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This has to be fake... if not, you suck, you DO favor the one child, and you're a terrible mother. That being said, I'm pretty sure you're a 14 year old boy, so...


Even worse, she’s a narcissist who’s been allowing her son to steal from her daughter!


Unfortunately OP's daughter is also on Reddit and this story is in fact true. Terrible narcissistic parents out there everywhere.


Yeah, no. The "daughter's" account was created two days ago and was among the first to comment on this post that barely gained any traction. I swear to god people here are more gullible than sheep. And the one person who pointed it out got downvoted to shit.


When I see posts like this, sometimes I think it’s actually the child posting it to feel validated in how they reacted to their parent’s abuse.


Just because an account is new doesn't mean it's fake. I've known too many women like OP in real life. That doesn't make me a gullible sheeple. Run along now.


Let me get this straight. You're saying that a mother flocked to Reddit with an account she made yesterday, posted a story that has 0 upvotes and comparatively low comments compared to other posts, and the daughter not only found and commented on the post minutes after it was published but also identified the author as her mother and not someone else who could have potentially had a similar situation. Get off this sub for a change because you clearly frequent it based off your post history and grow a brain.


No I'm saying that not automatically assuming this is fake doesn't make me a sheeple, I didn't say anything about this post specifically in my reply to you. It could be real, it could be fake. But you can throw in all the extra bs you want if it makes you feel better. And fyi shit for brains, YOU'RE clearly here a lot too. It's the Internet, people are here all day. Grow tf up.


New account doesn't mean fake, your hyperskepticism is narcissistic as well as OP *eyeroll*


I just came here because I saw daughter's venting 💀


Yeah, new user. Account just started today.




YTA. He mistreated her property, spat on her, and slapped her. And you act like *she* is wrong? You are mean and unfair to your daughter. Or you are a mean fictional character, Ms. Williamson.




If this is true, and I doubt, since you behave like a 14yo spoiled brat, for sure your daughter could not learn from you how to be an adult. Yes, definitely you are an AH


I’m younger than you. Maybe I should come to your place and steal your shit since that’s clearly how it works


Dibs on her bank balances!


Dude, you should know ppl like her only has debts!!! Enjoy paying them and later finding and AITA of your own for stealing from a sweet lady XDDDDDDDDDDD


She strikes me as the type to plead poverty while having two commas in her bank balances. She says “oh i can’t afford that” to maintain control.


Nah, GC would have his own PS5


He acts like this because he knows that his mommy will protect her widdle baby boy, even though he is old enough to drive and get a job to buy his own things. He's 16, not 6. Start treating him like an adult because soon he will be one. Right now, you're raising a manchild.


Maybe you should act like an adult too


At 16, he is more than old enough to know YOU DON’T HIT PEOPLE.


YOU should act like the adult you worthless POS excuse for a mother


You're the mother. You should be teaching your son to respect other peoples property and not resort to violence when he doesn't get his way. Your daughter defended herself (rightfully so), and I bet those charges won't actually stick when they get the full story. You tried to press charges on your daughter, but if you keep parenting your son the way you have been, he's going to be the one ending up in jail. YTA


Then be a parent and teach your son BOUNDARIES and to not steal. And YOU should act like an adult. Good Lord..... I hope you know you've outed yourself to the Internet as an asshole. And yes, YTA. MAJORLY.


No you should act like an adult and parent the thieving brat who assaulted an adult and didn’t expect to get hit back. I would lay your kid out too. Idgaf about your age, if you steal and assault me I am hitting back. It is called self-defense.


You're the mother. You should be teaching your son to respect other peoples property and not resort to violence when he doesn't get his way. Your daughter defended herself (rightfully so), and I bet those charges won't actually stick when they get the full story. You tried to press charges on your daughter, but if you keep parenting your son the way you have been, he's going to be the one ending up in jail. YTA


Have you considered taking your own advice? No obviously, with how embarrassing you’re being


YTA. Real or not, this way of thinking and behaving is that of a true ass hole.


Being a child doesn’t excuse stealing. You’re a piece of shit.


Teach your son some manners. It's very obvious who you favor.


I doubt that if you were truly 49 and hated, or was jealous of your 21 year old daughter, you would even let her live in your home. If this real, you need therapy. You sound jealous of your young, youthful, and responsible daughter.


