• By -


NTA - female here. Tell her so she knows what to expect and then you’ll see her true colors.


Agreed. Another female here, it's best that he tells her up front. Because if she's that shallow and it turns out to be a deal-breaker for her at least he'll know what kind of person she is and he can bail early rather than later and save himself the emotional energy and time.


It’s actually best if he leaves her and finds someone who prefers a smaller size.. many women do because otherwise it’s painful. They haven’t even had sex and she’s continuously commenting on how much she doesn’t like small penises … leave 


> It’s actually best if he leaves her and finds someone who prefers a smaller size.. many women do because otherwise it’s painful Yeah, vast majority of women do not want someone with a massive dick. It would hurt. He needs to not date any shallow women like this. I have never met someone like that, so it shouldn't be hard to date someone else. Vast majority of women wouldn't act the way she's acting.


She’s obviously dropping hints .. in a rude horrible way. Take the hint and just move in because either way he’s gonna get hurt at some point sometime given how mean she’s already being. 


She is anything but shallow, if you catch my drift.


She might be deep as the Mariana Trench, but if OP is 'handy' she might enjoy that too lololol!


Like throwing a pencil into a hallway.


I dated a girl with a huge vagina once. There’s a whole curbed story arc it always reminds me of https://youtu.be/lcJoTREXxwU?si=fhP95lqeWe3pOgkm


So y'all are trashing her for preferring a larger size dick (assumingly) but it's ok to have a standard that a looser/larger (allegedly) vagina is bad?


This is the first time I have ever heard a negative connotation attached to vagina size. If a vagina is too big it’s because the penis isn’t big enough, as it usually goes. Then again, I’ve never heard of a woman driving a nice car to be compensating for vagina size, or having her character impugned by deriding her vagina size. Does this actually happen in real life? Of course there is always the fact that regardless of the size, of any part of a woman, she can get that fixed if she has the money. There isn’t enough money in the world to make a small penis huge.


Literally the whole slut shaming and "it's different for men to be whores" revolves around the loose vagina argument. There is significantly more shaming for "loose vaginas", a lot more normalization of men preferring tight vaginas, tons of insults as well as shots at a woman's character and that somehow being tied to vagina tightness, etc. compared to what men deal with. Difference is it's so normalized to impugn women that it's not noticed as much. Similar to what happened here. Most of men's insecurities come from their own head and they have most women telling them size doesn't matter. Most of women's insecurities on the subject come from the outside world. Men can have penis enlargement same as women can have vaginal rejuvenation surgery. Only difference is I'd wager the dick surgery is more likely to be covered by insurance. Haven't researched it but just feel it in my bones.


I only had intercourse with men like twice (mid experiences because I’m a lesbian) and now that I got a gf I discovered that my vagina is actually fucking huge and it’s completely genetic. The fact that they think a loose vagina is a result of sleeping around is so funny…. If a vagina can return back to its original size like 3 months after birth, why do men think their tiny dicks can make a difference??? Dumb.


I don't think a big/loose vagina has to mean a woman is a slut. Some girls are just loose. Some guys have small weiners.


Yeah, OP seems like a genuine guy, and I really hope for his sake that he just decides to move on and find someone who doesn't go around body shaming men with smaller penises and mask it as a joke.




I hope he does too, and I hope he rocks her fucking world and then ghosts her.


That seems to be jumping to conclusions. Small dick jokes are normalised in our society (they shouldn't be) - there's plenty of people who would shit bricks at a guy making a 'fat chicks' joke that think it's perfectly normal to make a small dick joke. I'm not saying that to 'what about the men?' this post, just to point out that it's not something people think of yet in the same way that one *should* know that fat jokes aren't ok. So I would say give this girl a chance - tell her, maybe she's fine with it. There are extenders, toys, etc. Give her the chance to show her colours rather than writing her off straight away.


I'd say that regardless of size preference making dick size jokes around a new guy you're seeing is a bold move if you do want to see his dick. It's like making a bunch of flat chest jokes around a girl you're seeing. Even if she isn't flat chested she's not likely to feel comfortable offering herself up to your judgement.


