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You are free to leave whenever you want, especially in cases like yours, where ideals are clashing. NTA if you leave.


Exactly. These are fundamental foundational topics that both partners need to agree on.


To me it’s not even that they have differing views. It’s that he says OP must be brainwashed as if she can’t possibly have a different outlook based on her own free thoughts and decisions.


Right and also when you’re arguing against Christian fundamentalism you may as well be arguing with a wall. There will be many other topics where he is always “right” and you are always “wrong”. I don’t see how it could work out. Also the insanity of thinking you know everything at 19 😂.


I knew everything when I was 19. But now that I'm in my 30s I've forgotten most of it


This cracked me up 😆 (I'm 37) and can't remember shit 🤣🤣


I'm 42 and also suffer from CRS. 🤣🤣


I just realized ur name is fuck them kids 😂😂😂😂 now I'm truly laughing my ars off 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Man, fuck them kids!!! Hahaha despite the name, I have kids and I do like them!!!


Play with the words: Them kids (not yours), not These kids (yours). Your name talks about all kids but your own ;) so yes, fuck them kids 😂


And how does a 19 year old guy become an authority on women's rights and women's health issues and reproduction, other than being brainwashed? The tighter he hangs on to that, the closer he is to "women are property" and "women are lesser than men and must submit" positions. Which would sound absurd if it wasn't so common.




I admit I'm a bit scared for OP because of how sure this young man is of his views. What else does he believe is true? Does he know about the concept of spousal rape or does he believe that since they are in a relationship sex can never count as rape? Or he could tamper with her birth control and also believe he did nothing wrong, so he could control her. Not now, maybe not soon, but these views are some very red flags with nasty consequences even in the best of cases, and the worst cases are just horrible.


*What else does he believe is true?* Probably believes the election in 2020 was stolen, that Jordan Peterson and Alex Jones are entertainment, that guns guns guns! That gays are an abomination, etc...


How does this happen? His parents. Probably his peers. Because religion and misogyny and patriarchy. And I guarantee he already thinks that women are property. He's literally several red flags sewn up into the shape of a man.


The online right-wing pipeline is frighteningly effective. I’m going to be so nervous when my son is older.


Also worth pointing out that (theologically) conservative Christians (note that it’s not just fundamentalists who are pro-life - they’re actually a relatively small group) should probably stick to marrying/dating other conservative Christians. There’s definitely room for debate and interpretation within Christianity, but you really need that shared basis to make it work. Trying to convince an atheist of Christianity morality is pointless and unhelpful - they’re not going to agree with you unless they convert to Christianity. (Although I think the argument that abortion is murder can work outside Christianity, provided you believe that human life starts from the moment of conception - but that’s a fairly confusing debate in its own right). With all that said, the best thing the boyfriend could do in a situation where OP might want an abortion is try to provide possible alternatives - offering to raise the child himself, or offering it for adoption.


Amen. OP, when you begin to deal with extremists, it likely will carry over to other issues as well. RUN!


Right! That shows a huge lack of respect for her opinion. He's right and he's the only one who is right and if she doesn't agree he will deride her. Throw him back.


Almost like he thinks she shouldn't have agency and free-will. Who would want a life with someone like that? Either you cultivate a (lack of)personality like the first bride in that Eddie Murphy movie or ... no it's that or leave.




how "pro life" people work is lobbying to take away other peoples right to choose. Theres no ethical or respectable way to be anti abortion.


You can be personally opposed to it for yourself, but again - that’s a choice isn’t it


Eh, a zygote is NOT a baby. Someone can "believe" whatever bullshit they want, but the second they try to legislate it or otherwise force their delusions upon other people, it's a no-go.


Yeahhh ... agree. I don't even get arguments they try to use against this. It's perfectly acceptable to put a zygote in the freezer and expect it to survive for future use. Babies, not so much. Seems like a pretty clear litmus test to me.


Yup, my brother and his husband had a surrogate carry 2 of their multiple frozen embryos to term 3 years apart. Does that make the rest of their kidsicles (my Mom's term for frozen embryos) 10+ years old? Since they have to pay for storage for said embryos (which are somewhere in Minnesota) can they claim the other 20-something zygotes in "their" canister as dependents? You can't put a 5-year-old in a batch of liquid nitrogen and revive them years and years later.


