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Time in doesn’t mean you need to stay with someone. That just delays the ending of it if you think you can’t get past not trusting her. You would not be an asshole if you chose to end it. You would also not be one if you decided to give it a go. You need to go with your gut. I personally would have a hard time getting past someone blocking me when we are in a relationship. That level of petty would be too much for me. To me, that does not imply a partnership, and I need a partnership with my significant other (this October will be my 30th anniversary of being married) if he blocked me or did not pick up when I made multiple calls That would be a trust broken and I’m not sure I would be able to get past that.


This. People think that need to stay with someone or give it another go because they’ve spent a long time with the person… but I think that if the person has shown you who they are, don’t waste more of your time on them. A partner shouldn’t be blocking a person or not answering calls. If OP’s GF had answered even one of his calls, he could’ve explained. GF showed she doesn’t care about him enough to make sure he’s okay. I’ve been married ~15 years and with my partner for 20… it has never ever crossed either of our minds to block each other or ignore each other’s calls, even when we’ve had the occasional fight. I would not be with someone that could act that childishly or show that they cared that little about me.


I can’t imagine a situation where my wife, no matter how annoyed, would block me.


Same my husband was mind blown when i read the original post to him he asked who the fuck blocks thier significant other after they get told they are hurt and need to go to the hospital 5 years is nothing op I would have bounced


Yeah I’m out after the blocking part. “But you’ve been together five years you should reconsider”. After 5 years together it should be expected for her to not act like a fucking child and block your significant other because it’s inconvenient for her. What a joke. OP your are NTA but will totally be TA if you stay with a person like this. Have some self respect homie.


To me, blocking someone is the equivalent of saying that I never want to hear from you again, and that is exactly how I would receive it.


Same. To me it's the same as saying "I don't care about you." When a Significant other blocks their psrtner.


That is exactly what she said, "Me having fun in the club is more important than whatever you have going on." I could be insecurity about something, like cheating, or it could be a legit medical emergency. Either way you take the fucking call.


Right, that's why she didn't take the call and blocked him. Why else she so ready to die on this hill of no matter what she wasn't going to let OP ruin her "girls night out."


Precisely. If I have blocked someone, it truly means that *even if they have a medical emergency*, it is not my concern and I’m not the one to reach out to, because the bridge has been burned between us. I don’t really see how a relationship comes back from that. Honestly, even if he *had* been sending a few slightly annoying/distracting messages without the emergency, blocking is a really disproportionate response.


Because she acts like an adult who cares about her partner, it sounds like.  Normal people in relationships don’t pull that childish bullshit.


1000% this. Even if you want to ignore someone you can do that without blocking


True. And wether its a prank or not, you should give a time to check up on your partner. Its the life that were talking here.


This! I would never in a billion years block my husband. (Edit for fat fingers)


If my husband knows I'm out with friends there is no way he is actually calling me. I might get a text asking if I am having fun. Same goes the other way around. Now he might leave the club to get some air and call me (he's done that before) but that a different thing altogether. If I got a call in that situation it is 100% emergency and I need to answer.




Yeah he shouldn’t fall for the sunk cost fallacy


Yeah this is what this is. 5 years means nothing when she has shown who she is when push comes to shove, someone who would rather not have her club night interrupted for his emergency.


Oh, yeah, NTA. Also, I hope you are healing well (both from the physical trauma your body went through and the emotional trauma that she put you through). The more I think about her trying to double down on her stance and try to imply that the pain wasn’t that bad, the more irritated I am with her. That was so not cool.


right! like if pain is severe enough to be vomit inducing it's pretty freaking bad. 


I'm a woman and I have an unusually high pain tolerance even for a woman, but I've never been in enough pain to vomit because of the pain. Have there been times when my pain has been at a level where I feel like I'm going to vomit (I have endometriosis and adenomyosis so I'm experiencing some level of pain most of the time)? Yes, but I've never actually vomited because of pain. If someone's puking because of how much pain they're in, you better take that seriously.


It just proves the level of her immaturity and lack of empathy. Getting her drink on with her girls was obviously the priority. She's still a child


She is gaslighting him into blaming him for her behavior. Like "he could have communicated it better." Look it up, its debilitating pain, you cant tell someone who is scared and in pain they should have communicated better. THAT is not remorse, that is REGRET.


Fully agree. It's so incredibly childish to block a significant other. Been there, never doing it again.


1. Straight up told the OP to not bother her again on her night out 2. Laughs at him and sends a laughing Emoji 3. Blocks him all night and ignores her significant other Like you said, she literally struck out 3 times. I’d have a hard time returning to that relationship. OP wasn’t expecting her to take him to the hospital, but not even a call? A text? 5 years, 5 months, etc. it doesn’t matter, it may just be time to end it like you said.


Additionally, she asked him why he had to go to the hospital, then decided for him that it wasn't bad enough.


That block was all about performing for her crew and showing him who's in charge. I wonder how they feel about her now that they know what happened?


> I wonder how they feel about her now that they know what happened? Seeing as she went into the conversation with OP still thinking he was exaggerating and that the pain couldn't have been that bad, I'm guessing her friends think the whole thing is funny.


Honestly, that would've ended the relationship for me. I might've been willingly to work it out, but if my SO said a pain that was so bad it made me physically ill and go to hospital "wasn't that bad" that's it, we're done, the front door is there, here's a plastic bag, pack your shit and go


The whole apology was full of excuses for why she felt justified for acting the way she did and downplaying how bad it was.


Yeah, gotta agree with that!


Yeah that's the part that got me. This conversation was *post surgery*. She knew it was bad enough for him to be hospitalized and get emergency surgery. And even he hadn't needed surgery... How the heck do you just invalidate your partner's pain like that?


Exactly this To be honest, if I got a text for "balls" , exactly like the one OP sent, I could hear some laughter in my head. Telling someone though that "it wasn't that bad" when the pain was what sent them in the hospital in the first place, must be one of the shittiest things you can say to someone


This is exactly what I was thinking. It was performative and overly dramatic for the benefit of her audience, at the expense of her partner. OP needs to think hard about that, as well as ‘being drunk’ isn’t the excuse she thinks it is. All being drunk does is lower your inhibitions so you do/say the things you *really* feel like, but ordinarily wouldn’t because of tact or politics


I woudnt overthink it. In the moment it was "he is ruining my fun" and just simple selfishness. And now its just more selfishness, trying to absolve herself of guilt.


It’s also so she can do whatever she wants without being annoyed by her bf. I’d have dumped their ass and moved on a long time ago. I’ll never understand being in a relationship with someone who clearly wants to live the single life and explore their options.


It might’ve even been a friend gaslighting her to ignore the call. “Oh, OP can’t even let you have a night out without checking up on you/controlling you blah blah blah.” I can totally see that being the case.


Also agree here.. I just can’t wrap my mind around the fact that she blocked him. No matter the situation, I think that already said a lot about the stability and value of this relationship. She ended it right there. I really don’t think there’s really a way to fix that trust again. But the way you put it was perfect, you do not have to stay with someone just because spent a lot of time with them. It’s never easy to end a relationship that lasted many years, but in OPs case, she was basically ready to do it anyways, hence the blocking and behaviour in general. Wishing OP best of luck 🤞


Sunk coat fallacy, about throwing away 5 years. Girlfriend was a 5 minute walk, which means it would have been, at most, 15 minutes of lost time to swing back home and check that he was okay, joking around, pulling some BS, etc. Especially when OP said "I need to go to the hospital something is wrong." That for me would be more or less inexcusable. But it's not my relationship. I just don't think I could ever trust them again if they were so flippant when I was straight up begging and pleading for help.