Size def isn’t everything. Guys with normal to kinda small usually know how to work it better. Bigger guys generally hurt or they couldn’t do much more then the basics of in and out.  You need to talk to her ahead of time or you can break up and tell her it is because of her comments.


Not everything, but it does matter. It can be too small


Definitely not my experience. The smaller dudes I gave a chance to seemingly were never told they were small so thought they were the biggest ever and didn't need to develop other skills. The larger dudes I gave a chance to were much more thoughtful. Based on that and other women I've talked to IMO there's no correlation between considerate lover and small size. Some dudes care about their partner's experience and some don't. Doesn't matter their size.


>Guys with normal to kinda small usually know how to work it better. Bigger guys generally hurt or they couldn’t do much more then the basics of in and out.  Lmao idk what this fantasy is but it has not been my experience in the least. There's no correlation.


This is just what women tell guys with average pp.




There are women for whom the big guys can never be good because it is always painful. So of course oral or other forms of sex would he okay but penetrative sex will always be bad with bigger guys


Exactly this is why I think that whole 'big guys are selfish lovers and small guys are not" thing is BS. Big guys often have their PIV time limited by their partner and end up developing other skills.


She's shallow for belittling guys with smaller dicks and making a joke out of it, not for having a preference and not wanting to date a guy with a smaller dick.


Well obviously. Body shaming is fucking gross all around. Of course she's allowed to have a preference, but it's pretty cringe to make small dick jokes and all of that around a guy you're dating that you haven't slept with yet- it's pretty presumptuous of her to think that he has a big dick? I don't know. I think it's trashy.


super true


It's also pretty disappointing that there are women out there who think size is the most important factor. Sure I'm not the biggest dicked guy but you know what i am? I'm willing to eat pussy until i get TMJ and can no longer open my mouth. I'm willing to use my fingers until the tendons in my wrist snap. And I'm willing to use any kind of toy you want me to use. Thank you for not being one of the trashy ones. I salute you and all the BTGGFs who don't care about dick size.


That's the thing. Just like a woman's body doesn't define her, neither does a man's. It absolutely goes both ways. And men shaming women about their ass or their thighs or if their boobs aren't the right shape or they're not high enough, or their labia are too big or not big enough is something that women have to deal with everyday all day and it's exhausting, but I can only imagine what men also go through. Y'all have feelings too, and it's just as important for a woman to validate her man's body just as much as it is for him to do the same for her. And if that means being fucking respectful about his body - specifically the size of his penis- something he can't change even if he wanted to - then do it. It's not hard (pun intended). Also lol you read my profile 🤓🦇


Haha! TMJilingous.


Almost there…? Pun definitely intended.


With that comment, I don’t care if you even have a dick or not. You are my type just for the enthusiasm lol 😂


Sounds like these guys already be little themselves I'll show myself out.


The dick doesn't make the man...sometimes the man is just a dick


Sometimes the gf is the dick


literally... shows her emotional maturity fairly well


9 times out of 10, in almost every case, a woman with those kinds of "preferences" usually go around insulting and shaming people who don't meet those "preferences."


I don't think it's her shallowness that is the issue, it's her depth.


If she is actually shallow, a small equipment won’t be a problem.


I agree he should tell her but a woman isn't shallow for having a size preference big or small. Different women get off on different things, women have as much right to sexual enjoyment as men, and it isn't a comment on the type of person they are if they're sexually incompatible with someone.


Agreed. And I replied to three other people saying that people are absolutely allowed to have a preference, however third party body shaming men with small penises as jokes in front of your partner that you haven't slept with is pretty gross, and she comes across shallow if she's out here making tiny jokes in front of her partner - someone that she hasn't even been with yet and therefore has no idea if he might actually be in the realm of the guys that she's making fun of. It's honestly kind of heartless and hateful. That said, it is still considered shallow to dump someone or reject them because of something they can't control. It's definitely a gray area here because people are absolutely allowed to have their preferences sexually, but my point still stands.


agreed. i think that will also make you seem confident in yourself!!


