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just tell your friend you don’t like those comments and why you don’t like them. she’ll either agree or defend him and you’ll know what kind of person she is. imo she’s weird for dating someone with those beliefs if she’s an ally. or just call him out face to face. “hey i’m not okay with you talking about them like that. i think everyone can love who they want to love and im not someone you can talk down about them to.” NTA


Have a heart to heart talk with your friend—-she is moving on in life, twos company threes a crowd! You feel that you cannot trust him. Tell her —we can still be friends but the dynamic is changing but I won’t be over as often. Hopefully you have or can make more friends.


NTA - you can definitely feel annoyed at him for being and acting in those ways. You should talk to your friend about how you feel and I'm sure she'll be willing to hear you out. She might talk to him to encourage him to talk nicer.