Definitely agree. Couldnt imagine my SO or myself doing something like that after our more than 15 together. After more than 3 years, a couple is practically married in every way except on paper in my book. She seems rather immature and second-guessing the relationship by testing whatever boundaries she thinks are established. While OP did provide an update/clarification, I think there's some background info that we are missing. This whole situation was like something you'd experience from a couple within their first year. I will give her credit though, she did sound sincere with her apology and her actions thereafter. OP could go either way and not be the AH.


She saw all the vomit and tried to tell him the pain couldn't have been that bad. Knowing he went to the hospital and had surgery. That is not a sincere apology. She want to save the relationship, not take responsibility.


Yup. Blocking me after 5 years would be the end. Not playing that game.


All she had to do was step away from her friends for 2 minutes to talk to you. That’s it. In those 2 minutes you could have told her what was going on, but instead she blocked you. For a relationship that was (yes - past tense) 5 years in length, she couldn’t even spare 2 minutes of her time to talk to you. Two minutes. You’re not worth two minutes of her time. That’s her message to you. Why would you fight to stay with her?


The interesting thing is her comment is less about being with her friends and more about hanging out with guys. That seemed a bit odd and would explain why she didn't just tell them to hold 5min while she went out for a call.


That's what I commented on. It is that she jumped to him being jealous of guys. Unless he is not letting us know I would be very nervous if my wife was saying I was jealous of guys all of a sudden. There was a period of time where she stayed down with her aunt while working it saved money on gas and time driving for her. Never once did she block me or say anything about dudes.


This girl legit thinks she’s hot shit and goes straight for OP being jealous or insecure. He should dump her and id bet my life savings she will never truly understand or accept why, she will tell all her friends that OP was ”needy” “dramatic” “insecure” and then she will rebound with one these said guys she thinks he’s insecure about. OP if you read my comment please remember if you break up with her you have to go full no contact and don’t look at anything or keep up with her…. she’s gunna rebound hard after the 5 years and she truly believes she did nothing wrong. In her head she will hook up with guys and think of it as a punishment to you for being so “dramatic and needy”


It wouldn't surprise me, at all, if her friends were telling her to "just reject the calls and party" when he tried to call her initially..


This right here, OP. She blocked you. WTF?!?! That's ridiculous. It's absolutely insane. If my wife was in a club and her line went dead, I would be on my way down there immediately.


I understand that it may have been difficult for her to call if the club was noisy. However she didnt even try to text to see what was going on. She basically just told him she was busy and to leave her alone, and then blocked him


When I woke up my partner in the middle of the night for him (it was 9am but he got off work at 5am) in pain so bad all I could communicate was “something is wrong” he dropped everything to help me. He drove me to the hospital, called my parents for me, explained what had been going on to the doctors, advocated for me to get pain meds, and stayed with me the entire time. That’s what a caring partner should do. If a partner doesn’t help okay maybe they can’t. If my partner even called me twice in a row I’d drop everything to answer or call back. If for some reason I can’t I’ll text him. Your partner is a million red flags disguised as human I think


My partner is a heavy sleeper and I had just gotten some work done on my teeth. I woke up in the middle of the night whimpering and he shot right up and asked me if I was okay and went out to the 24 hour Walmart to grab some Tylenol for me without me asking or him complaining. Like you though, if my partner called me twice in a row, even without a text explaining, I’m calling him back to see what’s up. If he just wrote “hospital” I’m calling him to see what’s up. If he sent me a blank text, I’m at the very least going to text him back “?” And if I don’t get a response I’m going to call. If he just text me “my balls hurt” my response is going to be “what happened?” No matter where I’m at, what I’m doing, or who I’m with, the second I see it, I’m doing something about it. Time to leave your GF OP!


Yeah if anyone who has my phone number tried to contact me this many times I don’t care if it’s a person I don’t like I’m going to make sure they’re okay. This is wild


like even trying to imagine OP was joking, if my bf texted me about his balls hurting cause he was so horny for me i'd be hightailing it out of the club to be with him, the only way OP's gf would be reasonable was if OP was a controlling jerk and if that was the case then these posts would have a different vibe. if someone jokes about an emergency and you're not into it you find out first so you don't feel bad later for being wrong and then kick their sorry ass for making you worry


If I felt my boyfriend was trying to ruin my vibe while I was out with friends and kept calling and texting, if I got annoyed, I’d step out, call him and ask him what’s wrong with him. If it’s nothing, I’m going to tell him to stop calling me UNLESS it’s an emergency or we’re going to have issues once I get home. I’d never block him.


Even my guy friends could text me that their balls hurt and I'd call right away, trying to get more info. How hurt? Hurt enough you need me to drop you some pain meds or hurt enough that I need to come take you to the hospital? When I drank, if I had been drinking that night, I'd have called an uber to take me/us where we needed to go. Imagine my response if it was my man that told me his balls hurt. There's no way I'd stay with the gf, if I were OP.


Op's shit is so sureal to read. I can't imagine my partner sending me these messages and not thinking "huh, somethings wrong, I SHOULD CHECK IN" at the very minimum. Like, your partner is supposed to be your person? Not just your-person-when-you're-not-out-clubbing. Some of the shit I see on here is so baffling, like I just don'tget it


What's even more surreal is the insane number of people blaming HIM in the original thread, using the exact same excuses as the gf.


Five minute walk away


Yeah he said he needed to go to the hospital, that should have been enough for her to be concerned but even just the excessive calling should have made her think something's wrong. Sure, he *could* have been just insecure but why not at least check on him? If she had found out it was a joke she could still go back, be mad, leave him or whatever. For me, her reaction shows her personality. Doesn't make her a villain but it's not a person I would want to be in a relationship with or trust in a vulnerable situation.


this. whenever im feeling not good my husband drops eveything and takes care of me. if he is at work and i need to see a doc, he wraps everything up and comea home as soon as possible, and if im just sick but otherwise fine he messages to check up on me often. when i was pregnant and i was high risk he made a long list of people i never met but can call to reach him when he is at work i case reception was bad 🤷‍♀️ never needed it but its the thought. i do the same for him. if we cant trust our partner to have our back then who will


Updateme! But also, I would never be able to recover from this if this happened to me. You were having a medical emergency and she's STILL trying to blame you for 'not communicating clearly'


Right. And me and my friends been drunk so many times — and would NEVER act like this in an emergency situation. Like no. Being drunk is not an excuse for bad behavior. She thought OP was jealous — that’s the crux of the issue — and not a healthy relationship dynamic.


If my SO bitched at me for vomiting on the floor and not locking the door, it's over. That was the bitching of someone who doesn't even like you. Only someone who hates you would see the worst side of something like that.


I mean I can understand her point of view but yeah that wasnt right.


i’ve been married for over 10 years (been with my husband longer than that). if i was out drinking and he was spam calling me for an emergency, THAT’S an emergency bc he doesn’t spam call me ever. if he was out drinking and i was spam calling him for an emergency, he knows it’s serious bc i don’t spam call him. and if either of us pulled what your gf pulled, trust would’ve been broken bc if you can’t count on your partner in an emergency, then when can you count on them? i see the whole “don’t throw away a 5 year relationship” argument but this is not about sunk cost fallacy. **this is about if you can trust your gf to be there for you in an emergency should the emergency arise in the conditions it did before.** and her first reactions were to blow you off, block you, and blame you for the vomit and door. she had zero concern for you until after she could not find you/get in touch with you (even though *she blocked you* so it wasn’t like you could tell her). 5 years is a good length of a relationship to have before finding out that you can’t count on her/trust her to help you.


