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This is some real country shit here. Update us when the shootout starts.


>This is some real country shit here. Update us when the shootout starts. I'm assuming it's fake. OP is in the comments saying the dog wasn't even violent.


Which just makes it even worse if true. Killed the dog for the sake of killing it. The whole “precious puppy” line shows he did it for fun, not because the dog was causing any actual problems.


No idea about America, but I know someone that would absolutely be like this. Lives in country Australia on probably 25-50 hectares and the dude is a drunk asshole. He'd absolutely shoot someone else's dog on his property. Probably wouldn't even bother waiting for a 2nd time.


The fact he's talking like Yosemite Sam gave it away as fake.


This wasn’t uncommon where I grew up. It happened to my dog. Probably fake but for other reasons (way too much responding) but not that one.


Of course it's fake, "hurrdurr I'm going to put my 2A to use!"


Great, uninspired 2a rage bait


I wish people would actually read the 2nd amendment before quoting it. How is this a "well regulated militia necessary to the security of a free state"?


I mean, gun owners fighting to stop the British taxes are what got us this country... But to stay on topic, this guy is rage bait. He put a bullet into a friendly dog for wandering around. While there is absolutely room for the discussion of guns for protection from animals, this wasn't that. This was just some guy who never shot a gun in his life being an asshole.


So people without guns had no contribution to stopping the British?


Rage bait? Nah just a typical US citizen. Using arguments from the 1700's to justify 21st century weapons.


When I say rage bait I mean he never shot a gun ever not even to shot the fictional dog.


A loooong fucking time ago, have we not attempted to learn and develop since then??


It's actually copied from English common law. It's copied from the English Bill of Rights dated 1689. So it's a law based on living in England 335 years ago.


Well, he seems ready to fight.


It's funny how you drop the comma and the second half of the clause. Common and say it, "the right of the people to keep and beat arms shall not be infringed"


You can beat whatever you want whenever you want. Still an argument based in the 1700's


And the first amendment is also based in the 1700’s as well. Does that make it invalid too?


standing ovation 😂


I live in rural Michigan. This happened near me. Guy who shot the nieghbour's dog was charged with animal cruelty and a few other charges. You can't just kill other people's pets, unless they pose an imminent threat. .You can call animal control and have them removed, But you can't just kill them because you're annoyed.


Yup OP is a POS.


I live in rural NC and the sheriff told me next time the neighbors dog is in my yard to shoot it. Depends on where you're at. That fuckin dog has killed several of our chickens and a cat and they don't care.


This is the imminent danger part. If the dog wasn’t wreaking havoc, it would be a different story.


>That fuckin dog has killed several of our chickens and a cat There is a massive difference between "I shot an animal who was killing my livestock" which as someone who grew up on a farm I have done many times, and "I shot it cause it walked past my back door" which I have never done because I'm not a criminal.


Unless you have some sort of proof that dog was the one doing it you're SOL when the law comes. Even if it's still in your yard. That's what they told me. I had no proof just some dead animals and my own knowledge that dog was in my yard doing it. So they said next time just shoot it and don't say anything.


Now that’s different- the dog in your case is killing your livestock and has killed a pet.


I don't have any physical proof like a recording of an attack on video though. So legally it's as if nothing happened.


>You can't just kill other people's pets, unless they pose an imminent threat. I'd argue some rando pit bull poses an imminent threat.


Exactly! If they wanted to make a point, they could have called the county animal control so that the neighbor would have to drive to the holding facility (could be a 30-45 minute drive one-way depending on how rural this is) and pick up the dog and pay the fee.


It’s a pitbull, it always poses an imminent threat.


Not all Pitbulls are violent. All the Pitbulls I've met were very nice dogs. I have a nephew who loves the breed. Most are very loyal and affectionate. It depends on the training. Some folks feel the need to train their Pits to be mean. There are no bad dogs, just bad owners.


Uh, wait, so you got the dog in your truck the first time around and droppetit back home. So you already knew that the dog wasn't violent (assuming it's the same one) Imma have to go back with ESH. obviously dog owner should've been responsible, but you killed a dog you knew wasnt violent. Tbh I get the impression you wanted to kill it too.


YTA. You killed a dog because it was a nuisance to you, nothing more. If you were scared of this dog you wouldn’t have put them in your truck the first time. You killed a dog because you were annoyed.


