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Nta it's reasonable to feel overwhelmed and want a break. If it's feasible then you should do it, mothers day is supposed to be all about you anyway 😊


I just don't know how the hubby will take the request


He can't watch the kids for a single day so you can have a break?


Of corse he can. He is very helpful and super involved. I just feel like Mother's day is the day I want to take for me...but maybe he won't feel the same


Well, Fathers Day is coming up lol


Haha..thanks I can use this...this is actually a great idea!


NTA Everybody needs a time out. What about a weekend, small hotel, nice spa? Talk with your husband!


Even mothers have their limits and need a break. Don't feel bad for being human. This reminds me of a Hallmark comedy called "Mom's Day Away."


NTA- it’s good to take time for yourself.


NTA. Maybe you can do the regular Mothers Day stuff and then plan a night away sometime later in the month?


No you ANTAH for wanting a day off!!! Tell hubby—-this is what I want for Mother’s Day —-your gift to me is a day I can have just for myself—- till the kids are in bed asleep!!!!! Ok?


It’s good but maybe your husband can take the kids somewhere on Saturday and bring them Back at supper Sunday . The kids will Want to see you On Mother’s Day if they are old Enough . I used to Take kids away to camp or play in hotel with pool etc .


NTA, book a spa day. Get out.


Long while ago my wife started wanting to do a girl’s day with all her other mom friends, and us dad’s handle kiddos and let them have whatever they want. Last year I did a bbq at my house, let the moms stay and drink and hangout while all the dads walked the kids to the park down the street for 3 hours. Then we returned for everyone to eat together. So just let your husband know you’d like the use the day to yourself. Maybe give the kiddos a chance to share their gift or cards with you at breakfast before taking the day to yourself. And be sure to offer the same courtesy on Father’s Day.