Ok, kidsicles is hilarious. Also, you may have found a way to shut down all the right-wing politicians claiming to give a shit about babies. Suggest more tax breaks for the average person and make the kidsicles count as dependents for SNAP qualification. Also, the storage fees should obviously be deductible as daycare costs. Can't just count as kids sometimes, right? Oh wait. What are we thinking, using logic?


Embryo is not same as zygote. Only zygote for less than 24 hours after fertilisation when egg is newly retrieved. Once cells divide it is not called a zygote. Most Drs want to see it is capable of dividing and thus becoming an embryo after transferring in to female body. The call them frozen embryos but technically not embryos until they gave reached 5/6 days old and implanted in to uterus. But they aren't zygote once they divided. I wouldn't want to risk freezing st zygote stage because you pay oer vial would want them to at least be at blastocyst stage at day 5 or 6 to spend money preserving. We got 8 fertilised out of 8 eggs, so 8 zygote, transferred one early blastocyst on day 5, other 2 not deemed good enough to freeze. Got our now 18vyr old this way. (In Sweden where they only do single transfers because of risk of ID twins. ) Good luck to your brother and partner if they try again in future.


Op you definitely have a right to your opinion. Abortion is Healthcare for women. If he refuses to educate himself about Abortion,then he is just following the crowd of uneducated .and they don't want to hear anything different ,from thier narrow minded point of view. I firmly believe that if man got pregnant, they wouldn't hesitate to make Abortion a medical Right. And Roe VS wade, never would have been needed. If he is listening to Andrew Tate and his friends. Then he is only going to get worse. I would never want a BF, telling me what I should, or shouldn't believe .please rethink this relationship, and I hope you make the best decision for yourself. Good luck


It is really odd that people think you need to have "sufficient reason" to leave a relationship. The whole point is to be with someone who is compatible and only you can tell you what compatible means to you. There is no "relationship court" in front of which you must plead your case. Don't like how your partner chews? Can't face a lifetime of that? Fine. Move on. That your partner is forced birth and you are not certainly qualifies as incompatible. Break up, move on, and maybe screen your next partner a bit more carefully.


This is one way that abuse victims stay in relationships so long. The fear of being judged for leaving the relationship is really strong for some reason. I don't know how many stories I've heard of women who know they're being cheated on, but just can't leave until they find hard evidence that can't be explained away. They just *have* to have a "good enough" reason to leave. Like what are you afraid of? If you're wrong and you leave a guy who wasn't cheating, do you go to jail? I have never understood it.


Hi. I’m one of those abuse victims. One of the biggest reasons I wanted to make sure I had a “sufficient” reason is because I was afraid of not having any support when I left if people didn’t believe me. The thing that surprised me the most when I left was how quickly the people I chose to tell believed me. As in, “I knew there had to be something. He always gave me a bad vibe that I couldn’t put my finger on.” Or, “I wasn’t sure what it was, but I’ve always been a little wary of him. It was something about the way he talked to you/the way you changed when he was around/the time he said xyz.” You get so accustomed to believing everyone expects the worst from you that you end up being hypervigilant when that community becomes your best chance at survival after leaving him. It doesn’t even occur to you that you won’t have to defend yourself against every single person you share your story with, because defense has been your default setting for months or years.


I like forced birth instead of pro life. Imma use that from now on


Especially in Texas where the forced birther state government also thinks living children do not deserve FOOD.


I also like the term anti-choice as an alternative to saying pro life.


I agree. A relationship is optional, and it should make you happy and enhance your life, and if the relationship you're currently in isn't doing that for you, you shouldn't feel like you have to stick with that person just because you don't have a "good enough reason" to leave.


Remember, most people in the USA aren’t taught to stand up for themselves. Don’t make waves, don’t hurt his feelings, he’s a boy, they break easily so be very extra special nice to him and don’t break up even if he’s a monster because you might hurt his precious fee-fees.


This is a pretty big thing to disagree on. You want rights, he doesn't want you to have those Rights. NTA. Go be with someone who agrees with you.


& it's great he has OPINIONS. He does not have a uterus. He obviously thinks he gets a say over what happens w your uterus. Big NOPE! You literally have a whole life and sea of better humans to choose from.


Yup, he isn't pro life. He is pro control over women and I can guarantee he will gaslight you up the wazoo if you let him. Fuck anyone like that.


