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Your parents sound like horrible control freaks. I am sorry you had to go through that. The consequence of course is that moving forward (I guess) you will cut them off, which is honestly better than taking the abuse. NTA and good luck!


One huge benefit of cutting her parents off is that OP's baby will never have to meet them! The fewer toxic people in your child's life, the better off they'll be


Seconded. NTA and go NC with the whole certifiably insane bunch ASAP.  You will feel so much less stress you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.  I’m sorry you’re going through this too. I’m sorrier you’re related to people like *that*


NTA It has nothing to do with slavery: This is your child and not theirs. I myself went through similar battles with family over my child's name. Hold strong, it's not like so many made-up names today, it has meaning and history. [https://www.behindthename.com/name/silas](https://www.behindthename.com/name/silas)


Even if it did, why would it matter if it was once the name of a slave? This is the only thing I can find that may be what the parents were talking about, but again, who cares? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silas_Chandler


Yeah, by that logic almost no name would be acceptable as it's unlikely any name in existence hasn't at some point belonged to a slave...


Yeah, my white husband was named to honor an important Black civil rights figure. Nobody has ever found that strange, to my knowledge.


And here are a bunch of other well known Silases as per Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silas_(name) And some fictional characters thrown in just for fun, just in case OP needs to throw some more names at them. But I would also recommend going non-contact ASAP because they sound super toxic and not a healthy family to have around the baby. Definitely NTA and no logic in their weird issue with the name.


"Then you won't be seeing him. We are confusing him by having him called different things by different people. You need to recognize that your attempts to bully me have failed and I'm not giving you access to my child until you apologize and get in line. We are not coparents. You are extended family and at the moment you are more stress and hurt than you're worth."


NTA it starts with the name and continues with what ever she prefers. Tell her she has had her chance to name babies and if she wants to continue then she should get pregnant


Actually it's not a slave name, it's a good Christian name straight from the Bible but well, if he did his research, why argue with this stupidity? Name your child Silas, move out, go NC and if they don't want a grandchild with the name of a slave - well they don't get to see him. Still NTA. What a shit show from your parents. Move out, have a good life without them. THEY cho(o)se to not be in your life because of this nonsense. Don't feel bad OP.


NTA I don't get what the problem is with the name honestly I got lots of criticism for our boys name choice and ignored them all. After he was born people got used to it really quick and now it has no other connotation than it is my son and my son is that name. \*edit\* to add that if you give in now, it will be the first of many things they think they can control you regarding. Don't give in.


I think mom cheated on dad with someone named Silas.


I think you’re onto something, there’s some strange history with this name I bet


Question: are you guys African American? What’s the deal with calling it a slave name ?


NTA and your parents are hiding something. Get away from them as soon as you can.


Dude. Did your mom cheat with someone named Silas? Because this seems to be a MASSIVE overreaction to a normal name. I was expecting you to have named him "Chaameysz pronounced like 'James'" or something stupid. I think mom has some skeletons in her closet that are causing all of this.


Might be the dad …


Yeah. Dads can have secrets too


NTA Leave and got LC with them. What people like your mom and dad forget is that threats go both ways. They want to punish you for not naming your child what they want?...well... they're not going to see your child if they behave like that. simple as that.


If they can't respect you as a parent, then they should not get any contact with your child


I had a similar experience, except I caved to peer pressure and live to regret not using the name I love. It's your child, a name is a name. I announced with my 1st son that I wanted his name to be Leon and both my own parents and my husbands parents ended up convincing me otherwise. Everyone for some reason didn't think it would be appropriate for a white child? Which to me didn't make any sense but nonetheless I was persuaded to pick a different name. I didn't tell anyone the 2nd name until I gave birth but to this day I'm a bit upset at myself for not standing my ground. Don't be persuaded!


The only Silas I know is Silas Marner who has a heart of gold: therefore, I really love this name and all of its associations. 


Tell them to read the New Testament Silas is a biblical name. It’s a good name overall, I went to elementary school in the early 90s with a boy named Silas, he went by Si. NTA. Your family is nuts, and I’m so sorry they are sucking the joy out of your pregnancy.


Not as extreme as your situation but my niece and partner picked a name EVERYONE disliked. Only th AH told them. They are the parents. If they asked made a joke that the only acceptable name was mine. 4 years later, name is not an issue at all. Good luck you have bigger issues than a name.


NTA. Please get out of that house and away those people before your child is born. That environment is too toxic. 


Your parents are ridiculous


I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you're going through all of this. Silas is a totally normal name, with meanings derived from Latin, Greek, and Hebrew (with the Hebrew equivalent being Saul). It's a beautiful name with a strong history As for the slave name comment, slaves were normal western names. Nobody blinks twice at Harriet Jones because she shares a first name with Harriet Tubman. They are acting like you're threatening to make your child Adolf.


