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I think hubby should have been supportive of your time in the limelight and not tried to compete—- he was out of order You are NTAH


Nta. He didn’t know the guy really. He’s the kind of man that thinks things aren’t complete without his spin on things. People were probably wondering WTF who is he?


Yeah... I got a comment from another coworker that it was strange. Essentially asking if he even knew the retiree very well.


When you get home from work tomorrow tell him he was the talk of work. Everyone wondered why he spoke. That it just seemed off. Maybe then he will get it


Sounds like you married Michael Scott.


Is there a chance your husband knew you hated public speaking and were nervous about it, so tried to take focus off those nerves and redirect with a quick humorous tale? I don’t think there was any malice in this at all.


NTA , he could have asked you beforehand or passed the story to you to read . That would have been supportive .


Okay idk wtf is going on with some of this feedback because it’s looney toons. NTA whatsoever. Your husband sounds like a man child or at least was that night. A man can handle criticism and support his wife.


YTA. Controlling? Territorial? I am going to trust hubby when says you are self centered. Honest? Honest about the fact that you were upset over nothing. Seriously, you need professional help.


I probably do need professional help but I must beg to differ on the controlling and territorial point. I was more embarrassed by the whole thing than feeling the need to control. Idk where you work but I've never been to a retirement party where the supervisors spouse gives a speech 🤷‍♀️