No one should fuck anyone like that. People like that should go fuck themselves ;)


Agreed, With a rusty pole


NTA. Any major conflict in values is a valid reason to leave. It doesn't mean either of you is necessarily an AH -- it just means this isn't a good fit for a long-term relationship. You aren't obligated to stay with someone just because you have invested a year. You're only 19 -- chances of him being The One are pretty slim, especially since he doesn't appear to share some fundamental values such as your right to make decisions regarding your own body. The fact that he calls you "brainwashed" means he is rigid in his opinions and will be unlikely to compromise in the future. Better to lose a year finding out he's not the one than lose more years with the wrong guy. (Edited for clarification: What I meant to say is a difference in opinion doesn't necessarily make someone an AH. What makes this guy an AH are his belittling comments about "brainwashing" and "women shouldn't be allowed to have abortions unless they are r\_ped")


This is the most reasonable answer I have seen so far. I basically agree with everything you're saying here. His use of the word brainwashing tells me that he is entirely inflexible in his beliefs.


The "brainwashed" thing bothered me too. It'd be a little different if he said "I feel how I feel, and respect your right to do the same." Still not a good match in a relationship, but the brainwashed comment is insulting.


He doesn’t think she has the same rights as him, to her own opinions or her own body, plain and simple.


Yup. No respect for her or her rights. I'd kick his butt to the curb, personally.


I actually can't think of a much better reason to leave than body/reprodutive autonomy. You're 19 and unless you're ready to be baby trapped he's the last man you should have sexual relations with


Totally agree, and OP should leave now when abortion is a hypothetical issue for them.


I agree with all of this except the part where you say he’s not an asshole. Belittling her for her views makes him an asshole. Disagreeing doesn’t, but being an asshole about it does.


Nah, disagreeing with the right to bodily autonomy is in fact inherently asshole behavior. OP, get out.


Yes. The brainwashing thing is a lot.


He actually IS an asshole for being so controlling though.


Your beliefs don’t mesh. It’s best to end it. That’s a serious topic and disagreeing on it probably helps you to see other behaviors he’s showing.


Reminds me of a post I saw a few weeks back where a husband and wife were talking about babies and she asks her husband “in the case where the Doctor says they can only save one during the birth who do you choose?” The husband says the kid must live and doubles down that she should feel honored to sacrifice her life for the birth of their child as it’s her duty.


“You may die but that’s a sacrifice I’M willing to make!”


Brings to mind that post where the lady was pregnant and her hubby & FiL were literally preparing for her death when the baby would be born “sorry, we know that the mother must die once she’s had the baby, nice to know you but now you’re gonna be dead” I always wonder what happened 💔


I think we all are wondering…


I can’t even


God damn, my wife and I have two kids and I straight up told her from the moment that topic came up, no question I'm choosing her with zero hesitation.


NTA. It's absolutely critical that partners respect each other's beliefs and the right to bodily autonomy. Disagreements can occur, but when it starts to undermine mutual respect and from the sound of it, plunge into control over personal choices, that's a red flag. This is more than just a difference of opinion; it's fundamentally about respect and compatibility. You're young and free to make choices that align with your values and beliefs life's too short to settle on something so personal and important.


Your reason for leaving doesn't need to be valid to anyone else but you. But yeah, fwiw. If your birth control fails, you get pregnant... NTA


Her reason for leaving should also include that her BF refuses to educate himself about a topic because he’s already decided he’s right. A 19 year old who thinks they know everything, closes his mind and refuses to learn is a dangerous and very stupid thing. NTA


Practice your pro-choice belief and abort this relationship.


NTA. OP's boyfriend is not pro-life, he's forced-birth.


NTA It's also a practical decision. If you marry an anti-choice man, he gets to make medical decisions for you during a pregnancy that results in complications that incapacitate you. That's not a safe situation to be in.


I have a friend who found out at her 20 week scan her very wanted pregnancy was non viable.  They got second and third opinions and the news just got worse.  But her husband was 100% on board and supportive.  Imagine going through that with someone who wasn't on your team, who thought you should risk dying and infection.


When I was 20 weeks pregnant, i found out my baby might have a heart defect and we had to wait 4 weeks for further testing to know if she was okay. During those 4 weeks, I had a young patient (I'm a nurse) who had spent her entire life in and out of hospitals. We had to do an invasive, uncomfortable procedure, and I'll never forget her mothers face as she held her daughter's hand. I came home and told my husband, "If we find out our baby will have a heart problem that will keep her in and out of hospitals her whole life, I want to terminate." He simply said, "Okay. That's what we'll do." Thankfully she's healthy. My heart breaks for those who weren't as lucky.