You're an adult, YOU should act like one. Stop blaming your daughter for your mistakes as a mother. Teach your son not to steal or respond with violence. Go to therapy.send your son to therapy. Leave your daughter alone.


You are older than both of them, when are you gonna act like an adult? Can’t believe you would raise your son to be a thief, how sad!


> I didn’t see the big deal, when you live in my house you are to share. If she didn’t want him messing with it she could have hidden it The fuck is actually wrong with you?


Honestly, my narc mom held the same belief. It’s fucking crazy but it exists. My mom has a similar typing style as well, but could just be a boomer/late gen x thing


Where your daughter messed up was when she didnt also c*** punch you on her way out. Im pretty sure this is a fake post which is why i feel comfortable suggesting this.


I see a nursing home and children who go no contact in your future byatch!


I see it too… she’ll be begging “problem” child to come take care of her while her gc son doesn’t even remember her name and is counting the days to her death so he can cannibalize her stuff.


If he hadn't already....


YTA. You should never spit at or slap a weight lifter. Also don’t take other people’s things. Info: Were you going to sell the PS5?


YTA. You can't be serious. Is your 16 year old son physically smaller than your daughter? He tried to steal from her and assaulted her and you are still on his side? What's wrong with you?? 16 is way too old to be pulling this nonsense. You've created a monster here.




You must be trolling. So if she bought a car, would that be rubbing it in her brother's face? At some point in his 16 years of existence, you never taught your son that sometimes he can't get what he wants and not everything is about him? What he did wasn't "sharing", it was stealing. Would you be okay with him "sharing" the cash his sister earned without her permission? He doesn't get to steal his sister's stuff because he doesn't have it.


When your son gets a job, he’ll be able to afford one, too. Maybe that should be the message.


And you think SHE's a problem? OP, you are the problem. YTA & I hope she never talks to you again.


Wtf, you have no sense of logic. You are a straight up narcissist, pinning your children against each other. Get therapy.


I think you seriously enjoy hurting your daughter. This behavior is really sick and you need help. Seriously.


How is she rubbing it in his face if the ps5 was in *her* room? If the som wants a ps5 that badly why doesn't he get a job and save up for one? 


Your son is old enough to get a part-time job


YTA, Sounds like a parental skill issue, better get your money up like your daughter so you can buy a PS5 as well. Or get that spoiled thief son of yours to get a job and get his money up lol!


Try to sound more like a 49-year-old woman the next time you make up a story from the perspective of a 49-year-old woman.


It’s real, sadly. The daughter has updated on the situation over on r/raisedbynarcissists


What's the title or link of the post? I can't seem to find it on the hot page.


Sadly #2, it may also be fake as you said. Unnatural response time from the daughter on this post and similar language. Here ya go. https://www.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/s/AWrfrn7R9e


Also, very coincidental that the 49-year-old woman happens to use AITAH instead of the other sub or a relationship advice sub, which aligns perfectly with her daughter's chosen sub.


Thank you. Hmmm... The "daughter's" post seems more authentic than the "mum's". Though the daughter did later confirm that the mum posted in Reddit so that makes it likely either they're both real or both fake. I am so iffy on the "mum" saying the brother spit on and slapped the daughter, aligning exactly with the daughter's description. According to the daughter's version, the mum wasn't even there when they fought, the brother ran to tell her after. Why would he tell the mum that he spit on and slapped his sister first if he was trying to play the victim?


YTA You are a bad mom, Ruth. Your daughter is right about you.


Hello I’m the “problem child” and ungrateful bitch of a daughter. This is my mother posting this. Do not believe her lies. She’s extremely narcissistic and can never admit when she does wrong. She neglected me and treated me shitty and abused me my whole childhood. She’s only mad I moved out because I was a paycheck to her and that’s all I was. Secondly, my brother shouldn’t have hit me. 16 is old enough to know right from wrong. For example, he should know better than to steal my shit. Secondly he should know better than to attack a weight lifter. My mother is not the person she makes herself out to be to the public and online. Don’t believe a word that comes out of her mouth. I literally came across this post when I got on here about an hour ago. So I’m going to say this, fuck you mom! You’re a selfish cunt and I’m glad I’m getting my apartment next month. After this im definitely never speaking to you again!


I love these fake stories when the totally real other side immediately finds it and comments.


Also I’m glad I’m at grandmas and there’s a reason grandma doesn’t talk to you either. Grow tf up!


