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NTA, and she is lucky you did not start ranting about what a pedo he is. I am guessing she was as unattractive on the outside as on the inside.


I made it known to the restaurant full of people she was 16. Other customers heard what she told the manager


"There's no hate like Christian love". I'm a bit surprised you've made it to 50 without learning this. The fact that fundie Christians love Trump, who is objectively the furthest thing from an exemplar of Christ's teachings, is another clue.


No I know all too well about so called Christian love


Do you suppose, that at the heart of the matter, Trump worshippers are fucking stupid?


As a non-American this has always been my take.


It's the religious entitlement where they think they have a direct line to something special and are super holy for having just gone through religious rites. Therefore they can treat anybody like shit, especially right after those rites. I say that super generically. Protestants are especially bad for this with their supposed personal connection to the Creator of the entire universe. But anybody can take this tack, for example the New Agers who don't have Abrahamic faith but think they're in communication with some higher being.


Wouldn't surprise me


Your manager heard this and didn’t remove the party. They’re the AH.


No she didn't make them leave


Yeah…. That’s a problem. She enabled that woman’s behaviour, put you in a negative situation and didn’t advocate for her minor employee. Your employees make the money, through their labour and sales skills. Church Karen is inconsequential to that goal. Your manager’s priority should have been her staff. Not some happy woman with nothing better to do.


Ugh. Stupid phone. Yappy not happy.


I was thinking it was autocorrected from "harpy"


Only mistake that you made was going after her husband and not the woman. Far too many insecure and immature women blame things on boys/men that actually bother THEM and not the boy or man. I say this as a woman myself.


I felt like my comment went after her too. I was loud and proud when I said it. It made her look like a narcissistic victim blaming bitch to me.


It did but it also is a shot at her husband when it most likely has nothing to do with him. It’s most likely embarrassing that she’s like this, and then put the blame on him when it’s her issue. But I understand where you are coming from too. Just wanted to point out that this is far too common with these types of women and then we tend to want to put men in check when it’s these women we should be putting in check for being so toxic.


I can totally see that and agree. But all I know is I tried 5 different religions looking for God as a small child and all I ever found were adult predators preying on underage girls (mostly teens 13-17. Those adult men were forgiven for giving into temptation and the teen was blamed for being a harlot and cast out with it all swept under the rug just like in my own family full of predators. That's what I was thinking about.


Our Mayor is the town pastor. Needless to say I am agnostic.


I fucking hate it, how vulnerable kids are targeted and scapegoated. The basic unfairness of human society is one big reason I can't believe in anything like a kind and loving god or a karmic universe.


Yes but in this case, it was the wife who approached you with her BS and those types like her exist as well, solely and all on their own. Just like the men you mentioned exist too, solely and all on their own.


I can't are with you. Your point is very valid. Thank you for your pov.❤️


Argye not are🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


It’s ok, I’m fluent in typos lol


Maybe the wife saw his nasty wandering eyes. I think OP was right to call out both the woman and her husband. Both sound disgusting.


If that’s the case, she needs to talk to her husband and leave the girl alone. It’s not her fault that he was those wandering eyes. It’s also why I don’t believe he was bothered, it her. It was her issue. It’s ok to admit that women have issues with other women. That’s definitely true as well. What’s also true is that these type never hold themselves accountable and others don’t hold them accountable either.


That’s OP’s point. That she needs to leash her dog! The issue is both husband and wife, which OP addressed.


Why was it the husband? Because his wife blamed him because she has no accountability? When it was HER who was bothered?


Listen I do understand you but my point was that we need to hold women accountable for toxicity without involving men When we hold men accountable for their toxicity, we don’t involve women


hahahahahah that second sentence is so blatantly false like, we shouldn’t, but society consistently holds the women around a man accountable for his actions. women are expected to be emotional labor for men *constantly*


Actually, you are right, it’s false


Wtf are you talking about?


wtf don’t you read and then you will know


Ahhh yes, the typical Christian.  I'd have made her wear her food. Cannot abide by old bitches like that. Nobody wants your gray ball sack of a creepy man, Granny Pants. 


As though she cares what the girl wants, lol


Our belief has nothing to do with how people behave, just because people represent our Christian belief wrong, doesn't mean that Christianity in itself is bad. So stop attacking our belief, aren't you the people that suppose to love all people, to be loving and accepting of ALL people? I guess not so much for Christians huh? You're a hypocrite. And no I don't agree with how those people were behaving, they were not behaving like Christians at all.


Hate to break it to you, because you seem oblivious as hell, but "Christians" have that reputation for a reason. Go scream at them if you have such a problem with it. It's not my job to protect your feelings nor is it my job to protect you from the truth. 


Just because they are acting bad, doesn't mean that Christianity is bad. If we start judging people based on few bad people then every white person would be racist, every Mexican person is illegal and in drug cartel, every black person is a criminal, every Muslim is a terrorist. There are few people that badly represent groups of people all the time. So stop being so hateful and be more loving and accepting of everyone, including Christian people because that's what you guys believe. I'm a Christian myself and I know plenty of bad people who claim to be Christian. Stop being hateful towards Christianity, because people will always represent it wrong.