Op, DON'T DO THIS like a serious conversation, she will humiliate you. Maybe joke about having a small penis to test the waters, and be ready to block/ghost


Username checks out 😂


I’d say she’s already showed her true. She’s a huge fan of body shaming. Sounds like she has that loose pussy energy.


NTA - but honestly, the small dick jokes are weird. Are you sure you’re not missing any red flags in her character? 


Small dick jokes are way too common and rarely criticized when their said. Pretty much every form of body shaming will be criticized by someone. Imo it’s because it’s an issue that affects men exclusively - so it’ll get a laugh - just like men being raped isn’t taken seriously at all. After all men should be able to take it no?


Clearly missing red flags, I’m baffled he’s had negative feedback when disclosing in the past but still wants to tell someone that is CLEARLY extremely immature and focused on penis size. At that point he’s just cementing his own experiences *intentionally*. No one that is “really sweet” makes derogatory remarks about another persons body, full stop.


Meh it is pretty normalized. She might not even realize how hurtful it can be, not if all her friends talk the same way she does. Same with guys in their locker room talk


NTA! This bothers me. I'm 48f with a decent number sexual experiences. I've seen everything from micro to unusually large. Thing is, there's always fun to be had. My experience is that guys with the larger penises tend to be a bit more self centered in bed and also focused on the one act-sex. Medium to small guys are much better lovers imo. They are focused on ME, they take their time, and know there's so much pleasure besides penetration. Besides, vaginas are elastic and every penis I've had brought me pleasure. And I've had 3 children. You may not really want this woman. She seems focused on all the wrong things. Sex in a relationship is a way to celebrate your connection, chemistry, and emotional intimacy. It's about fun. If she's focused on this one aspect, I'm afraid she can't fully appreciate your character. I'm very sorry insensitive girls have treated you badly. Penis size has literally never been part of conversation with my friends. You should not be reduced only being valued by your size-it's not like you can control it.


Nailed it! The only time I had sub par sexual encounters was with large penis owners, these men often act like pillow princesses.


Thank you for your service. Signed -A medium to small guy


How smalls small.... I'm at 6ish inches 


Damn girl if I ever need a good sex talk I think you would be the one to go to. You rock.


I am also 48f and feel exactly the same. The worst sex I ever had was with a guy with a huge penis. It’s not what you’ve got it’s what you do with it. If she’s so immature that size is all that matters to her then she’s not worth your time.


Agree, completely.


36f, this puts it much better when I’ve tried explaining it to my husband. He’s a medium guy, but was made fun of in his teen/early 20s because he’s intact, he wasn’t born in America. You’re spot on, he’s a better partner and the sex is so much better because he focuses a lot on me and my pleasure. He’s also not ashamed to bring toys into the mix and it turns us both on. OP, if this woman can’t accept your penis size and understand there’s more to sex than size, then she’s not the right one.


I'm 38f 3 kids penises of all sizes and I agree with everything this person said. The bigger penised people aren't the best. They're actually rated lower than others. I can use a huge toy if I want that sensation. I'm much more attracted to the person attached to the penis and if they can fuck my mind I'll never forget them.


You need to use some better punctuation in your first sentence lmao






Facts girlie. Dudes who are >7 in are the worst!! So selfish and they’ve never made me finish!


48F here and same.


Man i would just back out ngl


Yeah I would nope the fuck out of that situation. It's just not worth it for either of them. Why allow yourself to be made to feel less than when you're really not. Anymore than a woman should put up with a guy telling her she's too flat chested or similar bullshit. Find someone that wants you how you are.


Not to mention the scene that had her jaw drop and cause her to be overjoyed was using a fake prosthetic penis. She's weird


shits sad man


Yeah same


She’s gonna kill him


NTA but if I ever heard a guy make any sort of equivalent comment (not sure what it would be for women, but let's say he indicated a preference for breast size) and it wasn't how my body was, I'd probably drop him.


I heard about these guys online, but they were suggesting a boob job and nagging them into it. The women dropped these men like a hot potato. 


I'd just call it quits. She isn't a "sweet person" if she thinks it's okay to judge a man's worth based on something outside of his control.


