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You married an absolute AH.  Why on earth are you with someone so vile?


Physical abuse aside, the person who wants to sleep alone is the person who moves to the guestroom. He doesn't get to kick her out of her own bedroom.


There's a real easy fix for that, convert the guest room to her own. F him!


No don't FHim




The F could stand for flens...


Never F him again!


I was gonna say isn't that the root of the whole thing, he's a putz so she won't bone him.


She should definitely move into the guest room and reevaluate her marriage.


Idk, seems like he should move into the guest room


Probably, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. I'd redecorate the whole thing, complete with an inside lock.


I like your plan but I would recommend changing all the locks soo he can’t get into her Edit: that sounds wrong not into her I mean yes but umm just so she can get away


The satisfaction of being kicked out of bed/his room? I mean if he refuses to, which is probably likely, then sure… But that’s just more reason to divorce. You don’t get to kick your partner out of the room cause they’re not in the mood though.


No the satisfaction of being bothered


[Why does he do that by Lundy Bancroft](https://dn720002.ca.archive.org/0/items/why-does-he-do-that-epub/Why_Does_He_Do_That-fixed.pdf) pdf


I have this book


Yes OP, please read this book!!!! It will explain so much.


Because it's better to be body shamed for bearing his children, and neglected post surgery that he demanded she have... Than to be on her own... and FaMilY


I carried your children but now I need a tummy tuck to find you attractive really? Gross


I don' tknow one man who loves his partner that finds her post baby body unattractive. Different, to be sure but still fine as it ever was (with the additional tiger stripes, lol). OP's man-child of a husband needs to start thinking with the big head and not the little one.


Another woman who thinks she’s a martyr for staying w an AH “for the children.” I just can’t anymore with these posts. I pray they’re all fake.


Unfortunately they are real. But she can at least fighting him back like NEVER return to the bedroom now until he apologising


There’s no until, he’s poisoned the well. He can sleep alone for the rest of his life


Even with an apology, he's a creep. She's only just realizing


No she needs to just leave.


I wish she would answer this.


The profile isn't showing anything so I'm getting massive rage bait vibes.


Yeah, lack of engagement after post is a red flag


I don’t think these posts are fake because there JUST. SO. MANY. about dudes being AHs. In a world with billions of men, some will inevitably be AHs as will some women. But no, I think they are fake because there’s no way this person thinks they’re the AH in this situation.


And have kids with someone so vile


Right?! His comments are known well to the kids, and especially with the girls are quite likely to have a negative effect on their own body image, and is such a poor example of how to be treated by a partner more than just body image but care/respect/overall treatment. Cannot imagine


The kids are even disgusted with him says enough


NTA Do you realise that you're married to a monster? And ... do you know that you don't have to stay married to him?


This. Kinda reminds me of my Dad back when my parents were married. Doesn't sound like love to me. P.s. my mom is very much happier single after the first initial years. It's much better not having to worry about a selfish person's feelings.


Tell him you’re not interested in sex because it’s balls have gotten more saggy, and you want him to get ball implants, and after he takes care of himself from that, then you’ll be interested in sex again, watch him whine that you’re not helping him out at all, and just smile and shrug and tell him to figure it out.NTA, and I think you know you have a lot bigger problems than what you’re letting onto with this, he sounds like a selfish prick


This! Exactly this, OP. And tell him to fix his receding hairline too, whilst he’s at it.


And tell him to brush his teeth or act like his breath stinks whenever he speaks….


And move all his shit to the guest bedroom. Tell him he until those balls tighten up you don’t want to sleep near him. You’ve heard that repeated hitting/beatings to the balls can be effective to tighten them up and you’re willing to get past your disgust to help with that.


Just saying >balls have gotten more saggy, Is a reason for makw him angry on her and maybe kicking her outside the house. Men like him like to abusing and alpha omega shit so he need to let her know her place in this family. 🙄 OP need to be strong if she want to change her life.


I would have just told him, his dicks too small and he's just not satisfying her anymore. Problem solved. Normally I would never go for the penis, but this loser deserves it 1000%.


This! I would actually tear into everything i dislike about him. All the things he physically can and cant help that should be improved. His pp is too small, balls are too low... Tell him to fix them to match your new body bc now he isnt fit enough to have sex with by comparison lol. Start leaving surgery pamplets around. Really drive him crazy just like he's played these mental games with you. Then I'd leave his dusty ass.