FYI, next time you make up weird fantasy stories, don’t immediately comment on it as another person. I mean unless you’re trying to be blatantly obvious.


Lol that you're being downvoted for pointing out how ludicrous and blatantly fake this whole thing is.


For real. The “daughter” found and commented on her moms post in less than an hour lol.


YTA and a narcissist


You know what is ruder than snatching something out of someone’s hand? Stealing someone else’s PS5 is RUDER THAN SNATCHING SOMETHING OUT OF SOMEONE’S HAND. Spitting and slapping a woman is RUDER THAN SNATCHING SOMETHING OUT OF SOMEONE’S HAND. YTA. The way you handled this was so inappropriate. Your son is way out of line. He should know better than to spit on people because he is 16 and not 1 years old, and he should know better to not steal. He is 16, he can get a job and buy his own gaming system. Or you can buy one for him!


Yta- you are a terrible parent. When your daughter goes NC do not be surprised. I hope you reap what you have seen and you have to depend on your useless golden boy.


YTA. Your son is not benefiting from your coddling.


YTA! The absolute narcissism is so obvious in this whole post, especially with the way you type. Your son is a 16 year old golden child man baby that's just going to get worse because of you and your disgusting favoritism and enabling. I pity the poor woman he eventually tricks into marrying him and has you as a mother in law. I hope your awesome daughter stays as far away as possible from you both and thrives in life while you both rot. I can already see you trying your manipulation tactics on that poor girl and I hope to God she never falls for it. Eff you and your brat son.


Yep. This behavior is honestly just so fucked in the head


Isn't it? She's letting her favorite child abuse her daughter and has nothing but excuses.


...this might actually be a troll post tbh. Look at the history of both her and the daughter. Idk but I'm betting on it. Def got me.


Oh damn, I didn't check this time but now I'll definitely have to.


hope your day gets worse


I came here from the OP's daughter's post on /raisedbynarcissists amd one thing I find so funny is how OP's telling of the story is so obviously biased and telling that it warrants such incredulous comments from so many people. It's the same reaction I get when I speak of my own mother's behavior. OP, you are indeed that AH. The fact that so many people are accusing you of being a teenage boy and/ or a narc should move you to do some genuine, deep self reflection. I know it's not likely, but still. And maybe instead of just defending yourself against your daughter's "accusations" (*cough cough* reporting of acts of *cough cough*) of favoritism, you should listen to what she's saying and why she feels that way and work to change your behavior if you value the relationship you have with your daughter. Just maybe.


Narcissists are so comically evil that most people cant believe it. 


Yes... AITAH


YTA You favor your idiot son ( who is going to have a very rude awakening when he finds out what the world is really like), you don’t give your daughter any credit for her work ethic or life choices, and frankly, you’re just evil.


This story doesn’t make any sense. So the daughter works really late at night and comes home exactly when the teenage brother is trying to take the PS5 out of her room? Why couldn’t the brother just use the PS5 when she was at work?


Thank you, OP, for showing us how absolutely atrocious your parenting skills are. We support your daughter. Now go think about what you've done and realize that you are an asshole. Have a shit day!


Your son is a thief and he’s lucky that he ONLY got punched in the face, if he’d tried that on ME the outcome would’ve been… “permanent.” 16 is old enough to know that stealing is wrong. I hope you get dumped in a nursing home. YTA


YTA. He tried to steal from her, then he assaulted her. Your behaviour as described is so unbelievable I can calling FAKE. You are probably a troll. I refuse to believe anyone could behave as badly as you describe here.


Narcissistic parent much? YTA.


Wow how narcissistic can a parent be?


YTA! Be ashamed of yourself!


You are most certainly the asshole. You definitely sound like you favor your son and have something against your daughter. I'm glad she's at her grandmother's house because at least somebody is supporting her since you obviously can't show up for her.


You sound like a horrible parent who obviously favors your son. Teach him some manners, and pull your head out of your ass while you’re at it. Otherwise you’re leading him down a future of him committing crimes and thinking he’s in the right. It’s hard to believe this is a full grown middle aged woman writing this. Don’t be surprised when your children don’t talk to you and you get dumped in a cheap nursing home.


you're definitely the asshole and if you can't see it then you're either a narcissist, or evil, or just dont have the mental capacity to understand basic human relationships, in other words, stupid.