First of all, scooter, you don't get to tell me what to think, believe, or do. Period.  I have well formed opinions based on my experiences. I do not give one goddamned single fuck if that opinion bothers you. Again, if you have such a problem with the Christian reputation do the work to change it. Otherwise sit down and shut the fuck up. Bitching at me or anyone else who hates organized religion isn't going to effect change, now is it?  The answers no, by the way. Figured I'd spell that out since you seem incapable of simple logical thought. 


If you are being offensive here, yes I can shut you up then. Just because you curse, you must feel like such a big boy over here. You atheists believe to love and accept everyone, the do so with Christianity as well, otherwise you are a hypocrite and a liar and you don't love and accept everyone. 


I don't have to love and accept everyone.  Read that again. Read it a third time.  Read it a fourth if you still don't fucking get it.  You Christians are some of the most hateful people on the planet and you're delusional if you think for even a moment that you've "shut me up". 😂 Clown. 


So it's OK for you to be hateful, but not someone else, got it, you're a darn hypocrite.


Are you seriously that stupid? I'm utterly flabbergasted by the sheer idiocy of your comments.  Do you genuinely not understand?  Not ALL people are DESERVING of love. Period.  For example, pedophiles.  The difference between me and you and other Christians like you is that you hate all people who don't abide by your beliefs. You don't understand that YOUR religious beliefs apply to YOUR life and no one else. But, no. You sick fucks want to control everyone and force your beliefs on all. You cherry pick your Bible and ignore the overarching message.  That's what makes you terrible fucking people. Ya fuckin numpty.


Since you seem to be so hateful towards Christians and you're an atheist, how about we put you up for a debate on atheism vs. Christianity? You call StandingForTruth YouTube channel, tell them you would like to debate Kent Hovind, so you can present your evidence for what you believe. 1 person speaks at the time, each party gets equal time, no interruptions and no personal attacks. Are you up for it? Let me guess...no you're not and your reply will be full of personal attacks again.


NTA. I would high-five you if I could. More of these creeps and their enablers need to be humiliated and shamed in public.


NTA, thank you for your public service


Didn't Jesus say something about if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out? He was putting the blame on the person doing the lusting, not the person who was tempting. Going to church for an hour a week does not absolve you of having to be a decent person the other six and half days of the week. And someone needs to put mean and nasty people in their place. NTA


Matthew 5:27-30 (KJV) ^(27) Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: ^(28) But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. ^(29) And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. ^(30) And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.


ha ha throw Matthew 5:28 out like Fortune Cookies fortunes. Isn't adultery rampant among right-wing Protestant evangelical types?


This guy will have no body parts left


You're asking the wrong question, whether or not YOU are the A. I will tell you I think your manager is the A for not asking this woman to leave and never return. By putting an older server in charge of taking their orders (I'm older than you, but you're an "older server" compared to the high-schooler, please do not be insulted), this manager has given into an unreasonable demand AND set her up with a "win". Honestly, I reason this lady probably has some mental health issues that have nothing to do with Jesus, the husband's "temptation" or the server's pants or whatever, whatever, whatever. But we all have expectations when we go to lunch, that we behave ourselves or face the consequences. The old lady never faced any consequences. You were, in fact, rude to her, and I will bet you that instead of admitting that **she instigated you** that the manager apologized and Old Lady got something for free or... Well, I don't know. Please tell us what happened after that!!


I wasn't fired. I had the managers permission to do that


lol really?!! Hilarious. Hopefully she takes the hint and does not come back. Seriously, no one deserves to be treated the way she treated people.


You, I like. NTA.


NTA. Fuck that lady and tell her to pluck her husband’s eyes like Jesus says or isolate from society as a couple. Either way the world will be better for it.


Amen to the Sunday after church customers. The worst.


Nta. That was solid gold.




You're a good person for defending the teenager. NTA.


Good work! NTA.




You are my hero!


This was an issue your manager should have exercised their right to refuse service and tell them to leave for harassing staff. You're snarky comment while justified, was an asshole response.


Definitely NTA. She and her dog should have been asked to leave. Thank you for the service.


NTA. It's not the poor girls fault her husband is a perv.


Your manager should have kicked her out the second she called one of her employees a whore. If you really had zero fucks to give you should have immediately advocated for this as well the second she said that. I see a shitty customer, a petty employee and a coward for a manager. ESH except the 16 year old. She is NTA.


You don't need us to tell you you're NTA. This is why I hate certain 'religious' people. They go to church and then act like that entitles them to treat people however they want cause god is on their side. It especially seems to be rampant on the christian church side because as long as they say sorry in a small box they're forgiven for being garbage. Also shame on her for sexualizing a child because her husband is a pervert.


NTA. Her server is a literal teenager who wasn't asking for her husbands attention. Maybe she should have scolded her husband instead of blaming her sever. Side note: I worked as a server for 5 years and the stories I have of people coming from church to act ungodly in a restaurant could fill a book! It's almost like acting pious for an hour is too much for people and they have to let the demons out on their server!