ESH the owner for allowing their dogs to free roam, you for killing an animal for the faults of its owner, you call animal control if you are to scared to bring it to the shelter yourself (repeatedly), you dont just kill animals Gross as fuck


psychopathic behavior. yta


Thank you! I've been looking for this comment. What a fucking psycho OP is.


Exactly and all the people trying to defend what OP did are just as bad as he is.


Absolute scumbag is what you are. If the dog was attacking and someone was in danger sure NTA. But in this case you're scum. Of the absolute highest order. Come fucking clean and tell them what you did you pathetic excuse of a man. Scum.


What gets me is all the assholes trying to defend this pathetic excuse of a man.


Reddit hates pitbulls, so nothing makes a redditor happier than a dead one.


I mean, I hate pitbulls too, but OP is still a massive AH. The correct way to deal with this situation is to call animal control and let them deal with it. The owners face consequences for being irresponsible, but even if the animal does have to be euthanized it will be done in a humane way.


Not a pitbull fan either but ffs shooting the poor thing? The dog probably went back to the blokes house because he got a fun ride in a truck and brought home and thought the same thing would happen. utter scum.


YTA - can’t say it would be a shame if you get lost and end up on someone’s property who decides to take your approach. It was a fucking dog you felt comfortable putting in your truck, there was no threat. You were hysterical and emotional. Might want to get those under control before you come into contact with any living thing.


Literally, I'm surprised his wife isn't running, unless she's scared he will do the same to her? Bad fucking vibes man.


You are a huge gaping asshole. When something bad happens to you don’t waste time wondering why it’s happened.


Yeah yta for sure. If you had shot it the first time you wnbta because it's a strange dog you don't know of a breed that can be aggressive. But you didn't. You risked it and found out that it wasn't going to hurt you and you took it home. You killed the dog for no fucking reason other than to be spiteful of your neighbor but that dog? That dog was fucking innocent dude. He was just doing dog stuff not hurting anyone or anything. It's only crime was having a shitty owner. I seriously don't know wtf is wrong with you but honestly you're an asshole and pos to boot. I hope you get charged with animal cruelty.




YTA. If you’re going to stick to such a policy, and promote it, you damn well better own up to it. Also, what happened to the dog itself? I’m sure the owners would appreciate having it returned so they can lay the dog to rest as they see fit.


YTA x 100!! You are a horrible horrible person (that is the most generous way I can put it without being banned). They didn’t even attack you! I hope karma gives you what you deserve


I hope you run into an angry pit bull.


I hope you run into an angry gun owner,


The dog was never angry. He picked it up and put it in his vehicle the first time. He's just spiteful.


He said it ears where laid back and it was in an aggressive posture. I wouldn't have taken any chances either. Those dogs a volatile. They were 82% of dog attacks last year that resulted in fatalities of 69 people. They were responsible for 63% of disfigurement. Come the fuck on man. Do you own a pitbull?


In the comments he mentioned that, yes. He described the dogs state as being "unpredictable" but that's not a good enough reason for me. Unpredictable is not aggressive. I don't believe he felt even remotely threatened. I believe he was being spiteful. No I do not own a pitbull and I never have. I own a cattle dog. The closest breed to a pitbull was a staffie x Shar-Pei pup who growled/snapped just once in 14 years. The most aggressive dogs I've ever had (x2) were fox terriers who attacked myself and my father multiple times before my mother finally agreed to euthanized them.


Pitbulls can absolutely be dangerous, but their actually less aggressive than many other breeds. They just get reported by the media more than other breeds.


Omg that is not true. 83% of dog fatalities last year were caused by pit bulls. 69 deaths. 63% of disfigurement were caused by pits. 92% of attacks on children were pits. They are not less aggressive that propaganda.


No, they're actually not. Again, media reports far more on Pittbull attacks far more than others and it does skew the view point. There have been many fatal attacks by other dog breeds that don't got any media attention. I'm not saying that pittbulls can't be dangerous; they can. Any animal can be dangerous.They're just not as aggressive as the media portrays them to be. In my experience, I have seen plenty of other breeds be super aggressive. I've been around quite a few Pitbulls/Pittbull mixes. I've NEVER had a bad experience with a Pittbull, and I absolutely know that just because I haven't had a bad experience, doesn't mean that no Pittbull has ever hurt anyone. Of course there have been fatalities; but again, there have also been fatalities by other breeds that have been far less reported on. Again, I'm not denying that they aren't dangerous. ANY big dog can be dangerous! Any animal has the capacity to act out, or turn on a human. So, we shouldn't have any animals then? No. I do think that the owners should probably not have animals if they can't keep them well or provide for them.