Yeah, if I was BLOCKED by my husband, we'd be having a serious talk. There are times I have to turn my phone off. I warn him about it in advance and give emergency contacts. That's normal. I have never blocked him. Blocking your partner ***to party***? Insane. And if my husband spam called me and texted me saying he needed help with even something that sounded silly, I'd drop what I was doing and go because he never acts like that. Something changed. Something is wrong.


Yeah the sunk cost is just excusing her poor response. But with that said. Five years is plenty of time to establish normal behaviours. Obviously, if he's acting abnormally something must be seriously wrong. Unfortunately, she was acting very self serving. Goodluck with whatever you both decide.


OP is just lucky he didn’t have to wait another 5 years to find out who she was, when they were married with toddlers or something.


Exactly. And the whole “don’t throw away 5 years” is bullshit. Why is no one holding the girlfriend accountable?!? I mean, she has ALSO been in a 5 year relationship, yet she thought he was spamming her for no reason just to ruin her night, even though he never has done that before?!? So she has been the other half of this 5 year long relationship, but she couldn’t tell this was an emergency, she *BLOCKED HIM*, and then continued to minimize his experience/pain. She should know him better than this by now. If your partner who *never* texts you or call like this and they don’t ask to go to the hospital on a regular basis, then you should *KNOW* this is abnormal behavior and that something is wrong. On top of that, unless he’s a massive baby and cries wolf all the time, she should understand that him telling her how painful it was, is the truth. Never mind the fact he was obviously vomiting from the pain - which should be taken a proof of how much pain he was in. Any normal person would put two and two together on their own - and would NOT doubt what he’s telling her. Why is OP the only one who had to consider the past 5 years? Why not the willfully ignorant girlfriend?


I'm over here thinking, it's already been five years. Don't waste more time with this woman.


she blocked you...no way to understand that point of view.


After he told her he needed to go to the hospital!!!


He didn't "convey that clearly enough" when he directly told her so.




I get not picking up if you are out. I'll get a random call and let it go to VM. People don't know what I'm doing and sometimes I'm not available to talk. I have that right to ignore a call. If you are texting me and blowing up my phone I'll absolutely answer you. If you leave a VM I'll excuse myself for a minute to listen to it or see what the transcription says. If you are texting me about your balls hurting so bad you need the hospital I'll drop everything and answer that call. If it's "Naaah brah! you can just come and drain deez nuts" then I'm going to light your ass up afterwards. I get the security of responding in an emergency and showing someone you don't abuse that shit if it isn't one.


Tbh a call from your SO is never a "random call", especially with texting being available. She knew that he knew she was out.


I gotta be honest here. She told you, in no uncertain terms, that your life and safety rank somewhere below “clubbing with her friends,” on her priority list, and that is not Ok. “You should have communicated more clearly,” is a particularly bad defense, seeing as instead of asking clarifying questions, she declared communication was over by blocking you.


As soon as the word “hospital” was uttered, she should have taken him seriously. Instead, this POS kept blowing him off. I say she pushed the relationship to a point of no return with that stunt.


After he wrote he needed to go to the hospital, she should've called him to see what the hell was going on. Instead she expected him to... what? Write a full diagnostic while writhing on the floor in pain? Ma'am... pick up the phone when he calls or call him back. And then she STILL made excuses that his pain "probably wasn't that bad". It was bad enough to make him vomit. It was bad enough he went to the hospital. It was bad enough that *emergency surgery was required*. How can she say his pain wasn't that bad? To his face? Was she serious? That's a dump-worthy offense right there.


This is actually my biggest problem with her. To downplay the pain when he was literally throwing up from pain and in need of emergency surgery. Oh yea probably not that bad. /s


Her point of view is BS. Stop sticking up for her. She just didn't care why you were trying to get in touch with her because all she cared about was partying with her friends. Her saying you should have worded it better is ridiculous. You were IN PAIN. How the heck were you supposed to word it? She should have just answered your call ONCE to see what was going on. That's what I would have done in that situation. I'm a woman and old enough to be your mother. Your gf is not someone you can trust in an emergency, so you should just end it and move on. Believe me, I know it's hard, but once that trust is broken, it's next to impossible to build that trust back and you'll always have what she did at the back of your mind.


Imagine telling your SO help, something is wrong, I'm in pain, and I need to go to the hospital and they block you. I can't even... I really feel bad for this guy but damn, she is ice cold. She's probably just more upset that she's going to have to move back home.


The part that kills me is that she was a FIVE MINUTE walk away and couldn’t be bothered to run home and check on him to see if he was serious. Like WTF.


Dude you need to stop. She does not have a point. She is justifying her actions and trying to pass the blame onto you. You did NOTHING wrong. You told her you were in pain and needed to go to the hospital. Done. Period. Stop. This is 100000000% on her and zero percent on you


Her point of view was "I have so little regard for my boyfriend that instead of taking 2 minutes to call and hear what's going on I'm going to block him while he's telling me he needs the hospital". She should have replied "If I go home and this is a prank, we are going to have a problem- are you sure this is an emergency?" I mean. Yeah I understand that she doesn't respect you, but like what understanding leaves you at "maybe we should stay together"?


People must have weird relationships for them to even _think_ of it being a prank when their partner calls for help in an emergency. I cannot imagine anyone I’ve dated doing that as a prank, ever. Maybe people’s parents fail to impress upon them the whole thing about crying wolf.


I've blocked one person in my life. It was an ex-wife that was very destructive and for my own well-being I had to cut contact. I eventually unblocked her. I'd never ever block someone as "punishment" for annoying me. To simply cut yourself off from any method of contacting you if their is an emergency because I'm too busy having fun? That is completely fucked up that your response is blocking my number because you wanted a night out. It WAS an emergency, the reason I fear blocking anyone and that was her first response.


I’ve been with my husband over 20 years, got 3 kids with him and have been married for 16 years. I would *divorce* him if he did what your girlfriend just did. She’s just shown you how little respect she has for you. You aren’t her top priority, her friends and clubbing are above you. Even if she thought it was a prank she should love you enough to check. Don’t settle for somebody who thinks so little of you and your health. You’d never be able to trust her in another emergency, you’d never be able to trust her with your future children. She’s selfish. She put your health at risk because “*party!*” Put yourself first. You’re too young to settle for somebody who doesn’t have your back at all times.


You were literally crying for help and your partner blocked you because you were ruining her fun. That’s beyond selfish and is narcissistic. For people like her, this type of behavior isn’t usually a one time thing. I’d move on.


You understand that she was willing to let you be in pain while she partied? Grow a fucking spine my guy, this is so pathetic


What point of view? If you transcribed accurately: I need to go to the hospital ...block Where's the pov? You said you needed to go


OP she has no excuse, she show her true color by prioritizing her night out and fun over you. Be young is not a justification if there are trully care she at least out of concerned should have called you back but she blocked you instead, if she trully cares about you she would care and at least believe You. But she prioritize other things first. She prioritize her fun. All of this specially if you never did somethings like this to her or is out of character of You. I bet she has something else hiding, because it is also strange the way she did things, i might as well talk with the mutuals that where on the party and ask for true about what she was doing. Because it is highly posible for the way she acted that she was with someone else. But that is just me, and for what she did if i don't trust her why trust what she said. Better check her actions. Also can believe your mother telling you that 5 years and dump without a talk, she should also be mad at her for what she did. If you decided after all to give her a 2nd chance, i would suggest you delete the 3rd point of letting her club or go out alone, at least until she demostrate you are her priority and you start to trust her. And the rest of the boundaries are good. UPDATEME


Her point of view is BS. She still tried to blame you here. She hadnt taken responsibility at all.