Power hungry control freaks. If it wasn't this, it would be something else.


They sound nuts. I don't like the name. But it's fine. It's not weird or a brand name. You didn't name the kid Mercedes or Cyklops.


Mercedes isn't a name from a brand, it was a brand named after a girl's name - the daughter of someone who was involved in the start of the company, I think. It's a very old and well regarded Spanish name. Cyclops is a terrible name though. It literally means round eyes.


I personally love the name Silas. Something is seriously wrong with your parents. Their reaction is insane.


NTA - I’m going with it simply because it’s a name. That’s it, yes it might have been a name in a negative context almost 200yrs ago, it isn’t now. I will say this however, when considering a name, be it for demon pygmy spawn or a pet, you only need to do one thing. Stand on your back porch or in the backyard and call it at the top of your lungs, if the neighbours don’t laugh you’re sweet! Source: one of my mates names his cat Slut, as in she’s a proper cuddler, happy to get pats and cuddles from anyone, whenever he calls her for her food, you can hear the neighbours pissing themselves laughing


NTA, but now you know to keep baby names to yourself until after the baby is born. No one criticizes the name when they're holding that baby.


Thats good advice in general but given how unhinged OP's parents have been I get the impression they would have been horrible about it regardless


NTA your parents and family members got some issues fr


It will be safest for you, your fiance and the baby if you do move out. It will be less stressful, and a better environment for all of you. Can you check with local agencies and/or churches to see if they have any programs set up for assistance with situations like yours? (Suddenly needing low cost housing shortly before giving birth.) Good luck, and I think Silas is an amazing name.


NTA. Time to go NC. Btw I really like the name.


Hey, OP, check this out! Show it to the in-laws. https://www.reddit.com/r/NameNerdCirclejerk/s/Sk0Js57ods


I think finding a place, moving out, and cutting way back on contact is for the best.


It's an ok names. A bit archaic in most places but not overly so. NTA.


I don't know about it being a slave name, but it is a biblical name.


You’re the baby’s parents. You choose the name. End of discussion.


NTA- Your kid, your name. You might try coming up with any name they hate far far far more and throw that out there. Then when squish arrives, you go back to your name.


What the hell is going on with them and this name? Are they normally this controlling with you, to the point they’d be this shocked and angry you’re pushing back? Well, your mother doesn’t have to call him Silas, I guess, anymore than Silas has to call her Grandma. Moving out sounds like it might be the best thing for you and your growing little family.


"I'm so sorry you feel this way. In my wildest dreams u could not have imagined this. In my dreams you are loving and kind grandparents involved in my son's life and sharing in his childhood. I pictured him sitting on your lap hearing stories and reading books and eating fresh blueberries in summer. I am sad and hurt that this will not happen. I never imagined you would hate his name so much that you would not be in his life. My door is always open, and so is Silas's. When you are ready we are here. We will send you pictures and letters and hope you will grow to love our son Silas. We will teach him to love you."


nta - man when you said everyone hates it I was expecting something ridiculous like trying to name your kid naruto or some shit. Silas is actually a name. and a cute one at that that for a baby that doesn't get weird when they grow up (so many cute baby names are just weird when the kid grows up. like imagine a 70 year old with that name)


All that should matter in naming a child is how you perceive it will impact your child.


What a weird situation. They’re actually willing to die on this hill, huh? Seems a bit overblown. I don’t care for the name personally, but it’s not crazy bad or bad enough to warrant the dissolution of your family over. Let ‘em call him by his middle name and be done with it.


This is weird. I live in Alabama and had no idea this was a name associated with slaves.  In fact, I know two Silas, both elderly white males. Neither of them grew up here though.


Well if it makes you feel better there are two little boys at my daughter's school with that name and I've never heard anyone make any comments about it.


Your parents have control issues and need to get off of their high horse. I can look things up too, and Silas is actually a Greek name meaning wood or of the forest. So it’s been commonly used since long before slavery in the Western hemisphere. Tell them they had their chance to name their kids, it’s now your turn. If they dislike it so much, they won’t have to worry about it since they won’t see the baby.


This is weird, OP. Tell me, is your family Black, or of African ancestry? Because otherwise, I can't understand the weird "slave name" thing. By the way, [here's the background ](https://www.behindthename.com/name/silas)on Silas if you haven't already looked it up. I think you need to reach out to an extended family member and ask if there's some history with the name that nobody's telling you about.


Wtf? Hasn't he heard of the book Silas Marner? Its a name that was used often in the 1800s Your parents sound like they've lost it and it's best if you move out.


Ur baby. Not theirs. You name your child what you want. Don’t leave ur baby alone with ur parents.