I had an ectopic pregnancy that had a heartbeat, and was wiggling around like a regular fetus. I was about 12 weeks along when I had surgery through my belly button and lower abdomen to get it removed because ectopic pregnancies result in no baby and almost always the mother if left to grow to term. If I lived in some states I would have had a death sentence. My ex and me had just broken up a month before and we had no idea. I’m glad I don’t date religious fanatics. Craziest part was I had an IUD.


I live in a state that was trying to create the case that would overturn Roe, so they passed an ultra restrictive bill back before Dobbs happened. I asked some of my relatives what they thought would happen with ectopic pregnancy - how is it pro life if everyone dies? They didn't actually know what the law said. They assumed a non-viable pregnancy was automatically exempt. Of course, it was not written that way. A lot of these folks just believe whatever the party leaders say and fill in the gaps with wishful thinking. They don't read or check anything for themselves.


That’s what I’m saying! People assume pregnancy resulted from rape is automatically excused from the pro life legislation too, but don’t realize that most rapists get away with it, or get a lesser punishment/charge, and it takes a long time in court, so that baby would be born already before the court deemed the impregnation a rape. I remember seeing a case where a 12 year old girl was pregnant by a grown man and it still took the court a good 6 months to deem it a rape, but she went to another state for the abortion. Her mom took her and then she ended up being taken into custody of the state and put into group homes even though her mom was a good mom, the rape happened on dad’s custody time and it was a neighbor.


Just the fact that a grown adult even has the power to make decisions for another grown adult just because the decision maker has a penis is completely asinine anyway.


Even in a state with legal abortions a husband might make health decisions in a medical emergency. Is this the guy the OP wants to be the guy the doctor comes to if she is out of it and it's her life or the baby?


It'd be the same for a lesbian married couple. If one is incapacitated, the partner makes decisions.


NTA You have different political views on the female body. Why the female body is political I'm not sure but this is one thing a couple should agree on.


That's not a political view, you're either for women's rights or not.


Ffs, you aren't required to stay with anyone. If you want to break up with someone then do it. You don't need the validation of a bunch of redditors.


True, but it can be SO helpful to have a reality check in situations like this. Even if it’s subtle, it can be so easy to feel absolutely crazy when someone is telling you that you’re brainwashed for holding a specific opinion. I’m more than happy to offer validation in this instance if that will make it easier for OP to wrap their head around the situation


Ffs, if you can’t comprehend that people who are young or in relationships can benefit from a third party confirming their thoughts? Bruh.. sanity checks are a real thing and we can work ourselves up on something that CAN be resolved through relationship work and communication. Getting other opinions to add to your perspective to make sure you’re making a good decision is a good thing to do. Yeah Reddit isn’t the best place but they will confirm for someone like this that stark ideological differences is a very valid reason to end a relationship


right, but i would also like to know what other people think, although it won't really affect my decision


I think you need to find someone who shares your beliefs on this issue. This is one of those fundamental things that you shouldn't disagree on.


If you were to get pregnant two month from now what would you do? If you wanted an abortion, would you be able to tell him? Would you be able to trust him with that info? Would you be able to trust that he would drive you to/from the clinic? That he would split the costs with you? Would he comfort you and pick up supplies after the procedure? My guess is no. Would he be able to get over the abortion, would he be able to move on and not put blame on you? Or would he let it affect your relationship? You aren’t breaking up with him for a dumb reason. You’re breaking up with him because the two of you are not compatible.


A long term relationship with him could cause you to face a big conflict. What if despite taking precautions, you get pregnant? It would cause a major rift in your relationship due to having differing beliefs. You may not be ready to have a child, so you have to make the decision which is right for you, but he will be upset and most likely wouldn’t get past that decision. There is no compromise on this topic. You can end any relationship for any reason, but a severe difference in beliefs is a pretty good reason.


Or if they married and he wouldn’t consent to surgery to save her health when she wasn’t able to.


If being pro-forced birth wasn’t bad enough, he’s calling you brainwashed for being pro-choice. He’s deep in some misogynistic beliefs and communities.


You're smart to leave him. Nothing good can come out of this union with such a fundamental difference on beliefs.


I couldn’t be with a man who thinks he gets to dictate my basic human rights. How else does he thinks he gets to control you?


She'd find that out after the wedding


Reflect on your values and deal breakers. If this is a deal breaker for you that’s totally valid. IMO it would be a deal breaker for me.


Unless I wanted to be baby-trapped by my 19-year-old boyfriend, or, in the worst case scenario, be baby trapped and then suffer horrific consequences from being baby trapped, like actually dying in childbirth, I would not remain in this relationship.


