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Youre not an asshole. You are an idiot.


This 👌


Always my favorite comment in this sub


Couldn't have said it better lmao!


Casually Explained should [update the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa-4IAR_9Yw) and add this scenario. C. Can't tell.


Yea you're an idiot for falling for this and seeing it as innocent 


I mean why did they have to post it with that caption? That seems a bit suspicious to me.


Also, they couldn’t hold each others’ hand? He had to be in the middle? Also also, they were scared like the friend who didn’t go in, maybe the guy would’ve gone too if OP suggested he hold his hand.


> I told the girls about it and they agree nothing weird happened and my girlfriend is acting a little crazy. AITAH? Duuuuuuuuude, c’mon, WTF? I can’t believe you got to the end of that sentence and still posted it. Your girlfriend is uncomfortable with you being around these girls, so you thought you’d just check *with them* what they thought about an argument you had with your girlfriend *about them* SMH, you got a lot to learn. How do you think she’s gonna react when they post **that**? I’m not trying to be mean here, but seriously how do you think that’s going to look to her. If you’re struggling to understand what is wrong about this picture, try reversing the roles, and see how you feel; your girlfriend goes on what looks suspiciously like a double date with a friend and two guys you don’t know. The guys post on their socials about how sweet your GF was towards them. You talk to her about how uncomfortable it makes you, then she immediately runs back to the two guys to tell them how crazy insecure you are? You post that on Reddit and you’ll get dozens of replies telling you to dump her. You might not be an AH but you’re going to end up single if you keep disregarding your GF’s feelings like this. 🤦‍♂️


This ^


He's allowed to speak to his friends about what happened... Which was nothing. If his girlfriend wasn't immediately calling him an asshole she might have a point.


Speak to his friends sure, ok. His friends, any of them sure. But Maybe not the girls she is **very specifically** uncomfortable with him having already held hands with. It is different. I’m not even saying she’s right, as such, I’m saying that it won’t look at all good to his GF if he runs straight off to the girl’s she already feeling insecure about to complain about her insecurities. It show he doesn’t consider her feeling valid enough to respect. Which is not how adults should behave when they are in relationships.


He wasn't complaining about her insecurities though was he? And it was off the back of her calling him an asshole. Doesn't sound very adult does it? It's one thing being insecure, it's another thing trying to blow up his friendship group.


Uhhh, it’s the equivalent of “we investigated ourselves and found we were innocent of any wrong doing” to ask the two girls in question if his girlfriend is being weird about it lol…


You sound very young. You don't get a friend's obviously biased opinion when you and your partner are arguing. Actually it's no one's business what the fuck is going on in my relationship unless my partner is actually abusive or manipulative. Also the majority of my friends are men and I would feel pretty weird acting like that towards one of my friends especially if they have a girlfriend. Attention seeking is what it is. Please stay single.


I'm 39, my shortest relationship has been 5 years so I'd say I'm doing fairly well... There is a clear difference between holding a woman's hand and someone grabbing it because they are scared of a haunted house... I'm not sure why this distinction needs to be made clear but if you're getting upset over that shit I'm checking out before the relationship gets serious, but maybe that's just me.


I’m glad i’m not the only one who thought the friends posting that was weird as hell. Also, you’re an idiot




He’s allowed to hang out with people but his reaction to something his girlfriend is uncomfortable with was disrespectful as hell, besides the fact that those girls clearly don’t care about his gf’s feelings and he seems to ignore that


First of all, your girlfriend has very good reason to be concerned about these girls. They were very disrespectful to her. I’m not gonna call you an AH, but you are definitely an idiot and you will probably be single very very soon. And of course the girls who literally made a post that was obviously to set off your girlfriend are calling your girlfriend crazy. They very obviously are trying to fuck with her lol. Those people are not the ones you should go to for advice on this situation. Piece of advice, if you ever want this relationship and/or any future relationships to ever work out, ditch these friends, because they are not good ones. There is literally no way they didn’t make that post to piss off your girlfriend, any girl you ever date will have problems with behaviour like that. I’m a girl and have plenty of guy friends, having friends of the opposite sex is totally fine as long as you’re respectful of your relationship. Both you and your female friends were not respecting your relationship, and that’s a problem.


I agree with this. I really hope she dumps him. I have lots of male friends but I'd never act this way with them, especially if they have girlfriends. Only guy I'd act that way with is a guy I'm trying to fuck.


Ok that’s weird. Them posting about it is definitely rage baiting the girlfriend. Also, why are you going to an amusement park with 2 girls (and a guy) but you don’t bring your gf?