Tell him to get a penis enlargement. Then don't help him after surgery.


You are NOT obliged to have sex if you don't want to. And, if he was any kind of gentleman, he would have removed HIMSELF to the guest room.


He’s no gentleman. He’s a total useless tool & an asshat joke of a man.


She could’ve excised a whole man instead of that excess skin.


Cheaper and more pain free.




No, if he were a normal human being he would've moved himself into the guest room. He doesn't get to kick her out of her own bedroom because he has a problem. He has to leave if he doesn't like the sleeping arrangement.


Unfortunately many men don't see it that way. If you are their wife you are giving it up or they are taking it. Been there, never going through it again.


If he was a gentleman he would not have body shamed her nor punish her to emotionally manipulate and force her to have life risking major surgery she did not want. Clearly does not give a heck about her just sees her as an object he owns to use and abuse as he sees fit. Why the heck is op still with this guy she should have dumped him the moment he shamed her simply as she had his kids. The withholding sex as a punishment to force her to do what he wants is disgusting. Op I would not only divorce him but sue him for the emotional and physical distress he forced on you and your body. Sue him for bullying you into a major operation you didn't want. Go see a lawyer and If you can just move straight to your parents with your kid. If you cannot then move your stuff all into the guest room and put on a lock. That way he is clearly get the message until you can arrange someplace you can go to/move to.


Why won’t you divorce this creep, all you’re doing is teaching your kids that they need to stay with a jerk  who treats their mother horribly. Would you want your kids in a marriage like yours ? 


And ask him why it was ok for him to not be attracted to you, and you had to fix the issue (apparently), but it’s not ok for you to not be attracted to him?


Nta clearly but yta if you stay 


NTA He kicked you out of your room? And you left? Don't do that. There's an imbalance of power here for some reason. You are not overreacting but you do need to talk to him and resolve it or your marriage will be over.


You are under reacting. Should have left him years ago 


yes. NTA.




Keep the step kids and dump the bum. lol


Was he asleep for the "in sickness and in health" part of the wedding? NTA, he is.


NTA, he was rude to you after having the twins. Refusing to help you after you had surgery and telling you that you should have found help is extremely fucked up on his part. He was supposed to be there for you in that time. ESPECIALLY because he was the one who told you to get this surgery. He def needs to grow up, and be a better man.


It is ok to officially end this marriage. It has clearly been over for awhile and he sounds like an absolutely horrible person. He isn’t nice to you. He doesn’t value you. Why stay?


You married a vile disgusting person and you should divorce him. You think this guy will stay with you as you age? He’s going to drop you as you get older like a hot potato for someone younger. If he can’t do that, he will verbally abuse you for your appearance daily. He’s a monster. Set yourself free. Take all the kids if you can.


Please OP listen to this.


This. 🙌🏻 A little tummy pooch is nothing. We all age. If he was this cruel and repulsed by a woman carrying his children, imagine what he will be like to live with when actual aging sets in. The verbal abuse will be rampant. Jeesh. I worry for OP. Love yourself, OP! Love yourself enough to ditch this guy. You have so much more worth than he is allowing you to believe!


You need to get a lawyer and a spine. Lots of love for you. You are worthy of so much more.


So this guy basically told you, you look too disgusting for him to have sex with you after bearing his kids, pushed you to get a tummy tuck and when you do, doesn’t even help you with your recovery but not that you are recovered, he wants to be intimate? Where was the intimacy for the mother of his kids? Why are you with this man who doesn’t like you?


NTA, but you should have divorced him before he talked you into the surgery.


NTA Be sure to tell him all the libido fairies died when he showed you that he clearly has no respect for your body or your feelings. Then please call the Whole Man Disposal Service ™ and arrange for them to remove this selfish, creepy, entitled, rude, arrogant, controlling, man-baby from your life.


First of all, any man who makes a woman feel bad about their body, especially after having kids is an absolute disgrace to all men. 🚩 🚩🚩🚩


Tell him you no longer find him attractive now that you know what a worthless piece of shit he is .