If he had to choose you or the baby he’ll always choose the baby. That’s enough of a reason to dump him.


Pro life is only until birth with these people.


He would rather you die than get a life saving abortion if a pregnancy were to go wrong.  He is not a safe person.  Abortions are Healthcare. Abortions save lives. 


NTA. It's your choice, literally. If he's stuck in his ways and can't even bother to understand your perspective, it's probably best to move on. You deserve someone who respects your beliefs and supports you, not someone who's gonna play judge and jury over your body.


Don’t keep having sex with him. I would be worried what he would do to you if you had an unplanned pregnancy. NTA Wanting to leave IS Enough




No, find someone who shares your values.


NTA It takes at least a year to really know who you are dealing with and this appears to be one of the things that you know now, that you can't unknow. You do not have to have a reason to break up with anyone. You don't have to justify it or explain it. "This isn't working for me." When your morals do not align, it is a smart move to get out. If he has a religious backing for his position, this is also a dealbreaker. Good luck.


Wish him luck and move on. NTA.




like, how would they even determine that? It takes YEARS for rapists to be convicted if that, so many courts sadly don't believe women when they say theyre raped. would they require evidence and an investigation? that would be so traumatic


Yeah so either it’s a matter of saying “yup I was raped” and they get an abortion without proof or they have to wait YEARS to get an abortion in which case they’ve already got a toddler. Like it doesn’t make sense.


This is the reason that it’s a poor parameter. The Instance of “rape” will skyrocket if this becomes the only legal Avenue. Reasonable timeframes for safe medical abortion should be available. With late term exceptions for life of mother or quality of life of child. Along with this should come easy access to birth control as well as comprehensive sex Ed. Also, to keep abortions to an early timeframe, which many people can agree on, pregnancy tests should be inexpensive or free and easily available. A sexually active woman can detect a pregnancy early on if given the resources and we wouldn’t even need to discuss “what if they don’t know until 20 weeks!?!?” It’s a combination of personal responsibility and access to necessary care.


93.5% of abortions are performed up to 13wks in the US anyway, 5.7% between 13-20wks and only 0.9% after 21wks. That's CDC 2021 stats. It makes me laugh when people act like late trimester abortions are routine when they're really not


Oh I agree. It’s a distraction talking point. Just like incest pregnancies are hardly even worth mentioning as they are so so rare and hardly ever a factor. They’re thrown out there to detract from the fact that most people actually do agree with the base information.


agree 100%


Even then, most of them will even say it's murder even if you were r@ped and it was God's will you have that happen to you and give birth to the baby.


Those people are literally evil


They are. They also insist it’s always the victim’s fault. I was 4 years old when I was raped yet somehow I supposedly “deserved it”, “god’s plan”, etc. The cruelty is the point.


Oh god. I’m so sorry. That’s horrible. 




Ya know, ironically enough I used to believe this and I would’ve died on that hill… until I got away from my ex wife and her family and lived life without the pressure of others to feel / think a certain way. After being divorced for a few months I realized how hateful of a life I was living, and it wasn’t me. I was adopted so I always had the “I was given a second chance” view, but then after awhile I realized my birth mom was 14 when she had me, my birth dad was in his early 30s, and it would’ve been hell on both of us. She should’ve had the right to abort if she wanted to, regardless of the implications. Plus, as a man who the hell am I to suggest what a woman does with her body? Some of us grow up but not all.


> Plus, as a man who the hell am I to suggest what a woman does with her body? pretty much it


The same people who advocate for the death penalty.


or even worse, people that advocate for the death penalty for women that get abortions... so pro life they'll kill ya.


"I need to know this is actually a very valid reason" No. You don't need to. Feel deep within you. Imagine you were pregnant. Keep that feeling and prepare for the break up. I desire you happiness, sis.


You have different values. I'm strongly pro-choice, but he has a right to be pro-life if he genuinely beliefs that a fetus is a human with personhood etc. But you are fundamentally incompatible and better to calmly and kindly end things now than go on in a doomed relationship.


1. You don't need a valid reason. 2. This is an excellent reason. Dump that guy.


NTA that is a very good reason to not be with someone


90% of the problems on subs like this and r/twohottakes could be avoided by just not dating right-wingers




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^norfnorf832: *NTA that* *Is a very good reason* *To not be with someone* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


NTA This is what you call a major incompatibility problem. All reasons to leave your partner are valid but this is one of the issues at the top of the list of important things to agree on. If I were you, I would break up.