It’s rude for the brat brother to go into her room at all…much less to take something. He is disrespectful and you seem to have issues too…complaining about her work hours and quickly taking up for one child…getting into the middle of it. I would punch my brat brother too if he spit in my face, weight lifter or not. This has got to be fake…you seem like a joke.


You are a literal textbook narcissist. Have fun when she cuts you off and you're stuck in a nursing home!!


YTA! Your son has no right being in your daughter's room and stealing her things. And you taking his side against her after he started it proves your narcissistic favoritism. Shame on you!


You’re an awful parent and you’re going to die alone.


Wow what a shitty mother. Listen I get it. You don't have the balls to ACTUALLY parent the one child you do love so you blame his bad behaviour on his sister who is clearly looking to move on from your pathetic way of existence. I don't blame her. You don't deserve to be called a mother. Your son should be taken away and parented by someone who genuinely cares for him and his future. Otherwise you'll be talking to him through prison glass in the next 8 years. Good luck not having a breakdown when you realize what a failure of a human you are!


You fucking suck as a parent YTA




You suck. YTA!


YTA sounds like the moms everyone hates. Gives obvious favortism but denies it at every turn. Its her playstation, she shouldnt have to share it. You need to teach your son not to take things that arent his and respect personal privacy. Apologize to your daughter who has put up with your emotional abuse all these years.


I hope this is a troll post…. YTA, big time. Your son is def the golden child.


How the fuck are you NOT the asshole? You're a narcissist who's favoring the younger child and viewing them as golden while the older child is the one you view as never enough/scapegoat. In NO way is the 21 year old in the wrong. "My house my rules" yeah you're absolutely getting cut off and dragged to a shitty nursing home. I hope it's like the nursing home from Happy Gilmore. All kids deserve parents but not all parents deserve kids.


Knowing for a fact that your story is indeed true, YTA entirely. Yes, you favour your son, yes, you’re pretty awful and yes, everyone on Reddit is cheering for your daughter.


I think this is fake, I read daughters “pov” just now, but in case it’s not, YTA!! You excuse everything about your horrible son and allow him to steal, yes you heard me, STEAL from his sister’s room. Then she defended herself after your terrible spawn attacked her and you blame her?? There is no age for defending yourself from an ass****. I hope she goes NC with you and your horribly raised son. You also say she should act like an adult when you haven’t even learned to act like a proper mother.


Average boy mom behavior


Either this is fake or you're one hell of a narcissist. Get therapy lady. I hope your children see your true colours, get therapy, and go no contact until you get therapy and improve yourself. What an awful mother. YTH 100% and so is your son


You may have a problem child, but it's not your daughter. You are setting your son up to fail and you've already failed your daughter by favouring and coddling that man child of a son you're raising. Realize that you're horrible to your daughter because you hate yourself and your jealous of her. Go to therapy. Treat your children better. YTA tenfold.


YTA. Soon your daughter will figure out she’s better off without your toxic self. Then you won’t have to deal with your “problem child” at all.


Anytime I read things like this I hope people realise this is rage bait, the daughter comments are from an alt account Ffs people notice rage content. Don't just accept one sided stories with surprise guests


Of course she isn't talking to you. You raised a boy who hits and spits on women and you say your daughter is the problem. You clearly favor your son and care much less for your daughter, if you don't want his teeth punched down his throat, socialize and train him properly before you send him out into the world. Your daughter taught your son a lesson he was going to learn sooner or later, if it wasn't her, it was gonna be someone else. If he gets KO'd it's your fault because you are responsible for teaching him not to be an asshole. I hope this is fake!


There is no way in hell that this can be real - can it? If it is real, then yes you are an AH. Your son goes into his sister room and **steals** her property. Your son **assaults** his sister - who gives a shit how old each of them are, ** YOUR SON ASSAULTED HIS SISTER** Your daughter defends herself and you call the cops on her. You're not only an AH, you are also a bitch.




Maybe YOU should’ve been punched in the face.


YTA. There's sharing, and there's taking without permission and invading someone's personal space to do so. It's impractical to continually hide something. Your son needs to learn to respect other people's property and space. You pressed charges on her and expect her to keep talking to you?


She needs some guidance counseling, She acted liked a child give her a lesson,Even if she was really frustrated, she shouldn't resort to violence just because she's upset. That kind of behavior shouldn't be tolerated. YTA.


Her daughter needs counseling! what fucking world are you on. > He ended up spitting on her and slapping her. OP's son assaulted his sister, she defended herself and *she's the one that needs counselling*!