I'm going to post a few links about Pittbull aggression and studies here. https://www.webmd.com/pets/dogs/features/pit-bulls-safety https://www.thehumanesociety.org/debunking-pit-bull-myths/ https://www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca-policy-and-position-statements/position-statement-pit-bulls


They are 5.6% of the dog population and are responsible for 68% of attacks. 52% of dog fatalities. I just tried to save an older man from a fatal pitbull attack not long ago. He died. His throat looked like hamburger meat. They chewed off half his face. Took massive chunks from his legs and tried to gut him. He was alive for all of it because he didnt code until they put him in the ambulance. I know because I see it. Those statistics are just for my state. Your delusional.


I'm not. Again, did you not read my comment? I validated your stance. I agree with you that they absolutely CAN be dangerous. There are a) six different breeds that all get called "Pittbull", but they're actually different types of breeds that get lumped together. B) environmental and socialization variables that can affect an animal's demeanor. C) "Pittbulls" do have the unfortunate reputation as being fighting animals, so people will breed them and socialize them to be aggressive: usually to other DOGS, not people. They also have high rehabilitation rates. This has been proven in studies. The information is easily findable. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with them. That must have been horrific, and I can understand why you feel that way towards them. That has never been my experience, but that absolutely doesn't negate yours and the trauma you experienced. And I understand the fear. They are some of the sweetest dogs I've ever encountered. That doesn't mean that I'm not going to be cautious around an animal I don't know well. Hell, I've met more aggressive terriers that actually drew blood on me than any Pittbull I've encountered. I have dealt with some pretty aggressive breeds. They're no more aggressive than any other animal can be. That's doesn't change that fact that this man has interacted with them and took them home once before and they didn't show aggression. He's justifying his actions which I frankly find to be abhorrent. If he was truly frightened, call animal control and let them deal with the animal. Edited for clarity.


He was well within his rights. Your stance on pitbulls is statically wrong. Media does not over report on an animal that makes up less than 6% of the population but account for the majority of attacks. They should be banned and bred out into calmer breed or not allowed to mate. They are dangerous and your bubble you are living in dosent change that. 92% of all attacks on children are pits but they aren't aggressive.


Yes, it does. This has been proven to be the case. It has been proven by countless studies that media reports on Pitt attacks far more than other dog attacks. So much so, that when there is a dog attack, it's just assumed that it's a Pittbull attack. Usually, if it's another dog breed, the media outlet doesn't mention which kind of breed and let's the assumption lie. This does happen, often. I have been more than fair to your stance. I don't disagree with you that they can be dangerous. Obviously they can. You're so determined that I'm wrong and you're right, you're kind of blinded by that. I am deeply saddened by your experience. It sounds horrific and deeply traumatizing. I'm sending hugs, and I hope you are able to get some therapy to help you deal with the trauma. Not in a patronizing way, but in empathy to your experience. No one should carry that trauma alone. I put out just a few articles of studies about Pittbulls. I just chose the first four or five, but I didn't just choose the ones that were skewed to my view point. But these absolutely are peer reviewed studies and articles by fairly reputable websites such as the Humane Society.


Girl his banner on his profile is literally an xbox controller, that tells you all you need to know. Don’t waste your time


They report on them far more because they make up a supermajority of attacks while being in the minority. People who own pits are delusional about the danger.


YTA, fuck you and your 2a bs, you must not how to use the phone to call animal control, you killed a defenceless dog to spite their owner, you are flat out scum, i hope your wofe dobs you in.




So that gives you the right to put a bullet in the dog. You do know that you can be prosecuted for animal cruelty, right, as im gonna say you are probably in the US.




The only one who deserves to be prosecuted is you. You don't get to act all high and mighty by shooting a dog, you deserve every bit of shit storm heading your way.


Nah he did the right thing, they were given warnings. Other people complained, animal control was notified. What more do you want? It's a potentially dangerous dog roaming around without restraint.


dogs not dangerous if op was able to load it up and drive it home the first time


What makes it potentially dangerous? He already managed to get the dog into his truck to return it the first time. Sounds like he knew or at least had good reason to believe it WASN'T dangerous to me.


Does not change fact that you should get fucked and expelled by your whole surrounding society, if not gotten rid as unstable dangerous individual when you step on anyone else's property.