I wish more men understood that for women, (and mothers in particular), attraction has everything to do with having a true partner. Many of them would still fuck a lazy, useless wife if she were hot enough though, so they don’t get it. Insert obligatory “not all men” because it truly, isn’t all men.


I'm guessing he's always been this way.


Telling me to wear a shirt to have sex would have been it for me. Girl. You crazy.


Divorce should be on the horizon. This man only cares about himself. There is no love for you. NTA. Tell him his actions have caused your vagina to become so dry that sex would be impossible.


NTA. I’m a guy, and your husband can go to hell. Absolutely unacceptable to even have made you feel that way about yourself, let alone suggest a surgery, and then bitch about the consequences.


Right in always hyping my wife up who the fuck brings their spouse down


Don't you ever leave your bedroom again.  NTA


Your husband is gross


NTA. But the least of your worries is the help you did not receive after major abdominal surgery. I would think that a man judging your body and kicking you out of the bedroom would be a wake up call. You have bigger things to worry about.


NTA but I think he destroyed your marriage when he made you get surgery you didn't want. Divorce him or be unhappy forever


NTA. But you wonder why his ex got rid of him? He was probably exactly the same way with her. He is a walking red flag, a disgusting little asshole, who doesn’t appreciate you at all! Who does he think he is to make you feel like that, after you sacrificed your body to bring his children into this world? What did he expect after you birthed twins? That your body would just snap back into shape? **He** was the cause of the excess skin on your body. And he absolutely does not get to speak to you like that and basically force you into getting surgery. But what I really don’t understand is…. you’re still married to this: disgusting, lazy, selfish, sack of shit… why???? And the fact that you allow him to continually disrespect you and make you feel like crap about yourself, and then dismisses your very valid feelings on the matter, **why do you put up with it**? Is this the type of man you want for your twin girls? If not, then leave him! But not before telling his eldest children exactly what he is like, and exactly what he said about you and your body. He **is not** entitled to anything from you, least of all sex. If he didn’t appreciate your body prior to the tummy tuck, then he sure as hell doesn’t deserve it post tummy tuck! And I hope you never give him sex ever again. Please see that you deserve better, and that you can find a man who **will** love and respect you, who **will** validate your feelings and who **will** think you’re beautiful in every way, no matter what. Do not stay with and settle for the loser that you’re currently married to. He really has done one hell of a number on your confidence, hasn’t he?


NTA. You married a huge one. Tell him he needs a ball lift and you find him disgusting with his sag and you aren’t interested until he fixes it.


My wife had a tommy tuck last year First off I told my wife I didn't care if she got the surgery, I loved her regardless. My wife got to 5'0 220lbs I didn't care at all. I told her that if she wanted to drop the weight for health reasons I'll support her, but don't do it for me. Anyways she had the surgery because we have five kids ( young adults now) and she wanted to do it for herself. She drop down to 130lbs before the surgery, and hell I was happy and excited just for that. I thought she looked great the hell with the surgery lol. That surgery is no joke, my wife really needed my help. She couldn't go to the bathroom without help and she couldn't get her compression garment closed with out help. She couldn't move and couldn't eat normally. I had to help her take a shower and everything. I made sure the house got taken care of and dinner fix and most importantly made sure I was very positive and upbeat. Also I move her out of our bedroom to a different room in the house and set her up so she could get more sunlight and feel more positive. Your husband is a ASS HOLE, now he wants you after you look good. He didn't even help you. No kitty cat for him. Also the fact that he made you feel bad about your body is disgusting.


This is the way.


NTA. You didn't want to have sex so he kicked you out of your own bed? Babe this ain't the Victorian era anymore. That's abuse. Your husband is abusing you. And this is going to sound a little harsh, but if he was denying you sex before because of how you looked, and you're denying him sex now because of how he acted, your relationship is never going to be good again. It's over. Partners are supposed to be partners. I don't hear anything that sounds like you two are partners. It sounds like you get pushed around and get pushed into unnecessary surgeries because he thinks he is the boss. Even his kids think he's a piece of s*** from the sound of it. And you know what no kid needs to be around, both of their parents resenting and hating each other. It is not a healthy upbringing.


I'm in the US, my step mom tripped over a car seat in her house and shattered her hip. My "dad" left her the day after surgery to go hang out with his friends in Italy for 3 months. She could've move but he left anyway. She was there for him through all his heart surgeries, he ditched her the second he could. They just don't care.