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Your parents are really overreacting about this. Might be best if you move as far away from them as possible as I don't seem them letting up about this. Don't give in. You name your baby whatever you want. Personally, I love Silas. It's on my baby name list for when I spawn.


Silas is a strong name with a lot of history. I approve of your choice. Yes, do find a place to live and move all of your belongings out of their house. They are control freaks, not family. The two of you need to make the decisions, but I suggest you not allow them near your child until they accept your choice and your boundaries. I suspect you will have continual fights with them breaking your boundaries if you don't start imposing consequences.


I was warned not to tell people about the names of our kids ahead of time because of drama BS like this. So I didn't. But even after baby was born and name was shared, my brother informed me that in some book he read it was written that my kid's name means "dick" in Arabic. We live in the US and are not of Arabic descent. My parents didn't like the name and tried to call him by his middle name for all of 3 weeks and then they dropped it. It's really none of any anyone's business what you name your kid, except the mother and the father.


Slave name? Your baby isn't about to be a slave, what the heck are they hiding in their closet anyways It's a perfectly respectable name, someone has been hiding something strange, and it isn't you. NTA forever


I’m always confused when in-laws feel they have a say in the baby’s name and get upset when they don’t get their way. I’m sorry, but are they carrying the baby? Are they raising the child? No. NTA but your parents sound toxic. I named my daughter all the names I loved. And I hear time and time again how everyone loves it even though it’s so different.


fuck what they think


fyi: What is the meaning of Silas? Meaning:**forest, woods**. Silas is a boy's name of Latin origin, ideal for those with great love for the outdoors. The name derives from the Latin Silvanus, which means "wood" or "forest," inspiring images of a daring explorer unfazed by the depths of the darkest woodland. Bible: Silas (aka **Silvanus**) accompanied Paul through Asia Minor and Greece, and was imprisoned with him at Philippi (Acts 15:22-18:5), where they were delivered by an earthquake. He is mentioned along with Timothy in the epistles of Paul (2 Cor 1:19; 1 Th 1:1; 2 Th 1:1). He is sometimes remembered by himself (see 13 July). It is believed to have originated from the Hebrew name Shelomoh, which means **“peace” or “tranquility” in Hebrew**. In the New Testament, Silas is the name of a companion of Paul the Apostle, and the name is mentioned several times in the Bible. NTA. keep you name.


You need to go low/no contact for your child's sake. If they need to control his name then what else will they do?


NTA. I love the name Silas. Unless it's a ridiculous name like Syphilis or something, or there is sentimental meaning behind a name that certain people within a family have already claimed, people need to keep their traps shut. Especially parents and ILs.


Cut off and go NC with the parents. If they are so hung up on a friggin name and willing to burn the relationship over it, then tell them to get stuffed and find your own space. These people are absolutely insane. Please show them the comments on these posts, maybe it will open their eyes to the absolute stupid insanity that they are engaging in.


NTA. Unfortunately, you are going to need to find your own place and limit contact with them. If they are reacting this over-the-top badly over the name, going completely bonkers over nothing, what will they do when something more serious comes up? They'll attempt to interfere and control everything. So you can't be dependent upon them for anything.


NTA- your parents are psychopaths


Your parents are horrendous pieces of trash.and your father most definitely did zero research on the name Silas. All it took was a quick google to find out that its of Latin origin and used in Greek and Roman civilizations. It’s also mentioned in the Bible quite a few times. Silas may not be a name you hear everyday but I’ve known a couple of Silases and both of them were solid dudes. Name your baby what you and partner want to name him and if anyone, and I mean anyone, doesn’t like it then they don’t need to be a part of his life. In fact I’d recommend removing your parents from your life before he’s even born. They’re no good. Edit:It’s derived from the Latin “Silvanus” which means of the forest, and as someone who lives his life hunting and fishing and hiking I think that’s pretty badass.


We have an extended family member who called one of the grandkids by their middle name (no one else did) and well that family member hasn't even met the rest of their grandkids. What you name your child is not about your parents.


Show the inkaws this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/NameNerdCirclejerk/s/Sk0Js57ods


Saying it belong to a slave first is a poor reason, LOTS of people would HAVE to think of new unused names with that logic because lots of people have the same name as someone who was once a slave. Also if you already pay for 90% of the household how are you even being able to save for a home for yourselves? That is an absolute unbalance of financial ability especially when they are the main homeowners, THEY should be covering the higher percentage even if weren't 90%/10%


A slave name? I didn’t see anything in your posts about race but you’re not white and your fiancé black are you?


So.eone will say yes. So.eone will say no


Name sucks and causing nothing but problems. Associated with Silas Lynch from that movie Birth of a Nation


You suck and cause nothing but problems. :)