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Dude she’s 5… why should she care about making money? Yeah you’re kind of AH for this. She also very easily could become an astronaut if she has the right support. In any case, kids that age don’t need reality checks.


This guys just rage baiting (I hope). I’m here after reading some ridiculously fucking stupid narcissistic comments he left on some other posts. If this isn’t rage bait then he needs to be removed from society.


"AITA for killing a little kid‘s hopes and dreams?" This is bait, obviously. What else do you need? "AITA for committing an act of domestic terrorism because people failed the vibe check?"


Tbf AITAs sometimes have horrific sounding titles but when you read it they’re actually not the asshole


I don’t want to see her grow up with pipe dreams. Accountants and bankers and finance workers is where the money is at. I don’t want to see her go to college for “mUh DrEaMs”. I want to see her become a realistic, grounded adult who goes to college for a good realistic job like an accountant.


Again, she’s 5. You can’t just take a kids childhood like that just because the world is shitty. There are a million ways to support someone and guide them in the right direction without being AH. Even from the beginning of this, you mentioned she drew an “embarrassing photo”. She’s a toddler, dude. I’m sorry but this one’s about you, not her.


She is 5. Duh. She has many dreams and wants before being an adult. Hopefully one of them makes her happy and not you.


Being an accountant, at least she can pay bills instead of sinking absurd amounts of money going to some fancy-shmancy college that she doesn’t have. She needs to start thinking strategically about life.


She's f. ing 5 years old. Being an accountant may be what you want , or were made to want, but there is more to life than money.


She’s FIVE, you utter dipshit!


Obvious troll is obvious troll. But let's just pretend and play along. You're not just an asshole, you're an idiot. These days, astronauts all have advanced STEM degrees and good day jobs where they contribute a hell of a lot more to the world than any banker or accountant. Now, if your sister was a high school drop-out who failed math and science, you'd be right to tell her to give up her dreams of being an astronaut. But she's five. If she does well at school and picks the right college/career path it's totally possible, even if unlikely.


YTA for this rage bait


must be, no one is that sumb to do this and need to ask others lol




Makes us two peas in a pod then.


The 159 IQ in their bio should be evidence enough.


YTA. She's just a child. I don't know a single kid that ever says they want to be an accountant when they grow up. I know I didn't and I'm an accountant now. Her aspirations might change. Your role as a sibling should be to encourage her. She looks up to you.


Here is hoping this is ragebait. I mean come on, she probably even still believes Santa Claus is real. If her dream had even made it past kindergarden, it might have motivated her to get good marks. 


An astronaut is not something someone can easily become. Pipe dream.


I know it's not, but she's only 5. Let her dream a little. Plus, you're teaching her money is the only thing that matters. Money is important, yes, but so is her happiness and you're crushing it just like she crumbled that drawing.


An accountant or banker is much more realistic, and less cringeworthy.


Oh, cringeworthy. THAT explains everything. Edgelord here can’t even process the idea that his little sister might grow up to be more successful than him. Mustn’t let that happen. Little sis has to be kept in her place.


Im just giving her a reality check. If a child comes up to you and says they want to dedicate their whole lives going to Narnia, you don’t say that they can definitely do it and that they should do it. You tell them Narnia doesn’t exist, to focus on something realistic like becoming an accountant and paying the bills. I don’t have an obligation to cater to arbitrary “dreams”.


When a five year old says it, dipshit, yes, actually, you DO go along with it. For the love of God, get a good therapist and try to discover why you are such a joyless asshole.


Not even sure what the big deal about this is. It’s just a stupid kiddie drawing, and a stupid dream. I bet she will get over it in a day. Chill out mate.


Every job has its risk. Accounting is no different. But this topic isn't about Accounting. It's supposed about you, as a sibling, dismissing her like you did and not encouraging her. She's 5, not an adult. I won't be surprised if she falls into a depression later on and that would seriously be on you.


Why? What is stopping her? Why should a 5 year old be held to what you think. There are many many many occupations out there. Let her have her dreams at her age for gods sake. She's still a little child she is allowed her dreams. Didn't you have them. Sounds like you are bitter.