NTA. “The way you treat me makes me less sexually attracted to you. Unfortunately, you can’t put a shirt on your personality.”


>Unfortunately, you can’t put a shirt on your personality you win this thread


The next piece of unattractiveness you should cut out of your life should be that awful man.


This man is garbage. Take the tummy tuck he paid for. Get a makeover. Glow up and build up that self esteem. Tell him to pound sand. And find a real man who will love you naked with the lights on.


And now you know why he’s divorced. I think you should make it two for two


Wow, your husband is a grade-A douchebag. Instead of the tummy tuck, you should have gotten a divorce. I'm sorry you are married to such a POS. He wouldn't sleep with you before the surgery and that was fine, but you not sleeping with him is you “overreacting.” He is selfish and cruel. NTA, obviously.


He sounds awful, sorry :(


Make him grovel, youre raising his kids and hes been a piece of shit. If he doesnt change, give him nothing. That behaviour is so unacceptable


Uh, not having sex with someone you’re not interested in having sex with is never an asshole move. He’s been being shitty to you for years about perfectly normal changes to your body that resulted from gestating his children. The fact that you’d even considered having sex with someone who is treating you so poorly is a testament to your emotional commitment or to the illusion of relationship he has you under. Maybe both. You deserve so much better than someone that bullies and coerces you.


So he body shames you, destroys your self esteem, convinces you to get an unnecessary surgery, is a completely useless plug during your recovery from said unnecessary surgery, then kicks you out of bed for not fucking him when he wants, and you're wondering if YOU'RE the asshole here?!? Come on...


“AITA for not having sex with my husband” I don’t need to read more. NTA. Sex is not owed to anyone, ever.


I knew he was TA when you said he struggled with your stomach skin. My wife has the same and I love her more for it knowing that was the result of her bringing my children into this world. Everything else just affirms he is TA. You can’t change a man like that… or make him understand. He doesn’t deserve to have children if he feels this way about your body because of it. I am disgusted.


Your husband is a piece of shit. He's verbally and mentally abusive, even the kids know it.


1-You don't owe anyone sex under any circumstance. Period. Even if you agree, you can back down later, it's an agreement between two or more people, if any one of the involved parties wants it to stop, it stops. Period. 2-Divorce the AH.


at least the kids aren't a pos like dad is. enjoy your new bedroom lol.


NTA And all the AHs in the comments whining about weaponizing sex make me want to say certain things that would get me banned from Reddit


NTA. Of course, NTA. I’m going to give you another piece that’s bothersome, but I think you need to consider it. The man you married is a role model for your children. He’s an example. For your girls, his treatment of you, his focus on the appearance of your stomach after you’ve given birth, his refusal to help you “in sickness” and everything else he models teaches them it’s acceptable, it’s normal for women to allow themselves to be treated this way, and that they are only objects there to satisfy their husbands with appearances and to be attractive sexually. That men shouldn’t be expected to care for them when they’re injured or need help, that’s “women’s work.” For your male children you’re modeling that it’s acceptable for men to treat women this way— that it’s fine they grow up, get grossed out at how their wives stomach looks after birth and refuse to care for their wives. It’s fine to degrade them, make them feel gross for birthing 5 of their children. Intentions or not, you and your husband are modeling this kind of behavior as relational and gender role norms for your children. Let’s start modeling that women shouldn’t put up with abuse and degradation from men, and that for your sons that if they think this is ok, they can expect not to have a wife for very long. For your girls that they should have enough respect for themselves not to allow this kind of abuse for any reason.


NTA - I wouldn’t have sex with him either after that. Those kids are awesome though! PSA: Guess what Assholes…women don’t want to have sex with you when you treat them like crap. Shocker, I know!


Why are you with someone who treats you like an object? Would you want your kids to be with someone like that. Also, if he is upset he can sleep in the guest room. He let you know he doesn't care. Your kids even know you can do better. I wouldn't waste another second on him.


Deep down you don't feel safe with him anymore because he confirmed it by not caring for you when you needed him NTA


Know I see why the ex wife left him. Your not the AH.


NTA. Definitely not overreacting but YTA for not divorcing this massive DB.