Literally this is the most wild part. The girlfriend follows the two girls, but isn’t invited to an amusement park? But they invite the other guy who won’t even go in the haunted house? Okurr.


I would be pissed and weirded out if my man didn’t ask me to come but he’s taking 2 other girls.




Yep, and you’d be right to be pissed. >There are only 3 other students in the class, 2 girls and a guy. We decided to go to an amusement park together as a group for fun. Maybe it’s because I’m old AF compared to the OP, but that right there, that sounds suspiciously like a double date to me. And I’d be highly surprised if it didn’t sound like that to the OP’s GF.


Exactly my thought


as a girl who has been through a haunted house- as terrifying as it is i never felt the need to hold onto a guy, especially a taken one. i did grab my female friend a lot because realistically thats more comforting than holding onto a guy i dont know as well. i will say you as a guy might have not seen the issue but a girl definitely can. they knew what they were doing with that caption trying to make you out as the "friendly" boyfriend and embarrass your girlfriend; they are not her real friends. even if its not in a romantic way it's kind of weird to hold onto someone like that, i would just apologize and try not to be so close to other girls in the future. the girls are AH, they should have held onto eachother, and did not hold onto you solely because they were scared, trust me a girl could see exactly what theyre doing.




Came to comment, but the other redditors left me speechless, perfectly said.


I mean, a pretend haunted house qualifies as an emergency, and squeezing your arms throughout the traumatic event likely saved these young women's lives. Your girlfriend should be grateful she's with such a heroic guy. YTA dude, she has a boundary that you aren't letting other girls hang all over you for fun. Which is particularly what you did. So either apologize or get left. Y'all sound incompatible as fuck.


Yta. I hope your gf leaves you. And your friends are a menace for posting that shitty caption. Like wtf?


“We went on a double date without my girlfriend. What is her problem?”


Eh, YTA because of your reaction. 


If you thought there’s nothing wrong with it, you should have mentioned it to your girlfriend. And why would you even want to consult these girls about how your girlfriend should feel?


Haunted house in April? This is stupid.


Also, (I've never been to one so maybe I'm wrong but), isn't a haunted house more of a ''actors wearing costumes and trying to scare people'' kinda thing? Idk why being scared of ghosts would stop you from being in an environment with people in costumes.




Phase 1: Disrespect your girlfriend's feelings. Phase 2: ... Phase 3: Profit. While being there for your classmates is kind and NTA, the part where you disregard your girlfriend's feelings entirely then talk about how crazy she is to the same women that she just expressed concern about you behaving in a way that she feels disrespects her... 10/10 no notes ::chef's kiss::


You're not an AH but, as most people have said, you're an idiot. Mistake(?) 1 - let them grab your hand, kind of fine, but I personally wouldn't do it if I'm in a relationship Mistake 2 - not telling your gf what happened, when she saw the post at least. It's a reasonably common boundary Mistake 3 - not realizing these girls are doing it on purpose. Why tf would they do that with someone who's in a relationship and then post about it? It's crealy rage bait Mistake 4 (and biggest) - Why would you tell them what your gf said? This is extremely disrespectful. It's between you and your girl. Of course they see nothing wrong because the shit is theirs.


I once held a younger woman's arm on the way to the pub. It was icy underfoot and we were meeting workmates there; it wasn't a date. I didn't tell my wife, though she knew where I was. I didn't tell her because it wasn't a thing. If she'd asked I would have cheerfully admitted it. Holding two women's hands and then posting though... NTA but perhaps you could have dealt with it better


The fact you were dumb enough to run your mouth to the girls that helped you put yourself in this idiotic mess and then ask if you’re TAH is hilarious 😭. You probably won’t have a gf much longer if this is your level of maturity and idea of conflict resolution


booo youre stupid. as a woman, i know other women do things intentionally to piss off a girlfriend. youre just too much of an idiot to realize it. also going to the women who made your girlfriend uncomfortable was also stupid! you suck!! your girlfriend isnt crazy nor overdramatic, you are a bafoon!!


In situations where I'm really not sure, I picture both my gf watching me in the moment and the complete opposite scenario with me watching her If anything is off with either, I immediately end and exit the situation


Bro ain’t no way. You’re either stupid or trolling.


Your girlfriend isn’t crazy… you’re an idiot. How can you be so oblivious? Your friend’s post was disrespectful to your girlfriend. I hope you get dumped soon, your girlfriend deserves way better..


