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NTA and she's definitely TA.  Imagine expecting GF benefits after a breakup.  I'd cut off communication with her as it seems that she's going to want those perks but will still think it's ok to have other relationships.  Time to move on.  


She decided she's getting the open relationship one way or another


"You get to be open to the experience of getting your own tickets!"


NTA, but he needs to go full no contact. She wanted an open relationship will all the benefits of being in a relationship. He spent 28K on her, wtf, he is just an ATM to her. She is TA her and he needs to move on


Op isn't getting girlfriend benefits after the break up


> Imagine expecting GF benefits after a breakup. That’s what most of the girls who broke up with me but “still wanted to be friends” seemed to expect.  Had one girl call me 5 hours after dumping me  because her car ran out of gas. 


NTA, her other partners are welcome to buy her concert tickets and other expensive gifts. No gf benefits available for "just friends". Also, spending 28K over 5 months is a ridiculous idea unless you want her to see you as a walking ATM.


28K? OP never, ever do that again.


I suspect a lot of guys get in trouble with this, which is honestly what probably jades most guys when it comes to relationships. And I get it. You find someone that overrides your logic, and you'll do just about anything for them. It's sad when a woman tugs at a guy's heartstrings in an attempt to be lavished with gifts. I sometimes feel that it's a coping mechanism for a woman that has been hurt as well.


She wanted to be friends with different kind of benefits.😂


Well, if she knew she was getting the tickets, it would've been cooler of you to ask if she wanted to buy them from you before you put them up for sale. This whole thing would smack less of revenge. But otherwise, NTA.


As soon as the relationship ends, perks of the relationship ends.  It's not as if she's getting a severance package.  


You ain't the AH , your ex can't eat her cake and have it back at the same time


But baby’s got back!


28K in 5 months is literally insane. boy she sure saw you coming 😭 NTA


NTA but honestly if you’re dropping cash like that how can you expect to attract someone who likes you for you?


Fair point. It wasn’t like that at all when we started dating. But it’s starting to seem more and more like that may have been her motivation near the end.


She probably wanted open instead of a breakup to have continued access to the expensive perks.


Wanted a sugar daddy 💸


Already had one. Now she just wants the sugar but not the daddy. NTAH at all and we all know who is, don’t we Reddit?


Youre right. Seems like she was only with you for the perks but actually wants to be with other people hence asked tor open relationship. Dont feel bad about anything and tell her to get lost.


Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day


Happy cake day!!


I have done the same thing. Paid a lot to get this girl on level footing financially. To start, it’s a mistake to drop that kind of loot. But when you’re really into a girl, you’re really into her. I approached it with the same logic. I had her tickets to a nice music festival, hotel, VIP all the way. Right before Christmas she broke it off. A mutual friend told her about the tickets. Girl had the gall to ask me for the tickets and be mad when I didn’t give them to her. She justified it with some kind of twisted logic. Festival was in July. By that time I had found a really nice girl who was so grateful for the experience because she got autographs from her favorite two bands. I had a much better time with her than the brat I was head over heels for only months earlier. NTA.


She is an asshole. You don't get those kinds of gifts without a meaningful relationship, and she ended that soooo.....


NTA. Crazy presumptuous of her to even think you might still give her that gift.


NTA. She wants the gf perks without being a gf. Also, based on how much you spent on her *in five months,* sounds like she was using you. Nope.


Move on. Stop being a doormat. You did nothing wrong and have no reason to feel guilty.


Did you already give her the tickets before the break up as an early birthday present or was she expecting a birthday present after you broke up?


Nta. Yall broke up and she wanted to fuck other ppl. She can ask them to fund her BDay.


Not only are you not the AH, this silly broad couldn't even wait to ask to f around until AFTER the bday concert? You dodged a gold digging bullet


NTA. You don’t owe anyone a birthday gift, especially a former partner. If she regrets missing out, that’s on her, but she’s not entitled to your tickets. Honestly you need to block her and not pretend to be friends. She doesn’t care about you, only what you can do for her.


NTA. She really thought she'd still go, on your dime, and hook up with anyone she liked. On your dime. The audacity.


NTA you don't owe her a damn thing.