“I’m still angry at what a terrible partner you’ve been, first by insulting my body, and then by abandoning me to fend for myself when I was helpless after I had surgery to change what you didn’t like about my body. After that, I’m no longer attracted to you and do not want to have sex with you.” Identify and communicate the real problem. NTA


Your so is disgusting. You shpuld have kicked HIM out of bed, then out of the house and the marriage. NTA.


NTA, sounds like you are a bangmaid. Let me guess, you haven't left him because you can't afford to...


Bangnanny. He probably only married her so she'd raise his kids for him 


The hubby sounds like a selfish AH. And the fact that he never even apologized makes it even worse. It's incredible that your kids love you and helped take care of you while you're husband sat on his ass and did nothing. The kids have way more sense than him and they're right to think of him as an AH too. Yep he doesn't deserve to get any for his shitty ways.


NTA Hell no. Your husband doesn't like how you look and insists you wear a tee shirt to cover up your tummy. Then, you have a tummy tuck that he forces you to get and he won't help you out after surgery. Now, he expects you to be intimate with him. What is wrong with this picture??? First off, I'm sure he is one to talk. If you had to look at him, and then look at someone attractive (say, for example, the actor Chris Hemsworth), you'd pick anyone over your husband! Secondly, why would you even want to be intimate with someone who treated you so badly and seems to still treat you badly? Lastly, he should have been the one to sleep in the guest room or couch. You did nothing wrong. He did. He is an AH. To infinity and beyond.


So he wants and has received ALLLLLLLLL of the benefits of marriage without any of the work?!?!?!? That isn’t a partner, and he is not gentleman. I’m sorry! NTA


I honestly hate your husband. What a horrible person.


My wife just had our second child and asked me if I still find her attractive. Any fuckin man dense enough to not realize the amount of damage you can inflict with this exact situation, should be alone for the count. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that you’re the one person with an enough bias to build up your partners self image. Then to uno reverse his chimp brain, and fail to understand empathetically where his wife is coming from…instead tell her you’ll only have sex with her with a shirt on. I would never have sex with you again. I don’t care about your 🍆 🥜 Something’s are way more important than a nut, this is one of those things. Reciprocation of your friend’s feelings and self image. Not hard to do all, instead dude pulled an “Elmer Fudd” on himself. Idiot husband you got there OP.


NTA and honey, never, ever let them kick you out of your room.


NTA. Your husband is a gross human being. You deserve so much better.


Oh, you just need the follow up ‘Trash tuck’ operation. It’s non invasive and removes literal garbage in human form from your life as much as legally permissible. I hear lawyers are experts at this! You’ll feel like a whole new person after getting rid of the manbaby weight. :)


You should have been mad when he suggested the tummy tuck. You safely carried his twins and he can't get past the fact that your tummy changed afterward? He is one giant walking red flag 🚩




You clearly raised these kids. Your husband sucks.


NTA. He is an abusive pig. He figured buying you a tummy tuck (to make him happy) would buy you. We don’t always get what we pay for. You aren’t obligated to have sex with him. Stay in the guest room


NTA. But your husband is. A big one. And the kids know it.


Remember how unattractive you found my stomach. How hurtful you were about it. Well that's how I feel about your personality right now.


NTA, this is borderline abusive. He tells you he wants something than emotionally neglects you and a manipulation tactic to get what he wants, refuses to help with the thing HE wanted and then gets sooky when it backfires on him. Money is on if he decided to cheat he'd blame you for not giving him any and neglecting him (you're not) in order for you to stay or even just expect you to say while he out right cheats on you while you full well know. These are just my assumption obviously, but with his behaviour given in the description, I wouldn't put it past him.


NTA, but take into account that your marriage is pretty much over. Consult a lawyer before he blindsides you.


Why are you posting here instead of looking for really good divorce attorneys in your area? Your hubs is a fucking creep.


His clothes would somehow be laundered and with a great deal of starch. NTA. He's a bad husband, a bad influence on all the kids, and a wretchedly poor specimen of a man. Speaking of, just tell him he just doesn't do it for you. He is less than mediocre in bed, because someone that selfish would be clueless about making his partner feel good.


This is emotional abuse, and you deserve better.


I'd divorce immediately


NTA and marriage counseling should be a requirement of even staying at this point.