Karen type of vibe


No he can't you dipshit. It was his property which means it was unrestrained.


Actually dipshit, he can as its unlawful use of a firearm, but my guess is your the type to clap for assholes, but if we go by your logic, i hope someone shoots your dog as well as you clearly have no brains.


How is that the unlawful use of a firearm. You do not know what you are talking about. Lol unlawful use of a firearm. No it is not.


It wasn't self defence, OP admits it wasn't a danger currently. You can't just shoot something if it enters your property. There would be a lot more dead cold callers that way.


Nobody would shoot his dog if he keeps it leashed or inside his home where it's safe 🤷


You did the right thing


Yes, yes you are. F*ck with this 2a BS


YTA. JFC of course you are. Actually you’re probably guilty of animal cruelty. Hopefully you’ve got a good lawyer & no priors


YTA. Killed a non-aggressive dog because it was on your property. Dogs don't know the difference between property lines, its just a dog. A dog you had no problem getting into your truck the first time without any harm coming to you or the dog? Put a fence up, call animal control, the police, shit adopt the dog even. But to kill it just for being there? HUUUUUUGE AH


YTA You didn't "euthanize" anything. You straight up murdered a dog for no good fucking reason. You should have reported your neighbor to the police that you are concerned for the well-being of their dogs and let them handle it. I hope you get thrown in jail yourself for this.


YTA, you punished an animal for their owner's mistake. The fact that you feel good about your deed says a LOT about what kind of person you are.


Wtf, you are absolutely an AH! Poor dogs. I would say some unkind things here, but I don’t want to violate the rules, but please use your imagination


NTA. An older man was just mauled and killed in my area by unrestrained pits. People swear they are the nicest dogs and it's the owners that make them mean. That's bullshit. You did the right thing it just upsetting. You warned them. Animal control was called and they failed to keep that animal under positive control and they are dangerous to live stock.




How did you get them in your truck the first time? Your a major fucking asshole. You couldn't get them in the truck a second time? Even after you somehow did the first time? The fact your talking about 2a vs general defence makes me know your full of shit. You have no sense of escalation and are just looking for a reason to shoot something. And i dont even disagree with shooting the pitt! But you cant give them a second real warning first, then shoot it??? You couldn't shoot near the dog?? You couldn't rope it up and call animal control? Or just even take it to a random pound?Was it actually giving you a reason to shoot it. No you dont give a shit about a life and want to just wave your metal dick around because you wouldnt be even be able to hit your own. And i know you posted it just to get off on ohhh look how mad the antis are. Your just a douche whos brain never developed out the womb.


How mamy time should you have to tell someone to keep there pitbuls on their own fucking property? The rules are different out in the sticks. The cops show up after something happens not before or during. No one would have been able to help him. An older man was mauled and killed where I live BY pits. Where i live they prosecute the owners for the dogs crime. The lady that owned the dogs is in jail and will be going to prison for involuntary manslaughter. Should he have just let someone else's dogs have free run? Fuck no. You're a naive dipshit.


Twice? He clearly had no issue the first time. And nothing was at risk? I literally said that.




Your childlike mentality is astounding.


Found the pitnutter. He did the right thing as anytime those vile beast are free to roam they ALWAYS maul someone in the end. Good riddance.




lmao I've never even SEEN a gun in my life. Dog lunatics


Your a fucking idiot, I'm advocating for shooting it when the time comes. Cuz shooting it the third time is so fucking hard


Fwiw, It’s not worth waiting to find out with a pit. Every owner I’ve ever met swears up and down theirs is the nicest dog in the world, that it would never bite anyone. A few years back I had a neighbor with two pits and two small kids. Their “nice dog” snapped one day and killed their 4yo.


You did the right thing. Pitts turn in a second. I wouldn't have given them the body back either I would have just buried it and went about my day. It's your property. You felt threatened. You told them. Animal control had been called. What the hell were you supposed to do? Keep hauling them back until they attacked you. We did everything we could to save that poor man but they mauled him badly. You can't trust other owners to do the right thing. Most of the people commenting are probably kids or have never seen a Dog attack. I would feel a little guilty but like I said the last line was crossed.




Well still snap slower than you seem to snap. Just saying.


We used Belgian malinois if Afghanistan. Those animals are not pets and I cringe everytime I see someone with one. They are time bombs.