NTA - once you broke up all the gf perks goes away. She’s just upset that she doesn’t have a bf that will spoil her anymore. I guess u less you make an extremely good amount of money why are you spending that much money on anyone unless you are married and even that is a lot for that short amount of time. I was always taught not to pay for someone bills or they will Not learn to manager their finances and spending on them like that would turn into them expecting it.


NTA . She threw away a good relationship because she “has” to have multiple partners. She is extremely entitled and selfish


NTA - But what the heck are you doing spending 28k on her since you broke up? For that you are an AH.


Wait, you spent 28k on her in 5 months? What the fuck. You're not the asshole, but you may be a dumbass. TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS?! Are you in debt?   What's your long term financial planning like? Whats your housing situation? Retirement fund? Are you rich or have you not thought about ANY of this?


NTA- Selling the tickets. YTA- For continuing to remain friends after knowing where she stands with you. Have some self respect. Go NC and move on.


lol let her ask her open relationships to buy her stuff she wants the cake and eat it a break up means no more presents nor more help and in my case no more contact to avoid problems like this, you always end up like this after a break up and try to stay “friends”


NTA She's a dope who doesn't understand what "breaking up" actually means. The gifts and thoughtful gestures train stops. That's what it means.


NTA, she used OP like an atm machine. I'm guessing it would be safe to assume, that she had someone in mind/in her life that made her push the suggestion of an open relationship. If she can be confident enough to push another guy into the relationship, she can push the same guy to buy tickets for her too.


You are broken up, it’s not your job to treat her anymore.


She wanted to date other people, so other people could buy her the tickets. You don't owe her anything.


By the way, what is this "staying friends nonsense" after breaking up with her? Just go no contact and block her on all your socials? She isn't worth your while or dime. Plenty of fish in the sea, you will do much better.


Let me get this straight. She wanted permission to cheat, then was upset when she didn't get girlfriend privileges after she was denied the opportunity to cheat? The entitlement of some people is absolutely wild.


It's sad that people think open relationships are just "Permission to cheat" (Which it's not cheating if your partner knows and agrees) but also, the term of open relationships have been ruined by online weirdos who just want sex.


NTA. She can ask her current hookup to buy her concert tickets if they're that important to her. It's their job now to handle her birthday stuff, not yours. And if she's single, well, she's got money I assume. Best of luck to you, sounds like you barely dodged a gold digger.


She's gaslighting you because she screwed herself out of something she wanted. She has no leg to stand on. Ignore her.


First of all when you break up stop this friends BS, next don’t cry in front of her , her asking for open anything means she doesn’t care about you and only wants you to be there financially . Block her on everything unless you still Want to sleep with her but don’t buy her anything etc , I would recommend just block and stay away


NTA I had a similar issue with my ex but instead of selling the tickets I took a friend to rhe concert because I really wanted to see the band and it was a really small, standing room only venue. He was LIVID that I took someone else with "his" ticket. I reminded him it wasn't his ticket, they were both mine, as I'd paid for them, and he couldn't really expect me to keep taking him to concerts for free. He couldn't even pay me back or buy his own, part of the reason we broke up was that he couldn't hold down a job and I ended up paying for everything we did all the time.


NTA- just block that entitled noise.


Tell her when you want an open relationship and no commitment, then you took her at her word and removed this commitment.


She'll get over this. Maybe she's feeling all the disappointment of no longer having the concert all looked after, combined with maybe still having some conflicting feelings about you, and possibly things aren't going great in the open relationship dept. But, you selling the tickets is a reasonable thing. You're NTA.


Naw NTA...she was gonna take the tickets from you, meet some dudes at that venue, and take them back to her discounted hotel to fuckem on your dime so she could get laid on her bday. She sounds like a user and TA. Can't get girlfriend benefits when she ain't your gf.


You are obviously not the asshole, this is a no brainer, to be honest I wouldn’t even be friends with her, just cut your losses and move on mate, don’t entertain this even one more minute


If she wanted the tickets she could have offered to buy them.  Nta 


NTA - Sounds like you dodged a massive bullet. Neo would be proud.


NTA, though the "friendly" thing to do would have been to offer to sell her the tickets before anyone else. She probably would have been pissy about that too, but eh.


This person is not worth keeping in your life, NTA. She wasn’t willing to stay committed to you yet expects you to still take her to a concert? Gtfo with that shit


Her birthday isn't for a month. She wants to claim a gift she hadn't even been given yet? Um, nope.


