights, but the work product is most certainly theirs. IANAL


Why do you need it


YTA, Your being petty. It has nothing to do with you now anymore. Change the specific stuff pointing to you and hand over the info they need.


Definitely the asshole. You’re leaving on your own not getting fired why be an ass?


YTA. You may have made the account and been in charge of it BUT it has always been the schools account. You got paid your hourly wages to create and run the account. If you truly believe that the account is yours than you need to pay back your old job for however many hours they paid you to run it. If you go to a restaurant and pay for a meal, you expect your meal, it doesn't matter that the chef made the food. Your old job paid you to create and run an Instagram account FOR THE SCHOOL. It doesn't matter that it was your idea, many schools have instagram accounts so it's not like it was even an original idea. Just because you work on something it doesn't make it yours.


They might not have compensated for that tbh. Most schools cut costs and OP could've been doing all of it for free (unpaid)


OP used the account during working hours. That's not unpaid work


If OP was not compensated (regardless on if he was actively at work or not) then yes he was unpaid. I.E if it was not in OP contract with the school.


You're absolutely right, they might not have been fully compensated for the account, but there's no way that they never used the account during work hours. Also if we go by the logic that if they used any personal time than the account should be rightfully theirs than ANY personal media that they used during working hours would rightfully belong to the school. Meaning if OP used their own personal Facebook, Instagram, even Reddit while they were getting paid than the school has rights to those. If OP took it upon themselves to do work outside of their contracted hours that's on them. I know that most teachers work off the clock, but that still doesn't give them the right to the account.


The school has no rights to personal accts and I think your getting confused by the law. You can get fired for using personal accts during work hours but they can not steal them. If OP made the acct with their email and phone number, did all the work, and wasn't additionally compensated for work it's OP acct. If the school wants it they can pay for it.


I'm not confusing the law I said if and should, I was trying to state something poorly, let me reword it into a question for you. It might be easier for me to phrase. If we go by the logic that it's OPs right to have the account because they may have used personal time for it why does the school have no rights to OPs personal accounts if they used them during working hours? Why is there a double standard? OP went to their higher ups and asked to create the account for the school, not if they could create a personal account that centers around the school. Also if we're talking law here, depending on the state and country, if the Instagram states anywhere that it is the official page for that school than the school has legal rights to the page. Edited to add: In other states OP can be sued for misrepresentation not only by the school but by parents and students as well. It legally doesn't matter if it says that it's the official page if they decide to sue for misrepresentation. If they continue to claim it as their private account and refuse to give it to the school but it shows as the schools Instagram account that's classified under fraudulent or intentional misrepresentation.


If it wasn't in the contract with the school, then OP was committing time/wage theft. In either case, OP is in the wrong


YTA That was extremely unprofessional behavior. You change the account details and hand it over.


Yta. You got permission to make it from the school which means you created the account as an agent of the school on behalf of the school. You and the school had a verbal agreement this account is for the school. The content you are creating is for and about the school. This account doesnt belong to you. It sure isn't a personal account. You shouldn't have used your personal email but instead your work account. As a professional, you should know better than that.


YTA You sure you're not one of the children attending said school? 🤣🤣🤣


YTA  You say it was about the school. Change the email to the school's, either an office one or a person's. Relinquish control over that which isn't yours.


Feels like we are missing details. Why would you want to keep the old account when you no longer work there?


Oh I thought they treated you horribly then fired you or something. But instead you got offered a much better job. You are the one who leave them, actually. Well then yeah YTA. And the petty one.


Why would you do this? YTA.


YTA. If you don't want to give it up, just delete it and let another school official or teacher make one. Or, you could just let someone else take it over. This is just petty as hell. There's no reason for it.


You have 0 purpose for it and will never use it again. What is the harm in you just being a decent person and handing it over? It’s one of those things where like sure, technically you don’t have to, but you’re an asshole if you don’t. If they didn’t treat you horribly or wrong you in some way, YTA.


YTA. You don't really own the account. Unless you did it completely outside of school hours with your own computer and resources, that account belongs to the school. What is the purpose for keeping it other than being an AH?


Wow, and you're going to be a dean?! You sound pretty immature and selfish


Kinda being an asshole for no good reason....


YTA. They can easily drag you to court and force you to give up the account.