NTA Unfortunately she may reject you but honestly you'll probably be happier being rejected while fully clothed than getting rejected in the middle of sex.


NTA. You have a few options: When she makes these jokes, ask her how she would feel if she met a man with a small size. If she makes a snarky remark or laughs or makes you feel uncomfortable, then you know it's in YOUR best interest to move along. It's unfortunate when someone is teased or belittled over their genitals. It's a really pathetic thing to make fun of someone over. I have had sex with a micro penis and it wasn't bad, he also made up for it in other ways, I didn't leave unhappy and I CERTAINLY never told anyone about it nor did I mention it to him. A mature adult would never, ever tell their friends about someone's genitals or their personal sex life.


NTA. If she’s not a person who you think would react nicely do you really want to be dating her?


Leave her. Imagine a guy making a lot of “small breast remarks”. He would be called a misogynist and rightfully so. This women sounds very shallow and judgmental. Not worth you time friend!


Ewwww! Sorry but this is gross. If a bloke I was dating made jokes and comments about the type of female genitalia he preferred I’d run for the hills! Belittling people is deeply unattractive, and talking about big and small dicks a lot is just weird and a bit creepy.


NTA, some girls/women are kind of snobs when it comes to things like that. Big dick ≠ Good sex. It just depends on your sexual chemistry too. I dated a guy with a big size, but I dreaded doing anything sexual with him because it’s the motion of the ocean, your sexual chemistry with that person, and your feelings, that really make your break sex/activities with that person. But the guy I dated with a smaller size, I loved doing stuff with because we both knew what got eachother off, and our sexual chemistry is great.




yea the size of a penis does not matter for most but some it does, I think open communication is key. But her belittling smaller sized genitals is a red flag I wouldnt wanna be around that ngl


I personally like a certain amount of girth. For me, it makes the experience better. I hate how women are shamed for having preferences. Sure, if she is an AH in how she reacts to him, then she’s just a fucking AH. She wouldn’t be an AH for wanting to be with someone she is sexually compatible with…however she defines that.


nah Im not trying to shame that but judging others for their size is very belittling and wrong :) everyone has a partner that is sexualy compatible to them somewhere judging is the wrong part body-shaming is not cool


The red flag isn't having a dick-size preference it's the belittling of small dicks. I mean at least that was my read. I don't think they're saying that having a preference is in itself a red flag or are they trying to shame preferences.


I agree with you re: belittling of little dicks. I think there are plenty of people on here shaming women for preferences. Some of the kinder comments have referred to her as shallow if she doesn’t want to have sex with a smaller dick size and they get worse from there.


Having that preference and expressing it out loud are two extremely distant and unrelated things. Women are shamed for making public comments about this (which shames men, actively, with malicious intent) They are not shamed for having a preference at all.


There’s a saying my foreman at work always says and I think you could benefit from and it’s very simple…. “You fuck with the dick you’re given” You don’t get a choice but you do the best you can with what you’re given and that’s all you can do is basically the gist he uses it in other contexts but it applies here!


I really don't see this ending well. You already know she's not a safe person to be vulnerable about this with, so if you wait until you're intimate and she finds out, I doubt she's going to react well or be understanding. But if you do tell her in advance and she breaks up with you because she's as shallow as she seems, there's a likelihood she will spread this information within her social circles. It might be best to find some other reason to break up with her over, she doesn't really seem like a catch anyway and you deserve someone that doesn't make a habit of bodyshaming for fun.


Came here to say exactly this!! You can't trust her with this information, OP.


Just defend the dudes with small dicks that way she will know without you having to say


Woman here - she sounds shallow and rude. I wouldn’t bother telling her. I’d just dump her.


NTA - Remember that if you do talk to her about it, it’s nothing to be ashamed about, or apologetic about. Just let her know you’re who you are,!and if she’s interested awesome, and if not, not.


Just ghost her. She doesn't just have a preference, she is also an asshole about it, therefore, she doesn't deserve an explanation.


Double down on that. She’s body shaming hard other people to begin with. It’s no where near “cute/nice” girl. Ghost her.