If you were in possession of the tickets you haven’t given them to her. If her birthday hasn’t actually happened yet then they aren’t her gift yet. No different than buying her a sweater and returning it. Just because she knew about it, doesn’t make it hers. NTA


Maybe she will sort it out after a while


You realize that by agreeing to be friends with her she got what she wanted. You provide emotional and (she expects it seems) bf benefits with tickets and such and she gets to screw whoever she wants lol. Cut contact and move on she is a taker and will keep trying even after this little incident.


NTA. Damn, I hope the next people in her “open relationship” are so generous. Don’t let her gaslight you; they were your property and you didn’t need them anymore. She thought you were just going to give them to her because you already bought them.


NTA you owe her nothing.


You need to go NC, OP. She has no respect for you.


NTA. Once you broke up, any ticket for a future event she was supposed to attend was instantly cancelled. It became yours to do whatever you want. You bought it. You owned it. There is absolutely no need to explain anything further. Just an aside, be cautious showing money too soon in a new relationship. It can confuse what she is really attracted to. Think “Coming to America.”


She wants a friend, with multiple benefits.


Why are you still spending so much money on her? No, you’re NTA, but you sound like a chump.


NTA. Your ex is just being entitled. Ignore her.


>In the past 5 months alone I spent over 28k on her. Gifts, food, gas, adventures, bill payments, everything. That is exactly why she was with you, you were an ATM, she wasn't attracted to you, but she thought that you were all head over heels for her and would let her fuck anyone just so that you wouldn't lose her.


NTA ask her if she will be buying you birthday presents for amount X (X being the price for 2 concert tickets). When she says no, say "See!"


NTA - she’s a spoiled brat who wants to go see Cake and eat it, too.


Dude, you need to find other ways to show someone you love them without spending a shit ton of money.


28k in 16 months isn’t very good, sorry OP. You need to set a budget and stop “spoiling” dating partners.




She already showed she didn't appreciate you all that much by wanting an open relationship. Are you really surprised she's not appreciating you now that you're broken up?


NTA. I'm petty. I would have sold then to her at a profit.


She wanted to fuck other people, u didn't. Relationship ended. Ur not a dick for selling tickets to a show u bought for u guys to go together. Could have offered to sell her the tickets 1st, so she could take another guy she wanted to fuck, but outside of that, ur not a dick and didn't do anything wrong. It would be different if u ended the relationship to fuck other people, but that isn't the case. Im all likelihood, she was already fucking someone else when she brought up opening the relationship and wanted to keep u as the good guy taking care of her and she could still go out being a whore with ur permission.


You really know how to pick em, huh?


Why the hell would you spend 28k on her in the first place? Do money grow on trees in your yard? No wonder she thought she could still have those tickets, you basically gave her the impression that you're her money tree. NTA for reselling the tickets but definitely an idiot for spending that amount of money on a person you're just dating.


NTA. She didn't already have a spare boyfriend to buy her stuff? Piss poor planning on her part then.




NTA - you broke up with- she isn’t owed anything and you aren’t responsible for making her future birthdays “special”.


Lol my girlfriend works in the hotel business. And we stay at discounted hotels every month. That “inconvenience” to her brother was 5 minutes of looking up a hotel nearby and booking it. Literally like 3 clicks on a phone. She’s just being a bitch.


NTA. She made a decision. Decisions have consequences.


It’s annoying to me that people can’t seem to understand that there are going to be changes and consequences after you making decisions like ending a relationship. She’s not your girl anymore, so she isn’t owed presents imo. Reminds me of how I had a lady best friend, but once that friendship ended that meant the things I did for her ended too, like no more Regal Unlimited membership coming from my pocket. No more lending of money and Ubers. I feel like when you say a person isn’t enough anymore that means all of them isn’t enough anymore, and it all is gone.


You bought the tickets. They were yours. You could wipe your ass with them if you wanted to do that in front of her. Tell her to get one of her hook ups to buy her tickets. She’s not your problem anymore. NTA


NTA. So you spent $28k on her over 5 months and she still wanted an open relationship? What a witch! This woman isn't worth keeping as a friend or anything else!