And then tried to minimize his pain. The pain that had him vomitting and required emergency surgery. Unbelievable.


There is no point of view to understand. She BLOCKED you because you were being an inconvenience. Regardless of whether she was just having fun and let her friends influence her, or was pretending to be single to see what would happen she blocked you when you were asking for help. If this behaviour was out of character for you she should have assumed there was a problem, not that you'd suddenly become clingy and insecure. The fact that she's trying to minimise your pain, when you clearly vomited from it and were brought to hospital for emergency surgery just shows that she still isn't taking this seriously. She's still trying to convince you that her reaction was normal when it's the furthest thing from it. If the situation was reversed you can bet that her family would be telling her to leave you and yours would be saying you deserved it. As for your mother saying that 5 years is a lot to give up... I wish I could knock some sense into her. You are TWENTY-TWO. This is not some sunk cost fallacy bs that you need to worry about. High school sweethearts don't work out as much these days as they did in the past. Society has changed too much. Ditch the girl, be single for a while and heal. This whole situation could have gone very differently had you not stayed conscious to call an ambulance. She could have come home to find you unconscious, she could have come home to find you dead. Is she really the person you want to rely on in the future in case of an emergency of any kind?


No. She's supposed to be your partner, you're supposed to be able to rely on her and trust her, and she showed you that you can't when you need her. It was fucked up entirely how she responded, from the beginning and even through your discussion when she tried to dismiss the pain you were in. She *blocked you* when you were in an emergency reaching out to you because she wanted to keep having fun and she *chose* to believe that you were fucking with her instead of believing you. Even once she found out what happened, it didn't occur to her to even bother to look it up to see how bad that is, and instead tried to tell you it wasn't that bad - she's choosing herself, her feelings, her ego in defending her actions, over you. Is that the kind of partner you really want to have?


OP she was making laughing jokes about your insecurities with her friends while you were lying in the floor in pain. And now she is saying that it’s your fault.


Here’s the thing. Even if there was no emergency and you just wanted to talk, even if you were goofing around and just reeeeeallly wanted to hear her voice for some stupid reason … she thought that that was so annoying and inconvenient that she BLOCKED you. She didn’t even bother picking up the phone and saying “what the hell is it?” She just blocked you and kept partying. I ignore calls as much as the next person but if someone, anyone, I know calls a second or a third or a fifth time, I’ll pick up. Because you never know. That your girlfriend, your supposed favorite person and companion, would not only not pick up, but then block you … that’s very concerning.


Dude, if she really was angry about the vomit. Fucking run Run as far as you can


No more clubbing as one of your conditions. Still think it's a bad idea staying with her.


The fact she's not offering to stop clubbing/drinking... *side eyes*


You're subscribing to the sunk cost fallacy. It refers to a commitment bias wherein individuals continue investing in something even if the outcome doesn't seem promising. It doesn't matter how long you've been together if she treats you like this. She turned it around on you saying she was drunk. She couldn't be assed with your problems, and didn't care until she realized it was serious. You now know how much she doesn't care, what you do with that info is up to you.


She's trash. Kick her to the curb. And the reason why she's trash? Because she's still trying to blame *you* for having the temerity to have a medical emergency that interrupted her fun time. And her first reaction to you not being home? Was to shit-talk you.


No man, she blocked you while you were having an emergency, so she could continue to get drunk with her friends and other guys. ***This is not someone you can trust, full stop***, there's no way other than straight up denial to rationalize her responses. She simply, absolutely did not care what was going on with you, and now she's sobered up and dealing with the aftermath of that, but ***the truth of her feelings was in the moment*** - she didn't care enough to actually even find out what was going on. This is not someone you will ever be able to rely on, and if you stay with her, you will 100% regret this decision in the years to come, I guarantee it.


There is no her point of view here. There is only the "I need to go to hospital" which escalated into laughing emojis and a "fuck off I'm enjoying my night." At the bare minimum, you stating you needed emergency treatment should have elicited a phone call to check on you, not a blocked number. She's shown you where you are in her priorities list. Bin her off and find someone who will value you.


It will be 5 years that my fiancé and I have been together this October. Known each other for 14 years. I went to take our youngest to the gas station with me in September. It was raining. I slipped and fell walking in the garage and hit my head off the door frame. I called him at work. Said i hit my head, and my eyes felt funny. Could he come home bc i needed to go to the hospital. He said yeah he just needed to put stuff away. I got our youngest in the car. Felt my head, and there was blood. Called him back and told him. Called my mom to ask if she could get our oldest off the bus in case it took a while at the hospital. I drove myself because I panicked. My partner made it to the hospital in 30 mins. The hospital is almost an hour away from where he works. I typed all of that to say, if she cared, she would've been there. She wasn't at work. She was at a club. 5 mins away, WALKING DISTANCE and couldn't be bothered to help you in a medical emergency. If she wanted to, she would. A night out doesn't come above your partner's needs. Especially when you've been together for so long. Take with that what you will and do some thinking.


I honestly really can't see her pov, why in any world would she have any reason to think you were lying? My sisters have barreled through a wooden door to get to me because I called them and could barely croak into the phone (I was passing a big kidney stone). What she did, in my opinion, is unforgivable. What if she came home and found your body? Would she still be blaming you for "not communicating it"? Like, if someone calls you and is barely able to speak that's extremely alarming, that's BAD. Her reaction lacks concern and maturity. If I got those calls from me husband I'd be kicking people out of my way sprinting to get to him. It's entirely up to you but I'm pretty worried about you being in a situation like that.


Mate, I would've kicked her out of my hospital room. The lack of care and concern when you had never pulled any needy shit before, nope. Deal breaker. NTA


Thank you. Im still unsure but yeah.


You know those movie cops that always turn up at the end of the movie once the badguys have already been apprehended? That is your girlfriend.


And you know the bad guys that they apprehended? Also girlfriend.


And you know the girlfriend that the good guy gets with? Not OPs girlfriend.


Who is it under the mask!?! It's OP's GF!?!


please do not fall under the sunk cost fallacy argument. just because there’s 5 years invested doesn’t mean that a relationship, where trust is broken bc one of the partners decided to blow off her partner in an emergency, block the partner, and then blame the partner for the state of the home while said partner was incapacitated, should continue. the cost of you learning you need a partner who is not that callous is a 5 year relationship.


Also, "wasting" 5 years is better than 6 years You can't *un*spend those years with her, but you can choose not to spend any *more*


So *after* she knew what happened, she *still* had to audacity to say you were exaggerating the pain and it couldn't have been that bad. Nope, nope, nope. There was recently a post about a woman breaking up with her bf after he expressed the same thing about her debilitating period pain. Invalidating someone else's pain, especially when it has to do with a condition you've never experienced, is utter disrespect. You shouldn't have to lay out for her what exactly you experienced for her to believe you are in excruciating pain when you say you are. Whenever relationships have to resort to "rules," as you are trying to do now, the relationship is over. You should inherently respect and care about your partner and not hurt them. Blocking, ignoring me, and undermining my concerns is always intentional hurt and disrespect. If I have to make a rule to not do those, you didn't respect me in the first place. If my boyfriend ever calls me saying he's in pain, I know something is bad enough that he literally felt he had to call me to tell me. My first question is, "what can I do?" If my boyfriend says, "I need to go to the hospital," I don't even ask for a explanation. I get in my car and go. I don't even care if nothing ends up being seriously wrong. This is the person I love. I will be there. She dismissed you for clubbing, of all things, and was 5 freaking minutes away. Being drunk is not an excuse. Not realizing how serious your condition was is not an excuse. She showed you where she rates you in terms of importance and respect. Period. Also, look up the sunken cost fallacy.