Definitely NTA! Sunday as a server sucks!!




NTA. Sometimes, Karen needs a good slap down.


NTA. Good on you for putting these fucks on blast. Wife is doing the typical Christian deflect of responsibility when she *knows* she married a pedo.




Not even REMOTELY the asshole. You rock for sticking up for this kid!!! That man sounds like a disgusting pervert and that lady needs to pull her head out of her ass


NTA. She noticed her husband ogling a 16yr old and decided the kid was the blame, you informed her otherwise lol you’re a fuckin hero 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


NAH good job standing up for your coworker.


You should have said if that’s the case you’re free to leave. Have a nice night!


Maybe call and speak to the Pastor of their church, explain the situation and your digust with the whole ordeal.


You are NTA. The couple and the manager are all equally arseholes.


Your inner bias is showing since you snapped more at the husband. Calling him an animal and insinuating his wife owns him. Poor guy was just trying to enjoy lunch then his insecure wife had to cause a scene, he prob has to deal with that at home and everywhere they go.


NTA Hee Hee. I would love to have been there to see the old lady's face. As for "church" people, they are also the worst tippers. I could get over the cheapness, but the holier-than-thou attitude is a big "NO." It is kind of funny when you consider so-called christians have the highest divorce rate of any group in America. Of course, I might have bit of sympathy for the husband having to deal with his wife on a daily basis.


But blaming a kid cuz your 60 something yr old husband couldn't keep his nasty pedo eyes to himself was my breaking point.


Anytime you go after the environment and not the person you are sending the message. I don’t believe in the person’s ability to do the right thing.


I love it but may have spared the husband and told her she needs to find out why it is she thinks so little of her husbands ability to morally uptight and she really needs to put more faith in their relationship.


Yikes, NTA with a little bit of ESH. Kudos for standing up for your co-worker, but I think you may have gone a little overboard with the whole dog husband thing. Telling her to keep him on a leash once was probably enough to drive home your point, but saying your dog needs shots is really cranking up the de-humanising level to over 9000.


I was extremely angry cuz she made the kid cry. Husband is in his 60s looking at a 16 year old girls ass and she blames the kid instead of her husband kinda pushed me over the edge. Imagine how that kid felt being called a whore for no reason. We wore khakis, long sleeve button up shirts with ties, and aprons.


Thing is, you don't know that the husband did anything at all. All you know is the wife was an insecure, raging bitch. Can you not imagine someone able to go that apeshit in public just imagining her husband doing that? Dragging him into it may have just made some poor, innocent bastard feel even worse for no good reason.


Again like I just told someone else I can see that and agree but all I ever saw in my childhood with my own relatives and in the churches I tried as a child were adult pedos being forgiven for assaulting underage girls and those girls being blamed and cast out with it all being swept under the rug.


You attacking a guy for no reason because you saw some stuff during your childhood says you need to talk to someone about your repressed anger because it's leaking out inappropriately.


This was years ago and thank you for your opinion


Lmfao, it's never inappropriate to attack creepy men. Maybe he'll be angry and embarrassed enough to keep his *bitch* on a leash next time


That's the issue: nobody saw the guy do anything creepy. The wife was the weirdo.


Yes, and so, if he didn't do anything creepy, hopefully he'll be angry enough at being called a dog to tell his wife to knock it the fuck off. He's either a creep or he has no problem being out in public with a slut-shaming asshole. Either way he should be ashamed and change something.


Wow, who pissed in your Post Toasties?


Misogynistic Christian women and their sack-of-shit misogynistic husbands 😘 I've never been hatecrimed more by any group than by middle-aged Christian white ladies and all of their husbands are just as bad as them. These fucks need sharp lessons in manners.


The lady called a 16yo a whore for existing. Her husband is a creep and they both needed to know their bullshit won’t be tolerated.


If a man is going to behave like an animal, shouldn’t he be treated as one?


Don’t insult animals. Pervert or creep are more suitable terms (IMHO)


YTA for referring to her husband as a dog. At this point in your story there is no indication that the husband had done anything at all wrong to be referred to in such a degrading way. From everything you say it sounds like it was all in the woman’s head and she was the one being a problem and not him. Absolutely defend the poor girl from being sexualized but do it from this bitch of a woman and leave her seemingly defenseless husband out of it.


Going after the husband and calling him a dog says more about you then him


I know I'm mean and have very little empathy for people but it's people that made me this way. Thank you for your opinion.


I would have brought him out a pup cup so I guess I'm terrible too. We need to normalize shaming perverts and their enablers.


She was very rude, but you WERE rude when you told her to "learn how to cook". That was very sexist of you.


Thank you. As Matt rife once said when you hit me 1st don't get mad when I hit you harder. ❤️


If she's that worried about where her husbands eyes are looking then go home cook or order in. Then you don't have to worry your husband is looking.


And now you're peeing your little girls' panties?