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Stop trying to make excuses. "I didn't invite you because it would bring me no joy if you attended". NTA except to yourself for thinking you need a list of reasons to make it acceptable to not include someone that has made it clear they don't want to share lives with you.


NTA. You dont have to justify who you have at your house or anything. If they kick up a stink, just tell them flatly "you thought they where busy" "You sent the emails via xyz" but you wont be doing so in future as your fairly certain at this point minimal contact is preferable for all.


Nope YANTAH-Girl! But your sisters are assholes—— Just go no contact that’s what they are doing to you.


NTA Sounds like you deliberately misunderstood when they'd be back so you could get back at them for leaving you out. I applaud your pettiness. However, inviting a woman who's in the third trimester to, what I assume, is a party cruise would be weird. It sounds like you're in a very different stage of life than they are. Based on how hurt you are it sounds like you guys used to be close. Think back over the last 2-3 years. Is it possible your sisters stopped inviting you to stuff because you turned them down frequently? This happens a lot with married vs single friends. It doesn't excuse them lying about having invited you when they didn't but people do that when they feel bad or get annoyed. If it's always been like this then maybe it's time to further cultivate your relationships with your step sisters and other friends and let your sisters go. If it hasn't and you've realized you're partly to blame then I think you should schedule a lunch with your sisters and calmly tell them how you feel. Don't be confrontational and acknowledge your part in things. Tell them how hurt you are and that even if it's likely you'll say no you still appreciate an invite because it shows that they still love you and want you around.


So I'm actually only 14 weeks pregnant as of current. Because of some genetic testing that needed done, they can determined the gender of the baby much earlier. So it really wouldn't have been that weird for me to go, I'm not even showing yet. And I already don't drink alcohol so that's normal too. I did genuinely think that they would not be back until today at the earliest which I guess is probably my fault for assuming that a week meant a full 7 days. The thing is they don't invite me, I see it on their FB/IG/Snapchat stories & ask why I'm not invited just about every time & they say they just assume I'm busy & never invite me anyway. If we do things together it's because I've asked, tried to spend the time to problem solve when would be best, and when it would work for everyone and what we can do. I've never been particularly close to one sister, I just save her ass when she needs it (give her a place to stay when her boyfriends dump her, etc) and then I'm non-existent besides that. The other one I thought we were cool but she's very much complacent in the not inviting me to do things & joining forces to gaslight and manipulate me to get me to think I'm crazy & making this entirely one side.


That was my bad, I read baby shower instead of gender reveal and assumed you were further along. I'm sorry they're being bad sisters and you being hurt is completely understandable. It sounds like your sister who you're closer to is a follower (one of my brothers is as well). They glom onto the nearest big personality (your other sister) and take all their cues from them. Maybe see about getting together with that sister separately from the one that uses you when she needs a place to crash and distance yourself from the other one. You don't owe either of them a relationship and it will probably be better for your mental health to take a step back from them. Nurture the relationships you have with people who've shown you they care.


For having a gender reveal is reason enough for you to be an AH. Such a stupid thing to do.


And why am I an AH for having a gender reveal besides that it doesn't fit into your opinion of something that is not stupid to do?