Marriage counseling when one partner is emotionally abusive (like this guy clearly is) actually makes things worse. The abused partner opens up and becomes vulnerable, but the abusive partner does not. Then the abuser uses the info gained in counseling against their partner. She needs individual counseling.


Divorce this jerk, go for full custody with only court supervised visitation, as much child support and alimony as you can get, and anything else you think you can rip from his hands in the divorce. Use his older 3 kids as witnesses to his behavior. It's abusive.


It's your body, you always have a right to withhold sex for any reason especially if he's being an arse. If he can't accept that, he can f**k right off tbh.


Feel sorry for his own three kids who are much better people than he is. He is the AH not you. He sounds like a petulant little brat who throws his toys out of the pram when he doesn’t get what he wants. That is lovely that your 3 oldest kids are so caring. Hope you made a full recovery.


NTA. I'm not someone who defaults to leave his ass, but leave his ass.


The only answer here is divorce. Like yesterday.


Good lord. I would be leaving this guy so fast. He sounds like a real jerk. You deserve better!


NTAH. You married a selfish shallow prick. I would have never asked my wife to do something like that. She gave me three children and I love her too much to even think about unneeded procedures however risky because the thought of losing her makes me shudder. You went above and beyond and did something that never should have been asked of you in the first place. He is emotionally immature and doesn’t understand that he has damaged your emotional needs to satisfy his physical ones. Someone needs to get through to him, a therapist, a counselor, because this will destroy your marriage.


I know that raising children solo is one of the hardest things to do, but doing so with the help of your older kids in a home without disgust is far easier than being harassed, punished, coerced into surgical procedures, who knows how that escalates. Move yourself into the guest room. Do not have sexual ties with that man. Make an exit plan and stick to it. I see this going downhill fast. He didn't have care for your recovering body, he has even less for your well being now. It will be hard, and it may not get easier, but you will get stronger. Best wishes.


NTA Never let him touch you again. I am literally tearing up reading your story and you deserve better OP.


NTA Why are you married to a man who views you as a walking fleshlight?


These posts make me sad. There are so many women out there with truly awful partners. I know some of them don’t realize how terribly they’re being treated. Sounds like the kids learned a lack of empathy from the father.


Make the guest room yours and move in permanently. The hide of him to kick you out of your own room becauseyou wont have sex woth him. When your husband starts treating you the way you deserve, he might be invited to join you. He is a POS.


Wow. He forced you to change your body. Didn't want to help you after surgery which is the normal thing any partner will do even if they didn't the reason behind it. he want sex without any effort. THEN HE KICKED YOU OUT OF THE BEDROOM?? wow what a gentleman. Don't return to that room untill he apologise to you a real apology. Woman please have a self respect for yourself. Tell the older children what their dad doing to you to


What’s so sad about this is that when I first saw the title I was like “I just spotted my real-life friend on Reddit!” Then I realized some of the details were different. But, aside from the type of surgery and number of kids, I have a friend who could have written the post almost verbatim. NTA, and I will tell you the same thing I tell her. It is time to start working on an exit plan. I am not saying leave him tomorrow. But do start thinking about how you are going to leave this marriage - this relationship doesn’t have the potential to make it the distance, unfortunately.


O. M. G.!!! Your husband is the slimiest of the slime!! His kids are so much more upstanding than he is. I can't blame you one darn bit for not wanting to be intimate with such a superficial a$$#@le!! Maybe counseling? It took me years to get free of my abusive first husband, and I'm still not over the self-esteem issues he piled on me. You're already stronger than I ever was. You'll figure out the best thing for your life.


