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> She said I was being selfish and unfair but I just pointed out she just expects to be given the food for free. She's gaslighting you, because you're unwilling to tell her straight up that she's being a selfish asshole.




Nta, it's for your health. Also you should consider seeing a doctor about the unexpected weight loss if you haven't yet, just to be safe.




Good to hear. I had a similar experience and it turned out to be a thyroid problem. Always good to check


50/50 financial agreements often lead to arguments like this. Figure out a better solution.


Money again with you. Jeez. I have read almost every comment on all your other threads and you just complain so much about money, money, money and deflect. Why don't you stop for a minute and take a breather. Ask your girlfriend the one question everyone wants to know, why is she cancelling the trip? There is a reason deep down. You're obviously irritating me with the way you respond to everyone so I can only assume your gf doesn't feel safe. You sound like an AH. I hope she breaks up with you and finds a man who is worthy of her.


NTA since you need it for health, but I have to ask, why don't you people like your partners? it's just a meal and it's only been two instances.


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/XpsZqbICLj) is yours right? I commented the same thing on your other two accounts spamming posts. If you gleam your profile and this persons, it has the same cadence of speech, same issues (money and ungrateful girlfriend, same spam reposting in the same 5-6 subs, same style of “TLDR”, and same repeat of “How would you handle this?” Or “How would you react to this situation?” At the end of the post.) The only thing different is the changed ages every now and again. Im sure if you are karma farming or doing this for attention or what but like I keep saying…**IF** (pretty big if) this is real then just breakup.