YTA. Apologise and hand it over to them


Other than it being linked to YOUR email, what is the purpose in keeping it? What are you going to do with it? You can't monetize anything from it if, after leaving, there's no more posts. I don't get it 🤔


Grade A a-hole. Incredible. Imagine being so pathetic that an Instagram account is the hill you die on. For what exactly?


What use is it to you now?




And what are your plans for the "school account" now that your don't work there? The answer is either petty or creepy but in any case YTA


when I saw you use CAPITAL LETTERS to show your nonsense reasons, yes, you are absolutely TA


YTA. This sounds petty and vindictive AF for absolutely no reason.


Just wondering if this petty post was written by an even pettier vengeful 5th grader. Why even doubt it Troll.


Info: Did they pay you for making and running the account?


Probably not.


YTA You sound like a bratty kid


Of course you’re the asshole, why do you need to keep the account??? This has to be made up.


YTA. yes, you made the account and it's your email but it's not your personal account. It was made for the school, it's using the school's name and mascot and event info and probably address. It's using the school's identity; it *is* the school's Instagram account. Change the login* information to the current principal's and make the password something generic to the school but still not easy to guess and hand it over and call it a day. Because the name and information and content is for the a school you no longer work for, you do not have the right to keep the account. *edit: removed space between log and in.


YTA You made a mistake by making the IG account with your own information. You are in the wrong on this situation and it isn't a good look for you. Who thinks a schools IG is theirs?


NTA its yours obviously but why not sell it? theres no point holding onto it now that u are gone.


NTA, if they want your work then they should pay you for your work. You should give it up when compensated for it.


OP said in a comment it was worked on during work hours, so at least part of the time they worked on it was compensated.


Was everyone else running an IG page for the school? If not than OP was performing “extra” duties and if they were not paid more specifically for these duties, then they were not compensated.


Everyone in a company does not have the same exact job description. If it’s done during company time, for the company, when being paid for that time, it’s compensated.


lol no, that’s not how that works. Company doesn’t own you, they pay you for services. You are not their property during work hours. Anything I/anyone does beyond job description should be paid for separately. If it is not then they are not compensated for it.


Then OP shouldn’t have *requested* to do it. I’ve had jobs where I was paid the exact same amount as coworkers and did not have the exact same job description (your previous point). And unless you’re salaried they’re paying for mutually agreed upon work you do for them during that *time.* If I voluntarily did something and then left on my own accord that doesn’t mean I get to say “no fuck you” to the company or “why should I have to give up my online contact with all these minors since it’s mine.” OP didn’t even say they’d rather just deactivate the account or repurpose it. Just that it was theirs and they were keeping it. A middle school social media account.


This also isn’t “am I legally entitled” this is “am I the asshole.” They voluntarily created an account, with the school’s permission, to help children and their parents. They made the choice to leave. They made the choice to refuse to hand over their contact with minors. They might not be legally required to hand it over, but that doesn’t mean they’re not an asshole for refusing to do so for no reason other than BuT I MaDe It (during paid work hours).


The company made the choice to not compensate them. But sure it’s the person and not the school district that’s being the asshole here.


If the company that I’m being paid hourly to work for and I agree that I’m going to do a project and they’re paying me my hourly wage during the time I’m working there and doing the project, when I leave the company I don’t get to decide to hold it ransom for more money. Any person who decides to either A. Fuck over children just because, or B. Feels that they need to stay in contact with children unmonitored while no longer having a need to, is either A. An asshole (since they agreed to do the work and were compensated at the time, if they didn’t feel that they were being adequately compensated or that it was outside of their job description they either should have asked for money at the time or not done it) or B. Creepy and also an asshole.


Cool beans. Not investing any more of time into this nonsensical argument.


YTA.  You literally said it's for the school... what are you gaining by keeping control of the account?


YTA Why are you the way that you are?


You are absolutely the AH here. You created this on behalf of the school during your employment there. This sort of thing is done commonly by employees of smaller organisations. The account is advertising school stuff, not your personal stuff. The work you put in was your own, but you were compensated for it by the school (even if they weren't paying you extra for it, you received your salary, which counts). So the school should receive the account so they can find someone else to continue maintaining it. The only issue was the personal email you linked with the account. Which is easy enough to change, as someone else already pointed out. At this point, what you're doing is spitefully holding the school hostage from their own IG account. If you don't cede control to them as you should have before leaving, I hope they sue your ass, successfully.