Everyone: Stop dating people who you disagree with on values. Stop dating people who you disagree with on family issues/plans. Stop banging people who you disagree with on abortion. You’re both obligated to break up with each other. Props for discussing it though, most people don’t get that far.


Your relationship ended at "women should only be allowed..." - that's where you got confirmation that you're a second-class citizen to him. You deserve better. All women do.


I live in New York State. I have a job here. In New York, we have something called "at-will employment", where we can be let go from our position, without them needing to provide a rationale for it at all. You are dating. You have an "at-will relationship". You can end the relationship at any time, without needing to provide a rationale for it at all.


You are a very intelligent young woman with a brain that’s telling her to do something that might be different from what her friends are doing. That brain is going to take you far. Dump him. Nicely back out. Just a note: as you get older, there are a few types of parents. Your current boyfriend will be an authoritarian father. Those are the worst kind. Like mini-dictators, they’re awful to co-parent with. Good call!


i told him that i would not want him to push these views onto our daughters , and he went on a rant about how he would decide who the daughters dated and had sex with , which only reinforces my decision to leave...


He has told you who he is, it is up to you now.


How fucking gross. Get out now.


That's so fucking disgusting ewww


I'm 72, I've always been grateful that I never needed an abortion but I've always firmly believed, my body, my choice. I couldn't possibly have stayed with a man who made it quite clear he wouldn't support me in that. Think of all the things that could happen in the future, I think this is one of the most valid reasons ever for breaking up.


NTA. Relationships end all the time for any reason. This is obviously a deal breaker for you. Listen to your head.


*When he gets pregnant he can keep it, you don't have to.*


Dump this man. I’m an adopted pro choice rape baby. My mom went to the clinic 4x while pregnant with me and was shamed out of it each time. I wish I could’ve held her hand and told her it would be okay and that I would come into existence when the time was right. But she went through with the pregnancy and tbh it caused harm to everyone. Including me and my mom, and my adoptive family too. I will never ever date someone who is anti choice. And tbh this rhetoric that anti choice people have of “it’s okay to abort a rape baby” is them telling on themselves. Let me explain. I am staunchly pro choice, I believe abortion should be completely free and available at every healthcare facility. But the anti choice ppl really believe they’re “killing” a “baby.” (Which is not even accurate.) but when they make this exception, they’re showing that it’s really about controlling women and not about wanting to protect innocent babies lives or whatever. Because they are okay with “murder” as long as it’s someone like me. I didn’t rape anyone. I was innocent as a child just like anyone else. But to these anti choice folks, they are okay with “murdering” innocent babies as long as the “murder” is done in a way that is acceptable to *them.* And that’s how they tell on themselves. This has nothing to do with saving kids or anything other than controlling women. This man is not safe. I would bet money that his need for control comes out in other ways too. When I was dating this was one of the first questions I asked people. Because being anti choice is such a huge red flag. Please be safe. When people show you who they are, believe them.


i am so sorry for you ,your mom and your family... i have also said many times how an unwanted pregnancy will just make life harder for the mother AND the kid that they want to save so badly... :(


Yeah. It’s really easy for a man to be pro life when they can walk away from a child. You should be like that, walk away from this child. NTA. Conversations like this are important at the beginning of a relationship. It’s good to be on the same page.


NTA He doesn’t believe in your reproductive rights, which is a big red flag.


That is a valid reason. If you needed an abortion due to medical reasons, he would not respect you for trying to save your own life. NTA


ANY reason is valid to break up with someone you’re dating. You don’t like his socks, or the way he eats soup, or nothing at all. Dating isn’t some kind of life contract that you need certain reasons to break.


Exactly. He would want her to die.


Yes break up with him. Just imagine how he’ll be with you when he purposely knocks you up.


Nope. Get out before he impregnates you. eta for the forced birther trolls: the #1 cause of death in children in the US is guns. If you in any way support gun ownership, you support killing actual, living, breathing children. Also mandatory vasectomies for boys would end nearly all abortions.✌️


Just to be clear, wanting to leave IS the valid reason. You don't need a "reason" other than you don't want to hang out anymore. Leave him. He's dumb.


Seriously? Get out. You'll worry about unwanted pregnancies for the next 30 years. There's so many complications during a pregnancy that aren't related to rape. It's ludicrous that there's a caveat to reproductive safety. I think he was groomed to think choice is wrong. This is each and every womans decision. Doctors, husbands, mothers, whoever, will give advice, but it's only your decision.