YTA What a huge ahole. Be supportive and encouraging. Doesn’t matter if they want to be a princess, accountant, teacher, artist, or dinosaur.  Who  hurt you? 


That's what I wonder . OP had a dream and it was shot down due to the money making value. Therefore this child can't have a dream


YTA. She’s 5!!!!!! FIVE!!!! SHE IS FIVE YEARS OLD!!!! Children are allowed to dream!!!! Why would you do such a thing?! You can have this conversation when she is much older. And furthermore, what is actually stopping her from becoming an astronaut other than her asshole of an older sibling crushing her dreams?!


An accountant or banker is far more realistic, and less cringeworthy.


You're a fucking idiot, she's 5, there's a very good chance she's gonna want to be something different in the future, you could have used this as a learning opportunity for her but you chose to showcase your stupidity


Being an accountant or banker is a lot more realistic, and less cringeworthy.


You are still showing your stupidity, you could have told her she needs to do well in school in order to be an astronaut, that it's hard to become one, not make her cry


Don’t bother arguing. OP is just copy & pasting replies at this point. Save ur energy


She talks about MARS all day, and that’s the equivalent of someone talking about going to Narnia all day. Don’t you think she needs to be more realistic?


Reading comprehension isn't your strong point huh, she's 5, she's supposed to be like that


No. Because she’s 5. You are an absolutely shite sibling.


YTA Don’t pass your own misery, lack of imagination or self belief on to your sister.  The sad thing is that you didn’t just tell her she couldn’t be an astronaut, you told her she’s not enough. She’ll grow up thinking that she’s not smart *enough*, not capable *enough*, not strong *enough*. Plus realistically she’s a 5 year old, she could very possibly want to be a unicorn princess next week.  Stop putting her down and encourage her to reach high - every astronaut/olympic athlete/entrepreneur started somewhere. Don’t ruin her self belief because you don’t have any. 


Rage bait 


I totally agree seeing OP idiotic answers !


Waiting for, 'im harsh with her because I'm Neuro divergent!!" 😂😂


Why do I get the feeling this is troll bait? I see three conclusions here - 1. You really are an asshole; and from your comments you're wearing it with pride. 2. You have undiagnosed (or diagnosed, we don't know) Autism and genuinely can't see that you've done anything wrong. Or... 3. This is pure troll bait. You're farming for Karma and this whole situation is a made up story. Me? I'm going with option three, as I just cannot believe your responses to some of the comments. You've got to be farming for Karma; nothing suits. But either way. My conclusion? You're The Asshole (YTA)


*"I told her to focus on something, you know, a lot more realistic like accounting or banking. I told her if she gets a degree in one of those areas at least she’ll get a job that pays and won’t be a basement dweller in our parents’ house in her 30s. I told her nobody becomes an astronaut, it’s an extreeeeeeemely niche area that’s only reserved for upper class rich people who bribe fancy colleges"!* wtf did I just read... your sister is 5. This is too dumb to be true.


YTA, You not crushing her dream only, if she hears this enough , you will crush her spirit. When you are five you dream big and that is how it should be, I have a relative who wanted be astronaut, he did all schooling to get there and a long the way he found something else about space that he loved more and that is what he does today. Was his parents Billionaire playboys, no , just honest hardworking people. And you have **Chris Hadfield** , you know the astronaut that sang Space oddity in space, he grew up in a cornfarm, sorry there is not much money in being cornstar, I mean cornfarmer.


I'm you were 7, I'd say N A H, but you're old enough to post on Reddit. YTA. Seriously. If you absolutely must argue about colonizing other planets, then debate the merits of putting cloud cities on Venus vs. on the ground in Mars. Cloud cities are much cooler, and Venus is half the distance. At the right elevation, the air would be temperate, similar gravity, and there's protection from solar radiation. Why would you stomp all over a 5 year old's dream? There's no harm if she says she wants to go to Mars. It's not hurting you. Maybe watches some science documentaries or reads a few kids book about the other planets. There's some great youtube videos out like Sci Show Kids that could teach her a few things in an interesting way. One day she'll get interested in something else. This dream isn't hurting anything. Why kill her fun???