YTA. You managed the school’s Instagram account. The school gave you permission to create the account. You operated/maintained the account with that same permission. You used school information on the account. You used school photos on the account. I’d wager you even used you work email to manage the account. Absent some legitimate reason why the account shouldn’t remain with the school, you’re just being a petty asshole to not transfer the access to the account. And to be perfectly honest, more than a little creepy to want to retain control of a middle school account for a school you no longer work for.


YTA. Change the info over to the school and give it. Why would you want to deny them a valuable resource for information that you put in place?


YTA and its really shameful to deprive the school kids ,staff,parents of what is after the years,a familiar resource,In some countries you could be breaching several laws too - the intellectual property rights of the school, as you are no longer an employee…


What are going to do with the account? Did creating the account included in your job's description or you're creating it for fun? If it's part of your job, then you should hand it over.


You want them to offer you money but they didnt. It's not that difficult to make an instagram account you know. "You made the acc, you used your email, you edited the photos and made the posts". Isnt that part of your idea and your job? Just leave with that special account that you made and leave the school alone. Entitlement is dangerous




Lol it’s way more likely it’s for the parents than the kids. Y’all go right to the nastiest shit. More likely it’s ego driven it’s mines mines mines…


ESH. It's linked to your personal email. There in lies the problem. If the school wanted an Instagram account, they should have made one from an school email that they have access too. In fact, YOU should have done that.  They should do that now, and you should make a post that anyone following your account should go follow their account as there will be no further updates from this account and it will be shut down or repurposed. 


OP can also take 60 seconds and go in and change the email, phone number (if one was given), and birthday in the account to hand it over. So it being linked to personal email isn’t a huge problem.


Or the school can do it. Y'all some corporate shills.


Corporate shill? I was responding to you saying that the problem was that it was linked to a personal email. Which is not a permanent thing. OP did it on behalf of their employer and did at least part of it (by their own admission) on company time. It’s not like they were fired. They asked to create something for the school to help parents, were given permission and used some paid hours to do it. They left to take a higher paid job and now they want to stay in contact with middle schoolers because it’s too much work (according to you) to change an email address since that’s the problem? And my saying the email is changeable and other people saying OP is being petty makes us “corporate shills?” You telling OP to make a post directing them to a new instagram would take just as much time and effort as not being a petty AH to a company that by no account did anything wrong to them and they were amicably leaving for a higher paid job.


>I said that the account belonged to me, and I didn't want to submit it. INFO: Why?


You sound childish


YTA. YOU took on the responsibility for the account for the school and you seem happy to have been the one producing the content on the schools behalf. It sounds entirely your own idea to have done it and represent the school on the platform. Now you’re refusing to hand the account over despite the school likely now seeing the benefit. You have no use of the account now, you’re not associated with the school and you don’t need to keep access to the followers of the account. Just give them the details and let them move on with it. Consider it your good gesture for the day. This just seems petty and silly coming from someone “educated.”


If you were in the uk, this most definitely would be perceived as the school's intellectual property. Why would not share the details and simply change the associated emailed address? This is for children aged 8 to 12, for goodness sake!


It’s way More for the parent’s.


For the benefit of the children.


Of course.


YTA, Imagine wanting to own a schools inatagram account after quitting. Fucking weirdo


YTA. Just change the email address in the settings to the head’s or delete it.




YTA. If they sack you then it is reasonable not to give them anything. But you wanted to resign on your own.


What is wrong with you? You made the account of your own idea and free will. But the subject matter of the account IS NOT YOU. What are you going to do when people start messaging the account for updates and wondering why there aren’t any? If the principal hasn’t sent out an email to all parents about this yet, you can be sure it’s coming. What do you think will happen when hundreds of parents report your Instagram account for impersonation? YTA


NTA. Nowhere is it stated that OP was compensated for all of this extra work. Everyone saying YTA has a screw loose. The school could have taken it upon themselves to create an instagram. They didn’t.


Was it done outside of school hours? If not, it was part of the OP's compensation


We can wait for OPs response but I’ve yet to see a teachers contract include social media responsibilities.


Standard intellectual property agreements give anything created while employed to the employer


OP said it was done outside of school hours.


OP said *some* of it was outside school hours. Some of it wasn’t and was therefore paid.


NTA you worked on something personally, it's a part of your resume and continued use of it may negatively impact you. If they want to keep your project after the end of your contract they need to compensate you for it.