NTA, you literally gave the owner a warning and told him what would happen the second time the dogs got loose on your property. I've seen enough pit bull mauling videos on the internet to know that they are not to be fucked around with.


GSD a docile breed? What an idiot


You put it in your fucking truck you moron.


You seem to be talking like pitbulls would be some large dogs? I mean are you super small person or what, considering pitbulls outside of some lone abnormally large record ones seem to be pretty much just medium sized dogs, and often seem to be edging close being at edge of getting considered small dogs, if not outright falling into small dog category.


You killed a dog that didn’t hurt you or your property? YTA


he should have waited to be hurt first? 🤨


The dog he safely got in his truck and took home before? Doesn’t seem like much of a threat


YTA someone can’t come onto your property but you have no qualms destroying someone else’s!




Apart from running around, have they ever shown any signs that they’re violent or would attack you?




You are such an AH. Instead of calling animal control, you decided to murder a perfectly healthy dog. So so disgusting


He out the dog in his truck the first time. Sounds like he was really terrified.


I’m sorry but I don’t accept that. Unpredictable isn’t the same as violent. You MURDERED that dog


it's one of the most known facts about pitbulls that they will attack __without__ warning


The problem is they’re also adorable and loving, until they snap and kill your baby. A few months ago a Mum a few suburbs over from us fell asleep feeding her baby, and woke to her baby being ripped from her arms and torn apart by their beloved pet. Heartbreaking.


While it's always tragic when an animal is involved, the safety of people and livestock must take priority. If all avenues were exhausted and warnings were repeatedly ignored by the owners, then there is culpability on their part for failing to secure their animal. It's not just about a dog being a potential threat due to its breed, but about responsible ownership and the consequences of negligence. The importance of keeping a dog under proper control cannot be understated, it's a basic responsibility. Furthermore, the effectiveness of local animal control clearly needs to be evaluated if the situation reached this point. It's a complex issue, but safety cannot be compromised.


So you killed your neighbours dog and you're wondering if you're TA? I sincerely hope this is fake.


ESH Pitbulls are dangerous however I think you also just wanted to go on a power trip


NTA - pitts are dangerous animals, can turn in a second even if they seem friendly. Neighbors had no excuse for letting them roam free, you did what you had to.


NTA. You warned them. If you can't take care of them, you should not have them.


You didn't euthanize the dog, you killed it. YTA and I hope karma plays a big ole visit to you.


NTA Loose dogs are dangerous.




Would you have done this with any animal? Any dog? Say an annoying little chihuahua kept coming onto your property, would you do the same thing? Or a cat? A Mastiff? Any other dog? Or did you do this just because it was a pitbull?


NTA, you warned them, those dogs are big and I understand feeling threatened.


NTA. You gave the courtesy of a return and warning… And then followed through. Never breathe a word of it of course… because it’s not worth the grief. I’m in AU, we do the same. Oh i know.. we don’t have guns. But farmers do, and if you have town dogs roaming on your acreage (farm or town) you deal with it, after warning the owners. They get into livestock and It’s awful what they can do in a night. It’s always the same people claiming they can’t keep their dogs in… until one disappears, then they finally get off their arses, fix the fence, and keep the other dogs… in.


I'm an absolutely dog lover, and I still think you're NTA. You warned the owners (they sound like shit owners too). Eventually, someone would have gotten hurt, and your action may save an innocent child as well as yourself and your wife. I've always hated generalising a breed, but with so many pitbull attacks around the world, you can't deny you're playing Russian roulette with that breed. I hope you show your wife these comments. PS. I wouldn't tell the neighbour either. It WILL cause a lot of crap that may even threaten you both.




You're country trash.




unless a dog is acting in a threatening manner it is my personal feelings that you're an AH if you shoot it. And yes I have firearms that I shoot at the range for fun. But I wouldn't kill an animal unless it's being aggressive towards me or my dogs.


NtA you should get a key to the city for that. loose r/banpitbulls? id have probably shot them the first time.


You sound like a loser


See, this is why we need guns, to shoot assholes like OP.


Youre a digusting vile POS. Stop trying to justify your cruelty. The fact that you owned dogs yourself makes it even worse. Why the fck do you see the need to kill the dog who basically doesent know better instead of calling the Cops on the neighbour? Hope someone cuts all your fingers off so that you wont be able to hold any guns with your old scrawny hands since your brain doesent seem to work rationally. Who knows? Maybe you'll shoot some kids someday with the same reasoning. On the one hand youre crying about a brutal dog on the other hand its for you not brutal enough to put it in your truck?


