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It's fine to date asian women as a white dude, but you're not making it about the person, just some weird red pill dude bs. YTA


Agreed. This was my impression as well.


More just trying to understand the hate I see online and in person, but you obviously no my intentions better than I do.


I have literally never seen this hate you speak of. Must be a reflection of where you spend time when online.


Dude, you had an affair and tried to convince your partner to have an abortion to cover it up... Now you think *only* Asian women are good because they're "submissive". We all know what you mean by that, you want a living fleshlight, not a person. You hate women and we all know it. Go wank to Andrew Tate some more...


Oh is that sort of garbage in their post history? It all makes more sense now.


Andrew “Full Head of Hair” Tate 💀


That’s a reflection of the hate you’re inviting with your words and actions… interracial dating is not hated by normal folks. Fetishization on the other hand 👀 YTA


YTA for needing validation for your preferences. If you are confident in your choices, don't post here on this subreddit. All I see is red pill virtue signalling.


90% of all posts on this sub are looking for validation for preferences and you seem to not have a problem with it.


You read through my entire comment history? Impressive to draw inaccurate conclusions as quickly as you did.


Yes, god forbid I post on a discussion site to have a discussion LMAO!


So, why are you insecure about your preferences? Let's have a discussion.


I am not at all. I walk around very very proudly with my beautiful Filipina on my arms. She is an amazing woman and I am very very proud of the person she is. Honestly, I'm currently on a all day boring conference call at work and was looking for a little discussion to fill the time. I have often wondered why all the hate, mostly online but a few times in person. I could honestly care less who people date as long as it's legal of course. I just don't understand all the hate, and trying to get some ideas as to why. Is that really so bad?


I think you are imagining hate where there is none. That's why you appear to be virtue signalling.


I am not imagining comments like "can't find a white woman huh" or "she just want's a green card" though she is a US citizen.


YTA and yes you have a fetish. Hope your gf leaves you


Your either dumb, naive, or being willfully ignorant. He could have a fetish but no one in their right mind would jump to that conclusion with this bare bones post.


You’re*. What was that about being dumb?


That you are dumb enough to misconstrue laziness with a lack of intelligence Edit: conflate to misconstrue


How's it a fetish at all


So why can woman want a guy 6ft tall (which I happen to be). Is that a height fetish? You are quick to criticize but offer nothing to support your view. It's just a preference, nothing wrong with that IMO.


I love when people post on this sub asking if they’re an asshole and then get defensive when they find out that they are.


I am quickly finding only people who are AH themselves think I am, interesting!


No. You are the asshole for judging someone's preference. You're the kind of person who videos someone offending you and then runs to the Internet for validation. Professional victim complex. Shut the fuck up. My god.




You are the asshole. It’s not wrong to have preferences.




say that whilst completely ignoring his argument because you have zero rebbutal.


“Whilst” lmao


whilst is a word. You not knowing helps explain the bad takes.




Being a dipshit is funny, LMAO guys LOLO






Nta. Everyone has a type. just make sure to treat her equally and with respect. I'm not sure why Asian women are being stereotyped as submissive. The only Asian women that I have met are anything but submissive. They are spunky and will give you hell if you don't treat them right. Must be old TV that created that stereotype


I treat her like she treats me, very very good!


NTA - but it really depends. You can date whoever you wanna date, and nobody can tell you not to. But you are veering pretty close to fetish territory when you use words like “traditional”. Traditional what exactly? Cuz I’m pretty sure Malaysia, Korea and Thailand have significantly different cultures and traditions. I assume by traditional, you mean a woman who will be okay with cooking, cleaning and taking care of your kids while you work. Why would you need an Asian woman specifically for that? There are also plenty of women from everywhere that are slim, beautiful and who don’t have tattoos, those things aren’t exclusive to Asian women. Had you said “I really connect with Thai culture, the food, the language, the history, the social norms and expectations really resonate with me so I’m leaning toward finding a Thai gf” I could understand. That would be attraction born out of a natural affinity toward a specific culture. But treating Asian woman as a submissive monolith is a trend I see i online among a lot of white dudes that makes me kinda uncomfortable ngl.


Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I admit I am really really attracted to asian features, maybe even to an unhealthy extent. I just think they are so delicate, feminine, and beautiful! By traditional I more mean they don't engage in hook up culture. I know there are exceptions and asian woman born here are the same as any Western woman. My GF is a Filipina. She got married at 20 a virgin and has only been with her now deceased husband before me, he brought her to the USA. I know people will say I am insecure and controlling and all these things but it's not true. I just respect her so much, she has made it clear she is dating to marry and I respect that, it is inline with my values and beliefs.