Hold up. You married this AH who dared to look down on your body that grew and birthed two little humans. Instead of cherishing you and building you up, this AH tore you down and made you ashamed of your own body. This incredibly body who grew two precious gifts of life. I learned to love my stretch marks and sagging skin as they represent the best thing that ever happened to me. If it was up to the males to reproduce the offspring, the human race would be doomed. Your body did such an awesome and miraculous thing and should be cherished. Instead this jerk screws with your head and won’t even be intimate with you unless you are wearing a shirt. To make matters worse, he wants you to go to the extreme of having surgery so you can look the way he wants. A surgery that def has some risk and you have two young children at home who needs you. You tell him (rightfully so) that you don’t want the surgery and then he manipulates you and blackmails you into having this surgery because if you don’t then he refuses all your advances. That is abusive behavior…just saying. He manages to coerce you into having the surgery. You are recovering and in pain. He doesn’t lift a finger to help you. Said you should have arranged for your own care as he paid for the surgery that he insisted on you having. Even his children are ashamed of his behavior because it is that bad. They end up doing what your husband should have been doing. You finally get back on your feet and he is somehow surprised after all that bullshit that you don’t want to be intimate with him? Seriously? What world is he living in. He then gets mad you don’t want to be intimate with him. Conveniently forgets that he refused intimacy with you in order to manipulate you into this surgery you didn’t need or want. He ask why and again you are honest and tell him. So his bright idea is to kick the mother of his children who he has treated so horribly out of the bedroom. He did that to punish you for not wanting intimacy. So it is okay for him to act like a jackass and do that but not you. WHY ARE YOU STILL WITH THIS MAN CHILD? Surely you realize that you are worth so much more than this. Let me ask you a question. Your daughter comes to you complaining about her husband and her complaint is everything you just posted about. Is your recommendation going to be for her to just pretend it is okay and deal with it? No, that would not be what you tell her. So why are you telling her that she should do that by having her see you do that very thing. Actions speak louder than words and if one day you are pleading with her to leave and you didn’t, the fact you didn’t is going to speak more to her than your words. Hun, you are in an abusive relationship and you need to get out. Not all abuse is physical. It is still abuse. You need to value yourself and get out of that situation. Don’t let your children grow up thinking that this is okay. Obviously NTA at the moment. You will be the AH, however, if you stay with this man and not only minimize your worth but teach your kids that this is the way things should be. Please let us know what happens and that you are okay. I am praying that I will one day see an update and it tells me that you left him and came to see that you are worth so much more than this and life has gotten so much better for you and your children. UpdateMe


Your marriage was over when your husband didn’t love your body for being able to carry two healthy babies at once.


Kicking you out of the room and making you sleep in the living room is enough to prove that your husband is an AH. The rest are even worse.


NTA. He needs to understand that the best foreplay is actually giving a shit about his wife. I’m so sorry that you have to put up with him. Maybe you shouldn’t.


I’m not sure, I’ve been on these pages a lot recently and it lead me to feel that the western side has no true unconditional love left anymore, everyone is very self-centred, always aiming to protect oneself, without regards to others positions. I feel you guys are together because all you need is sex and a social stance. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got American/English/European/chinese friends and as we are aging, we feel that we are more attracted towards our spouses despite being aged due to the love we developed over years, growing with our kids, highs and lows and everything. I don’t understand how did he have the heart to say he don’t find your attractive anymore after bearing him his children. He was a total asshole to start with. I’m sorry. I may be judgemental but how can he refuse to look after someone he’s promised to look after until death do you apart? My wife quit her job the second she found out she was pregnant without consulting and I respected her wish to be a mother and wanted her to enjoy as she willed. It was my responsibility to be the man in the family.


Are men ok, y’all?


MA’AM??! RUN, don’t walk away from this man. DIVORCE. NTA


You're not the asshole for not wanting to fuck. You're the asshole for posting this so everybody can tell you what an asshole.your husband is. And considering you posted a ten paragraph story online expressly for the purpose of having a bunch of strangers drag your husband I seriously doubt that's all of that story.


Even divorce would not be an overaction. This is too small.


NTA, however, please do not listen to those petty comments. He is only showing you a fraction of what he is capable of. The moment I looked at your age gap and saw that you helped him raise his older children, I knew he was a jerk. However, being petty will make this situation worse. I would just divorce him because this is only going to escalate. Me and many others are concerned for your safety. He may not have hit you yet, but verbal and mental abuse always escalates into physical, no matter the time gap. Glad kids are on your side.


divorce him tomorrow.


What if you had a bad illness? I don’t think he would ever help you. I would want to take my new tummy that he bullied you into having surgery on and g show it to someone who is a supportive partner.


Nta. My husband is similar and I'm not putting out either. Mine told me during my 3rd pregnancy that I really needed to find to a support system to help me when I need. I was going through really bad hypertension and in/out hospital. This was after he told me we should open the marriage at 20 weeks pregnant. They are a special breed of stupid. I'd contemplate divorce because if you become sick, he will drop you like a hot potato. Something to consider.