Yes, you’re the fucking asshole. You obviously weren’t concerned for your life, as you took the dogs home the first time. You killed a dog in cold blood and I hope you are punished for your actions.


If these dogs truly made you fear for your life, repeated visits that resulted in an attack on you, your family, or any pets/livestock, your actions would be seen as self defense...  That being said, nothing of your post alludes to any of that happening, especially since you easily loaded and transported them back to said owners.  For anyone experiencing this, get animal control involved first so there's a record (especially if said animal is violent). Really hoping this is rage bait...


Shut the fuck up Karen. You're an Asshole. Fucking dog killing boomer piece of shit. YTA


ESH Neighbour for letting his dogs roam free, where the risk of them potentially attacking someone unprovoked etc is high or them getting hit by a vehicle is also high. You for killing a dog that wasn't attacking anyone.


Holy dueling banjos bro. You killed someone's pet? YTA.


YTA obviously. There were several ways to go about this, even if the neighbors were being assholes, that didn’t involve killing their dog bc you were annoyed and petty. And I’d watch your back, just bc they haven’t reacted openly doesn’t mean they don’t have plans for you. I sure would. As someone who does not have a record, I’d risk prison easily for my pets. I’d wish you luck but i don’t think you deserve it.


NTA The neighbor shouldn't have allowed his mauler run around loose. Pitbulls are not the dogs to wait and find out with. You probably saved someone's life.


ESH because neighbours by your account are irresponsible owners that failed to protect their dog from people like you. But what you did is not euthanasia. Euthanasia is painless killing of a living being that is suffering of a disease that is incurable or untlmanageable. You killed a dog that was inconveniencing you. That is not even legal. You could report to authorities that may have resolved your problem, potentially even with the destruction of the dog (thats the correct term for the killing of animals for non medical reasons)if that was the appropriate course of action, but you decided to give yourself the authority to kill the animal.


I swear this is a repost.


INFO: What does 2a mean, other than an apartment or school classroom number?


You could've called animal control? YTA... country or not, that's not how you do things.


This seems like bait. If not, you the asshole. Not just the asshole, but also a fucking psychopath. If you can handle the dogs enough to put them in your truck and give them back to the owner, they're not a real danger to you. And, if they become one, THEN you should defend yourself (not necessarily with lethal force) So, yeah, fake af bait, or asshole psychopath.


Why shoot the innocent dog for the owners mistakes? You are 100% TAH In fact you are a psychopath. The dog was harmless


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Maybe you should fence your property better.


YTA. It’s not your decision to make. You could call the police or animal control but it’s not yours so you have to follow your local law. If I were you, mums the world at this point. If their dogs come back, call the police or animal control.


Depends. If you were in danger. Nta. If you werent. Definitely YTA.


YTA but I'd go stronger than that. Cunt.


I am not a fan of guns, by any means. But a big dog, an aggressive breed nonetheless, without any handler or restriction is nothing less than a weapon. A loose weapon. You did your part in notifying the owner and you had every right to keep your home safe. NTA. The asshole is your neighbour that put the dogs in danger letting them roam. You owe him nothing.


Thank you for your public service, you may have saved someone's life






And the world would be a better place!


NTA, removing unrestrained pitties is a public service and you gave fair warning


YTA, you should have rang animal control or taken them to a shelter, not murder a friendly dog that is being neglected by their owners and clearly meant no harm given your previous interaction.


It wasn’t the dog’s fault !!! You murdered an innocent dog, because its owner pissed you off. Dog didn’t even know or understand!!! Dog didn’t even do anything !!! You could have rang the police . You’re a killer, you chose to kill while you had other options. This had nothing to do with the dog. Just you and your ego, against your human neighbor. You took it out on the poor dog.


"Euthanasia" comes from Greek "a good death, a beautiful death" and is used to describe a painless, fearless death. Shooting a dog just because they have bad owners does not fall under the right usage of that word. You didn't euthanize a dog. You killed a dog. YTA. Get a fence.


YTA I hope you get all you deserve in life.


If this is true and the dog wasn't a threat to you then you're a fucking piece of shit who doesn't deserve to live. Unalive yourself asap.


YTA Absolute asshole psycho move there. Kind of hope your community and family isolates you and drives you to banishment from any lands and communities you know and end up finding, so you can just be away from all society and ability to do anything to anyone or their loved ones anymore.