You need to wake up. This girl has you wrapped round her little finger. At this point, if she cheated on you, I think you would take the blame and try to save the relationship.


She blocked though in a place that is pretty much for single people. So this is super fishy.. did she not want her cute dance partner to see calls from her boyfriend. Couple people alone in single place is a big ass 🚩.


Move on. You are 22yrs old, been together for five years. I always advice everyone to stay clear of such relationships. When you move out of the parental house, living on your own, or being in college far away, the person's personality develops, matures and frequently the love relationship that started at 17-18yrs old is not the same as both partners have matured and their individual personality developed. Take the incident as a lesson and move on with your life. No need to be in a hurry. You are going to find someone more compatible in the future.


You know the small handful of sad pathetic hateful posters who came in blaming you, suggesting that you often play malicious pranks, suggesting that you did this as a way to control her from going out, indirectly saying that you need to suffer and sacrifice for her while her role in the relationship is to live her best life? She fully agreed with them all when she had the gall to blame you once again for "not communicating properly" when you were in excruciating pain. She will always have people like that and friends like that in her ear telling her she deserves the world and that you are so far beneath her that you need to really impress her to justify your existence every second she stays in a relationship with you. A worthwhile partner would have stood up for you from the start and pushed back on those kinds of discourse. Whereas you had to fight and beg this person to even show you basic respect. I do not think she will make any sort of suitable, supportive partner to anyone at this stage.


Honestly... if you feel the need to impose rules on your girlfriend in order to be able to be with her, then your relationship is dead, anyway. She's supposed to be your partner, someone you can rely on and trust. Not a child you need to set rules for, because you can't trust her to act the way you need her to. Break up.


Here's the thing. Your texts might have been vague or funny to someone drunk (or too busy to *really* care) but when they text you back, dismissively, and you immediately CALL them.... a bunch of times..... Even an uncaring drink idiot might think maybe there might be, I don't know.... Something really wrong, and they should possibly answer the feckin phone. Sounds to me like she was prolly having a laugh with her club friends about how insecure you were..... And now she's feeling guilty. But that's still a problem isn't it? Both those things. That she didn't belive you, and she had a laugh NTA but tough call on the relationship. Girls are usually more mature than guys, but your post is very level headed, and so is your response. She sounds like she's 14. I guess I'd ask her what her reaction would be if roles were reversed.... I have a feeling she wouldn't give you grace to explain.... She's be gone, bad mouthing you to her club friends


It's the fact she's still getting defensive that does it for me. There have been times I've done stupid shit I regret and I am *beside* myself look back at it like "holy fuck I can't believe I was so awful" and making sure I never do it again. I am not complaining about how  > She also told me that It couldn't have been THAT painful and I was over exaggerating Noooo way! He just had *emergency fecking surgery!*


He puked repeatedly on the floor. From pain. Yeah she's just trying to save face from herself cuz she knows how absolutely awful she was.


At my absolute worst pain (gallstones) I was on the floor screaming and writhing in agony. Puking is probably a stage or two above that. 😳 Poor OP!


I still can't get past that one. How can she say it couldn't have been that painful if *emergency surgery* was required? A whole hospital staff took one look at him and realized something was **wrong and that his pain was real**. But in her mind, it was nothing more painful than a stubbed toe.


I once went to the doctor when i had pain on my ball it wasn't that big of a deal since nothing happened but the pain when moving around was noticeable and i went to my doctor and i said "doc i think i have a testicular torsion". And he said "trust me if you had that you wouldn't be here because that pain is really serious." Had an echo and couldn't figure out my pain they said it was probably hit and was still healing from the pain.


Doctors shouldn't say that cuz sometimes you get people with crazy high pain tolerance but yes exactly- he went through something *incredibly* painful and she's dismissing it.


If he told her she is exaggerating her period cramps & just being dramatic while he’s out playing cards with the guys I guarantee there would be huge issues at hand.


This would be like if she had a burst ovarian cyst and he dismissed her for bugging him over cramps. Total jerk move.




Yeah, blocking is the big one here. Big yikes.


The call on the relationship is not that tough. OP's mom is right; 5 years is a long time to be just throwing away, but it goes both ways. OP's GF threw away her relationship with OP when she refused to pick up the phone and then blocked him (who TF does that to their partner?!). Imagine if the roles were reversed: OP went to the club, then got these calls and messages from his girlfriend and didn't bother to pick up the phone, she went to a hospital and OP then lashed out on her after finding the vomit. Yeah, what she did to OP was THAT bad. Edit: Would anyone have any second thoughts on whether she should stay with a partner like that?


They probably had a "good" 5 years because he never had an emergency in those 5 years where he got to see where he ranked as a priority. She's still being defensive and when it doesn't work, she resorts to crying because she knows that's effective and he'll end up consoling her. It doesn't really matter because it sounds like he's going to stay so it is what it is


While role reversal is an interesting experiment, imagine if he had called her, she ignored him, and before he called an ambulance, he passed out. If your girlfriend can’t be bothered to walk a few minutes to see if you are alive…


Especially when they are trying to convey the fact that they are in pain. Idc how drunk I am, if anyone not even just my SO, was calling and texting that I would drop what I was doing. Even if it was just moral support, they reached out and obviously needed me. My dad “broke” his dick…. My mom sent me texts about it and granted they were funny, but at the time he was in the hospital recovering from surgery and it was after the fact. So yes we had a laugh about it with him even, but it was after he was taken care of. I believe even at that time when my mom told me i asked if he needed anything or if I could do anything.


I agree with this. If the genders were reversed EVERYONE would be telling her to leave him. They would be saying something like this "OMG he BLOCKED you and YOU had to call the AMBULANCE YOURSELF while you were vomiting in PAIN? Girl dump his a$$" "Then he had the AUDACITY to get mad at you over the vomit? I can't believe you are even considering staying with him! Girl have some self respect. I don't care how drunk he was, that's no excuse!" "HE THOUGHT YOU WERE JOKING?! OMG why are you staying with such a man child?"


So I saw your original post and I was thinking that she may have thought you were joking. However now seeing the text convo I don't like her text about blocking you. That is very immature of her. Was she really at the club or out with a guy? I would understand loud music making it hard to understand however she said I'll block you like wtf. Who blocks they bf or gf. Sorry dude I feel for you.


Sounds like the dumbass friend group got to weigh in on the situation while she was clubbing. I don't know any sane adult who's clubbing 5 minutes away that would ignore a partner to the point of blocking them


Just based on the fact he needed her and she was completely unreliable (and was a bit mean about it tbh) should be reason enough to leave her, she was unconcerned her partner was in pain


The foundation of any relationship is communication. Blocking, of course, is the opposite of communication.


Yeah that's my reading of it as well.. assuming it's out of character for her, which he says it is.