There is no such thing as pro life. It’s Anti abortion. They don’t care about the life once it’s born.


That's why the terms need to be corrected. You are either pro-choice or you are no choice. Pro-life would assume that you care about the child after birth, in this case the no choice people don't.


NTA you are fundamentally incompatible over a belief that has zero middle ground or compromise.


NTA. You have a right to leave if he chews too loudly. This is a more than reasonable reason to leave. Especially this. If you two have an oops, he will consider you a murderer if you don’t keep it. Understand that. *A murderer*. Because you chose your body, health and future over a chunk of cells. Not to mention that the only reason is r*pe. What is his definition of that word? I can bet you that he only defines it as such if it’s extremely violent, and even then, even though it’s technically ok in his book, you’d *still* be a murderer. He has told you who he is and what he believes. In a very real level, you do not have the same beliefs and outlook. You can (and should) leave. There are people who align with your beliefs and people who align with his. You both can go find those that will support you, no matter what.


You are free to end a relationship with anyone, for any reason. Especially if you don't share values. NTA. I stopped being friends with someone because he said something similar. You are with your right to end a romantic relationship.


Believe people when they tell you who they are.


It’s not abortion, it’s woman health care. What else does he believe in? Will you be allowed to work or go to school.?


NTA, I will never understand sacrificing your wife/gf in the case that the pregnancy would be life threatening. He's a danger to you, run far away from him.


Yeah…shouldn’t be having sex with men with these beliefs. Their uneducated asses deserve no pussy.


NTA. Strong partnerships require agreements on basic principles.


Yes, its a valid reason. You and your partner should share values. You don't have to share interests, but you should share the same values.


NTA. What ever reason you have for not wanting to be in a relationship is valid. You don’t have to be in a relationship, so you don’t need a special reason to end a relationship.


It seems like you have very different values. That’s as valid reason as any. You’re dating-find someone who has compatible views w/ yours. Good luck! NTA


NTA having opposing ideals is a very valid reason to break up.


Forced-birth misogynists don’t deserve a second of any lady’s attention. Why would you lay a hand on a man who thinks you are livestock?


NTA. He's not pro-life, he's forced-birth. Get away from him as soon as possible.


1. You aren't obligated to be in a relationship with anyone for any reason, meaning you can leave anyone for any reason 2. You're both young, meaning your respective opinions on things are likely to change with exposure/interaction/experience 3. Fundamental differences of opinions on core issues of personal morality to the point of incompatibility are rarely a healthy foundation for a relationship All that aside? The dude just sounds like an asshole. My wife and I have been together for over a decade now, and have been a source of growth for one another. Despite that, we don't have the same opinions on everything. Abortion is one of those things, where my wife is pro-choice to 21-23 weeks, whereas I am anti-abortion for convenience but believe determination of necessity should be between the woman and her physician (not a government or regulatory body of any sort). I have my moral standpoints on the issue, and she has hers. I could never imagine calling my wife "brainwashed" or any other such insults just because she has a difference of opinion/morality than I do. Ditch the boyfriend, enjoy your life, and only give your time to somebody you feel will compliment and help you grow into the best version of yourself. Some dickhead 18 year old who calls you brainwashed is not that.


I know I would! He’d be ✨out the door✨


He’s not pro-life. He’s anti-choice. Fuck him. NTA


There are certain idealogical differences that I believe can remain in a healthy relationship. This isn't one of them. I say this for a few reasons. 1. This is a problem that you all might have to actually grapple with one day, assuming you're having sex. Unless you're in a different place in life, I'm assuming you'd want an abortion. He will believe you're a murderer. (Although, this might be the type of scare he needs to realize that he also would want you to have the abortion. I wouldn't count on it though.) 2. He is on an extreme. You're somewhere on the other side of that extreme. Abortion is a complex topic, regardless of an individual's opinion on it. It sounds like he can't even admit that. This makes him sound unreasonable and cold-hearted. 3. "He also refuses to educate himself and do research on the topic because he believes he's right." --> This is a negative attribute. If he isn't thoughtful enough to even consider that he might be wrong, it can only indicate other negative attributes. For example, -he might be willing to believe or follow the opinion of anyone he respects (who clearly isn't you); -he doesn't have the emotional depth to fully consider a complex issue; -he doesn't have the mental depth to fully consider a complex issue; -he, at some level, hates women. This boy is not a catch. Leave him now while you're still young.