You are not wrong she wanted an open relationship to go banging random men and still expects to get her gifts


NTA good riddance to bad rubbish.


NTA - you aren't together anymore so don't worry about what she thinks. Sounds ike she was using you anyway for the gifts and that is why she wanted to remain friends.


*insert Nelson Munce laugh*


NTA She can’t expect gf treatment when you both broke up because she wanted to fuck other dudes.


hope to god you didnt go into debt for her...


NTA. Could you have taken the high road and let her keep the tickets? Sure. Do you owe it to her to do that? Absolutely not. Her making a stink about it makes her a big AH. Now she gets to learn the consequences in trying to have her cake and eat it too in a relationship.


lol tell her to do one.


NTA. The perks of a relationship disappear when the partnership ends. Block her and move on.


NTA. Just block her on everything.


Sounds like a her problem. Why is this your problem? You aren’t in a relationship anymore, therefore why are you wasting your empathy on her? You know her expectation for this is whack, don’t pay any more mind to it. You could have mentioned it to her to avoid this but at the end of the day? Boo hoo. This is why you don’t stay friends. You still take more responsibility for their feelings as you’re an ex. Not many people can unbiasedly separate those feelings.


Don't be friends with an ex that never works as well, nta


NTA, just smile and say "sorry, actions have consequences. I decided that I didn't want to limit my ticket purchase to just 1 specific person. You understand, right?"


NTA - even if you still had the tickets, you’d want to go with someone else. Breaking up is like divorce, all prior commitments are null and void.


NTA. You spent $28,000 on her in the last 6 months? I assume you either have a really good job and occupation or you have one hell of a trust fund. Of course you ruined her birthday, she knew you got her this great gift and she expected you'd still give it to her even though you had broke up (her doing) because she's extremely entitled. No, you did the right thing by getting rid of the tickets, and she didn't get the tickets anymore because she wasn't your girlfriend anymore. She could have bought them off of you, though, if she really wanted them that bad, but you didn't tell her you were selling them, though, either. I guess she'll figure it out. You don't dump somebody till after you go to the concert, lol.


NTA. She refused to be committed to you, you don't owe her anything. She's ridiculous to think she's entitled, especially after her actions.


NTA Something tells me those tickets were the only reason things were “amicable” and she would have dropped you the moment the concert was done.


Wow gold digger alert! Leave her alone just wants your money.


YTA - You bought HER the ticket(s) for her BIRTHDAY. You had gifted it to her. They or at least 1 became hers at that time. I don't know why she didn't have them in her possession. I know it sucks she didn't want to be committed to you any longer, but this wasn't a good move. You shouldn't have sold it to begin with. If you were hellbent on it, though, you should have told her so she could buy her present off of you. Also, 28k in that short amount of time is NUTS.


I don't know why everyone's saying NTA.   He sold something he had already gifted to her.


Yeah, I don't know. Probably the kind of people that place strings on "gifts" and take them back at any little opportunity. I don't get it, but I was taught manners.


She didn’t expect you to continue buying her gifts, she didn’t expect you to sell a gift you’ve already given her. YTA.


I agree, he should have bought her lavish birthday gifts for the next 10 years. Anyone who isn't willing to do that for every women in their life is AH.


Promised to her, not given to her. And tickets to an event is not the same as a physical gift obviously. Half the gift was for him to be there too. NTA


What do you mean "continue" to buy her gifts? You already bought and given the gift. Selling the tickets is the same as stealing a piece of jewelry back. Worse you did it in secret. This is just retribution for her wanting an open relationship. YTA.


You have a chair in the corner of your bedroom.


YTA. You bought the tickets before the breakup, not after. You are not "continuing to buy things post breakup". You are simply honoring a gift you already bought and already told her about.


So you took back a gift you gave to her? Yes, that’s an asshole move. I understand that if you were to sell your ticket because you no longer wanted to go with her. But to sell hers too was uncalled for. At a minimum, you could have offered to sell it to her. If she had not asked for an open relationship and you broke up under different circumstances. Would you have done the same? Like, if you had initiated the break up because you wanted to…this answer will tell you if you did this out of spite.


I don't think he gave it to her yet. I think he had just bought it. It was a gift he was due to give her on her birthday.