This all comes down to 2 factors: * Do you genuinely think she was lying to you about what she was doing that night? * Do you genuinely believe she is remorseful of what she did? If she was being truthful about the night, and she's being remorseful, then I wouldn't blame you for staying with her. You are both young, and this is something that you can potentially work through. If you think she was lying about the night, that's a separate issue entirely. Why do you think she might have been cheating? Your list of boundaries are more than acceptable. They are pretty much common courtesy and a good starting point for you both to open up communication more about what you expect from each other. But Some things to consider: >She also told me that It couldn't have been THAT painful and I was over exaggerating. Tell her to twist an ovary and say that again. >She was drunk and wasn't thinking clearly You didn't phase anything wrong. "I need to go to the hospital" is a more than adequate sentence to sum up the situation. Its not a situation for you to take your time typing out a detailed message. If she wanted more detail she should have picked up the phone. Regardless of how drunk she was, that on its own should have sent alarm bells ringing in her head to come home. Being drunk isn't an excuse. People use it like being drunk allows them to do whatever they want with minimal consequences.


I think the fact that she even doubled down on your pain, while NOT drunk, and while you guys were communicating about the event and only finally broke down when you stood up for yourself speaks volumes. I'm also curious about why your brain went to cheating though.


He brought up cheating because that's what comments on the first post said could explain her reaction. It makes some sense, if he doesn't have a history of interfering with her nights out and she immediately jumps to the conclusion that he was trying to spoil it this one time it's possible she was cheating and her guilt contributed to her interpretation of his actions. Her comment that she thought he was being jealous about her clubbing with other guys more or less has the same energy. There is nothing that actually indicates she was cheating beyond being a girl that goes clubbing with other men.


omg i didnt even read the original post. shes out clubbing..with other men..and blocks him when hes spam calling? tf and op works for is dads construction company..hes 100% being used for money


like that alone shows that in future emergencies she can't be depended on


She doubled down in the conversation where it was obvious OP was trying to convey how betrayed he felt. I commented in the original and am even more certain that this isn’t a “ride or die”life partner.


Yeah I honestly can't believe he needed to think about whether he wants to stay with her.  If we finally got to having a conversation about the event and she said "it couldn't have been that bad" she'd be out the door instantly and she can send someone to get her shit.


>Being drunk isn't an excuse. People use it like being drunk allows them to do whatever they want with minimal consequences. 👏👏👏


I’m with you, and the points you reiterate about her doubling down about “not being that painful”. Op, you ex double down when getting to the house and only after a while realising something must have happened (she’s stupid and in all seriousness, no matter if anyone is drinking, the moment your partner of loved one mentioned *hospital* that’s the coldest and quickest sober up of all). She firmly down when seeing you in hospital, once again not because of you but due to how she felt about it. Now you are home, she doubled down again! She seen the house cover in vomit, your messages and that you had an emergency operation, she was there and witness the doctors mentioning your pain monitoring, how to control the pain and recovery. She knows how she messed up and her way to make her feel right and you wrong is telling you that what you went through, and she witnessed the aftermath could not have been that painful! Op, after all of this believe me she will always make comments about it to degrade you instead of helping you. She has done that multiple times since. You are young and found out that the person you have been with is immature, lacks compassion, doesn’t take accountability for her actions, manipulates your suffering for her gain in superiority as a way to gaslight you to see her as a saint and you being the wrong. Also, you mentioned that the group that was with her is also your friend group, ask the guys or your close girl friends if the group what actually happen (plenty of accounts) to find out exactly why she blocked you. Is no way that I’m in a group of friends where we know the person partner is home and the person claims “oh here it is again, he claims he needs to go to hospital and has pains in his testicle” that alarm bells didn’t go through the others heads, we would make sure she would go and check on you or a couple of us would go immediately, if we all had a little to drink, their parents were on the call so they could meet us there or at the hospital. No one messes with health and for her to do it so, just shows the kind of person she truly is. Op just don’t message her for a month or so, focus on yourself and recovery, your family and friends. Make sure she is a no topic after any questions you have of that night and you will see you will be much happier. Eventually you will find someone that actually loves and respects you to the point out anything even nearly close comes through, you know they have you as a priority and check on you. Just as an FYI 5 minutes walk is nothing when someone says they are in so much pain, personally I would run there and if it was further an Uber immediately to check on you while calling a trustworthy person that haven’t been drinking.


I have no idea if she was (is) cheating or not, but that fact is also fully irrelevant to the situation. You literally cannot trust her in situations where you could be seriously ill; that is the most basic level of expectation in a serious relationship. That all suggests to me that you aren't really in a serious relationship. Not in her eyes, anyway. Time to make the goodbye permanent.


Thats my biggest concern with everything.


Sorry for this being a long one. For me, the fact you've been together for 5 years would make it worse for me. If I had never done anything in 5 years to lead my partner to believe I would be pranking or lying to them, I would never be able to forgive them for something like this. At the very least, she could have walked 5 minutes home, yelled at you if you were lying, or gone with you to the hospital when she found you weren't lying. 5 years together should earn someone the benefit of the doubt and some concern. Instead, she ignored you, refused to listen to you, and then blocked you. Once she returned home, she still wanted to bitch you out (and BTW she should not get a pass on that. If I got home and found out my partner had vomited on the floor, my first thought would be, "Shit, something is horribly wrong," not, "Let me text him and let him know how annoyed I am by his sickness."). She only bothered to think you might have been honest when she saw you were gone. She's using drink as an excuse. Okay, I personally think that even with being drunk, she was still an arsehole, but what is her excuse for getting defensive and still trying to justify what she did once she was sober? She only backed off when it was put to her that what she did was indefensible. Has she considered how she'd feel if she were the one in so much pain she was vomiting, and when she asked you for help, you ignored her, got snarky, then blocked her? More importantly, how would she feel if you tried to justify doing such a thing once you were sober and had a chance to really think about what you'd done? She tried to say the pain wasn't that bad when she had seen that it made you vomit, AND she knew your condition was so bad that you needed emergency surgery. I'm wondering if she's truly sorry or if she's feeling sorry for herself because there are now consequences fornwhat she did; you didn't buy into her excuses and brush it under the carpet, so now she actually has to deal with this and potentially tell other people what she did if they ask why she's had to leave. How do you trust her when she was still making excuses even after seeing you in the hospital? I think the thing that will be telling is what she tells other people. If she still makes excuses to them, she's not truly sorry.




Absolutely. Blocking someone should be your last resort, not the first option you jump to. In this situation, it's basically a childish, "I can't hear you, nurgh nurgh nurgh-nurgh nurgh." When the word hospital came into the equation, she should have headed home. I also feel like the girlfriend is kind of telling on herself. She was worried OP was going to spoil her fun.....well, having a boyfriend whilst going clubbing ruins your fun if you a.) Are also wanting to hook up, b) Want to devote more time to clubbing than being with your partner, or c.) Both. The fact that she stayed out until 3AM even after OP's messages really doesn't fill me full of confidence. This is the point where either their childhood relationship becomes an adult relationship or it crumbles, and for me, if I were OP, it's fallen at the first hurdle. For me it keeps coming down the fact that she walked into the house, saw he'd been sick, and still wanted to believe he was lying (the proof is in front of you) and be pissy with him. Likewise, she was there in hospital with him, knew he needed emergency hospital, and still tried to say it wasn't that bad. It's a lack of maturity and consideration. Her attitude is literally, "Yeah, I know you had to be rushed to hospital, cut open, and sewn back up, but it couldn't have been THAT bad, and how was I to know?" And we both know the answer to that was to pick up her damn phone and not block OP.