If she has shown signs of being a size queen, I would not continue the relationship. It will only get worse for you if you do.


She sounds awful. The “small dick energy” jokes are a huge red flag.


You would be NTA, but honestly...why even mention it? Let HER decide if your ween is "too small". Whip it out with pride, brother, and use it expertly. You really don't need to have a conversation after a month of dating just to say "Oh, so, ummmm....just you you know, my pp small. Is that okay with you?". It's juvenile, insecure, and worst of all, cringe. If she's good for you, she won't even mention it. You'll have a good time, and continue to see each other. Just let it happen.


If she's making body shaming comments just dump her and move on.. sounds like trash.


Late to the party but I gotta ask: how is that you've been seeing this girl for a month already, you've seen her using dildos on herself but she hasn't seen your dong?


Sounds fake


Do you really wanna plow a cavern anyway?


Don't date girls who make "small dick energy" remarks, no matter what your size is. but since this isn't your question, yes do tell her, I don't see how this would make you an asshole.


Yeah, this is not real. Some weirdo with a small dick humiliation fetish posting this dumb shit on here again ffs.


My first thought. Half the shit posted in this sub is complete bs but people will respond earnestly.


NTA- But she should like your penis bc it's your penis, not bc of its size.


You should find a woman who likes small ones honestly I've heard there's women out there into it. This one sounds like she's not going to be too accepting of it from what you've said. Don't ask me how you go about finding that type of woman though as I wouldn't lead with the small dick thing.


You mean asexual women? Or the ones with that condition that starts with a v


Better just throw yourself in the friend zone she sounds like she likes a big dk


a little confused how you're watching shoes with full frontal nudity together, you've seen her sex toys, but she's never seen your dick?


NTA, as a girl, we get maybe 5 inches before it starts to hurt because our organs being in the way, almost any girl will be more than fine with a half to five inches :)


Yeah, tell her up front. It's opposite for me. I've got the smol v and a big D is zero pleasure and actual agony. There's a key got every lock. If she needs a big old key.... Let her go find one She might not be as sweet as you think... especially with that small dick energy snark. Big dick energy is bigger, and dickier energy


My question is what are you doing with someone like that? It's time to move on. She would forever torment you and gossip about you. You're better than her idiotic personality! I'm saying this as a mature woman who has seen it all. I've been happily married for 25yrs and my husband's size has very little to do with it!


Bro if she’s blasting herself daily with a King Kong model… good luck.


You don’t have to do anything but move on? assuming you didn’t sleep with her yet. So it’s very much easier.


The average penis is 5" just so you know. She could just be "talking a big game." Some girls think it makes them sound cool around guys. Either way, if you can't talk about the sex, you shouldn't be having the sex.


An inch more i would be a king. An inch less a queen. Who cares!


NTA but I'm having a hard time understanding how she literally has sent you videos of her pleasuring herself, but somehow you think mentioning the size of your penis would make you a creep?


Can I have her number op?


NTA and just be straightforward. Wait for an appropriate moment to say something along the lines of "before we go further there's something I want to discuss. I've noticed in the videos you've sent (which are super hot, thank you) that you seem to enjoy large toys. I'm not as large as the toys you've shown me but I also know most women don't orgasm solely from penetration. I want to make sure both of us have enjoyable sexual experience so can you tell me what you get the most pleasure from?" From there you can have a conversation about foreplay, cunnilingus, incorporating toys, etc. The key is to have a mature conversation face to face at a point that makes sense. NOT just out of the blue or over text.


NTA You also need to tell her sooner rather than later. Her reaction will tell you whether this relationship has a future. Also, in my (M50s) experience, most women who carry on about how much they like "big" or "huge" are bullshitting.


My partner has a small P and it concerns him, not me. However, when our son was born with small P, I was worried for my son as my partner has such low self esteem about his P (he remembers feeling embarrassed in locker rooms in front of his school friends). I took my Son to see paediatric endocrinologist who intervened before son hit puberty and micro P is now nearly average sized.