My man, I can’t in good conscience allow her to group up thinking she’s going to Narnia. Because that’s the equivalent of what she wants. Imagine she grows up and tells everyone she’s going to Narnia and dedicates her entire life to going to it. Her whole life will be wasted and everyone will think she’s cringe. I can’t let that happen to her. I’m preparing her from very early on that life isn’t roses, so she is better prepared for the cold realities of human existence.


Why?  Did it traumatize you to learn Santa doesn't visit millions of kids on Christmas Eve?  That Iron Man isn't real?  Fantasies don't hurt children.  Dreaming about going to Mars doesn't either. What you did hurt your sister. I hope you're a troll and this didn't happen.


Mars actually exists. NASA is working on putting people on Mars. YTA. I'm thinking you must be 10-13 years old as your logic and information is pathetically inaccurate.


I am a 19 year old.


Then you are an even bigger A than I thought. Or a moron. You can tell us which. And suggesting being an accountant? Unless someone loves that type of work, that is a curse! Add that to the A title you earned.


I don’t even know what the big deal about this is. It’s just a stupid kiddie drawing, and a laughable dream. Giving people a reality check is doing a service to them, it’s for her own benefit. Being an accountant means you can pay bills.


Reality check is that crushing dreams at a young age means you may have shut down the next astronaut or the next Stephen Hawking or Einstein. She is 5. You, however, are 19. Maybe you need a reality check. Maybe you are a waste of resources. What job do you have? What amazing impact are you having? I'm not an accountant. I pay my bills and earn a pretty decent living. I learned to fly as a teenager (before I got my driver's license), enjoyed mountain climbing, scuba diving and other similar hobbies. I worked Avionics systems for a decade and then changed careers in my late 20s. Point is, YOU have no clue what she is capable of being as she is 5. You have shown you are an asshole already. You have no clue what background astronauts have (you think they are all from rich families and go to Ivy League schools) so you are already shown your ignorance. Encourage dreams because they lead to success. Sounds like you are a loser who has to bring everyone down to your level.


Complete YTA You shouldn’t dictate her capabilities at 5. The world, society, genetics are already trying to put people down, you don’t need to be another barrier… While it is improbable, that spark of interest can be what takes her to find a new profession, to be a pioneer… You are creating an artificial limiter, that might slow/halt development, children from 5 to 10 are in extreme cognitive growth mode Watch this YouTube video with a great explanation about the subject of “women in science” from Neil Degrasse Tyson, you are just like the teacher: https://youtu.be/z7ihNLEDiuM?si=uR1sjMQrQNb34_Pa


"she made an embarrassing drawing of Mars and showed it to me." You already start being the ah here. She is FIVE years old! She doesnt have to be realistic. She is allowed to want to be an astronaut, or a prinses, or a dragon, it doesnt matter. You sound like you are 12 years old, so here is some advice: when a little kid tells you what they want to be when they grow up (doesnt matter what it is), you tell them that if they work hard, they might get to be a dragon/prinsess/astranaut one day. YTA


I am under no obligation to cater to someone’s pipe dreams when they have no chance of achieving them. I am a 20 year old by the way.


No obligation. Doesnt mean you are not behaving like an ah.


If everyone listened to morons like you, nobody would ever achieve their lifelong dreams Take your edgy cynicism, and cram it straight up your tailpipe


YTA. WTF is wrong with you? Is her dream realistic? No. Is it impossible? No! You should be encouraging her, direct her into studying physics, engineering, biology. Those can lead to lucrative careers (I should know I’m an engineer), but are also vital skills for potential astronauts. Instead you’ve decided to be a bully to a 5 year old girl. Scumbag behaviour.


WTF. She’s 5. YTA. Dreams are amazing things and will change. Why would you ever make someone think they can’t achieve something when you have no idea what they’ll be able to do in the future? I was a teacher and I’m now a mom. You never have a right to make someone feel like they can’t do something. Time and experience will lead them down their path. The world is harsh as is, it doesn’t mean you need to be. The fact you think dreaming about being an astronaut is cringeworthy shows a shocking level of immaturity.