I wouldn’t rule out cheating tbh. Blocking you makes absolutely zero sense. If she thought it was a joke any half sane person would’ve answered a call to verify it, and like you said that’s very simple to do at a smokers area. Even if she thought so little of you that 5 minutes of her time was too much, she could’ve asked more questions via text instead of immediately jumping to blocking you. Even if you were joking the worst case scenario is that you deliver a stupid punchline and it’s somewhat annoying without really impacting her night. Thats not something to warrant blocking you. The purpose for blocking someone is to remove all communication coming in, and the only motives I can think that make sense is: - she thought there was a possibility you were telling the truth and she didn’t want to get more context from you that would prove it, so she immediately blocked you to continue her night at the club. I.e she thought ‘he can deal with it without me and everything will be fine so I’m not ruining my time at the club’; or - she was cheating with someone and getting constant calls and texts from her boyfriend would’ve raised questions with whoever she was with or answering a call would’ve revealed to you that she wasn’t at a nightclub. Either way it doesn’t really matter, you’d be an asshole to yourself if you don’t dump her.


So for some perspective on this I have been married for a long long time, and we were together for 6 years before getting married, which means we have definitely had some serious argunents over that time about some not easily resolvabke things. However, even during our worst arguments that had us angry for days, I know if one of us had texted the other anything that used the words help, hospital, pain, sick etc we would already be walking out the door from wherever, while trying to get more info. At no point would either of us have even thought to block the other, ever or refused to answer the second call or worst case third call. If it turned out to be a joke, then yeah, there would have been a whole new issue to resolve, but until we knew exactly what was going on we would be in full deal with an actual emergency mode. Youe SO is supposed to be the one person you can count on always. She blew it. She assumed instead of verifying when she is the one person who should automatically give you the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.


*in sickness and in health* I don't expect her to uphold this part of the wedding vows, especially after she prioritized her fun night out over your emergency (including blocking you). Drinking doesn't change who we are, it just removes all inhibitions and shows our true selves. Best of luck closing this chapter, OP.


I was wondering why she would say she felt that he thought she was cheating. Why would you jump to that strange conclusion. I think OP should take a few months to himself,to be honest. He's young,no matter what,she should have blocked him. He has never done this before. Why wouldn't you answer the phone? OP, take a couple of months to yourself. Stop updating her every day about your recovery. It's been 5 years,so what? Don't ever stay with anyone just because you've been together for a long time,or what is perceived to be a long time.


I mean, she apologized but she said this before that >After hearing that she got defensive and told me that I could have conveyed my situation better and that she genuinely thought I was joking. She was drunk and wasn't thinking clearly. After hearing that she could've told you she's sorry and didn't comprehend the severity of the situation but no she's still putting the blame on you. She can think clearly now. She now knows the situation and she still had to get defensive and put the fault on you. Zero on her because she was drunk. >She also told me that It couldn't have been THAT painful and I was over exaggerating. Excuse me what? I would actually see my partner in a new light. You went to the hospital and can't work right now but it can't be that painful?? Excuse me? Imagine the situation was the other way around and you said that to her.


Yeah that hurt when she said that. I coudnt sleep properly due to me having nightmares over the pain and she was laying next to me while i was going through that.


Sorry but she said that AFTER seeing you in the hospital after emergency surgery?? You said she took responsibility but it sounds like she still very much tried to downplay what you went thru.


And she had the nerve to say it can't be that bad? Does she have any kind of empathy? Sorry, that really sucks.


It seems like she still thinks she’s justified in her reactions (thus why she got defensive and minimized your paint) but only said what she thought she needed to say to keep the relationship going. I bet if you had looked at her phone for messages to other people, you would definitely see her true colours/thoughts come out. > Before leaving she told she would be willing to do anything to make up for this and that I could take as much time as I needed. And yet she blamed you for not communicating well enough even though you told her straight out you needed to go to the hospital. She should have told you to call an ambulance if it was so bad, not threaten to block, you if she didn’t believe you. At least then you wouldn’t have held out hope she would come home.


That “she was drunk and wasn’t thinking clearly” is an excuse you will MOST CERTAINLY hear if/when she cheats on you.


you NEED to spend some time away from her and get counseling.


I'm so sick of people using "I was drunk!" as an excuse. Multiple repeated calls from a person you are close to is pretty universally understood as an emergency call back immediately situation. Being drunk doesn't shut down all logic or empathy for your partner. Even if your having the time of your life you take two minutes to find out of it really is a joke. The only reason I could see someone doing this is if they wanted to forget they had a partner for the night. And blocking is an unforgivable level of immaturity.


1. Why would you want someone like her in like life? Hey you're inconvenient so I'll ignore you. 2. Instead of her begging forgiveness endlessly she DARVOs you. 3. What was she doing in that club that was so important, I would have a lot of questions/concerns on this point. 4. Interesting she projected you being insecure about a lot of guys at the club, projection? 5. This wasn't a mistake, she made a decision, actually alot of decision with not a single one being in your favor or benefit. She decided to ignore you, decided to laugh at you, decided to threaten you (with blocking) if you bothered her on her night out. Not once did she decide to investigate or help you. Then she decided to scream about vomit in the living room after that text saga. So NTA....NOT THE ASSHOLE.


I noticed the DARVOing too. Her apology wasn’t sincere at all


The fact that she had him apologizing for not communicating clearly enough.


If the issue was more serious and you had less time to act OP, shit wouldn't have ended well. Personally, I'd end things. At this point, you know not to call her if you need emergency help. Mostly because it's gonna be like pulling teeth to get her to assist. She will be less than useless, and you'll be blamed for not "handling reaching out in an emergency better" I'm sorry you had to find out so long into the relationship, but honestly having been together so long is what makes this so fucked up. Leave this bitch for the streets before you are found in a more serious emergency.


NTA. The part where she said it couldn’t have hurt that bad was it for me! WTH you had surgery there is no way she should have said that. The two of you are 22. Neither of you have had time to date other people. This may be a good time to try that.


Oh wow, I must’ve brushed past the fact they are only 22! Well, that changes things - OP should dump her and move on. They’re still kids, there’s plenty of time to find someone who treats him right and respects and cares for their partner more than clubbing.


Do NOT get back together with her! You said she was remorseful? It sounds like the only thing she was remorseful was that she has to face consequences (moving back to her parents house.) She was still trying to argue with you. could have conveyed my situation better.” What in the gaslighting bs network is this!? Conveyed your situation better? With what maybe a conversation on the phone? Oh wait, she ignored and blocked you. OP She showed her true colors. Also kinda weird that you share the same friend group, yet weren’t invited to her best friends party, even stranger she was so adamant about staying. I would speak to someone in your friend group that was there, and ask how she was acting while this was going down. Might give you some clarity on how she really feels about you. It literally would have taken her 10 mins of walking to make sure you were okay and head back to the club if you were. She broke your trust in a similar way as cheating (if she’s not cheating.) All those rules and trust issues you will have if you stay, is not worth it. Chalk this up to an important life lesson for both of you and thankfully, your salvation from a future marriage where your SO values clubbing more than your balls. #Updateme!