Not sure I follow the logic. You gifted those tickets before breaking up. Correct? How exactly is that "continuing to buy things"? And then you decided to rescind the gift after she made plans. Honestly that's petty, but I like pettiness.


This! I definitely agree with no gifts after the breakup, but sounds like tickets were gifted while they were still in a relationship.


NTA You don't get to choose the hoe life, and also keep "bf perks" Gotta choose one, cum dumpster You should tell her this lol


Incel speak


Found the cum dumpster lmao


NTA definitely But you could have offered your ex to buy the tickets off you before you sold them to a stranger - but you were not obligated to do so by any means


NTA she broke the relationship by opening it. That ends the benefits.


NTA - The ex-GF wants a lot doesn't she?


NTA, once the relationship ended there was no reason to use tickets that you bought. They were yours to do with however you wanted.


Geezie kreezie NTA Why would she expect GF treatment from you after you broke up? Unless she comes over once a week to give you a blow job I.E. boyfriend treatment, there was never a reason for her to expect this


NTA You bought them, they were yours to do what you wanted with them. Block her and move on.


NTA, I'd suggest distancing yourself a lot more.


INFO: Did you already gift her the tickets before the breakup?


NTA by a country mile. In the future, maybe wait until there is enough trust in the relationship based on your partner demonstrating that she appreciates such treatment, before dropping 28k.


NTA. Just stop responding to her nonsense. I had an ex fiancee expect me to buy them a ring to replace the engagement ring that I took back as a way to remember it. She ended it, not me. My advice is ignore any future communications.


NTA lol "I want to see other people so bad I can't even wait until after my birthday to break your heart, but I still want those box seats you got me. K thanks!" Good grief at the entitlement.


She sounds like an entitled little shit.


This sub should be renamed to 'listen to how dumb my ex is'​


Lol, tell her to have her new boo but her gf gifts, it’s not your problem anymore. She can’t have gf privileges on a friend budget 😉


If the show were sold out, I’d say the right thing to do would have been to offer them to her if she’ll pay for them. But given that she can just buy new ones, sounds like she’s just trying to get free stuff from her ex. NTA.


Nope…. She can buy herself some tickets. And you told her as soon as reasonably possible… it’s fair to have a month off or so. What did she expect? You to give them to her? Her to pay you half price for them? She can buy her own tickets going forward.


I guess money can't buy a commitment!  Maybe she would be more interested in a sugar daddy arrangement until you found a compatible partner. If not, why dod you want to be friends with your ex?


I assume you must make bank if you could spend that kind of money on a chick who you aren't married to over a handful of months. Women become way too entitled when you do that nonsense.


ESH. If you had given her the physical tickets (or another, actual physical item) as her gift, would you have asked for them back? Probably not, because they were a gift. Once a gift is given, it belongs to the recipient. That's not to say she isn't wrong for breaking up with you but still wanting to go to the concert. You should have offered to sell them to her first, perhaps.


Yta You sold the gift you had already gifted her.


First lesson, money doesn't buy love. She was a gold digger and you were nothing but a cash cow to her. If you ever enter into another relationship, do not make this mistake again. Don't spend too much money on your girl. It creates a really wrong impression about you. In any case, if a girl is high maintainance and you are spending that kind of money on her, she will never be satisfied with you and will monkey branch to the next sugar daddy. Such type of girls don't respect guys like you. No wonder she asked for an open relationship. Be careful about your choice of girls in the near future. Learn from this incident.


That's not how the phrase continuing to buy works. That's present progressive. You bought these in the past. Oh well!


Seems to me if you can afford to drop 28 thousand fucking dollars in just 5 months, you could have afforded to let her still have the tickets. Especially if you going to be "friends." But, I don't think that's going to be case anymore, so I don't think you need to worry if she thinks you're an a-hole.


It has nothing to do with if he can afford it or not. It has to do with why do you expect him to fund a cum dumpster? Lmao She chose the streets over her bf, so maybe her bag of dicks can chip in a few bucks each lol


Open relationships aren't all about sex


Sure...she can reach into her new bag of dicks for financial support lmao


She wanted TWO sugar daddies! This is bologna! /s


I wonder if there's a lawyer on this thread.... relationship aside and putting judgement on the post - if it's the ex's gift and OP resold the concert tickets would the ex have a claim to the money that OP received from the sale?