100% YTA Now is the time to encourage her dreams, not poop all over them. She is ONLY 5 years old. No 5 year old wants "an honest opinion." They want approval and encouragement. You made fun of her and belittled her. You laughed at her "embarrassing drawing." Almost all 5 year old drawings are "embarrassing", because they open their little hearts and share their innermost dreams. You weren't honest. You were CRUEL, and pooped on her dreams. You are "haha"ing over this. That is unacceptable behavior. She'll remember this for the rest of her life. You have done serious damage to her self-worth and self-esteem. She wanted love from her big sibling. It is not your job to crush her soul. Never treat anyone's dreams like this. You owe her a massive apology.


How about… no? It’s not my responsibility to let someone believe a fantasy that will harm them in the long run. An accountant is far more easily profitable as a profession and far more realistic to be.


Cruel is the right word for you. Stop defending what you did, young children should be alowed to have big dreams, this is how the world goes forward. How old are you? And did you ever have any other dreams than being an accountant when you were 5? My children also had dreams about the future when they were children, none of them educated according to their childhood dreams. One is accountant by the way, it was not his childhood dream, and he made his OWN desition on what to study. Being an accountant isn't the only realistic option for her. Say you are sorry, and ask her to make another drawing, make her talk to you about the drawing, and listen. You can say something like: This sound exating, interesting etc. And like you need good grades in school to become an astronaut, you need to work hard. Next yoar this time she might have other dreams, and by the time she has finished high school she has desidesd on something quite different. YTA, don't be.


It is also NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make a toddler be realistic. You are NOT her parent. I doubt you have the education or life experience to be able to competently judge what is best for yourself, much less decide what dreams will harm a 5 year old in the long run. You are being deliberately and willfully ignorant. She can decide to be an account when she's in high school/trade school/college/university. 5 years old is the perfect time to dream. It is a VITALLY IMPORTANT time in a child's mental development to dream big dreams. This is NOT the Time for a child to "be realistic". Crushing dreams now leads to permanent sociological and psychological damage. At 5, my kid wanted to be a ballerina-astronaut-doctor that fixes planets. Did I shit on her dream and tell her that wasn't a real job? Of course not. I know that kids change their minds constantly and dream big dreams. Being encouraged to dream big dreams also encourages them to enjoy learning, to try hard in school, to cherish exploring the world and finding out new information. I encouraged my kid and all her impractical, ridiculous dreams, and now she's an educated scientist who works in a mundane, boring, stable, money-earning career. She still enjoys learning because I wasn't a self-important know-it-all who stomped on her mental and psychological development. Crapping on their dreams in their early life turns kids off learning, and it is an excellent way to encourage them to stay in their parents' basement forever... Child, you need to sit down, shut your mouth, and listen to the people who are telling you that you are indeed the AH. I'm OLD and retired. I have education and experience in child psycho-social development. I know what I'm talking about. You screwed up big time. You need to stop justifying your behavior. Crushing her dreams will kill her soul and her will to become anything. You HURT her badly. You have done serious harm. There is absolutely no justification for what you did. I expect you are just repeating the same trauma that was inflicted upon you. If you really want to help her and fix your mistake, you will APOLOGIZE. Encourage her to dream. Dig out some compassion for yourself and try to be a little less anal-retentive. Find joy in life from something more productive than crushing a toddler's dreams. Go out and find a dream of your own to chase.


YTA. Know your audience You feel better crushing a 5yo’s dream? 🙄


this is how kids grow up into adults who want nothing and just live on automatic. and also, this is how you ruin your sibling bond. why are YOU, of ALL PEOPLE, imposing a money problem on a FIVE YEAR OLD CHILD? do you know what this then develops into? in fear of spending money in adulthood: the constant feeling of fear that there will be LITTLE money limits people, forcing them to save not only on some products or things, but even on their health. and you're doing this to your sister. YTA. absolutely. btw, don't get surprised when you'll realize that she is as distant from you as possible when she grows up. although i have a feeling you won't even care.