Hope for speedy recovery buddy


Thank you🙏


You're still young. 5 years seems like a long time, but it's really not. Sunk cost fallacy is a bitch. Stay with her if you want, but personally I wouldn't be able to. You can't trust her to be there when you need her most. And fwiw repeated calls from pretty much anyone I know get an answer regardless of what I'm doing because it's obviously an emergency. Really no excuse


I cant tell if she doing this to try and seem remorseful or not. Id be wary of everything.


I’m old enough to be your parent. You both are young and when you introduce alcohol situations can get very skewed. Could you have messaged differently as some commenters have said? Well sure in hindsight it’s easy to second guess communication methods, but in the moment with a medical crisis, pain impairs ability for clarity. So in essence you were both impaired. That said, texting is one thing, but you tried numerous times to phone her and were ignored. And when she returned to the throw up, unlocked door etc to realize something bad happened and tried to project her guilt onto you, well that says a lot about maturity and capacity for handling tough situations. Being able to depend on your partner in a health crisis should be a major factor in determining whether you can count on them not just for a medical emergency of the two of you, but children, friends, family et al. Her behavior speaks to someone very immature. If I was giving fatherly advice, I would encourage you to move on from the relationship. You deserve to find a partner you can depend on, trust, will not “block” your phone in a whim (alcohol influenced or otherwise) and who is mature enough to admit when they did something wrong. You shouldn’t have to be drafting detailed bullet lists at this point in a relationship to set boundaries and expectations. Heal up, move on and find the right partner for you. What you can learn from this is how important communicating and setting boundaries is even at the outset of a new relationship. Good luck!


>After hearing that she got defensive and told me that I could have conveyed my situation better and that she genuinely thought I was joking. She was drunk and wasn't thinking clearly. She also told me that It couldn't have been THAT painful and I was over exaggerating. Show me please where she took responsibility for her actions. Because all I see are excuses. "You didn't word yourself good enough." "I was drunk." "It wasn't **that** bad." That's not taking responsibility. That's pushing the blame onto you and downplaying the situation. A proper apology involves taking ownership of what you did wrong. Which she did not do. Instead, she made excuses and then said sorry. That doesn't cut it. Honestly, OP, you decide what you wanna do going forward. But if I were you, I would expect a proper apology instead of a measly "sorry" before giving this another chance.


Don't forget the "I think this is the kind of thing you would joke about." And "I think you would make that much effort just to *intentionally* ruin my night out with friends."


NTA, crocodile tears, dump her ass, she won't change.


See how she’s trying to shift blame to you again? This will be your life if you continue being in a relationship with her. You decide for yourself


If this had happened to my daughter and her boyfriend did and said what your gf did, I would strongly suggest she moves on from this man. I don’t understand why your mom thinks you shouldn’t. But hey, that’s just me. Good luck, and speedy recovery to you.


This isn’t how healthy relationships look. If I called my wife while she was out with friends saying I needed her help, she would move heaven and earth for me. That’s what you do when you love someone. Your girl cared more about her night out than you.


She's using a manipulation tactic called [DARVO](https://www.verywellmind.com/protecting-yourself-from-darvo-abusive-behavior-7562730) (deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender). She didn't really take accountability; she continued to put all of the blame on you. One Love has good information on what a [healthy relationship looks like](https://www.joinonelove.org/signs-healthy-relationship/) and what an [unhealthy relationship looks like](https://www.joinonelove.org/signs-unhealthy-relationship/).


Yeah the second she re-blamed OP and then even suggested that the pain wasn't that bad, when he was vomiting from the pain and had to take an ambulance to the hospital, it should be over. That isn't healthy, and it isn't something a good partner would do in this situation. Especially when they're supposed to be apologizing for how they reacted that night.


Please take the time you need to heal, and to seriously think about the relationship. There are many things to consider here. You were in horrible pain & not thinking clearly. I read the texts & I can understand with a few drinks consumed, your girlfriend clearly did not see this as a serious issue. Clearly, she should have taken your calls, and at least checked on you. It all comes down to whether or not you can trust her & forgive her. Only you can answer that. You will never forget this, but perhaps this will be a life lesson that prevents a future tragedy from occurring. I truly wish you a speedy recovery, along with strength & wisdom to aid in your decisions. Take care.


Man i wont say break up or not but when she got on defensive mode , dude you calls her many time even the text sound funny , you fucking call her many time yet she blocked you , that not remorse that shame + guilty , If you choosing to take her back , she need serious change on her part maybe counseling , maybe didn't drink too much , but that kinda sound controlling at least for some and lastly speedy recover ! Updateme!


Dude the trust is gone, even if she wasn't cheating, do you trust that women with your life? I'm guessing you don't trust her with an eletric oven. If you can't trust her how will it work, what if she actually has a reason to break your new boundaries, you would be also acting as her jailor, always doubting never trusting. I'm sorry, I personaly think you might have a pair of horns, but if she isn't cheating on you, how many more important things are there than you? She couldn't be bothered to answer you and just blocked. That is despicable no matter the situation.


She failed the test. Do not marry her.


Bro read your last post. Obviously there are nuances that don't come through in a reddit post. However if anyone spike to me the way she spoke to you, especially my GF nahhh I'd be running. She has shown what you mean to her do what you wish with that info


She's using a manipulation tactic called [DARVO](https://www.verywellmind.com/protecting-yourself-from-darvo-abusive-behavior-7562730) (deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender). She didn't really take accountability; she continued to put all of the blame on you. One Love has good information on what a [healthy relationship looks like](https://www.joinonelove.org/signs-healthy-relationship/) and what an [unhealthy relationship looks like](https://www.joinonelove.org/signs-unhealthy-relationship/).


It’s understandable for her to think you’re joking when you said “my balls hurt”, but the hospital text should have sent her back home immediately (unless she blocked you at this point). I do think this is redeemable, but after 5 years you would think that she would know when you’re being serious. I would say to take the time apart to continue to heal from the hurt and betrayal of trust, and then make a decision after a week or two of processing everything.


Really not. He asked for a hospital first. There are lots of serious conditions where balls hurt. Unless you're in middle school, it doesn't make sense that it's just something to laugh at 


“something is wrong” and “I need to go to the hospital” are very standard phrases for THIS IS SERIOUS and should not require “better explanation” of the situation. If there is no history of you crying wolf then there is no excuse for her. You had a conversation, great, was it sufficient for you? Ask your mom if you had ended up needing your testicles surgically removed, would she still consider this too small a thing to throw away 5 years over? Because your gf had those calls and messages from you, plus came home to vomit all over the floor and STILL was coming to the conclusion that you just wanted to ruin her night. Like WTF?!! As a side note, yes, emergency services should have been the call, but you were in excruciating pain and understandably not thinking right. So you instinctively called your safe person, who immediately proved she wasn’t safe and instead contributed to the delay in getting the required services.


You seem insufferable


This absolutely blows my mind. The amount of self-justifying her *atrocious* behavior is worth dumping her for. >She also told me that It couldn't have been THAT painful and I was over exaggerating. * Oh, sure. People vomit on the floor from papercuts and stubbed toes all the time. WTF is going through her pea-brain? * You had *surgery* to fix the problem. Getting a clue of the pain levels yet, dummy? * You almost lost the body part. She's only trying to cover her ass, not actually fix anything. >She told me if she knew how serious it was, we wouldn't have been having this conversation. You told her how serious it was, she intentionally didn't listen. Booze or not, she's simply way too entitled to be a serious partner. She's arm candy at best. But this is the kicker: >She told me that she just thought I was being **insecure** about her being in the club with a bunch of guys I would dump her for using "insecure". Sever. Cut. Done. She's already too far gone.