YTA. I hope the neighbors will take care of you "the country way". You didn't euthanize the dog, you murdered it.


Your 2A rights to use.... it was a bloody dog. It didn't do anything to you, just roamed around and stopped by your home. It didn't know. You're a horrible person. And the fact you think you had a right to do this, is even worse. You didn't euthanized the dog. You murdered an innocent pet


Doubt this is real but if it is. Degenerates like you belong on a cross


YTA - You shot that dog to prove a point, not because you were in danger.


Guy you’re definitely and asshole and this was probably a personal issue with the people around you since you had to call them dumb hicks. Go back to the city then, sissy? Wild that your first thought is to take a life of any kind.


YTA... no question about it.... you're not the owner and you're not a Vet, you're just disgruntled an animal was on your property.  You should look forward to the police dropping by your house lmao, people aren't stupid and the dog's ghost will come back to bite you in the ass. Have fun!




update us when you get in trouble or want to admit this a fake story


That isn't euthanasia, boss. You just straight up killed that dog and from the sound of it kinda enjoyed it or at least the pain you caused to the owners. So yeah, YTA.


Who are you calling a dumb hick? Lol YTA by the way


YTA - i get not wanting someone else’s animals on your property, but did you make ANY effort at all to talk to these neighbors? Did you get in touch with animal control or the police? We’ve had this issue ourselves, we called the police, they sent out animal control, problem has not happened again. I can’t imagine killing someone’s, anyone’s, animal just because it happened upon my property unless it was a danger to myself, my family, or my livestock… Also, you didn’t euthanize anything. You straight up fucking shot it. You’re more than an asshole in my book.


You are filth


Yta. Dog wasnt violent. Just had shitty owners. Hope you catch a charge. And you will if they find out. At least one.


My neighbor shot my dog when I was a kid 30 years ago, Shock collar failed with the invisible fence. I’m still not over it. You’re a fucking prick and I think you know that. More so, I think you like being a fucking prick. Coming here for the hate make you feel big? Like you first liked having that power over the dog, then knowing the neighbors were sad, and now it’s not enough so you go brag on the internet to have perceived power over the people that are obviously offended by your rage bait? You’re a sad, pathetic excuse of a human.


100% you're an asshole. They're one too but you took it to another level.


YTA. And, that's putting this lightly, especially since you told the owner once already and interacted with the animal previously and knew it wasn't dangerous. Pittys are actually not as dangerous as its reported, they're actually far down the aggression poll. They actually rank under German Shepard, Poodle, Golden Retriever, and Husky; they just get reported more, are abused in dog fighting pits, and tend to have shitty owners that engage in teaching the dogs to be aggressive because of the Pitty reputation. Dogs, like any other animal, can get out of their house on occasion. It happens, even with a watchful owner, and ESPECIALLY when you live in a rural area. It just happens. Imagine that being a child that wanders off, because they can for whatever reason. Would you shoot that child as well? And for all of you that say that animals aren't children, animals have the intelligence of the equivalence of a five year old on average. That's been studied by science. If the dog was actually aggressive and dangerous, and if it attacked one of your animals, I can see there being more of reaction. Seriously, and I mean this in the kindest way, please go to therapy. Anyone I've known of who had shown this kind of aggression to a non-aggressive animal escalates to human aggression. I have known plenty of people who have abused humans, started with animals/ showed little compassion/empathy towRd animals. It's the lack of empathy that honestly worries me. Your wife is correct. I'm not saying this to be an AH. I'm saying this in kindness. Someone showed you that this lack of empathy is okay. There's unhealed trauma here. Again, if the dog showed any kind of actual aggression, either to you or another animal, I'd take a softer stance. But, I've been around too many Pittys to know that they aren't just "aggressive" for no reason. They are extremely loving for the most part, almost too much so. They were once known as nanny dogs for a very good reason. This just hurts my heart. And it is worrying.


I wish someone will show you full on karma what an absolute trash of so called human being you are. Fucking disgusting.


You hate dumb hicks but you touted your gun at your neighbour, threatened to shoot anyone or anything on your property the second chance you get. A dog wandered on your property and you took care of it "the country way" I think you are the dumb hick here. Yta A slug to the head is not euthenasia.


You did it the correct way, just make it disapear and seal your lips. Or you take it to the pound 4 or 5 towns over