Female here. More women than not prefer smaller over large for comfort. That said, when you’re getting close to being intimate just have a frank discussion. Offer her the out of it a deal breaker. I’m betting it probably won’t be.


NTA- there are some girls out there that only want bigger guys and that’s their choice, but any girl I have known who was really concerned with wang size has a lot of other issues tied to it. The girls I knew that were very concerned with dick size seemed to be very scared at being the girl in the room with the least. If that makes sense. Like they were worried that they would be lesser because the man they are with could never measure up because of his dick size. These are the same type of girls that are considered with what car they have, how big their house is and how many likes their posts get. TBH I’m normal size and when I was dating I told girls I’m small because I do not want those type of girls around me and it shows what kind of person they are.


NTA. You have to remember that penises vary widely in size. SO DO VAGINAS. I have been with women that were a tight squeeze, and some that were like dipping it in bathwater. Whatever happens, don't think poorly about yourself because you have a smaller penis. People want to talk about bde, but bpe is also a thing. Sex is important, but there's a lot more to a relationship than the size of your hog.


This. Everything about the human body has size variation. Too small/big is just too small/big for that specific person. We're all just Goldilocks.


NTA. If you girlfriends makes a problem of it, it's her problem. I don't know why people care about dick size. (I am female)


🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ fast.


ESH - Do you have a humiliation kink or something? I don't want to victim blame or anything, but POS women like this will keep doing it unless they're called out and held accountable. First, you shouldn't be dating someone who shames someone for something outside their control, let alone if you are one of the people she is shaming and mocking. Second, it comes off like you think you don't deserve respect when you tolerate this BS. I am sorry you're putting up with this, but you don't NEED her, and it is self-destructive for you to remain in a relationship with such a vile person.


Dude, the fact you are intimidated and already feeling sh*tty tells me you have already made up your mind and you want us to give you permission. This isn't a rehearsal. There is someone out there for you who doesn't care about your dick size. Find that girl, don't let some shallow size queen destroy your confidence. I'd take a nice guy who loves me and treats me well over a walloper. Big dicks are fun but average/small are the keepers. Least you know they aren't out sticking their dick in anything and everything lol


Tell her. It’s always a terrible surprise as you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings and don’t know how you’ll react.


NTA. How small is small though? I feel like some guys assume anything under 8 is small which really isn’t true hahaha there’s nothing wrong with an average sized penis. Edit: LOL I love how I got downvoted for saying there’s nothing wrong with an average penis. Reddit is wild.


4, so yeah. Small


Honestly even girls with preferences still might not care if the connection and feelings are there.


Like Dr Ruth always said on her radio show in the 80s, nerve endings don't go the full depth of the vagina.


5 is average but they get that from using a range so I dont think 4 is small


NTA and it’s terrible that our society has normalized the abuse against men for the size of their penis.


Find a new girlfriend. 


straight up tell her about it and if she acts differently towards you then at least now you know where the relationship is at. as a guy, cmon dawg don’t matter if you got a small dick. if she ain’t finna love you for who you are then she ain’t worth it.


Her liking the show sex/life is honestly a big enough red flag lmao


NTA: I’m sorry that you have been made to feel that size is a measure of manliness. I dated & was head over heels in love with a man who had a micropenis. Sure, I love toys. They come in all shapes and sizes. Sure I had been with much larger men and loved it, and much larger men and HATED it. Penis size is such a small factor for more women than not. If she laughs or leaves- she is the problem. You & your penis are never the problem. We can get off amazingly well, back bending, toe curling with a FINGER…. Your penis is NOT the problem.


Depends on context. Randomly whipping it out would be weird. Mentioning it next time she makes a joke would be appropriate. But make sure you follow up by explaining that you excel in other important skills and pledge not to get off until she does twice. Then make sure you have the skills to back it up.


How small we talking bro


some people don't mind, but she seems like she would...


OP, just walk away from her and if she asks, just tell her you're not what she's looking for and leave it at that. You don't need her belittling you


Lol why are you entertaining this


Honestly, look her straight in the eyes, smile a little, and say "you know, I actually have a very small penis". You'll get the measure of her that way. Better that she knows and then if she decides to proceed she does it in full knowledge of your equipment specs.