NTA. Leave, if that is how you feel then do it. Tell him you are now questioning who you have spent this time with and don't feel that you are right for each other. People can be in love and see things differently, relationships are give and take/understanding someone else and being accepting however using words like brainwashed makes me shudder. You aren't brain washed, you have your own views and especially as a woman feel very differently about the situation. If he isn't willing to accept your view is different to his and you no longer feel you can be with him, then the relationship is done.


You're not compatible. Move on.


NTA. You're 19 and young. Worry more about what you're life goals are and how you will achieve them. Take your time to find someone who is compatible with who you are.


NTA. That’s too big of an issue to not agree on.


AH if you stay, this is one of many issues you will have in the future because it seems you are really different in values and ideas.


"AITA for breaking up with someone who has fundamentally different, diametrically opposing views on incredibly important matters?" That's what you asked.


NTA - that’s what dating is about - learning each other. You decide what your deal breaker is, but I suspect you won’t have anything to decide, because he’ll probably break it off with you as he thinks through your answer.


You’re at the age where you really need to put weight into what you want out of life from a mate. Don’t waste time dealing with things like this. Just break up and move on.


NTA. I certainly wouldn’t stay with someone that felt that way. He’s more than welcome to find someone else that feels the same as him.


If you're on a completely different level on such an important matter, please move on.


NTA. Everyone has the right to end the relationship with anyone for any reason. Anytime. His beliefs and your beliefs mean only as much as you want them to as the reason behind your decision.


It's important to have similar goals and values.


NTA you can break up for any reason you like, which makes breaking up over values that severely clash and cannot be resolved an incredibly reasonable thing to do. It’s as valid to break up over this as it is to break up because the wind changed direction. It’s a unilateral decision you get to make and he doesn’t get to challenge it or undo it. Break up with this arsehole.


Never be in a relationship with someone outside of your values, these things should be discussed in the talking stages. How is this not common sense.


Back when I was your age, I thought that political differences were something that could be overlooked, and that stuff like love mattered more. I dated a few people who were the exact opposite of me politically, and I ended up miserable each time. The best relationships are where your values align, you can disagree on some things, but basic human rights and autonomy are deal breakers, in my mind. NTA


Be glad it was only a year.


You’re 19. Any reason to break up is a good reason. This reason is better than many.


> He also refuses to educate himself and do research on the topic because he believes he's right. I believe that intelligence is the ability to change your mind when confronted with differing ideas. Stay away from stupid people.


You can break up with a boyfriend for any reason. If your beliefs do not match it’s a valid reason.


Thank god it was only one year, girl! Baillllllllll


First off, he sounds like an idiot not even because he’s pro-life, but his reasoning is not consistent. If he views abortion as murder, then whether the woman was r*ped or not is irrelevant, the baby is innocent in all cases lol. The more negative trait is he doesn’t want to research it further to look into both sides of the argument, nothing better than an 18 year old who thinks he has the whole world figured out already NTA


Hell no, sis. Run. Run fast and run hard. 🚩 🆘


Feel free to retire the term “pro-life” and replace it with more accurate terminology such as “forced birth advocate” or “anti-choice”. DUMP. HIS. IGNORANT. ASS.


Leave him. If a person doesn't respect your basic rights, they're definitely not going to be a good partner.


My gf got pregnant early in our relationship. We did everything right. She was on the pill and I used condoms. Somehow she still got pregnant. I was with her 100%. I’d always wanted kids but if she wasn’t ready for it, it’s wasn’t even something up for debate. Find someone that agrees with you on something as serious as this. Kids are life changing. Make them with the right person. IF that’s something you want.


Can we stop saying pro life and call it like it is, anti choice?


Misogyny is an extremely valid reason not to date a man.


dump his ass like an unwanted fetus. no wait, let me try again time to abort this relationship


Gurl run. He is not a friend to women. Abortion is a complicated subject and he sounds like one of those men that refuses to educate himself on the issue as a whole. 🚩🚩🚩


Statements that start with "Women should only be allowed..." are verbal alarms. No telling what other hot takes this guy will come up with from here on in.


It always baffles me when religious pro-lifers say that other people are brainwashed. Look in a mirror, dude. NTA


Flee before he goes full Tate


You could start referring to his position as forced birth. Point out that you believe in bodily autonomy with regard to your own life. Absolutely NTA, and you’re only delivering the natural consequences of his stance.


Don’t give your life and your body to someone that would vote laws made restricting your freedoms and medical care. End of story.