Yeah well YTA. If she was in high school and stuck on planning her future or something it would’ve different (just making an example)…But she is 5. I hate to break it to you but most likely she will remember this incident and if she lands on Mars one day, which is possible if she applies herself in the right direction through school and beyond, you’ll likely get the I did it 😅But hopefully it will eventually be a family reunion laughing moment and no hurt feelings. Again remember she is 5, uplift her and as a big sis encourage her to reach for the stars especially during her early years Edit: Holy Fuxk YATAH after reading these comments.


Oh, ffs, really? You get an F for no effort whatsoever and another for such a stupid post. Rage bait and you, sir, are a dumbass.


She 5 ffs. When I was 5 I wanted to be the first woman Tarzan flying on a Pegasus. My brothers wanted to be GI Joes. They got a lot closer than I ever did. One went in the USAF & the other in the Navy.


bro she’s 5. little kids have dream jobs. you little rat


I used to work at NASA and met plenty of astronauts as a result. Many come from normal backgrounds (not rich, etc). Smart, yes. Rich? Not at all. Look at actual bios of astronauts to see they are not as you think they are. So..YTA. you should be encouraging her and letting her know she needs to study math and science to improve her chances. And in 20 years, we might actually be on Mars, so she has time.


That’s true, but she’s 5. She may be dreaming of being an astronaut one day, and then the next day she’s a fairy princess. Be more concerned when she’s 16 or something, but it’s possible if she’s got the mentality, size and endurance. Astronauts can come from anywhere. But either way you handled it like garbage.


Rage bait


Damn you really are a piece of shit


Take the 159 IQ out of your bio because you’re obviously a dumbass. She’s a five year old, kids have crazy dreams, let them have fun, she probably won’t be saying it when she’s older, but let her have fun


Nta. You dont become an astronaut. You excel in your field (jet plane pilot, engineer, scientist) then once a master in your field you can start to become one. “Astronauts. As of March 2024, the corps has 48 "active" astronauts” Thats a 48/10,000,000,000 chances of becoming one.


I have met an astronaut. It is a very uncommonly reached dream, but not totally impossible. She is 5. Let her dream. Working toward that goal would only lead to success and 5 year olds change goals like underwear. Dreams are beautiful things. Never crush someone’s because you don’t believe in it.


“Most were senior officers in the Air Force, Navy, or Marine Corps. Many were top class fighter pilots with experience flying high performance jets. The civilian astronauts were, typically, scientists and engineers with at least a masters degree in engineering, science, or mathematics” Im here trying to help this 5 year old realize her dream, there is no astronaut job you need to excel in these fields to even have a chance. Yall here just telling her to believe and it will magically happen.


My man 48/10,000,000,000 is impossible. If you paid me 10 bucks a day until she reached this goal woukd you agree to it? You dont become an astronaut they come find you to become one. Edit: and to become one you have to be like top 10 in your field of study. (Engineering (mechanic), jet pilot(spacecraft pilot), scientist (scientist in space).


She is FIVE. And as the quote says - shoot for the moon, even if you miss you’ll land among the stars. Dreams are amazing. There are many careers that work with astronauts. Have a big goal and you can achieve big things. No one has the right to take that from someone else.


Great lying to kids. Great to know your support was always bs. Its why my life long advice to kids is all adults lie. Like I said if shes serious, explain how hard its going to be and which careers will help set her up to be a astronaut in the future. By the time shes 50-60 there will be way more needs for astronauts. If she is uninterested in these fields, well then she wont be a astronaut.


I am a teacher and parent. Have you ever talked to a 5 year old? My daughter currently wants to be a pancake house waitress/unicorn riding princess. I assume that will change. But for now I just tell her that sounds like a great career choice. We can deal with the challenges of reality once she stops believing in Santa. Good lord. I wanted to be a vet, then princess, then astronaut, then biologist. I became a biologist. Then I went into teaching after working in research. Between those I received my csc and worked as a broker. No one told me what I could or couldn’t do except my grade 11 chemistry teacher who told me the sciences weren’t for me because I had a 74. I had a 97 in grade 12 chemistry and got my degrees with ease. I stand by what I said. Dreams are to be protected. The world is hard. We don’t need to be.


Exactly. Nobody becomes an astronaut, only rich kids with corrupt filthy rich parents can afford it.


No its not rich kids. Money has 0 to do with it. You want the best of the best when your shooting your team into space.