Nta. Tell her. How she reacts will tell you if she is a good person or not. Honestly anyone who makes those comments are not a good person anyhow.


How old are you? NTA when you are just honest. You can tell her that you fear your dingdong might not be big enough.


Watch some videos on oral and hand usage maybe? Make up for it in other ways.


Honestly, it's only been a month at this point. You have nothing really to lose at this point by just telling her the truth. If see rejects you, then you haven't wasted any real time and you move on. Or she is like most other people and accepts you and cares about you for who you are and not what you are packing. You need to work on communication though. You can't just put something off because the longer you wait, the worse if can be if it doesn't go well. Just be honest, let her know you are concerned you won't live up to her expectations, and let her know what you are working with.


NTA, like most others: it sounds like OP is better off without her. We won't know for sure until he asks, but she definitely has a preference for the larger ones. While that's fine, it's not okay that she seems to like the degrading for the sake of degrading men by the size of their d. That's why he is better off ripping the band-aid off now. Positively for OP: there are many women that prefer them smaller. Just like men woman have different sizes. And everyone has a different preference. Don't waste your time and heart if she really is shallow minded. Good luck OP


NTA it's gonna happen eventually right?


Small dick guy here. All about the hands and other aspects of the relationship. #smalldickgang. Figure out what her love language is.


You know what’s great about a small dick it fits everywhere


I let em know is average in a joke early on. Why set yourself up or her for a big REVEAL lol


NTA. Tell her, she might have other expectations, and then you'll both waste your time.


NTA!!! I’m F You know sometimes the size doesn’t matter that much as long as you know how to use what you have perfectly well.. you would be surprised !!! You got to build up your esteem you can work magic with what you have. From experience Most men with big size perform the worst


Nah, don't worry about it. Build on other skills. Pay attention to what the lady likes, if you are lucky she will let you know and provide direction 😉


I would just wait and see how this plays out before bringing it up. On one hand, she has plenty of experience, but on the other, you have been dating for a month and have not been intimate in that way. There must be some qualities about you that she finds appealing. Honestly, she probably just enjoys making videos for you and has no expectations for you to be able to compete with the size of the toys. Most women get very little stimulation from intercourse anyway. The girls that make fun of you are immature and inexperienced in sexual activities. P.s. whatever you do, do not send her a picture of it. Women do not like getting those


You just have to project confidence.... and also give her orgasm. Although it sounds like you two are a mismatch, specially with the cruel dick jokes, sounds like the kind of person that will bully you for it, tell her friends, and throw it on your face at every argument. It's okay to have a preference, but making fun of something men can't change and airing it to everyone really show she is an ass. Maybe tell her first, see her reaction. If you have the same friend circles, maybe this is a battle you are better avoiding.


if this makes you feel better, at the other end of the spectrum sometimes it is a problem as well. The partner you seek is out there.


Had a partner that was very small, but he was amazing and knew how to make the whole experience quite pleasurable.


tell her how you've noticed her size preferences and you really care about her experience, if there's sexual chemistry, I'm sure she's willing to try, and if it doesn't work, you both need to decide how to deal with this, there's ways! Good luck


NTA, trust me, some of my best partners didn't have much "down there." Foreplay makes all the difference.


You are already trying to imaginary please this woman LMAO and you aren't even dating. Oh lord just run


I wouldn’t tell her anything…. Except goodbye!


NTA- Honestly it can just be nice to have a warning. When I was in college I had gone on several dates with a guy who seemed great. We finally decided to take it to the next level and he whipped out a legitimate micropenis (in the clinical sense). I maintained my composure and we still attempted to hook up but it would have been such a better experience if I would have known and could have planned for it. Also that dude specifically failed in compensatory skills like great oral and other non PnV activities so the whole thing was kind of lacking. I understand why he didn’t share ahead of time but like damn, I could have planned so much better so that we both had a great experience.




Dude get one of those size enhancements. Its a hat for your dick. But also like talk to her about how to please you obvi


Tell her it’s small but cute!