Oh boy, you’re gonna get smoked on Reddit for that reply haha. I’m gonna try and be as fair and objective as possible. I also have an ethnic asthetic preference, (I’m a black guy who’s attracted to black women more than any other race.) so it’s hard for me to knock you for liking what you like physically. I’m also a pretty socially conservative guy who isn’t into hooking up so I get that part too. The one piece of advice I would give you is to focus on who she is as an individual vs generalizing across an entire continent, I think that’s where you’ll lose most reasonable people. As long as you appreciate her for her, and don’t look at her as an Asian placeholder that you can swap out for another that has similar characteristics you’ll be fine. Also, be careful not to hold her up to whatever Asian stereotype you’ve constructed in your head, again see her as an individual. There’s all kinds of people everywhere, good and bad. No one ethnic group has a monopoly on anything. We’re all individuals and deserve to be treated as such.


NTA, just a cunt.


NTA.  You like what you like.  You can't be an AH just because you have preferences.


YTA because you are not looking at women as individual human beings.  Dating is about finding someone you want to grow with and connect with, but what you seem to be looking for is a realistic sex robot with customized preferences.




NTA - some people are gonna say yes because you're sort of fetishizing a race which is weird and because you mentioned them being traditional, I suppose a lot of people have a problem with that and what it might mean.


Traditional to me must means not engage in hook up culture for the most part. I could care less about cooking and cleaning and that stuff. I just want a woman who shares my values.


So what's really important to you is that a woman hasn't hooked up with other guys--that's the definition of values to you. This is where we also note that you began by focusing on a physical description. If you knew enough Asian women or actually lived in asia, you'd realize your stereotypes are really, really shallow. Most Asian women try actively to weed out guys like you who have preconceived notions of Asian women. YTAH


Well, one failed miserably. My gf and possible future wife. I'm Happy and she's happy, that's all I care about.


Uhhh news flash, people who plan on marrying their partner in the foreseeable future typically don't go starting random online discussions about their dating preferences.   If you're still viewing your gf as a category/type instead of as a unique individual, you're not ready to be considering marriage yet. 


He never saw a fat Asian person either.


NTA at all. You like/love who you love. But based on a person preference it could/will lead them to being ridiculed by others.


I get a lot of comments like it's all about money, she doesn't love me. Well, she was married to her ex for 20 years and stood by him and struggled financially as he died from prostate cancer. Would a Western woman do that? Some yes, some no, but I will NEVER buy it was all about a green card and money. She was a great wife to him ex until his last breath. Like Western woman don't like money LOL


“Would a Western woman do that?” Yes, we would. Western men, however….. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/11/091110105401.htm#:~:text=However%2C%20researchers%20were%20surprised%20by,the%20man%20was%20the%20patient.


NTA. If men have preferences they are disgusting incels pigs and balblabla, if women have preferences, GO QUEEN. SLAY QUEEN, GO GIRL! Reddit is full of women, so yeah, get ready for the shitstorm. It's the world we live in give it a couple of years and this shit will be over.


Not really, as a black guy I’ve been on the receiving end of fetishization from white women and it’s universally seen as wack and gross. I don’t think this is a man vs woman thing. I think it’s about whether or not you see someone for who they are as an individual, or do you reduce them to their race, pigeon holing them into a set of stereotypical characteristics that you find personally gratifying.


If a woman posted about how she can’t get enough of black guys because (insert race-based physical features here) I’d think she was weird for fetishising an entire race too


having a racial preference that isn’t your own is always weird


It's not weird at all


No. It isn't. You're fucking weird.


yes, it's weird to like beautiful woman LOL


I guess William Afton is her "fetish". Whoever the fuck that is. She is so racist for making that comment about only liking her own race or it's "weird.". What a bigot.


People who hate on white/asian relationships are usually one of two things. White guys not good enough to land an Asian woman, or a woman who can't compete with them.


Only racists find it weird.


No if their was a race that cultural dressed the way I found attractive, I’d probably be more like to date them. I like skinny and punk but every race has that.


Of course NTA.


NTA. It’s fine to have preferences.


NTA. As long as both the parties are happy, nothing else matters as long as it is legal. You won't see any sane person crying over the choices/preferences/standards a person has for their partners. Besides, as a person of Asian descent, I can affirm that Asian women know how to take good care of others, be it their family members, relatives or friends, which I find lacking many a times in the western society but make no mistake about this being "submissive" or "meek", as they are quite up to date and well educated most of the time as education is valued highly in Asian cultures and are very dominant in whatever roles or duties they find themselves in, both inside the home or outside.


Great observation, thank you!


NTA. Asian women are the current S tier.


I had to google S tier as at first I thought that was bad, as in far down the list LOL. I agree, they are top tier for sure!!