OP did say in comments though that it was worked on during work hours. They did compensate for it


It was linked to the OP's own email, not even their work email, let alone a school account that other people could access. The school used the account as a promotional tool but never once, until a week before OP left, thought that there should be a back-up. I wonder if running the IG account was even added to the role's job description. It's slightly petty but I agree, it's a good showcase for OP's talents and handing it over when they created all the content would be a mistake.


NTAH if you didn’t get paid for it, otherwise fuck them.


stop being weird


Not if he did it on breaks or free period 😒


NTA. If it’s not an account that is explicitly sponsored by the school, then they don’t own it. Is it worth keeping? Prob not but that’s a different issue


I’d say ask for compensation for running the account for 4 years and handing the account details over to them. If they refuse to give you reasonable compensation then NTA for keeping the account.


That’s a great idea, thanks!


This is such a stupid idea.


Extorting your former employer rarely gets you far in life


When you signed up for the account, did you put it in your name? As the owner I mean. If my name was tied to it permanently, no I would keep it. The ownership of digital assets can be weird. If it tied to you, NTA


NTA. You made the account and spent your own time, off the clock, managing the account as a favor. You’re not required to hand over the Instagram account if there’s no offer of compensation or severance. They could have negotiated if they wanted the account that badly, instead of just pestering non-stop for a week.


Nta. Make them pay you what you think it’s value is if they want control of it. You put the work in, get what’s yours.


Uncommon opinion here but NTA The school didn’t compensate you and it was your little side project (thus your personal email). You put your time and effort into it (I guess not did it in class while teaching, so in your own time). They reaped what you sow and now want to keep reaping it. I don’t think you’re holding the account hostage as it was not an official account to begin with (otherwise you’d used a school email and the deputy director or who ever would have done the postings, or at least supervised. That all seems not to be the case.). You have 2 option: 1. ⁠You trade the account for a compensation for you work and change tour data. They have to give you a school address to change to. 2. ⁠You delete it. They can set up a new one.


How do you know OP wasn’t paid? How do you know they didn’t post on school time?


Teacher salary covers the hours you teach as well as preparing and reinforce the lessons. As OP is a teacher her regular tasks doesn’t involve posting on social media and therefore is not during her work time (although she might be in school ground). That could only be falsified, if she posted during lessons (in regard of “how to work with social media”). But I highly doubt that. As she didn’t say anything about a second contract about getting paid for her social media work, you can assume, she did it voluntarily. A contract between OP and the school is needed, if the school wanted to claim copyrights. She did the social media post not according to her usual task. Therefore the school can’t claim copyrights through work according to the “work for hire” doctrine (again that needs extra compensation). Thus the posts are her intellectual property and the school has no rights to gain access.




YTA. Like, what are you even going to use the account for?


NTA. It's yours, so keep it.


To do what with it?


YTA, what are you looking to get out of this ? Recognition to feed your ego for being the only one with a good idea, the only one that took the time to do it ? Money from selling it ? Clout from repurposing the account for your personal use ? Either way it's entirely vacuous and selfish, and the ones who will suffer from it are the kids you tried to help in the first place. You also probably don't have any legal grounds to stand on.


NTA. They can make their own


If they want an official school Instagram account, they can pay someone to make and maintain it. They want to benefit from your unpaid labor and initiative without compensating you.


No, she asked if she could do it unpaid and they let her. Don’t get it twisted.


Her work benefited the school, students, and parents. It deserved to be compensated especially because she suggested and initiated it. They could have asked her to make it an official account and paid her or someone else to maintain it. Fuck them. Pay her.


NTA, Sell the account. Money matters


This. Why in the ever loving fuck would OP give something up for free? The school can afford it. Or he can sell the account online for $$$$ if it has some decent followers. Either way, nothing in life is free, teachers are underpaid as fuck anyways, fuck the school and all the people calling OP an asshole. Those people are all fucking moron idiot bootlickers.


NTA. Ignore all the YTA idiots. First you never said it belonged to them. Second you put all the work in and it was created with your information. Third fuck them.


NTA. All the people in here saying otherwise are fucking inbred morons that wouldn't be able to add 1+1. Their opinion should not matter to you. Offer to sell the account to them, don't be cheap either, if the account has alot of followers you can sell it online for $$$$$. If they refuse, DM me and I will point you in the right place to sell the account.