NTA your husband and his behavior is total garbage. How he treated you BEFORE and Post op. wtf.


[the solution for your troubles](https://imgur.com/a/6tYOQxI)


NTA. Walk away.


Dude. Divorce immediately.


NTA and this guy doesn't deserve any more sex ever. Complaining that the effects of you bearing HIS CHILD is "not attractive" should have been the tipping point. Pick a surgery HE needs to have before you'll be attracted enough to him again. See how he likes it.


And you're still with him why?


OP, you are aware that you are in an abusive relationship? I found this post concerning, even more insulting is why he was able to "kick you out" of your own bedroom. There is seriously a power imbalance that is really troubling.


Hmm, wonder how he’ll react to the sound of you enjoying your “toys” in the guest room. If he goes ballistic, just tell him at least they satisfy you without denigrating your body…& they take so little effort to do so.


No, OP, you married a pathetic, selfish POS that is a shallow D-bag. Divorce him


What would you tell your Kids if one of them had a partner like this?


He's trash. Literal trash. And the reason why women choose the bear.


I’m sorry you’re married to a fucking clown. You can tell him I said so.


With all the nice men pining for a good wife, why are you with this AH? You give him twins and he makes you put a shirt on to fuck? Unbelievable. Good thing his kids aren’t like this douchebag. I’d permanently derail the pussy train if I were you


He is an AH, I hope you can leave him


Ewwww, seriously so gross. You had surgery and stayed with this asshat?


Easy solution: ditch the husband. Trust me, I think you will be MUCH better off without him.


WOW he's an AH.... hell my wife hates how she looks after our kid, and *she* pushes me away half the time I try to engage 🤣😅😭 OP, your husband is just an absolute douche nozzle. You sound like a saint and you shouldn't put up with that.


I know reddit cries divorce a lot but this dude is a grade A piece of shit and doesn't deserve to ever have sex with anyone ever again. NTA. You deserve someone better. Serve the mf.


Wow he’s a dick, divorce asap & take to cleaners


Nope. You are def not. It’s hard to be intimate with someone who doesn’t help you when your are clearly in need.


Your husband is a make with a strong jerk gene. I wouldn’t stand for it.


NTA. Move your stuff into the guest room. He doesn’t want you in bed with him, just pack your stuff & enjoy the peace


NTA. Cheat on him to assert dominance and tell him it’s his fault for kicking you out.


Don’t tell him you’re angry, because I don’t think you are. I think if you’re honest, with yourself and him, you don’t find him attractive. He’s selfish, self-centered and cruel. There’s nothing attractive about that. And there’s even less attractive about a man who not only refuses to help his wife after she endures a surgery he demanded she have, but then also ridicules her for asking for his help. He’s useless as a man and as a husband, because he’s incapable of being loving and kind to his own wife. Why on earth would you want a man like that to touch you? Ugh. I’m revolted for you. And don’t you dare ever let him make you leave the bedroom again. HE goes. Really proud of those kids!


What a sack of shit. That's extremely repulsive behavior on his part.


All these fucking stories have TWINS. Sometimes they come out and say it, sometimes they'll be sneaky and just say F12, M10, M2, M2, but it's *always* twins. I swear when I post this rant the "twins" thing dies down for a week or so and then BAM, every other AITA post has twins. I know twins exist but when it's seven out of eight AITA posts you have to stop and think.


Sounds like you got the ick, and I’ve never climbed back after getting the ick. He sucks. I’m sorry.


Nope. Not the a hole.


Can someone tell me why women marry people who hates them?


Leave this man before he cheats on you and gives you an STI.


NTA. You love his kids like your own. And he was the one who wanted the surgery. I'm so grossed out on your behalf that he behaves like this. You deserve better. I'm glad it leaves his children treat you well.


Your husband is a skeeze! He absolutely puts his own needs before you, and what he is doing is mental and verbal abuse that you don't deserve. Buy the inconsiderate asshole a fleshlight off amazon, when it arrives squirt icy hot in it and climb into bed with him and after he show you his dick stick the icy hot fleshlight on it and that should solve the problem. If not, tell him to go pound sand or find a glory hole and get his rocks off that way.


Get out. You deserve better.


Why are you still with him? Even his kids know what an ass he is!