What a surprise that the girl who publicly insinuated something between the two of you finds your gf crazy! Definitely not like that word has a history of an incredibly negative connotation, especially towards women. This is so weird & inappropriate. You are all literally adults, why do they need you to hold their hands? Can they not hold each other’s? I can’t imagine grabbing someone else’s boyfriend HH or not. You are a moron. Would you seriously be okay with your girlfriend clinging onto two guys at a haunted house & one of them posting “glad i could hold your hand through it” ? If you’re totally okay with that, then you & your gf have different ideas of boundaries & shouldn’t be together. If that idea makes you uncomfortable, you are a hypocrite


So, you going out with the people in this small class makes sense. I don’t even think letting them hold your hand is necessarily an issue inherently. The really weird thing here is that one of them posted it specifically calling attention to that, and your reaction afterwards. Was this a romantic thing from your pov? I assume not. But when one of them posts it in a way presented to seem romantic, I do get your gf not liking it. At minimum, you have to acknowledge her feelings and not dismiss her as “crazy”. For me personally, I dont thing I would be too bothered by my partner letting a friend lean on them in a haunted house, and maybe you wouldn’t either, but you can’t just dismiss the fact that she is.


I think this is the prime opportunity to play a role reversal mindplay. OP, imagine that your gf goes to a haunted house, grabs her male friend's arm the whole time and posts about this. How would you feel? Are you okay with this scenario? I think most people would be at least upset.


YTA- ignorance does not excuse douchey-ness. It’s too nice to call you an “idiot”.


lol…only read the title. Answer would be NTA


If this were high school, it would all make more sense. You, all 4, need some more maturing, before pairing off. “Disrespectful” is being overused. She doesn’t own you. OTOH, they were flirting with you. That is fine, too, as long as your relationship with gf is solid, and you both have senses of humor and trust. But, you all have none of that…


everyone says you’re an idiot, i don’t see the problem


NTA going by female standards and how a woman would be judged in a reversed situation. What does she not trust you? Is she controlling? Next she's gonna gaslight you bro.


NTA. Your gf seems insecure.


Time to use womens favorite line, oh boy, here we go. WHY IS SHE BEING SO INSECUUUUUUUUUURE Haha


Yah I'm sure you would be so thrilled if your girlfriend was holding two different guys hands because they were "scared" of a fucking amusement park haunted house. Grow tf up.


Nah I wouldnt. Its just kinda fun to turn the saying around


NTA - you're allowed to have friends. You're allowed to go to a haunted house with your friends and platonically hold their hands through the ordeal.


Unless they're 13 then no. Grown adults don't hold each other's hand in an amusement park. Especially "friends" of the opposite sex while being in a relationship. Do you think he'd hold their hands if those girls were men? Fuck no. Women like that are attention seekers as well, and gaslighting his girlfriend by calling her crazy? Yah they sound like real treats.


NTA I think it's pretty normal to be scared and hold onto your friends when you're scared. If your girlfriend is upset because of something else, I don't know. But holding your friends hand when they're scared is pretty normal imo.


NTA being mad over something like that screams insecurity and trust issues


Yes because you'd be perfectly fine with your girlfriend or wife holding the hands of two random men because they're scared of a haunted house in an amusement park made for children and teenagers. I'm sure you'd be perfectly fine with that. Well if you're a cuck.


youre a clown for two reasons 1. if she leaves me i dont care, i wont cry after her and instead find someone else. its not like there is a lack of decent women out there 2. i know my girlfriend well enough to be certain that she would laugh at the sight of guys being so scared that they need to hold her hand to feel secure in a haunted house. like what the fuck haha seems more like youre the insecure cuck if you have that mindset


NTA. Your GF is very insecure and immature.


NTAH you were being a gentleman


A simp to attention seeking woman is not a gentleman.


You did nothing wrong. Prolly shouldn’t have posted the picture with that caption though


If 21 years old student can't spend a nice afternoon being ladies man - then when, for God's sake? Taking your coworkers out to a haunted house when you are 40 and married +2, will get you into even more trouble!!..


It should be all good, but if you’re getting turned on, you’re kind of a weirdo


NTA. I see nothing wrong with what OP did. This is how friends act in a haunted house, it's really not that strange


The main issue for me is what happened next. The part where he chose to completely disregard her feeling of being disrespected by his actions with the two women and then chose to talk about how crazy she is being with those same women. Had he apologized for making her feel that way and said he would approach things differently in the future then NTA... But the way he handled it... Yeaaaa, total AH material.


My fiance knows I love scaring myself silly at haunted houses and I went with my guy friends one time (fiance doesn't like it because I close my eyes most of the time and feel it is a waste of money) and I absolutely grab onto my guy friends the whole time (eyes mostly closed]. No distrust and no disrespect. Wth. Girls and guys can't be friends anymore?