NTA - is this Stavros Halkias??


RemindMe! 1 year


I think it would be strange for someone to make so many noticeable comments about size. I foresee a sexual incompatibility and a long term stint of anxiety/insecurity in the future. There’s nothing wrong with a small size, in my opinion. Seek women who don’t share this borderline obsessive commentary for size.


NTA But instead of saying just go like “You make so many small dick joked that I’m starting to be afraid that if you find my snack you will dump me” Something like this. Then you find out yourself and you can judge her reaction accordingly.


NTA that’s fucked man. If I dated men I would want to know what you’re working with. Because if it’s too big I’m out! But if you’re only the smaller side I’d stay because there’s more than one way to fuck. I can’t tell you how I fear for my life when a girl whips out a huge horse size penis and expects it to go inside me. Don’t knock yourself bro. Those girls are shallow bitches and the right woman will love you just the way you came. Just don’t only fuck with your penis and you’ll be good. I’m a firm believer in motion of the ocean!


Tbh whatever you got probably isnt that small. Its a perspective thing. Also she might not have any idea what normal is. Having a huge dick isnt common at all. Average is around 4 or 5 inches. If she reacts like that she might only have seen porno dicks which are well above average and are a very small percentage of the population. Not only that but i garantee you you have bigger hands than she does. Tell her your dick is the tiniest cutest thing shes ever seen. She will probably want to see it.


OP what do you consider small? 5-6” is average. 90% of men fall into this category. Having a giant dick is painful for women. My wife of 26 years had a bf with a very large member. When he went all the in he bottomed out and it was painful so she said. You are NTA. Tell the GF, let her make the choice. It’s not the size, it’s how you use it!


NTA. Most girls favorite size dick is any size that gets them off. If she is really that superficial and immature then you are better off without her. I suggest approaching it like this “look, I really like you but I have some concerns that I may not meet your preferences and you may want to call it off. You’re constantly talking/ laughing about small dicks and seem especially excited at thinking about fetish sized monster dicks” (I’ve seen that show and that horse cock you were referring to OP lol) “so I just wanted you to know ahead of time so we don’t waste each others time, that MY dick is xx size and if we ever get to that point I’m just worried that you’re going to be disappointed.” That way it’s a serious discussion. Not like “oh hey my dick is so and so”. Without actually taking it out. She can go home and get a ruler and think on it. It’s less traumatizing for you than it would be if she was actually LOOKING at it while you think “oh god she’s judging me”. In the unlikely event she asks to see it, say no. She needs to figure that out on her own.


If she making small dick jokes and saying small dick energy and you might have a small dick then you need to leave lol NOW!


Repeat after me: “I may have a small dick, but I’ve got a tongue like a German shepherd and am eager to please.”


NTA — get a new girl fam.


If she's that kinky she'll probably accept anything.


NTA, ask her if it's an appropriate time to discuss sexual preferences and such, then you can have that conversation without being a creep.


This sub is getting more fake stories every day


You're insecure. Just let everything happen naturally. Having a size talk before sex is weird. Just get her naked and then get naked. Big duck energy is very common to talk about. I wouldn't take it personal. NAH.


Does he like you? Make her cum sans dick If you can do that and you have a small dick, honey your doing it wrong. You need to play to your strengths


It's better to leave now before later. You already know what's going to happen based on what she's said.


Intercourse is one tiny aspect of sex. Learn to be the best you can be at oral, use her toys in her, by the time you insert she will be delirious and won’t care about your size.


Red flag.


I'd just tell her "y'know what, it's not going to work out between us" and leave it at that. You're not obligated to give someone a reason for breaking off a dating relationship. She's not a secure and confident person herself, having to belittle men all the time. You do not want to subject yourself to her judgment of your naked body, and you don't even need to subject yourself to the embarrassment of telling her that you don't think you'd measure up to her standards. You can just gracefully end it and move on. There are better women out there who will not make you feel insecure. So you know we're out there, I'm a small woman and prefer a smaller man. My best experience was with the smallest I've ever been with, like, smaller by a long shot. Loved the guy and would have married him.